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File: e55cd74c3a23609⋯.png (999.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1629065627.png)

275aca  No.14410934[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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688 posts and 381 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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bf7fca  No.14411682


The PCR test can't differentiate between the mysterious "COVID-19" and the flu or common cold. He probably has the flu.

Not to mention, they don't even have an isolation of "COV-19". It's all based on an unorthodox experiment to prove it's existence, and then a computer model. It either doesn't exist at all, or they don't want the public to know the real genome because then everyone would know it was a bio weapon.

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ae572c  No.14411683

What was important news last week that’s out of the news this week?


Audits… what else?

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97459e  No.14411684


>fed posting faggotry on here

Do you really want to go down in history as a Pharisee?

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6daa0c  No.14411685


You can only make so much on 10 dollar blowjobs.

Wonder how many FlapJack can do a day?

No wonder he sold out the admin to the clowns.

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dcacd2  No.14411686


where is the meme of the FBI guy realizing he wasted his life

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55ed2a  No.14411687

File: b9fbd26e272c49d⋯.png (736.67 KB, 816x666, 136:111, ClipboardImage.png)



>diary of anne fakengay

Was trying to make a meme that would get Teacher's and Parents to THINK.

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5391b4  No.14411688


I live in Hawaii trust me the majority of islanders “Asians” voted for Ige…

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0e1567  No.14411689


New here?

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9cad17  No.14411690

File: b3246fd1419b329⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 682x697, 682:697, FB_IMG_1628884769872.jpg)


Look mittens!

A faggot!

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172104  No.14411691

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, Our_flag.jpg)

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30b426  No.14411692


I have been checking of a few of these docs who come on FOX shows twitter accounts.

It's not funny anymore.

Don't fucking promote a bioweapon

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b0f36c  No.14411693

File: 87c1941e5db6b1b⋯.png (382.38 KB, 707x599, 707:599, ClipboardImage.png)



QR is ordained for greatness

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393e16  No.14411694


Stopped watching faux on election night…

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3b2131  No.14411695

File: fa45a9127d0458c⋯.png (154.4 KB, 406x881, 406:881, dint1.PNG)

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bfb1ec  No.14411696

File: 03e9997b3cc58ae⋯.jpg (569.4 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20210820_195156….jpg)


[Your] Diversion is Weak

young Padawan….

try Harder


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275aca  No.14411697


>>14410967 Blinken thanks Bahrain for help

>>14410969 Jim Smith of Pfizer and Reuters

>>14411138 Former San Francisco Officials Charged With Building-Permit Fraud

>>14411158 Meth indictments in Kentucky

>>14411172 State Dept website confirms $2,000 charge - w screen grabs

>>14411207 8/21 Pedo arrests report

>>14411223 East Texas 30 yr narcotics sentence

>>14411275 17 fugutives arrested in El Paso by CBP, $2.5MM in narcotics seized

>>14411337 Malaysia has a new Prime Minister

>>14411441 DJT wants Biden to apologize to America

>>14411515 Prosobiec trolling Biden

>>14411609 First Responders in HI sue over vaccine mandate

>>14411674 The politics of heroin

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3baf74  No.14411698


screen cap me kike

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41aec5  No.14411699

File: 05c6942ef8bb3af⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 444x560, 111:140, o7.jpg)

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3a15ea  No.14411700


Wouldn't matter, you'd have to take them to a noncompd judge and there aren't any.

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ff7fa4  No.14411701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d1878  No.14411702


You Anons caught that Poppy Harlow is stepping down from CNN right?

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363ea3  No.14411703


I suggest Glenn Faggot Greenwald is controlled by the C_A

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a60300  No.14411704


Hey tell your wife to shut the hell up about me, I was having an off day.

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88f9cb  No.14411705

File: 59e0b8612f2273f⋯.png (147.01 KB, 438x268, 219:134, Screenshot_2021_08_20_at_2….png)

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6daa0c  No.14411707

File: 92475409c7a21f7⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1363x1424, 1363:1424, SayKikeMoar.png)

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b0f36c  No.14411708



but they alll pretty happy

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dcacd2  No.14411709


Clowns had a hand in creating them with PAKistan ISI and Saudi financing

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8e295c  No.14411710

File: 7f1037e73cbf7f4⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7c5f47a1a064c2⋯.png (862.75 KB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bd3e4b121d705c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc08569dd2ed482⋯.png (967.99 KB, 1203x677, 1203:677, ClipboardImage.png)

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55ed2a  No.14411711

File: 2968e0402120133⋯.png (5.47 MB, 1370x1813, 1370:1813, ClipboardImage.png)



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bf7fca  No.14411712


And if it's a bio weapon (which it probably is), then it was never very transmissable, which is why they use the PCR test to inflate "COV-19" case numbers by using the flu.

Chances are, it was a weapon that they used in the very beginning to get things started. Nursing homes were a perfect place because those people were on death's doorstep anyway, and it was in a fairly isolated environment. I'll bet by now, it's completely gone if it ever was.

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e1085c  No.14411713


>Glenn Greenwald suggests CNN, liberal media is controlled by CIA

Same as it ever was. 19 fucking 73. Is it better now or worse.

3 Dozen American Journalists Are Said to Do Work for C.I.A.

Dec. 1, 1973


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69aa0e  No.14411714

File: c3afe36e92835d3⋯.jpg (384.04 KB, 1983x1154, 1983:1154, _20210820_194004.JPG)

woo hoo


81 million votes

where you at people?

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3baf74  No.14411715


but youre all jews tho

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eedba8  No.14411716

Chinese Government Advisory Group Paid Mark Brzezinski $1K for Speech

Mark is Biden's pick for Ambassador to Poland and brother to moron-Mika Brzezinski.


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b6080e  No.14411717

File: 765bb0d55a428e0⋯.png (39.76 KB, 1264x332, 316:83, ClipboardImage.png)





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de8353  No.14411718


I have grown to really like this guy Glenn Greenwald. He has proven himself to be a real journalist. Very insightful and moar credibility in his liddle pinky than the entire MSDNC media combine. Glenn Greenwald is a Patriot and I appreciate his candor and his work.

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41aec5  No.14411719

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB, 700x500, 7:5, GOD_BLESS_USA.jpg)

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275aca  No.14411720

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3b2131  No.14411721

File: c8b4c8e9cded7fc⋯.png (632.6 KB, 624x504, 26:21, xrde1.PNG)

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b0f36c  No.14411722

File: ca96f62eb268b4c⋯.png (1.75 MB, 825x960, 55:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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51cb8a  No.14411723

File: 0aa0907782e90a1⋯.jpeg (94.06 KB, 828x729, 92:81, 4BC424E5_13AC_4362_B9AF_5….jpeg)

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70bb47  No.14411725

File: fe027244e58deca⋯.png (81.38 KB, 851x305, 851:305, Screen_Shot_2021_08_20_at_….png)


From Euromomo.eu

Which "spike" is the pandemic? We have them each year it seems.

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71c371  No.14411727


Yes but it was the focus on that vid and it was ignored with everything else that happened.

I want to know.

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9cad17  No.14411728

File: 02e1eaafc02ee70⋯.jpg (110.55 KB, 750x866, 375:433, FB_IMG_1629246496051.jpg)

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d1b2a7  No.14411729


Kek! First time I’ve seen this

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c630e3  No.14411730

File: bebb4b5c1eedd75⋯.jpg (12.93 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 0771bffbd4e591f11cacb0362d….jpg)

The new Democratic Tour Bus……….With all remaining Dems on board!

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714f94  No.14411732

File: 10e9e0dd6d6a3d7⋯.png (76.01 KB, 671x916, 671:916, ClipboardImage.png)

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c73546  No.14411733




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a1da8a  No.14411734

File: 2bfd917e122ff20⋯.png (41.94 KB, 1167x259, 1167:259, or_looooo.PNG)


Florida Board of Education orders Broward, Alachua counties to allow mask opt-out in 48 hours or start losing funding

By Mallory Simon, Leyla Santiago and Sara Weisfeldt, CNN

Updated 4:41 PM ET, Fri August 20, 2021


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9cad17  No.14411735

File: 2222005041f684f⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 750x450, 5:3, FB_IMG_1629481801173.jpg)

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