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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: d483c423d434f12⋯.png (29.15 KB,596x294,298:147,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13574103 [View All]

DDoS protection is being shut off by cloudfare in 2 hours. Prepare your anuses.

>Breaking: Cloudflare CEO @eastdakota tells me the company is cutting off 8chan's access to its DDOS protection service after all, a big reversal from earlier in the day. Story update TK.


103 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: d08afa7066e8d2e⋯.jpg (2.46 MB,1836x3264,9:16,d08afa7066e8d2ef5d3c1af222….jpg)

Nothing will happen.

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File: 0d74671441af09e⋯.jpg (158.78 KB,1819x1080,1819:1080,schadenfreude.JPG)


We won't. We'll only get stronger.

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Shit tier bait /leftypol/ 15 Million Americans ALONE already share our same beliefs.

>60 million alone also share Zion-Don's belief

>300,000 share your Communist belief.

Gl in Civil War 2.0 fag.

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>(((free speech)))

(((cloudflare workers))) must be deleted

and their hq destroyed


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File: 9277c49a83ea8dd⋯.webm (14.9 MB,848x477,16:9,The_Rise_of_Adolf_Hitler_….webm)


Our Fuhrer is already among us.

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It has been great posting with you all.


…and I enjoyed reading your /cyoa/ builds.

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File: 7682649538880de⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB,406x228,203:114,AF483250-BD47-4638-9574-A1….mp4)

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Crisis over. Back to business.


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>some minutes of downtime


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File: d5769380c9e9b03⋯.png (252.58 KB,635x662,635:662,5e6b9e68ac790230e2c140a531….png)


Pretty much. Judging by the attempt of a "raid" the past couple hours, it'll be fucking nothing.

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File: 83e9fdf0182eb7d⋯.jpg (534.73 KB,1080x1350,4:5,image_0.jpg)

reminder people advocating any censorship of the internet need to be killed. not ironic post by the way. a free and open source internet is to be defended at all cost, free of corporate and political influence.

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>spergs crying cause they going offline for a couple hours

>nazifags being nazifags

>antifags being antifags

feed me

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Been trying to see nobanchan is still up cant seem to find it has it been shut down?

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kys, nigger

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File: 64c2b65783b83c7⋯.png (59.86 KB,1536x282,256:47,Bitch Mitigate.png)


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i blame leftypol, they radicalised that shooter, probably

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What shooter?

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both the antifa and racist shooter, probably

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File: 20a9d095c9b437d⋯.webm (10.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Alex Jones - Redpill Ramp….webm)

West coast time zone here, T-minus twenty minutes.


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Put me in the screenshot.

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No, me!

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Out of the way Niggers.

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who will get the last dubs?

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File: c7ff6374978f81a⋯.gif (135.52 KB,500x500,1:1,1464762592153.gif)


there will be hell to pay if i'm not in it

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File: ca72dda7e961c37⋯.jpeg (145.23 KB,888x500,222:125,...12.jpeg)

You know you want me in the screenshot journofags.

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File: f5c7bcb0fba178d⋯.png (365.11 KB,999x963,111:107,pepeslampshade.png)

Hey mediafaggots

make sure to put me in the screenshot

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Oh, the patsy crisis actor they used 2 times too soon.

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File: 64fb2981cbbbd70⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB,610x340,61:34,invmustdie.mp4)



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File: 1d28425edd3fc82⋯.png (282.29 KB,537x1154,537:1154,mediafags.png)

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File: 3e81242a677c779⋯.webm (3.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,tf2-boom-headshot-sniper.webm)


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Thanks, fam.

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File: 52be4210075a068⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,406x228,203:114,5497156B-3012-49A2-9B0A-30….mp4)

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File: aff16692f5110f8⋯.jpg (31.62 KB,650x609,650:609,aff16692f5110f8335a7ad54d7….jpg)


I appreciate you

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God do these delusional retards not realize what kind of shitstorm they would be in for if they actually removed us? Maybe it would have been great to let the site die a few hours. The rage storm it would produce…god.

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>Maybe it would have been great to let the site die a few hours.

More than 20 minutes and whole lotta anons going IRL effortposting with hastily printed manifestos.

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File: ebbfee43b83ebd1⋯.png (34.97 KB,583x209,53:19,ClipboardImage.png)



Codemonkey vouches to find new Cloudflare service for 8ch. Will anyone host it?

tbh i'd be happy if 8ch dies; it will finally propel most to DO something instead of LARPing

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This censorship attempt was courtesy of the New York Times, so what anon up that way wants to deliver a message of displeasure?

To remind them that we are the descendants of violent revolutionaries, the kind that wrote all kinds of wild shit about watering the tree of liberty. And they not only talked that kind of smack to the biggest baddest motherfuckers on the planet at the time, they shot the sons of bitches until the Brits gave up and left them alone, so they could write stuff like the 1st Amendment. So now it is our duty to defend it.

Like the Founders, we shouldn't go straight to cannons, Hell they took a lot of abuse before it got to screwing the optics. But we really should make it plain to the NYT that they have not made friends. We need something more than prank pizza delivery and less than something that would require a "BREAKING NEWS" slide on everyone's TV. Some antic on the scale of the Boston Tea Party, fuck some shit up, cost them some serious coin, make sure they know who did it and why, but no body count. Ideas?

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You keep talking shit Journalists, you keep spreading lies and if you keep it up your journalism ride will be coming to a full shop at 31 FMJ street. Just don’t think it will pick you up outside your offices, you could be anywhere at anytime , it’s just that easy.

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lol like you would do anything faggot

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There's an irony that we - so opposed to migration - are being migrated now.

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File: 753099301635945⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,850x1229,850:1229,derfraulein.jpg)

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File: af4e20a3cb09f60⋯.jpg (127.06 KB,688x561,688:561,cuntt2.jpg)

>lol like you would do anything faggot

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Not only that, but we would spread across the internet in an unbridled rage. In the early days when we were removed from 4chan it already happened, but now we have 100x the numbers, plus 10 x times the ravenous capacity to do harm.

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File: 699a35a6a7065b2⋯.jpg (127.71 KB,503x709,503:709,1446429122213.jpg)

If this be our end, mein Kameraden, then I wish you all the best. Never forget the words of our Führer and never lose hope.

National Socialism is the only ideology worthy of the Aryan race and the only way to victory. The Führer predicted the seed of a radiant rebirth of National Socialism would be planted upon his death in his Final Political Testament and that seed is blooming as we speak in our now worldwide National Socialist awakening thanks to places like 8chan.



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Post dox of any cloudflare related physical buildings or places the employees live in Canada.

I will take Minecraft to them.

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…and were back

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are we?

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Not for image posting it seems.

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