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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

aa47b7  No.12069215[View All]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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5c1635  No.12070061

File: cbcac36992179cd⋯.jpg (117.22 KB, 720x480, 3:2, unnamed.jpg)


Yeah. I found this in place of the classified DQ I documented.

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3361c9  No.12070063


>LISTEN TO THE TAPE HERE (18:00 Minute Mark)

>I had to use headphones, fyi!


"Tim Blixseth tells Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo that after the New York Times tried to destroy CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, that the government hired Montgomery back again in 2009 and that Brennan and Clapper knew about it."

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3e24bd  No.12070064


Some believe the government/monarchy knew in advance what Guy Fawkes was planning to do and let it play out until just before the act to help their agenda. In other words the Guy was a patsy.

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d024b6  No.12070065

File: 1b2319f0d3ff5f3⋯.jpg (7.29 KB, 259x194, 259:194, mays.jpg)


>this is the firing squad chair in Utah

I'm a fan of hanging, myself.

They kick, twitch and fill their pants.

Plus their faces before the hood goes on should be priceless

An entertainment bonanza by any measure

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da09d5  No.12070066

File: 89969a0d4bfa69e⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 719x428, 719:428, EpeNo88WwAYRxxO.jpg)

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ee821c  No.12070067

File: 849f07c20e2068e⋯.png (1001.27 KB, 1336x696, 167:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e85531393c6509⋯.png (549.22 KB, 1336x700, 334:175, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12069975 (me)

Tron-themed, too.


Oh brother, you're wrong. Bull Moose was Roosevelt. Red field. Team evil to the core. Spanish american war was for the British empire. supported by Hearst media empire. Citizen Kane. Army would not give him a medal for his fake antics. Clinton gave it to him posthumously. Roosevelt split the GOP to get Bank man Wilson in, 1912. Very easy study, but it will take a couple days to learn this. He's also Biffy. Should not be on Rushmore. This timeline is (was) bad.

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6283c3  No.12070068



what would make people think that?

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105c99  No.12070069

File: 7a04687b4de745c⋯.png (364.5 KB, 795x555, 53:37, AnimeFag.png)


Animefags are twats.

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a5297e  No.12070070


kek we've only just begun to reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee then

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4d72f1  No.12070071

File: 8fc2549da4c827b⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1560x1040, 3:2, 037C26AA_73B5_42FA_A41E_1B….png)

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b65b15  No.12070072

File: 6c6edf855b052bc⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 720x162, 40:9, moderna_is_MRNA.jpg)


>Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one of the DNA strands of a gene

what's in a name?

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330623  No.12070073


Bill Ward.

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c0b533  No.12070074


None of you will ever do shit. They'll take your weapons before you fucking leave your computers.

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75dc58  No.12070075

File: 842d2f6072e7f7d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1361x2871, 1361:2871, Screenshot_2020_12_17_Drop….png)

File: 4c2d30a499559d8⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1094x7601, 1094:7601, Screenshot_2020_12_17_Drop….png)

File: 40bf49e2d36e4f8⋯.png (321.15 KB, 804x4329, 268:1443, Screenshot_2020_12_17_Drop….png)

File: e5bbabc1cb9d839⋯.png (300.83 KB, 1048x3604, 262:901, Screenshot_2020_12_17_Drop….png)


Drop Box Locations for November 3, 2020 Election in Georgia


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536bf5  No.12070076

fake. old news.

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1a01ac  No.12070077



Well so far I haven't found the Q post. But when I do, I'll post it. I just hope it wasn't one of those video not found links.

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39dfca  No.12070078


>Hoe's are Super Ultra Mad

^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS IS SO TRUE

CNN people have been going berserk for a few days now.

they know they have lost…it finally hit them

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0a97ca  No.12070080

Poop dick

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4077ff  No.12070081

File: 21bf90bb3a4b3fc⋯.jpg (5.28 MB, 4800x3204, 400:267, Dave_Weckl_054.jpg)

Only one can be the best.

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f8d811  No.12070083

File: 1b538a79a536420⋯.jpg (6.66 KB, 227x222, 227:222, hmmm_Pepe.jpg)

>>12069999 chekd

>in August said..

So August was a HOT month, after all.

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3dc506  No.12070084

File: 9cac65b05ef4f28⋯.png (181.55 KB, 693x364, 99:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a592d32689eb603⋯.png (211.48 KB, 810x469, 810:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88ef7da8444c04b⋯.png (238.94 KB, 775x511, 775:511, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0aedb  No.12070085

Liberal neo cons shilling for war with Russia on the TV, why are these pieces of shit still alive?

Hard to find?

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adf8e2  No.12081207


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adf8e2  No.12081210

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adf8e2  No.12081212

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adf8e2  No.12081216

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adf8e2  No.12081220

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adf8e2  No.12081223

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adf8e2  No.12081226

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adf8e2  No.12081231

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adf8e2  No.12081233

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adf8e2  No.12081236

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adf8e2  No.12081238

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adf8e2  No.12081241

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adf8e2  No.12081244

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adf8e2  No.12081250

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adf8e2  No.12081257

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adf8e2  No.12081260

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adf8e2  No.12081264

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adf8e2  No.12081266

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adf8e2  No.12081271

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adf8e2  No.12081273

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adf8e2  No.12081275

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adf8e2  No.12081277

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adf8e2  No.12081279

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adf8e2  No.12081282

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adf8e2  No.12081285

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adf8e2  No.12081288

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adf8e2  No.12081291

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adf8e2  No.12081292

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