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/pone/ - My Little Pony

All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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File: 5d4c92f68283862⋯.png (871.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,78391 - Drink angel angel_….png)

 No.294338 [View All]

Greetings, fellow mares. What do you think of the new and upcoming human movie that is up and coming? How do you like the cast lineup and the special guests? Will we see the return of longtime heroes like Andrew Jackson to go up against current season villians like George Soros? I for one, am certainly excited to see it. Even though it is a cartoon for little colts, my special somepony and I will be going to the cinema to see it in glorious 16 mm film, because as you know, that is currently the most advanced technology us ponies have.

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Is it gay if I want to be the little spoon

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It would be gay if you didn't.

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It's pretty gay tbh. Big spoon or bust

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File: eb2bb50713f16a9⋯.png (393.12 KB,796x1349,796:1349,post-37-0-40830900-1334793….png)




You dumb mules realize they humans are super tall, right? I mean, they're even taller than Princess Celestia!

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File: d160d6d2eb25700⋯.jpg (18.57 KB,326x248,163:124,wack.jpg)


>my little human

>the humans aren't little

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what did she mean by this?

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They should really just rename the series to "A Certain Scientific Human."

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File: ff2ffa30ae84a60⋯.jpg (211.65 KB,1200x1543,1200:1543,Carl-Sagan.jpg)


I loved the Cosmos arc. Of course, a magic-less universe is scientifically absurd, but at least it shows the writers have a lot of imagination.


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Ugh, and then they kill his character and go and replace him with a black guy. Diversity quotas much?

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File: b0f572ff1dfea7a⋯.png (152.2 KB,676x872,169:218,1342922__safe_artist-colon….png)


>tfw we're the perfect height for sucking dick.

>tfw we're small enough to sit on their lap and cuddle up in their arms

feels good fam pics related


It's obviously pandering to try to get the zebra demographic who won't watch the show regardless of what they do.

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Where do you live? I could be your special somepony if you ever come to Trottingham. I'm a real lady and a good listener with a good sense of humor, unlike those whorses who just want to use stallions for sex.

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File: e02dd83154e7ca0⋯.png (55.41 KB,289x225,289:225,disappointed.png)


>implying there are stallions on the internet

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File: 46f93d8d2224382⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.3 KB,382x485,382:485,full.jpg)


Dickpics or GTFO

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But mares don't have dicks

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Uh-oh. inb4 those crazy trans-horses.

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Liking stallions with vaginas isn't gay. They're masculine vaginas.

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File: dfafc1cf0d00da9⋯.png (246.77 KB,854x1024,427:512,ClipboardImage.png)


>not realizing rivers are a natural consequence of water moving downhill

>thinking those expensive 'weather machines' are anything but shoddy props while the Princesses channel those funds into black projects.


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You silly filly. Who puts the water at the top of the hill? The pegasi of course! Nature cant take car of itself.

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Well of course the pegasi takes care of the rain, but after that the water flows by itself, there is no need for these crazy machines.

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Uh, no. Cause water runs out of steam after covering a certain amount of ground. Just pour a glass of water on the floor and see how it stops moving. We need big turbine machines to keep it flowing.

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Than explain how Equestria has had perfectly fine flowing rivers, streams, etc back in Pre-Equestrian days when those kinds of machines didn't exist.

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Hundreds of pegasi treading water all day every day.

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What do you think earth ponies were doing while unicorns were raising the sun?

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Growing crops since dirt famring is all they're good for.

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Um excuse me?! Need I remind you that all the greatest inventors of the past millennium were earth ponies?

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New crop rotation techniques, ploughs and irrigation diteches are hardly the greatest inventions of pony history.

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File: 49bb0ee50e12bab⋯.png (343.76 KB,1200x797,1200:797,413825__safe_artist-colon-….png)



>t. Unicorn marelets

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What more could I possibly do to show how degenerate and plebian these mudponies are?

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>crop rotation




>not the bedrock of society

You delicate unicorns only have time to work on your prissy magic because us earth pones figured out how to mass produce nutritious food so you dont have to spend you entire day grazing

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Hey, if you don't like unicorn inventions what are you doing on the internet, made by unicorns, for unicorns to share information about unicorn magic and magical techniques?

Why are you using a computer designed and made by unicorns, programmed by unicorns and maintained by unicorn technicians since, lets be honest here, you filthy fuckers couldn't handle a screwdriver if you lives depended on it and its bad for the hardware to be covered in saliva?

Why do you go to the hospital for healing magic from a unicorn doctor when you get sick?

Why do you wear clothes made from materials that can only be woven together by machines and are designed overwhelmingly by Unicorns?

Hell, most of the products you use in your daily life are made on machines designed and run by unicorns.

If we all left society to you mudponies, we'd be living in mudhuts working 16 hours a day in order to barely have enough food to survive at the end of the day while waging constant wars against the cows and sheep over every blade of grass around.

The difference between modern pony civilisation and savages starving in caves while fighting everyone else constantly, is unicorns.

Now fuck off back your dirt farm and leave the rest of us to enjoy the benefits of civilisation.,

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>unicorn invention

So they can push the buttons with their horn while playing apple games?

>unicorn doctors

Never seen a single malady where a magical fix didn't cause more problems than it solved.

>clothes made by unicorns

Like in the Canterlot Boutique with their princess dresses? Come over to Appleloosa for a change and you won't find a pony without an unique, hoof-stitched attire!

>machines made by unicorns

That's just wrong. Overwhelming majority of construction workers and craftsponies are earth ponies.

I could write more but unlike you I actually have a life. There's a song number about to start and I'm not gonna miss it.

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File: d6696d1e0695a2d⋯.jpg (14.7 KB,400x300,4:3,bush_exasperated.jpg)

>/hume/: the real cool place to talk about humans and anything with the slightest basis of comparison to humans

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So best and worst Korea are finally getting along. Do you guys think the same will happen for the changelings?

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Lmao I wish but it's fiction. Maybe one day when we nuke the peninsula. Chrysalis' changelings are so fucking insufferable. I hear they don't even like dancing.

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Anon, you should start using real unitsn like our Royal Metre. An unit of measure NOT based on thumbs, feets, hands, noses or severed heads.

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Silver Spoon, fillies aren't allowed on this website.

Speaking of, why are there so many ponies from Ponyville on here?

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Dont Central Equestria (ponyville and canterlot) have their own server? I think that's why. Pretty sure you have to configure port forwarding if you want to post here specifically from places like Manehattan or Fillydelphia

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File: 5a08da36df47a27⋯.png (2.73 MB,1280x2228,320:557,Mudpony progress.png)


Why would you want anyone from Manehattan or Fillydelphia posting here? There's nothing but retarded mud ponies living there.

Next you'll get geldings who think Apple computers can play good games or that Appleloosa is a center of fashion for Celestia's sake.

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File: a00b944fccf221a⋯.jpg (83.28 KB,990x687,330:229,serveimage(2).jpg)

File: 3c4a59b61da906b⋯.jpg (3.42 MB,2439x2500,2439:2500,serveimage.jpg)


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File: b30d51c52b83f79⋯.jpg (48.89 KB,885x516,295:172,harvard_hillary_clinton_98….jpg)


She has one hoof in the grave already.

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File: 541aee32e8101a1⋯.png (268.27 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Calling it now, they will both be offd in an epic showdown for the season finale, kickstarting a new arc the next season as the various nobels fights for succession.

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What fanfics are you readan you autistic fucks? I've been getting into some of Tolkien's stories. I know you girls hate the whole "magic in Humania" genre, and yeah most of it is cancer, but honestly Lord of the Rings is one of the best things this fandom ever produced.

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How big of a fucking autist do you have to be to write a trilogy that almost rivals Fallout Equestria in length?

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That's not even the half of it. Humfiction mods have been going through her account since she stopped posting and found dozens of unfinished stories that outstrip Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons combined. Autism is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

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File: 8ea2139ad833580⋯.jpg (531.59 KB,2000x1347,2000:1347,wtc.jpg)

apology for poor ponish

where were you when tower dies

i was at home watching little human when terrorist fly

'tower is kill'


and you?????????????

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File: 5614c3a9a73f873⋯.png (9.04 KB,307x156,307:156,Humanfags, this is your mi….png)

Get off the internet, make some friends, get a coltfriend, etc.

We have the princess of friendship for a reason

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File: 70956ae15e456e8⋯.jpeg (108.57 KB,720x550,72:55,saving private thread.jpeg)

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File: 89e845830fb6ef7⋯.jpg (94.64 KB,707x1000,707:1000,a.jpg)

I like humans because they're so easy to draw. I could never get hooves right, but fingers are just five little tubes around the palm. I think that's an important part to what made the series so accessible for all kinds of creative ponies.

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I wish they'd stop with the re-runs. We've read these simulated discussions already – I thought there were ponies discussing new things today.

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File: ded1d3405ffe1ca⋯.png (86.9 KB,395x354,395:354,ClipboardImage.png)


I know, right! And you can convey so much with just hand signals alone, it's so cool!

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