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File: d87d0120cf1724f⋯.png (157.17 KB, 503x300, 503:300, QResearch COLOR.png)

2652e4  No.12945[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 07.16.2019

>>>/qresearch/7059278 ————————————–——– What happens when the 'controlled' are told to create a new narrative (Cap >>11762)

>>>/qresearch/7059125 ————————————–——– They want you divided (Cap >>11739, >>>/qresearch/7059195)

Sunday 07.14.2019

>>>/qresearch/7044207 ————————————–——– [Smollett] Federal charges coming?

>>>/qresearch/7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER

>>>/qresearch/7040246 ————————————–——– GODFATHER III

>>>/qresearch/7040112 rt >>>/qresearch/7040039 -- GOD WINS

>>>/qresearch/7039671 rt >>>/qresearch/7039638 -- Think…….

>>>/qresearch/7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING

>>>/qresearch/7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

>>>/qresearch/7039475 ————————————–——– Find [4]

>>>/qresearch/7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED. ( Cap: >>>/qresearch/7038935 )

Friday 07.12.2019

>>>/qresearch/7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>>/qresearch/7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."

>>>/qresearch/7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>>/qresearch/7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

>>>/qresearch/7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>>/qresearch/7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap: >>>/qresearch/7011200 )

>>>/qresearch/7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>>/qresearch/7005357 )

>>>/qresearch/7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>>/qresearch/7004625 )

Thursday 07.11.2019

Consolidated here: >>11282

Wednesday 07.10.2019

Consolidated here: >>7454

Tuesday 07.09.2019

Consolidated here: >>>/qresearch/7007843

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>>/qresearch/6976868

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>>/qresearch/2322789, >>>/qresearch/2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2652e4  No.12948

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

Board Admin Announcements

>>219 8bit rescinds previous endorsement of FastJack and all current BVs of /qresearch/


are not endorsements

#16 crowdbake, 3 collectors

>>12192 INVESTIGATE GOOGLE: President Trump Press Conference at Cabinet Meeting in the White House

>>12194, >>12206 Reminder of Memes Co-Op #1; Search for images on Nancy Pelosi here: >>12788

>>12195 Spreadsheet anon's posts from /qresearch/ on multiple archives

>>12215, >>12493, >>12557 https://wearethene.ws is back online; QResearch versus QRB response

>>12226 Manhattan U.S. Atty Announces Extradition Of Iranian National & Unsealing Of Charges Against 2 Other Men For Exporting Carbon Fiber

>>12235 Arch Remainer Compares Brexiteers to Islamic Terrorists

>>12246 Comey Attacks Trump Following Media Backlash Over Tweets to AOC and Her Communist “Squad”

>>12248 First full moon of summer 2019 to rise in the sky Tuesday night

>>12264 Regarding Bear Stearn's/JE/Banking Crisis Connection 2008

>>12266 House passes amendment ordering Pentagon to review whether U.S. experimented with weaponizing ticks

>>12276 Anon's graphic on the Rachel Chandler's security cam photo

>>12302 Live: House holds antitrust hearing with big tech executives.

>>12326 Dig: The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

>>12327 Small explosion and fire at Columbia nuclear plant bring more federal scrutiny

>>12353 R. Kelly ordered held wo/bond, deemed a “danger to the community, especially young girls”

>>12363 Local businessman pleads guilt to bribery scheme involving former St louis county Executive Steve Stenger

>>12365 Mosque in Aleppo has identical markings as Epstein's Temple. Moar similar designs >>12449, >>12464, >>12775, >>12520

>>12383 Information on EPSTEIN'S PARENTS found. Moar Epstein, >>12497, >>12501, >>12567

>>12427 Justice Dept: ITT Cannon to Pay $11 Million to Settle False Claims Allegations for Untested Electrical Connectors; ITT_inc

>>12429 Rand Paul: Ilhan Omar deserves 'rebuke over trying to say we have a rotten country’

>>12552 Six officials at Southwest Key, nonprofit running migrant child shelters, earned more than $1 million in 2017

>>12589 Today's Q Clock :46; Q CLOCK SUMMARIES - RE-READ CRUMBS

>>12590 Twitter; Paul Sperry names Omar and Co #OddSquad

>>12602, >>12839 Planefag report & planfag commenting on board changes

>>12668 PP head forced out after 8 mos

>>12772 On Q 2173/2174 mismatch & why it's a problem

>>12794 Ghislaine & father Robert Maxwell (ad 1st, then vid by Amazing Polly)

>>12843 Pelosi Calls POTUS Racist; House Uproar BUN

>>12885 @FastJack has archived Planefagging 101; hard to access & no new posts possible

>>12868 Vote count over Pelosi's remarks; anons DIGG

>>12921 Texas Port of Entry Shut Down Over Threatened Migrant Rush

>>12924 Pelosi Calls POTUS Racist; House Uproar BUN

>>12941 #16

Previously Collected Notables: /qrb/

>>7429 #9, >>8220 #10, >>8785 #11, >>9743 #12, >>11255 #13, >>11288 #14, >>12173 #15

>>1221 #1, >>2490 #2, >>2786 #3, >>3594 #4, >>4386 #5, >>5156 #6, >>5928 #7, >>6689 #8

Previously Collected Notables: /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/7062121 #9035

>>>/qresearch/7059573 #9032, >>>/qresearch/7061029 #9033, >>>/qresearch/7061292 #9034

>>>/qresearch/7057146 #9029, >>>/qresearch/7057942 #9030, >>>/qresearch/7059485 #9031

>>>/qresearch/7055074 #9026, >>>/qresearch/7056357 #9027, >>>/qresearch/7056484 #9028

>>>/qresearch/7052584 #9023, >>>/qresearch/7053237 #9024, >>>/qresearch/7053961 #9025

>>>/qresearch/7050756 #9020, >>>/qresearch/7051543 #9021, >>>/qresearch/7051696 #9022

>>>/qresearch/7048131 #9017, >>>/qresearch/7048615 #9018, >>>/qresearch/7049348 #9019

>>>/qresearch/7045397 #9014, >>>/qresearch/7046068 #9015, >>>/qresearch/7046959 #9016

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2652e4  No.12952

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>>/qresearch/6156082

QProofs.com -- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs - https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website --- https://www.resignation.info -- please report resignations here

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>>/qresearch/5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>>/qresearch/6064510 ----- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/qresearch/6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>>/qresearch/6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>>/qresearch/1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>>/qresearch/911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>>/qresearch/6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>>/qresearch/6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qresearch/6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Information Warfare archive: https://archive.fo/E0oJm

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>7069

Q Graphics all in EST

Latest collection & uploads: >>>/comms/1269

>>>/comms/958, >>>/comms/959, >>>/comms/960, >>>/comms/961, >>>/comms/962, >>>/comms/963, >>>/comms/964, >>>/comms/965, >>>/comms/966, >>>/comms/967, >>>/comms/968, >>>/comms/1189, >>>/comms/1194, >>>/comms/2208, >>>/comms/2209, >>>/comms/2210, >>>/comms/2529, >>>/comms/3409

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2652e4  No.12955

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>>/qresearch/6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

QRB Memes Co-op: >>2298

48 >>>/qresearch/6740853

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>>/qresearch/2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>10832, >>10819

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>10809

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>11004

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2652e4  No.12971

File: 66e572096ef5b42⋯.jpg (6.8 KB, 300x168, 25:14, patriotic first amendment.jpg)

dough for all


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65fb9f  No.12972

File: bf0d6172481768a⋯.png (79.43 KB, 902x451, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c42517  No.12979

File: 9597ad39735f8ca⋯.jpg (1019.97 KB, 1266x2014, 633:1007, Holiday baker.jpg)

File: eb460c12f903b39⋯.jpg (689.46 KB, 757x1132, 757:1132, Together kek flag.jpg)


Thank You Baker.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a1f24a  No.12982

File: 669b7d14cf5a53b⋯.jpg (11.58 KB, 236x257, 236:257, sp.jpg)

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fe1269  No.12985

schifft is low energy today

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233cc9  No.12986


I have been thinking about this 'board split' and anons' overall role in the Q operation. The World is Watching and we anons are the LIGHT and setting the example and spreading the word and keeping the CALM. Our credibility with the WORLD is of utmost importance!

Outsiders coming here and looking in will see how anons handled the current situation. Shills will shill and paint an awful picture of us and keep trying to DIVIDE. They will instigate and try to pit the 2 boards against each other or even have actors on both boards painting that picture. We MUST PRESENT A UNITED FRONT!

Instead of uniting to meet the common danger, anons have split into two boards (I'm guilty as well). (((THEY))) want us DIVIDED so haven't (((THEY))) succeeded by us reacting to the danger this way?

I think we need to hammer our what the real problems/solutions should be because I for one am struggling with it. Division should be the last resort or at least be the obvious final solution if we are truly at an impasse. I'm not a 8ch techy/guru to know exactly what the security issues are but I'd love for other anons to help others like me understand. I think we all agree that the INTEGRITY of our board is of utmost importance.

Let's set an example for the WORLD and problem solve this simple issue.

Problem - BO made changes without consulting with anons which is not cool and completely against the politics of our movement.

Can someone please list the integrity issues with the changes FJ made? I'm an auditor and audits identify integrity issues and make recommendations to fix them. I say we put together an audit report for FJ and present it to him with recommendations to fix the issues.

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b22bdb  No.12988

File: 28dcc2db3078ba1⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 792x540, 22:15, banana-boat.jpg)


Banana Boat Squad needs to be formed, I gotta eat with spouse anon, back later to make moarrrr

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caa819  No.12989

So I decided to do a search with Prince Andrew and MI6 as the search terms. Didn’t find a direct connection yet, but I DID find this older article that merits digging by multiple anons.

unday, 1 February 2015


Reportedly the photo above is some kind of photoshop.

1. Top Jew Jeffrey Epstein 'filmed Prince Andrew having sex with his underage slave.'

2. The CIA and its friends have files on the top child abusers.

3. A child abuse witness disappeared after the top police dumped him.

A Jewish cabinet minister had control of the security services.

4. Child abusers have been placed in top positions in government.

1. Reportedly, FBI agents seized at least four 'lurid' films from the Florida home of Jeffrey Epstein.

A serving law enforcement officer "has confirmed that the content of the films is described in 93 pages of police files leaked to a US publication."

Andy's pal FILMED his escapades with underage 'sex slave'

The National Enquirer has 'a screenshot from a video' allegedly showing Andrew having sex with this girl.

Reportedly the screenshot is some kind of photoshop.

Prince Andrew's Viral Video of Sex Slave Scandal.

The top Jew Leon Brittan and Barbara Castle.

2. The CIA and its friends know the identities of the top child abusers in the UK.

Westminster child abuse scandal: KGB and CIA kept secret ...

One source close to the KGB said: "We knew of some MPs who loved rent boys, and others who were active paedophiles.

"In those days, MPs were protected by (police) Special Branch and anyone with a chequered history, or an unhealthy appetite for young children, was soon flagged up by them...

"They tried hard to suppress any possible leaks...

"(Jewish cabinet minister Leon) Brittan ran your Special Branch. He also organised a 'dirty tricks' campaign with Prime Minister Thatcher against the miners and militants."

The KGB man says that police Special Branch was run by Leon Brittan 'as an establishment militia.'

Former Home Secretary Leon Brittan, an abuser at the Elm Guest House boy brothel, was accused of failing to act on the evidence passed to him by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in 1983.

Former Labour cabinet minister minister Barbara Castle compiled files on child abuse, but they were seized by Special Branch officers in 1984.

Tony Robinson, 81, a former Special Branch officer, found child abuser Sir Cyril Smith's prosecution files deliberately hidden at his Blackburn headquarters.

Deputy head of MI6 Peter Hayman.

The deputy head of MI6, Sir Peter Hayman, kept "explicit records of his sexual activities and fantasies", a report from the 1980s said.

A number of people in both MI5 and MI6 were said to be child abusers.

After World War II, the man with most influence within MI5 and MI6 was said to be Lord Victor Rothschild.

There is a suspicion that people such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers control the security services, including Mossad and the CIA.


Sauce: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/02/prince-andrew-missing-boy-cia-mossad-mi6.html?m=1

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54f92f  No.12990

File: 002844e07415b85⋯.png (561.06 KB, 1867x667, 1867:667, bc.png)

QR Bread #9037 chugging along with THREE other attempts to bake #9037 locked out. Not big on the background workings of the board but seems odd to me. Looks like someone is gatekeeping who gets to bake.

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78593e  No.12991

What the heck was a huge nasa plane doing flying dangerously low over Hanford CA about an hour ago? Going W.S.W, now looping back?! That is insane!!


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fe1269  No.12992


> Looks like someone is gatekeeping who gets to bake


where you been?

BO made his putsch last thursday

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6545ee  No.12993

File: ce224a37810c4ab⋯.png (49.69 KB, 407x605, 37:55, AdamSchittHead.png)




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2652e4  No.12994


Duplicate entry & a coupla typos:

new pastebin


baker seeking handoff

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3b80f6  No.12995



That would be the BO and BVs.

I don't think they even let magaveli or doc bake anymore.

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3b80f6  No.12997


And thank you baker!

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8ee182  No.12998

>>12942 (lb)

Dude, the Grinch was the first thing that came to mind with your first pic. At least give him a white beard or something.

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0188c6  No.12999

File: 295dce1b891d03d⋯.png (329.34 KB, 523x341, 523:341, traitor4.png)


baker, >>12868 (pb) wasn't vote count over pelosi's remarks, it was vote count for condemning the president's tweets. Final vote count being 240/187 with 4 republicans voting for.

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e1bf65  No.13000



Repost from late lb!

Bedlam on House Floor: Pelosi Storms Off amid Boos from Members

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was booed after attempting to shame lawmakers into supporting the House Democrats’ resolution to condemn what they consider “racist” tweets from President Trump, arguing that anything less would be “a shameful abdication” of their oath of office to “protect the American people.”

The speaker railed against Trump during Tuesday’s debate on the House floor, promising that her caucus would continue to respond to the “disrespect” aimed at the fundamental diversity of America. She accused the president of legitimizing and increasing “fear” and “hatred” against people of color and attempted to shame lawmakers who are dismissing the Democrats’ politically fueled resolution.

“It’s so sad because you would think that there would be a given that we would universally in this body just say ‘of course, of course,'” Pelosi remarked. “There is no excuse for any response to those words but a swift and strong, unified condemnation.”

“Every single member of this institution– Democratic and Republican– should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets,” she continued.

“To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people,” she added, sparking boos from others in the room.

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) chimed in as Pelosi yielded the remainder of her time and asked if she wanted to rephrase her remarks.

“I have cleared my remarks with the parliamentarian before I read them,” Pelosi said flippantly as she walked off.

Collins responded to the controversy on Twitter shortly after.

He tweeted:

"We expect each other to speak fairly, truthfully and respectfully of our fellow members of Congress and of the president—not because we agree with each other at all times, but because of our great respect for the Americans who elected us to represent them."


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54f92f  No.13001


Haven't seen it blatantly displayed like that before.

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1c5c7a  No.13002


Those are pre-bakes to be unlocked when they need a new bread.

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b1c347  No.13004

>>11713, >>11716, >>11722, >>11724, >>11732, >>11760, >>12109 all notables about posting about jews in bread titles

we really should discuss this

the shit about jews here is largely a distraction - hence the bread being shit in over and over by scripts that post about the topic intending to distract people from further specific research about things we're directed toward, either by Q themselves or each other.

look, there's no denying obvious issues with the talmud, the records of the tribe being removed from so many countries, the curious mention of the special number we all know of and how it explains their being so deceitful over the "holocaust"

but those things are distractions to us here because it loosens the scope of what we're working on. if we want to be effective, we can't work on the physics of creating, utilizing, and maintaining a nautical vehicle. No, that wouldn't make any sense.

instead, if something about jews comes up via Q or down the links of research digs that anons provide, we should certainly explore the possibilities. but when people bring shit up about the jews over and over it constantly pulls focus away from the topic at hand. hell, if you aren't well versed in this area but managed to find your way here, i don't at all know how you got so lucky.

some of us have known for decades

so that poses the question: why the fuck are these young kids talking about it relentlessly?

it's fucking obvious - the only reasonable explanation, they're trying to use it against us.

maybe a lot of us just agreed and amplified in the beginning, but now that the problem has come up we can't address it the same way. therefore, anyone that's competent and has a mind for continuity as well as cohesion should be careful about how the employ the meme. i don't intend to disparage the veracity of the meme and its rationale, but i do think it gets in the way.

anons should conduct themselves more appropriately. we need to focus more on rationality and responsibility. when it was just us for the few first months or year or so, the shitposting was cool and fun. now, we're nearing the end.

if people are still "something something jews"ing when it's not at all an appropriate time, you can guess quickly they're either quite young and naive, or they're not here for any helpful reasons.

sorry for the wall, boys. it needed said.

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450b86  No.13006

File: b8fa04801003e0a⋯.png (69.87 KB, 634x624, 317:312, 1_Vote_RINO.png)


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3e5e99  No.13007


Four Republicans joined Democrats in condemning President Trump's tweets, per NBC News:

-Rep. Hurd (TX)

-Rep. Upton (MI)

-Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA)

-Rep. Brooks (IN)

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ffc5ce  No.13008

File: 70d3866fe8bf012⋯.jpeg (86.02 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9669B705-97EB-4999-AF72-1….jpeg)

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0188c6  No.13009

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3e5e99  No.13010

File: b70c5dde4c2b9bb⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 88D866AE-4010-41E0-ABEF-BA….png)


More sauce

Forgot to attach pic and link.


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516dbb  No.13011

File: 8b2bcfc44772008⋯.jpg (209.65 KB, 500x374, 250:187, awoobaker.jpg)


TYB! o7

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fe286a  No.13012

File: e110a91c3e854d1⋯.png (34.59 KB, 592x332, 148:83, Hypoirony.png)

ooooh burn

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2cec2d  No.13013

Impeachment is about High Crimes and Misdemeanors right? They can't even use racist as a high crime or misdemeanor

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a1f24a  No.13014


Thre was something odd in my area... small town in Northern CA last night. There was a helicopter much louder than usual.. I thought perhaps a helicopter going to hospital to pick up a critical patient OR a police helicopter searching. I looked out the window and it had a bunch of red lights alternating around I did not see any search light coming from it as if looking for someone. It was buzzing around for a good 20 minutes but when I first looked out my window it was just in place, it wasn't moving only the lights were rotating then it did some movement around. Never went to the hospital so that had to be ruled out.. again never saw a search light being used. Is this some new kind of police helicopter that uses laser to see people? I have no idea but IO never experienced or saw anything like it before. NO IT WAS NOT A UFO it was some helicopter of sorts.

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b1c347  No.13015


not unless they rework some laws

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d7de7c  No.13016

File: 7c4621ca4ecc7f8⋯.png (261.85 KB, 1773x502, 1773:502, 2019-07-16-19:08:58-edt.png)

File: e0c7b758e0ab3e0⋯.jpg (317.79 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, KAFNightRecon.jpg)

File: 474050b3db324c2⋯.png (258.78 KB, 516x541, 516:541, Recon7.png)

File: e252f48cf8d901b⋯.jpg (110.07 KB, 581x1101, 581:1101, R7.jpg)

>>12970 lb

>>12967 lb

All right. Created Planefag Q+A at >>13005

Baker add to dough?

I'll try to keep an eye on it, answer questions, coach those who wish to learn, and hopefully a REAL planefag will help staff it. I consider myself a backup planefag even though Red Arrow promoted me to Flight Leftenant last year, kek.

Qualifications for planefagging:

1. Desire to learn

2. Helps if you're actually a pilot, or at least have been a frequent traveler

3. Military experience a definite plus

4. A knack for observing and remembering visual patterns. A sense for things that look different or were important before.

5. Willing to spend a shitload of time screencapping, annotating, and archiving your caps.

Buckle up! Planefagging awaits!

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51d63a  No.13017

File: df023b3b2172751⋯.jpg (256.97 KB, 1124x799, 1124:799, treason.jpg)

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fe1269  No.13018



top tier gold star anon right there

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70e9bf  No.13019

File: 11fc95ecd882aec⋯.png (109.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


i'll take the kitchen.

handoff confirmed?

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b69c92  No.13020


FLIR - infrared, not newfangled military, but not common on civ use, yet.

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d7de7c  No.13021


Marine Osprey flies like a helicopter but with 2 tiltrotors is EXTREMELY loud. Just sayin'

Can't easily go back in time to see what it was, anon. Next time holler while it's up there and we'll take a peek.


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70e9bf  No.13022



Whoa, wrong pepe.

Did not mean to flip you off.

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7d96fb  No.13023


Had something like that in my area a couple months ago. Was a loud helicopter. So loud, I thought 2 jets were also circling.

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516dbb  No.13024

File: 15edaef1bd84e1b⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 540x413, 540:413, Planefags_Prevail_2.jpg)


Very odd indeed.


Pic related. o7

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3b80f6  No.13025

File: 1391e68599d3a02⋯.jpg (51.62 KB, 800x596, 200:149, 1558216003005.jpg)



tippy top kek!

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9acc24  No.13026

so much fire and brimstone leading up to the August recess.

Are dems trying to get out in front of something?

Schiff has been going on about deep fake vids like he is losing his mind from paranoia.

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a1f24a  No.13027


Thanks did not even think of that... DUH!

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2652e4  No.13028

Pelosi Calls POTUS Racist; House Uproar BUN

from #16 reposted in #17

>>12663 (You) Pelosi Sparks Uproar After Calling Trump Tweets ‘Racist’ On House Floor

>>12476 Duder just abandoned the Chair... Moar; >>12482, Transcript by Anon, >>12592

>>12516 BREAKING NEWS —> Speaker Pelosi just broke the rules of the House, and is no longer permitted to speak

>>12390 @Senatemajldr: 'Well, the President's not a racist'

>>12592, >>12491 Anon on Pelosi & Duder abandoning the Chair

>>12644 Chad Pergram play by play on Pelosi gaff & House happenings

>>12671 Ex-Florida GOP Rep. Alan West, USArmy-ret Col.: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi committed "treason" and should be removed from her position

>>12759 Anon's pithy summary of House "meltdown"

>>12206 Memefags: Search for images on Nancy Pelosi here

>>12868, >>12999 nb, >>13007 nb Vote count over condemning the President's remarks (240 for/187 against, 4 Repubs for)

>>12884 NEW: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) to @DailyCaller on the chaos going on in the House: "Six long months of disunity and intra-party quarreling has brought us to where we are today, in which even Majority Leader Hoyer agrees..."

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a1f24a  No.13029


As in say something while it's happening.

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6545ee  No.13030

File: e58b19daa87b311⋯.png (114.45 KB, 240x362, 120:181, Screenshot_145.png)

File: ee1596229c48c2c⋯.png (156.82 KB, 260x334, 130:167, Screenshot_146.png)

File: afcfb8fddb74e29⋯.png (133.08 KB, 251x315, 251:315, Screenshot_147.png)

File: 2860e56c179743b⋯.png (151.17 KB, 256x360, 32:45, Screenshot_148.png)


Drones are ready to go.


Awaiting go-code.


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caa819  No.13031

File: 959263e0b96db50⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, FCFD35B9-8BF2-45EE-AFDF-7C….png)


3. In the early 1980s, a young rent-boy volunteered to expose the top people abusing children at boy brothels.

Teen rent boy VANISHED after spying on VIP

A newspaper gave the boy a camera.

The boy named Leon Brittan, the cabinet minister responsible for the police and MI5, as a visitor to a boy brothel.

The boy disappeared hours after starting his investigation – and was never seen again.

Reportedly, the police, cabinet ministers and members of the security services were regular visitors to the various boy brothels, which were run by the security services.

A young rent boy phoned the Sunday Mirror newspaper and told them he feared for his life because a policeman who was supposed to be protecting him had been ordered to close the case.

The boy told the journalists: "Please, please help me. I'm in terrible danger. They will know I've been talking to the police.

"You cannot imagine what they will do to me if I'm caught. I have seen what they have done to others."

The boy told the journalists that Leon Brittan was one of the people who attended the child abuse parties held in various locations.

Reportedly, some of the top child abusers were flown in and out of a Royal Airforce base, possibly RAF Northolt.

Reportedly, some of the top child abusers were flown to Belgium, the home of Marc Dutroux, whose child kidnapping gang has been linked to Mossad and its friends.

The police detective, who was supposed to be protecting the child whistleblower, told the child that the child abuse investigation had been stopped.

The boy said of the detective: "He told me that he'd been ordered to stop the investigation and could do nothing to help me."

The boy then gave the Sunday Mirror the detective's name and his direct telephone number.

When the Sunday Mirror phoned the detective, the detective said: "Don’t ever ring or try to contact me again."

The Sunday Mirror reporter said he knew Leon Brittan was involved and asked to meet up.

The detective said: "Look please - go away.

"Don’t tell anyone you have spoken to me. I've been ordered to stop the investigation. All my files are gone."

Asked who had ordered the investigation stopped, he said: "The very top. It comes from there right down to my boss.

The very top.

4. The top people, who work in alliance, are a mixture of Robber Barons, Feudal Lords, Nazis, Zionists and Mafia Dons.

They are as ruthless as any Roman emperor or medieval king.

Margaret Thatcher was kept informed of the investigation into Sir Peter Hayman's link to sadistic child abuse.

Call for inquiry into links between senior civil servant Sir Peter Hayman and paedophile network in the 1980's.

Hayman was the deputy director of MI6.

One of Hayman's contacts "shared an obsession with the systematic killing by sexual torture of young people and children."

It has been suggested that the torture and killing activity of the military has as much to do with sexual lust as anything else.

UK Member of Parliament Tom Watson says: "I would like to know how it was that a senior mandarin with links to MI6 was able to rise through the ranks and have connections with people with a taste for sexual violence against children, and yet go unchallenged for so long."

The answer is that many of the top people enjoy torturing and murdering children.


"Sir David Richards has stashed away a retirement fund of £4million, the largest ever for a civil servant."


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c42517  No.13032

File: 422b5a6fcbe1796⋯.jpg (605.45 KB, 1472x1944, 184:243, Vigilant planefags.jpg)

File: 966b292b16893fe⋯.jpg (206.13 KB, 434x655, 434:655, Global planefags.jpg)

File: 6eefdca18d5eed0⋯.jpg (128.77 KB, 354x511, 354:511, Sky is no limit.jpg)

File: 1267165824e3290⋯.jpg (592.45 KB, 758x1040, 379:520, Planefaggery.jpg)


Ty Planefag.

>Qualifications for planefagging:

>1. Desire to learn

>2. Helps if you're actually a pilot, or at least have been a frequent traveler

>3. Military experience a definite plus

>4. A knack for observing and remembering visual patterns. A sense for things that look different or were important before.

>5. Willing to spend a shitload of time screencapping, annotating, and archiving your caps.

I'm out; Kek.

I'll stick to memes


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b23b6d  No.13033


Ohhh that makes me laugh. The little pencil neck bastard knows the vids and pics are coming. Nothing can stop what is coming. I bet he is not sleeping so well at night. I wonder if they will let him take his My Pillow to Gitmo?

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233cc9  No.13034

File: 01f659fdde9cae0⋯.png (375.39 KB, 971x523, 971:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5959603cec9ce84⋯.png (54.1 KB, 747x326, 747:326, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12226 (pb) 2013 Grand Jury Charges unsealed re: Extradition of Iranian National

Anyone else notice the charges are from 2013 and signed by Preet Bharara?

What immediately came to my mind with all of this is

Is this related to Project Cassandra?

Why 6 years to unseal?

Was this part of Obama's effort to stonewall Project Cassandra?

Did Preet Bharara have a hand in stonewalling Project Cassandra?



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fe1269  No.13035


>"You cannot imagine what they will do to me if I'm caught. I have seen what they have done to others."


Day of the rope WHEN?

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0188c6  No.13036


The house, which the dems lead in, would have to vote with a simple majority (over 50%). It then goes to the senate, who must vote with a 2/3's majority to impeach. Republicans currently have 53 out of 100 seats in the senate, so highly unlikely to happen.

What is likely is a simple majority passing the house, and things like "House passes impeachment against trump" to dominate headlines.

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2652e4  No.13037


Reposting this because of factual error in #16:

Voting was over the House condeming the President's remarks, not over Pelosi's remarks (Kek):

#16 reposted in #17 crowdbake, 3 collectors

>>12192 INVESTIGATE GOOGLE: President Trump Press Conference at Cabinet Meeting in the White House

>>12194, >>12206 Reminder of Memes Co-Op #1; Search for images on Nancy Pelosi here: >>12788

>>12195 Spreadsheet anon's posts from /qresearch/ on multiple archives

>>12215, >>12493, >>12557 https://wearethene.ws is back online; QResearch versus QRB response

>>12226 Manhattan U.S. Atty Announces Extradition Of Iranian National & Unsealing Of Charges Against 2 Other Men For Exporting Carbon Fiber

>>12235 Arch Remainer Compares Brexiteers to Islamic Terrorists

>>12246 Comey Attacks Trump Following Media Backlash Over Tweets to AOC and Her Communist “Squad”

>>12248 First full moon of summer 2019 to rise in the sky Tuesday night

>>12264 Regarding Bear Stearn's/JE/Banking Crisis Connection 2008

>>12266 House passes amendment ordering Pentagon to review whether U.S. experimented with weaponizing ticks

>>12276 Anon's graphic on the Rachel Chandler's security cam photo

>>12302 Live: House holds antitrust hearing with big tech executives.

>>12326 Dig: The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

>>12327 Small explosion and fire at Columbia nuclear plant bring more federal scrutiny

>>12353 R. Kelly ordered held wo/bond, deemed a “danger to the community, especially young girls”

>>12363 Local businessman pleads guilt to bribery scheme involving former St louis county Executive Steve Stenger

>>12365 Mosque in Aleppo has identical markings as Epstein's Temple. Moar similar designs >>12449, >>12464, >>12775, >>12520

>>12383 Information on EPSTEIN'S PARENTS found. Moar Epstein, >>12497, >>12501, >>12567

>>12427 Justice Dept: ITT Cannon to Pay $11 Million to Settle False Claims Allegations for Untested Electrical Connectors; ITT_inc

>>12429 Rand Paul: Ilhan Omar deserves 'rebuke over trying to say we have a rotten country’

>>12552 Six officials at Southwest Key, nonprofit running migrant child shelters, earned more than $1 million in 2017

>>12589 Today's Q Clock :46; Q CLOCK SUMMARIES - RE-READ CRUMBS

>>12590 Twitter; Paul Sperry names Omar and Co #OddSquad

>>12668 PP head forced out after 8 mos

>>12772 On Q 2173/2174 mismatch & why it's a problem

>>12794 Ghislaine & father Robert Maxwell (ad 1st, then vid by Amazing Polly)

>>12602, >>12839 Planefag report & planefag commenting on board changes

>>12885 @FastJack has archived Planefagging 101; hard to access & no new posts possible

>>12921 Texas Port of Entry Shut Down Over Threatened Migrant Rush

>>12868, >>12999 nb, >>13007 nb Vote count over condemning the President's remarks (240 for/187against, 4 Repubs for)

>>12924 Pelosi Calls POTUS Racist; House Uproar BUN

>>12941 #16

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9cff35  No.13038



I appreciate that guy for giving Giulio Occhionero a platform.

Italy is a BIG cog in the Spygate wheel and Occhionero knows what's going on.

Followed him and several other Italian journalists/conservative activists on twatter.

Don't be intimidated by another language; jewgle translate makes it a non-issue in about 10 seconds.

I suspect we're going to see the Vatican and Italian intel community pulled into conversation in the US sooner rather than later.

We're going to need to CONSIDER other sources and viewpoints, even from "paytriots".

The fact is "paytriots" sometimes play host to others who AREN'T paytriots.

Ex: Jason Goodman, who gets on my nerves, but he has hosted the peerless Charles Ortel for over 165 two-hour podcasts. If he wants to run some commercials for himself, it's no different than commercials for cars or Advil or mattresses or whatever on normal TV. I can ignore them.

"Notables are not endorsements"

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516dbb  No.13039

File: 9e6fb760b812f8a⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 800x450, 16:9, cbts.jpg)



Getting that /CBTS/ deja-vu feelz all over.

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96b0d3  No.13040



not /comms/ is it

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51d63a  No.13041

File: cefe4d631817ca9⋯.jpg (256.93 KB, 1124x799, 1124:799, civilwar.jpg)

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961bb3  No.13042

File: e3cdcc8c7b2c78f⋯.png (443.38 KB, 676x706, 338:353, aocdonkey3.png)

File: 2ea64014e3fd0ee⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, justanactress.jpg)

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b23b6d  No.13043


You can bet Preet had his fingers in Project C. What is very clear to me is SDNY is squeaky clean these days by the look of what they are raking in off the shit pile.

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233cc9  No.13044


(((THEY))) fear the messianic era

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961bb3  No.13045

File: dc6f9e36b036585⋯.png (994.82 KB, 1008x541, 1008:541, IO2.png)

File: 5c6fbca84a8f473⋯.png (604.07 KB, 720x421, 720:421, ilhandeception2.png)

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58636f  No.13046

File: 8dd2d9266ec7b42⋯.png (241.2 KB, 581x634, 581:634, twitter_com_KellyannePolls….png)


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8b277d  No.13047

File: 648fca2f05a1a63⋯.jpg (77.85 KB, 720x311, 720:311, Screenshot_20190717-010443….jpg)

File: 686e3d823f1a256⋯.png (89.52 KB, 500x441, 500:441, hes-right-you-know-made-on….png)

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233cc9  No.13048


>SDNY is squeaky clean these days


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961bb3  No.13049

File: 9f178a32ba05474⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dems-aocio-5.png)

File: 769b63a4462e745⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dems-aocio-4.png)

File: bd4aae40ca5a42d⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dems-aocio-3b.png)

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516dbb  No.13050


>Reportedly, some of the top child abusers were flown in and out of a Royal Airforce base, possibly RAF Northolt.

This certainly fits the MO of corrupt DS operatives. Seen all kinds of evidence that government recources have been used to cover up all kinds of things under the guise of 'operations' in Europe.

t. Euroanon

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ce612f  No.13051


Kek. None of these are my creations. Just a few from my collection.

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fe1269  No.13052


also used for Jonestown

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58636f  No.13053

File: cd0b8bebedf932c⋯.jpg (125.93 KB, 1013x1200, 1013:1200, D_ogK9dWkAANPUj (1).jpg)

4 republicans vote with democrats against Trump

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a1f24a  No.13054


Watching one flying at night on video right now.... sounds very similar only difference was red light not green. I'm going to continue searching. I do not have access to MSM and obtaining news about our town can sometimes take a few days to locate.

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450b86  No.13055

File: 4a33d041e5cc13b⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1124x799, 1124:799, 1_Benjamins.png)

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fae9be  No.13056


Im in socal also, had an osprey fly over two nights ago, they went black-out just before my neighborhood (it was night), was very loud, and only way i knew for sure it was an osprey was the side by side props i could see because they had green glow on them.

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d5888e  No.13057

File: 8681ad3df1d9670⋯.png (34.33 KB, 589x209, 31:11, ClipboardImage.png)


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2652e4  No.13059

>>12948 see repost of corrected notes below

>>12971 uncorrected pastebin

>>12994 first edit pastebin

>>13037 repost of lb notes (corrected)

>>13028 corrected House bun

Final corrections made to initial dough


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fe1269  No.13060



edgy boi

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c29b23  No.13061

File: 5fbf20a0f9fc305⋯.png (419.96 KB, 650x532, 325:266, al-green-donald-trump.png)

Filing Articles of Impeachment

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35451e  No.13062


Projection. Philadelphia Mayor confirmed satanist.

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2652e4  No.13063

File: 8d6776dcca5c367⋯.jpg (284.59 KB, 2592x1944, 4:3, bread in oven.jpg)


Ok, now I can handoff.

handoff confirmed

Had to correct typos, then content.

clean pastebin:


Have a great bake, kitchen getting a little hotter now!!

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51d63a  No.13064

File: df007decdbc10b0⋯.png (539.39 KB, 744x698, 372:349, standardhotel.png)

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d7de7c  No.13065


The URL is correct as posted.

PF Q+A was created on the QRB board.

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2652e4  No.13066


>wrong pepe


prolly wouldn't even have noticed

those little icons don't always show the details, do they?


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0188c6  No.13067

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2cec2d  No.13068

File: 10fd805110ee61b⋯.png (141.72 KB, 2560x1216, 40:19, lsjinVIsupremecourt.png)

File: 32df10cda9a290a⋯.png (148.2 KB, 2560x1225, 512:245, lsjllindelawarelinkedtoeps….png)

File: 6394203aae744b4⋯.png (181.2 KB, 2560x1222, 1280:611, leinlittlestjames2008not E….png)

File: 0c5d18cce9a04fd⋯.png (95.29 KB, 2560x1231, 2560:1231, lsjllcddel.png)

Jeffery Epstien did not disclose his assets in one or more LLC's. Like the one I found LSJ LLC that was in the VI Supreme Court case.

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70e9bf  No.13069

File: e1052e961105d25⋯.png (622.72 KB, 800x597, 800:597, e1052e961105d25a5bf3a91584….png)


Thanks baker for your hard work. You really are awesome.

>kitchen getting a little hotter now!!

I noticed the kitchen getting hotter yesterday. Glad to see it, but makes me sweat. In a good non stinky way... kek.

Get some rest Rockstar!

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fe1269  No.13070

File: 89314c91bd7295e⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 400x373, 400:373, eye to eye.gif)

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3fca75  No.13071

File: d22f31aa25514d8⋯.jpg (221.12 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, MOVrus.jpg)

File: 0483f6b9a40ee3d⋯.jpg (350.36 KB, 900x600, 3:2, EH ff.jpg)

File: 87ef293f1060715⋯.jpg (442.85 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, MOVca.jpg)

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a7649c  No.13072


Stole this from /qrg/


Does POTUS want them to submit articles of impeachment?

"Drown me! Roast me! Hang me! Do whatever you please," said Brer Rabbit. "Only please, Brer Fox, please don't throw me into the briar patch."

"The briar patch, eh?" said Brer Fox. "What a wonderful idea! You'll be torn into little pieces!

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b23b6d  No.13073

File: 27c452b53037962⋯.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1565x1491, 1565:1491, 11875B3A-020D-4928-8991-2….jpeg)

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762b59  No.13074


hi auditoranon

here is a starting point

>>>/qresearch/7003060 BO on notables

>>>/qresearch/7003276 anon rebuttal

>>>/qresearch/7003300 anon rebuttal quoted by Q

>>>/qresearch/7052717 "BO" (obv not written by FJ) follow-up several days later after a huge drama shitstorm

I don't have links for the rest of it, but this is the latest in a long pattern of BO/BV team acting without discussing any changes with anons, generally being insulting and treating anons and bakers like shit, accusing bakers of being shills, etc.

Q says "You are the news now", in my opinion the baking process including a definitive list of notables is a key part of this, but FastJack and company have killed the baking process completely. All threads on /qresearch/ are now pre-made and locked, and anyone including shills can post whatever notables they like in the new notables thread.

A chain of trust from Q > BO/BVs > bakers > anons allows the board to be great. We had this on /qresearch/ for a while, but FJ and crew have broken trust every chance theyve gotten. So things are more fragmented now but the bunker is still quite comfy.

Hope this helps.

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8da467  No.13075

File: bb1f0611803ea88⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1364x1224, 341:306, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)


TY Baker!

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516dbb  No.13076

File: a9732df2115334f⋯.jpg (14.1 KB, 255x127, 255:127, Night Shift Comfy Pepe.jpg)


So comfy. In here.

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3fca75  No.13077

File: a7b11d6cc73a97c⋯.png (758.71 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, AS7.8.png)

File: 7d2c27da1b344a0⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 277x372, 277:372, AShaiti.jpg)

File: 5de97d06331ef51⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 401x560, 401:560, CardAS.jpg)

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dca809  No.13078

File: db38262efe5f9ad⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 646x433, 646:433, Screenshot_518.jpg)

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cafb18  No.13079

File: ff8b8530e791cc3⋯.jpeg (24.56 KB, 177x255, 59:85, CA34EEDB-CC59-483D-A1D1-B….jpeg)


Very comfy.

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d7de7c  No.13080

Dear God

We ask your blessing upon our President, upon all those who are helping him reestablish America as a limited government constitutional republic, upon our military and law enforcement, and upon the anons on both boards who are serving tirelessly to implement Your will.

Bless and protect them all. We ask in Jesus' name.


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96b0d3  No.13081


I know the URL is correct, that was not my point

you were offered safe haven on /comms/ >>12967 where there is an active and PF sympathetic BO

I believe you'll be well received here on /qrb/

may you always have clear sky & a tailwind


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762b59  No.13082

File: 355cf864d2f2d20⋯.png (335.2 KB, 470x536, 235:268, trump shut it down.png)


excellent post fren.

Anons will not be divided by religion. Instead we will unite against those who would corrupt and subvert us, regardless of who they are or what their background is.

We go after the corrupt and the pedophiles because they are corrupt and pedophiles, not because they are Jewish, black, white, trannies, whatever.

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cd1a66  No.13083

ty Devin Nunes!

you following me? kek

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762b59  No.13084



and when I use the (((echoes))) on here I mean (((cabal))), (((clowns))) or other (((fuckery))).

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8ee182  No.13085


>Those are pre-bakes to be unlocked when they need a new bread.

And that is one of the reason they wanted to remove notables from the top of the bread; you can't pre-bake including notables.

All part of the plan to eliminate the one thing they cannot control - Bakers!

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a1f24a  No.13086

File: 42e7ab81d45de3e⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 888x499, 888:499, blessthebunker.jpg)

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d7de7c  No.13087


I'm sorry, I missed that. No slight intended, just did not see any post mentioning comms. Very tired, been a l-o-n-g day.

Why do we need safe haven on /comms/?

Thank you.

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fe1269  No.13088


not mine

Synopsis of the degradation of QR General

repost for fresh eyes

BO glows

>>7003060 pb

Anon points out... (take notice it's about a lot more than just notables)

>>7003276 pb

Q confirms Anon

>>7003300 pb

BO acts stupid

>>7003509 pb

BO starts deleting notable buns from new bread and locks new breads

>>7006571 pb

>>7006175 pb

>>7006558 pb

8bit rescinds endorsement of FastJack

>>>/qrb/219 ob

BO continues

>>7007500 pb

>>7007627 pb

>>7008087 pb

Original Anon retorts

>>7008199 pb

>>7008094 , >>7008104 BO demonstrating extent of his eloquence and argumentative ability

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fe1269  No.13089


doh, forgot not on qr

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9cff35  No.13090


There are multiple corporate entities registered with Epstein's office address in the USVI, including "Southern Trust Company, Inc."

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fe1269  No.13091


>Why do we need safe haven on /comms/?

safety, redundancy of important info

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cafb18  No.13092

File: f261194295b620a⋯.jpeg (17.86 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 1BA2ABA5-BE0D-44BD-A4CB-5….jpeg)

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8029f2  No.13093

File: d9f5e2485c99e03⋯.png (239.96 KB, 1075x685, 215:137, Photo_1563320247095.png)

wut do...

<tfw spend 46 sec looking for captcha...


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2dc9a3  No.13094


Omar needs do decide which country she supports and if it isn't this one, she needs to move on. If she's not going to put the US ahead of all other nations, she needs to surrender her seat and move on. Having married her brother makes her uniquely vulnerable.

>>11933 (PB)

It's a winnowing. If you can't take the hazing, you won't be able to withstand the deliberate shilling, etc. The admonition to "lurk moar" is good advice.

Think back to what we've been subjected to in the past year or so and you'll realize that it took mighty tough skin to stick with the board. If simply being called a "nigger" or a "faggot" is enough to drive you off, you won't be able to hang when things actually get tough. I've saved some truly horrible graphics to my hard drive (no CP, though!) and then used Bleach-bit on the directories. It's my way of weaponizing my HD against anyone well-funded (with MY taxes) enough to go for a deeper dive through my computer.

I've limited my posts over there simply because by the time I've done a little digging on something it's too old to be considered relevant.

This board is like the other one was when it started. I think we need to be aware that it is likely to go through the same evolution. I had been hoping that Q would create a new location before now since he mentioned moving for each phase.

>>11983 (PB)

I can't speak for Omar or any of the rest of 'em, but THIS is my America. (wipes eyes, blows nose)

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762b59  No.13095



BO glows>>13089


BO glows


Anon points out... (take notice it's about a lot more than just notables)


Q confirms Anon


BO acts stupid


BO starts deleting notable buns from new bread and locks new breads




8bit rescinds endorsement of FastJack

>>>/qresearch/qrb/219 ob

BO continues




Original Anon retorts


>>>/qresearch/7008094, >>>/qresearch/7008104 BO demonstrating extent of his eloquence and argumentative ability

>>7003060 pb

Anon points out... (take notice it's about a lot more than just notables)

>>7003276 pb

Q confirms Anon

>>7003300 pb

BO acts stupid

>>7003509 pb

BO starts deleting notable buns from new bread and locks new breads

>>7006571 pb

>>7006175 pb

>>7006558 pb

8bit rescinds endorsement of FastJack

>>>/qrb/219 ob

BO continues

>>7007500 pb

>>7007627 pb

>>7008087 pb

Original Anon retorts

>>7008199 pb

>>7008094 , >>7008104 BO demonstrating extent of his eloquence and argumentative ability

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ea3091  No.13096

File: 793b94d3e743494⋯.jpg (235.83 KB, 720x846, 40:47, 20190717_003813.jpg)


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cd1a66  No.13097


they're labeling all whites

racist nazis

and putting it into the record

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04c25d  No.13098

File: ce9409bc282b184⋯.jpeg (537.1 KB, 1242x776, 621:388, Pray for Trump Flag.jpeg)

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2dc9a3  No.13099

My understanding is the 8bit created this space. If so, "Thank you, 8bit". If not, then my thanks to whoever DID create it.

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762b59  No.13100




goddamnit, I fucked up the formatting too kek

one more try

BO glows


Anon points out... (take notice it's about a lot more than just notables)


Q confirms Anon


BO acts stupid


BO starts deleting notable buns from new bread and locks new breads




8bit rescinds endorsement of FastJack

>>219 ob

BO continues




Original Anon retorts


BO demonstrating extent of his eloquence and argumentative ability

>>>/qresearch/7008094, >>>/qresearch/7008104

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233cc9  No.13101


Perfect, anon! This is a good starting point. I will start working on it

I love your chain of trust explanation - so important for integrity of the board!

>A chain of trust from Q > BO/BVs > bakers > anons allows the board to be great. We had this on /qresearch/ for a while, but FJ and crew have broken trust every chance theyve gotten. So things are more fragmented now but the bunker is still quite comfy.

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d7de7c  No.13102

File: 3011ddd27cc70e9⋯.png (943.68 KB, 1903x967, 1903:967, 2019-07-16-19:43:01-edt.png)

Currently seeing 91 military aircraft (mil a/c) over continental U.S. (CONUS).

Different numbers are "normal" at different times of day and days of the week.

Glancing down the column, sorted by Column 3 "Type", for interesting ones.

There's a B52 bomber up, pic related.

Notice that it's highlighted yellow on the (crowded) map, and it's highlighted green in the list. So I don't need to mark it, as it stands out even though the radar display is quite crowded.

What it's doing? I have no idea.

Many times we assume training activities.

Pilots are required to maintain a certain number of flight hours.

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7e3295  No.13103


I would like to see 8bit unhide the usernames of moderators in the logs of this board.

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9cff35  No.13104

File: e1674cbad0789f9⋯.jpg (257.35 KB, 864x648, 4:3, SteeleMap050119.jpg)



FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier

By John Solomon, opinion contributor — 07/16/19 07:00 PM EDT

(excerpt - article too long to post)

"The FBI’s own spreadsheet was so conclusive that it prompted then-FBI Director James Comey (no fan of Trump, mind you) to dismiss the document as “salacious and unverified” and for lead FBI agent Peter Strzok to text, “There’s no big there there.” FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified that nine months into reviewing Steele’s dossier they had not found evidence of the collusion that Steele alleged.

Two years later, Mueller came to the same conclusion: Steele’s intelligence alleging a conspiracy was never verified. "

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fe1269  No.13105


there are none, only BO

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8029f2  No.13106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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762b59  No.13107


Your understanding is correct, 8bit created this board and kept it locked for a while, I think at Q's request. (If anyone has a link to whatever Q said back then, much appreciated)

Then he unlocked it with "recent events" including >>219 ob.

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ffc5ce  No.13108

File: 0102e7ab0579877⋯.jpeg (24.73 KB, 255x205, 51:41, E0271CC2-C2AD-41DD-B3F9-A….jpeg)

File: c830349a7a6482d⋯.jpeg (23.44 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 927CE897-B6C0-463B-BABF-8….jpeg)


History books

The 1, 2, 3, 4 migration

The meme wars

Calm before the storm

The great awakening

The storm

Peace is the prize

We the people united

Just some chapters



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b1c347  No.13109


They've feared it for thousands of years.

Too bad it's about to boil over.

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96b0d3  No.13110


>Why do we need safe haven on /comms/?



>safety, redundancy of important info

also longevity, it's part archive after all

the only threads that have ever been deleted are baker practice breads with zero unique information and two that were being used in an attempt to crack Q's tripcode

heck there's still a 666 park ave thread and research an anon created in April 2018 >>>/comms/679

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ce612f  No.13111

File: f2afca50b7a4375⋯.jpeg (13.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1562780272.jpeg)

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52f461  No.13112

File: 46bc3b7cd789052⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1043x550, 1043:550, Epstein Trash.png)

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1c5c7a  No.13113

File: 13f29efd5afce9c⋯.png (670.07 KB, 1314x976, 657:488, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at ….png)


Where did BO/BV have this conversation to make the changes and knowing it would cause a "shitstorm of drama"? Can we see that ?

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233cc9  No.13114



All helpful thank you so much!

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cfed00  No.13115



Fuck FatJagoff and his shit.

I zipped the Planefagging 101 thread before it disappears, but 'Quick Reply' doesn't recognize either ZIP or 7Z files?!? Any suggestions

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8029f2  No.13116

File: bec7211e2d794bc⋯.gif (225.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 20190627_174803.gif)

>According to the House rules in Jefferson’s Manual, “References to racial or other discrimination on the part of the President are not in order.”

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fe1269  No.13117


comms' Rusty rules

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233cc9  No.13118


>Too bad it's about to boil over.

Can't wait! I think I'm starting to see all the FAKE NEWS we've been fed for thousands of years

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fe1269  No.13119



gotta be in the kewl kids klub

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7e3295  No.13120


Understood. Would still like to see it unhidden.

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5e1ed9  No.13121


> Speaker Pelosi just broke the rules of the House, and is no longer permitted to speak

About time, she should be removed from office

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d7de7c  No.13122


Create a free anonymous account on mega.nz using a burner email address

(maybe mailinator.com or proton.com)

then upload it there and give us the URL.

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70e9bf  No.13123

>>13066 That's the thing. I didn't even notice. In my mind he was giving the ok sign. kek. Excuse me again.

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cd88ac  No.13124

Copy and paste from QR

==#9037-Posted in #9038

Notables for anons, by anons

>>>/qresearch/7062646 Jeffrey Epstein has been accused by accuser’s lawyers of having “improper sexual conduct” with young women while he was in Florida “jail.”

>>>/qresearch/7062662 Murdered Rep. was probing cp and trafficking syndicate in Arkansas -FBI

>>>/qresearch/7062716 Hope Guam did not 'Tip Over' like Representative Johnson predicted.-damn that's one stupid ……

>>>/qresearch/7062758 New Vid from Drone anon

>>>/qresearch/7062825 Time running out for Victoria Secret-L brands sales declining

>>>/qresearch/7062839 Live Stream partial Lunar eclipse

>>>/qresearch/7062879 BNL: Bachelor creator accused by wife of attack and injury while pregnant

>>>/qresearch/7062909 mosque courtyard floor in Aleppo matches Epstein island temple courtyard floor

>>>/qresearch/7062911 Will the multi-polar world be backed by gold-ZH op-ed

>>>/qresearch/7062992 "joy behar is a stupid cornered rat who is going to jail"-breitbart

>>>/qresearch/7063002 pf report B-52 "where in the hell is major kong"-kek

>>>/qresearch/7063040 Bedlam on House Floor: Pelosi Storms Off amid Boos from Members

>>>/qresearch/7063038 anon dig on Strzok n Page=Room 801 admiralty citadel and pindar bunker

>>>/qresearch/7063057 anon submits proof re: cankles and declas

>>>/qresearch/7063069 U.S. judge scolds Trump ex-adviser Stone and bans social media posts

>>>/qresearch/7063130, >>>/qresearch/7063140 anon dig- Western Elite landfill and musings

>>>/qresearch/7063182 RAF Welford and RAF Fairford – its new B-2 Stealth Bomber role

>>>/qresearch/7063186 Schiff is on. Very concerned about deep fakes. What did happen at the Standard Hotel?-link to C-Span vid

>>>/qresearch/7063268 how shark tank Barbara turned 50,000 into $30M

>>>/qresearch/7063302 dig and pdf's New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

>>>/qresearch/7063394 FBI corroboration spreadsheet blank-The hill

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516dbb  No.13125

File: 06c8da2925aba47⋯.jpg (153.52 KB, 1229x454, 1229:454, RIP PF101 o7.jpg)


Hi auditanon. Serious note though: If FJ is comped (and not just incompetent, which I highly doubt re: all the feedback already given), is it worth or even possible 'fixing' the problem?

Not sure how many do, but I remember what happened when Q started posting on /Pol/ and later on /CBTS. Spoiler alert: it's a lot like what is going on right now It's not for nothing I mentioned it felt like a deja-vu.

However, on a positive note, Q has his own board where only he can post (anticipating censorship or fuckery) and I trust Q is monitoring the situation and will migrate again if so needed. o7

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d7de7c  No.13126


Or see if any of the screenscraper sites archived it

I'm too tired to look

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961bb3  No.13127

File: bb30c906f0f360a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 992x558, 16:9, notracist.png)

File: 6b6a1eeb5425724⋯.png (543.15 KB, 1001x468, 77:36, GetOut.png)

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db0309  No.13128


Osprey rotor wash is something fierce and those damn things would shake the walls of b huts a mile away from the LZ in Fallujah. If there is an airshiw or a military drill in your town and Ospreys will be flying low / landing stay the fuck away from trees. No joke, branches will rain down on your ass.

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d88568  No.13129

File: 19f265f96ff2f22⋯.png (64.47 KB, 694x502, 347:251, MF.png)

Update on Micheal Flynn

Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/IvanPentchoukov/status/1151264972825124864

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350e01  No.13130

File: 36e770bec2af270⋯.png (249.72 KB, 736x926, 368:463, Screenshot at 2019-07-16 1….png)


Pelosi appears to have left the floor..which is a violation of House Rules themselves when someone’s words are taken down. That’s partly could be why this is taking so long. This is not just a rank and file member. This is the House Speaker.

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) July 16, 2019

Fucking kek

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f1e02e  No.13131


indeed, this was their MO

destroy legitimate cases by abusing double jeopardy with a junk case somewhere else.

like with acosta/epstein, the AG of the state of florida got his own grand jury going and they got a conviction on some bullshit

and with the recent supreme court ruling, this is no longer a valid defence, because they can now bring charges from both the state and fed seperately

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1c5c7a  No.13132


How do they communicate?

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b22bdb  No.13133

File: f7280ee9bbd887e⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1450x901, 1450:901, thecrossing.png)

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804e56  No.13134

File: 1bf6945e356fb7b⋯.png (647.08 KB, 1264x651, 1264:651, Screenshot_2019-07-16 'Law….png)



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2cec2d  No.13135


Holy Fuck

someone is screwed.

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9cff35  No.13136


So the old lawyers won't give Sidney Powell their files?

God help them.

I wouldn't want that Texas lady against me.

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fe1269  No.13137


most suppose discord

but no sauce afaik

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516dbb  No.13138


If you don't want to use email you can use anonfile<dot>com and give us the link.

Or you can do what >>13122 said

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961bb3  No.13139

File: b48076ba8f62716⋯.png (344.76 KB, 513x414, 57:46, squad1.png)

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ffc5ce  No.13140

File: 2992089d9c0ed97⋯.jpeg (189.74 KB, 597x745, 597:745, 1E8070B8-232A-408F-822B-4….jpeg)


Would you believe it like 5 years ago

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350e01  No.13141

File: 2a2bed46310e48b⋯.png (99.77 KB, 888x951, 296:317, Screenshot at 2019-07-16 1….png)

File: b4c28ffd6332792⋯.png (37.43 KB, 702x345, 234:115, Screenshot at 2019-07-16 1….png)


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d7de7c  No.13142

>>13129 notable

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cfed00  No.13143


Many thanks. Will respond to original post with the link, as well.


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5894ee  No.13144


"Premature delivery" is better than getting aborted! ("forced out after 8 months")

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516dbb  No.13145

File: 25661b79e0be122⋯.jpg (157.08 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, God bless Q.jpg)

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db0309  No.13146


That is a Texas sized meteorite of irony that just hit that guy. Is anyone surprised someone in show business is ties to dirty shit? While industry is a cesspool.

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8da467  No.13147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Newsom fuckery, many kalifornia's are done with this nut.

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cfed00  No.13148





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cafb18  No.13149

File: cb28bfabb1677d0⋯.jpeg (9.51 KB, 95x125, 19:25, 1ACB1288-5375-416C-8E53-2….jpeg)

Tomorrow is Q day, 7/17. Also a rally. Habbenings?

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58636f  No.13150

FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier

FBI kept extensive spreadsheet identifying intel in Steele dossier that could not be verified or was disproven.


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4ec02a  No.13151


All out of cocaine, Mayor?

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350e01  No.13152


Alternate title...

Hitler Salute insulted by being given to A communist traitor...

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8d9d88  No.13153

qresearch baker samefaggin again

want to hear a funny story

these 4 post at same moment board unlocks. 2 of them at the exact time to the second and none have said a word since.

>>7061844 #9038

>>7063369 cb57d7 18:25:51

>>7063370 cd2102 18:25:51

>>7063371 1e66e1 18:25:54

>>7063372 a5d352 18:25:57

>what are the odds of 2 post at moment of bread unlock with exact same timestamp and each post 3 seconds there after.

Baker had multiple windows open to comment as an anon at moment of bread unlock. he stopped bumping his bread when called out, now hes gone another route.


not any post thereafter… just 1 shit post and gone…

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cd1a66  No.13154

having the utilities infrastructure online

is about as smart as driverless cars

and gulag glasses

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c42517  No.13155

File: 7a9893444c2159f⋯.png (103.01 KB, 714x482, 357:241, Kim 1.png)

File: f1b890e67fa3a85⋯.png (117.65 KB, 734x435, 734:435, Kim 2.png)

File: 9f0b5f2405602cd⋯.pdf (1.64 MB, MegaAnon.pdf)

Kim.com names Seth Rich

For Anons that don't know.

All the data that Seth Rich had was allegedly uploaded to MegaUpload, Owned by Kim.com (Megaanon? I 'member Re-Reads crumbs anons)

All stored for The White Wizard JA, to go through and check authenticity.

They tried to shut Megaupload down, muh copyright, torrenting movies an stuff.

Kim shut down 'shop front' of Megaupload.

All the tech and storage still there.

Kim is not clean totally either, he stores shit for all sorts of folk.

That's what i 'member.

Who know where the bodies are buried?

Any anon thinks SR had that shit on a thumb drive is insane.

Direct upload, Kim took it.

Kim, as far as this anon is aware, has been keeping his head down.


Mega anon crumbs in pdf.

It's at the beggining.

Interesting reading if you haven't seen before.

I threw away timelines when I re-read.

Seems they may now be converging.

Praise Kek.

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233cc9  No.13156


>If FJ is comped (and not just incompetent, which I highly doubt re: all the feedback already given), is it worth or even possible 'fixing' the problem?

IRL external audits (ie Federal Single Audits) the ramifications of not following the auditors recommendations is you risk losing your funding/contract. Anons would be justified in going to a new board where the BO takes the security risks seriously and deploys the recommendations from the audit. Anons, you are the auditors here

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561382  No.13157


i thought megaveli and doc were his only bvs

not that it really matters, its directed by fj anyway

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561382  No.13158


oh yall were talking about 8bit, sorry, nevermind

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05ba3f  No.13159

File: df8d161af99e8e4⋯.png (850.35 KB, 631x655, 631:655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e0eb7468576dca⋯.jpeg (156.81 KB, 896x600, 112:75, D_oXAuqWkAI0lbz.jpeg)

DOE teases a Fusion reactor


Energy Department @ENERGY ⚡

FUSION SOLUTION: How this device could pave the way to commercially viable nuclear #fusion energy.


5:31 PM · Jul 16, 2019

Fusion's Path to Practicality

California company TAE Technologies Inc. subscribes to a fail-fast approach in its quest for commercially viable nuclear fusion energy.

“It’s a venture capital-backed mindset where you want to have many product iterations fail as quickly as you can,” says Sean Dettrick, the company’s director of computational sciences. “If you have a bad concept you want to realize that as quickly as possible and move on to the next concept.”

That attitude has paid off. In 2015, the company achieved its most significant milestone toward sustaining a fusion reaction, maintaining plasma as hot as the sun for 10 milliseconds. That was after 17 years of experiments – fast, given that the first tokamak reactor designed to produce fusion energy began operation in 1958. But production of the thermonuclear fusion energy that powers the sun remains elusive.

The Department of Energy (DOE) has fueled TAE Technologies’ quest in with awards of computer time through the INCITE (Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment) program. This year, the company has 750,000 node-hours on Argonne National Laboratory’s Theta supercomputer. That followed a 2018 INCITE award of 500,000 node-hours on Theta, housed at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, a DOE Office of Science user facility. Theta helps TAE sift the physical models underlying codes that simulate the vastly different temporal and spatial scales inherent to plasma physics.


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d88568  No.13160


That's two from hollywood busted today. I posted this earlier no one paid attention "Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss, 55, 'attacked his pregnant beauty queen wife, 31, at their Hawaii home"


Why I think it's important Mike Fleiss is Heidi Fleiss cousin. There was a writer that ABC shut down last year....https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2014/02/jimmy-kimmel-pranks-pedestrians-fdr-just-died/

Hell of a lot of connections.

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b1c347  No.13161

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f989f9  No.13162

File: 3f6ff76adc7b803⋯.jpg (149.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3f6ff76adc7b803634d94c3b21….jpg)


>Praise Kek.

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516dbb  No.13163

File: b2b7d6bd0e31ebc⋯.png (74.65 KB, 501x461, 501:461, PLANEFAG Patch.PNG)


NP. God speed and bless you anon. o7

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f1e02e  No.13164


This really adds to the theroy that RR/Mueller tricked the fuck out of these people. (See: Lisa Page thinking she was in the clear, getting onto the SC, spending months doing god knows what, then getting all of her shit exposed and fired).

They let Weissman and a bunch of other swamp lawyers run loose. There's ultimately nothing to get on Trump, and Mueller isn't manfacturing evidence. Now the SC's office is shut down, and Flynn changes his legal team and strategy from playing super nice to all out attack. If any of these fuckers did anything but their job by the book, then they are deep in a proceeding grave of thier own making

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f1e02e  No.13165


legal proceeding*

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4429f6  No.13166

once again, in the other bread, Anjel G said his final goodbyes.

He'll never be back and anyone there is the dregs.

the guy is hyper hyperbolic and very annoying when he does it.

but to take the sting off he sends 'love' to the good anons.

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d7de7c  No.13167


If we follow through on the suggested audit process, the result would be unifying the boards again ... and we'd be overrun with shills again ... and lose our comfy and be unable to work again amidst the heavy distractions of shillery ...

Tell me again why this is a desirable course of action?

I'm not in favor.

Don't you understand? We are here on QRB because we are able to be effective here. We are effective because distraction is kept to a minimum, and the cameraderie of frens creates a pleasant, uplifting, supportive atmosphere.

We don't WANT to be in the crossfire of the shills again.

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42c7a1  No.13168

hi frens

they don't even have a bread on the other board and the #'s are all screwed up.. cyop takeover? kek

much more chill here wish Q would make the move.

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516dbb  No.13169

File: ba2ad20005eb692⋯.png (241.31 KB, 870x232, 15:4, pepe 5_5.png)


Thank you. o7

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f520f3  No.13170

>>12078 lb

The best way to ensure fairness in sports is a DNA test for XX or XY chromosomes. Any other combination like XXY Klinefelter syndrome - about 1 in 650 newborn boys) or XYY (Jacobs syndrome - about 1 in 1,000 male births) should be assigned to the physically more dominant category; and there are damn few of those .

This way, transpeople will not gain any gender advantage just because they feel like one sex versus the other. Gotta have the genes or else.



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52f461  No.13171



Perfect prayer, anon. We pray for him every night.

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51d63a  No.13172

File: b794263cfb7ec24⋯.jpg (153.86 KB, 637x488, 637:488, bunker.jpg)

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2dc9a3  No.13173


Omar needs do decide which country she supports and if it isn't this one, she needs to move on. If she's not going to put the US ahead of all other nations, she needs to surrender her seat and move on. Having married her brother makes her uniquely vulnerable.

>>11933 (PB)

It's a winnowing. If you can't take the hazing, you won't be able to withstand the deliberate shilling, etc. The admonition to "lurk moar" is good advice.

Think back to what we've been subjected to in the past year or so and you'll realize that it took mighty tough skin to stick with the board. If simply being called a "nigger" or a "faggot" is enough to drive you off, you won't be able to hang when things actually get tough. I've saved some truly horrible graphics to my hard drive (no CP, though!) and then used Bleach-bit on the directories. It's my way of weaponizing my HD against anyone well-funded (with MY taxes) enough to go for a deeper dive through my computer.

I've limited my posts over there simply because by the time I've done a little digging on something it's too old to be considered relevant.

This board is like the other one was when it started. I think we need to be aware that it is likely to go through the same evolution. I had been hoping that Q would create a new location before now since he mentioned moving for each phase.

>>11983 (PB)

I can't speak for Omar or any of the rest of 'em, but THIS is my America. (wipes eyes, blows nose)

>>12610 (PB)

The "Master" is whoever exerts the control by exerting the power. It could be Jesus. It could be us. It could be the House of Saud or any of the other powerful bloodlines. While I am willing to yield to a reincarnated Jesus, I intend to fight all other claimants.

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450b86  No.13174

File: 0b5d0aac27bea38⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1188x2122, 594:1061, 1_Square_Kufic_Alpha.png)

File: db8118bfbbfcdc9⋯.png (363.39 KB, 875x1430, 175:286, 1_Square_Kufic.png)



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1dc5ff  No.13175

File: 8a1cddef15d269e⋯.mp4 (10.55 MB, 960x540, 16:9, QRB BUNKER_Small.mp4)

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561382  No.13176


its comfy because they're paid to disrupt Q

not us (yet)

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233cc9  No.13177


>Don't you understand? We are here on QRB because we are able to be effective here. We are effective because distraction is kept to a minimum, and the cameraderie of frens creates a pleasant, uplifting, supportive atmosphere.

No reason we can't have a bunker and a public facing board no matter who is the BO of the public facing board. We need to look out for the normies and make sure there is a public facing board that has INTEGRITY.

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ffc5ce  No.13178


He will back

Hopefully just as anon

Death to namefags


We are in the hotel California

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d7de7c  No.13179

File: 8105ad7fdcfbc20⋯.png (32.08 KB, 340x151, 340:151, 2019-07-16-20:10:21-edt.png)


Their insiders create generic breads hours in advance and lock them. When a new bread is needed, they unlock one of these stale breads, edit the bread number, and off they go.

How do I know? Because I use toastmaster and I can hover over numbered breads and see the post count in each. Some are stale, burned, hours old, yet have a current post count and are in use. I hover over number 9037 (currently seeing 5 of those) and several of them have different edited numbers that appear on cursor hover.

So, incidentally, they have also broken the tools that oldfags use.

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d88568  No.13180

Close to home for me....

BREAKING: Homes and Shopping Center Evacuated in Fontana, California

A shopping center and several homes were evacuated after over 100 firearms and grenades were found inside of a residence.

Original reports had stated that bomb squad was investigating a suspicious package in the area. However, authorities then discovered the large cache of weapons inside of a garage. It is unclear how many grenades were located.

The police department has stated that there is no danger to the community at this time. We will provide more information as it becomes available.

Source: Fontana: Bomb squad responds to discovery of suspicious device, homes and shopping center evacuated |


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05ba3f  No.13181

File: ba740cc29522bd4⋯.png (162.1 KB, 608x717, 608:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8818455c3c003cb⋯.png (641.7 KB, 1477x857, 1477:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 526c7a04157dc2f⋯.png (818.64 KB, 637x848, 637:848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cce2f80f583972b⋯.pdf (3.95 MB, NCTC-FBI-DHS-HVE-Mobilizat….pdf)

FBI twat: "Booklet Lists Observable Indicators of Potential Violent Extremists"



A 2019 publication by #FBI, NCTC @ODNIgov

, & @DHSgov

, titled Homegrown Violent Extremist Mobilization Indicators, lists nearly 4 dozen observable behavioral signs that someone might be planning an act of extremist violence. This updates a 2017 publication.

The Homegrown Threat | Federal Bureau of Investigation

A list of nearly four dozen indicators that someone might be planning to commit an act of extremist violence is contained in a newly updated publication released by the country’s foremost counterte...


5:05 PM · Jul 16, 2019

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96b0d3  No.13182

File: 53344f0098b48e3⋯.jpg (151.73 KB, 625x776, 625:776, frogOfWar.jpg)


sounds like someone's about to get their knuckles rapped with a ruler

I've been wondering what was going on with the Flynn situation, now it makes sense.

I hope that original lawyer gets the book thrown at him

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9cff35  No.13183


No idea why they got so excited, but hey, California

In my part of the country, that's what the average couple has in the spare bedroom.

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d5888e  No.13184

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450b86  No.13185


Sauce for second pic:


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48ad60  No.13186

File: 126dd9373daae29⋯.gif (25.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Baker Jam.gif)


ty bak0r

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1b0eff  No.13187

>>11800 (lb)

I have to say that I believe you are confusing specific individuals with their sometimes very loose group affiliation. This is the trap of "identity politics." It is precisely what that commie cheerleader in the House was saying at their Squad press conference. Blacks should think like blacks, Browns like browns, etc, and they don't need you or want you if you don't. Fuck her and the jackass she rode in on. Do you need a wrecker service for your bogged down mind?Or do you want to be a member of a group-think process?

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d5888e  No.13188


>>>/qresearch/7061844 #9038

>>>/qresearch/7063369 cb57d7 18:25:51

>>>/qresearch/7063370 cd2102 18:25:51

>>>/qresearch/7063371 1e66e1 18:25:54

>>>/qresearch/7063372 a5d352

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9cff35  No.13189

Probably posted earlier today, but in case not, this drop widens the Epstein net significantly:


(part 1 of 2)

Today's Blind Items - The Retail King

We wish to remain in the shadows. None of us are famous or would be known to the general population, nor do we want to be. We offer a little backstory on East 71st Street, lot is now known, but some has slipped right on by.

When our little club was younger living full time in NY, a member worked for the Retail King in the late 80’s early 90’s.

RK’s empire was coming into its heyday. He had impressive flagships and decent product back then.

When RK purchased on 71st Street, he had a huge apartment in a condo building, with CP views. Club Member mentioned that the condo had like 13 bathrooms; the blueprints had come across their desk one day. Also RK had a big project starting on 71st Street. It was going to take a couple of years.

Another topic of interest was RK’s supposed close friendship with a Hollywood movie star. An actor that had great success in the 60’s and 70’s. The actor worked heavily in the 80’s, had a major role in a much-watched TV miniseries (everyone’s mother was in love with him). He has always “worked”, and still does to this day. Back then it seemed like the actor lived at RK’s when he was in NYC, which was a lot. So much so, that Page Six was starting to hint about his presence. There were a couple of blind items too. While the actor is out of the closet now, he was not then.

At the same time another member of our little club had a very well-fixed grandmother. She had an incredible apartment, in one of the co-ops you can’t buy your way into. After the member’s parents moved to the country, they moved in with the grandmother. We all wanted to move in and in some respect we did. Club member’s grandmother always had incredible gossip, food, cocktails and friends. She and her crowd loved having the “younger set” around, as she referred to us.

The club called the grandmother Vera, because she reminded everyone of Vera Charles in “Auntie Mame”. Over the years we learned far more about what was really going on in NYC at Vera’s, than the papers ever printed.

Not long after we settled into Vera’s social circle, the renovations on 71st street started and so did the fighting. Lots of demands, about not wanting public disclosure of details. Major disagreements with the planning commission and code officials. There were digging request (like the ones you hear about going on in London today). It was a constant uproar. The technology RK was putting in had never been seen before. It was causing serious issues with the neighbors, the city, historical committees and Con Ed. Lots of legal going back and forth. Every now and then, tidbits would make the papers but a lot the club got to hear at Vera’s, did not.

Overlapping with RK’s renovation on 71st, were two other major renovations across the street. They were at different stages of completion. These neighbors were spending at the same level as RK and were more high profile, they just did not have as much square footage. We will come back to them later.

One day two of the club members were on their way to Vera’s and decided to go down 71st street to check on the progress. It was in full swing. About the time they are in front admiring the place, this nice-looking guy in his 30’s, comes out. He had plans rolled up under his arm and before the Club Members knew it, he strikes up a conversation, starts talking about the home and its history.

That is when it came out that #9 was going to be the main residence, but #11 next door, was being redone for guest and staff. He then turned to the CMs and said; Would you like a tour?

The place was about 70% done but there was no question, it was going to be incredible. #11 was just as beautiful as #9. The homes were not being combined but completed as two separate residences.

Not long after, Retail King announced he was getting married. It was an unexpected turn of events. The club’s theory was shredded. We had wagered that 71st Street was going to be for RK’s mother and sister.

We had to shift our hypothesis to 71st Street being part of RK’s “family” plan, and he would keep the condo for his other life. No one ever saw #9 and #11 come out of RK’s portfolio. The interior being put in was clearly for fine entertaining, and elegant “home” living. It was going to be a perfect wedding gift from an older husband, to a very young, but refined wife.

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8ee182  No.13190


>I posted this earlier no one paid attention "Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss, 55,


Just because nobody responded does not equal nobody paid attention.

Check your thinking, anon.

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9cff35  No.13191

>>13189 part 2 of 2

Fast forward a few years, when it was reported in the late 90’s that Retail King purchased New Media King’s old apartment on 5th. NMK was moving to a larger apartment in the same building. While RK spent some major bank and time redoing NMK’s old apartment, we saw no movement at 71st .

That brings us to Creature. We have only seen him once in person, in the late 90’s. At a political cocktail party, held in a very wealthy donor’s apartment. 60 or so people were in attendance, with the C&C being the focal point.

In the group were Date, Club Member, +1. +1 asked if Date knew Creature at three o’clock, and Date said he did.

+1 looked at the Club Member and asked if they knew Creature? They did not. Club Member was told by +1 to remember Creature; he would tell them why later. If RK was there, club member did not see him. The rest of the room was what you would expect for such an event. A scene right out of “Bonfire of the Vanities”.

Afterwards, the three went to dinner. Once the drinks were in hand, Club Member asked what the fuss was about, regarding Creature. Creatures problems were explained in blunt terms. In this discussion neither RK or where Creature hung his hat, came up. However, the Royal’s friendship with Creature and Creature’s Heiress companion did. Neither of which were in attendance that night.

The first question Club Member asked; If what Date and +1 said was true, why would the Royal be friends with Creature, and why would Creature be allowed in the room with the C&C? The reply CM got was, REALLY?

As we moved toward the new millennial, the club’s interest changed. RK occasionally came up. The only shift the club saw was #11 coming on the market. It was not long aftrer NMK’s apartment came into RK’s portfolio.

Some time passed before Creature’s problems came to a head in PB. The Heiress friendship with Creature started making perfect sense, as Creature was exposed. Heiress had been at the center of British society in the late 80’s. Creature had financially rescued her, after the father’s demise. Heiress was also good friends with Royal. When the press started covering Creature’s NY home, it clicked. The club was like wait; That is RK’s house!

Let’s go back to the neighbors on East 71st Street;

The townhouse across the street on the even numbered side of 71st , one door in from Madison, #18. It belongs to a very famous beloved comedian/actor, who had a spectacular fall from grace. He sits in jail right now, for what else? Being a serial rapist.

The disgraced comedian/actor and his wife spent a fortune renovating. Like RK’s townhouse, it had the latest must have feature of the day, heated sidewalks. C/A was at one time trying to mortgage the house, to pay off his mounting legal bills.

There is also another interesting resident who lives on the even side of 71st , directly across from #9 & #11. The impressive home shares its west wall, with the back of the Frick, #14. It belongs to a billionaire businessman and his socialite wife. The husband is famous for the “jetset empire” he founded and later got pushed out of. While the home is not as large as #9, it is similar and has heated sidewalks, along with serious security. Some might know the billionaire couple more for their daughters’ high-profile marriages. It is the daughters, their spouses, and the coming of age grandchildren, that keep their name in the papers.

The youngest daughter married and divorced the son of a famous socialite/ clothing designer. The clothing designer’s second husband is a billionaire himself. There have been horrible whispers about Billionaire Second Husband for decades. The talk gives Creature a run for his money, in the evil department. The club has often wondered, if BSH uses his extraordinary SY as a substitute, for an island.

There are all sorts of common denominators between Creature and the Billionaire neighbor’s extended family. You just need to step back and look.

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4429f6  No.13192


I'm gonna miss that crazy fucker.

maybe he just meant the other board . . .

dont leave us , anjel . . . you're the only reason we stayed, to help you through your delusional phase . . .

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05ba3f  No.13193


Eyes on

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42c7a1  No.13194


yeah I found one just sitting in there w/no posts. figured as much. still couldn't even find an active bread and feel like when I drop crumbs they are getting overlooked bc of all the MUH BO shit.

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2cec2d  No.13195

File: fbd2c92a40dafff⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 382x382, 1:1, tumblr_p1bfwrfPkm1sypuuko1….gif)


It is my opinion that the only thing important enough to discuss or talk about from the other board is Q or real research that we should also be following and researching.

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561382  No.13196

File: 98f7a0f0d0ca50f⋯.png (76.43 KB, 261x260, 261:260, 98f7a0f0d0ca50f7b58251afc7….png)

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42c7a1  No.13197


o7 and stop posting link on the other board kek

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344878  No.13198

File: 7172d59efe8f7c3⋯.png (4.07 KB, 548x475, 548:475, eb82f9857ffa22cde7d5ac7a0d….png)


Thought I was alone in the obvious. Kek, fren

Good grief, date

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961bb3  No.13199

File: 80c9f4dc762d5cb⋯.png (475.94 KB, 696x418, 348:209, squad13.png)

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db0309  No.13200



Delivering quality product (research and sound theories) should be the goal. This board that board reeks of high school drama. We aren’t the news, our product is and are movement is.

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1dc5ff  No.13201


Yep. Moving day was the first and last link day...

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344878  No.13202

File: 19000919adeb238⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 360x273, 120:91, 19000919adeb23892c68184465….gif)

File: 99516e000215277⋯.jpg (467.91 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, 6892a194e67fb1a173abc18db9….jpg)

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516dbb  No.13203

File: 8ae1729b86a160a⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 430x242, 215:121, PRIVATE Highest Ranked Ano….jpg)



Concur, anons aren't on this ride for the fame.

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8b277d  No.13204

File: 0a0e992fa5c2f7f⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 2400x1920, 5:4, 20190717_022128.jpg)

File: b2ec967cef30e3f⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 2400x1920, 5:4, 20190717_022258.jpg)

File: 9babea24105acb8⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 2400x1920, 5:4, 20190717_022036.jpg)

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3aa845  No.13205


Who are the people being talked about?

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b22bdb  No.13206

File: d23cbba2da780c7⋯.png (416.41 KB, 696x418, 348:209, dimdemsquad.png)

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859866  No.13207

File: 1a4465c4ff58baf⋯.png (88.36 KB, 706x217, 706:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, for now it's easier just to post the notable bun instead of all the posts. The sites can scrap the notable buns in the previously collected notables it seems, so it's a good system.

Doing what you did is tedious, kek, so it's easier just to post the notable bun. But if you want to do it like that, go ahead and your post will likely be added as the notable bun.

o7 !

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d88568  No.13208


What you said cracked me up. I live in California everyone I know has guns, they are registered however. These weren't I'm sure. Also depends what county your in we have a good sheriff.

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859866  No.13209




Which reminds me.

Please add these to the dough, thanks!

>>>/qresearch/7062504 #9036, >>>/qresearch/7063288 #9037

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93fabf  No.13210

File: b6b49eca1822f68⋯.jpg (101.27 KB, 625x500, 5:4, 2s7fce.jpg)

Hory chit over

on Jew-research

What a shit show

shilling is over the

top....Comfy here

with frens


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47bad8  No.13211


When did that black moran even become a part of the group? I guess they decided they needed a black chick to get part of that vote, but i dont remember her until the last week or two

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8029f2  No.13212

File: 00c318d9af8662e⋯.png (195.63 KB, 500x643, 500:643, 7a52458b-d1a6-4d6f-819a-9c….png)


what if


can break monarch at the right freq?

that would explain dons push

what if 5g can decalcify the pineal gland

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804e56  No.13213

King of Retail = Jeff Sutton


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cfed00  No.13214

There's a meme/shitpost brewing in me about FapJerk being an hero real soon now. I'm not posting it because it's not representative of qrb and it doesn't belong here. Fin.

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96b0d3  No.13215




it seems like a few have interpreted

We are the news

as WE are the news

we are the providers of quality sauced information

we winnow the wheat from the chaff and produce quality information unlike the corporate media and the yellow journalist in the MSM

journalists in the true definition

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65fb9f  No.13216

File: 171d9090b6680ff⋯.jpg (108.38 KB, 560x725, 112:145, JewNames.jpg)

File: 24fda832a9e7fe7⋯.png (72.29 KB, 886x500, 443:250, JewSuck.PNG)

File: fa557a044ccab71⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 917x500, 917:500, KushnerAC.jpg)

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47bad8  No.13217

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rEZtpKZcAwQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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47bad8  No.13218



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67f7ae  No.13219



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70a1d2  No.13220

The "mistaken" screencap that appeared in Q3436 has the filename: DnKZP5pUcAA6hx0.jpg

That is a twitter image filename, and this same image seems to have appeared on twitter on 9/15/18, the same day that Q posted "Q 2174"



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ffc5ce  No.13221



You are here too?


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450b86  No.13222

File: cf985836f15458f⋯.png (90.85 KB, 994x676, 497:338, 1_EmbedVid.png)

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e1bf65  No.13223

File: a0c83406f6a6e52⋯.png (399.39 KB, 628x856, 157:214, Podesta Seth Rich 'example….png)



Podesta Email: "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker..."

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fe1269  No.13224

File: 3aff2db8f3e1161⋯.png (37.09 KB, 500x502, 250:251, how to embed.png)

File: 559018b1002ca8b⋯.png (11.78 KB, 498x253, 498:253, embed.PNG)

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47bad8  No.13225


Thanks, just went full retard for a min

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07dfb9  No.13227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Senator Cruz Questions Google Exec Over Project Veritas Insider Google Leaks

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344878  No.13228

File: 1dca97b661cbaf7⋯.jpg (19.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1dca97b661cbaf73b1b1b5bac7….jpg)

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d88568  No.13229


I chalk it up to others know a lot more than I do.

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804e56  No.13230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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859866  No.13231


(repost from /qresearch/ ):


want to hear a funny story

these 4 post at same moment board unlocks. 2 of them at the exact time to the second and none have said a word since.

>>>/qresearch/7063369 cb57d7 18:25:51

>>>/qresearch/7063370 cd2102 18:25:51

>>>/qresearch/7063371 1e66e1 18:25:54

>>>/qresearch/7063372 a5d352 18:25:57

>what are the odds of 2 post at moment of bread unlock with exact same timestamp and each post 3 seconds there after.

Baker had multiple windows open to comment as an anon at moment of bread unlock


not any post thereafter… just 1 shit post and gone…

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70e9bf  No.13232

File: f9e0ecfdea028e6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1095x724, 1095:724, ClipboardImage.png)


Added. That anon is fighting in the dark. But doing good.

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1dc5ff  No.13233


Concur I hear alot of whats discussed in here repeated on Fox on a daily basis 4a.m. talking points we have become...

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73a45e  No.13234


I would agree except evil nazi 8chan msn screencaps are being staged.


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2cec2d  No.13235

Think that is the first time filtered here

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561382  No.13236


looks like they're desperate to maintain the appearance of normalcy

wonder how long till fj just automates the entire bread

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b1c347  No.13237


I've got to say... that lady rambles about nothing important in the beginning. it's especially nothing we don't know now.

i've read through a good bit of the beginning, so this is nearly all review for me as I followed this when it was first posted until she started showing pics of feet and dumbass shit like that. but i don't remember her ever dropping anything all that eye-opening

where does she get to the meat of things?

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fe286a  No.13238


>wonder how long till fj just automates the entire bread

I would say it already is practically.

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96b0d3  No.13239


and we do it for FREE


love for our fellow man compels us to help spread truth in opposition to harmful propaganda and lies

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aaaf3b  No.13240

Good to see the planefags made it!!

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859866  No.13241


I was wonder why people were thanking a "baker" despite there being no baker.

IT'S THEM, they're trying so hard, but are stupid as hell.

Many anons have known for a long time that the BO and BVs and their "friends" are shills, some of the biggest shills.

I personally think they were finklefag.

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1b0eff  No.13242


Even better, on Youtube, you can just scroll past any offensive commercial content. The host has to do it for the sponsor, but the listener is not obliged to lend it any attention, conscious or otherwise.

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561382  No.13243

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3aa845  No.13244

I think next bread I will say Fuck You Baker across the street.

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ffc5ce  No.13245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This anon is wasted and sentimental

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d1412a  No.13246


thats me anon xD

fawken shill bakers

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0188c6  No.13247

File: 233cc3f0e0b1c67⋯.png (635.8 KB, 1268x696, 317:174, ilhan.png)

Ilhan Omar from 2012.

Religion of peace.


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70a1d2  No.13248

File: 252d11cc3c85ce6⋯.png (715.43 KB, 1366x615, 1366:615, seeQcap.png)

File: 2ca70ae6720f23b⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 1078x786, 539:393, DnKZP5pUcAA6hx0.jpg)

File: 3b25505f1b5efba⋯.jpg (159.66 KB, 1143x720, 127:80, DnKZP5nVYAAIQ8D.jpg)


It seems Q got the Q post cap from that twitter account.

The attached two images are the ones I just got from that account. Is the cap exactly the same?

The fact that going to the link shows you "see Q" is probably a good thing....

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344878  No.13249

File: df72b1a9342b524⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 638x676, 319:338, df72b1a9342b524c4d0272965e….jpg)


Kek, I'm down fren

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58636f  No.13250



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?


Double homicide victims identified

Two murder victims found shot to death in Socastee Plaza on Monday morning (July 11/16) have been identified.

Rafael Aguilar, 31, and Carmelo Marmolejo-Calixto, 33, died of gunshot wounds to vital organs, Horry County Deputy Coroner Darris Fowler said. Both lived in the Myrtle Beach area.


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561382  No.13251


def finklefag

def anime loli

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961bb3  No.13252

File: 13ba06c549f4090⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, stoner-pepe3.jpg)

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448a32  No.13253

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens dead at 99

just on the Tuckster

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9cff35  No.13254


Selected comments:

Creature: Jeff Epstein

Retail King: Les Wexner

Comedic actor: Bill Cosby

Heiress: Ghislaine

Famous socialite: Diane von Furstenberg

Husband: Barry Diller (whose yacht this mentions)

NMK: Rupert Murdoch

Royal: Prince Andrew

Gay actor: Richard Chamberlain

Neighbors: Robert Warren Miller & family (duty-free shops billionaire, daughter Alexandra)

(Diane von Furstenberg's son married Robert W. Miller's daughter)

"Aunt Vera" - Gloria Vanderbilt?


By January 1996, the billionaire Les Wexner hadn’t spent two months in his 21,000-square-foot stone mansion on East 71st Street, even though he had bought the place seven years earlier, his protégé Jeffrey Epstein told The Times. Never mind that it had been outfitted with a hidden lead-lined bathroom (with a closed-circuit TV) and a heated sidewalk to keep the mansion snow-free.

"Mr. Wexner, whose conglomerate owns, among other things, Victoria’s Secret, paid a reported $9 million for the fifth-floor duplex in 1997. His seller, an Italian named Eduarda Crociani, had wanted $12 million, but the sprawl was a fixer-upper. There wasn’t even air-conditioning in the summertime. “You almost gagged to death,” a source said. (Incidentally, Rupert Murdoch, who now has 834 Fifth Avenue’s penthouse triplex, owned the duplex years earlier.)"


Delicious little dig by Town & Country magazine, with real estate history on the NY townhouse:


"R. Couri Hay, a publicist who visited Epstein at the house three months ago, tells Town & Country “he has a mural on the terrace, the whole length of the building, of a prison yard with barbed wire and guard towers. The inmates are out exercising, and he pointed to one and said, ‘That’s me. That’s to remind myself that I could go back there.”

"There have been horrible whispers about Billionaire Second Husband for decades. The talk gives Creature a run for his money, in the evil department. The club has often wondered, if BSH uses his extraordinary SY as a substitute, for an island."

BSH/Barry Diller's SY = superyacht ("EOS")


"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.

-The Great Gatsby

New money vs. old money. I wonder what green glowing light at the end of Daisy and Tom's pier, that Gatsby dreamed and longed for, was Epstein's? Wealth, respect, fear, love? Or was he just a character in other peoples lives, a setter of scenes."


"I’m honestly surprised that the Q’ers haven’t linked the gross residents of that block all the way back to Henry Clay Frick and found some kind of unholy connection there. And maybe the Frick’s underground expansion plans are also linked?? Oh shoot- did I just leak some new hints? Hate when I do that..."

An anon was dropping pics of the Frick just yesterday.

Barry Diller as bad as Epstein? More Mossad.

Stands to reason that Mossad would have multiple similar blackmail ops.

Diller must be another one.

"did anyone see Inside Edition yesterday? First, they flew a drone over Epstein's Island, then Lisa Guerrero had a dinghy drop her off right on shore. She got one foot on the beach before a guy, who looked like he would be a golf buddy of Epstein more than an ominous security guard, emerged from the bushes and told them to leave. She tried to stall, but turned and left. Because of this site, thought it was a rather fascinating two minutes of tv!"

"For everyone who is confused--just google the names in the comments and you will find a bunch of complicated and fascinating connections. Of all the random blinds associated with Epstein, this is actually the best."

One of Robert Miller's daughters is married to Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece, who is roughly a second cousin (several times over) of Prince Andrew.

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fe286a  No.13255


Change it to

Fuck You Bread Unlocker

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cfed00  No.13256


Both were MS-13, I presume.

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859866  No.13257

File: 9a5864633419730⋯.gif (354.6 KB, 801x173, 801:173, 1560911299064.gif)


I think the anons (bakers) still doing notables are admirable. I just can't condone the BO and BVs, so I'm making sure that the /qresearch/ notables make it here.




I doubt you'd be alone.

It's a BV though, kek, BO got "rid of bakers" (to quote his shilly post).


I think so too. I mean ffs, the BV got fired for posting that disgusting shit and CP.

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aaaf3b  No.13258


Anon sometimes things are beyond fixing. As you can tell, anons are quite comfy.


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1dc5ff  No.13259

File: 1a967f95b49c475⋯.gif (8.35 MB, 554x280, 277:140, 1a967f95b49c475573be0f064f….gif)

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d7de7c  No.13260


>I personally think they were finklefag.

Evidence suggests that is true.

I reported finkefag probably a dozen times over 9000 breads, not for content (which I abhored) but simply for spamming by repetition. Nothing was ever done to remove it, ever.

Now shall we turn the page and talk about current habbenings & news & Q & stuff like dat and not about board vs. board gossip?

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4d7d9d  No.13261

Bakers. I want to personally thank you for all that you have given. I've read thousands of breads and I know that when you bake you shoot your heart at the enemy. Among the many blessings of bakers is that there is a freedom of expression there, the same freedom which our country has always used as its foundation. Baking is an art for it reveals the soul. If one reads ten different breads by ten different bakers then they would see the true America.

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561382  No.13262


well, in retrospect, "fired"

most likely he got discord props and changed his handle

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5730ee  No.13263




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8da467  No.13264


native natural humanoids:

unless yur a hermaphrodite, one only look between their legs to determine gender, the rest of the 'labels' center in the mind!

indeed, transhumanism (unnatural) is a hair off a completely different dog, genetic/psychological fuckery, borg shit (talking fusion of the mind), not to exclude animal beast fish insect human (geesh), possibly 'alien' merge (still up in the air on that). this my frens is a hit against Gods natural creation, a perversion and imho evil as evil could be.

call me what you will, i always question what isn't natural in terms of organic life.

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859866  No.13266


kek, probably true


The reason we got the captcha was because the BO and BVs didn't want to deal with spam, which they WERE PROBABLY POSTING.

The only bot is MAYBE ebot (is a person though), they just wanted to attack anons and laugh with each other about it.

They don't give a shit about anons, bakers, or the board.

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561382  No.13267


also note his spam stopped once they needed to appear that they weren't losing control and tried to win back anons

what a coincidence

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8029f2  No.13268

File: 4bbc09edfa5fd46⋯.jpg (518.8 KB, 1051x625, 1051:625, Screenshot_20190713-134736….jpg)

=the great awakening.



everyone wakes up with their illusions stripped away.


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344878  No.13269

File: f96069d3c45ec61⋯.jpg (111.04 KB, 650x897, 50:69, f96069d3c45ec6142fc0b91f72….jpg)


Agreed. Well said

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9cff35  No.13270




That entire block in New York.

Looking more like Eyes Wide Shut by the hour.

Speaking of movies, am currently watching "All the Money in the World", about the Getty kidnapping

Scene cuts to a view captioned "Getty Mansion - England"

It's Waddesdon Manor


We've been getting hints about this for years.

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96b0d3  No.13271

File: e6aa0c4a63d7cd1⋯.png (1.21 KB, 210x161, 30:23, fukenSaved.png)

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d7de7c  No.13272

File: 576a4b2910c13b2⋯.jpg (84.43 KB, 512x696, 64:87, LGBT5CutOffHealthyBodyPart….jpg)

File: 9c6e2340c18230f⋯.jpg (72.11 KB, 503x722, 503:722, 2-genders.jpg)

File: 52035725441bdf7⋯.jpg (245.86 KB, 716x763, 716:763, LibGendersSHIT SF BY.jpg)

File: 63a0487cf8db77e⋯.jpg (56.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bisexual equals 2 genders.jpg)

File: df959ed6cb57cf7⋯.jpg (142.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, OtherGenders2opbeg.jpg)



It is so fucking simple.

Male and female He created them.

Anything else -- other than those genetic accidents you mentioned -- is an insult to the Creator and an attempt to degrade His Creation.

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e282b3  No.13273

Most of the Notibles contain no sauce and are unreliable.

Personally, I never paid any attention to them as they were for the gloryFags.

It's all about your own self interest... Get over it.

If there is a problem, Q-Clearance will move this to a different secure board.

Just my opinon, don't hate on me for expressing it.

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fe286a  No.13274

SameFagging went from rarely used to oft-spoken today.

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1dc5ff  No.13275


Ask Binney

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51d63a  No.13276

File: c443c7c703fd3e7⋯.png (125.73 KB, 773x731, 773:731, ifyouthink.png)

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96b0d3  No.13277

File: c712a8be67eaa82⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 432x540, 4:5, mathew25.jpg)

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58636f  No.13278

File: 3340419e2d0065d⋯.jpg (112.93 KB, 811x800, 811:800, 908ozmdayvyy.jpg)


it's been discussed before

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344878  No.13279

File: dfc3358c0046fbd⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dfc3358c0046fbd8e1ec5e6296….jpg)


Loveable thought. I will entertain the thought , sounds pretty prophetic to me. It does make sense, biblically speaking. Thanks anon

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70e9bf  No.13281

File: be680a9829e3fb4⋯.png (694.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, embed fail.png)

notables so far

any suggestions?

>>12972 Nunes twat: Dems just voted to restore Pelosi rights to the floor...Banana Republic...

>>13006, >>13007 Four Republicans joined Democrats in condemning President Trump's tweets

>>13016 Planefag Q+A here @/qrb. Link: >>13005, https://8ch.net/qrb/res/13005.html#13005

>>12989, >>13031 Article about Prince Andrew a missing boy the CIA, Mossad, and MI6

>>13046 Head of Planned Parenthood forced out after eight months

>>13057 Philadelphia Mayor Kenney: POTUS comes from Hell

>>13034 Grand Jury Charges unsealed re: Extradition of Iranian National, charges signed by Preet Bharara

>>13096 Plane crashes into the ocean near Ocean City, Maryland

>>13102 Planefag sees B-52 bomber on the radar. Training? Or moar?

>>13104 FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier

>>13129 Ex Flynn lawyer accused of Fuckery. Called before the Judge.

>>13152 Angela Merkel greeted with boos and Hitler salute at Dresden visit

>>13175 Videofag: If you are receiving this broadcast, you are now the resistance

>>13189, >>13191 CDAN blind item. Epstein related?

>>13227, >>13217 Cruz Questions Google Exec Over Project Veritas & ytube fail (OP credit/hazing)


RE: Planefag Q&A in the dough/ Baker is not comfortable changing the dough. Seems above my pay grade

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859866  No.13282


>don't hate on me for expressing it

Many don't, shills do.

Anons and bakers always want most if not all notables to have sauce. Whether it's news, a dig, graphic, etc.

But imo, notables were a way to easily spread information to those that need it. I've redpilled a few people using a notable, and they are not only news for anons, they're news for others.

Notables EPITOMIZE we are the news, they're a collection of anons' work, information, research, graphics, and other "notable" posts.

I think they serve an important purpose to the Great Awakening, secondary to the anons making the posts.

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d7de7c  No.13283

File: 43506843688c11a⋯.png (670.39 KB, 1758x738, 293:123, 2019-07-16-20:52:19-edt.png)

Planefag learn something new every day:

USMC Lockheed KC-130J Harvest Hawk in San Diego vicinity. Never seen this before.

Cargo plane equipped with newer weapons package.


Harvest HAWK

Hercules Airborne Weapons Kit

The Harvest HAWK (Hercules Airborne Weapons Kit) is a modular weapons/sensor kit designed for the KC-130J aircraft, consisting of a fire-control console located in the aircraft's cargo compartment, an AN/AAQ-30 target sight system (TTS) with infrared, electro-optic sensors, and a TV camera. Munitions consist of a launcher for 4 HELLFIRE missiles and a 10-shot Griffin missile launcher in the cargo compartment. Harvest HAWK also provides surveillance to disrupt improvised explosive device emplacements. The system's television monitors provide detailed ground images, allowing operators to engage targets with laser-guided munitions with pinpoint accuracy. The system is capable of hitting time-sensitive, as well as stationary targets. When fitted to the KC-130J aircraft, missiles are mounted on a wing pylon on the left side of the aircraft, as well as rear stations. This allows the aircraft to mount a refueling pod on the right side of the aircraft to continue to perform a limited mid-air refueling function.

To fight more effectively in the demanding operational environment in Afghanistan, Marines on the ground turned to Naval Aviation for a precise weapon that could be fielded as rapidly as possible and deliver persistent presence, intelligence, and high-volume fire. Responding to a mission requirement in record time, Naval Aviation integrated the Harvest Airborne Weapons Kit (HAWK) with intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and weapon systems that allowed KC-130J Super Hercules to provide close air support while taking advantage of the aircraft's ability to stay on station for up to 3 hours. The modular nature of the kit allowed the KC-130J aircraft to continue to be used in a variety of other roles, including aerial resupply, battlefield illumination, and troop and cargo transport in southwestern Afghanistan.

The resulting system was developed as 4 individual "capabilities" in order to get systems into the field as fast as possible. The roll-on/roll-off sensor suite and fire control equipment is referred to as Harvest HAWK Capability I. The Capability I sensor suite is designed to be modular, either being mounted to the rear or below the left inboard fuel tank. The AN/AAQ-30 TTS, common to Harvest HAWK, the UH-1Y, and the AH-1Z, was selected over the L-3/Wescam MX-15 during development.

The weapons components of the system were broken into 3 additional capabilities. A left pylon mounted missile component was Capability II, a gun component was Capability III, and a rear mounted missile system was Capability IV. The 30mm Mk 44 Mod 0 cannon was tested in response to the Capability III requirement, but the US Marine Corps decided against the weapon, reportedly due to limited accuracy. As of 2012, no weapon for Capability III had been selected. The Capability II component was tested and fielded with both the HELLFIRE missile, using the M299 launcher, but was also planned to include the DAGR and/or APKWS/APKWS II weapon. Testing for Capability IV included testing of both the GBU-44/B Viper Strike and Griffin missiles (the initial Griffin A was actually an unpowered glide bomb). The Griffin weapon was fielded as a Capability IV component, using first a 10-round launcher fitted to the KC-130J aircraft's cargo ramp, referred to as "Gunslinger." This was later replaced in late 2011 with a 10-round launcher that could be fitted in the rear paratroop door, referred to as the "Derringer Door," which prevented the aircraft from having to open the cargo compartment to launch the weapons.

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8da467  No.13284

File: 1aa9b5e1a63d56a⋯.jpg (284.71 KB, 750x630, 25:21, 1aa9b5e1a63d56aeea7df61a0e….jpg)


indeed, couldn't be moar succinct, KeK!

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da72fe  No.13285



So what was AiAnon? Very interesting conversations, if not a little confusing.

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47bad8  No.13286


hey, i feel extra special now. I got the notable meme

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c36195  No.13288


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DesktopApp1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string result = null;
WebResponse response = null;
StreamReader reader = null;
''//''qresearch archives contain breads up until post 5594263 (#7154 09MAR2019)
''//''qresearch latest not in archive is post 6928203 (#8863 - 05JUL2019)
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(@"C:\OUTPUT.txt"))''//'' DEFINE YOUR OWN FILE LOCATION
for (int i = 5594263; i < 6928203; i++)
''//''NOTE: requires 1.4 million server page inquries... which might take a day or two to complete if the server doesn't decide to blacklist you before then
string url = "https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/" + i + ".html";

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "GET";
response = request.GetResponse();
reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
result = reader.ReadToEnd();
catch (Exception ex)
''//''404 provided by the server, indicating this archive page doesn't exist, just ignore and increment i

alternatively, CM could fix the archive...

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50a57f  No.13289


I never mention my thoughts on the matter. But if I did it would sound like this. Especially about when it comes up in unhelpful times. "I accept there may something about some % of Jews, and that's a long way from where I started, but even if that's the big reveal at the end, we have a lot of things to tie together which do not go down that road. when you keep trying to shortcut to that ending, you show your very low IQ and understanding of the process and urgency of the situation." TLDR: yep

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859866  No.13290


What do you mean?

The one always complaining about bots?

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47bad8  No.13291


Now to see if i got this wrong as well, hehe

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5894ee  No.13292

File: 7e515f2b3e33f8d⋯.png (413.86 KB, 716x449, 716:449, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: ce7b88950a377a4⋯.png (222.76 KB, 699x392, 699:392, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: d8f85ea1de9df49⋯.png (17.87 KB, 320x96, 10:3, Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at ….png)

I think these maps are appropriate for this board. They are from an article about a secret "Q" subway tunnel underneath Central Park in NY.

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8029f2  No.13293

File: 62416228484abde⋯.jpg (796.03 KB, 1280x1048, 160:131, 20190716_195909.jpg)



just thot ovvit.


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e576a5  No.13294

File: b1893b5deb9f757⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0599.JPG)

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859866  No.13295


Self nomination, but it's a repost from /qr/ of >>13246 's post.


This needs to be documented.

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3aa845  No.13296


Did it.


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d5888e  No.13297

File: e1db9e363f2bbd6⋯.png (350.65 KB, 585x578, 585:578, ClipboardImage.png)


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565b78  No.13298


Yep, Sydney is one mean lady when crossed. Weissman was on the original Lawyer team in Flynn's first court fiasco. I hope Sydney can finally get Weissman disbarred!

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14afe7  No.13299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9cff35  No.13300


I think of it as a Venn diagram which is a circle completely containing a much smaller circle.

There are "Jews"

Then there are the extremist Zionist "illuminati" or the collective noun of anyone's choice


Notice how relevant the Vanity Fair list of the Top 100 "New Establishment from 2007 remains today, years later.

"What this amazing list reveals is a reality that many will find hard to accept: America’s “New Establishment” is overwhelmingly dominated by Jewish figures or those who are on the payroll of or dependent upon Jewish families and financial interests that bankroll the powerful Israeli lobby in America. That conclusion—however “offensive” or “controversial” in the eyes of some people—is inescapable."

The list has been annotated to save diggers some time.

"Two of those listed—Bill Clinton and his former vice president Al Gore—are only politicians—note the clarification “only”—both of whom were installed in their positions of power through the patronage of Zionist financial interests. For his own part, Gore’s daughter, Karenna, has married the great-great grandson of Jewish plutocrat Jacob Schiff, a satellite of the powerful Rothschild family. Informed students of history know that Schiff was instrumental in financing the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia."

Al Gore's daughter marrying a Schiff is news to me.

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565b78  No.13301


*against in Flynn's..

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aaaf3b  No.13303

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e282b3  No.13304


I want to make it clear that I do not disagree with what you are doing.

However I do question the motives.

The Q-Clearance message can be delivered in endless options.

It is the choice of the team which is the best one to serve the greater good.

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d7de7c  No.13305


Is that JS?

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c36195  No.13306

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70e9bf  No.13307

>>13295 Thanks anon for your observation but /qresearch baker fuggery is well known around here.

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da72fe  No.13308



^Aei anon. Funky texts, strange graphics. Very unusual line of thought.

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859866  No.13309


Wasn't my observation, it was the other anon's so credit to that anon.

I just think it should keep being documented, of course it's well know, kek.

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3951eb  No.13310

Around 2,000 files from a defamation case involving alleged trafficking victim Virgina Roberts are now due to be released following a US Court of Appeal ruling


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ffc5ce  No.13311



But no date

We need to keep an eye on it

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aaaf3b  No.13312


discord is a shill fave.

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1accf0  No.13313



these people are something else

what a side show circus!

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58636f  No.13314

Flynn’s ex-lawyer takes witness stand for the prosecution

Gen. Michael Flynn’s former lawyer testified Tuesday that Flynn’s business partner was upset by the decision to submit a foreign-agent filing for their Turkey-related work and even began talking about a heart condition when told of the plan to make the disclosure.

Prosecutors called ex-Flynn attorney Robert Kelner as a witness Tuesday at the trial of Bijan Rafiekian, 67, an Iranian-American businessman who was Flynn’s key counterpart in a lobbying and consulting firm the retired Army general opened after leaving government, Flynn Intel Group.

During about two-and-a-half hours on the witness stand in federal court in Alexandria, Va., Kelner appeared to do some damage to Rafiekian by telling jurors that the Flynn associate never shared key information about links between the lobbying work and Turkish government officials.


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859866  No.13315


ohhh, idk, I guess that's just an anon kek.


My motives are to Make America Great Again, Keep America Great, and spread information to anyone I can who don't know it. Contributing as an anon and a baker are a way I can do that.

And I agree the message can be delivered in many way. The best way the board had for over a year is over. Which is sad.

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a519c7  No.13316

File: c41c50e45f66267⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1236x803, 1236:803, creepy joe fit.PNG)

Came across this just now. Wondering how long it will be before Normies, and some Anons will figure out that Creepy Joe has been replaced with someone much younger than he was [Some say it's his Brother]. They are screaming for people to wake up, but some are too Asleep I suppose...

BIDEN’S BIZARRE CHALLENGE: The Former VP Challenges Trump to a Push-Up Contest, Public Race'''

Former Vice President Joe Biden jokingly challenged President Trump to a fitness competition this week; saying he’d ask the Commander-in-Chief “how many push-ups do you want to do?”

“I would say, come on Donald, come on, man. How many push-ups do you want to do here, pal? I mean jokingly,” Biden said.

“You know, come on, run with me, man. it’s like I was in a parade in Independence, Missouri. And I always run in parades… and a fellow from Independence who was a Trump supporter said, ‘hey sleepy Joe!’ I said, come run with me, Jack. Come on man!” he added.

“I’m not going to get down in the dirt with him,” said the former Vice President. “That’s the only place he knows how to fight. I’m just going to continue to talk about what he’s doing — why it’s so damaging to America and as my mother would say, I’m not going to take any guff from him”

Biden touted the accomplishments of Obamacare this week; unveiling his new healthcare plan while promising Americans can “keep their private insurance” should they choose to.

Biden promoted his new plan online Monday; breaking with fellow Democrats like Bernie Sanders who seek to ban private health insurance options for every single American.

The Affordable Care Act was a historic achievement. 20 million Americans gained coverage. Over 100 million with pre-existing conditions finally got protection. We can’t tear it down.

So today, I’m releasing my plan to Protect & Build on Obamacare: https://t.co/RIhlOcOWK8 pic.twitter.com/laDUcIhRjM

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 15, 2019

“I give people the option,” Biden said. “If you like your health care plan, your employer-based plan, you can keep it.”

Biden repeats Obamacare lie: “if you like your health care plan…you can keep it”https://t.co/hsKilztB5t pic.twitter.com/ci7SKC6QTH

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 15, 2019

“You get full coverage, and you can stay with your plan if you like it. You can stay with your employer-based plan, or you can move on. I think it’s the quickest, most reasonable, rational and best way to get to universal coverage,” he added.

“I understand the appeal of Medicare for All, but folks supporting it should be clear that it means getting rid of ObamaCare, and I’m not for that,” Biden concluded.


Irinically, Sean's page is one of the most dificult sites to rip news from, IJS

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ffc5ce  No.13317


He is a veteran anon

And moar autistic the lets say usual

Here since the beginning

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aaaf3b  No.13318


Does this archive need to go in the bread?

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8029f2  No.13319

File: 7ff6ddda580e144⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 0c2f6967-da48-460d-99cf-de….gif)





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8ee182  No.13320


FWIW, I found it an interesting dig and saved the info to the memory banks.

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b754f0  No.13321



Have anons seen this shit about the fake royal baby?

Is this related to them running away to Africa for 6 months that I read about in the super market as I was checking out?

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cfed00  No.13322


It might be helpful over the next four or five breads, but shouldn't be an always thing, IMHO.

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0188c6  No.13323

So does the squad of 4 have a leader? Someone better than the other 3? Nothing gets a girl going like a little jealousy.

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859866  No.13324




Nice: >>13319

Welcome to comfyness!

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8ee182  No.13325


>“I give people the option,” Biden said. “If you like your health care plan, your employer-based plan, you can keep it.”

Didn't Fauxbama promise exactly the same thing?

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14afe7  No.13326

anyone else notice that Cruz has lowered the tenor of his voice?

Voice lessons?

Beard to make him seem more masculine?


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cd88ac  No.13327

File: 38190e88c796df7⋯.png (462.88 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, ClipboardImage.png)


Will do anon, o7!

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d7de7c  No.13328


You're welcome here, of course.

The sometime use of cyrillic characters creates a visual challenge for those who read Russian. But you knew that...


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804e56  No.13329

File: 97095665373e19c⋯.png (85.95 KB, 643x314, 643:314, Screenshot_2019-07-16 QRB ….png)

Just sayin I like how FlapJack admitted blocking bakers after being outed by another for doing just that!


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b754f0  No.13330

>>>/qresearch/7064321 JIDF attack Kellyann for asking a question

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b22bdb  No.13331

File: 8dbc420b3128cec⋯.png (277.5 KB, 411x444, 137:148, feelsgood.png)


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d88568  No.13332

I don't know what it is but I can listen to Hannity on the radio and it doesn't bother me, but when I try to watch him on television his voice is like nails on a chalk board. It's unbearable, I wish we had other people to report the news.

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ffc5ce  No.13333


He said today that he is the father of Beto

No kidding

Check his teat

He is kekking of course

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cfed00  No.13334


Checking your quads. o7

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58636f  No.13335


AOC, the twitter following alone makes her leader

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8029f2  No.13336

File: 28a1698032971f1⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 320x252, 80:63, 77039b0e-1ae4-4fc4-a45a-ff….gif)


æı cœисця.


anytime q.

kids are still being eaten.

tho at a greatly reduced rate if мæı overall dæþa pattern aint awl fœкт цр.

#МвS is payin Pal.Auth. 1oвill outah pocket fer the yea on a new peace deal.



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8ee182  No.13337


Funny how the quantity of E-Bakes increased dramatically over the past few months.

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804e56  No.13338


AOC she's obviously the "chosen" puppet.

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d88568  No.13339


Thank you I appreciate that.

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98e81c  No.13340

Is anyone still watching C-Span? The dems are discussing Intelligence Topics right now, and the last three Amendments have been about Weapons Owners, and Weapons Registration. The Towel Head omar is acting as Speaker.. There has been talk of IMSI Catchers, Domestic Terrorism, Most Speakers are claiming their former MIL experiences and spreading doom and gloom.

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47bad8  No.13341


Maybe his balls dropped. He's also got more of a preacher cadence than in the past. He's a politician, so i wouldn't doubt it a bit. Just don't see how if effects anything

And if we're being honest, that's the reason most beards exist. I mean, it's pretty natural. You don't grow one to seem like more of a pussy

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804e56  No.13342


yep the quality went down as the diversity of bakers did.

I'm betting many familiar bakers were shut out as I saw those distinctive baking styles disappear too.

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a6a102  No.13343

File: a64ded6013be5ba⋯.jpeg (2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 16687FA0-19E5-48AE-B421-4….jpeg)

File: ad5327cfb3d439b⋯.jpeg (662.89 KB, 2048x1595, 2048:1595, BCAA71AE-BCA0-4110-93B7-E….jpeg)

This was my first flag retiring ceremony since becoming a Patriot! I cried the entire time. I had no idea until tonight how much you all mean to me and how thankful I am for POTUS and Q-team. We are making America great again, anons!

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2cec2d  No.13344

File: fd1c35033373732⋯.png (811.98 KB, 2560x1221, 2560:1221, tdameritrade.png)

TD Ameritrade problems

this seems odd

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aaaf3b  No.13345



wearethene.ws is oir public-facimg site.

qmap.pub etc etc

/qr/ is dead. let it go anon. please.

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8da467  No.13346

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 634x634, 1:1, 621a7f4cd6072b51a3b2bd274c….jpg)


sydney knows exactly what went on and what's going on, like we do.

now, it's a war of legal minds she has to navigate through, prolly exposing moar and moar corruption (sedition/treason) along the way. wouldn't be surprised if she's been part of Q's plan all along.

all this is timing while this fuckery slowly bubbles to the surface and get's exposed. i think by the time she finishes they'll be so much evidence that the 'public' will have no doubt about the crimes perpetrated on our dear General, POTUS and all the other victims (((they))) tried to frame!

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1accf0  No.13347


So, this whole thing about people returning to their country of origin.

Members of Congress who have dual Israeli/US citizenship, is that who he is really talking to?

Go back to the country where your allegiances lie?

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8ee182  No.13348


> flag retiring ceremony

I've no idea what this means, but the burning of a flag seems a somewhat hostile act to me.

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58636f  No.13349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Gaetz speaks out after receiving threatening messages

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2cec2d  No.13350

File: 905914c4a453c9f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2560x1224, 320:153, grubhuboutage.png)

File: d56580eb8521c69⋯.png (375.92 KB, 1990x989, 1990:989, shiti.png)

Ohh CRAP shit just got real

Grub Hub outtage

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0188c6  No.13351



Are all 4 muslim? Might be a good wedge between them. Ilham is pretty much a jihadist.

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804e56  No.13352

File: c666d8ed4bacea4⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 255x197, 255:197, c666d8ed4bacea4eec3c18e6a9….jpg)


Respect for our flag used to be normal thank you for honoring old glory the correct way.

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b22bdb  No.13353


Current flag code states that proper disposal of a desecrated or old flag is by fire.

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565b78  No.13354


yep o7

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bfdb9b  No.13355

File: daa8fd491f9a082⋯.jpg (291.07 KB, 1346x710, 673:355, Dem_Party_TheFourthmonkey.jpg)

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859866  No.13356

File: 64f9422173e2035⋯.jpg (333 KB, 2250x2250, 1:1, 64f9422173e203575cc0259ef6….jpg)



>no standards

>no checks

<shills can bake

>seasoned bakers stopping due to IRL

>seasoned bakers stopping due to BO/BV shilling them away

>new bakers getting shilled

>no one helping new bakers

>no one encouraging anons to become bakers

<takes away notables and baking

<only BVs can make new threads

<notable buns have no anon feedback 99% of the time, non-notable posts get in

wew, I've seen many bakers here though, which is a good sign.

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3fca75  No.13357

File: 8754d46cda93776⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mutant.jpg)

Memefags- How about


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804e56  No.13358

File: bcd62e73263d315⋯.jpg (245.23 KB, 945x696, 315:232, 112.jpg)


No AOC isn't

It doesn't matter it's all morphed into some incestuous freak show of odd couples.

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8b277d  No.13359

File: fcc14d6124fcd42⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 20190709_210246722 (1).jpg)

File: ce13050b2cd80d9⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1895x1871, 1895:1871, 20190709_211359.jpg)

File: 178ba836070a010⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1724, 480:431, 20190709_211330 (1).jpg)


its a german (argentine) actor named Sky du Mont


Sky du Mont family, who is related to the famous publishers DuMont Schauberg, fled the Nazis in the 1930s to South America.[1] He was born in Argentina as the son of a German and the British Chiquita Neven du Mont (1921–2018).[2] He grew up in England,[3] but came to Germany in 1969[4], where he studied acting between 1969 and 1972 in Munich.

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859866  No.13360

File: 98a8a747445b471⋯.jpg (343.3 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, 1558219231233.jpg)


>kids are still being eaten.

it's why we still need to fight and support those fighting


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b22bdb  No.13361




>(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

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da72fe  No.13362

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0188c6  No.13363


So let's say all 4 of them were bombarded with the truth about muslim violence against women, you're saying the reaction between them wouldn't matter?

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8ee182  No.13364



Thanks, make sense if it is no longer serviceable.

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aaaf3b  No.13365


the 'plane', the 'p!ane'

I cant even.explain that but it makes sense to me.

2D plane of existence

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b754f0  No.13366

>>>/qresearch/7064344 Anon posts well sourced links to theory that the royal baby is a fraud.

>>>/qresearch/7064374, >>>/qresearch/7064440 Two kikes attack the poster with rees.

This is going to be memory holed.

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14afe7  No.13367

you have seen metro beards haven't you

they are faggot >>13341

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aaaf3b  No.13368


>FapJerk being an hero

hero @ /qr/

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804e56  No.13369

It might open some eyes unfortunately the congresswomen are more concerned with ensuring the divide & conquer game continues.

They need identity politics & they need to get everyone fighting each other rather than focusing on their nonsense and inaction.

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cfed00  No.13370


You missed the point. Know Your Meme.

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47bad8  No.13371


I have. They grow them to seem more manly than they actually are, especially if they're faggots

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1accf0  No.13372


I think saving the kids was number one on their agenda.

Now attention is being given to close all access to getting moar kids.

And they are pissed!

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d7de7c  No.13373


Beards are a muslim requirement for men aren't they?

Someone changed the fashion to try and make muslim facial hair seem mainstream.

Just like they show porn females with no natural hair, to make pre-pubescent individuals appear more "normal"

Fight fight fight!

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0188c6  No.13374


Asking why aoc or pressley don't show support for islam and wear a towel. How do you think they'd react?

Aoc is a little bitch and would probably go along with it, but I don't think it would go over well with pressley.

<"we don't need muslims who don't want to be a muslim voice"

so... then wear a towel and show your support

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2cec2d  No.13375

File: afc3c95181b639c⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2560x1224, 320:153, f35.png)

f35 squaking and comming down fast over pheonix

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c86f71  No.13376


Can't you make a PF101 bread on QRB?

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859866  No.13377

IMF chief Christine Lagarde to resign on Tuesday

WASHINGTON, July 16 (Reuters) - International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde Opens a New Window. announced on Tuesday she had submitted her resignation from the global lender Opens a New Window. , saying she had more clarity about her nomination to be the next head of the European Central Bank.

Lagarde said in a statement her resignation was effective Sept. 12, opening the way for the IMF to choose its next leader.

"With greater clarity now on the process for my nomination as ECB President and the time it will take, I have made this decision in the best interest of the Fund," she said in a statement.

She said her resignation would expedite the selection of her successor.

Lagarde's resignation comes two weeks after her nomination on July 2 for the ECB top job. She did not immediately resign from the IMF because of uncertainty over whether the new European Parliament would approve her and other new EU leadership positions, sources told Reuters.

Lagarde's nomination is subject to approval by a fractious European Parliament. If approved, she would take over as ECB president from Mario Draghi on Oct. 31.

Lagarde's second five-year term as IMF managing director was not due to end until July 2021. Traditionally the post has always been held by a European, while the head of the IMF's sister organization, the World Bank, has always been an American.


BIG, globalist btfo

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f31814  No.13378


Yeah, he’s definitely calling out any politicians who don’t put America first. Gotta say, it feels really damn refreshing.

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2cec2d  No.13379

35 now gone

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1accf0  No.13380


Pretty soon it will become fashionable for women to wear a head covering.

Then it will become mandatory.

Let's not hurry that process along.

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28d9ec  No.13381

File: cefc1a6b7ad6887⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 477x716, 477:716, 11WZMVAKWNAD22.JPG)

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47bad8  No.13382


Beards have always been a thing. Wasn't until semi recently that we stated shaving. I kinda agree on the shave puss front, but beards...? Not sure i agree with that. Possible i guess, but there's a difference between a nice, trimmed, clean beard vs neckbeards and the facial dreadlocks that muzzies have

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804e56  No.13383


That's what I thought about their freak outs regarding the crackdowns on checking familial ties & separating the children from possibly dangerous situations.

It's sad if they'd just get rid of the incentives to break the law to cross the border, like cracking down harder on employers of illegals here & loopholes as well as catch & release everybody's suffering would be eased.

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2652e4  No.13384


Think a lot of anons are still in shock and talk about the other board to deal with it. In favor of moving on but spend a coupla days needing to express a lot of pent-up fury over what's gone down. Better now. Such a pleasure to bake again--and in a mostly comfy environment. (Let's face it, the shills know where we are and are beginning to "visit" a little--but shills have a lot less power when not supported by comp'd mgmt.)

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5e1ed9  No.13385


And marrying your siblings and cousins

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ffc5ce  No.13386



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a84b7e  No.13387

File: 1e7c7bb379f5b3c⋯.png (539.11 KB, 2038x660, 1019:330, pbpost.png)

File: 7b96493cb26a140⋯.png (531.61 KB, 1022x1032, 511:516, SaraCarterTweet.png)

Anons knew.

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58636f  No.13388

File: aca8f297ef10214⋯.png (775.98 KB, 632x792, 79:99, D_iyhbgWwAEBI_d.png)

Chris Pratt criticised for 'white supremacist' T-shirt


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e06b5b  No.13389

File: 56787df49e03296⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Apache_Flair_Q_inthebunker.png)

File: 5050c481c753662⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1280x834, 640:417, A10_silhouette_Night_Shift….png)

File: e2976aa51439ea1⋯.png (593.91 KB, 871x578, 871:578, Jumpers_Night_Shift_Qs.png)

Evenin' Night Shifters !

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0188c6  No.13390


You misunderstand, Trump is pushing the left further left. I'm asking why we can't push a little more. Is there a point where aoc and pressley will revolt against the other two?

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b22bdb  No.13391


is that VRS with a global feed?

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2652e4  No.13392


Glad to see plane fag posts here. My favorite posts, love planes. Did some human factors work on contract for Boeing at one point--what causes crashes, how to prevent. Welcome, patriot.

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d7de7c  No.13393

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2652e4  No.13394


Yep--new DSM diagnosis, kek.

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a84b7e  No.13395

File: 9276562043224f6⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1072x710, 536:355, BunkerShift.png)

File: aee5078fc186fda⋯.png (916.96 KB, 1074x732, 179:122, BrightShift.png)


Evening Fren.

Long day for me.

Just getting here to catch up.

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2cec2d  No.13396


adsb with military filter

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1accf0  No.13397


Used to be guys had to go to a barber shop for a shave and a haircut. Then companies started making razors that guys could use at home and do it themselves.

Old timey black and white pics from 1800s a lot of guys had full beards.

When it's a choice and/or fashionable or practical, all is well.

When something becomes mandatory, that's when our rights are infringed upon.

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d7de7c  No.13398


Roger. I'm over the anguish and pain but understand since it was just last week I was barely able to function after the Notables were taken out. Wrecked my workflow and sapped my desire to participate.

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859866  No.13399

File: 27905dc79490260⋯.png (481.6 KB, 541x541, 1:1, nightcrew.png)




wearethene.ws is back up, it's what I've been using to catch up on notables when I missed a bunch.

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2cec2d  No.13400



Dropped 2000 ft in 2 and half minutes with an emergency squawk on. Usually squawks are mistakes. We will find out by morning if it was real squawk.

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58636f  No.13401

File: 8939a8cb80eb841⋯.jpg (126.14 KB, 660x321, 220:107, 190715-odd-squad-010.jpg)

File: baa8fa14a9fcf1a⋯.jpg (264.41 KB, 649x1169, 649:1169, 190715-odd-squad-020.jpg)


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a84b7e  No.13402

File: 20cc7500e22ed5d⋯.jpg (140.53 KB, 1154x1547, 1154:1547, tesla.jpg)


Thanks anon.

Tesla confirms.

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804e56  No.13403


<"we don't need muslims who don't want to be a muslim voice"

Translation: We Don't Need People Who Think For Themselves

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1accf0  No.13404


I love it!

The Odd Squad!

Was on last night when anons were brainstorming what to call them.

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9adb8f  No.13405

File: 03bf4406d920b4b⋯.png (179.46 KB, 499x399, 499:399, POTUS-2020.png)

Hello Fags and Fags,

I work with Online Marketing. Now what we are dealing with is Branding. Branding you ask "wtf!".

well im gonna tell ya. its

coke not soda

windows not computer

bic not lighter

So now that u understand the fondumentals, let get to work.

Our Brand to Market is Potus

Potus not trump

The Reason you ask, well whos more powerful. Potus or Trump; rhetorical. They are 2 separate entities btw. Everyone around here is addressing Trump when it Should Be Potus. They wont, POTUS is too powerful an entity to address head on. So we must


since they brand trump more than potus

for ex.

Google News

"trump racist tweet" About 447,000 results

The New York Times - House Condemns Trump’s Attack on Four Congresswomen as Racist

NBC - House votes to condemn Trump 'racist comments,' with only four Republicans backing the measure

CNN - Kellyanne Conway to reporter: What's your ethnicity?

"potus racist tweet" About 41,500 results (see the difference)

Texas Trbune - Several GOP Texans in Congress condemn Trump's racist tweet, while many others remain silent

Axios - Republican backlash builds after Trump's racist tweets

VOX - The GOP silence in response to Trump’s latest racist attack is deafening


anyways, we need to meme the hella out of the word "POTUS" and associate with Trump. get the masses to realize they are addressing THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and not Donald Trump from apprentice.

and (You) as well, wehn speaking use the word trump, use POTUS instead... Brand the hella out of that word, till it makes (((them))) sick


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5e1ed9  No.13406


><"we don't need muslims who don't want to be a muslim voice"

>Translation: We Don't Need People Who Think For Themselves

Translation: We want to ruin the USA like we have the UK and Europe

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e06b5b  No.13407

File: 68fccce3a6a6bd1⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ Alpha.png)


ThanQ for the tip on Notables. Didn't know about that.

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1accf0  No.13408


How about Mr. POTUS for moar respect?

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2652e4  No.13409


Yes, bakers became moar and moar inhibited. Any false step and you'd be jumped on immediately by shills demanding you either put some post in or take it out. Posts that looked sketchy (often anon analyses without comments) are ideal for screwing up a bake bc they take forever to vet & a shill can simply type "notable" (or "second") and kill you if you don't pick it up. Or insert a sketchy article and hope you don't notice. Happened LB right here and I almost missed it bc there were 3 collectors including me, long list. Takes a while to get thru; meanwhile, there's this double-nommed post on a sexy border agent at the bottom of the list. At least when I threw it out (with a little humor), didn't get that really nasty pushback that was everyday fare at QR. Somebody testing the waters or playing a joke.

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40b0c1  No.13410



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d88568  No.13411


You're paid to cater to liberals. I don't buy any of that stuff. Who are we trying to reach here?

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fd2713  No.13412

File: 3fd0d05be070e8f⋯.png (330.65 KB, 374x360, 187:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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859866  No.13413

File: 0a0da37cd62e25c⋯.png (10.18 MB, 6980x5315, 1396:1063, wearethenews.png)



The BO and BV shilled the notables site HARD.

They hate anons, bakers, and notables; and they have WAY before this current shit. They're the only ones shilling the "bakers union", so you can ID them by that. They didn't have enough control, now they do.

But anyway they made a word filter (which only a BO or BV could do) for wearethene.ws and made it "wearethecancer.donationssoon"; even though the anon who made it clearly stated there's no donations. (Pic as proof).

Fuck them, they're destroying the board and laughing about it.

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d0193c  No.13414


The biggest one I remember was the "Anti-semetic, it's a trick, we always use it" spam that was on every bread, and someone constantly shilling for it to be added to notables and complaining when it wasn't, until finally a new baker that hadn't seen the shilling in PBs fell for it.

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d7de7c  No.13415


I hear ya.

Question: When Obama was Prez, HE was POTUS. When Dubya was Prez, HE was POTUS. In popular parlance.

How do you UNbrand those past executives?

Some the Page/Strzok tweets use the abbrev 'POTUS' referring to Obama. How do you cleanse that stink?

Precise language is my thing. Not always successful, but have an innate desire for precision in language. Long exposure to lawfaggishness and engineerness and codefagishness tends to ingrain that habit in a person. I've taken some (in-house) marketing courses, so not entirely clueless to the idea of branding.

Kleenex vs. facial tissue

SUV vs. station wagon


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804e56  No.13416


I like that idea.

It switches perceptions from the man to the position

It should be all positive things he's done for the country too, it'll reinforce that message that he's actually working,

And I'd hit them with , where's the other guys...

just my 2cents

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dbcb0e  No.13417

man, little sister (/qresearch/) is a train wreck right now.

like seriously, it's a dumpster fire of Firestones rolled on top of a burning outhouse

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a262f8  No.13418

File: 544a4f5f9ecc4fc⋯.jpg (83.67 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 544a4f5f9ecc4fc0db6df889a1….jpg)


>>9037 (lb #12)

Oldfag here...been thru every migration and board change...so these posts got me thinking.

I agree Q's been watching how we respond to things, how we sort of suck at handling new people, etc. So I've mused before on what would happen *if* or *when* a shit-ton of people (read: clueless normies or total newfags) are suddenly directed to the chans. I assume they will be directed to /pf/ but will probably wind up finding /qr/ too bc Q has posted there. But remember what happened when Q unlocked /ga/ that one time? People started posting like crazy just because they could. Same thing's gonna happen to /qr/ or whatever other board when the time comes. Normies and newfags (and shills) are gonna shit things up to oblivion...understandably, of course. But I think oldfags will need a separate place to coordinate/organize/archive/handle whatever else we do that normies or total newfags won't do in the heat of the moment. This is the argument for having multiple boards...boards where Q hasn't posted because those boards won't be "hot" enough for new people or shills to bother with. So while we must be united (not to mention the vast majority of our history is on /qr/), I think we are going to need a bunker(s) of sorts.

Also, just wanted to thank the lovely fags in 8bit's thread on that first night/graveyard shift last week...shit was strange af, but y'all made it so comfy over here! o7 o7

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9adb8f  No.13419


Your Target Market is anyone that will listen to the truth o7

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fd2713  No.13420

>everyone wakes up with their illusions stripped away.




This anon has experienced this a couple of times....it proves the existence of the supernatural and that God is here....stellar experience...

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d88568  No.13421


That pretty much eliminates liberals.

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ffc5ce  No.13423


In your face haters


deal with it

Branding is for libs in silicon valley

PR and surveys are useless

Member how they worked in 2016

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fd2713  No.13424


Anons are so fucking smart...:) You all amaze this anon....much respect to you....

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2652e4  No.13425

File: cff8c5829ac44a2⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 335x220, 67:44, planes downdrafts.jpg)


That part of plane fagging I could do without! Used to fly into Denver a lot, where downdrafts can be sudden. Not my favorite part of flying.

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a6e3e9  No.13426

File: bc7e097d5514c78⋯.png (251.14 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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670603  No.13427

File: c60cbe626ddfdf9⋯.gif (5.94 MB, 600x335, 120:67, 698A8CB9-9C69-4709-8DFB-77….gif)

++++Q stopped by for a moment

To lurk +++++

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35451e  No.13428


President Trump

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824eb7  No.13429

File: cba91ec6732d7cc⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 170x255, 2:3, reaper2-text.jpg)



>That would be the BO and BVs.

>I don't think they even let magaveli or doc bake anymore.

No, they don't. The putrid stank of Leafy has heavy over every bread. >>12995

>That would be the BO and BVs.


>I don't think they even let magaveli or doc bake anymore.

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6c3217  No.13430


It doesnt matter. POTUS is potus. Period. No need to change now.

They will hate him no matter what.

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d88568  No.13431


I'd rather have a bumper sticker that reads "If you don't support President Trump you're racist"...In your face no apologies...

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824eb7  No.13432


HANGS not has

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824eb7  No.13433

File: 21460e5e1cd0ddc⋯.png (631.25 KB, 719x1097, 719:1097, bonusBBs.png)


Tanks Bakes

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a6e3e9  No.13434

File: 594cc86b4f015db⋯.png (225.38 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Improved version

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fd2713  No.13435


I think it has more to do with he screams the same shit everyday every show and had the same fucking people on everyday every show...its like Sean...put up or shut up already....

He needs to take a risk and stop shushing his guests....

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3aa845  No.13436


Is she growing a third teat on the bottom right?

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0c44cf  No.13437


Yep - much better text.

Black over white.

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9adb8f  No.13438


unbrand will take time, but the more u push

trump => potus

and the less

trump => person

will eventually lead to desired results, of people addressing trump as potus instead of as trump

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63fd73  No.13439


Gender is BINARY.

There are 10 of them.

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2652e4  No.13440


If I'd been off the board for a day, I'd sometimes miss a new "crop" of fake posts and accidentally put one of them in notes--why I always asked anons to look them over. Saved me many times.

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dcd1d1  No.13441

Did you guys happen to see the "JQ research" with "kike" in the title in the Catalog of QR?

That should tell the rest of the Anons all they need to know. FFS.

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43878b  No.13442

Ohai...thanks for giving me the new home. I was shocked after coming back to the old place finding it kiked the fuck up.

Here is some sauce on Epstein:

Epstein pilots. Of his 727.


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2cec2d  No.13443

File: 795c78d34cf5795⋯.png (679.01 KB, 2560x1232, 160:77, heliva.png)

EQ question.

These Heliplots are not making much sense to me - the VA movement at about 23 UTC. I cannot seem to track it to a larger quake this time and the signal in TX is earlier but quieter.

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9adb8f  No.13444

File: 39491f4502a69dc⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, like.jpg)

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a6e3e9  No.13445


As in 1-0? Kek!

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0c44cf  No.13446


You may want to direct your marketing comments to the Memes Co-op #1 bread where it would last longer and might be seen by memefags, the ones in a position to act on your suggestion.

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824eb7  No.13447


>4 republicans vote with democrats against Trump

They're the reason there are directions on shampoo bottles (ty Sen Kennedy kek)

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ffc5ce  No.13448


In order for me to address their genders and pronouns they first need to figure it out for themselves

If are confused how the fuck can others figure it out

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9adb8f  No.13449


Thats right and u brand the hella out of POTUS till they puke xD

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0c44cf  No.13450

File: 21e18428c539267⋯.jpg (370.61 KB, 1076x806, 538:403, FLOTUSDiggingTheBunker.jpg)

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824eb7  No.13451

File: 99f82f74a012c1f⋯.png (10.73 KB, 171x255, 57:85, reaper19.png)

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9adb8f  No.13452


"If you don't support Potus Trump you're racist"

>start of slowly, drop the trump part later down the road

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a6e3e9  No.13453



Or you could try my approach...

I just don't give a shit, I live in reality

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804e56  No.13454


1010101 very funny

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9adb8f  No.13455



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70e9bf  No.13456

File: c581075eb6bf724⋯.jpg (835.44 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, truth archaeologist.jpg)

notables @ 470

welcome night shift

>>12972 Nunes twat: Dems just voted to restore Pelosi rights to the floor...Banana Republic...

>>13006, >>13007 Four Republicans joined Democrats in condemning President Trump's tweets

>>13016 Planefag Q+A here @/qrb. Link: >>13005, https://8ch.net/qrb/res/13005.html#13005

>>12989, >>13031 Article about Prince Andrew a missing boy the CIA, Mossad, and MI6

>>13046 Head of Planned Parenthood forced out after eight months

>>13057 Philadelphia Mayor Kenney: POTUS comes from Hell

>>13034 Grand Jury Charges unsealed re: Extradition of Iranian National, charges signed by Preet Bharara

>>13096 Plane crashes into the ocean near Ocean City, Maryland

>>13102, >>13375 Planefag chatter: B-52 bomber on radar, F-35 squawking

>>13104 FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier

>>13129 Ex Flynn lawyer accused of Fuckery. Called before the Judge.

>>13152 Angela Merkel greeted with boos and Hitler salute at Dresden visit

>>13175 Videofag: If you are receiving this broadcast, you are now the resistance

>>13189, >>13191 CDAN blind item. Epstein related?

>>13227, >>13217 Cruz Questions Google Exec Over Project Veritas & ytube fail (OP credit/hazing)

>>13288 Anon wrote a script to dredge the breads from the /qresearch archive. 1 minute ish per bread. Need it?

>>13190 8chan Reminder: Just because nobody responded does not equal nobody paid attention.

>>13349 Tucker: Rep. Gaetz speaks out after receiving Threatening Messages

>>13343, >>13353, >>13361 Anon has first flag retiring ceremony since becoming a Patriot and is Thankful.

>>13388 Actor Chris Pratt's "Don't Tread on Me" T-shirt criticised as White Supremacist

>>13377 IMF chief Christine Lagarde to resign on Tuesday

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824eb7  No.13457


We have no "MODS" here newfag.

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46d1df  No.13458

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43878b  No.13459


Sadly we are about ready to have some massive earth shit happen. I am talking massive. Hope people have followed basic EQ safety directions, have bug out bags and emergency plans in place.

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cea17b  No.13460

File: f39c28cd0fd8ce9⋯.jpg (988.57 KB, 3600x3300, 12:11, page01.jpg)

The Delta Of POTUS' Tweet & Q's Drop = 2:31:20

Q drop #3120 = John Brennan

POTUS tweet and Q drop #3120 line up on the clock.

Will John will be back in the news soon?

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d88568  No.13461


Haha! Best answer!!

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43878b  No.13462

File: 9feafe1f93d256b⋯.png (123.56 KB, 596x668, 149:167, kike kellyanne with epstei….png)

Praise KEK no captcha (bringing over my sauce to this board for examination)

KIKES pulled a fast one today.

after Kellyanne called the kike reporter out



>FEINBERG: Following up on the previous question: If the President was not telling these four congresswomen to return to their supposed countries of origin, to which countries was he referring?

>CONWAY: What's your ethnicity?

>FEINBERG: Um. Why is that relevant?

>CONWAY: No, no – because I'm asking a question. My ancestors are from Ireland and Italy.

>FEINBERG: My own ethnicity is not relevant to the question I'm asking.

How the fuck is there not a thread on this hilarious exchange. CNN kvetching right now..

Instant revenge. How easily Kellyanne spoke about her ethnicity and family origins, and FeinBERG said his ethnicity was not relevant. Every JIDF operative on duty began posting pic related trying to associate KellyAnne with Epstein.

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40b0c1  No.13464


They probably dont know. What assholes ruining our image.

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2cec2d  No.13465


I totally agree that is why I am on it almost all free time. What is notable is the small quake in MO late yesterday or early today.

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2cec2d  No.13466

File: 602706f5d7ccf16⋯.png (766.13 KB, 2560x1254, 1280:627, discordoutage.png)

Discord outage report.

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d88568  No.13467


Most people wouldn't understand what POTUS means. That was adapted for online, I've never used it I always address him as President.

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859866  No.13468




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6c3217  No.13469


The New Madrid shall strike again?

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0c44cf  No.13470


Shit. I remember having to learn Pascal just for one project because somebody screwed up a printer utility and the company needed somebody to fix the code. Still liked i286 assembler best. Programming languages come and they go. Never learned C# though. Aren't people writing code nowadays in Ruby and Rust and Python? Java's still in fashion?

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ffc5ce  No.13471


You mean its ded ded

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0e93f6  No.13472

File: 8cf9ebe2e605159⋯.jpeg (18.63 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 87AA8250-29D7-4B59-8C54-9….jpeg)

Opens Thread...

Sees notables and Ty baker gurls...

Posts without captcha....

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a6e3e9  No.13473


I bet that's


to sum faggots.

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2cec2d  No.13474


I am not sure a lot of instability but the places to watch in USA is CA, Yellowstone, and MO/Ozarks. Not likely to be the east coast prophecy thing no real fault but you never know.

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8b5784  No.13475

File: 90a93f4c3782649⋯.png (384.64 KB, 1003x622, 1003:622, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df467c76d6eb3d0⋯.png (558.62 KB, 1101x617, 1101:617, ClipboardImage.png)

Time for a stretch

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2cec2d  No.13476


that was just terrible.

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859866  No.13477

File: b0a5e22dfd266bc⋯.jpg (163.47 KB, 1001x823, 1001:823, bc2f9369d96398659d76a8dbc8….jpg)


Perfect post, legitimately lmfao.



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3fca75  No.13478

File: 5be2b683f599439⋯.jpg (124.78 KB, 962x642, 481:321, EPlanes.jpg)

File: 9b92428e71147ce⋯.jpg (254.52 KB, 1202x1000, 601:500, EPlol.jpg)

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43878b  No.13479

File: ffad409bea97b5b⋯.jpg (98.74 KB, 504x456, 21:19, bibi deflecting Epstein as….jpg)

Last week I talked about the strange push to focus on underground happenings at the Island despite the fact that due to the island being a few feet above sea level and on porous volcanic rock, a massive underground structure seemed unlikely.

Today, possibly frustrated by the misdirection, ENTY dropped some revealing sauce about the construction of Epstein's Manhattan house:

The entire blind is interesting as are the comments:

Crazy Days and Night Blog today's blind item:

>The Retail King

> the renovations on 71st street started and so did the fighting. Lots of demands, about not wanting public disclosure of details. Major disagreements with the planning commission and code officials. There were digging request (like the ones you hear about going on in London today). It was a constant uproar. The technology RK was putting in had never been seen before. It was causing serious issues with the neighbors, the city, historical committees and Con Ed. Lots of legal going back and forth. Every now and then, tidbits would make the papers but a lot the club got to hear at Vera’s, did not.


Then this article makes some astonishing connections and shows infiltration of NHS in UK by the MOSSAD:

The Epstein Associate Nobody's Ever Heard of:

>I have a story to tell you. A story that causes my heart to pound and my blood pressure to rise as I type each and every word. A true story of a woman of great wealth and power, who rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet on several occasions. She appears to be a German-born Israeli state intelligence operative based in London. An ex-model whose name appeared in the Panama Papers from the Mossack Fonseca leaks and who became embroiled in a FIFA corruption scandal with Sepp Blatter and his family. She is perhaps the closest example that you could possibly find to a real-life “Bond Girl.” Yet, she is almost completely unknown to the majority of us.


Creepy af ^^^^

And this:

Israel runs UK child abuse rings: 40 Friends of Israel who made the unthinkable real (and epic, it has ALL the connections–sauced!)

>The Zionist modus operandi for shaping politics, foreign policy and public opinion includes the use of Organised Child Sexual Abuse and Child Trafficking as a tool for rewarding, entrapping, controlling (blackmailing) and, when necessary, removing, parliamentarians and other key public office holders and VIPs. The organised, widespread trafficking and sexual abuse of children is employed throughout the world, including in the British Isles for decades, as an effective tool for advancing the cause and agenda of Greater Israel.trafficking and sexual abuse of children is employed throughout the world, including in the British Isles for decades, as an effective tool for advancing the cause for Greater Israel.

Found here..so much sauce, so many connections:


THEN we have a massive media push to eliminate Barak who is challenging Bibi for PM…was he set up by BIBI's MOSSAD? (pic related).

There is more than enough sauce to show that Epstein was MOSSAD and his blackmail material has been helping BIBI run the USA from behind the curtain for a very long time. That he is now deflecting and shoving Barak into the camera with Epstein associations will he be able to avoid such an association himself? CAN he claim he had NO IDEA what the MOSSAD was doing under his lengthy watch?

Sloppy Job MOSSAD–BIBI is not getting out of this one. NOT THIS TIME.

It seems the zionist agenda is under HEAVY scrutiny around the world as I have seen literal old lady blogs in heavy discussion about these issues.

tl;dr There is an underground space under Epstein's NY mansion

there is a MOSSAD op who has infiltrated the NHS among other things

There is a organized child sex abuse ring, article focuses on all the UK links. It is an epic sauce. and Mossad working overtime to keep BIBI's kike nose clean re Epstein and connect him to BIBI's rival (who is, ironically guilty, pic related).

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6c3217  No.13480


There have been EQs in NY.

Who knows?

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40b0c1  No.13481



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7d4f41  No.13482


If Q posted anywhere outside of /qresearch/ or /patriotsfight/, would Qmap and the other aggregators pick up on it?

If not, I assume anons that were in-bread at the time would see the Q trip and then alert the world somehow? Like via Twitter or something?

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521d36  No.13483


Same here, his radio show has always been much better.

He turns into a complete idiot when the camera is on so I stopped being able to watch years ago.

Of course the tick tock shit made it so I never want to hear his voice ever again on any medium.

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2cec2d  No.13484

File: 6a3e99f83a8b423⋯.png (776.61 KB, 2560x1233, 2560:1233, coxdown.png)


I raise you Cox Down

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43878b  No.13485

File: 712d4d826c21a29⋯.jpg (165.34 KB, 1040x1213, 1040:1213, red1.jpg)

And for the no captcha? and BO kikery free safe space?


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6c3217  No.13486


And, before that, during the Hussein years, he always referred to Bill Ayr as an unrepentant terrorist. Night after night after night........

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8b277d  No.13487

File: 3a55d88654a8525⋯.jpg (933.93 KB, 2356x1597, 2356:1597, 20190717_041704.jpg)

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be6ca1  No.13488



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51d63a  No.13489

File: 5fb81a57c6b55ae⋯.jpg (432.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nightpain.jpg)

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ae76eb  No.13490



THANK YOU!!! I have been saying this for a week now. We were digging on Manhattan and there was a coordinated effort to push back to island --- and it worked. The main game was Manhattan. It always was. Possibly the NM ranch too. But mostly Manhattan - the other 'island'. Where the famous CCTV stills came from

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521d36  No.13491


Holy shit, glad you made the jump, ai-anon!


Greetings and salutations, I am ready to save more graphics.

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0c44cf  No.13492


Several have added /qrb to the list of sites they scrape. Q's posts would only be seen if the scraper site is specifically programmed to look for them.

Now don't ask me which ones, I have forgotten already.

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a262f8  No.13494

File: 74b9cfd36f8ea36⋯.png (271.17 KB, 600x579, 200:193, 74b9cfd36f8ea36ec6c3cf132b….png)



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7b13ba  No.13495


Who tf says bic instead of lighter? gay

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824eb7  No.13496


There's a bottom right in there?

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dcd1d1  No.13497


Selfies with strangers is normal when you become a household name.

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46d1df  No.13498


Ah yea, Pascal. I haven't had to use that in years. As for coding, it depends on the company you code for and their apps.My last gig still had a ton of COBOL. KEK.

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521d36  No.13499


NOW it feels like we have a new home.

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824eb7  No.13500


Leafy, the little nazi anime tranny

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40b0c1  No.13501


Better example “xerox” instead of copier

Jello instead of gelatin

Kleenex instead of tissue

Scotch tape instead of tape.

That’s all I can think of.

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1d8cd4  No.13502

Q posts there, not here.

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d2318c  No.13503

File: c28913f25691337⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1962x1293, 654:431, 0A8D2ED0-DF3D-4569-8A7D-7….jpeg)

File: f747e9a3b6c5312⋯.jpeg (295.35 KB, 1916x445, 1916:445, 95EF01E1-86D6-4710-AB29-E….jpeg)

Whew! Anons over on Q Research pitching a fit over a new post of the board log showing more and more deletions.


I thought the one reply was quite interesting.

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0e93f6  No.13504

File: f5580d80bf0fb37⋯.jpeg (55.04 KB, 552x504, 23:21, 67D7CFA7-0139-408C-88BA-4….jpeg)

File: 9a34fb992ea6fbe⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 88570D09-C87A-4E99-9AAC-2….jpeg)

File: 22392f436197cbc⋯.jpeg (16.09 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 107022B3-C30E-47EE-8E5E-4….jpeg)

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7d4f41  No.13505



POTUS is a stronger title.

Referring to DJT as President carries more weight.

MSM and haters always call him Trump, and rarely as POTUS.

The DS programming is designed to trigger on the word Trump.

The very word Trump evokes strong hateful emotion with Dems.

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859866  No.13506


And I post here, what's your point?

Anons on voat post there, and Q doesn't post there either.

At least Q is ABLE to post here if Q wants to move boards.

I'm comfy as fuck.

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7b13ba  No.13508


Yea I get marketing I'm a salesfag and you guys always fuck up everything and make my job harder. You marketinfags are almost the weird fucks that make all the cereal box cartoon characters pupils look down so they can grab the attention of children. Marketing in general is a very deceptive practice. Look up Edward Bernays.....then quit your job.

Much love o7

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ae76eb  No.13509



And I hope it stays that way. Let the assholes shill over there. They arent needed nor wanted here

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51d63a  No.13510

File: c0452e578efff1a⋯.jpg (121.7 KB, 502x801, 502:801, comfy.jpg)

File: 3b3d0867430d9f5⋯.jpg (274.54 KB, 894x1188, 149:198, cleanhouse.jpg)

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d88568  No.13511


And yet here you are....

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cfed00  No.13512


And that's just perfectly fine. No problem.

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dcd1d1  No.13513


When Q wakes the fuck up, he won't.

This is heaven in comparison to the absolute hellhole QR has become.

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6545ee  No.13514

File: e177ddc5b80ec46⋯.png (754.76 KB, 947x722, 947:722, Screenshot_149.png)

File: cfe4495822f48fd⋯.webm (1013.33 KB, 640x360, 16:9, “Fck Them” Fox 10 Host Re….webm)


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0e93f6  No.13515

File: f97b8a821881960⋯.jpeg (206.67 KB, 750x439, 750:439, C02C12F0-8791-4EFC-A3DE-F….jpeg)

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d88568  No.13516


Since you're in marketing perhaps you're not aware of the disgust those companies bring. There is no amount of marketing that would bring a warm feeling anymore.

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e1bf65  No.13517

Jeffrey Epstein attended the 'Billionaires' Dinner' and now his presence has been scrubbed


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