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4abdec  No.15389733[Last 50 Posts]

▶ Q Research General #19467 - Sunday reflections and hope bake, Anonymous 01/16/22 (Sun) 07:11:519b73d0 (26) No.15389103[Last 50 Posts]>>15389150 >>15389472 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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4abdec  No.15389741

>>15389736 #19466

>>15389117, >>15389121, >>15389124, >>15389126, >>15389133, >>15389139, >>15389270, >>15389155, Trump rally chatter and twats, mp4 vids

>>15389150 Trump’s Save America Rally @ AZ 01/15/22: Finale & dance - youtube [while it lasts]

>>15389152 UMich President Mark Schlissel fired for “inappropriate relationship” with employee - regents.umich.edu

>>15389157 1469 Starlink satellites active 272 moving to operational orbits Laser links activate soon - elon musk twat

>>15389180, >>15389563, >>15389583, President Trump: The ones that voted to impeach, we're getting rid of them fast. - anon dig and collection data

>>15389182 Novak Djokovic loses bid to stay in Australia - youtube

>>15389194 England 'WILL scrap Covid passes and WFH at the end of the month - daily mail

>>15389217, tonga news and vids

>>15389302 Tennessee mom arrested for faking death of her 12-year-old autistic son - nyp twat

>>15389327 Your Freedom Is Their Misery – Your Slavery Is Their Joy - Zerohedge

>>15389356 #19465 full

>>15389390 I believe the Democrats will be using the DOJ to arrest Trump very soon. - anon prediction

>>15389461 anon dig request - medici family

>>15389467, >>15389478, Bob Saget had a family history of heart attacks.tzm twat

>>15389463, >>15389479, WEF meeting cancelled in china - screenshots and pdf

>>15389523 (You) (You) notes from rally and letita james digz request into law firms and rise to power.

>>15389548, >>15389558, >>15389566, >>15389587, >>15389602, notable comic strip anon [impressive every time]

>>15389555 anonymous poster on vaccine harm [could be larp but noted anyway]

>>15389549 lara logan twat on abortion after birth.

>>15389589 Tromethamine (Tris) is a blood acid reducer which is used to stabilize people with heart attacks. -newsrescue.com pfizer

>>15389598, >>15389606 (You), Alex announced he’s taking an extended vacation (2-4 weeks).inforwars [panic] plus old archived alex jones mp4 videos

>>15389632 Joe Rogan Says ‘Dozens’ Of Celebrities Are Messaging Him For Advice On Beating COVID-19 - daily caller

>>15389653 The Federal Reserve is in line to get three new governors, a new vice chairman, a new banking chief and likely a couple new regional presidents. President Joe Biden is expected to nominate Sarah Bloom Raskin, Lisa Cook and Philip Jefferson to the governors’ positions. Raskin is expected to be the biggest change agent as she will take on the Fed’s supervisor of the banking industry. Jamie Raskin's wife -cnbc

>>15389665 Compulsory vaccination in #Austria starts at the beginning of February for all citizens over 18, fines up to a maximum of 3,600 euros from mid-March - Chancellor Nehammer - disclose tv twat

>>15389695 Michigan Nursing Homes Undercounted COVID-19 Deaths By 42%, Auditor General Report Reveals - daily caller

>>15389705 U.N archived paper holocaust to bring on globalism and multiculturalism. - twat

>>15389711 JUST IN: Djokovic flies out of Australia after deportation to Dubai - insider paper

>>15389727 Jamaica Arrests Ex-Haiti Senator Sought in Leader's Slaying - newsmax

>>15389730 Atlanta transit leader CEO Jeffrey Parker dead - nyp

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4abdec  No.15389747

>>15389365, #19465

>>15388349 So what're we going live with in 24 hours? Election fraud? (Comb your hair reference)

>>15388353 Ron Watkins is LIVE on the TPV Chat now

>>15388355 Muhammad Siddiqui, Aafia’s Brother, Is Not Accused Colleyville, Texas, Hostage Taker

>>15388359 Of course he's all in on us

>>15388370, >>15388243 pb Optics

>>15388377, >>15387636 pb, >>15388428 45 ARRIVES IN ARIZONA…(Cap 2:08)

>>15388378 Booom!!! Love Mi Steve Bannon!!! Decertify That Rigged Election!!! (Cap 0:50)

>>15388486 @PapiTrumpo THANK YOU, GOD!!!

>>15388492 BO update on changes made

>>15388417, >>15388550, >>15388621, >>15388665, >>15388736 Anons on 11.3, Papi & anon post

>>15388490, >>15388500 (You), >>15388584, >>15388660, >>1538867 AT&T explosion dig

>>15388412, >>15388377, >>15388592 @45 arrives in AZ

>>15388600, Did @45 mention wind?

>>15388636 (You), >>15388613, >>15388655, >>15388817, >>15389032 Tonga volcano news

>>15388627 Man who held hostages inside a Texas synagogue is dead, law enforcement official says.

>>15388655 Trump tonite on taking back America & Q 35

>>15388670 US Navy on ballistic missile sub USS Nevada

>>15388688 Planefag report

>>15388735 FBI synagogue hostage stories minimized by msm?

>>15388752 AP - Ukrainian computers infections with malware

>>15388788 Casualty reports from Tonga delayed

>>15388794 @45 Az rally links

>>15388817, >>15388859, >>15388871, >>15389046 , >>15389047 Tonga internet down

>>15388931, >>15388943, >>15388955, >>15389006 SE Storm news

>>15389001 Leaked Fauci financials from ZH

>>15389034 Tudor Exposes Whitmer's Latest Hypocrisy - "Insurrection"

>>15389043 Trump: US is the toughest country to deal with

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4abdec  No.15389751

#19464: Many Things Are Happening And They Are Happening Fast Edition

>>15387716, >>15387742, >>15387750, >>15387765, >>15387776, >>15387813, >>15387855, >>15387858, >>15387872, >>15387883, >>15387899, >>15387908, >>15387938, >>15387945, >>15387947, >>15387954, >>15387959, >>15387961, >>15387962, >>15387968, >>15387973, >>15387980, >>15387983, >>15387988, >>15387994, >>15387995, >>15388000, >>15388002, >>15388003, >>15388009, >>15388018, >>15388020, >>15388024, >>15388025, >>15388026, >>15388028, >>15388034, >>15388035, >>15388041, >>15388047, >>15388067, >>15388068, >>15388074, >>15388081, >>15388084, >>15388087, >>15388089, >>15388094, >>15388097, >>15388100, >>15388102, >>15388105, >>15388112, >>15388117, >>15388118, >>15388125, >>15388127, >>15388129, >>15388131, >>15388132, >>15388137, >>15388149, >>15388151 Hope you enjoyed the show. More so, hope you understood. NCSWIC

>>15388115, >>15388126, >>15388128, >>15388140, >>15388141, >>15388142, >>15388144, >>15388176, >>15388183, >>15388195, >>15388202, >>15388210, >>15388212, >>15388213, >>15388218, >>15388225, >>15388235, >>15388239, >>15388240 Look back to understand what is coming. Renew your maps, NEWS unlocks the map.

>>15387570, >>15387612 POTUS starts speaking at 9:17, gives a 1:34 minute speech. Then leaves the stage at 10:52.

>>15387577, >>15387554, >>15387555, >>15387551, >>15387543, >>15387540, >>15387535 Papi Hold on, I'm coming. Don't You Worry

>>15387587, >>15387595 What an awesome night

>>15387589, >>15387631, >>15387701 Fucking good to see POTUS back on the stage

>>15387603, >>15387675, >>15387756, >>15387815 (You) Explosion at Texas Synagogue Followed by Rapid Gunfire — All Hostages Held by Pakistani Assailant Out Safe!

>>15387621 Shout out to anons. You rock the world by changing the world for the better.

>>15387632 The Ride Never Ends! I'll be here until the Deep State is gone. Ups & Downs….Smiles & Cries…

>>15387633 Alice Springs to enter lockout, as number of people in NT hospitals with COVID grows

>>15387634 Swung, the Pendulem has

>>15387636 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino 10:48 PM · Jan 15, 2022 from Florence, AZ·Twitter for iPhone (Cap 0:08)

>>15387649 President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

>>15387661, >>15387666, >>15387668, >>15387672, >>15387699, >>15387702, >>15387722, >>15387746, >>15387869, >>15387701 WHAT A FUCKING GREAT NIGHT!

>>15387667, >>15388158 HOLD ON I'M COMING

>>15387678 Love You POTUS


>>15387738, >>15388099 Look at that diverse crowd of American Patriots

>>15387758 Next rally: TX on the 29th

>>15387768 (You), >>15387802 Highlights of rally

>>15387781 "Hold On, I'm Comin' " Sam & Dave

>>15387819 President Trump Spoke for two hours No rambling Wandering off cameraMolesting any childCoughing, Mumbling, Gaffs, No sips of water, Clearing throat, Just two hours of fighting for our future , Awesome

>>15387837 11:11

>>15387840 By order of the Kekistani Chief of Staff, all personnel on duty for the rally tonight are awarded the 8kun rally bread ribbon, with devices signifying the number of rally breads active during POTUS' speech.

>>15387876, >>15387993 Holy shit i posted his post from 7:37 pm, around 9 pm on the board and then he didnt post again until 10:57 next, and Papi rarely posts after 10 or 10:30 pm at night regularly

>>15388006 Steve Bannon said that speakers at Donald Trump's rally will decertify Joe Biden's electors in Arizona.

>>15388013 Is it just me or is there a new spiritual sense of calm within the President?

>>15388063 DJT Jr*And she gone.Ghislaine Maxwell will no longer fight to keep names of 8 'John Does' secret https://trib.al/2K3pWcC

>>15388067 Beautiful all the replies. Anons are not what anons were 2 years or 1 year ago. The mission has changed and the anons have adapted overcome and made it happen regardless of the political terrain they had to scale.

>>15388096 QClock January 15, 2022 None Are Safe

>>15388148 They're Ready.

>>15388157 It's about the BREAK.

>>15388175 The Democrats Are Attempting A Coup By Lawfare

>>15388263 #19464 posted in #19465

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4abdec  No.15389753


>>15386813 Georgia in play again

>>15386824, >>15386989, >>15387151 Rally Screen shots and comments

>>15386831, >>15386842, >>15386857 "Many things are happening and they are happening fast"

>>15386837, >>15387157, >>15387162, >>15387164, >>15387176, >>15387186 (You) Comb your hair, AT&T

>>15387254 BOYCOTT AT&T!!!

>>15386844, >>15387008, >>15387037, >>15387058, >>15387064 Winds E 10-20 What's with all the wind talk? CROSS WIND? Q4011

>>15386867 President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

>>15386836 FAA Sets Rules for Some Boeing 787 Landings Near 5G Service


>>15386899 TRUMP: "Exactly how many of those present at the capitol complex on January 6th were FBI confidential informants, agents

>>15386887, >>15386918 WITCH. HUNTER BEAT HER.

>>15386923 "Paper Ballots"

>>15386930 President Trump: Our country is going to be bigger, and better, and stronger than ever before, We're going to stage a comeback the likes of which nobody has ever seen.

>>15386964 Ron Watkins My team made a bunch of "TRUMP WON" signs and handed them out at the rally.

>>15386974 POTUS Trump mentioned 417

>>15386981, >>15386982 PDJT asks "you ever read a teleprompter that was waving like you are on a ship"!!

>>15387012, >>15387033, >>15387034, >>15387166, >>15387098 "55-thousand people or something"

>>15387080 CENTRAL CASTING Sheriff Mark Lamb

>>15387087 “These People Are Living in Hell!” – President Trump Gives Shout Out to Persecuted Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag – Calls Out “Dope” Mike Byrd and Federal Operatives in the Crowd! (VIDEO)

>>15387106 Biden creating database of people and their religious beliefs

>>15387030, >>15386949, >>15386986, >>15387134 ''me thinks he is talking to the criminals as well as anons as he does the rally from Prison town Florence AZ

>>15387134 Trump keeps talking about Kari Lake to be AZ Governor

>>15387198, >>15387211 Gosar

>>15387302 "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"

>>15387341, >>15387328 AT&T CHRISTMAS EVE BOMBING

>>15387348 The Tide has Turned

>>15387355, >>15387437 Hostages in Texas out safe hostage taker is dead



>>15387416, >>15387421, >>15387436 Banning men from womens sports. HAHAHAHAHH FUCK TRANNYS

>>15387451 Potus went full Based

>>15387557 #19463

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4abdec  No.15389758

Previously Collected

>>15386002 #19461, >>15386725 #19462

>>15383665 #19458\2, >>15384646 #19459, >>15385193 #19460

>>15382880 #19457\1 >>15382884 #19457\2, >>15383661 #19458\1

>>15380508 #19454, >>15381269 #19455, >>15382100 #19456

>>15378057 #19451, >>15378835 #19452, >>15379883 #19453

>>15375942 #19448, >>15376602 #19449, >>15377346 #19450

>>15373222 #19445, >>15374017 #19446, >>15376272 #19447

>>15370876 #19442, >>15371651 #19443, >>15372694 #19444

>>15368649 #19439/1, >>15369289 #19440, >>15370085 #19441

>>15367232 #19437, >>15368523 #19438, >>15368651 #19439/2

>>15364632 #19434, >>15365416 #19435, >>15366186 #19436

>>15363198 #19431, >>15363413 #19432, >>15363657 #19433

>>15362187 #19428, >>15360803 #19429, >>15362892 #19430

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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4abdec  No.15389768

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ca59f068697eae⋯.png (133 KB, 944x707, 944:707, ClipboardImage.png)

Note taker finest effort so far, still not quite figured out how to get dough, luckily one was provided, but at least it is neat and tidy, post away


p.s anon must go and do some irl stuff as already did a full all nighter due to trump rally and other stuff,

good luck and god speed



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78b8b9  No.15389771

File: 29f6e3048d8dbcb⋯.png (533.11 KB, 1263x1431, 421:477, QR_baker_baking_at_558_can….png)

File: 5a68f4bda987739⋯.png (432.34 KB, 1225x917, 175:131, QR_baker_baking_at_558_can….png)

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4abdec  No.15389785


yes very early, slow bread also, but got to go and wanted to make sure anon had enough time to get it right.

still relatively new baker stepping up from note taker.

we live and we learn.

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5e2b36  No.15389789

File: 5c5e1464548cccb⋯.png (460.73 KB, 584x444, 146:111, fake_disciples.png)

if you say four but don´t obey,

I fucking throw your souls away.

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5e2b36  No.15389798

any reply from a mason that does not (also) say "yes, I know that Frank Christian is the one true living God, our messiah and I will follow him whatsoever" will not be saved.

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a32083  No.15389972

File: 97cda3aaedc92e8⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1088x1059, 1088:1059, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_0….png)

get your cat food now

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af23fb  No.15389974

File: a4ba1bea9d953f2⋯.png (101.28 KB, 1209x263, 1209:263, WTFF.png)

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5e2b36  No.15389975

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441c17  No.15389980

File: 9cbb8280ec76a59⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1125x1227, 375:409, dumbfuckjuice.jpg)


Rock on notetaker-turned-bakeranon!





>My favorite meme of all time.

KEK mine too

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0b34af  No.15389981

File: 4a822cab8df800e⋯.png (112.02 KB, 886x601, 886:601, Screenshot_2022_01_16_0714….png)


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a32083  No.15389982

Have you ever tried to help someone with a death wish?

Cirrhosis of the liver is a horrible disease. Friend of mine is dying and in last stages of liver disease. Won't accept help.

Stomach distended and about to burst.

Took the jab. Planning to take the second, just so she can die.

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3020b1  No.15389985


Poser. Go read Romans 13:7 and obey your political masters. Slave.

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3020b1  No.15389989


You really should LB that shit.

It is the best meme ever created. It is perfect in every conceivable way.

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b438e1  No.15389996


I would go the cannabis route if I was ill.

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e8c6b1  No.15389998

File: f50f9f2b2a5624b⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1858x1684, 929:842, a21338922b5d99f3e1dc262556….png)

File: d608c6b794ae33b⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 1212x500, 303:125, 60u5u9.jpg)

>>15389953 LB

It's totally obvious the government is out to kill or mame as many Americans as possible.

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441c17  No.15390000

File: 0e491daf6d5bad0⋯.png (5.32 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, e096398d7d4a1dd27c2297fdbd….png)


my apologies anon failed

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af23fb  No.15390003


>perfect in every conceivable way


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3020b1  No.15390004

File: 38b8f1f87c14cd9⋯.png (318.83 KB, 612x396, 17:11, scavino_digits.png)


>anon failed

We all fall short. Happy Quads!!!

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e8c6b1  No.15390005

File: e69205d71bf1331⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 500x702, 250:351, 61gy3z.jpg)

Anons would you also hit it?

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3020b1  No.15390008



Oh so you traced my location. Trying to be creepy? Tryna creep?

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b438e1  No.15390010

File: 02243808f8674ad⋯.png (21.52 KB, 706x363, 706:363, ClipboardImage.png)

Marjorie Greene

Marjorie Greene




When we end abortion, God will heal our land.

Selling women the lie that killing the innocent baby in her womb will solve her problems is the most evil lie in history.

We must end abortion and help women to be mothers and men to be fathers, and support marriage and family.

Until then, we will live under God’s wrath because we are no longer without excuse for we know it is a human life from conception.


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a40f1e  No.15390011

File: 2f951134b5c844a⋯.png (280.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, image_2022_01_16_082304.png)

>>15389927 (pb)

Nope, not going to order something that acts the same a all the other sat. internet does.

Cloudy sky, no internet.

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d93907  No.15390012


updated dough with the notes and what not in case the other gets locked

previous didn't have the 19466 notes in it as of posting…

all notes in


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6a8738  No.15390013

File: d8fef17e14a99a4⋯.png (211.36 KB, 623x400, 623:400, Screen_Shot_2022_01_13_at_….png)

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311add  No.15390014

I've watched a lot of Trump rallies and I have never seen Trump take the stage in an open collar. Did any other anons notice the same?

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e8c6b1  No.15390016

File: 7ed8bc10f903fc7⋯.jpg (94.16 KB, 500x544, 125:136, 7ed8bc10f903fc73deb47ddc84….jpg)

Ron Watkins will do a good job in Congress but the only problem is he's to smart to be there.

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a32083  No.15390018


tried that - she won't take it

did an ozone insufflation, which would have worked

but then she sobered up and refused help like a bitch when I got angry bc she lied about getting the jab, endangering my health

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af23fb  No.15390019


no, i just liked the juice box

>Oh you traced my location

you revealed your location yourself just now,

creepy :)

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b438e1  No.15390024


aren't there 'really good tasting' edibles?

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3020b1  No.15390025

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB, 253x254, 253:254, pepe_milk_kek.png)

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a32083  No.15390027



just spent the last 3 days dealing with her bipolar alcoholic mania, refused paramedics. I'm done.

Holy shit what a nightmare.

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a32083  No.15390029


Yes, I make them, I brought her both the oil and the brownies with full spectrum CBD oil. She wouldn't take them. She's rather get the jab. Absolute insanity.

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5e2b36  No.15390031

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470e6e  No.15390032


Maybe you should try eating people food.

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e8c6b1  No.15390034

File: a4f2d440e327144⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 500x499, 500:499, Macron.jpg)

Anons, did Bridget Macron get the trans sexual allegations against her straightened out?

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e2e158  No.15390035

File: 0f4cca2dfc66857⋯.png (177.33 KB, 294x417, 98:139, ClipboardImage.png)



>>15389940 #19466:

>>15389117, >>15389121, >>15389124, >>15389126, >>15389133, >>15389139, >>15389270, >>15389155, Trump rally chatter and twats, mp4 vids

>>15389150 Trump’s Save America Rally @ AZ 01/15/22: Finale & dance - youtube [while it lasts]

>>15389152 UMich President Mark Schlissel fired for “inappropriate relationship” with employee - regents.umich.edu

>>15389157 1469 Starlink satellites active 272 moving to operational orbits Laser links activate soon - elon musk twat

>>15389180, >>15389563, >>15389583, President Trump: The ones that voted to impeach, we're getting rid of them fast. - anon dig and collection data

>>15389182 Novak Djokovic loses bid to stay in Australia - youtube

>>15389194 England 'WILL scrap Covid passes and WFH at the end of the month - daily mail

>>15389217, tonga news and vids

>>15389302 Tennessee mom arrested for faking death of her 12-year-old autistic son - nyp twat

>>15389327 Your Freedom Is Their Misery – Your Slavery Is Their Joy - Zerohedge

>>15389356 #19465 full

>>15389390 I believe the Democrats will be using the DOJ to arrest Trump very soon. - anon prediction

>>15389461 anon dig request - medici family

>>15389467, >>15389478, Bob Saget had a family history of heart attacks.tzm twat

>>15389463, >>15389479, WEF meeting cancelled in china - screenshots and pdf

>>15389523 (You) (You) (You) notes from rally and letita james digz request into law firms and rise to power.

>>15389548, >>15389558, >>15389566, >>15389587, >>15389602, >>15389777, notable comic strip anon [impressive every time]

>>15389555 anonymous poster on vaccine harm [could be larp but noted anyway]

>>15389549 lara logan twat on abortion after birth.

>>15389589 Tromethamine (Tris) is a blood acid reducer which is used to stabilize people with heart attacks. -newsrescue.com pfizer

>>15389598, >>15389606 (You) (You), Alex announced he’s taking an extended vacation (2-4 weeks).inforwars [panic] plus old archived alex jones mp4 videos

>>15389632 Joe Rogan Says ‘Dozens’ Of Celebrities Are Messaging Him For Advice On Beating COVID-19 - daily caller

>>15389653 The Federal Reserve is in line to get three new governors, a new vice chairman, a new banking chief and likely a couple new regional presidents. President Joe Biden is expected to nominate Sarah Bloom Raskin, Lisa Cook and Philip Jefferson to the governors’ positions. Raskin is expected to be the biggest change agent as she will take on the Fed’s supervisor of the banking industry. Jamie Raskin's wife -cnbc

>>15389665 Compulsory vaccination in #Austria starts at the beginning of February for all citizens over 18, fines up to a maximum of 3,600 euros from mid-March - Chancellor Nehammer - disclose tv twat

>>15389695 Michigan Nursing Homes Undercounted COVID-19 Deaths By 42%, Auditor General Report Reveals - daily caller

>>15389705 U.N archived paper holocaust to bring on globalism and multiculturalism. - twat

>>15389711 JUST IN: Djokovic flies out of Australia after deportation to Dubai - insider paper

>>15389727 Jamaica Arrests Ex-Haiti Senator Sought in Leader's Slaying - newsmax

>>15389730 Atlanta transit leader CEO Jeffrey Parker dead - nyp

>>15389742 Team Enigma just informed me that red states ARE being targeted with batches of higher toxicity vaccine - howbad.info

>>15389744 Cremated remains of 89 people discovered in vacant Ohio church - nbc.news

>>15389761 Human Smugglers Earn $1B from U.S.-Mexico Border in December 2021 - breitbart

>>15389781 Nike, a corporation built on slave labor, praised by “Occupy” Democrats for treating their employees like cattle. twat

>>15389783 Associated Press Tells Staff to ‘Avoid Emphasizing’ COVID-19 Case Counts - epoch times

>>15389796 US Government to end daily COVID death reporting - twat and screenshots

>>15389823, >>15389829, mandate and separating the unvaxxed, boston and europe

>>15389864 76-year-old Victor Melleney, a retired BBC producer, was caught with 832 indecent images of children stored on a range of devices. - thepostmillennial,com

>>15389876, >>15389884, Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) may officially represent the “Cowboy State,” but she is more accurately described as the only voting member on behalf of the Washington DC establishment - amgreatness.com

full notables bread 19466 - definitely off to snooze land now, hate to leave things half done, OCD and stuff ,

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a32083  No.15390037


filtered for being a cunt.

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b438e1  No.15390038


have you asked her what she think about the mutilators of genitals, why something so non-human, non-natural and non-thought-out is allowed to 'reflect as humanity'?

usually people with mental issues ar in a bad mental state because they are expected of jews to categorize themselves and lose themselves, when all they needed was time to think, to think things through, and not to promote bad behaviour

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a32083  No.15390039

ah, that's better.

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1d756e  No.15390040

File: 4d62ce033bee817⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E66E7D15_2DE0_471F_8049_3….jpeg)

File: 3bfb061f23748f7⋯.jpeg (116.43 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 5DC54B3A_8C34_4DC6_9967_3….jpeg)

File: 2b4ebf971b3c558⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, DF77E350_8DD3_44B5_927E_8….jpeg)


Hey thanks!

I’m nobody but appreciate any and all work anons do! Seriously! This place be AWESOME!

Morning Swordy!

Morning Fred!

Morning Sam!

It’s Delco Anon, in the house!

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0b34af  No.15390042

File: 2f275d2633fc394⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1540x1164, 385:291, Screenshot_2022_01_16_0727….png)



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cd3320  No.15390048


>>15389523 (You) (You) (You) notes from rally and letita james digz request into law firms and rise to power.

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3ee9fd  No.15390051

All American Girl


BREAKING: UK Home Office Says Texas Hostage Taker Was ACTUALLY A British National… weaselzippers.us/478313-breakin… @weaselzippers



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a32083  No.15390052

I have never dealt with such a dangerously crazy person.

I think this is what the jab does to people.

She's worse now than she ever was - and she was pretty bad before. I've taken care of people who would never insult or demean people the way she does, and I don't even have to be there. She's a fucking vampire.

Look out for these people, and let's hope their time is short.




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e8c6b1  No.15390053

File: 3aea4b34fca1902⋯.png (615.07 KB, 987x796, 987:796, efd93f50c289da6ffccd8c4f8e….png)

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af23fb  No.15390056

File: 2629dcef375cc23⋯.png (299.77 KB, 455x314, 455:314, Bildschirmfoto_2022_01_16_….png)

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3ee9fd  No.15390058


"British ‘ISIS Beatle’ hostage-taker Alexanda Kotey demanded her release in ransom emails sent to the family of another US hostage, Kayla Mueller, during her captivity.

A police search of his laptop revealed Kotey had searched her case online before travelling to Syria."


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c04108  No.15390063


>I’m nobody

Considering how sick of namefags I am at this point that's a good thing.

>It’s Delco Anon, in the house!

Oops, nvm.

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04bf3a  No.15390065

File: fbfed5664c04f80⋯.png (204.49 KB, 341x362, 341:362, potus_every_child_a_sacred….PNG)

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77ad08  No.15390067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

interesting that SNL is referencing how the vaccine failed and how masks make no sense, and also a different "timeline" (4:12 and on)

otherwise this skit is pretty bleh

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e8c6b1  No.15390069

File: cb01124526c9c7f⋯.jpg (79.77 KB, 750x482, 375:241, bbbb_1_.jpg)

A vaccinated man's sperm has made some women sterile.

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db43b6  No.15390070


Having an interesting conversation with self?


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a32083  No.15390074


Neck yourself, faggot.

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04bf3a  No.15390075

File: 69ed497d10e9510⋯.png (167.1 KB, 234x349, 234:349, lagarde_finger.PNG)

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a32083  No.15390076

fucking faggoty Jews.


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3020b1  No.15390077

File: 7f0b99dffd137dd⋯.png (384.89 KB, 567x659, 567:659, pepe_smile_bird.png)

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a32083  No.15390078

File: edde28caa34706a⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1533089874.jpg)

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9a23c8  No.15390079

File: 89296ebc537efb3⋯.png (31.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 86a29d888c748f942604edb957….png)

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0b34af  No.15390080

File: ed139130a6697e0⋯.png (640.2 KB, 990x981, 110:109, Screenshot_2022_01_16_0737….png)

University of Michigan President, fired.


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fccc55  No.15390083

File: e321c4798d17d98⋯.png (8.8 KB, 958x270, 479:135, jsn.png)

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a32083  No.15390084

File: 4a6f50559fd09bb⋯.jpeg (111.34 KB, 980x742, 70:53, 1546352976.jpeg)

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5e2b36  No.15390085

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e8c6b1  No.15390086

File: 711153b62dab8e5⋯.png (88.23 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 988fa470863db6d915a2b8a1fd….png)


Tranny Larper….

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e2e158  No.15390088

File: ecfbe48c14a666e⋯.png (39.94 KB, 301x203, 43:29, ClipboardImage.png)

two breads


both good ones

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fccc55  No.15390096

File: 2d735e9eb419b3f⋯.png (555.58 KB, 758x547, 758:547, snn.PNG)

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a32083  No.15390100

File: a4cd1cc49ed42c1⋯.png (523.48 KB, 985x1231, 985:1231, CUNT.png)


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0bf497  No.15390101


True, Especially in NE and anywhere you get Snow…

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e8c6b1  No.15390103

File: 0de7a0745859fdd⋯.jpg (65.38 KB, 500x585, 100:117, 5vi84b.jpg)


Tyrell I still support you!

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af23fb  No.15390105


or in the rainforest


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5e2b36  No.15390106










spam 2 and 4 and 7 and 12 all day long, it will not help you in any way.

you all shall not be saved.

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9706f3  No.15390109

File: aacee3de954eaca⋯.jpeg (31.34 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 4A28FED6_0BB4_4C06_9CD9_A….jpeg)

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9706f3  No.15390110

File: aacee3de954eaca⋯.jpeg (31.34 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 4A28FED6_0BB4_4C06_9CD9_A….jpeg)

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9706f3  No.15390111

File: aacee3de954eaca⋯.jpeg (31.34 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 4A28FED6_0BB4_4C06_9CD9_A….jpeg)


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3020b1  No.15390119

File: e820a1537ef0cc0⋯.jpeg (247.58 KB, 777x567, 37:27, army_then_now.jpeg)




You gots to ENGORGE dat shit, nigga.

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e8c6b1  No.15390135

File: 367c9ed97a7ad59⋯.jpg (136.81 KB, 1113x1184, 1113:1184, downloadfile.jpg)

Anons in all fairness I wouldn't hit it.

Anons would you hit it?

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c5d593  No.15390139


Well, without trippys it's just a LARP.

Based on sentence formation and grammatical errors on following pots I deduct that this wasn't Q.

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c5d593  No.15390141


>posts even

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3020b1  No.15390148


"Smash or pass" is so 2017…

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b438e1  No.15390157

File: 7ee385e5cbb63c1⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 474x316, 3:2, pedo.jpg)

File: f0ec3a7964d0abb⋯.jpg (20.11 KB, 360x540, 2:3, pedoyallen.jpg)

File: e8b546e4944d293⋯.jpg (22.86 KB, 474x316, 3:2, blind.jpg)

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5e2b36  No.15390158









not saved.

you can try to turn everything I do or say to lie about me and about what I say.

maybe me shutting down my notebook and going back to watch tv when an anon posted 4 times the same meme means I let you name yourselves my disciples, even when you clearly are not?

would it be smarter to listen what I actually tell you?

what I actually tell you: if you follow masonry you are not following me. if you do not follow me, you will not be saved nor will you be able to save anyone.

you are fake disciples, and fake disciples are way worse than anybody else.

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fc64b0  No.15390168

File: a381d07cacb8a92⋯.png (49.4 KB, 696x1377, 232:459, f758dbe239de1cb0.png)

VAERS DATA ANALYSIS - Variation in Toxicity of Vaccine Batches Across Different States of the USA

"There is considerable variation in the number dying per 100,000 vaccinated. Some states have 16 x the death rate compared to others. Red states tend to cluster towards the top of the chart, whilst blue states cluster towards the bottom. Red states occupy 6 of the 7 highest ranking positions for deaths per 100,000 vaccinated."

"Some states, in particular Kentucky, Montana, Alaska, Tennessee, North Dakota and South Dakota are experiencing 4 x, 5 x, 6 x or even 11 x the number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinated compared to other states. Such a situation should be raising a safety signal, and requires investigation. The higher death rate in these states following vaccination suggests that they may be receiving more toxic batches, or being administered to more vulnerable people."

[ Is BigPharma REALLY targeting "Red" states with the more toxic shots? It is a "drug trail" after all, and it's common to try different formulations to discover patterns in efficacy and side effects. But are those running the manufacture and distribution KNOWINGLY sending more toxic drugs to targeted locations for political reasons? ]


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ae580c  No.15390172


It was cold there too. I think it means that the gloves are off and things are going to happen fast..

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fc64b0  No.15390179

File: a381d07cacb8a92⋯.png (49.4 KB, 696x1377, 232:459, f758dbe239de1cb0.png)

VAERS DATA ANALYSIS - Variation in Toxicity of Vaccine Batches Across Different States of the USA

"There is considerable variation in the number dying per 100,000 vaccinated. Some states have 16 x the death rate compared to others. Red states tend to cluster towards the top of the chart, whilst blue states cluster towards the bottom. Red states occupy 6 of the 7 highest ranking positions for deaths per 100,000 vaccinated."

"Some states, in particular Kentucky, Montana, Alaska, Tennessee, North Dakota and South Dakota are experiencing 4 x, 5 x, 6 x or even 11 x the number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinated compared to other states. Such a situation should be raising a safety signal, and requires investigation. The higher death rate in these states following vaccination suggests that they may be receiving more toxic batches, or being administered to more vulnerable people."

[ Is BigPharma REALLY targeting "Red" states with the more toxic shots? It is a "drug trial" after all, and it's common to try different formulations to discover patterns in efficacy and side effects. But are those running the manufacture and distribution KNOWINGLY sending more toxic drugs to targeted locations for political reasons? ]


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ae580c  No.15390181


It was cold there too. I think it means that the gloves are off and things are going to happen fast.

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1d756e  No.15390192



Never ever cross species!

It’s be like walking into a rainforest and jumping the first animal you see

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e8c6b1  No.15390193

File: 15a6c51bc2138f6⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 500x759, 500:759, 60mbb.jpg)





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c04108  No.15390195


>Well, without trippys it's just a LARP.


The thirst some (not all) have here for anything Q (or "team" or "insider") is palpable.

Hell, I could pull one of those LARPs off easily if I wanted to.

If I was compd or a shitposter w/o a conscience which thankfully or sadly I'm not.

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fccc55  No.15390202

File: d69d026d7a7225f⋯.png (765.15 KB, 1015x466, 1015:466, iih1.PNG)

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e8c6b1  No.15390207

File: 457a113ddde7f07⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 500x458, 250:229, gtt.jpg)

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b438e1  No.15390210


for someone who is 'glad to be jew' or whatever jews are told to tell themselves

jews really don't want to live in 'reality', is it because they have no 'thought-scape'?

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fccc55  No.15390214

File: 72989d1e05f91bf⋯.png (455.4 KB, 1036x698, 518:349, iih2.PNG)

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b438e1  No.15390216


or is 'reality' that neither nature nor time is on the 'side' of the mutilators of infant genitals

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9f56d9  No.15390222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15388327 pb



>Great meme, anon.

interesting color scheme it has …

Bisexual lighting is the simultaneous use of pink, purple, and blue lighting to represent bisexual characters. It has been used in nightclubs as well as in studio lighting for film and television, as has been observed in the cinematography of various films.


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2e5406  No.15390236


what a sham

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b3dd1b  No.15390265

File: 08e8a1310cf3b69⋯.png (280.1 KB, 1920x1327, 1920:1327, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

File: 993c0ba808869b6⋯.png (275.11 KB, 1966x1551, 1966:1551, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

File: 657590ca2b0d50d⋯.png (79.02 KB, 900x951, 300:317, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

File: 42d6c76c49e42fa⋯.png (100.05 KB, 900x1213, 900:1213, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

File: baf088d0826ce25⋯.png (102.35 KB, 900x1213, 900:1213, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

Between the beginning of January 2020 and January 12, 2022, of the 834,954 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States, around 216,475 had occurred among those aged 85 years and older. This statistic shows the number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) deaths in the U.S. from January 2020 to January, 2022, by age.



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9f56d9  No.15390276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trips confirm ..

Bisex esthetics is typical in the Trumpwave vids

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b3dd1b  No.15390277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3020b1  No.15390282



So sunrises and sunsets are also bi?

Gay slide.

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5e2b36  No.15390287

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9b33c0  No.15390377


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d93907  No.15390396



anon 1 baked a bread a tad early

bread got locked

anon 2 saw locked bread and posted up a bake as current bread was getting long in the thread count

somewhere along the line

the locked bread got unlocked

threads crossed and what not, but bread be bread

2 breads beats 13

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9b33c0  No.15390410

[They] want you fat, slow and impaired.

Don't be a dopehead.

Don't take the pots.

Be brave.

Be courageous.

Face reality stone, cold sober.

Unless there is a TRUE medical need,

Weed is for wimps who don't have the courage to deal with life on their own.


And to all the dopeh3ads who get dey feewin's hurt - ya welcome.

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c04108  No.15390430


New BO Instructions to the BVs for 2 or moar active breads:

Were any of them made by the former BV that shall go nameless?




Eh, fuck it, go smoke a dart no hurry

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6bb28a  No.15390455

What's with all the bullshit pinned to the top of the catalog?

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b3dd1b  No.15390466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Florida everglades potential tornado happening

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b3dd1b  No.15390470

KYS painfully.

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b3dd1b  No.15390487

File: f65cf8ea05d2976⋯.png (3.62 MB, 3022x1918, 1511:959, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

File: d03d8824ecabc5f⋯.png (3.3 MB, 2805x1921, 165:113, Screenshot_2022_01_16_at_1….png)

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c04108  No.15390489


Several Anons asked for a bunch of them to be unpinned.

BO said let me think about it for a while first.

While still thinking about it BO has proceeded to pin a whole bunch moar.

If you use the Index the current General bread can now be found on Page 7.

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b3dd1b  No.15390500

File: 0ac5c3abc87c763⋯.png (4.61 MB, 2327x1440, 2327:1440, ClipboardImage.png)



Plantation Island and Everglades area

may be a tornado on the ground momentarily


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6bb28a  No.15390537


>If you use the Index the current General bread can now be found on Page 7

That's retarded.

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9cca18  No.15390550


it's sabotage so that people can't find the current bread when the catalog is borked

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7ec3e1  No.15390559



The board is comped. Im speculating mass-migration to Truthsocial when it goes live.

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5e2b36  No.15390562

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c04108  No.15390578


>From the Notables the BO just increased the size of Muh Catalog.

I have a pretty good institutional memory of QR history so here's why old BO FJ decreased it in the first place:

When 8kun went live the Catalog was the most borked thing of all.

To help make it unborked and load faster, Jim suggested that he shrink the size.

FJ did and the borkery didn't completely disappear but did lessen.

Something to keep in mind if the borkery on it gets worse again.

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9b9108  No.15390588

message sent :


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5e2b36  No.15390659

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778583  No.15390743

gonna lock this bread, please migrate

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