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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

028fe4 No.215112 [View All]

17SEP24 to 19SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 611 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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67b596 No.224353

File: f695715aedca13d⋯.jpeg (791.03 KB,1242x1960,621:980,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621292 (191044ZSEP24) Notable: AZ election fuggery never ended - fake news throwing shade over ongoing massive corruption

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Of course FAKE NEWS is Fake and TRYING to front run the REAL STORY.

There are OVER 1,000,000 UNCERTFIABLE Voters on the Arizona Voter roles, NOT 100k

1,000k or a million.

Watch the news.

Panic meeting today by SOS today.


And they are admitting to 1/10th of the million fakers, admitting 100,000 ARE FAKE.

Here is fake news distraction:

PHOENIX — State and county officials are investigating an "administrative issue" impacting the voting status and ballots of some people living in Arizona who have not provided documentation of U.S. citizenship.

The Maricopa County Recorder’s Office says it found about 97,000 registrants impacted by an "administrative error." According to officials, these voters could have had access to a full ballot for decades when they should have been receiving a federal-only ballot.


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67b596 No.224354

File: 08dbae597e8ec5c⋯.png (684.51 KB,597x1024,597:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621298 (191047ZSEP24) Notable: Scientists store human dna on 5D crystal capable of lasting billions of years

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67b596 No.224355

File: 9a452fcd38708bc⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621319 (191054ZSEP24) Notable: How do you sneak one in? Moochelle stepping into the light w/ FIJI water??? "promoting 'her' new business"…

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67b596 No.224356

File: 95a9830a6894c65⋯.png (203.93 KB,398x740,199:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621332 (191105ZSEP24) Notable: josh hawley w/CAP: NEW WHISTLEBLOWER allegations - this time about the latest attempt on Trump’s life. Whistleblower alleges Secret Service apparently failed to account for “known vulnerabilities”…

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🚨🚨 NEW WHISTLEBLOWER allegations - this time about the latest attempt on Trump’s life. Whistleblower alleges Secret Service apparently failed to account for “known vulnerabilities” at Trump’s golf course. Shooter was able to lie in wait for 12 hours. What is the explanation?

8:35 PM · Sep 18, 2024





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67b596 No.224357

File: 6836f4c703c826f⋯.jpeg (526.21 KB,1242x922,621:461,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621336 (191106ZSEP24) Notable: AZ election fuggery never ended - fake news throwing shade over ongoing massive corruption

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67b596 No.224358

File: b470e918c7a2298⋯.png (880.96 KB,774x960,129:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621349 (191113ZSEP24) Notable: Scientists store human dna on 5D crystal capable of lasting billions of years

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67b596 No.224359

File: c7cf84bdcdd24cc⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,472x576,59:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621421 (191154ZSEP24) Notable: Watch the water. FIJI

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>Watch the water.

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67b596 No.224360

File: 53b692122228fe9⋯.mp4 (5.99 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621441 (191202ZSEP24) Notable: Van Jones and Vivek meet for the first time. Van Jones’ unhinged rhetoric on CNN led to death threats against Vivek & his family

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>>224316 CNN Analyst Van Jones Forced to Apologize After Confrontation with Vivek Ramaswamy Over Previous Unhinged RhetoricPN

Video attached

Benny Johnson


INCREDIBLE MOMENT: Van Jones and Vivek meet for the first time.

Van Jones’ unhinged rhetoric on CNN led to death threats against Vivek & his family.

At first meeting they effectively told each other to f**k off.

Then Van returned and something truly remarkable happened…

Aug. 23, 2024


Now Van Jones needs to apologize to Trump for not giving him credit for the "First Step Act". Jones begged Trump to work with him and others on the the Act. After Trump got it successfully through that releases certain prisoners from jail,Jones praised some black leaders and never praised Trump. He made it seem like him and his friends did it without PDJT.

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67b596 No.224361

File: 48fe01f6b898660⋯.png (74.4 KB,768x568,96:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621493 (191224ZSEP24) Notable: Fear Pr0n: Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)

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Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)

by Ben Kew Sep. 19, 2024 7:15 am

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice has claimed that Donald Trump is planning to order “mass expulsions” of American citizens.

In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Rice was asked about her views on Trump’s plans to deport millions of illegal aliens and recent reports that Haitian migrants have been eating animals in Springfield, Ohio.

Rice explained:

This is really quite terrifying. We’ve heard for many, many months about his plans for mass deportations of undocumented persons here in the United States. That would be hugely violent and disruptive, separating families, causing millions to be expelled through the use of force, but what he’s saying now is something quite different and even more scary.

We’re talking about a massive increase in the number of people that they try to ship out of the country on false pretenses because perhaps they don’t like the countries from which they came. Can you imagine what that means for this country when American citizens living here lawfully, living their lives with their family, can one day wake up and find themselves denaturalized and deported?Now that the Supreme Court has said that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, if God forbid it were to be him again, can do whatever he wants in the office of the presidency with immunity, this is a recipe for mass expulsions of American citizens.


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67b596 No.224362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621534 (191239ZSEP24) Notable: Federal Judge in SC Rules Voter Rolls Public Record: Landmark Decision Allows Election Integrity Activists Access

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HUUUUGE! From here on out, no state or local jurisdiction can create laws or rules limiting access to voter rolls.



Federal Judge in SC Rules Voter Rolls Public Record: Landmark Decision Allows Election Integrity Activists Access

By admin | September 18, 2024


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67b596 No.224363

File: 71dd4d0a7b191aa⋯.png (380.58 KB,611x1032,611:1032,Clipboard.png)

File: 8def1b37bef6eb5⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621557 (191245ZSEP24) Notable: NYC Covid Czar Varma held secret drug fueled sex parties during the global pandemic

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67b596 No.224364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621570 (191249ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein,’ says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid

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Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein,’ says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid

Sordid new details have emerged of the so-called sex rooms that Sean “Diddy” Combs allegedly kept in his Miami mansion — filled with sex toys, bondage gear, hidden cameras and lingerie, according to a federal source, who said the disgraced rapper is “as bad as Epstein.”

One of the Department of Homeland Security agents who helped raid Diddy’s Florida abode claimed that the music mogul had rooms that were clearly “dedicated to sex” with cameras all around.

“So if you were in those sex parties, you were being recorded from every possible angle, including angles you wouldn’t have known about,” the source said, referring to the sometimes days-long orgies he called “freak offs” where drugged-up victims were allegedly forced to have sex with male prostitutes.

“In my opinion, he’s as bad as Jeffrey Epstein,” the source added about the late pedophile who hanged himself behind bars. “These women are young. Either barely legal, or barely illegal.”

Internally, officers said they see a lot of similarities between Combs and Epstein, the well-connected financier who served time for trafficking dozens of young girls in New York and Florida. Epstein, who was awaiting trial on additional charges, died in his jail cell in August 2019.

On Tuesday, Combs was slapped with federal sex-trafficking and racketeering charges. According to the bombshell indictment, he allegedly coerced his female victims into days-long sex sessions as part of his alleged pattern of abuse dating back more than a decade.

The indictment alleges that the women — some of whom were still teenagers — were coerced into “Freak Off” sex sessions with male prostitutes that were often recorded while the music producer masturbated.

But the federal source told The Post that sometimes, Diddy would allegedly just watch the romps from another room.

“He also was able to watch the action remotely on his phone, cast it onto a TV in another part of the house,” the source said. “He didn’t have to be in the room when the sex was happening, although he frequently was.”

Diddy’s employees allegedly helped facilitate the sick sessions by arranging travel, booking hotel rooms where they would take place and stocking the rooms with supplies — including drugs, baby oil, lubricants and extra linen.

“We have evidence that these women didn’t feel like they were free to go,” the DHS officer said, “and there’s video evidence that some of the girls are clearly out of it while these men are having sex with them.”

Combs would often also keep videos of the “sensitive, embarrassing and incriminating” sessions — sometimes without his victims’ knowledge — so he could use them “as collateral to ensure the continued obedience and silence of the victims,” the indictment alleges.

He faces three federal charges of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking and transportation to engage in prostitution.

Combs’ arrest comes after he was hit with a flurry of lawsuits in the past year by people who allege he subjected them to physical or sexual abuse during the height of his fame as a producer in the 1990s and 2000s.

He was first accused of a years-long pattern of domestic and sexual violence — and even trafficking — against his former girlfriend, R&B singer Cassie Ventura, in a federal lawsuit she filed against him last November.

Combs was arrested by Homeland Security in New York City on Monday. He has pleaded not guilty and is being held without bond.

Authorities say that some of Combs’ alleged victims are cooperating with authorities.

“These women are telling us things that we can independently verify with video evidence, physical evidence,” the agent says. “These women have come forward and they’re cooperating with us. They’re very brave.”

Attorneys for Combs have not returned The Post’s call for comment.

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67b596 No.224365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621589 (191254ZSEP24) Notable: Eight Catholic Churches in Missouri Named in Federal Lawsuit

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Catholic Churches in Missouri Named in Federal Lawsuit

Eight area catholic churches are named in a federal civil lawsuit filed last week by 11 plaintiffs who say they were sexually abused by clergy members more than 20 years ago.

The plaintiffs, who are adults now, say that when they were children in the ’70s and ’80s — they were subjected to sexual abuse by priests, and that the diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau turned a blind eye to the abuse.

Catholic churches listed in the lawsuit are St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s in Joplin, St. Ann’s in Carthage, Sacred Heart in Webb City, St. Canera’s in Neosho, along with Catholic churches in Mount Vernon, Pierce City, and Wentworth.

I hope this is just the beginning. Every Catholic priest is a pedophile. None of them EVER speak out against this systematic abuse, therefore they are ALL complicit. NEVER TRUST A CATHOLIC PRIEST. The only decent one was Archbishop Vigano who spoke out against the systematic rapes and the Deep Church, and he was excommunicated. What does that tell you about the rest? That they are all guilty. NEVER EVER give the Catholic Church your money.


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67b596 No.224366

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621608 (191302ZSEP24) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2024

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2024



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67b596 No.224367

File: 9f15c5467a226ac⋯.png (5.91 MB,3978x2542,1989:1271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621620 (191305ZSEP24) Notable: QClock September 18, 2024 -Chemical Attack on DJT, Attacks to Intensify

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QClock September 18, 2024 -Chemical Attack on DJT, Attacks to Intensify

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67b596 No.224368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621693 (191328ZSEP24) Notable: anons - CALL FOR MEMES - TRUMP HARRIS TALKING POINTS - Meme Call List

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Gun Confistaction

“We’re Going to Walk Into That Home” - Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check How Legal Gun Owners Store Firearms


2020 bail out rioters minnesota

Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers


42b for broad band

‘People need to see it’: How politics hung up a $42B Biden internet buildout


70%-80% tax rate is a very bold idea

What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far


9b for charging shations

$7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years


against fracking. oil

Why Harris and Trump are debating the F-word


backs electric mandate

What a Kamala Harris presidency could mean for electric vehicles


border 325k lost

Biden-Harris admin loses track of 320,000 migrant children — with untold numbers at risk of sex trafficking and forced labor


called for abolish of ice

Sen. Kamala Harris: We Must “Reexamine ICE And Its Role


cosponsered new green deal

Where Kamala Harris stands on Green New Deal and climate initiatives


court packing

Harris Has Expressed Being “Open” to Supreme Court Expansion


cut medcaire

What Kamala Harris learned from embracing, abandoning Medicare-for-all


defund police

Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview


destroyed evidence pelosi had no protection j6

The public may not see all of the Jan. 6 committee’s work for decades — if ever


destroyed san francisco

America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General


ended remain in mexico

Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump-era 'Remain in Mexico' policy


ending cash bail

Harris seeks end to executions, cash bail, private prisons


free tax paid lawyers for illegals

Harris doubles down on support for left-wing benefit for illegal immigrants: 'Smart solutions'


green deal

Kamala Harris was an original backer of the Green New Deal


halted all deportation

Sen. Kamala Harris’s Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement


mass amenesty

Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration


open borders

Harris’ struggles with immigration policy expose political vulnerabilities


protected sanctuary cities

Kamala Harris championed sanctuary city policies — and these migrant crimes could come back to haunt her


led a coup against biden

‘Coup’ and ‘Cover-Up’: How the G.O.P. Is Reacting to the Harris Candidacy


stop wall construction

Republicans have recently criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, saying she “flip-flopped” on the Trump-era border wall initiative,


supports mass amnesty for illegals

Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration


voted no private health

Kamala Harris wants to end private health insurance



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67b596 No.224369

File: b9e8d4c064a0d29⋯.png (574.45 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621713 (191334ZSEP24) Notable: PF Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince…

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Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince…


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67b596 No.224370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621748 (191346ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Habbenings

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10:00 AM EDT

A Legacy of Incompetence: Consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Policy Failures

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Ms. Meaghan Mobbs

Director, Center for American Safety and Security, Independent Women's Forum


Mr. Mark Krikorian

Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies


Ms. Mandy Gunasekara

Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


The Honorable Brendan Carr

Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission






FCC Commissioner & Others Testify on Biden Administration Policies

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr and others testify on Biden administration policies before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.


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67b596 No.224371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621749 (191346ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Habbenings

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10:00 AM EDT

Holding the Biden-Harris EPA Accountable for Radical Rush-to-Green Spending

House Energy and Commerce Committee



The Honorable Sean W. O’Donnell, Inspector General, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency








EPA Inspector General Testifies in Oversight Hearing

Sean O’Donnell, inspector general of the Environmental Protection Agency, testifies on the EPA’s spending and regulatory policies before a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee.


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67b596 No.224372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621750 (191346ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Habbenings

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10:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House will consider legislation to restrict federal funding to so-called sanctuary cities to block their use for health care, shelter and other services for undocumented immigrants living there.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will consider the nomination of Rose Jenkins to be a judge for a 15-year term on the U.S. Tax Court, which settles disputes between taxpayers & IRS. There are 4 current vacancies on the tax court out of the court’s 19 posts.


10:00 AM EDT

Beyond the Border: Terrorism and Homeland Security Consequences of Illegal Immigration

House Homeland Security Committee



Kelly Brown

Private Citizen


Mr. Timothy Healy

Private Citizen


Mr. Alex Nowrasteh

Vice President, Economic and Social Policy Studies, Cato Institute





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67b596 No.224373

File: 36ec8d06e713850⋯.png (1.44 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621751 (191346ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Space Related

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 19, 2024

The Dark Seahorse of Cepheus

Spanning light-years, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula floats in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, dark nebula is part of a Milky Way molecular cloud some 1,200 light-years distant. It is also listed as Barnard 150 (B150), one of 182 dark markings of the sky cataloged in the early 20th century by astronomer E. E. Barnard. Packs of low mass stars are forming within, but their collapsing cores are only visible at long infrared wavelengths. Still, the colorful Milky Way stars of Cepheus add to this stunning galactic skyscape.


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67b596 No.224374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621753 (191347ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Habbenings

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10:00 AM EDT

Open Meeting

Federal Election Commission




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67b596 No.224375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621756 (191347ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Habbenings

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10:00 AM EDT

America’s Warfighting Navy with Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Franchetti

Center for Strategic and International Studies & U.S. Naval Institute




Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti discusses the 2024 Navigation Plan and America's Warfighting Navy at 10 a.m. EDT at an in-person and virtual Center for Strategic and International Studies/U.S. Naval Institute Maritime Security Dialog event, 1616 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. Register at csis.org.

Department of Defense


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67b596 No.224376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621758 (191348ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp Habbenings

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10:00 AM EDT

Israel and the Middle East at a Crossroads: How Tehran’s Terror Campaign Threatens the U.S. and our Allies

House Foreign Affairs Committee



The Honorable Elliott Abrams

Former Deputy Assistant to the President and

National Security Adviser


Ms. Kirsten Fontenrose

Former Senior Director for the Gulf

National Security Council


Ms. Carrie Filipetti

Executive Director

The Vandenberg Coalition


Mr. Jonathan Lord

Senior Fellow and Director

Middle East Security

Center for a New American Security





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67b596 No.224377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621812 (191359ZSEP24) Notable: Body Language: Trump, assassination attempt, Ron DeSantis press conference

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Body Language: Trump, assassination attempt, Ron DeSantis press conference


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67b596 No.224378

File: c36aed95af1a6e4⋯.png (3.19 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 92c98ad86eaed46⋯.png (1.09 MB,1292x836,17:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621848 (191408ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Space Related

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NASA Shares Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Remarks

Sep 18, 2024

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson released his remarks as prepared for Wednesday’s Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in Washington.

The awards recognized the women who contributed to the space race, including the NASA mathematicians who helped land the first astronauts on the Moon under the agency’s Apollo Program.

“Good afternoon.

“The remarkable things that NASA achieves…and that America achieves…build on the pioneers who came before us.

“People like the women of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.

“People like Mary Jackson. Dr. Christine Darden. Dorothy Vaughan. Katherine Johnson.

“Thanks to all the Members of Congress who made today possible.

The late Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, who we miss, and who led the effort in 2019 alongside Senator Chris Coons to bring these medals to life.

Thanks to the champions for the legislation, then-Senator Kamala Harris, Senators Lisa Murkowski and Shelley Moore Capito, and Congressman Frank Lucas.

“The women we honor today made it possible for Earthlings to lift beyond the bounds of Earth, and for generations of trailblazers to follow.

“We did not come this far only to come this far.

“We continue this legacy, as one member of the audience here with us does every single day – the remarkable Andrea Mosie.

“Andrea, who has worked at NASA for nearly 50 years, is the lead processor for the Apollo sample program.

She oversees the Moon rocks and lunar samples NASA brought back from Apollo, 842 pounds of celestial science!

These samples are national treasures. So is Andrea.

“The pioneers we honor today, these Hidden Figures – their courage and imagination brought us to the Moon.

And their lessons, their legacy, will send us back to the Moon… and then…imagine – just imagine – when we leave our footprints on the red sands of Mars.

“Thanks to these people who are part of our NASA family, we will continue to sail on the cosmic sea to far off cosmic shores.”



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67b596 No.224379

File: 9d6ee277d96efd9⋯.jpg (383.94 KB,1080x1449,120:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f330044263fc14d⋯.webp (126.95 KB,976x1653,976:1653,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621852 (191409ZSEP24) Notable: Masks are for slaves DO NOT COMPLY

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High-grade masks evidence weak, Covid inquiry told

There is only “weak evidence” that high-grade face masks better protected health workers than surgical ones in the pandemic, the Covid inquiry has been told.

Prof Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), said respirator masks – known as FFP3s – may have performed no better than thin surgical masks in real-life situations.

She said there could be “significant harms” from wearing tight-fitting FFP3s, including blisters and breathing difficulties.

“If the evidence was strong that FFP3s really protected people, and we saw a definitive reduction [in infections], they would have been recommended,” she said.

'Life and death'

Not all scientists agree on what has become a controversial issue.

The BBC has previously reported on research which appears to show a significant real-world benefit from wearing higher-grade masks on hospital wards.

Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, groups representing doctors, nurses and other health workers repeatedly called for urgent improvements to personal protective equipment (PPE), including the wider use of respirators.

FFP3s are tight-fitting masks with a built-in air filter designed to block out tiny aerosol particles which can carry the virus.

Before they can be used, each wearer must undergo a fit test, to make sure the mask is properly sealed to the face.

For most of the pandemic, national guidance across the whole UK said that healthcare workers should wear basic surgical masks rather than FFP3s, except in intensive care or a small number of medical situations.

The decision was heavily criticised by some staff with the doctors’ union, the BMA, calling it a "matter of life and death".


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67b596 No.224380

File: b576faebdb7049a⋯.png (2.73 MB,2000x1540,100:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621866 (191413ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Space Related

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Hubble Examines a Busy Galactic Center

Sep 18, 2024

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the spiral galaxy IC 4709 located around 240 million light-years away in the southern constellation Telescopium.

Hubble beautifully captures its faint halo and swirling disk filled with stars and dust bands.

The compact region at its core might be the most remarkable sight. It holds an active galactic nucleus (AGN).

If IC 4709’s core just held stars, it wouldn’t be nearly as bright. Instead, it hosts a gargantuan black hole, 65 million times more massive than our Sun.

A disk of gas spirals around and eventually into this black hole, crashing together and heating up as it spins.

It reaches such high temperatures that it emits vast quantities of electromagnetic radiation, from infrared to visible to ultraviolet light and X-rays.

A lane of dark dust, just visible at the center of the galaxy in the image above, obscures the AGN in IC 4709.

The dust lane blocks any visible light emission from the nucleus itself.

Hubble’s spectacular resolution, however, gives astronomers a detailed view of the interaction between the quite small AGN and its host galaxy.

This is essential to understanding supermassive black holes in galaxies much more distant than IC 4709, where resolving such fine details is not possible.

This image incorporates data from two Hubble surveys of nearby AGNs originally identified by NASA’s Swift telescope.

There are plans for Swift to collect new data on these galaxies. Swift houses three multiwavelength telescopes, collecting data in visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray light.

Its X-ray component will allow SWIFT to directly see the X-rays from IC 4709’s AGN breaking through the obscuring dust. ESA’s Euclid telescope — currently surveying the dark universe in optical and infrared light — will also image IC 4709 and other local AGNs.

Their data, along with Hubble’s, provides astronomers with complementary views across the electromagnetic spectrum.

Such views are key to fully research and better understand black holes and their influence on their host galaxies.


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67b596 No.224381

File: f3cc8f9340e5ca2⋯.png (775.77 KB,663x666,221:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621895 (191421ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Space Related

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How a Twitch streamer helped bring NASA to the livestreaming community

Sep 18, 2024, 11:55 AM PDT

The atmosphere of Halo’s arid planet Sanghelios or the science of Valorant’s Alpha Earth aren’t the only explorations of space you’ll find on Twitch.

The livestreaming platform is best known as a hub for games like League of Legends, Valorant, or Minecraft, but today, it’s also a place for people to learn: about science, space, and the planet we live on.

Science and technology have their very own category on Twitch, which hosts everything from NASA livestreaming a total solar eclipse to a group of enthusiasts monitoring seismic waves.

It’s also where you’ll find Twitch partner and space, science, and astrobiology communicator Moohoodles, who shares space news, like the first images from the Euclid space telescope or watching the Odyssey spacecraft land on the moon, and plays video games while chatting about science to her viewers.

Ahead of TwitchCon, Polygon emailed with Moohoodles (who asked Polygon to use her handle for privacy) about her long career on Twitch, science’s place on the platform, and building an engaged community.



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67b596 No.224382

File: 833ff0be8e940c7⋯.png (72.06 KB,755x526,755:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621908 (191424ZSEP24) Notable: Get It Now Anons. Get Moar. DJT STOCK Trump Media a very good buy at $15.

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Trump Media a good buy at $15. Will it go lower?

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67b596 No.224383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621981 (191450ZSEP24) Notable: #26481

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#26481 >>224340

>>224341 46 Days to WINNING

>>224342 Dr. Robert Malone - PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order


>>224345 Jesse Watters: Why were there two 'close calls' back-to-back?

>>224346 Teamsters Skip Presidential Endorsement: Refuse to Support Kamala Harris as Majority of Rank-and-File Prefer Trump

>>224347 benny johnson w/CAP: During Trumps Tuscon, Arizona, rally about 20 attendees reported becoming ill with mysterious symptoms such as blurry vision and swelling…

>>224348 Man who Predicted Biden’s Drop Out: “Prepare for ‘Kamala Crash'”

>>224349 2020 PDiddy n Kneedpads

>>224350, >>224352, >>224355 How do you sneak one in? Moochelle stepping into the light w/ FIJI water??? "promoting 'her' new business"…

>>224351, >>224359 Watch the water. FIJI

>>224353, >>224357 AZ election fuggery never ended - fake news throwing shade over ongoing massive corruption

>>224354, >>224358 Scientists store human dna on 5D crystal capable of lasting billions of years

>>224356 josh hawley w/CAP: NEW WHISTLEBLOWER allegations - this time about the latest attempt on Trump’s life. Whistleblower alleges Secret Service apparently failed to account for “known vulnerabilities”…

>>224360 Van Jones and Vivek meet for the first time. Van Jones’ unhinged rhetoric on CNN led to death threats against Vivek & his family

>>224361 Fear Pr0n: Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)

>>224362 Federal Judge in SC Rules Voter Rolls Public Record: Landmark Decision Allows Election Integrity Activists Access

>>224363 NYC Covid Czar Varma held secret drug fueled sex parties during the global pandemic

>>224364 Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein,’ says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid

>>224365 Eight Catholic Churches in Missouri Named in Federal Lawsuit

>>224366 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2024

>>224367 QClock September 18, 2024 -Chemical Attack on DJT, Attacks to Intensify

>>224368 anons - CALL FOR MEMES - TRUMP HARRIS TALKING POINTS - Meme Call List

>>224369 PF Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince…

>>224370, >>224371, >>224372, >>224374, >>224375, >>224376 Swamp Habbenings

>>224373, >>224378, >>224380, >>224381 NASA & Space Related

>>224377 Body Language: Trump, assassination attempt, Ron DeSantis press conference

>>224379 Masks are for slaves DO NOT COMPLY

>>224382 Get It Now Anons. Get Moar. DJT STOCK Trump Media a very good buy at $15.

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028fe4 No.224386

File: 54752cbaefa2f82⋯.png (115.83 KB,568x516,142:129,Clipboard.png)

File: fa22a53f221b099⋯.jpg (276.08 KB,1265x1189,1265:1189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eaf77049eeee3fa⋯.jpg (143.91 KB,1230x958,615:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21621990 (191452ZSEP24) Notable: #26482

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fresh DOUGH


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028fe4 No.224387

File: 5d54b512f7b5486⋯.png (900 KB,640x790,64:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e986ee9519ee6d⋯.mp4 (1010.58 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622016 (191455ZSEP24) Notable: il Papi Trumpo - I ❤️ YOU!!! Anons - we love you too Papi

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I ❤️ YOU!!!


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028fe4 No.224388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622045 (191500ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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YES THIS MEANS (YOU)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gun Confistaction

“We’re Going to Walk Into That Home” - Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check How Legal Gun Owners Store Firearms


2020 bail out rioters minnesota

Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers


42b for broad band

‘People need to see it’: How politics hung up a $42B Biden internet buildout


70%-80% tax rate is a very bold idea

What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far


9b for charging shations

$7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years


against fracking. oil

Why Harris and Trump are debating the F-word


backs electric mandate

What a Kamala Harris presidency could mean for electric vehicles


border 325k lost

Biden-Harris admin loses track of 320,000 migrant children — with untold numbers at risk of sex trafficking and forced labor


called for abolish of ice

Sen. Kamala Harris: We Must “Reexamine ICE And Its Role


cosponsered new green deal

Where Kamala Harris stands on Green New Deal and climate initiatives


court packing

Harris Has Expressed Being “Open” to Supreme Court Expansion


cut medcaire

What Kamala Harris learned from embracing, abandoning Medicare-for-all


defund police

Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview


destroyed evidence pelosi had no protection j6

The public may not see all of the Jan. 6 committee’s work for decades — if ever


destroyed san francisco

America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General


ended remain in mexico

Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump-era 'Remain in Mexico' policy


ending cash bail

Harris seeks end to executions, cash bail, private prisons


free tax paid lawyers for illegals

Harris doubles down on support for left-wing benefit for illegal immigrants: 'Smart solutions'


green deal

Kamala Harris was an original backer of the Green New Deal


halted all deportation

Sen. Kamala Harris’s Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement


mass amenesty

Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration


open borders

Harris’ struggles with immigration policy expose political vulnerabilities


protected sanctuary cities

Kamala Harris championed sanctuary city policies — and these migrant crimes could come back to haunt her


led a coup against biden

‘Coup’ and ‘Cover-Up’: How the G.O.P. Is Reacting to the Harris Candidacy


stop wall construction

Republicans have recently criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, saying she “flip-flopped” on the Trump-era border wall initiative,


supports mass amnesty for illegals

Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration


voted no private health

Kamala Harris wants to end private health insurance


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

028fe4 No.224389

File: eafb5e89f706312⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cdbb109232bab49⋯.jpg (87.74 KB,512x369,512:369,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbcce953cc5b260⋯.mp4 (480.17 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622115 (191511ZSEP24) Notable: @jimwatkins General George Patton Quote

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Ty Baker

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."

~General Patton


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028fe4 No.224390

File: 77f7984e0fca2ed⋯.png (313.71 KB,520x645,104:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622154 (191516ZSEP24) Notable: @jimwatkins General George Patton Quote

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

028fe4 No.224391

File: adeca9dd98d231b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1340x520,67:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622170 (191518ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space News

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NASA's Webb Provides Another Look Into Galactic Collisions

September 18, 2024 10:00AM

Smile for the camera! An interaction between an elliptical galaxy and a spiral galaxy, collectively known as Arp 107, seems to have given the spiral a happier outlook thanks to the two bright “eyes” and the wide semicircular “smile.” The region has been observed before in infrared by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope in 2005, however NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope displays it in much higher resolution.

This image is a composite, combining observations from Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) and NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera).

NIRCam highlights the stars within both galaxies and reveals the connection between them: a transparent, white bridge of stars and gas pulled from both galaxies during their passage.

MIRI data, represented in orange-red, shows star-forming regions and dust that is composed of soot-like organic molecules known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

MIRI also provides a snapshot of the bright nucleus of the large spiral, home to a supermassive black hole.

The spiral galaxy is classified as a Seyfert galaxy, one of the two largest groups of active galaxies, along with galaxies that host quasars.

Seyfert galaxies aren’t as luminous and distant as quasars, making them a more convenient way to study similar phenomena in lower energy light, like infrared.

This galaxy pair is similar to the Cartwheel Galaxy, one of the first interacting galaxies that Webb observed.

Arp 107 may have turned out very similar in appearance to the Cartwheel, but since the smaller elliptical galaxy likely had an off-center collision instead of a direct hit, the spiral galaxy got away with only its spiral arms being disturbed.

The collision isn’t as bad as it sounds. Although there was star formation occurring before, collisions between galaxies can compress gas, improving the conditions needed for more stars to form.

On the other hand, as Webb reveals, collisions also disperse a lot of gas, potentially depriving new stars of the material they need to form.

Webb has captured these galaxies in the process of merging, which will take hundreds of millions of years.

As the two galaxies rebuild after the chaos of their collision, Arp 107 may lose its smile, but it will inevitably turn into something just as interesting for future astronomers to study.

Arp 107 is located 465 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo Minor.


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028fe4 No.224392

File: 6f484e43e24684f⋯.jpg (119.2 KB,751x707,751:707,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622198 (191523ZSEP24) Notable: Musicians who should know better 'Musicians for Kamala' event

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FUCK DEVO!!! Fuckin pussies.And the rest of these cunts.


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028fe4 No.224393

File: 7adf0d561b90e0f⋯.png (3.55 MB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622220 (191526ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space News

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NASA, US Department of Education to Launch STEM Project in Washington

Sep 18, 2024

Media are invited to the kickoff event of a collaboration between NASA and the U.S. Department of Education at 4 p.m. EDT Monday, Sept. 23, at the Wheatley Education Campus in Washington.

The interagency project, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, aims to engage students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education during after-school hours.

During the event, media will have the opportunity to learn about the STEM collaboration, hear remarks from leadership, and have one-on-one interviews with NASA and Education Department officials upon request.

Additionally, students will have the opportunity to engage in educational activities, as well as participate in an engineering design challenge.

Officials providing remarks at the event include:

Kris Brown, deputy associate administrator, NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, Headquarters in Washington

Cindy Marten, deputy secretary, U.S. Department of Education

Media interested in covering the event must RSVP no later than Friday, Sept. 20, to Abbey Donaldson: abbey.a.donaldson@nasa.gov.

Through the project, NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland and the Education Department will align resources to provide STEM activities, professional development, and funding for after-school programs nationwide.

NASA will offer staff training, continuous program support, and opportunities for students to engage with NASA scientists and engineers.

The initiative also will include student activities that demonstrate practical applications of STEM concepts.

In May 2023, NASA and the Education Department signed a Memorandum of Understanding, strengthening the collaboration between the two agencies, and expanding efforts to increase access to high-quality STEM and space education to students and schools across the nation.

NASA Glenn signed a follow-on Space Act Agreement in 2024 to support the 21st Century Community Learning Centers.


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028fe4 No.224394

File: 13fa8cf96a84924⋯.png (561.63 KB,480x795,32:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622222 (191526ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check on your firearms

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Gun Confistaction

“We’re Going to Walk Into That Home” – Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check How Legal Gun Owners Store Firearms


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028fe4 No.224395

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622223 (191527ZSEP24) Notable: il Papi Trumpo - I ❤️ YOU!!! Anons - we love you too Papi

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And We ❤️ YOU!!!


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028fe4 No.224396

File: aa0d661b003f3fd⋯.png (368.84 KB,747x598,747:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622234 (191528ZSEP24) Notable: Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers

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2020 bail out rioters minnesota

Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

028fe4 No.224397

File: be89210ad718ded⋯.png (263.48 KB,450x879,150:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622248 (191531ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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42b for broad band

‘People need to see it’: How politics hung up a $42B Biden internet buildout


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028fe4 No.224398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622251 (191532ZSEP24) Notable: Ex-CIA Officer & Sexual Predator Sentenced To 30 Years.

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Ex-CIA Officer & Sexual Predator Sentenced To 30 Years.

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, 48, was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison after prosecutors found nearly 500 videos and photographs of naked,

unconscious women dating back to 2006 - including many in which he can be seen opening their eyelids, groping or straddling them.


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028fe4 No.224399

File: 6042dabcee3a4fa⋯.png (263.26 KB,450x879,150:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622252 (191532ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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70%-80% tax rate is a very bold idea

What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

028fe4 No.224400

File: bcae3a8dc5eeb7f⋯.png (258.21 KB,434x662,217:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622268 (191535ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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9b for charging shations

$7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

028fe4 No.224401

File: 782bc5960516f54⋯.png (287.9 KB,410x888,205:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622275 (191536ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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against fracking. oil

Why Harris and Trump are debating the F-word


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028fe4 No.224402

File: 1c7719bbe73337e⋯.png (253.25 KB,450x879,150:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622282 (191537ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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backs electric mandate

What a Kamala Harris presidency could mean for electric vehicles


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028fe4 No.224403

File: 563ba2c5ae48520⋯.png (88.93 KB,427x938,61:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21622287 (191538ZSEP24) Notable: Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

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border 325k lost

Biden-Harris admin loses track of 320,000 migrant children — with untold numbers at risk of sex trafficking and forced labor


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028fe4 No.224404

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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