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File: 04b819f1a35d4a5⋯.jpg (33.27 KB,480x619,480:619,1564287454272.jpg)


I can think of a few chans right now lads but if this place does get shut down then move to endchan and watch the fireworks.

This has been a wild ride and so many memories and memory holed topics the amount.

Even if this site dies our souls are still together in this fight against world wide jewery, but let's be honest everyone knew this was coming in one form or the other.

If 8chan doesn't die then call me a faggot.

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Any boards on the I2P network? Migration may be a pertinent solution.

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i2p is slower than tor. why bother?

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Limited bandwidth. High security and fidelity.

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If this doesn't kick some turbosperg programmer with a hard on for decentralization to go and make an imageboard solution for IPFS I don't know what will.

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I dont think there is any.

I know zeronet has 3 tor has a few and the rest are on the surface.

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File: 4f965cee991ce8c⋯.png (164.03 KB,400x262,200:131,faggitborn.png)

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File: a70a8f24ac735e0⋯.png (538.27 KB,668x406,334:203,a70a8f24ac735e0aa367e020a4….png)








I have been working on something for over a year, I will set it all up in the next week. I have to put the servers downstairs in the basement.

I live in the woods, I am a NEET and I have all the free time in the world.

Stay tuned to the right channels.

I got this.

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Trying to find nobanchan cannot know if it's shut down or not

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>I2P network?

java-vm cancer

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Im taking the bullet but it is getting to the point that I host my own servers. My only semi worry is power outages.

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god speed anon

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i remember this site a long time ago. dont know how long its been around but i used to visit these late at night all the time occasionally. when i got bored and looking fro people to talk to about shit without assholes sticking their nose in my shit.

i remember a site from long time ago, that i rmemeber as being a text board that i use dto go to. cant remember where it was at. but i swear i thought i remembered it from 2002 maybe it was 200- even 4ish. would visit a lot. i remember hearing the numbers then visiting 8-chan.

fuck moderation thats not what internet is about. its text and once its out its out. the type of crybaby shit that cloudfaggot are asking for isnt even possible without ruingin the internet and turning it into a shit hole.

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