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a1b548 No.13575898

How many times have we done this?

Two times? Three times?

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5c97d0 No.13575899

File: e3b7a0d9b2ded3d⋯.jpg (28.53 KB,330x341,30:31,BoggieMan.jpg)

Not enough to learn the lesson clearly.

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0509e5 No.13575901

File: 8c1bd5acdb85306⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,1024x1024,1:1,googleHQ.jpeg)


I will do my best to keep it up. We are no longer on Cloud Flare.

if the dudes want to stay on 4chan, that's fine, but please be aware of what you post there.

Only illegal content gets deleted here, and my back end is not filled with Google's tech to track you.

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931c4a No.13575903


Thanks you, for all you do

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a1b548 No.13575904



Feels good man.

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9a8635 No.13575910


I'm appreciative of this board, Jim. Thank you. I was strictly qresearch and would come here once in a while. Then when this place got shutdown as 8chan I moved to halfchan and it's become a habit to post there. I'd gladly rid myself of that place for good and not frequent here and there. This board makes that happen for me and I would imagine quite a few users.

Thanks for all you do and never giving into the pressures of evil for personal gain. God loves you. We all do.

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7e3f28 No.13575934

File: d36e41e691c3a51⋯.jpg (193.11 KB,Screenshot_20240912_015602….jpg)


Hello old friend.

If you build it, they will come.

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f4030e No.13575936


So glad to be back!! Thankyou!

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000000 No.13575965



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000000 No.13575966


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0b6982 No.13575968

File: 4002e23a0d59603⋯.webm (2.38 MB,412x576,103:144,8chan_banner.webm)


I haven't been here for years, but I got inspired to after browsing my old folders and finding 8chan bumper webms.

Thank you for still keeping this site alive, even if it's far smaller. You never know, though - nobody expected the exodus we had in 2014.

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a1b548 No.13575969

File: 6ff72dd19ad2345⋯.webm (3.37 MB,1024x576,16:9,9_15_24_incident.webm)

Someday, perhaps soon, the data is going to come out about how much they've literally been pushing all of us around.

And we will finally get to see what total weak wristed cucks [they] are.

And then we get to decide what to do with [them]!

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e3796d No.13575978


Yes instead its run by the feds

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0509e5 No.13575979

File: 1244d04732857c0⋯.jpeg (2.03 MB,2316x3088,3:4,Jim.jpeg)


Have some moar pork.

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232801 No.13575985


It's been a long while

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a1b548 No.13575990

File: a4a882cd0c054ef⋯.jpg (69.41 KB,600x459,200:153,1726794344154348.jpg)

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342bc1 No.13575992


Bouncing back from 4chan to 8chan like a ping pong ball

I still love 8chan though LOL

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342bc1 No.13575993


I love that video

But I fucking hate weebs and anime with a passion

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cc27b3 No.13576009

File: ee4d5233c228f6d⋯.png (888.01 KB,720x1186,360:593,chrome_screenshot_20_Sept_….png)

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