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File: be2fa8c912424b5⋯.jpg (16.94 KB,658x321,658:321,56931912_123912952114924_7….jpg)

eaaebe No.13575742

Well lads, you did it. You fucking did it. Some of you incels that lurk on this board pulled the grand fuck up of the decade and got this site shut down. I hope you’re proud. Some of you will cheer and say this will drive these ideas further underground and throughout the populace, but I guarantee it won’t be the incels who will do the heavy lifting of doing just that after the fuckup they created. Look at these two most recent pathetic mass shooters. They are shrivels of human beings who would not survive in the wild on their own just by looking at their muscle mass alone. It’s easy to pick up a gun with your frail arms and pull the trigger at people from a distance. It’s not easy to lay the groundwork for generations to come by building up an ideology and controlling the mechanisms of government. That is the work of true men, and that is what many who lurk here have proven they are not. You know among this board know if you are one of the true men. You live it every day just like me. These mass shooters are not the people who belong as representatives of this movement. For every incel shithead homicidal maniac that exists, there are 20 people like me who work in your hospitals, your law enforcement, your most essential industries in life, and we silently learn, better ourselves, and carry on the work of what this movement is trying to achieve and coalesce it into a legitimate political front. Maybe it is a good thing this site is dead, because some of the posts on here are truly fucking stupid for promoting terrorist violence so desperately. But it is a tragedy all the while because of the truly quality content that has been seen here that has benefited people intrinsically in their lives and has shown them a way forward to discipline themselves and their ideals. If chaos is truly what some of you want, that is easy to achieve, and that is what we will get by the end of 2020 at this rate with you incels sending yourself like lemmings into committing terrorism. Through that chaos, the incel lurkers will be the first to be chewed up by a Darwinist existence, I assure you. You are pathetic to us. You do not deserve to be a part of what we are here for, and the shooters in El Paso and Dayton proved that readily. Godspeed to the true men among us, for you know the way as I do.

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839cfd No.13575751


Carry the memes with you anons.

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839cfd No.13575758


Also the site is staying up >>13575738.

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dc9666 No.13575762


when americans try to copy an australian king and fail miserably. mates, you will never be as good as us. thanks, and fuck off.

see u in the bunker :)

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072318 No.13575764

File: f9ea29ceab08c22⋯.jpg (106 KB,800x584,100:73,ovenwaifu.jpg)


>using incel unironically

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e14f02 No.13575784


Fuck off, migapede

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c5329c No.13575797

>shut down

>just changing ddos protections

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0870fd No.13575888

File: dc6285d56d0a8c1⋯.jpg (59.4 KB,519x519,1:1,1698055762658277.jpg)


shut up faggot nothing ever happens.

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6cefe4 No.13575892

Hello /pol/

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ac21ca No.13575906


Who is the King of Australia?

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145aa4 No.13575931

IT'S BACK???!!!

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