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545395  No.15389104

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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545395  No.15389105


#19464: Many Things Are Happening And They Are Happening Fast Edition

>>15387716, >>15387742, >>15387750, >>15387765, >>15387776, >>15387813, >>15387855, >>15387858, >>15387872, >>15387883, >>15387899, >>15387908, >>15387938, >>15387945, >>15387947, >>15387954, >>15387959, >>15387961, >>15387962, >>15387968, >>15387973, >>15387980, >>15387983, >>15387988, >>15387994, >>15387995, >>15388000, >>15388002, >>15388003, >>15388009, >>15388018, >>15388020, >>15388024, >>15388025, >>15388026, >>15388028, >>15388034, >>15388035, >>15388041, >>15388047, >>15388067, >>15388068, >>15388074, >>15388081, >>15388084, >>15388087, >>15388089, >>15388094, >>15388097, >>15388100, >>15388102, >>15388105, >>15388112, >>15388117, >>15388118, >>15388125, >>15388127, >>15388129, >>15388131, >>15388132, >>15388137, >>15388149, >>15388151 Hope you enjoyed the show. More so, hope you understood. NCSWIC

>>15388115, >>15388126, >>15388128, >>15388140, >>15388141, >>15388142, >>15388144, >>15388176, >>15388183, >>15388195, >>15388202, >>15388210, >>15388212, >>15388213, >>15388218, >>15388225, >>15388235, >>15388239, >>15388240 Look back to understand what is coming. Renew your maps, NEWS unlocks the map.

>>15387570, >>15387612 POTUS starts speaking at 9:17, gives a 1:34 minute speech. Then leaves the stage at 10:52.

>>15387577, >>15387554, >>15387555, >>15387551, >>15387543, >>15387540, >>15387535 Papi Hold on, I'm coming. Don't You Worry

>>15387587, >>15387595 What an awesome night

>>15387589, >>15387631, >>15387701 Fucking good to see POTUS back on the stage

>>15387603, >>15387675, >>15387756, >>15387815 Explosion at Texas Synagogue Followed by Rapid Gunfire — All Hostages Held by Pakistani Assailant Out Safe!

>>15387621 Shout out to anons. You rock the world by changing the world for the better.

>>15387632 The Ride Never Ends! I'll be here until the Deep State is gone. Ups & Downs….Smiles & Cries…

>>15387633 Alice Springs to enter lockout, as number of people in NT hospitals with COVID grows

>>15387634 Swung, the Pendulem has

>>15387636 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino 10:48 PM · Jan 15, 2022 from Florence, AZ·Twitter for iPhone (Cap 0:08)

>>15387649 President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

>>15387661, >>15387666, >>15387668, >>15387672, >>15387699, >>15387702, >>15387722, >>15387746, >>15387869, >>15387701 WHAT A FUCKING GREAT NIGHT!

>>15387667, >>15388158 HOLD ON I'M COMING

>>15387678 Love You POTUS


>>15387738, >>15388099 Look at that diverse crowd of American Patriots

>>15387758 Next rally: TX on the 29th

>>15387768, >>15387802 Highlights of rally

>>15387781 "Hold On, I'm Comin' " Sam & Dave

>>15387819 President Trump Spoke for two hours No rambling Wandering off cameraMolesting any childCoughing, Mumbling, Gaffs, No sips of water, Clearing throat, Just two hours of fighting for our future , Awesome

>>15387837 11:11

>>15387840 By order of the Kekistani Chief of Staff, all personnel on duty for the rally tonight are awarded the 8kun rally bread ribbon, with devices signifying the number of rally breads active during POTUS' speech.

>>15387876, >>15387993 Holy shit i posted his post from 7:37 pm, around 9 pm on the board and then he didnt post again until 10:57 next, and Papi rarely posts after 10 or 10:30 pm at night regularly

>>15388006 Steve Bannon said that speakers at Donald Trump's rally will decertify Joe Biden's electors in Arizona.

>>15388013 Is it just me or is there a new spiritual sense of calm within the President?

>>15388063 DJT Jr*And she gone.Ghislaine Maxwell will no longer fight to keep names of 8 'John Does' secret https://trib.al/2K3pWcC

>>15388067 Beautiful all the replies. Anons are not what anons were 2 years or 1 year ago. The mission has changed and the anons have adapted overcome and made it happen regardless of the political terrain they had to scale.

>>15388096 QClock January 15, 2022 None Are Safe

>>15388148 They're Ready.

>>15388157 It's about the BREAK.

>>15388175 The Democrats Are Attempting A Coup By Lawfare

#>>15388263 19464

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545395  No.15389107


>>15386813 Georgia in play again

>>15386824, >>15386989, >>15387151 Rally Screen shots and comments

>>15386831, >>15386842, >>15386857 "Many things are happening and they are happening fast"

>>15386837, >>15387157, >>15387162, >>15387164, >>15387176, >>15387186 Comb your hair, AT&T

>>15387254 BOYCOTT AT&T!!!

>>15386844, >>15387008, >>15387037, >>15387058, >>15387064 Winds E 10-20 What's with all the wind talk? CROSS WIND? Q4011

>>15386867 President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

>>15386836 FAA Sets Rules for Some Boeing 787 Landings Near 5G Service


>>15386899 TRUMP: "Exactly how many of those present at the capitol complex on January 6th were FBI confidential informants, agents

>>15386887, >>15386918 WITCH. HUNTER BEAT HER.

>>15386923 "Paper Ballots"

>>15386930 President Trump: Our country is going to be bigger, and better, and stronger than ever before, We're going to stage a comeback the likes of which nobody has ever seen.

>>15386964 Ron Watkins My team made a bunch of "TRUMP WON" signs and handed them out at the rally.

>>15386974 POTUS Trump mentioned 417

>>15386981, >>15386982 PDJT asks "you ever read a teleprompter that was waving like you are on a ship"!!

>>15387012, >>15387033, >>15387034, >>15387166, >>15387098 "55-thousand people or something"

>>15387080 CENTRAL CASTING Sheriff Mark Lamb

>>15387087 “These People Are Living in Hell!” – President Trump Gives Shout Out to Persecuted Jan. 6 Prisoners in DC Gulag – Calls Out “Dope” Mike Byrd and Federal Operatives in the Crowd! (VIDEO)

>>15387106 Biden creating database of people and their religious beliefs

>>15387030, >>15386949, >>15386986, >>15387134 ''me thinks he is talking to the criminals as well as anons as he does the rally from Prison town Florence AZ

>>15387134 Trump keeps talking about Kari Lake to be AZ Governor

>>15387198, >>15387211 Gosar

>>15387302 "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"

>>15387341, >>15387328 AT&T CHRISTMAS EVE BOMBING

>>15387348 The Tide has Turned

>>15387355, >>15387437 Hostages in Texas out safe hostage taker is dead



>>15387416, >>15387421, >>15387436 Banning men from womens sports. HAHAHAHAHH FUCK TRANNYS

>>15387451 Potus went full Based

>>15387557 #19463

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545395  No.15389109

#19462: Trump Rally Thunder Struck Over 425k watching Edition

>>15386060, >>15386057 President Trump threw 10 hats.

>>15386061 Kari Lake 'If our Founding Fathers were here today they would be Trump Republicans'

>>15386074, >>15386083, >>15386364 Rally numbers and Youtube fuckery

>>15386086 President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

>>15386089 "No rings at Tiffany"

>>15386093, >>15386233, >>15386548, >>15386552 Rally Screen shots and comments

>>15386095 45 Arrives in AZ in Steve Wynn's AC

>>15386110, >>15386124 Like a Durham boat Kari!

>>15386135 Like old times 23.1 post per min

>>15386136, >>15386162 anon calls shot 9:17start to potus speech

>>15386075 Supply change

>>15386138 Former Haiti senator John Joël Joseph arrested over the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse

>>15386156 PDJT says "no eye can see" the end of this crowd.

>>15386158 New York Post @nypost Masked thieves steal $1M in jewelry from Lori Loughlin's LA home

>>15386179 PDJT says Supreme Court made a good decision on vaxx mandates but there are even bigger decisions coming up so we are lucky to have them on the bench.

>>15386190 Watch the White guy behind POTUS that is in a white zip up jacket, blonde hair, & pony tail.

>>15386181 President Trump: Joe Biden's sinister…mandates declared largely unconstitutional.

>>15386199 That Afghan withdrawal reference hit me right in the feelz.

>>15386201 Train Derailment 17 containers pfft

>>15386211, >>15386226, >>15386258, >>15386215 CROWD: "LOCK HIM UP" FAUCI

>>15386247, >>15386242, >>15386241, >>15386240, >>15386238, >>15386236, >>15386286, >>15386290 Enough is enough We’re not gonna take it anymore

>>15386267, >>15386277, >>15386381, >>15386394 ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH

>>15386357 Activation Code? Q648


>>15386281 Virginia's New AG Fires Civil Rights Division, Will Start Prosecuting Cases Dropped By 'Social Justice' DAs

>>15386298, >>15386299, >>15386299, >>15386300, >>15386303 Q-ers

>>15386325 Biden ANGER ! Listen to me

>>15386341 President Trump: Big Pharma is making a fortune.

>>15386350 He just said "Vax don't work"

>>15386358, >>15386377 Potus Heard Anons Anti Vax Voice

>>15386398 WOW! OVER 419,000 Viewers Tune in to Watch Trump Florence Rally on RSBN Rumble, YouTube and GETTR Channels LIVE!

>>15386407 The TOUGHEST country to deal with was the United States of America. It's a disgrace! -POTUS

>>15386433, >>15386440 If You're Black, White, You Don't Get Theraputics Nobody Wants It "race Based Preferential Treatment" -potus

>>15386444 POTUS calling them out on race based preferential treatment. Say goodbye to affirmative action when he gets back in office.


>>15386503, >>15386482, >>15386490 They’re falling fast and furious

>>15386491 President Trump: The ones that voted to impeach, we're getting rid of them fast.

>>15386508, >>15386537 Vaccine destroys immune system

>>15386536 [They] used COVID as another method of cheating

>>15386582 Senator Fauci called 'moron' leaks his financial disclosures

>>15386589 President Trump: We had to do it this way the first time

>>15386568, >>15386692 Fantastic speech Non stop BOOMS

>>15386640 Sounds like the protection of the Ashley Babbitt shooter will be gone.

>>15386667 EPIC! Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake at AZ Trump Rally: “I Want to Lock Somebody Down, That Liar Doctor Fauci… My BS Meter Goes Off Every Time He Opens His Mouth” (VIDEO)

>>15386725 #19462

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545395  No.15389111

#19461: Read Between The Lines Edition

>>15385337 President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

>>15385664 POTUS always takes a good look at the board before he takes to the stage. All old fags know this to be true!

>>15385695, >>15385729 45 ARRIVES IN ARIZONA… Dan Scavino (Cap 2:08)

>>15385870 @JackPosobiec Over 425k watching @RSBNetwork

>>15385410, >>15385509, >>15385730, >>15385857 Rally Screen shots and comments

>>15385395, >>15385421, >>15385423, >>15385438, >>15385518, >>15385561, >>15385651, >>15385746 Rally numbers and Youtube fuckery

>>15385593 Wow, Trump is not even on stage yet and on only one online news site, Trump is being watched live by almost 250,000 people.

>>15385292 Stop this shit Child abuse 100% (Cap 0:40)

>>15385306, >>15385295 The next Arizona Governor KARI LAKE is burning it down in AZ

>>15385429 Artwork appeared in DC overnight mocking Biden, Fauci, and the COVID regime

>>15385475 U.S. Navy @USNavy Who do you think won?? Team Navy, of course! Cook Fire

>>15385490 Brian Cates -Washington State Turns Away Unvaccinated County Workers Offering to Help Clear Snow

>>15385388 MARTA CEO Jeffrey Parker, 56, dead

>>15385327, >>15385342, >>15385380, >>15385551 The surprising life of Justin Trudeau's party-loving mom

>>15385500, >>15385560, >>15385512 Clockfag I'll give ya two 5's for a perfect 10? 5500 Double Double for luck fren. :00 is a ClockFag Favorite

>>15385521 Jen Psaki Will Not Say If White House Will Protect trump From Assassination Threat This is unconscionable.

>>15385527 Ex-Obama education advisor pleads guilty to wire fraud

>>15385539 DC COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate to Shop, Dine Goes Into Effect

>>15385541 Posobiec I will never understand how people can have the ability to speak, read, and write, and yet lack the ability to think, as you clearly do.

>>15385552 Virginia Governor Youngkin Signs 11 Executive Actions on His First Day in Office

>>15385603 This was Papi’s last post at 7:37 pm,odd because he posts a lot through the night

>>15385604 Trump is having 'My Way' played right now

>>15385555, >>15385576, >>15385577, >>15385598, >>15385607, >>15385613 Trump grabbed me, Best Day EVER

>>15385726 Maine Doctor Loses License, Ordered to Undergo Psych Evaluation for Treating Covid Patients with Ivermectin, ‘Spreading Covid Misinformation’

>>15385778, >>15385811 Mass General Expert Predicts: No Boosters. Normal Life. We Can Move on from Covid

>>15385842 Anon put this video together just for trump rally's cos it is a great some with great images dropped by Dan Scavino

>>15386002 #19461

Previously Collected

>>15383665 #19458\2, >>15384646 #19459, >>15385193 #19460

>>15382880 #19457\1 >>15382884 #19457\2, >>15383661 #19458\1

>>15380508 #19454, >>15381269 #19455, >>15382100 #19456

>>15378057 #19451, >>15378835 #19452, >>15379883 #19453

>>15375942 #19448, >>15376602 #19449, >>15377346 #19450

>>15373222 #19445, >>15374017 #19446, >>15376272 #19447

>>15370876 #19442, >>15371651 #19443, >>15372694 #19444

>>15368649 #19439/1, >>15369289 #19440, >>15370085 #19441

>>15367232 #19437, >>15368523 #19438, >>15368651 #19439/2

>>15364632 #19434, >>15365416 #19435, >>15366186 #19436

>>15363198 #19431, >>15363413 #19432, >>15363657 #19433

>>15362187 #19428, >>15360803 #19429, >>15362892 #19430

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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545395  No.15389114

File: e0667360cb01156⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 600x428, 150:107, Thumbs_Up_Rambo.jpg)




Needs notes from PB. Anons step up. Kitchen is open.

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a0bcb6  No.15389116

File: f3382f3cddeec99⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 700x388, 175:97, 1641573232349.jpg)

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dacf4c  No.15389118


There’s a split bread ebake started…

Just 43


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545395  No.15389123


No competition here. But I did call for anons' best baker babes. Let's see what happens.

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7987b7  No.15389127

RC this is HS?

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0d633f  No.15389128

File: 1da985251ecb583⋯.jpg (150.57 KB, 900x405, 20:9, Double_Pepe.jpg)

Well, that's awkward

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e53292  No.15389136

File: 972e6bd991fac66⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 500x332, 125:83, Night_Shift.jpg)

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98dca8  No.15389141



promising bread title

sorry to say, "e-bake" was 11 secs ahead and is still ahead

one will get capped, do you care which one?

- bo

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98dca8  No.15389143


you could always continue on the other bread…..

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813937  No.15389144

>>15389078 (pb)


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c42f48  No.15389149

Mesh-18. Djynxx (Ching, The Jinn). Child Stealer.

Pitch Null. Net-Span 6::3.

Syzygetic Xenodemon of Time-Lapse.

Feeds and Prowls Warp-Current. Ciphers Gt-36. Haunts Gt-06, Gt-21.

Rt-0:[X] Abstract cyclones, dust spirals (nomad war-machine). [+2 sub-Rt].

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98dca8  No.15389153

File: fbd26e54a44545d⋯.jpg (27.91 KB, 376x378, 188:189, barmaid8.jpg)

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1ca7e0  No.15389156

File: f8e5d54574abfa7⋯.jpeg (162.3 KB, 686x542, 343:271, 2CD94FE3_B82C_474A_81B1_0….jpeg)

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0c4b60  No.15389158

File: 80676d38e8f27bd⋯.jpg (123.45 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, complicit.jpg)

Let them establish their narrative, save them for last

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13bfd1  No.15389165

File: aad1bec062608b7⋯.jpg (279.25 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, joe_bide_and_grand_daughte….jpg)

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32fb7d  No.15389169


so as long as i wear the mask before i enter, i can take it off after entry.


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c3c68a  No.15389171

File: 0583d3f8451fdc7⋯.jpeg (757.57 KB, 982x1261, 982:1261, Baker.jpeg)


Thank you, Baker!

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33d6d3  No.15389176

File: 2e061dfc21ea08f⋯.png (505.97 KB, 2758x1022, 197:73, Screen_Shot_2022_01_16_at_….png)

File: d52f2394d1bb572⋯.png (331.45 KB, 994x932, 497:466, Screen_Shot_2022_01_16_at_….png)

File: 2b67fb6172d94ff⋯.png (40.1 KB, 560x152, 70:19, Screen_Shot_2022_01_16_at_….png)

My Fellow Americans the Storm is Upon Us

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e4c1da  No.15389183

File: 473e3af218f7080⋯.jpg (74.26 KB, 906x614, 453:307, aZaCo584OC.jpg)

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98dca8  No.15389186


other baker is pulling ahead….

time to unsplit this bake

you wanna do a pointer, plz?

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dacf4c  No.15389193

File: 677c0b848863681⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2048x1112, 256:139, 3AA41470_42A4_452B_9F4D_2A….png)


No Beano…

This, however…?

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98dca8  No.15389197

File: af388da458370b2⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 583x758, 583:758, patriotic_eagle_flag.jpg)


baker mia

e-bake bread




Bread getting LOCKED

please migrate

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