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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: c187b3be3e19015⋯.jpg (76.46 KB,670x960,67:96,EBKKoNNXoAAO107.jpg)


Its game over for Trump. Trump loses followers with each mass shooting. If he enacts gun control he will lose followers. 4chan and 8chan shuts down and his fanatics lose organazation. It's over It's over It's over

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Who cares either way? lel

Fuck 8chan and Fuck Trump

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If you say it more maybe it will come true

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File: 94db09791178814⋯.png (214.08 KB,400x400,1:1,MAGA.png)

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there's not place like home

there's not place like home

there's not place like home

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>Trump loses followers with each mass shooting.

There is nothing to indicate that this is a true statement. OP is pulling shit out of his ass and throwing it at the wall to see what sticks.

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Nigger we want Trump dead, he is a kike lover.

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Fuck Trump. I want the Trumptards out.

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