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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: d94d348c8381377⋯.jpg (202.94 KB,1000x1188,250:297,EAQUoqBWwAIu0fg.jpg)


You pussies who are kvetching over this texas shooting should go kill yourselves- if this leads us closer to war (and it is) then it is a good thing. Wanna know what will be bad? No war. Infinite trannies and niggers and kike rule.

Will we vote ourselves out of this Marxist kike tranny mess? No

Will we teach the kikes, niggers, Mexicans, and faggots to not be degenerate communist anti-white trash? No. You cant teach someone out of their own biology

The only solution is war. We can not live with these faggots- these shootings move us closer to war and possible salvation for whites in 3 ways

1. It causes even more anti-white rhetoric and anti-white legal action- causing whites at large more pain which is necessary for them to wake up and realize that they are a group

2. these shootings make normie right wingers say, 'well, shooting people is bad mmmkay, but for real those Mexicans shouldn't be here' *shrugs*

pushes overton window

3 it further polarizes the left and the right as lefties shit on and blame whites at large for the shooting, and whites who are sick of it say 'you know what? Fuck it, Mexicans shouldn't be here in the first place, fuck em'

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>wants civil war

>war is good for jewish international bankers

>jews want war because they know they're losing control over america

Not even reading the rest of your shill post, retard.

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/pol/ has no interest in violence towards the innocent. /pol/ considers your kind as barbaric as the so-called niggers you want dead.

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Don't fight back goy! Remember war is good for the jews, its best to just lay down and accept defeat! faggot

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you are a faggot as well-didn't know if you knew, so i thought i would tell you. The real violence is that which happens to our people from third world immigration, but like a faggot you ignore the cost to your own (assuming you are not a nigger) and shed tears for the 20gorrillian beaners

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((( >>13573238 )))

Stop trying to blame it on our Jewish brothers, Knight Commander Breivik will kill you in yoyr sleep. It was Aryan Tank McLoving who told us who is behind all of it: (((BOG)))

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>fighting back is for the jews

>you should not fight back

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>don't fight back goy, just vote, muh militiary industrial complex bros!

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File: d8cf4c49565dad2⋯.jpg (618.26 KB,1920x1200,8:5,download (16).jpg)


Bump for Fedposter of truth.

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>all using same terms

Get raped by a nigger. Oh wait,you film your wife being raped by niggers.

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Sick quads, my dude.

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File: e42fed54d6dda34⋯.jpg (92.06 KB,960x909,320:303,61303111_10159249078744852….jpg)

nothing wrong with some acceleration

you fags need to lose the moral high ground with this

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File: 5059072ff5d8a2d⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,850x400,17:8,Tesla.jpg)

If accelerationism worked than why haven't south african whites woken up yet? They are literally getting their land taken from them because they are white, they face constant harassment and racism, and yet they still have not woken up.

What makes sense is white men establishing brotherhoods and helping each other get rich and get women. And to be totally honest I don't think white men should restrict themselves to only white women. White men should form brotherhoods and help each other get all sorts of races of women.

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File: af7ff7835364ff9⋯.jpg (64.28 KB,728x752,91:94,af7ff7835364ff9ac179056bd1….jpg)


>And to be totally honest I don't think white men should restrict themselves to only white women. White men should form brotherhoods and help each other get all sorts of races of women.

I see that you are a horny kikess. Not that it's a bad thing.

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Shooting them creates sympathy for them.

New Zealand had a big hugfest for the muslims after the big massacre.

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File: ca3c9443733ceae⋯.jpg (201.26 KB,1280x960,4:3,God laughs when kikes die.jpg)


>so-called niggers

leftypol always reveal themselves

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Only on the retards who already eat their shit anyway.

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Wars are only comfortable for Jews when they occur in controlled environments. If you're a Jew in Krautland for instance, the last thing you want is a civil war on German soil. After all, you might end up one of the casualties. You will want that war to happen, so you can make profits off of it, but you will want it to happen far away, where you are nowhere to be seen, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria.

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