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File: 2c075075f768d33⋯.jpg (32.89 KB,660x371,660:371,GreatestGeoPoliticalStrate….jpg)

5066fa No.13574122

Right now, saving the white race seems hard. That's mostly because whites in general seem too uninterested and brainwashed to do anything about their current predicament. However, from Charlottesville to the mass-shooters from this site, we have seen that whites are willing to both protest and fight back. The causal factor in all cases was meme magic: individuals were inspired by memes to take immediate and real action. We will make a case for how to help save the white race by using meme magic to summon RWDS.

Accelerationism gets crapped on a lot here and that's mostly because people misunderstand it. The idea is simple: turn up the flame under the pot in which the frog sits, in order to make him jump out. The slow boil is too comfortable and without a rapid increase in temperature, he will happily boil to death. Currently, whites are the frog, the pot is America (or any of the white countries,) and the flame is the political and demographic climate.

What needs to accelerate? The collapse of course – but how? Without accelerationism, the collapse will too slowly result from a mix of warring ethnic groups, bad economic policy, debt, and the steadily declining average IQ. We are powerless to properly intervene with the economy or fix the debt and the declining IQ – but we are in the perfect climate to stimulate ethnic conflict. If we are willing, it will be easy to do. See, immigration and war are functionally the same thing and immigration has nearly always lead to war. In fact, diversity is the greatest cause of conflict in a society. Conflict leads to high entropy which leads to revolution and collapse.

How do we start the race war? We must start memeing RWDS. We've already memed into existence Tarrant, Ernest, Bowers, Roof, and McLovin of El Paso. We did so by providing two motives: defending the white race and becoming a hero. We know memeing lone killers is easily doable. Hell, the Tarrant meme threads spawned two heroes in less than six months and we will doubtless see more. To get them, we need only to keep memeing and begin memeing RWDS attacks. A racewar climate must be created. In creating it, the beginning of the collapse will also be created.

We don't have another option. Trump showed that voting is futile and only makes things worse by prolonging the boil. You aren't voting in a saviour. The Jews won't allow that and the system isn't designed that way. Without heroes forming RWDS to collapse it all, you are all fucked. Don't stay in the pot.

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21ba86 No.13574138

Ctrl-F "we".

>19 matches


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5066fa No.13574146



Sure thing, buddy.

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32b63a No.13574480


Look at this kike trying to sow division. Good post, OP.

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6247c8 No.13574838


charlottesville was a glownigger sting, and most of the shooters are either hopped up on pharmaceuticals or glowniggers themselves

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b3a321 No.13574864


lone wolf attacks need to stop, there need to be organized units

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77a6e0 No.13574927


>charlottesville was a glownigger sting, and most of the shooters are either hopped up on pharmaceuticals or glowniggers themselves

Whether or not that is true, hundreds of well intentioned white men turned up by their own volition to stand for whites. Unless you want to argue that everyone attending was a fed in which cases, citations please.

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649599 No.13574939


your fucking post almost blinded me, holy fucking shit tone it down, John

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8ddd0e No.13574997


Lone wolf attacks will be a catalyst for organized units.

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99fefb No.13575049

















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992dbb No.13575058

i luv watching you fragile nazi faggots eat bullets. the only thing accelerating is the time it takes for you to die.

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8ddd0e No.13575062



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0c4b5c No.13575071

Dude, there was a white supremacist shooter who drove nine hours across Texas trying to find Mexicans and ended up killing a bunch of white people, and then an antifa tard who killed a bunch of niggers in Ohio for revenge against the white supremacists. How the fuck do you propose to harness an utter shitshow like that?

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137acc No.13575076


They'll push to ban guns and lie about the casualities and perpetrators to spin the anti white narrative.

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1605e9 No.13575078


Kindly fuck off back to training.

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8ddd0e No.13575079


> How the fuck do you propose to harness an utter shitshow like that?

Go with the flow. Meme more rightwing shooters and the left will continue to follow suit. Eventually the dialectic will evolve into a civil war which is exactly what we want.

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8ddd0e No.13575084


Nah, I'm not a fed. I'm good, cobber.

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8ddd0e No.13575088


That is what we want. The right has to feel pressure if it is to act.

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fab175 No.13575107

File: 8bdb67531a1f0a1⋯.png (114.87 KB,336x242,168:121,both.png)


>lone wolf attacks need to stop


>there need to be organized units


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05b16c No.13575126



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e135a7 No.13575168



That board is a complete shitshow. The spam is fucking unreal.

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2717d9 No.13575263


I see what you did there. Dayglo thread still sucks.

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76eea8 No.13575419

File: 9a2d42e8914ce20⋯.gif (980.27 KB,240x240,1:1,bleh ghost.gif)

why don't you dumb ass mother fuckers start killing those you dislike silently, like a whisper in the night? I for one don't approve of sociopathic tenancies towards our next of kin or young white men that are smart enough to create infrastructure for a better world… but if you're gonna be a threat… it's far better to be the ghost story they laugh about rather than the bogey man they organize themselves against.

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45cbe9 No.13575809


I hope you aren't talking about ways to murder jews without people even realizing they're being murdered, because that is horrible. I hope you explain all your ideas so that we can warn people about your horrible plans and condemn them.

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f6016b No.13575834


Why dont you do it then pussy. Big talk from a weak white boy

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1d5cbf No.13575867


bump lol

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41cb90 No.13575872

lick my boot limp-wristed nazi bitch

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ae06f6 No.13575902

You are in a very correct opinion, good post, the RWDS will advance the white race.







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cbf5ce No.13576027


shut the fuck up jew this is a good post

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cbf5ce No.13576028


excactly, imagine atleast 5 people, and then let the lone wolves happen

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cbf5ce No.13576029


shutup subhuman nigger

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