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File: 08b333c0c5917d3⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x172, 255:172, ac5199e222223a97fb80f849fd….jpg)

8fbdb9  No.14330329[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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- CYBER SYMPOSIUM LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







- The American Report


- Trumps doctor talks to Israeli politicians and health minister


- Dr. Dan talks to Mt. Vernon School Board


- Wendy Rogers Petition

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* TOR posting is disabled and CHYNA DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going

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5d410a  No.14330332

Still here…

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5d410a  No.14330333


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27fc87  No.14330334

Torrent links:



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03c085  No.14330335




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11d70f  No.14330336

File: 0ebfc292a5c5a68⋯.png (11.9 KB, 444x125, 444:125, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14330278 pb

Start at the very top left corner of your window, hopefully it is a house icon, go right until the tuck in a circle icon, or go to https://sys.8kun.top/dnsbls_bypass.php

After the cert for sys expires (2 hours from now, 34 mins past the hour) no more captcha and no more posting. The workaround of accepting the invalid cert for media will not work for sys and captcha, cause that would kinda break the whole point of captcha, either it is secure or it won't work.

>If this works sorry for bread shitting, another symptom of expired certs is that everything is going to crawl to shit slow, if it works at all.

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fb82a2  No.14330337

wtf is habbening…

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037395  No.14330338

Why would Jim let the cert expire at this moment. Anons have to remember - nothing is coincidence

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c92e96  No.14330339

File: 2d8d825fbb8b121⋯.png (804.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Are These Navy ‘UFO Patents’ a Cover for Alien Technology?


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27fc87  No.14330340


> Why is the cert expiring

Because it will take the site down without causing us to panic.

We understand that it is intentional.

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eb8f2e  No.14330341

File: ea210f93fcb7704⋯.png (188.38 KB, 2616x1420, 654:355, ClipboardImage.png)

The site just started displaying this warning msg

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11d70f  No.14330342


Have downloaded zero so far, suggests they are initial seeding still, same for everyone else?

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464233  No.14330343

in with brave but did not like it

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4231cb  No.14330344

well, the cert just expired.

stay safe, errbody.

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69f1f5  No.14330345

Cert just expired?

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127f7a  No.14330346


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e3c454  No.14330347

File: c6967aa58885294⋯.png (138.17 KB, 1891x2484, 1891:2484, 8kun_logo_flat.png)

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db4751  No.14330348

If you are comfortable doing so, you can go directly to https://media.8kun.top/ and "proceed", then the images will show up.

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90446d  No.14330349

Dissenter giving no problems so far

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913762  No.14330350


what are the torrent links for?

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27fc87  No.14330351

The site is going down because it is necessary to defuse the Qanon narrative.


> Seeds

I don't have an answer for you fren.

I don't have a single KB on any of my boxen.

But I'm going to keep them up.

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574c81  No.14330352


Or just time travel with your clock setting

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323443  No.14330353

wow the bad guys are really running now!

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127f7a  No.14330354


The server image CM was going over.

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547dcd  No.14330355

File: 5696090ad2a8e65⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1698x1131, 566:377, suntzu_2.jpg)

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741500  No.14330356

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)


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90446d  No.14330357


Tech anon advised earlier if you are new to torrents, steer clear .

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ec5d18  No.14330358


>Have downloaded zero so far, suggests they are initial seeding still, same for everyone else?

same, parked with 6 and 7 seeds respectively no data downloaded yet.

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89fab6  No.14330359

File: de42a1170157ab1⋯.jpg (112.27 KB, 1325x538, 1325:538, eric_coomer_archives.jpg)

File: 0255a84e94b4606⋯.jpg (40.7 KB, 288x512, 9:16, ecoomer.jpg)


>>14329106 (pb)

>>14328913 (pb)

>>Dominion employees better start talking they have nowhere to hide

>Coomer is already in hiding…

Found this info online from Eric Coomer from 2009 when he was VP of Sequoia Voting Systems

maybe nothing but cyber experts would know how to better evaluate

Source Code for Sequoia's Frontier Election System Now Available for Public Download!


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27fc87  No.14330360


> Wha torrent?

The torrent links are the disk images from the Dominion machines in Colorado.

Before and after images of the disks.

Forensic copies.

It proves that Dominion fucked with the logs and deleted data.

Absolute proof.



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037395  No.14330361

We have the winning message for our community. We have the winning message for our families.

Anons are on the clock

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c92e96  No.14330362


So what?

Click Advanced and then go to the images site

Voila, it all works again

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ae22b7  No.14330363


The storm is upon us

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323443  No.14330364

there's a pic of Donald and a young Ivanka with Jeffrey Epstein.


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fc3c8d  No.14330365

Mark Alliegro [State Representative, New Hampshire]: Do people that think that they are winning, cheat? No.

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2c3614  No.14330366



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ce6f9b  No.14330367

File: 31a8468deb23492⋯.png (996.79 KB, 791x522, 791:522, StormShift_A26_1.png)

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bdea6b  No.14330368


I have been seeing that message on occasion for several months. I come back in a bit of time and get right on.

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1efa83  No.14330369


Cm said the same thing. I’d love to use it, but I’m a novice and would likely self doxx

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03c085  No.14330370


says it has been updated Thursday aug. 12, 2021

"There are currently 385 public boards, 437 in total. Sitewide, 717 posts have been made in the last hour, with 717 on public boards in the last hour and 57,797,238 on all active boards since October 15, 2019. This page was last updated on Thu, 12 Aug 2021 01:35:01 +0000."

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27fc87  No.14330371

Thank you, Mike Lindell.

Thank you, GEOTUS.

Thank you, frens.

And thank you, Team.

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547dcd  No.14330372

File: 6fb552dc53dfb52⋯.png (606.27 KB, 2570x970, 257:97, storm.png)

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c29321  No.14330373

File: b09eea3aeb30c16⋯.png (19.85 KB, 619x379, 619:379, o7.png)


Love you All Anons! It's been a hell of a ride!

Safe and secure Missions forward. First Beer is on me at The Parade!

Hopefully we will get our cert back, and be able to resume our work here.


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526090  No.14330374

File: 1b739b0bb856f0e⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB, 2048x2109, 2048:2109, 1b739b0bb856f0e8d38968283….jpeg)

what torrent app anons use now days? I tried a couple and they were blocked by win 10

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547dcd  No.14330375

File: d894c4916414849⋯.jpg (609.95 KB, 1454x693, 1454:693, donotfear.jpg)

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7a6826  No.14330376

File: e53da44f50219d7⋯.png (602.08 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1610838362.png)


yeah I'll see it when I believe it

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4231cb  No.14330377

File: ffca154f6b47313⋯.jpg (153.41 KB, 1080x627, 360:209, Screenshot_20210811_213909….jpg)

File: 2b9b9db55c1f9c0⋯.jpg (139.34 KB, 1762x780, 881:390, 2b9b9db55c1f9c0d76c0c7d5ec….jpg)

> nbc says

> feds say

> crazy dad says

in the pipe?

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ce6f9b  No.14330378



we'll find each other

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127f7a  No.14330379

Today was hot af. Tomorrow will be hotter.

God bless the United States.

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ae22b7  No.14330380


Big Thanks Anon! I never gave that a thought that you also had to do that with the image server.

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1efa83  No.14330381



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90446d  No.14330382


Anon told me the other day that Transmission was a good one.

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323443  No.14330383

File: 1558a25733895b1⋯.jpg (66.2 KB, 598x485, 598:485, fghyjd.JPG)

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8f74c6  No.14330384

Q Research General #18130: Judge Carl Nichols allows Dominion suits against Trump Allies Edition

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>14329536 @700


>>14329572 1,000,000+ in midst of BLACKOUT covering 8 states from HIGH winds

>>14329612 Sudan to extradite ousted President Omar Al-Bashir to International Criminal Court

>>14329641, >>14329631, >>14329631 CodeMonkeyZ Files Released at Lindell Cyber Symposium — NOT STOLEN — As Reported Earlier — Findings a GAME CHANGER

>>14329634, >>14329649, >>14329700, >>14329721 Schwarzenegger talked about drugs sex homosexuality 1977 mag

>>14329649, >>14329701, >>14329702 Arnold Schwarzenegger's Fathrr Was A Member Of The Brown Shirts And Was A 1st Sgt In The Wehrmacht

>>14329620 Businesses I patronize to treat vaxxed and unvaxxed the same, screw the yellow star system

>>14329674 China carried out a massive cyber-attack on Israel yesterday

>>14329688 The Cost of Kenya’s ‘Budgeted Corruption’

>>14329703 President Donald J. Trump: "RNC is meeting in the wonderful city of Nashville, Tennessee this week.

>>14329713, >>14329932 Discovery should be interesting, Dominion Voting System's defamation lawsuits can proceed against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani & Mike Lindell


>>14329790 German police suspect anti-vaxx hero nurse may have swapped thousands of COVID vaccines with saline

>>14329795, >>14329902 Does HRC in Q's first Post on October 28th mean High Royal Court

>>14329810 FAKE NEWS US Intelligence Revises Afghan Estimate: Kabul To Be Overrun "Sooner Than Feared" desert rats with out ammo

>>14329979 Gen Flynn Stand up and Step up and do something to save our election system and our nation from turning into another corrupt and Godless Socialist State…We The People want action!

>>14330067 Navy invention can repel any molecules it comes in contact with to change the fabric of reality

>>14330095 Techanon

>>14330103 Sotheby's and Vegas' MGM Resorts to auction 11 Picassos worth $104M

>>14330108 PF Reports

>>14330110 ‘America First’ Host Says FBI Took Almost $500K From His Bank Account After He Attended Trump’s DC Rally

>>14330035 U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols allows Dominion suits against Trump allies Giuliani, Powell, Lindell can proceed

>>14330046, >>14330132 CARL NICHOLS

>>14330248 #18129

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e90ffb  No.14330385

File: bffcde1f5d85ffd⋯.png (435.6 KB, 548x444, 137:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Newsom Announces California will be the First State to Require All School Staff be Vaccinated Against Covid or Tested Weekly

Embattled Governor Gavin Newsom on Wednesday announced California will be the first state to require ALL public school staff be fully vaccinated against Covid or submit a weekly test to state authorities.

“To give parents confidence that their children are safe as schools return to full, in-person learning, we are urging all school staff to get vaccinated. Vaccinations are how we will end this pandemic,” Newsom said.

“As a father, I look forward to the start of the school year and seeing all California kids back in the classroom,” he added.

The new policy goes into effect Thursday.


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8f74c6  No.14330386


>>14328917 Draza Smith: Election Fraud on Cruise Control?

>>14328943 Arnold Schwarzenegger talking nonsense “Screw Your Freedom!”

>>14328976 Nets Salivate Over Dems Trying to Waste Trillions on Socialism

>>14328984 Democrats give IRS green light to collect your sensitive banking info

>>14328995 From Psyops to Neurowar: What Are the Dangers? - pdf

>>14329011 Taiwan Prepares For 'Mega Live-Fire' War Games As Tensions Soar

>>14329054, >>14329084, >>14329152 U.S. Navy - Underwater Eyes / Jelly Fish on screen → reference UK? English Channel?

>>14329061 Former College Professor Accused Of Serial Arson Denied Bail In California

>>14329079 MUST WATCH via @SKeshel - "We've never had a defeated president with a number higher than 72.8% This is your enthusiasm number."

>>14329114 CODEMONKEYZ - there was forensic evidence that was actively erased

>>14329128 Q Drop 76, 88 / NEWS Saudi Arabia arrests 207 officials, foreigners on corruption charges

>>14329165 Mesa County, Colorado 2020 Election Results / Trump won here by 25,000+ votes.

>>14329181 PF REPORT - SAM067 up. Q mapping just for S&G

>>14329194, >>14329210 French Police Orders Reinforcements To Be Sent To The Overseas Territories

>>14329222 Sidebar with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>14329255 Dominion suits against Trump allies Giuliani, Powell, Lindell can proceed

>>14329273 Chinese Communist Party Cadre May Already be in Place in the U.S. for a Planned Takeover

>>14329284 DeSantis tells Floridians to ‘review their disaster plans’ as Tropical Storm Fred approaches

>>14329304 Every Map Of The Election Looks The Same, Cloud Services And Super Computer

>>14329305 Helicopter With 16 People On Board Crashes in Russian Far East - AFP

>>14329369 Techanon checking in as promised: magnetic links

>>14329384 Netanyahu reportedly heading on two-week vacation to US

>>14329393 Megyn Kelly to Newsmax: Chris Cuomo Has 'Lost All Credibility,' CNN Next?

>>14329406 These are the documents that Dr. Shiva called out

>>14329413 Tens of Thousands Viewing Cyber Symposium, with YouTube accounting methods

>>14329506 #187258

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a3c80c  No.14330387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If this is the end it’s been one hell of a ride and will miss you Frens…

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69f1f5  No.14330388

Can anybody see the precipice from your vantage point?

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ce6f9b  No.14330389

Does the rumble RSBN feed keeping stopping for anyone else?

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547dcd  No.14330390

File: 57ddb6651bc850f⋯.jpeg (146.63 KB, 597x805, 597:805, trumpnight.jpeg)

Never give up

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ae22b7  No.14330391



Forgot to give details for new anons.

Right click the image. Open in a new tab. You'll get the security warning. Click advanced. Accept the risk option.

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38c708  No.14330392

File: 55eeb72588810ab⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 505x1024, 505:1024, 1626976454992m.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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574c81  No.14330393

File: d4bf560d5674102⋯.jpeg (422.28 KB, 1200x1379, 1200:1379, 9426BC43_7F10_4458_9393_7….jpeg)

Ty mystery baker

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8f74c6  No.14330394



>>14328012 Authorities have identified an Omaha, Nebraska man who was seriously hurt when he crashed a small plane west of Fargo.

>>14328021 Q Drop 4738 - Mike's red team?

>>14328022 Pressure mounts on Prince Andrew to respond to his accuser in court

>>14328054, >>14328083 CODEMONKEYZ - Mesa County Colorado Recorder confirmed active erasure of evidence from Dominion systems, but by Dominion not her office.


>>14328061 O.A.K._ New Physics- Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars

>>14328101 ISAC - Sector-based Information Sharing and Analysis Centers collaborate with each other via the National Council of ISACs

>>14328107 Naked Hunter Biden Tells Hooker That Russian Drug Dealers Stole Another Laptop For Blackmail

>>14328129 Dr. Shiva's truthfreedomhealth.com not working

>>14328152 Mike Pompeo - Virtues aren’t represented by wealth. Virtues are our wealth

>>14328157 Dr. Shiva Discovers Existence of the Secretive Long Fuse Report — Exposes Twitter-Government Collusion

>>14328166 Court Says Government Cannot Enforce Transgender Mandate on Doctors

>>14328177 Biden Gaffs and Goofs

>>14328193 PatelPatriot - Devolution - part 8 - The Battlefield

>>14328194 Ghislaine Maxwell will give evidence to help Prince Andrew fight sex abuse lawsuit

>>14328196 Owner of telemedicine companies charged with $784 million Medicare fraud, tax evasion, bribery

>>14328224, >>14328239 Dr. Shiva Webpages

>>14328229 , >>14328235 The Long Fuse Report .pdf download available here

>>14328230 Interviewing Colonel Phil Waldron right now.

>>14328250 Lindell Symposium Reveals Voting Machine Companies Are Wiping Voting Machines Clean

>>14328253 US Embassy Jerusalem “Elections” series with Amy Cohen & Lindsey Forson

>>14328255 Ph.D.s actually the most hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccines compared to all other education levels, study finds

>>14328256, >>14328288, >>14328314, >>14328321, >>14328346, >>14328368, >>14328391, >>14328396 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14328279 Biden Sued for Feeding Illegal Immigrant Children 'Raw' and 'Undercooked' Food in 'Dilapidated' Facilities

>>14328311 Dr. Shiva said Orin Hatch… was the reason vaccine-makers can't be sued, but it was Reagan who signed it

>>14328317, >>14328344 Colorado Whistleblower Credits Gateway Pundit Investigation on Exposing Crooked Secretary of State Jenna’s Soros Funding (VIDEO)

>>14328318 Biden won't release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home

>>14328364 Will County Man Arrested on Federal Charges for Allegedly Transporting a Minor From Iowa To Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity

>>14328399 Pentagon: Service Members Can Request Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>14328510 Recipe For A False Flag: Military Mass Casualty Drills Happening Now

>>14328578 Map shows Jeffrey Epstein’s travels as he trafficked women across the world

>>14328604 Father and Military Veteran Dies After Mandatory COVID Shot as Children Continue to Lose Parents to COVID-19 Shots

>>14328648 CodeMonkeyZ Announces at Cyber Symposium that His Attorney Advised Him Stop His Review (VIDEO)

>>14328674 Minnesota to require COVID shots or tests for state workers

>>14328682 Senate votes 50-49 to PASS Tom Cotton's amendment banning federal funding to schools that teach critical race theory

>>14328688 Germany arrests British embassy worker accused of spying for Russia

>>14328748 #18127

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50ca07  No.14330395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f74c6  No.14330396


>>14327177 Hunter has more laptop problems.

>>14327207 My Statement on Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul’s Press Conference.

>>14327237, >>14327239, >>14327330, >>14327364, >>14327700 CODEMONKEYZ - Magnet Link, Torrent - Images reviewed during Cyber Symposium

>>14327248, >>14327331 Hunter Biden on video admitting Russians have his laptop with incriminating images on it


>>14327305 NEW: Texas Department of Family and Protective Services confirms: performing sex change/trans surgeries on children constitutes sex abuse.

>>14327324 Take Georgia Back Rally - Featuring Special Guest General Michael Flynn!


>>14327439 He’s Cracking! Angry Newsom Melts Down in Recall Rage Rant, Slams Desk with His Fist

>>14327474 FBI Seizes Entire Bank Account of Conservative Talk Show Host After He Attended a Trump Rally

>>14327521 PF REPORT - NP-3 Orion WARLOK1 making patterns over the Chesapeake.

>>14327565, >>14327610 Authorities in Colorado this week said they are investigating after election systems passwords and other data were recently posted online.

>>14327594 How and why the Soviets used the swastika symbol

>>14327635 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14327652 Take a look at the highlighted part. This is what they are expecting parents to sign in Lexington, KY.

>>14327656 White seeks to prohibit ownership of Texas ag land by foreign entities

>>14327694 Mark Levin blasts 19 GOP senators on 'Hannity': They 'chose tyranny'

>>14327787, >>14327833 CM forwarded from SkyNet Platformes - @CodeMonkeyZ feel free to DM me if you need any more information - I saw your magnet links and could analyze it further if needed.

>>14327816 State Health Depts Using CCP-Linked TikTok To Encourage COVID-19 Vaccination Of Children.

>>14327900 CM forwarded from Mike Finchem - Mesa County Colorado Recorder confirmed active erasure of evidence from Dominion systems, but by Dominion not her office.

>>14327940 #18126

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11d70f  No.14330397



>The torrent links are the disk images from the Dominion machines in Colorado

We are assuming this, what we know for sure is that each torrent is for a single 17GB zip file. We do not know what is in the zip file. It is very common for when there is a very high demand torrent that is not released yet to fake it with a zip file that contains dragons. If you do not inherently know these things, for the love of god, keep away from torrents.


>So what?

Another warning this only works for images, this willNOTwork for captchas, hurry up and reup at https://sys.8kun.top/dnsbls_bypass.php


https://sys.8kun.top/dnsbls_bypass.php go here, not the house icon.


picotorrent on windows here

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8f74c6  No.14330398


>>14326408 GEMS is the Key

>>14326416 Richard Grenell: Act Fast, This is going to sell out.

>>14326428 #18124 Posted in #18125

>>14326486 Arrest of British embassy worker in Germany draws attention to MI5 failure

>>14326487, >>14326504 Spanish Police Bust Montenegrin Gang on Canary Islands + Spain’s National Police Arrest Network of Human Traffickers

>>14326507, >>14326599, >>14326613, >>14326616, >>14326621, >>14326658, >>14326751, >>14326874, >>14326908, >>14326916, >>14326955, >>14327072, >>14327075 Election Racketeering

>>14326519 HSI San Diego seizes record $9 million illegal drug shipment

>>14326536, >>14326579, >>14326588, >>14326729 Pedo Bun

>>14326558, >>14326604, >>14326658 Fintech CEO Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison For Multiple Fraud Schemes, Including $7 Million Covid-19 Pandemic Loan Fraud And Securities Fraud + Other White Collar Crime

>>14326565, >>14326613, >>14326616 Dominion Case: Judge orders Michigan officials to turn over communications with Big Tech companies

>>14326697, >>14326730, >>14326772, >>14326900, >>14326937, >>14326967,President Donald John Trump:"The Radical Left haters cannot be allowed to get away with this. There must be justice!""

>>14326727 Tropical Storm Fred Path, Update as Storm Hurtles Towards Florida

>>14326763 Biden Discusses the Importance of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

>>14326783 Psaki: Trump Urged People to “Inject Versions of Poison into Their Veins to Cure Covid”

>>14326793, >>14326817 Tsunami warning issued after quake near Pondaguitan in Philippines

>>14326868 Biden: On Friday, about 40 million families will receive their second monthly payment as part of our tax cut for families with children.

>>14326920 President Donald John Trump: "Congratulations to Governor Mike Parson of Missouri for having the courage to give Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCloskey a full pardon. "They were defending their property and if they had not done what they did, their property would have been completely destroyed and they would have been badly beaten, or dead—great going Mike!"

>>14326934, >>14326951 Study Finds The Most Highly-Educated Americans Are Also The Most Vaccine-Hesitant

>>14326964 President Donald John Trump: [11.08.21 15:29] Good morning, America! While you were all sleeping, the Radical Democrats advanced a plan that will be known as the $3.5 trillion Communist Plan to Destroy America. This legislation is an assault on our Nation, on our communities, and on the American Dream. It’s time to wake up!

>>14326997 Scalise: Infrastructure Bill Tax Hike Will ‘Kill Middle-Class Jobs’

>>14327006 Hawley: ‘This Is Not an Infrastructure Bill — This Is a Woke Politics Bill’

>>14327087 #18125

Previously Collected Notables

>>14324800 #18122, >>14325532 #18123, >>14326428 #18124

>>14323178 #18120, >>14323977 #18121\2, >>14323973 #18121\1

>>14320891 #18117, >>14321629 #18118, >>14322464 #18119

>>14318688 #18114, >>14319371 #18115, >>14320109 #18116

>>14316339 #18111, >>14317114 #18112, >>14317897 #18113

>>14314001 #18108, >>14314754 #18109, >>14315529 #18110

>>14311755 #18105, >>14312534 #18106, >>14313277 #18107

>>14309434 #18102, >>14310204 #18103, >>14310957 #18104

>>14307077 #18099, >>14307880 #18100, >>14308670 #18101

>>14304774 #18096, >>14305831 #18097, >>14306348 #18098

>>14302444 #18093, >>14303189 #18094, >>14303979 #18095

>>14302187 #18091, >>14302255 #18092, >>14302444 #18093

>>14298455 #18088, >>14302263 #18089, >>14302058 #18090

>>14296156 #18085, >>14296887 #18086, >>14298060 #18087

>>14293815 #18082, >>14294604 #18083, >>14295404 #18084

>>14293411 #18081, >>14292187 #18080, >>14293411 #18081

>>14290043 #18078, >>14290848 #18079, >>14292187 #18080

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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7dcc89  No.14330399

File: 3d11e77a72cc1a8⋯.jpg (128.24 KB, 828x1277, 828:1277, E8i0xUbUUAMpPKU.jpg)

Arnold Nazinegger says screw your freedom.


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8f74c6  No.14330400

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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29d348  No.14330401

File: 75e5495553d73f3⋯.png (659.66 KB, 520x518, 260:259, ClipboardImage.png)

I can see again!

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037395  No.14330402


If you think it's going to be hard branching out and sharing the great awakening, look at it this way. EVERYBODY hates to be played as a fool. EVERYBODY likes to be part of a plan.

Anons, you were chosen for this. You educated yourselves without even knowing why you chose the path you chose. You are the hope of future generations in the fertility of your message of hope.

Never underestimate the power of what you have learned nor your ability to transform the world around you.

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547dcd  No.14330403

File: 7264b04cf1021dc⋯.jpg (445.73 KB, 1120x840, 4:3, everybody.jpg)

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8f74c6  No.14330404

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

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Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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27fc87  No.14330405


> Schicklegruber dubs

> Precipice

I can see the bottom.

And I intend to abseil all the way.

Fast rope time.

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5450ba  No.14330406

File: 140076762c2d953⋯.jpg (168.55 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210811_004156….jpg)

Renewed cert

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127f7a  No.14330407

File: 6da72e88935db85⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1124x1184, 281:296, ssygtehb4h.PNG)

File: 336d3d55e5d11fc⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2032x1148, 508:287, sertj456e.PNG)


kek choice of words.

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c92e96  No.14330408

File: 69682aeef4e31f3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1109x961, 1109:961, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8b7d013257e33b⋯.pdf (1.03 MB, pais2019.pdf)


The Plasma Compression Fusion Device—Enabling Nuclear Fusion Ignition


The plasma compression fusion device (PCFD) generates the energy gain by plasma compression-induced nuclear fusion. This concept has the capability of maximizing the product of plasma pressure and energy confinement time to maximize the energy gain, and thus give rise to fusion ignition conditions. The preferred embodiment of this original concept uses a hollow cross-duct configuration of circular cross section in which the concentrated magnetic energy flux from two pairs of opposing curved-headed counter-spinning conical structures (possibly made from an alloy of tungsten with high capacitance) whose outer surfaces are electrically charged compresses a gaseous mixture of fusion fuel into a plasma, heated to extreme temperatures and pressures. The generated high-intensity electromagnetic (EM) radiation heats the plasma and the produced magnetic fields confine it in between the counter-spinning conical structures, named the dynamic fusors (four of them-smoothly curved apex sections opposing each other in pairs). The dynamic fusors can be assemblies of electrified grids and toroidal magnetic coils, arranged within a conical structure whose outer surface is electrically charged. The cross-duct inner surface surrounding the plasma core region is also electrically charged and vibrated in an accelerated mode to minimize the flux of plasma particles (including neutrals) from impacting the PCFD surfaces and initiating a plasma quench. The fusion fuel (preferably deuterium gas) is introduced into the plasma core through the counterspinning conical structures, namely, injected through orifices in the dynamic fusor heads. There is envisioned another even more compact version of this concept, which uses accelerated vibration in a linear-duct configuration (using two counterspinning dynamic fusors only) and would best be suited for fusion power generation on aircraft, or main battle tanks. The concept uses controlled motion of electrically charged matter through accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth, yet rapid acceleration transients, to generate extremely high-energy/high-intensity EM radiation (fields of high-energy photons) which not only confines the plasma but also greatly compresses itso as to produce a high power density plasma burn, leading to ignition. The PCFD concept can produce power in the gigawatt to terawatt range (and higher) with input power in the kilowatt to megawatt range and can possibly lead to ignition (selfsustained) plasma burn. Several important practical engineering and operational issues with operating a device such as the PCFD are discussed.

the full paper is attached as PDF

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6d64c2  No.14330409

We’re back

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a735d8  No.14330410


God bless you all -

God bless this wonderful country

Thank you for working so hard for so long - and we all know this is far from over, so thank you for continuing to do God's work for what is right and good!

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93944c  No.14330411

File: 35450491193e565⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 500x646, 250:323, 5jbok7.jpg)

File: c00018425854d69⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 679x452, 679:452, 5jbq2f.jpg)

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38c708  No.14330412

File: 014219a66d2c4b8⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_peynx5E0On1rpduwho1….gif)

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8f74c6  No.14330413



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2c3614  No.14330414

Anons Ready?

Memes Ready?

You will know when

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5d410a  No.14330416


Thank you!

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a2757b  No.14330417

Is everything good now? I see images.

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591335  No.14330418

File: b87e2deec445bd3⋯.png (589.06 KB, 1437x769, 1437:769, D99978AF_523C_404C_BB46_1B….png)

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547dcd  No.14330419

Will Trump announce his win, which will trigger a net shutdown and a street war before marital law is declared?

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50ca07  No.14330420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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887b47  No.14330421

File: ac8b24d526f8355⋯.png (35.94 KB, 634x797, 634:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c7bbdb1e796180⋯.png (16.78 KB, 289x793, 289:793, ClipboardImage.png)

dad is 90%+ english


not in my mother's dna

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591335  No.14330422

File: 33212c4b7ecbe4b⋯.jpeg (362.61 KB, 1458x799, 1458:799, E7EAC3BB_3EEB_49BE_8E4E_5….jpeg)

File: 5d72122326728f8⋯.jpeg (373.52 KB, 1441x793, 1441:793, B5A14DEE_4501_481D_8A84_1….jpeg)

File: d0b7caf20aa7976⋯.jpeg (374.07 KB, 1461x791, 1461:791, F4195718_9830_4BA6_947E_D….jpeg)

File: b24f3a13f6d37f0⋯.jpeg (360.21 KB, 1445x815, 289:163, B94A7407_3D63_4B1F_9E0A_5….jpeg)

File: 5b4da8dcbaeb4b7⋯.jpeg (388.63 KB, 1470x817, 1470:817, 4D68E7A1_2B53_40C4_A72C_C….jpeg)

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699bc9  No.14330423


images are back here also

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496dd6  No.14330424


So they are going to test people who are not feeling sick.


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591335  No.14330425

File: 963c946a7fa1b36⋯.jpeg (367.3 KB, 1452x809, 1452:809, 5A1298AE_BD93_42F0_A0E8_C….jpeg)

File: 939d145912a5dc5⋯.jpeg (557.02 KB, 1435x1058, 1435:1058, 1AFEF80A_3A43_4FE8_921F_2….jpeg)

File: 36d8d0b84a2ba1e⋯.jpeg (469.65 KB, 1442x934, 721:467, 4AE643F6_7414_4DFC_9E73_6….jpeg)

File: 7bc949cf1ed9648⋯.jpeg (581.63 KB, 1467x1082, 1467:1082, 266C0163_F050_45D1_9D7E_6….jpeg)

File: 5691137ce097e1a⋯.jpeg (633.22 KB, 1489x1084, 1489:1084, 24EC3A81_9134_490E_8C08_6….jpeg)

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69f1f5  No.14330426

We're back. No warning. It's all good.

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591335  No.14330427

File: 37195de919b1da1⋯.jpeg (598.74 KB, 1461x1061, 1461:1061, 405126B0_BCD6_4EEE_A9AB_0….jpeg)

File: abba73646701af9⋯.jpeg (447.83 KB, 1470x919, 1470:919, 0EAAC847_D93A_45D1_BB7C_D….jpeg)

File: d93a6e7b7defeaf⋯.jpeg (566.36 KB, 1487x1057, 1487:1057, AC30AD23_4673_4EEF_98EF_C….jpeg)

File: 1b175eef5ad4ccf⋯.jpeg (470.24 KB, 1483x928, 1483:928, 0D076220_040E_4914_A115_F….jpeg)

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44190a  No.14330428

>>14330312 (lb)

Plausible deniability?

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90446d  No.14330429


Yes, went to lindelltv.com

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84789a  No.14330430

File: 0a739d93c458965⋯.png (343.14 KB, 500x496, 125:124, 61376fc040d4fe85c85dff78a4….png)


What kind of meme ammo is required at this time, commander

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27fc87  No.14330431


> Keep powder dry

Zum die dicke ende.


> Images back

Mee too.

The cert has been renewed.


Site should stay up.

Still no reason to panic.


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591335  No.14330432

File: be4a269aac4d0de⋯.jpeg (466.51 KB, 1480x913, 1480:913, 1584B036_C3D4_4D81_9FA7_F….jpeg)

File: 24cdd9289356159⋯.jpeg (589.41 KB, 1465x1087, 1465:1087, ADA821F9_5065_4381_82C5_E….jpeg)

File: 68f56a437c0408d⋯.jpeg (603.33 KB, 1475x1080, 295:216, 77C650DA_52DD_4C70_B981_5….jpeg)

File: 583448e758461d2⋯.jpeg (602.08 KB, 1485x1065, 99:71, 311D7357_4AC0_47D6_82D1_0….jpeg)

File: 7f8857c0f5fc06b⋯.jpeg (580.18 KB, 1467x1061, 1467:1061, 187D8B49_B597_49CD_A7E5_4….jpeg)

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c29321  No.14330433

File: f11f379ef4c4ab5⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x152, 255:152, frens4.png)



We found each other again!

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fb82a2  No.14330434

we're back!!

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591335  No.14330435

File: 5770ea6d529afdf⋯.jpeg (487.35 KB, 1467x908, 1467:908, 73FF382C_54CA_40A2_863D_3….jpeg)

File: 42f45ea336b823b⋯.jpeg (450.53 KB, 1466x878, 733:439, 42941F56_C299_437B_BEB5_B….jpeg)

File: 7dea059dd3286cd⋯.jpeg (631.24 KB, 1485x1061, 1485:1061, A4EBFF25_CADC_461F_838D_4….jpeg)

File: 0bd7f6feb69a565⋯.jpeg (483.29 KB, 1483x892, 1483:892, 10C6AFA0_4DEB_4DEE_B89E_C….jpeg)

File: 0223b0dcc427bf8⋯.jpeg (596.36 KB, 1476x1063, 1476:1063, B410DCC7_D1B5_4072_A639_1….jpeg)

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e90ffb  No.14330436

File: 5ac5c9728454f49⋯.png (449.94 KB, 849x636, 283:212, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee256221f092b31⋯.png (344.28 KB, 530x412, 265:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df873d8d985f9a1⋯.png (321.79 KB, 536x393, 536:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3488e7503fdfa5d⋯.png (366.08 KB, 551x481, 551:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd71f2a58a18de6⋯.png (296.19 KB, 737x416, 737:416, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN Medical Propagandist: Kids In Schools Need Industrial Grade Masks, Weekly Tests

CNN’s resident fear monger medical “expert” Dr. Leana Wen declared Tuesday that children returning to school need to be forced to wear industrial grade face masks and should be subjected to weekly COVID tests until they are fully vaccinated.

“This is now one of the most dangerous times in the pandemic when it comes to children because we have the more contagious Delta variant, we have surges, and we have so adults many letting down their guard, not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated. That’s contributing to this really dangerous environment for children,” Wen declared.

“That said, we do know what it takes to get our children back in school safely,” she continued, referring to forcing kids into face masks.

“We also know that it requires layers. So when we remove a layer, for example, we remove the layer of distancing because we can’t get kids back in school in-person full time if we still keep six feet instancing, but if we remove that layer, then indoor masking becomes even more important universal making,” Wen further proclaimed.

She also claimed that the “type of mask also matters, N95 or K95 if the children are able to tolerate that, if not at least a three-ply surgical mask.”

Wen further emphasised that “cloth masks are not enough.”

She added that “improved ventilation and very importantly, testing as well. We should at least be having weekly testing for all the unvaccinated children and staff. Putting all that together is how we can get kids back in school safely.”


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40d4b6  No.14330437

File: e6f845801e9a942⋯.png (1.68 MB, 750x1624, 375:812, EAFAE739_78D7_4F0B_9EA7_0E….png)

Apple/google fukery afoot!

Tried to get on line and had to find a back door because my IPhone wouldn’t let me in!

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486ef5  No.14330438

File: 6634e9ce8a88d20⋯.jpeg (42.59 KB, 625x350, 25:14, GoingNowhere.jpeg)

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591335  No.14330439

File: d2ee8d8d03276d1⋯.jpeg (592.03 KB, 1476x1076, 369:269, 24F8CB0D_72CC_402D_A1B1_4….jpeg)

File: 4157a21e4c765c7⋯.jpeg (605.62 KB, 1479x1080, 493:360, BE4AC460_9296_4534_9262_9….jpeg)

File: 4013cf02eb41514⋯.jpeg (598.44 KB, 1483x1063, 1483:1063, 7082D8B7_CEC7_4A79_BF41_C….jpeg)

File: 82b8848422bfb95⋯.jpeg (588.61 KB, 1471x1079, 1471:1079, 848ADE1A_5FC8_4098_B407_E….jpeg)

File: 8ef3ca5a7a95192⋯.jpeg (475.85 KB, 1462x926, 731:463, DCD5C2A9_AC47_478D_B352_E….jpeg)

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42523e  No.14330440

File: af058a1b8586c61⋯.png (843.55 KB, 795x528, 265:176, NS_LetsGo.png)

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fc3c8d  No.14330441

File: aa844d7c5e6e820⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 889x500, 889:500, kjhgfdsmnnj.jpg)

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e3c454  No.14330442

File: 20f645d1833705f⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2570x1710, 257:171, jim_watkins.jpg)

File: 33ef6c8c94ed09b⋯.png (504.82 KB, 1393x800, 1393:800, ty_jim_watkins.png)

File: a3dbbd6403f8668⋯.jpg (408.59 KB, 1800x1292, 450:323, 8chan_free_speech_cartoon.jpg)

File: 0230a75f90ff379⋯.jpeg (423.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 8kun.jpeg)

thank you Jim, from the bottom of my heart. love you

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547dcd  No.14330443

File: f7ae9fe7df37b0c⋯.jpeg (354.88 KB, 862x675, 862:675, gavinsome.jpeg)


We'll see how the people feel after the arson is revealed

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591335  No.14330444

File: f2bae5aeb46087d⋯.jpeg (454.53 KB, 1460x905, 292:181, 21C6D87B_0A45_488C_B7A8_8….jpeg)

File: 2881fe20d7e3817⋯.jpeg (628.98 KB, 1488x1084, 372:271, C8EE3BBF_17ED_4727_AFD5_2….jpeg)

File: c60f1b6a11b3c57⋯.jpeg (608.26 KB, 1468x1069, 1468:1069, F553EC38_58E5_4834_BE7A_7….jpeg)

File: 86b379d4b7e7e36⋯.jpeg (592.7 KB, 1467x1078, 1467:1078, 9D50E5A9_5B98_45D3_96CD_8….jpeg)

File: 363c758b404d0d6⋯.jpeg (605.61 KB, 1474x1065, 1474:1065, F81F940B_3691_4E81_991E_6….jpeg)

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bd6e89  No.14330445

So Jim is letting the site go down.

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11d70f  No.14330446

File: 5b0db069ce1edfa⋯.png (3 KB, 368x97, 368:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Confirmed. Suggests the cert itself was renewed 2 days ago, must have just been applied.

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5aa801  No.14330447


Not buying the crap stories. Sorry NBC, etc.

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464233  No.14330448

File: 89851240e77fe66⋯.png (938.29 KB, 1089x571, 1089:571, nsgrn.png)

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127f7a  No.14330449


My connection is ready and willing to seed. GIMMIE THE FUCKING GOODS.

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591335  No.14330450

File: 7a199655efa2ce1⋯.jpeg (458.6 KB, 1461x906, 487:302, CD0B3B9E_E88D_4E64_B346_4….jpeg)

File: 4cac1e936c30cd0⋯.jpeg (472.28 KB, 1480x906, 740:453, 89B4DF7B_5707_4E82_B823_E….jpeg)

File: 6a34d375143f24e⋯.jpeg (493.07 KB, 1459x908, 1459:908, EA6BE28F_0EF9_4DE1_92CD_A….jpeg)

File: 101eae9c7fbc173⋯.jpeg (592.27 KB, 1452x1057, 1452:1057, 0A5E7C23_A2E4_4661_97C3_5….jpeg)

File: a5eef0e45610f80⋯.jpeg (601.59 KB, 1474x1063, 1474:1063, D6FB19BF_D16C_48B0_98D8_1….jpeg)

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29d348  No.14330451

File: c315ae5c1405968⋯.png (204.14 KB, 480x403, 480:403, ClipboardImage.png)

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1efa83  No.14330452

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547dcd  No.14330453


got it too

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7dcc89  No.14330454

File: e6ad58d4841bc4e⋯.jpg (77.12 KB, 1000x486, 500:243, aa5f6ed2591f189f91c3e66e67….jpg)

File: 4ffbc69ab7af885⋯.jpg (57.92 KB, 720x763, 720:763, 20210811_194357.jpg)

Comrad Jena Griswold

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591335  No.14330455

File: b9924a1f36fdfe0⋯.jpeg (590.73 KB, 1463x1065, 1463:1065, 6400E42C_9ADC_40E3_A852_0….jpeg)

File: 1b1f4de7db397cc⋯.jpeg (606.61 KB, 1446x1060, 723:530, 66A01531_C578_43A5_9300_7….jpeg)

File: 84ae65070e1f4a7⋯.jpeg (580.17 KB, 1435x1078, 205:154, 8F4232EA_FFB4_4007_8255_A….jpeg)

File: b7288eca2c58d2a⋯.jpeg (581.78 KB, 1466x1047, 1466:1047, CE968AA8_529D_4872_8134_1….jpeg)

File: 0ac5d43ee482667⋯.jpeg (609.04 KB, 1432x1058, 716:529, A99EB408_3DE1_4463_A202_5….jpeg)

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90446d  No.14330456

File: 006713707b6da6c⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 221x255, 13:15, winning.jpg)

Just a lil hiccup anons, all is good

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4902ad  No.14330457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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27fc87  No.14330458

File: c3b356b2e5ad1e8⋯.gif (9.64 MB, 747x415, 9:5, Omnishift_is_lit.gif)

Fuck them.

We will win.

Storm is coming.



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c29321  No.14330459

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69f1f5  No.14330460

By the time we reach the precipice, we're all going to be ready to dive over the edge, head first.

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e3e812  No.14330461

File: 8ffa23a8ac87edf⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 2400x1350, 16:9, jnqr.jpg)



o7 thanks for the idea

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591335  No.14330462

File: 75935390b772826⋯.jpeg (603.39 KB, 1466x1065, 1466:1065, CFBD8128_5FD0_4047_BBE2_B….jpeg)

File: 1787561002e3c08⋯.jpeg (600.41 KB, 1465x1061, 1465:1061, 0D9A96C9_9328_472C_A7A1_9….jpeg)

File: 2d24ed58cb91927⋯.jpeg (458.82 KB, 1437x889, 1437:889, CB102900_9D98_4E01_B663_F….jpeg)

File: 7fbe2be6e3f89d6⋯.jpeg (499.6 KB, 1470x1084, 735:542, 22CB825D_98E9_42BF_89B6_A….jpeg)

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db4751  No.14330463

File: 711695f022f77d0⋯.png (187.96 KB, 450x1063, 450:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

It's time.

We Answered the Call!

We provided enough votes to expose their fraud.


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84789a  No.14330464

File: 775a01f22352579⋯.png (371.23 KB, 691x554, 691:554, 6645762c9e83ef23251973426f….png)


Kek. Which Q posts in particular?


We have it all?

These people are sick?

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1ee03e  No.14330465

File: 32eec7061a1ee80⋯.png (346.59 KB, 635x254, 5:2, hal.png)

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d2f3c8  No.14330466

File: a15bca372416747⋯.png (62.25 KB, 393x544, 393:544, fist.png)

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887b47  No.14330467

File: 09b5501039efc17⋯.png (12.05 KB, 253x765, 253:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8a1683c4eb46a8⋯.png (22.39 KB, 484x528, 11:12, ClipboardImage.png)




this is my mother

she is german and (munda)

rather than (amazonian) in my english father

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699bc9  No.14330468


if anyone is interested in the timing

this is last post no image


first post with image again

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464233  No.14330469


dude being held with no bail gonna squeal.

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678a94  No.14330470


Interesting expiration date, only a 3 month extension.

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37be0d  No.14330471

i thought jim was pissed there for s minute..

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a48599  No.14330472


Happened to me too. Just by pass and go to the site

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42523e  No.14330473

File: 5b1d2d724af2066⋯.png (200.32 KB, 619x403, 619:403, point_patriot.png)

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741500  No.14330474

File: ba9b636c95a78a2⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 539x406, 77:58, ZomboMeme_11082021183307.jpg)

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

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5aa801  No.14330475


"My paymasters and the voice in my ear are telling me to say this. I can't read or understand the information myself. I need it told to me."

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3c8ed8  No.14330476

File: 17b12ec1b9d7d90⋯.jpg (90.52 KB, 900x802, 450:401, 1628720599249.jpg)



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44190a  No.14330477

File: 08bb2cb0e7df017⋯.png (558.96 KB, 598x616, 299:308, Screenshot_2021_08_11_at_2….png)

Belarus blocks entry of US ambassador as retaliation for sanctions


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fc3c8d  No.14330478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rest In Peace, Chicago Police Officer Ella French

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3f7585  No.14330479


Without a seeder with the goods and a great connection….

Nobody is getting either image.

10 weeks with zero hiccups. Zips will be corrupt.

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a2757b  No.14330480

So what date does the new certificate expire? Anons, that understand all this (for those that don't please)…explain are we good now? Til' when?

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10a672  No.14330481


Yes Q anon is right… you’re up

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27fc87  No.14330482


> SSL validity period

The last one was only for a few weeks moar than the previous one.

This place only needs to stay up for so much longer.

Because V-day is coming.

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464233  No.14330483


Thats a fact anon

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d4179c  No.14330484


Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted In A Demo


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ca61ff  No.14330485



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547dcd  No.14330486

File: d1ce79d701cae91⋯.jpg (6.48 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, auditca.jpg)

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799dd7  No.14330487


Same here, I'm gonna miss you guys. Until next time, love and peace.

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037395  No.14330488

Do not fear the future. Only those who do not ground themselves in God find themselves fearing the future. We are those that God collected and placed here to pivot humanity to journey into the light by rejecting the immorality of a life of wasted debauchery in this realm. We were sent by the Light to gather others and guide them to the Light. We all have higher purposes if we only pursue them.

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5aa801  No.14330489


They didn't update the certificate in time. It expired. Apparently, they installed a new one.

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e34b4f  No.14330490

File: 5b0696faf349de1⋯.png (280.26 KB, 900x596, 225:149, ClipboardImage.png)

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44190a  No.14330491

File: 2e768a1803951cb⋯.png (567.26 KB, 1286x536, 643:268, 2MTUtXoaOFZ0ld5G2mg77AqIkS….png)

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59459f  No.14330492

I love you

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4902ad  No.14330495


rub their noses in it

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84789a  No.14330496

File: df29ee4a0f67ec2⋯.png (1.09 MB, 982x1220, 491:610, 02aad2a049e007b08895cc3230….png)


They "fortified" the election. Their rectums will be fortified in prison.

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ca61ff  No.14330497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c92e96  No.14330498


The fact that my work on the design of a Compact Fusion Reactor was accepted for publication in such a prestigious journal as IEEE TPS, should speak volumes as to its importance and credibility - and should eliminate (or at least alleviate) all misconceptions you (or any other person) may have in regard to the veracity (or possibility) of my advanced physics concepts.

Mr. Tingley, do realize that my work culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect (original physical concept). The Pais Effect comprises the generation of extremely high electromagnetic energy fluxes (and hence high local energy densities) generated by controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma states) subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients.

Such high energy EM radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) - the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence - Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges.

The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you have closely been following my work, you understand the importance of.

I must stress that all this work (patents, patent applications and technical papers) was conducted as a NAVAIR/ NAWCAD employee, and that my current position with Navy SSP has absolutely no bearing or in any way, shape or form has anything to do with this advanced physics work.

Thank you for your interest in my physics concepts, and try to keep an open mind in regard to my work.



Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D.


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4f0438  No.14330499


:) me too.

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f6aa71  No.14330500

File: 4f8f5e0b225a97c⋯.jpg (178.78 KB, 1200x1070, 120:107, NightShift_ptg.jpg)


>we'll find each other

Anons scattered everywhere last time.

But, one spot you'll always find some is on /pol/.

Specifically in the PTG threads.

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5aa801  No.14330501


>Interesting expiration date, only a 3 month extension.

Nothing interesting about it. It is how long the free LetsEncrypt certificates last.

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a2757b  No.14330502


>Rest In Peace, Chicago Police Officer Ella French

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42523e  No.14330503

File: 1e1310db6c9a031⋯.png (695.18 KB, 582x540, 97:90, LoveShift.png)

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037395  No.14330504

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5450ba  No.14330505

File: d2d6bf653d771e9⋯.jpg (203.53 KB, 1000x486, 500:243, Polish_20210811_205105357.jpg)

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a8dee7  No.14330506


“If the lights go out…”


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887b47  No.14330507

File: 3bee5887e53d617⋯.png (12.58 KB, 477x531, 53:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdbef638aa91e3b⋯.png (12.79 KB, 485x535, 97:107, ClipboardImage.png)



my mother is on the left (her) (german/scotch/irish)

my father is on the right (me) (english)


so look at all the small % groups on the english side vs my mother's german.

my mother's father was "english", but he was rh- Iberian..

different. I guess.

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27fc87  No.14330508


> Demoralization shill

> Thinks my 20+ TB of warez was delivered by gnomes

Seeds are building.

Peers are building.

[You] will lose.

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4231cb  No.14330509


i uh solemnly swear that I'm just a nobody anon. if i marked something it was inadvertent.

i also apologize for shitting the bread but at the same time paradoxically i don't.

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42523e  No.14330510

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c92e96  No.14330511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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547dcd  No.14330512

File: 1b10fafd4d06935⋯.jpg (183.59 KB, 812x564, 203:141, knightshift.jpg)


and I you, dear anon

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5aa801  No.14330513



Sure, whatever. I'll be comms. What do you want to be?

"Let’s Encrypt offers free HTTPS certificate for your website. The catch is that they are valid for only 90 days so the certificate has to be renewed four times a year."


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3f7585  No.14330514


The truth

155,484,718 votes

The lie

155,485,078 votes

How many registered voters are there?

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9e985a  No.14330515


I love you all. God bless you all.

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69f1f5  No.14330516

File: a9a57843b8d15ee⋯.mp4 (150.76 KB, 244x244, 1:1, day_by_day.mp4)

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4902ad  No.14330517


p: KgnndF

it's like a Captiva

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56fe69  No.14330518

File: 82f2403df1fec4c⋯.png (513.04 KB, 1093x569, 1093:569, Screen_Shot_2021_08_11_at_….png)

any body have sauce for this quote?

Q posted it and I member I caught flak

for thinking Id found the source in a vid interview but it wasn't

not sure if anyone ever did

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15a9ec  No.14330519


dido ;)

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037395  No.14330520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim's cert and de-cert…

Jim don't take a dump without a plan…


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d7aa53  No.14330521

In the pipe

Side by side

Tango Foxtrot Alpha

High yield

Alpha Whiskey Bravo






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547dcd  No.14330522

File: fc63f9e178efd57⋯.png (383.84 KB, 556x486, 278:243, firework.png)


Horny Shift

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e3e812  No.14330523

File: b3363a547b65145⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 680x708, 170:177, yess.jpg)


memes of truth right there

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8fce19  No.14330524

File: 859bda42452536e⋯.png (680.43 KB, 634x563, 634:563, AF08FE44_AA0E_443F_9EBF_A5….png)



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f07915  No.14330525

Thanks Jim!

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887b47  No.14330527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84789a  No.14330528

File: dd4428a7a2261ac⋯.jpg (293.71 KB, 1684x1120, 421:280, NEWSOM_DEMANDS_AUDIT.jpg)

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9525e8  No.14330529


This is starting to feel an awful lot like Operation Trust. The patriots did not win that ome either.

Operation Trust (операция "Трест"[1]) was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate (GPU) of the Soviet Union. The operation, which was set up by GPU's predecessor Cheka, ran from 1921 to 1926, set up a fake anti-Bolshevik resistance organization, "Monarchist Union of Central Russia", MUCR (Монархическое объединение Центральной России, МОЦР), in order to help the OGPU identify real monarchists and anti-Bolsheviks. The created front company was called the Moscow Municipal Credit Association.[2]

The head of the MUCR was Alexander Yakushev (Александр Александрович Якушев), a former bureaucrat of the Ministry of Communications of Imperial Russia, who after the Russian Revolution joined the Narkomat of External Trade (Наркомат внешней торговли), when the Soviets began to allow the former specialists (called "spetsy", Russian: спецы) to resume the positions of their expertise. This position allowed him to travel abroad and contact Russian emigrants.

MUCR kept the monarchist general Alexander Kutepov (Александр Кутепов) from active actions, as he was convinced to wait for the development of internal anti-Bolshevik forces. Kutepov had previously believed in militant action as a solution to the Soviet occupation, and had formed the "combat organization", a militant splinter from the Russian All-Military Union (Russian: Русский Обще-Воинский Союз, Russkiy ObshcheVoinskiy Soyuz) led by General Baron Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel.[3] Kutepov also created the Inner Line as a counter-intelligence organization to prevent Bolshevik penetrations. It caused the Cheka some problems but was not overly successful.

Among the successes of Trust was the luring of Boris Savinkov and Sidney Reilly into the Soviet Union, where they were captured.

The Soviets did not organize Trust from scratch. The White Army had left sleeper agents, and there were also Royalist Russians who did not leave after the Civil War. These people cooperated to the point of having a loose organizational structure. When the OGPU discovered them, they did not liquidate all of them, but manoeuvred into creating a shell organization for their own use.

Still another episode of the operation was an "illegal" trip (in fact, monitored by OGPU) of a notable émigré, Vasily Shulgin, into the Soviet Union. After his return he published a book "Three Capitals" with his impressions. In the book he wrote, in part, that contrary to his expectations, Russia was reviving, and the Bolsheviks would probably be removed from power.


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5aa801  No.14330530


I've had certificates expire. It's because of procrastination or busyness. Or because you misread the date.

Sure, maybe Jim shits on schedule, but forgetting a cert may be just forgetting a cert.

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fb82a2  No.14330531


The difference is 360. interdasting. seems very specific

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a718b4  No.14330532

File: a00279ca94ebb73⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 776x419, 776:419, NIGHTSHIFT_2.jpg)

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5aa801  No.14330533


"I look serious in this one. What's it say. C'mon. Tell me!"

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464233  No.14330534

File: 115fecbc1f58569⋯.jpg (421.2 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, jents.jpg)

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a2757b  No.14330535


I love you all too.

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3f7585  No.14330536

File: 7788ae843c31e75⋯.jpg (242.44 KB, 1600x2560, 5:8, Screenshot_20210811_215638.jpg)


Not demoralizing


Without seeders who have the goods AND A GOOD CONNECTION it will take WEEKS.


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5450ba  No.14330537


"How do you make them want to get off the kun?"

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eb8f2e  No.14330538


Lindell's cyber analysts concluded Biden won CA

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29d348  No.14330539


>anons scattered everywhere last time

I can't remember what exactly was said but I swear POTUS tweeted about it like we were charging over hills and fields in a ravenous truth-filled stampede

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5450ba  No.14330540

File: f16b16591c165d1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 962x933, 962:933, Polish_20210811_152620763.png)

File: 5aafe31ad0e2b66⋯.jpg (189.29 KB, 582x607, 582:607, Polish_20210811_182845137.jpg)

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e3c454  No.14330541

File: 05c2ba50e2c65f8⋯.gif (7.32 MB, 382x640, 191:320, wwg1.gif)


love too

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678a94  No.14330542



I apologize for causing confusion, I am not familiar with Let's Encrypt and should've waited to post.

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d4179c  No.14330543


Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing

The Navy spent three years and considerable sums of money testing the "Pais Effect" and may have transferred the program to another agency.


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037395  No.14330544


Normally I'd tend to agree, but knee deep in Emergency Broadcasts and looming civil disobedience to masks and vaccines on a known MI site I go with everything means something. Timers, signals, countdowns, readies. Who tf knows half the time? All I know is spidey is sensing big things tingle at all time high

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69f1f5  No.14330545


Cyber only. That's not the entire story

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bf9613  No.14330546

File: f1060dbd45c6eeb⋯.png (36.46 KB, 2131x629, 2131:629, 2021_08_11_18_42_37.png)

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7a6826  No.14330547

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 1552660631.jpg)



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29d348  No.14330548

File: 958929e40c54e2f⋯.png (264.63 KB, 938x995, 938:995, ClipboardImage.png)

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11d70f  No.14330549




I can see that we are slowly getting more seeders, but looking at the peers nothing is actually moving. I have seen zero actual transfer at all. I am guessing it is still initial seeding, can anyone confirm they have actually received any parts of either torrent?

>RIP anyone trying to torrent these files on their phone.

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bf9613  No.14330551

File: 87c17dc21066056⋯.png (138.35 KB, 2131x629, 2131:629, 2021_08_11_18_42_18.png)

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26cf74  No.14330552

File: a6cfb9233325d23⋯.png (107.78 KB, 1723x296, 1723:296, ClipboardImage.png)

Over the limit?

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e90ffb  No.14330553


If we go down

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5ac668  No.14330554

File: 578e2ff0213e400⋯.jpg (11.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, LUVUNOHOMO.jpg)

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bf9613  No.14330556

File: 5c9a12761142435⋯.png (313.27 KB, 2062x1080, 1031:540, 2021_08_11_18_43_06.png)

File: a17d59dc10cdca8⋯.png (59.01 KB, 1080x313, 1080:313, 1628725247812.png)

File: a1a06634646b039⋯.png (23.46 KB, 1215x1080, 9:8, 1628725608633.png)

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7a6826  No.14330557

File: 056deff443eb548⋯.gif (442.23 KB, 410x250, 41:25, drama.gif)

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15a9ec  No.14330558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bf9613  No.14330559

File: b7d9b1e9f10456c⋯.jpg (174.37 KB, 970x546, 485:273, Psaki_Military_Vax.jpg)

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bf9613  No.14330560

File: c18cbb6b85147c4⋯.jpg (68.2 KB, 571x389, 571:389, Biden_Military_Vax.jpg)

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bf9613  No.14330561

File: 13e4eafa4a7b00f⋯.jpg (75.65 KB, 890x534, 5:3, Military_Shot_Vax.jpg)

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03c085  No.14330562


WOW I can see images now at least.

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127f7a  No.14330563

CM if you are watching, give me the files. I can have them seeded proper and in the meanwhile be discerning contents at the same time. This op rests on ALL our shoulders but so far, NOTHING is giving to us grunts. Please… Please, let us TRUE AMERICANS FUCKING GET IT AND DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO.

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bf9613  No.14330565

File: 6e986511b989313⋯.jpg (87.94 KB, 608x512, 19:16, China_Virus_Military_Vax.jpg)

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9e985a  No.14330566



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bf9613  No.14330567

File: 5f609f478a98a43⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 580x326, 290:163, Capitol_Riot_Military_Vax.jpg)

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521855  No.14330568

File: 4a8fb70613204a0⋯.png (829.89 KB, 678x829, 678:829, 7ecdffd1416478869903390d7d….png)

Apologies' to every anon, had a shitty windows update that interfered with everything, including turning off the VPN

Uninstalled it, everything went back to normal, can someone please help me? It kept saying 8kun was unsecure like this



Collecting notables YELL out the notables, thanks

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5ac668  No.14330569

File: ba2ad20005eb692⋯.png (241.31 KB, 870x232, 15:4, COMMS_PEPE.png)

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bf9613  No.14330570

File: 561bc56ad9d343b⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 600x300, 2:1, China_Joe_Military_Vax.jpg)

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bf9613  No.14330572

File: ec56c76ee524f0c⋯.jpg (125.23 KB, 810x561, 270:187, Troop_1_Military_Vax.jpg)

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84789a  No.14330574

File: 0b2c1eef5aa42de⋯.png (108.07 KB, 1830x190, 183:19, Screen_Shot_2021_08_11_at_….png)



^^This anon gets it.

CA governor is illiterate, no joke

Can't even read a teleprompter


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bf9613  No.14330575

File: f2d0c4c31804631⋯.jpg (148.23 KB, 800x514, 400:257, China_Cuck_Joe_Military_Va….jpg)

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464233  No.14330576


send him note on telegram

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4bd299  No.14330577


don't dox yurself anon

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c29321  No.14330578

File: 1a2060755025601⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 201x255, 67:85, LOVE.jpg)


I feel like ya'll are my huge family.

We fight, we make up.

We post crazy crap, we call each other dorks/newfags/autists, etc.

But let the time come for the site to go down, and we're crying behind our screens, not wanting the ride to end. (Thanking God we are ANON!)

Thank you to Qteam, Trump, the US MI and all the behind the scenes folks (that were dialed in) for bringing America and the World together. We far outnumber (((them))), and we will win. I have faith!


Stay frosty frens!

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bf9613  No.14330579

File: 9dfcd825d984fd3⋯.jpg (186.63 KB, 928x619, 928:619, China_Joe_SF_Military_Vax.jpg)

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bf9613  No.14330580

File: 2e766dd354a0ea7⋯.jpg (161.83 KB, 940x610, 94:61, Troop_2_Military_Vax.jpg)

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e3e812  No.14330581

File: 246f3ca03293528⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 600x662, 300:331, bp30.jpg)

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ab3109  No.14330582

File: e5da312c57f5c9b⋯.png (3.68 MB, 1541x1848, 1541:1848, 2136E49C_5890_4B07_B77A_62….png)

File: 73f8734d2c36921⋯.png (438.37 KB, 1026x1162, 513:581, C69F504A_6A72_47BF_98C0_6D….png)

File: 5381156a19326eb⋯.jpeg (303.29 KB, 1536x1176, 64:49, D75AC2DD_E531_4D3B_8527_D….jpeg)

File: 6601bdb64689542⋯.jpeg (548.66 KB, 1152x1190, 576:595, 80D50689_76C1_4E1F_A6D2_2….jpeg)


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becd79  No.14330583

File: fbe6772fc2fec92⋯.png (100.41 KB, 1897x675, 1897:675, Screenshot_2021_08_11_2001….png)

File: 416dae84ec74df4⋯.png (23.18 KB, 1221x195, 407:65, Screenshot_2021_08_11_2002….png)


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16fa33  No.14330584

The Trumpshot is the best what we all can do. Take it and be happy.

Thank you Donald. Every Fetus need the shot, now

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cddf6a  No.14330585


Negative. Something has to unite people before another street war happens. One of the many reasons, other than using a “loss” to expose fraud, is why he didn’t just take the win. Many many reason but we don’t need more burning down of cities. It may happen when normies find out what we discuss here but anon wants to believe strongly that something or someone can make everyone put down their swords. Hoping and wishing

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38c708  No.14330586

File: f6566307c82b2fe⋯.png (678.41 KB, 556x920, 139:230, 20210811_181937.png)

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22f24b  No.14330588

File: d5c4f9c98770f1e⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1651x1238, 1651:1238, 379EE0A7_754B_4D3C_AFC5_C….jpeg)

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127f7a  No.14330589


As if I'm going to give my information up to telegram. Nice Try.

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84789a  No.14330590

File: 030ba74768dbf93⋯.jpg (261.63 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, corruptCA.jpg)

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3f7585  No.14330591


From years of doing this.

Yes I'm old.


The people trying to download these zips will chug along at joe Biden speed.

It will hang. Everyone who is "seeding" will all be stuck at the same percentage.

Until one day someone who has the 100% logs on in and then and only then if their connection is good, will everyone else move up the ladder.

Until we can see seeders with 100% complete, we all won't ever be able to reach the end.

Then once it's finally at 108% that doesn't mean shit. The entire zip best not be invalid or guess back to redownloading the entire file again.

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f27a1f  No.14330592

File: 999f1ce8b02a410⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1536x1458, 256:243, B95E5E1C_2150_4297_B00A_1….jpeg)

File: 67ef3f4fb15420d⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1536x1489, 1536:1489, 27CC08C2_AB06_4619_915D_8….jpeg)

File: 7a4d588c225274e⋯.jpeg (860.88 KB, 1536x851, 1536:851, 3DD59CC9_7BA3_4720_A02D_D….jpeg)

The biggest death blow to America will come from PATRIOTS who REFUSE to STAND UP but sit comfy & think someone else will FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOMS.

YOU are who is going to save this country.

YOU (PATRIOTS) were chosen for a reason.


When did “rally the troops” become something we have defined as “glowing or violent”? When did we become so damn scared of the PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR US?

WE THE PEOPLE have ALLOWED our EMPLOYEES to take control of the company & DESTROY IT from the INSIDE!

We have also allowed those who aren’t even employees (non elected ABCfaggots) to ENABLE & SPREAD the destruction!

I know I’m going to get labeled a glowfag shill but I’m a fucking Patriot who is seeing my country being overthrown from within by COMMUNISTFUCKTARDS & not one damn thing is being done.


THE WHOLE DAMN CORRUPT TEMPLE MUST BE DESTROYED because there isn’t one person within the temple (government) that has the LIGHT within them to expose the darkness.

You better start praying Anons….this shit really is biblical & is filling prophecy. You better make sure you are good with GOD because when HIS TRIBULATIONS & HIS CUPS OF WRATH are spilled….nothing will save you but the Mercy of Jesus.

Fuck all you evil fucktardfagtwats journalists that are on this board just to fuck with us! Why don’t you do a story on this post & then bow down to BAAL as he fucks you in your ass!

FUCK!!! I feel better now. Whew.

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547dcd  No.14330593

File: 7ae89bb07ff07b2⋯.jpg (441.86 KB, 1000x522, 500:261, cared.jpg)

a new fire every few hours

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56fe69  No.14330594


>through audio

easier mind control

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464233  No.14330595


Assumed you have good op sec and the ability not give them real info.. How do you want him to get you info?

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fe91ea  No.14330596

File: 3e775f5b580b103⋯.jpeg (254 KB, 867x578, 3:2, 56B8B7D7_1FB8_46BF_82C1_8….jpeg)


Anons are family, my stomach turned and my mind started racing, but strangely anon was comfy.

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e3e812  No.14330597

File: b824228c7de7c18⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 1dc5dd1b6998500e2eb4378e4b….jpg)


lot o memes there son…..tryin to say somtin?

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4f0438  No.14330598

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a718b4  No.14330599

File: fe722bd35d61a41⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 509x302, 509:302, IN_A_BARREL.jpg)


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1973cc  No.14330600

File: 39a1611d6d93a40⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1711x960, 1711:960, Frogs_to_Destroy_Them2_Car….png)

File: 7ca0e735a702a07⋯.png (702.19 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Lookout_NS.png)

File: 02afe4e8bb0afb8⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1590x2175, 106:145, redhead_107_Car_fixed2_Fre….png)

File: fd107b8361cec89⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1200x754, 600:377, H_60_Extraction_Neon_Q_NS.png)

Evenin' Night Shifters !

Let Freedom Ring

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d4179c  No.14330602


'The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for governmental purposes without payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.'

'Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. Matter is confined energy, bound within fields, frozen in a quantum of time. Therefore, under certain conditions (such as the coupling of hyper-frequency axial spin with hyper-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems) the rules and special effects of quantum field behavior also apply to macroscopic physical entities (macroscopic quantum phenomena).'

'It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime (the local vacuum energy state)'

Craft using an inertial mass reduction device

Application US15/141,270 events


Application filed by US Department of Navy

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1b0fd9  No.14330603

File: 172f037a694f5b3⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB, 464x848, 29:53, fFG0XTwnZlZlMcX0.mp4)


Double jabbed man tells the unvaxxed to stand their ground


7:19 AM · Aug 11, 2021

I feel bad for all people that took this

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5450ba  No.14330604

File: 3a509fa274d5577⋯.png (668.22 KB, 556x920, 139:230, Polish_20210811_210415092.png)

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8c146a  No.14330605



what we have been watching are normal Americans stepping up and doing what they believe is right.

fighting for what they believe is right.

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463d09  No.14330606


Going on four years now, hopium only gets you so far.

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23a3f5  No.14330607


>Jim don't take a dump without a plan

no disrespect to anyone, but JW ain't a russian sub commander.

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4f0438  No.14330608


Darn onions…

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cddf6a  No.14330609


Anon started to get choked up (no homo) a bit thinking we would not be able to shitpost and have frens..: even if they are assigned agents just pretending to be nice Kek

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1a0e61  No.14330610

File: 87fe4d7431d6117⋯.jpeg (27.03 KB, 600x369, 200:123, R_af8c1b93f244bc3e2342d5d….jpeg)

Fuck just found out the company that makes yard sticks, aint going to be making them any longer.

dont filter me o/

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0c683a  No.14330611

jesus I step away for a few days and you guys are all talking about certs ending or some shit

anyone QRD? I'm lost here.

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562ae4  No.14330612

File: d622b333d9063b5⋯.jpg (64.79 KB, 1226x843, 1226:843, TrumpThumbsUp.jpg)

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8c146a  No.14330613

which speaker was it that criticized Tucker Carlson.

said he only raised topics when it was a sure thing to talk about them.

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15a9ec  No.14330615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

can you do what we do? our moves are true..

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11d70f  No.14330616

File: ea096343a50f2e7⋯.png (137.27 KB, 287x300, 287:300, ClipboardImage.png)


Main cert renewed, sys cert has not, everything back to normal for another hour and a half, now would be a good time to close all browser windows and renew your sessions.


We are all old anon, it is actually a reasonable idea to do this if you have a spare phone and are lazy, I am trying to protect the newbs here, we still do not know what this is, seriously let us techs get this file first and see what it is, do not download this torrent on anything that you care about or do not know how to restore from attack

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913762  No.14330617




>vax'd man dies of covid

>could've been worse tho

fucking retards.

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3f7585  No.14330618


Dr Shiva

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547dcd  No.14330619

File: 8164cc3c273f3d1⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1245x1770, 83:118, robin_2.jpg)

We'll meet in the forests anons, should we become separated

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03c085  No.14330620


maybe he's going to let Freddy have it back?

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fc3c8d  No.14330621

File: 88d3a710fb75918⋯.jpg (191.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, oivcjfey3fyuj.jpg)

BUCKHANNON, WV: "West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC) students who aren’t vaccinated against COVID-19 could be stuck paying some fees. The college recently released it’s campus arrival guidance for the fall. It states that students who aren’t vaccinated will be charged a non-refundable $750 COVID fee for the Fall 2021 semester. It also states that students who get COVID-19 and are unable to quarantine off campus will be charged $250 to finish their quarantine on campus. Dean of WVWC Dr. James Moore explains, “The fee is going to be used to cover the expenses that will come with increased testing and other resources that the college will have to utilize and deploy to keep every student safe.”

All faculty, staff, and students are required to submit proof of vaccination status on or before Aug. 8."


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84789a  No.14330622


Sidney Powell said the same in an interview. California is deep red.

Notice that the current Delta Variant mask mandate is only in for the Bay area and L.A.? Those are the only two blue areas in California, the most highly populated as well. Thus mail-in ballots.

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4647cc  No.14330623


Mike Lindell did when Dr. Shiva presenting.

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4f0438  No.14330624


Yes. It can be scary..stepping into the public eye and scary for those of us who are on the spectrum or fear public speaking like I do. But be brave. I am brave and speaking to a crowd now.

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42523e  No.14330625

File: 861b21f7e1f4883⋯.png (565.58 KB, 603x603, 1:1, NS_0924.png)

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acfe22  No.14330626

File: 4ac3e6dc7151ac6⋯.jpg (221.49 KB, 1865x824, 1865:824, 31up.JPG)

31 H60 up. I do not usually see so many up at this time. 22.08 ET

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84789a  No.14330628


Tucker is a douche, if he was a patriot he would have quit by now.

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26cf74  No.14330629


to kill us all

don't be stupid

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fb22b8  No.14330630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shot Caller

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037395  No.14330631


Thank God or the Ruskies would have already taken over

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e3e812  No.14330632

File: ef072a19a433d22⋯.jpg (175.96 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, htkvqoepg2r01.jpg)


are those memes made in America?

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464233  No.14330633

File: 37fb96e32676d17⋯.png (11.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ns.png)

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8ec57c  No.14330635

File: eb7ab7d84625093⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1167x1500, 389:500, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14330599 chek't

the good old days

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455736  No.14330636

In Michigan, a court ordered forensic access to a tabulator. This machine counts the votes themselves. A Telit 4G wireless chip manufactured in Taiwan was discovered embedded into the motherboard. The voting machine logs clearly show that on 11/4/2020 a user selected “Begin Modem Process”, found the modem device /dev/ttyS2 and started a “PPP service.” SFIP service started for IP address SFTP transfer was completed for file /tmp/1720 through this chip. This PROVES data was transmitted on the internet from this modem inside the tabulator.

Detailed logs documented logs of entries into the election itself. Multiple groups were observing the election. A full scale investigation was launched with former U.S. intelligence, DoD, NASA and others to investigate this. Back in 2018 this investigation started due to vote changes perceived live on CNN during the election of Matt Bevin and Andy Beshear. Exact amounts of votes were deducted from a Republican candidate and added to a Democrat candidate live on CNN.

The entire U.S. election system is allegedly under control by private equity interests and foreign adversaries. The allegations include that: UBS Securities LLC New York and UBS Securities Co. Ltd. Beijing injected hundreds of millions into Staple Street Capital III, L.P. (The alleged owner of Dominion Voting Systems). UBS allegedly holds the intellectual property of Dominion Voting as equity collateral. UBS Securities LLC New York listed three communist party members Luo Qiang, Ye Xiang, and Mu Lina who are all on the board of both UBS New York and Beijing entities.

Staple Street owns Dominion: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dominion-voting-systems-acquired-by-its-management-team-and-staple-street-capital-300681752.html

$400m Injection from UBS: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1827586/000182758620000001/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml

Co-founders of Staple Street are veterans of the CARLYLE GROUP - Bush dick riders and took Bin Laden family money.

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38c708  No.14330637

File: e3af5b0b12bc6c1⋯.png (590.33 KB, 1080x994, 540:497, Memeto_1628440841717.png)

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11d70f  No.14330638

….aand caught up on the overnight happenings of the symposium. Fuck it itches my mind going from 4x to realtime. Anything else happen overnight to catch up on? Will probs pause it to let the buffer build up again. Someone speak up if the live symposium gets juicy.

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3fdb4f  No.14330639


Anon has been vaccinated for four months. No It's not saline - had massive allergic reaction - felt like death.. All good now -no issues.

Take it or leave it.

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965756  No.14330640


Thanks, BatP.


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313ce2  No.14330641


Sequoia as in Chavez' outfit? Most def dasting.

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e3e812  No.14330642

File: 2b7d9fa749da300⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, 2b7d9fa749da3003b2e366663a….jpg)


good one

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547dcd  No.14330643


felt like death…take it or leave it?

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56fe69  No.14330644

File: 868bbefa07c74ea⋯.png (261.42 KB, 611x664, 611:664, wut.png)


omg its real


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fe91ea  No.14330645

File: f294048a098749a⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 99FD9769_7990_40BD_9E61_F9….png)


His shirt is at the precipice

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38c708  No.14330646

File: 525b3470a8d4433⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1102, 540:551, 20201207_213135.png)

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d269a2  No.14330648


In looking at a lot of photos with Epstein and Maxwell in them, it appears they would ingratiate themselves with rich influential people. This was part of their game. Everyone knows Trump was buddies with him and then got pissed at him and kicked him out of Mar a Lago.

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127f7a  No.14330649


The Ruskies never tried taking over. Review ture history.

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42523e  No.14330650

File: 725240550dce302⋯.png (147.21 KB, 298x490, 149:245, doganon_scuba.png)

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26cf74  No.14330651


pushing the needle to the red

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547dcd  No.14330652

File: f0da89eab4fdb5b⋯.jpeg (297.37 KB, 800x533, 800:533, syringe.jpeg)


At least I died with a vaccine

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5b73fc  No.14330653

File: 919c3603c149c2b⋯.png (343.82 KB, 1084x583, 1084:583, thorn.png)


Boot the jews or feel God's wrath.

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49b826  No.14330654


The cyber analysis deals with voting machine hacks ONLY. he is not addressing the fake ballots, dead people voting, etc. that is a separate issue from what is being shown at the symposium

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e3e812  No.14330655

File: 52caf1665504771⋯.gif (593.7 KB, 498x284, 249:142, hitting_a_gong.gif)


good eye sir anon

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29d348  No.14330656

File: dcc047a71587e20⋯.png (126.56 KB, 500x314, 250:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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6abb55  No.14330657

File: 44c3f334b2d2606⋯.png (1.29 MB, 980x1042, 490:521, against.png)

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13316d  No.14330658


What do you mean, Anon?

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eb8f2e  No.14330659




Thanks for the clarifications.

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f6aa71  No.14330660


Last week Jim posted on Gab a what if I pulled the plug on 8kun.

This week he let the certs expire knowing they were going to expire soon.

The writing is on the wall.

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547dcd  No.14330661

File: 607bd5c0fdb4f7b⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2644x1351, 2644:1351, maos.png)


The Big Lie

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fe91ea  No.14330662


Can anon have a turn with the gong please? Ty

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56fe69  No.14330664


on the bongino interview I heard him say..

I have to be a fan of the vax…

but I FULLY support those that want the freedom not to do it.

dunno…maybe its looking glass thing.

we all know they weaponize anything trump does or says…maybe this is the best play

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d4179c  No.14330665

File: 378fbad8b75eca0⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 488x652, 122:163, 5720_Go_Navy_488x652.jpg)

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a718b4  No.14330666

File: e2c01a1644145d3⋯.jpg (152.27 KB, 751x585, 751:585, LEAFLET_WIN.jpg)


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d2ded0  No.14330667

File: b34c429f03f5148⋯.png (36.45 KB, 1221x195, 407:65, vaxcond.png)

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037395  No.14330668


sorry - kek sarcasm

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1b0fd9  No.14330669


“Feds say”, of course they did

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8ec57c  No.14330670

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a718b4  No.14330671

File: 98b098bb2ede7a0⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 763x560, 109:80, WIND_AT_OUR_BACKS.jpg)

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38c708  No.14330672

File: 85480c338b1a47d⋯.jpg (322.66 KB, 2290x1252, 1145:626, Mrpigsucksballs1.jpg)

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84789a  No.14330673

File: 925179ad2e49e11⋯.png (404.04 KB, 1866x732, 311:122, Screen_Shot_2021_08_11_at_….png)

Here we fuckin go

1,648 divided by 10 million = 0.0001648 = 0.01648%



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739a3d  No.14330674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker shows 'humiliating' montage of comedians backtracking on Cuomo

Premiered 14 minutes ago

Fox News

7.73M subscribers

Mark Steyn joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to react to montage of late-night hosts fawning over the disgraced governor. #FoxNews #Tucker


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a718b4  No.14330675

File: fd8cc91b6bfb218⋯.jpg (101.82 KB, 784x439, 784:439, CHICKEN_OR_PIG.jpg)

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7a6326  No.14330676


That is what China dumped on CA, but not the illegals, dead people, etc. that voted. Remember, how people found ballots in the fields, garbage dumps, etc.? Not the final number. Stay tune.

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c94fd3  No.14330677


Vax failing to get full FDA approval is the unifying event. At least it’s the only one I can game theory out that gets the job done.

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4902ad  No.14330678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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037395  No.14330679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love you. Welcome to Costco.


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3f7585  No.14330680


I wholeheartedly agree. I don't dare dl this on a good puter. No way. Anons will get butthurt and discouraged if this turns out to be nothing.

Especially after watching today's hysteria.

Cm said numerous times that this was on josh's puter and he dare not open anything his own. I'm sure cm was coached by his lawyer on what he could and could not do.

Even if it's real, most people wouldn't have a clue what to look for.

We all know it is coming but it almost seems as these are not for us.

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38c708  No.14330681

File: 2e491db113a6bf8⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, PhotoCollage_20210704_0707….jpg)

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e3e812  No.14330682

File: ebb143d4071c804⋯.jpg (404.07 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, mTCiG.jpg)


by all memes

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13316d  No.14330683

File: 92d39ab8a0469db⋯.jpeg (121.08 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 92d39ab8a0469db0c7431da8b….jpeg)

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521855  No.14330684

File: 19c14202390e728⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1810x1072, 905:536, 947cf57a9b096e16fff903fa0e….png)

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4647cc  No.14330685


Tucker is Simp.

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a718b4  No.14330686

File: e6d070b6aa0245e⋯.jpg (100.41 KB, 707x418, 707:418, MUH_MUH_MUH_MUH.jpg)

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bf9613  No.14330687

File: 10f56ae4388f2eb⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Troop_3_Military_Vax.jpg)

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bd6e89  No.14330688

File: e3776982646f9aa⋯.png (64.83 KB, 370x186, 185:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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f27a1f  No.14330689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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695603  No.14330690

File: e8cb4b9fe8eb55f⋯.png (405.05 KB, 650x620, 65:62, pepe_spaceman_night_shift.png)

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365d4b  No.14330691

File: 9ef4a149737d39d⋯.jpeg (76.71 KB, 640x761, 640:761, B19B9593_0670_4810_8EAE_8….jpeg)

Reply to this post with powerful pedophiles.

Try to avoid duplicates.

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0074f1  No.14330692


Sort of like the lights blinking for last call?

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313ce2  No.14330693


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38c708  No.14330694

File: 3c2b5b27576c302⋯.png (293.61 KB, 1080x964, 270:241, Memeto_1628734733115.png)

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6abb55  No.14330695

does anyone know why white people in the Northwest are libtards, historically speaking?

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b9c0f0  No.14330696

You all sat waiting for a messiah to save you as your country was stolen. Trump and Q are both losers. Lost it all. ALL OF IT. On their watch.

Call me a shill a nigger a black pilled a see eye aye I glow bright. Don’t care.


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f6aa71  No.14330697


It looks that way.

Maybe Jim will post on Gab and address this.

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1a0e61  No.14330698

Biden is removed for sexual misconduct

>prove me wrong

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56fe69  No.14330699

File: 5f9a0abab6894d4⋯.png (387.8 KB, 500x801, 500:801, df098b573fda28b1bc6a1fd069….png)

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060648  No.14330701

File: 8fa98360982813d⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 1024x1023, 1024:1023, Pepe_letsride.jpg)


See you faggots on the flip if we go dark, they can't keep good frogs down 4ever!

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313ce2  No.14330702


Information control.

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e3e812  No.14330703

File: 894b75c5887e0f5⋯.jpg (134.96 KB, 899x1079, 899:1079, 894b75c5887e0f507c3e16839d….jpg)


too cryptic….no need for special knowledge to decipher a meme

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edc16d  No.14330704

File: 055581aaa5ef5b3⋯.png (8.6 KB, 295x163, 295:163, Q_post_64_Should_the_light….png)

File: 235ae2e5374ac0c⋯.png (196.48 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c214544c0799e46⋯.mp4 (13.69 MB, 320x180, 16:9, POTUS_NEVER_GIVE_UP.mp4)







Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147683156 📁

Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)

Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point.


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739a3d  No.14330705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think this is his best song

Rip Off


You should see me

At the Governor Cuomo's ball

Doing the rip-off bop

it's all a rip off

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313ce2  No.14330706


Aye, aye Cap'n Obvs.

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42523e  No.14330707

File: 3521193ad6fd60c⋯.png (161.66 KB, 548x612, 137:153, pepe_devolution.png)

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dac5e7  No.14330708

File: 0e6bb349ae20353⋯.png (445.13 KB, 480x541, 480:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb551c7d8dfef6⋯.png (635.39 KB, 660x468, 55:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfe048e4cd16f63⋯.png (388.03 KB, 720x515, 144:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f15bc91bdf41055⋯.png (1.25 MB, 980x642, 490:321, ClipboardImage.png)



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1ee03e  No.14330709


nothing to address, cert's renewed, carry on

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43ee0a  No.14330710


Most disconnected from the work ethic their forebears brought to this country.

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e34b4f  No.14330711

File: cecbd49ddbad77d⋯.png (1.37 MB, 618x776, 309:388, ClipboardImage.png)

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739a3d  No.14330712


tits or gtfo

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313ce2  No.14330713


You can whip it.

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56fe69  No.14330714

File: 99c6c777de0d95c⋯.png (476.86 KB, 576x591, 192:197, 91dbf9fdff648ea293ab5a9da8….png)

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d8d954  No.14330715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you ready?

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9079a9  No.14330716

File: ed069e2469562ed⋯.jpeg (15.9 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Death2Pedos.jpeg)


No such thing as 'powerful pedophiles', they prey on defenseless innocent children. Pedos are weak scum of the earth.

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15a9ec  No.14330717


omg, this is so right. i went there cpl weeks ago, motherfuckers are like in the 70's

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84789a  No.14330718

File: cb94d72af5fe105⋯.jpg (192.87 KB, 857x500, 857:500, 482cp1.jpg)


Watermarks n shit

I live in a house where the old lady died in 2012, but she still gets stuff like handicap placards from the DMV, even though her executor was diligent in filing the death cert and closing bank accounts, etc.

Now we know why. They need the dearly departed in order to elect the inbred illiterate pisoshito fucktards who torch the entire state except their fucking winery and whose aunt eats ice cream while the homeless shit all over the sidewalk in her district

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455736  No.14330719

Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.

Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.

Seeing is Believing.

Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.



It had to be this way.

This is not another 4-year election.


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4f0438  No.14330721

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313ce2  No.14330722


Wrong choke, I kin see it from here…

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521855  No.14330723

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>14330413 @377


>>14330344 The cert expired

>>14330406 Renewed cert

>>14330359 Source Code for Sequoia's Frontier Election System Now Available for Public Download

>>14330360 Torrent links of the disk images from the Dominion machines in Colorado

>>14330385 Newsom Announces California will be the First State to Require All School Staff be Vaccinated Against Covid or Tested Weekly

>>14330484, >>14330408, >>14330498, >>14330511, >>14330543, >>14330602 Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted In A Demo


All election fraud Call em out

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ae22b7  No.14330724


I got fed up with Windows 10 updates breaking my install. VC redist was getting all busted. Finally dumped it for Linux. Using Pop_Os now to get my feet wet. So far so good. Got a lot of catching up to do with Linux though.

Speaking of VPNs. My VPN doesn't offer an GUI like windows. They stated they were looking into it. So I won't know right away connection drops. Rather sucks. Anyway, I noticed when I was doing my whatsmyip that it kept giving me the IPv6 first. I looked into that and found out that not all VPN companies do IPv6 blocking or redirecting. Mine is one of them. So much for VPN security.

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9525e8  No.14330725

Our votes don't matter

Our voices are silenced

Our money is worthless

Our goverment is against us

The Queen sits on her throne

The Pope sits on his throne

The Roths sit in their mansions

HRC is now an educator

Obama parties

The Governator says fuck your freedom

Cuomo killed our grandparents

The unions want our kids gay or dead

The schools want our kids gay or dead

The hospitals want us dead

Still feel like America is winning?

Still " Trusting the Plan"‽

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7164a4  No.14330726

File: 28da8e9570db1c9⋯.png (102.8 KB, 356x299, 356:299, Fanapt4Schizos.png)


>“This is now one of the most dangerous times in the pandemic when it comes to children because we have the more contagious Delta variant, we have surges, and we have so adults many letting down their guard, not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated. That’s contributing to this really dangerous environment for children,” Wen declared.

"Ask your doctor about TD and what causes it"

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e89af1  No.14330727


aw poor baby

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a718b4  No.14330728

File: de04912f04b0160⋯.jpg (125.02 KB, 736x469, 736:469, WORD_IS_OUT.jpg)

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0074f1  No.14330729


Vanderbilt and San Francisco merchants.

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e8502d  No.14330730


Rains more and is colder. People stay in side longer during these times so they're consuming media more often. That's my 2 cents anyways.

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f6aa71  No.14330731


>the trend is obvious

Jim is signalling he's pulling the plug soon.

Prolly not tonight tho.

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455736  No.14330732



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b9c0f0  No.14330733


Mine or wife?

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f27a1f  No.14330734



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313ce2  No.14330735


You better check them Depends. I'm smellin' sumtin.

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35dd0d  No.14330736


The clock is running down to zero for this portion of the op.

They think it's coming this week,

Stay frosty anons!!

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49b826  No.14330737


Still trusting my filter button to clear pussies off my screen

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e3e812  No.14330738

File: abed2d8132ae730⋯.jpg (338.4 KB, 600x471, 200:157, cave.jpg)

File: 6ec86ade6c388ce⋯.jpg (289.01 KB, 576x584, 72:73, FGAC.jpg)

File: 58523c4428625f8⋯.jpg (164.46 KB, 321x482, 321:482, Sight.jpg)

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142410  No.14330739


>Torrent links:



CNUD and IC9

See nudes? Ice 9, Vonnegut, Bokonon? Bawk, anon?

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348dea  No.14330740


Not the first state. NM mandated this a week or so ago.

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42523e  No.14330741

File: fb02a8ed01bb383⋯.png (387.69 KB, 750x570, 25:19, NS_2.png)

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1270ed  No.14330742

File: c584bae142afc13⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2048x956, 512:239, POTUS_limo_Pepes.png)

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4647cc  No.14330743

File: ce2a67b1d99a583⋯.jpeg (69.45 KB, 800x360, 20:9, D0ED54D0_678A_474F_B13B_E….jpeg)

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b9c0f0  No.14330744


Hey fbi. Come get you soy fucks.

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fc3c8d  No.14330745

File: 2928c5e644cc6c4⋯.jpg (20.1 KB, 474x237, 2:1, fghgfghjhgfeedxg.jpg)

Local news polled viewers, and 89% said they would not have voted for this. While they showed the results on the broadcast, the host did not read them aloud as usually is done.

VIRGINIA: "The Loudoun County School Board approved a policy on the treatment of transgender students Wednesday, following public meetings where emotions ran high, a teacher quit and a man was arrested. The board approved the policy in a 7-2 vote. It is required to be adopted by the 2021-2022 school year. The policy also included two amendments: mandatory inclusivity training for all LCPS staff, and renovations or modifications for restrooms within five years to build more privacy and individual spaces. The policy does not address transgender youth in sports. The Virginia High School League has its own policy and guidelines for transgender students participating in sports of their gender identity.

Students should be allowed to use the restrooms and locker rooms that “correspond to their consistently asserted gender identity.” Staff should “take steps to designate gender-inclusive or single-user restrooms commensurate with the size of the school.”


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56fe69  No.14330746


anybody have a good vid that explains the devolution theory?

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fe91ea  No.14330747

The digging was on the judge Carl Nichols when the cert expired?

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38c708  No.14330748

File: b14ecaf3335bfab⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 498x280, 249:140, Ms.gif)


>Still trusting my filter button to clear pussies off my screen

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d269a2  No.14330749


Thank you, Jim. I appreciate this free speech site!

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bfe28b  No.14330750

File: 85d129500f85901⋯.gif (356.18 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 85d129500f8590118ec8e8d7c1….gif)

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29d348  No.14330751

File: f15e8e9bcf3b9d3⋯.png (684.88 KB, 605x447, 605:447, ClipboardImage.png)


Movin' on up

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c6f3d2  No.14330752



At the moment it’s still divisive. Something would have to be revealed about jabs that scared the poo outta everyone for that to be uniting. Pro-jab peeps are more crazy about that than their political beliefs. In anons opinion it’s always been about the kids. Perhaps the combination of many stories coming out at is succession will have normies finally realizing everything is a lie but it’s a non-partisan issue when it comes to Epstein and Maxwell and the rest. To anon that’s the first blow to fracture normies’ paradigm that is safe because it’s already been planted/seeded in their minds. Just an opinion and anon admits that anon knows jack diddly. Just sayin and spitballing

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b9c0f0  No.14330755


You fell for it. Again.

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11d70f  No.14330756

File: b5dcaff1be53d66⋯.png (275.54 KB, 432x287, 432:287, ClipboardImage.png)


>Even if it's real

Just re-checked CM telegram. He puts qualifiers in when he talks about the torrents, he does not validate shit, as I mentioned these magnets were floating around yesterday and I checked the files. CM was prepping the torrent line for long enough to have proper seeding support.

Engaging critical thought with experience, sorry to say this is by default F&G. BTW for those of you that do not know, initial seeding is an actual thing, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=torrent+initial+seeding and would explain why nobody has > 0 bytes downloaded. Far more likely that this is circular F&G

Took 2 days off work to dig into some fucking heavy tech analysis. Until something actually kicks off putting the brains on ice and engaging the pots. Lurking if newbs need answers.

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03c085  No.14330757


It sure is!

Thank you for posting this. saved and shared.

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313ce2  No.14330758


Not theory. Mil Strat.

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c33e2d  No.14330759

File: 6e5f8470b310ed9⋯.jpg (92.31 KB, 949x596, 949:596, fountain_vax.jpg)

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5450ba  No.14330760


>The digging was on the judge Carl Nichols when the cert expired?

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f6aa71  No.14330761


Nothing that I'm aware of that brings the sauce like this site does:


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23a3f5  No.14330762


>such as the coupling of hyper-frequency axial spin with hyper-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems

back in the late 1980's i attended a demonstration of a device that converted thorium (half-life Th-232 = 14b yrs) into a mixture of scandium and copper in a matter of about 1hr. i still have the samples that were given to me to take back to my university lab. what i witnessed was aneutronic radiationless cold fission. while the inventor was a garage tinkerer who had no clue as to how the device did what it did, after a bit of reflection, several plausible mechanisms occurred to me. the most likely of which i would describe as a "nuclear Zeeman Effect," which would permit the radioactive nucleus to make an otherwise symmetry-forbidden transition to an excited state which was then able to rapidly decay by spontaneous fission. the quotation above sounds like a clumsy way of saying the same thing using maximum verbiage and jargon. i wrote a paper on it, but it was roundly rejected as "too theoretical." funny, 'cause they have no problem publishing sci-fi about superstring theory or dark energy.

anyway, this is my way of saying the story about the navy patent is plausible. i first came across it a couple yrs ago, 2018 or 2019 IIRC… i might have even posted it on 4chan.

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35dd0d  No.14330763


Heavy influence of flower power children who never went home in the 60's.

Hippies were peace and love communists, their offspring not do much.

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56fe69  No.14330764



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c6b016  No.14330765


I love you more knowing you just typed that

Big huge hugs

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5d410a  No.14330766


Amen. ❤️ Me some Watkins!

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d4179c  No.14330767


Keep us away from UNCLOS, Mr. Pig, and let not the nine dashed line perturb ye. You are far more capable than a manipulated skirmish would let on. Once you can nuke the site from orbit … Well I guess that's what Guardians are for. Go Navy! Space Force!

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887b47  No.14330768

File: fa3dc9fc5410dad⋯.png (62.8 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aad20782ddd766a⋯.png (199.88 KB, 1713x449, 1713:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bdfee5d3854780⋯.png (97.4 KB, 220x313, 220:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 300e43f5c74d322⋯.png (37.61 KB, 285x309, 95:103, ClipboardImage.png)


who started it?

ethiopia practicing rasta…

drum = middle eastern looking on like it.

lion of judah?

lion of egypt?

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ae22b7  No.14330769


Yup and right at the time Mike got the announcement Dominion won to allow their defamation case to go forward.

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e3c454  No.14330770

File: ce05107289e708a⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1021x744, 1021:744, cain_and_abel.png)


should be more specific,

boot cain or feel God's wrath

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4bd299  No.14330771


Kamel Hoe was promised

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11d70f  No.14330772

File: 92b6e03b3567a44⋯.png (18.76 KB, 372x371, 372:371, ClipboardImage.png)

Confirming sys cert renewal applied as well. Situation back to normal.

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c33e2d  No.14330773


Why nobody talking about Transgender Privilege?

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f1b689  No.14330774

File: 30a58c81ec21392⋯.jpg (41.59 KB, 526x681, 526:681, 144916337_250751203092551_….jpg)


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f27a1f  No.14330775



Nothing to “fall for”.

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ad051e  No.14330776

just had a major blue screen of death moment

still working on the cause

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e8502d  No.14330777


It can become a burden if you lock yourself into something longer than 3 months. In this scenario specifically, the fluidity is beneficial at this particular time.

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b9c0f0  No.14330778


All 143 of them?

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5c7ba8  No.14330779

File: cf249f9a2398cec⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 624x621, 208:207, cf249f9a2398cecd578c6d1e0a….jpg)

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5b73fc  No.14330780


>boot cain or feel God's wrath

That's what I said.

Jews = canaanites.

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a7740b  No.14330781

File: e7795f981e0f8d2⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1624x1080, 203:135, DEAD9446_CBEF_4006_AF08_75….png)

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7546a6  No.14330782

File: d0bcf9a25dd52ad⋯.jpg (444.61 KB, 1068x725, 1068:725, V22_night_shift.jpg)


Just got on, a little late to the party. Board fuckery, not a surprise on such a momentous day.

Trying to catch up on CodeMonkey and Pillow Man's big reveal or whatever. Seeing some state by state graphics that look interdasting.

Waht is the QRD?

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38c708  No.14330783

File: 104054a31113900⋯.png (362.85 KB, 1080x778, 540:389, Memeto_1618540340980.png)

>I love you

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7450bb  No.14330784

File: bbf3088c5a13c2a⋯.gif (372.95 KB, 650x650, 1:1, pepe_froggodcosmos.gif)

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8ec57c  No.14330785

File: 9d7ca5907452563⋯.png (26.32 KB, 554x409, 554:409, ClipboardImage.png)

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463d09  No.14330786

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521855  No.14330787

File: a62068bb87dfa42⋯.png (6.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



took a pic


love you too

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c33e2d  No.14330788

File: 35f0ff65e93a658⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 520x798, 260:399, Joe_being_there.jpg)

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03c085  No.14330789


Yes indeed Jim. This has been my onliine home for over 4 years now. Best place on the internet.

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699bc9  No.14330790


guessing a shitpost

choked up when he thought the site went down

he could no longer shitpost and have friends


even if the "friends" here are just agents assigned to watch us and pretending to be nice

i chuckled but did not quite guffaw

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b9c0f0  No.14330792


You see eye are a sad bunch.

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521855  No.14330793

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>14330413 @430


>>14330344 The cert expired

>>14330406 Renewed cert

>>14330456 Just a lil hiccup anons, all is good

>>14330359 Source Code for Sequoia's Frontier Election System Now Available for Public Download

>>14330360 Torrent links of the disk images from the Dominion machines in Colorado

>>14330385 Newsom Announces California will be the First State to Require All School Staff be Vaccinated Against Covid or Tested Weekly

>>14330484, >>14330408, >>14330498, >>14330511, >>14330543, >>14330602 Emails Show Navy's 'UFO' Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review, Resulted In A Demo

>>14330612, >>14330514 TRUMP WON BUN, from Cyber Symposium

>>14330436 CNN Medical Propagandist: Kids In Schools Need Industrial Grade Masks, Weekly Tests

>>14330458 Fuck them. We will win. Storm is coming. Magnetic links

>>14330463 Q2403

>>14330477 Belarus blocks entry of US ambassador as retaliation for sanctions


All election fraud Call em out

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f6aa71  No.14330795


CM appears sketchy at times with the stuff he says and things he does.

Not saying he's compd but eyes always on cannot deny that.

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a718b4  No.14330796

File: 9550503439619cd⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 515x271, 515:271, SPACE_POWER.jpg)

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c94fd3  No.14330798


The FDA ultimately not approving the Vax gets you what you need. The betrayal will wake them up.

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f1b689  No.14330799

someone i suspect is a blackhat gave me a batch script (.bat) and told me if i run it that it will harden my system against hackers.

i of courses did not run it because i think he is a liar sent to trick me and was just trying to befriend me, he was very nervous at the prospect i might upload the script to the internet.

after i pushed him alittle harder on certain holes in his stories he blocked me without a word for why.

so here is that batch script.


in case anyone feels like exploring it i'd love some expert feedback on what it truly does, just what was he trying to do to my system.

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4f0438  No.14330800


But did you chortle?

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38c708  No.14330801

File: df27b6134733908⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, PhotoCollage_20210706_1339….jpg)

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f27a1f  No.14330802


What’s wrong FAGTWAT? You don’t like AMERICAN PATRIOTS?

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e3e812  No.14330803

File: b9efbef592ec2b1⋯.jpg (194.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, shit_post.jpg)


I was going to apologize for all the shit posting I did….but I'll save that for a later time.

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591335  No.14330804

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a7740b  No.14330805


Wondered what happened earlier tonite

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dac5e7  No.14330806


100% of non-viewers concur.

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455736  No.14330807



>>14330636 Staple Street Owns Dominion, Founded by Former Carlyle Group Vets (Military Industrial Complex/Bush Dynasty)

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a718b4  No.14330808

File: de854aa758a5647⋯.jpg (102.46 KB, 644x446, 322:223, LOVE_WINS.jpg)

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42523e  No.14330809

File: 6ff8cd720b0857b⋯.png (425.42 KB, 802x505, 802:505, vaxonly.png)

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b9c0f0  No.14330810


Shut up already.

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d7aa53  No.14330811






invert^-1 for install order.

j00tube for installation demos. Kill the virtual box if the torrent is full of fuckery.


Stick drive live installation and pave over it if fuckery.

Safe way to FAFO on anything.

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03c085  No.14330812


Aww, Mr. Pig! where are you planning on going?

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3f7585  No.14330813

>>14330725 this is a great list. ACTION would kill it.



Canada for Explosive Hazard Joint Specialty Officer good luck Canadian network communications

Kek best guess

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671c84  No.14330814

Good God, you faggots are depressing me! This shit ain't over ffs.

Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Fuck NO!

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84789a  No.14330815

File: 682e17c7748ac7b⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1456x1518, 728:759, Screen_Shot_2020_06_14_at_….png)

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b9c0f0  No.14330816

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8ec57c  No.14330817

File: 3f92669b5faa6f9⋯.png (328.33 KB, 788x685, 788:685, cheers.png)

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6abb55  No.14330818

File: 37694aedb0e2a8a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 978x650, 489:325, goodthing.png)

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127f7a  No.14330819


Sorry I've been drinking. Sarcasm noted.

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03c085  No.14330821



But we had a better sense of geography I think.

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313ce2  No.14330822


Providing Sauce is new to you, nigga?

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739a3d  No.14330823

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a718b4  No.14330824

File: 059935a0cc17527⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 467x272, 467:272, U_NEED_CARPET.jpg)

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7a6826  No.14330825


>Thank God or the Ruskies would have already taken over

guess you haven't seen who runs Rumble.

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127f7a  No.14330826


It was the JanpafuckingNWO you faggot.

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455736  No.14330827


They forget to compare to where we’d be had Hillary won in 2016 and the public knew nothing. We’d be toast.

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8bf97c  No.14330828

File: 6804e37b0a8d218⋯.png (68.4 KB, 799x396, 799:396, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Rep. Burgess Owens wants feds to investigate OnlyFans — the ‘paywall of porn’ social media platform

More than 100 House Republicans and Democrats urge Justice Department to look into alleged child exploitation

More than 100 House Republicans and Democrats, including GOP Utah Rep. Burgess Owens, urged the Department of Justice to investigate a social media platform dubbed the “paywall of porn” for allegedly facilitating child sexual exploitation.

The lawmakers called on Attorney General Merrick Garland to look into the the prevalence of child sexual abuse material on the website OnlyFans.com and the specific steps it takes to ensure minors are protected from exploitation. They say the network has become a “major marketplace” for buying and selling child pornography.

“We write today to call your attention to potentially illegal activity, including child sexual exploitation, that this website is facilitating,” the lawmakers, led by Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo., wrote in an Aug. 10 letter to Garland. “With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing our kids to spend more time isolated and online, it is our responsibility to ensure children are protected from bad actors operating via the internet.”

OnlyFans is a social media network, like Instagram and YouTube. But unlike YouTube, which forbids “explicit content meant to be sexually gratifying,” and Instagram, which allows “nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures,” OnlyFans allows everything.

The content subscription service based in London allows content creators to be paid directly from their “fans” on a monthly basis as well as one-time tips and a pay-per-view feature. The platform is mainly used by amateur and professional pornographic models but also has a market with chefs, fitness enthusiasts and musicians seeking to monetize their professions and connect with fans.

Some celebrities have OnlyFans accounts, including rapper and actress Cardi B and actress, model and singer Bella Thorne, who made more than $1 million on her first day on the site.

Launched in 2016, the company claims more than 100 million users who annually pay out $3 billion to at least 1 million content creators, according to its website.

In the letter, lawmakers say the presence of sexually explicit images of children is “undeniable” and it appears OnlyFans does not have adequate safeguards or protocols in place to report such material to authorities.

Over the past two years, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has seen an increasing amount of child exploitation on OnlyFans. In 2019, it indicated it was aware of 10 cases involving missing children associated with content sold on the site. The center identified at least 80 cases in which missing children were linked with the website’s content this year, according to the letter.


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4f0438  No.14330829



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42523e  No.14330830

File: f8f43e18c087c78⋯.png (3.31 MB, 1454x904, 727:452, NS_F19_1.png)

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7546a6  No.14330831

File: 958979b29ec8387⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_rage.jpg)



by thunder

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6cab88  No.14330832

File: 59ad0ff40244988⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1242x1415, 1242:1415, 1608978659030.jpg)

File: cc1b40a9ec1999c⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1776x1328, 111:83, 1608864764535.jpg)

File: 3e92c5e41413578⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1776x1328, 111:83, 1609047540707.jpg)

>>14330158 pb

>When did we first see these pics??? I'm drawing a blank…. anybody remember??


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c33e2d  No.14330833

File: 32e66ffe7b93fbb⋯.jpeg (51.12 KB, 300x259, 300:259, austin_powers.jpeg)



Nice catch autists

These people are stupid

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086328  No.14330834

File: 999fdf387a1afa5⋯.png (826.16 KB, 606x482, 303:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f0438  No.14330835


(also Stripes)

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0c75e6  No.14330836

File: 8632b018bae5493⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 672x256, 21:8, Screenshot_2021_08_11_2130….jpg)

File: cd7f9332b4b0c64⋯.png (15.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a54ddec96e04da0d4dd3634070….png)

Here we go.


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7a6826  No.14330837


not notable

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a718b4  No.14330838

File: c8279dfbb546c33⋯.jpg (97.44 KB, 877x302, 877:302, TO_THE_PEOPLE.jpg)

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f6aa71  No.14330839


Be a blind fanboi all you want.

I'll choose discernment.

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521855  No.14330840



ive got to spend more time learning , than baking.. need to set my rig up differently

novice at best

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42523e  No.14330841

File: 473509581ba9255⋯.png (644.66 KB, 759x534, 253:178, BeThere.png)

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be2d2f  No.14330842

File: fd3a3e3896d77af⋯.png (151.49 KB, 374x360, 187:180, pepeheart.png)

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56fe69  No.14330843

File: 6288048f25dc071⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1764x1503, 196:167, f749a81659b17c65f0992e7796….png)

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35dd0d  No.14330844


Take the kids out of public school.

Join the home schooling network, they will help you.

Here is one of many


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bf9613  No.14330845

File: c35f929e7e2ba92⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 640x512, 5:4, Old_Ways_Are_Best_Ways.jpg)


Their Judgement Cometh, and That Right Soon!

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8bf97c  No.14330846

File: 0c173e6a8d3e262⋯.png (31.93 KB, 744x575, 744:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Aurora police, feds announce more than 100 arrests in 2-week sting operation

AURORA | A smattering of officials from across the strata of government on Wednesday announced the conclusion of a two-week sting operation that resulted in the arrest of more than 100 people tied to a bevy of violent crimes in Aurora.

Investigators with the Aurora Police Department, the U.S. Marhsals Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration and several other agencies arrested 104 people between July 26 and Aug. 6 in a probe dubbed “operation restore,” according to information by Aurora Police. More than a dozen other people targeted in the inquest were apprehended shortly before or after the two-week span, bringing the total number of arrestees to 117.

Authorities began assembling the sting in April by thumbing through the most egregious and open felony warrants with Aurora ties, identifying people wanted on suspicion of crimes like murder, aggravated assault and sex assault on a child, according to Aurora Police Division Chief Terry Brown.

At least three of the investigations culminated in arrests out of state, including in Los Angeles and Chicago.

Police Chief Vanessa Wilson cited rising crime rates across the metroplex when explaining why the operation was initiated this summer.

“I think we’ve seen across the nation, startling headlines about the increase in violent crimes,” she said. “And we knew something needed to be done.”

Crime in Aurora was up about 30% in the first six months of 2021 when compared to the same time last year, according to Aurora police statistics. When stripping out burglary, larceny and car theft — the latter of which is up some 90% in the city year over year — violent crimes like assault, robbery and murder are up 22.3% through the end of June.

All told, a combination of some 70 police personnel and 40 U.S. Marshals nabbed two people wanted for murder, five people wanted for attempted murder, a dozen people wanted for aggravated robbery, another dozen wanted for felonies related to domestic violence and nine people wanted for sex crimes with underage victims, according to Brown.

“Hopefully the citizens of Aurora can sleep a little bit better knowing that these people are off the streets, especially our children,” said U.S. Marshal David Weaver. “These perpetrators are out there causing great, great harm to them.”

About a quarter of the arrests stemmed from drug charges, and half of the accused had previously been charged with crimes related to narcotics, according to DEA Assistant Special Agent in Charge David Olesky. At least one drug trafficker accused of pushing thousands of opioid pills laced with fentanyl into the international market was also taken into custody, Olesky said.

Officials also seized nine guns and three stolen cars.


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f27a1f  No.14330847


May GOD open your eyes to see TRUTH.

MAY GOD open your ears so you can HEAR TRUTH.

May GOD open your MIND so that you can comprehend what you see & hear to understand the TRUTH.

TURN to JESUS now as HE is knocking on your door.

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d4179c  No.14330848


Angel on your shoulder. Mr. Pig is a resource.

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b9c0f0  No.14330849


Hey turds. This is what you expect crave and loathe at the same time. Classic see eye aye. Mr pig. Gfy then kys.

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17f389  No.14330850

File: c68fb60e4da5128⋯.jpg (152.41 KB, 704x524, 176:131, meme11.jpg)

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03c085  No.14330851


read a little ditty this morning. It said the that anti -vaxxers are the more intelligent ones out here.

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0ecde1  No.14330852


Q already doin it.. Where do you think all this data is coming from, why are so many pedos getting arrested, kek.. All we do is track it, which is necessary.. but the concept of Q at least, if you understand, is behind it. Q is doing it.

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cc2f85  No.14330853

File: d545190087b2011⋯.png (662.29 KB, 618x551, 618:551, ClipboardImage.png)


i get this message

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887b47  No.14330854

File: c45fef45aa3e0a8⋯.png (9.85 KB, 1475x137, 1475:137, ClipboardImage.png)




ancient shit

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17e246  No.14330855

Board ded.

So long Anons.

Will find you out there somewhere.


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7a6826  No.14330856

File: b9c87bb9af478ce⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1058x1822, 529:911, ClipboardImage.png)

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17f389  No.14330857

File: cf24267a88de07e⋯.jpg (215.01 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Milwaukee_.jpg)

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dfd64b  No.14330858


are you describing an exothermic, non-nuclear reaction?


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739a3d  No.14330859

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.



this guy reads all of them. i think there are 8 so far

Patel Patriot's Devolution - Part 8

This is the stand-alone reading of Patel Patriot's Devolution Part 8 by Patrick Gunnels of Reading Epic Threads


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e3e812  No.14330860

File: bfdb11aa1435bf0⋯.jpg (88.97 KB, 360x252, 10:7, 2_thumbs_up.jpg)

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562ae4  No.14330861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84789a  No.14330862


My experience voting in the 2020 primary in CA was absolutely a shit show. My jaw hit the floor. There were maybe a dozen computers, only one was working. I waited an hour and a half in line. The pollworkers were frazzled, asked me in front of EVERYONE whether I was R or D, then filled out a proxy ballot for me by hand, and put it in a box at her feet under the table. Gave me a slip with a number to check within 30 days whether my vote was accepted. I never bothered to check.

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313ce2  No.14330863


What part of "You look and decide for yourself.' bothers you where the bad man touched you? Big discernment tool.

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a7740b  No.14330864


Cali parents have been abusing their kids for decades….ask Arnold Schwarzenegger his bachelor party was big perv fest

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fa5fe3  No.14330865

File: c6e3c9bf3b2d9ca⋯.png (934.67 KB, 750x686, 375:343, c6e3c9bf3b2d9ca7601b79f394….png)

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17f389  No.14330866

File: 21555e39555bc55⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Jesusncswc.jpg)

File: 0823e73cdf65082⋯.jpg (46.6 KB, 525x256, 525:256, DivineFreewill.jpg)

File: ab430b47abd1cf5⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, CHECKMATE2.jpg)

File: bb190ba838f41db⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GreaJesus2.jpg)

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741500  No.14330867


If I had to guess, I'd say he's waiting until the symposium is over.

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f6aa71  No.14330868


>Board ded.

Not yet.

But prolly soon.

Jim can't beat around the bush about it any moar than he already has.

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591335  No.14330869


Time line Nashville bombing

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678a94  No.14330870

File: 8fb48b04e42cf13⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 680x487, 680:487, ballot_schema.JPG)


The files are XML Schema Definition (XSD) files. That is, files that describe what format the data should be referenced. Pic is a graphical view of that file. The source code to the voting system is not part of that email chain.

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671c84  No.14330871

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b9c0f0  No.14330872


Boy o boy I’m getting a lot of attn here. Sea it yhet?

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cc2f85  No.14330873


tests continue to get federal funding due to fiscal crisis by bad policy with no ramifications.

fuck mewsome

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c6b016  No.14330874

Does anyone remember that episode from Jesse Ventura's Show with all of those Black Plastic liners that were just about the right size for human bodies?

They were being stacked up by the thousands in multiple areas around the country.

I think we're gonna use them soon.

All these summer time C19 vaccine deaths are going to turn into a fall/winter apocalypse scenario.

just sayin.

The irony is that they were meant for us….they missed the target.


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4647cc  No.14330875

File: 8e63d3a55c59026⋯.jpeg (137.74 KB, 921x940, 921:940, FC1EF919_04C9_4767_9D28_1….jpeg)


What was the point for that set of distractions?

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3f7585  No.14330876



Nashville Xmas boom

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c6f3d2  No.14330877


On the flip side anti-Jab peeps are also firm in their beliefs from research, things happening to family members, and fuck the fda for all the horror they have done over the years but have noticed anti-jabbers aren’t as meltdown-ish as the other side. Just an observation.

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7a6826  No.14330878

File: edf0d75412da374⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1278x1242, 71:69, ClipboardImage.png)

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