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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 31ea8262f8ff680⋯.jpg (12.99 KB,244x255,244:255,31ea8262f8ff6800de2e557d26….jpg)

File: 0108c73c4e7fd80⋯.png (125.51 KB,376x309,376:309,1525109408713.png)

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 No.13572525 [Last50 Posts]

The jews are coming for your guns!

"Take the guns first, due process later" Donald is set to deliver a major speech on gun control tomorrow. Now might be a good time to finish up those last-minute preparations, because shit is going hot and the ZOG jew president wants to make sure you don't have any means to defend yourself when the Commissar Jamal and Commissar Jose come knocking on your door to share in the Your Wife's White Pussy Reclamation Act of 2021.



Remember, if you wait for them to come take your guns - you already waited too long!

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File: f7d71ec6535882f⋯.png (32.74 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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Wow! another shooter thread!!

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File: c6deea56f7ff867⋯.jpg (233.62 KB,2400x1599,800:533,lskjhfdlshdfuhsd0fyisdufh.jpg)

This is who you fags shilled for

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File: a8383e2713372ac⋯.gif (633.78 KB,300x136,75:34,4251A794-8886-4298-B240-1A….gif)


I want a cannon I saw a nice one that shoots billiard balls and it is lathed from a piece of 4” tool steel

Also molon fuckin labe orange jewlius

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Also I'm sure all the beta trumpcucks will cream their panties over "LE GOD EMPEROR BTFO THOSE INCELS"

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Nobody will clean up the streets of 'Merica like I can, believe me.

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File: ed08cdbea12ce82⋯.jpg (848.11 KB,1200x3136,75:196,And So The Meme War Went H….jpg)


Looks like he was right.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Come on America, this is what the entire world is waiting for…START THE POGROMS! It's your fucking duty for what you did to this world. Give us the signal to clean the fucking house.

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File: 33dc529ff025f22⋯.png (15.64 KB,992x77,992:77,Screenshot_2019-08-04_15-3….png)

File: be4908be819f8b7⋯.png (35.15 KB,710x194,355:97,Screenshot_2019-08-04_15-3….png)


Anti-BDS and gun control.



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Last time it was bump stocks - what is the orange jew going to take from you tomorrow, white man?

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Nazicucks muh orangeman for the jews

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File: c949f7a7e4b3c99⋯.png (234.24 KB,785x1097,785:1097,57894.png)

File: 44aeb57cd314fcf⋯.jpg (7.04 KB,279x181,279:181,HL.jpg)

File: 8698c916ff07c4c⋯.png (23.09 KB,700x191,700:191,Park.PNG)

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File: 1268f7cffbd552d⋯.jpg (76.12 KB,780x438,130:73,.jpg)

File: 2dac7cfa05d0cc4⋯.png (95.67 KB,522x478,261:239,2dac7cfa05d0cc409b2be3ec26….png)

File: 1f3776fd3238c8f⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,2832x3916,708:979,8acbbc1ef32a76b0ebac3e5f41….jpg)

File: 515cfc546504844⋯.jpg (52.14 KB,448x394,224:197,45b5e567c461a4240998e5e9ce….jpg)

File: 62c053cebdca612⋯.jpg (37.99 KB,475x355,95:71,pre2016.jpg)

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File: b3b75f26981538c⋯.jpg (19.78 KB,696x366,116:61,bullseye.jpg)

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Is the suicide rate in the FBI high?

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File: 390110e24e644bd⋯.jpg (190.02 KB,600x817,600:817,any day now trump.jpg)


>muh hillary

>in 2019

Is this really all the deradicalization shills have left?

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Everything shits in the woods

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Look at them digits lads…..

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One of the telltale signs of autism is the lack of understanding sarcasm.

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>hurr durr, me autism make me no see sarkasum

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Gotta love how no one even mentions Shillary or democucks and yet that's your first response lol. You fags sound more like Republicuck shills now

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>politician gives lip service as typical in (((tragedies))) of jew origin

Fuck off nigger.

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>Every shooting is a jewish psyop

Ok cuckchan lol

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You will never be white moshe.

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Seems like you have the tism my friend. You were implying that trump is still the best candidate.

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I mean, living a life as a walking talking canceraids entity must be a painful existence, so you should probably just burn yourself up in the nearest oven.

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>I literally can't imagine why anyone would want to shoot up a bunch of mestizo walmartians in a society that has so much to offer a high-achieving, ambitious white man

The only false flag that's happened this week is when you thought you just had to fart but you shit your pants in front of your entire middle school class.

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Nah he's right. You're a fag.

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Im saying, no matter wtf mental gymnastics you care to do, it was gonna be Trump or Hillary. Trump was the chaos candidate. He has turned out to be a kike faggot, but lets be honest, who the fuck in position of power in the USA isnt a kiked up faggot?

But Ill say this, go be a TRUE nationalist, and speak with actions brother. Theres gotta be a run down mall over run with apes by you, go "speak" with them. Im sure a tough guy who knows everything should be able to solve that problem.


Hmmmm, theres this other group of people who subvert every nation they inhabit that LOVES to project as well…..

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This is all way to simplistic. The numbers don't add up for an effective gun grab, they know this and have something else planned. There is a card up a sleeve waiting to be played. The end game is dead whitey and globalism, what is the ready made solution to this intermittent civil war lads?

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So gaychan /pol/ is nothing but shills, irredeemable autists, and glow niggers at this point?

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Fine but we're taking your guns away whiteboi!

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Trump will regret this.

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Good what use are guns that collect dust

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Come , take them

Clearly we aren’t afraid to put them to proper use

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>Im saying, no matter wtf mental gymnastics you care to do, it was gonna be Trump or Hillary. Trump was the chaos candidate.

The point is, THE VOTES AREN'T EVEN COUNTED. The kikes choose who's best based on who gets people more invested in the democratic system and who placates revolutionary potential in the country. That was Trump's job and he did is spectacularly. We need to be spreading the word that elections are a complete fabrication and deligitimizae the most potent institution for kike control.

You need to lurk more if this isnt axiomatic for you.

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File: fc63ccd79be81e1⋯.jpg (148.86 KB,600x817,600:817,hillary elected1.jpg)

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File: aac522c1374197e⋯.gif (877.57 KB,993x542,993:542,f0d530e6e2b72415-gun-firin….gif)


Come and try, nigger.

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Checked. Huh , she’s been our gal the whole time and we were such meanies my oh my

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>Team B bad, Team a must be good

All sub 80iq retards should be sterilized. You're the reason kikes have the control they have.

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Hillary really was /Our/gal.

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You fags will just hand them in like the retards you are

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What's coming, guys?


> new Red Flag laws

> 'Assault weapons' ban

> anti-white supremacy task force

> expanded background checks

> something I missed

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But political violence doesn't dictate politics!! or so shills have screamed since the el paso shooting



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You don’t know me or him you nigger

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Don't you really mean more brilliant 88D chess moves to own the libs and drain the swamp.

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File: 0724506e31f54ca⋯.png (163.68 KB,494x431,494:431,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm legitimately impressed that you even tried to make content. I mean, it's shitty content, but not only did you try you even got trips in the process. You get a gold star.

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Mass Wal-Mart scissor race later tonight in somewhere

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File: fed613b405469ad⋯.png (564.81 KB,600x610,60:61,6a2.png)


>I-i-i t-totally didn't shill for trumpkike

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I expect at the least more "background checks", probable attempts for a semi-auto ban with the typical GOP concessions being give after a feigned fight.

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Put $14.88 on “Red Flag Laws”, bookie.

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>lurk moar

Stop fuckin projecting.

Been here since '14, ya AIDS transport vessel. It was much better under the watchful eye of Hotwheels.

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>gun confiscation

instant civil war

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If you were a faggot traitor greaseball italian (half nigger half kike) and your wife liked to slum and get buttfucked by niggers in the hood while you drank yourself to death to soothe the pain of being an insecure guido criminal, wouldn't you have a high suicide rate?

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The right is completely neutered, were it to happen, which I doubt, the majority would just keep trusting the plan.

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Trump doesn't have that much sway over the Right.

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President Trump and Jared Kushner will like to thank you on taking action on minorities. We the Jews are well proctected now, with most synagogues proctected better than some countries. All your tax money is coming to us, the Jews. When is the last time you saw a poor Jew, yeah NEVER. We basically run this bitch ass country and have since the beginning of time. We own the banks, stock markets and most of the precious metals. You have nothing, go back to your double wide trailer and fuck your sister. Again Than You for protecting the Jews. Long live the Jews.

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Isn't a bit worrying for you as a jew that synagogues have to be heavily guarded already?

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Lefties may hand theirs over but the only way you're getting them from the right is when they're dead or overpowered. There will be no ground left to give.

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I might add that this isn't even the case, everyone can shoot up a synagoge, even an old boomer like Bowers. Kikes don't have the ressources to protect all of their vermin spawn.

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I know plenty of broke Jews you stupid cunt. Families of 10 driving around in broke down vans all over Brooklyn. Hasidics. And fuck your terrible grammar holy shit

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Its not Trump its the practiced apathy as well as slave like allegiance to church and state.


Not gonna happen.

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>take guns

>no u


>biochemical/nuclear ff?

>ebil rasciticus white nazis!

>(((humanitarian intervention)))??


>gulag remainder?


The world has to be pitted against a ff'd whitey at the end of this somehow for anything to come of it for (((their))) plan to work. If its as easy as it being what it only is we've won and done, but I dont see them giving it all up now guys.

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>boomer always has to meme a degenerate (((blacked))) meme disgusting

Can you fuckers ever stop? Like stop watching cuckporn you fag.

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Those same welfare cheats that have been caught defrauding the government for millions? Yeah, I've seen them too.

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File: 42dc7cdc37f6094⋯.jpg (40.86 KB,640x640,1:1,mods.jpg)

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File: b2c12098885f715⋯.png (201.73 KB,1366x615,1366:615,Screenshot (9).png)

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File: 6da31d5df306dbb⋯.gif (5.17 MB,640x362,320:181,EverythingBurns.gif)

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File: 893a365ae727737⋯.jpg (36.08 KB,720x540,4:3,It's On Nigga.jpg)


They admitting their people aren't here legally? kek. Declaration of war? About fucking time.

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hr8 passes

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The fire has risen

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File: 402382ea5a01c5e⋯.gif (2.57 MB,382x554,191:277,.402382ea5a01c5ee60527444e….gif)


>our citizens living illegally in your country got hurt, now you pay!

I'm ready for the shit fest.

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Use'em or lose'em, last chance.

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File: 8d73e44a0df7bad⋯.png (603.5 KB,1064x715,1064:715,4a0707dc0b39ea74b4f65fb3ad….png)


I fucking love it. It's like everybody that we hate is on the same acceleration train we are. Everyone wants to burn a bitch down except the despicable boomer vermin still benefiting from this hellhole status quo.

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File: 6093b8fe07613b8⋯.jpg (219.45 KB,1776x1488,37:31,dmso.jpg)


Guns are the least of their worries

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File: 440cf34d70f09f8⋯.png (29.77 KB,193x226,193:226,1560529394501.png)


All according to keikaku.

Looking forward to the copycats that all this publicity inspires.>>13572555

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File: 412e82835bbe5e2⋯.jpg (34.43 KB,227x339,227:339,kek.jpg)

Send them a get well soon card?

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There you have it niggers.

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Both cities are infested with spics and nothing of value would be lost if they were glassed.

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File: 4ca7a8ba5d803c7⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1366x624,683:312,Screenshot (11)_LI.jpg)


CNN is fucking serious! They made their font size 125% for this!

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ok so redflag laws go up hypothetically

so then what?

posting on this site means you're a "hazard" and should be disarmed as well as imprisoned for 1 year. What do you do about it?

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Which (((international))) group would oversee these hearings?

Oh right. One of the - all of them - that the US has complete veto power over.

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Israel volunteered to be the neutral mediator.

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File: f5f4c00f308f718⋯.jpg (82.53 KB,460x694,230:347,oh-carl-why-did-you-join-t….jpg)


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Shoot anything that moves towards your property , rig property with gas expansion devices (in minecraft story mode) to make instant bbq pork ribs in case of failure to hold off.

Eat refried beans beforehand so you are sure to shit everywhere when you die and force them to clean it up kek

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File: 3a5c69f4b5b55b6⋯.jpg (149.1 KB,1356x1080,113:90,jojos-bizarre-adventure-19….jpg)


Called it, I knew the El Paso shooting would lead to the government giving an excuse to ban firearms. It really was a false flag.


Ok, I will place my bet on semi autos being banned.

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File: 6b73bde8bfe4dcc⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,2166x1875,722:625,Orion_m.jpg)


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>sensible gun control bad

Do you retards want to get shot?

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You shart in the mart, you get blasted to sharts


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>Imagine if American familes were killed because of cartels.

So like regularly happens to Americans who travel to Mexico or one of the various niggerspic island?

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Shards* lel

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Hmmmm do YOU want to get shot jose?

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Keep in mind how hilarious it is that the left want gun control while also screaming for years now to overthrow trump. They dont see the connection.

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>imagine if American familes were killed because of cartels

I guess I'll ignore the effects of the drugs the cartels stream across the border, the violence they inflict on "vacation" locations, and their practice of kidnapping White girls for sex slavery.

>the mexican government would do something about it

They'd partake in it, cartels and mexican government are pretty much one and the same.

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File: 51b5e06f39221bd⋯.gif (1017.25 KB,376x277,376:277,ka32KsV[1].gif)


Do you? The framers of the constitution didn't but they were willing. This is EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS WRITTEN FOR.

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>What do you do about it?





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Based! I’m a #Hilldawg now!

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I was expecting trump to go after guns more later, after the election. I’m just surprised it’s happening this quickly, but that’s Acceration for ya. I’m looking forward to what he can say tomorrow to piss off Whites more. This has been a fantastic weekend and August just started.

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File: b31be45e7dff30a⋯.gif (981.97 KB,500x206,250:103,source (1).gif)

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The Summer of Love.

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Between you and I, since everyone else here are already dead: genetically synthesized and globally water supplied?

Satisfy my curiosity satan, least you could do.

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What's that mean?

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>The jews are coming for your guns!

So what's new?

Sadly I use to like Trump until I watched him fellate some "holocaust survivors" on live TV. Funny how often you find survivors from death camps from more then 70 years ago isn't it?

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Nice trips but I think the credit goes to Patrick and the Commie weeb otherkin on Twitter not Tarrant. He did start it but his own attack only really galvanized New Zealand, not the US.

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I can believe the children of them can survive but not the adults

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>I was 9 months old and I remember everything that happened in the camp!

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I guess for the lack of holidays, August is having an explosive start with tons of mass shooting. It is not even September yet and already (((they))) are tugging at their puppets to make more strict gun laws. It begs the question why no one has informed the normalfags that with every shooting comes stricter gun laws.

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Thats some 4d chess. He played us all like a fiddle, even mossad.

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fuck, i'm still a high school student. what's a really easy way to get a gun besides building it? i don't want it to be too late when i buy one.

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Fucking checked

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File: d04b27b3006247e⋯.jpg (731.78 KB,694x490,347:245,Screenshot (13)_LI.jpg)


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I love you!

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Ask a nigger.

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Ask your dad to start stockpiling and then he can pass it on to you.

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I l ove you!

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Hi! I love you so much!

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My sentiments are exactly the same as what >>13573045 said. Killing off random civilians doesn't do any good, their handlers will just drop 100 more in the nation for each one slain.

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I’m going to miss you all when they finally shut this place down. It’s been a swell time all of these years. We’ll meet again though, whether on another site, run into each other irl, or Valhalla.

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>elections are right around the corner

>all of a sudden there are shootings "linked" to one of the sites that won't ban users for having illegal opinions

I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence.)))

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It means you we're played for your entire existence and your death and reincarnation into the same will be perpetual. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but reminder that diligence is the insurance of Gods will.

And to the demon, this round is but that. See you in the alternate to cast you again.

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thanks, you paganfag. i'll miss you too. may christ save you.

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I almost want it to happen not for the simple sake of accelerationism, but for those on the right to put up or shut up. If you follow them around long enough you realize at the end of the day 90% wont do a thing and at most will hide their arms if not give them up if a SWAT squad showed up.

They've slowly taken this backwards conservative mentality of, "Okay but if you push this further THEN we'll do something" and it never amounts to anything. They've been losing for decades and don't even realize it.

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I love you

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File: 24768a13ffc4651⋯.png (2.53 MB,1600x900,16:9,fortnitenazigg.png)


Sweet, now the "come take them" boomers can finally rise up.

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>forcing a conflict upon a demoralized people

Tarrant confirmed retard.

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File: 1d9afac7b65d1a2⋯.png (225.48 KB,423x380,423:380,59f867277ff52edf189fd0d281….png)

Com'on feds, what are you waiting for? Coward anus sniffing shitskins.

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I love you!

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Absolutely based. I love you too anon.

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Can't wait. I hope he does something massive so I can hear MIGAniggers make excuses.

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You need to force conflict on demoralized people, otherwise they are going to stay in their state of ignorant dependence on the system. The trust in the system needs to be weakened just like the system itself

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>I'm right over here so hurry and come kill me!

That's been said before, and they did. Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum when the FBI setup a fake meetup and ambushed their truck during the Bundy ranch standoff.

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I love you too anon. We'll all be together again in Valhalla!

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MKUltra on overdrive.

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(((Them))) shutting down this place will only cause them to shoot themselves in the foot.



Dubs confirm that MAGAniggers wil try to weasel their way out of being confronted with the truth.

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File: 1c1b146274d507e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1554x764,777:382,MIGA.png)


Get ready

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Lets hope they ban shit, thats the point of accelerationism, stupid fednigger

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>thats the point of accelerationism

Not when retarded amerifats just roll over an accept it. Zognald has already passed more gun control laws than Obama did during his two entire years in office. Amerifats will never fight for their rights, they're a nation of pussies.

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>jew spic, White

>x body count, stopped

dumb spic is dumb.

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This is going to sell out Ammo across the country be smart anons..

Ammo Stocks to Buy:

Olin Corporation

Vista Outdoor

Sturm Ruger

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>Not when retarded amerifats just roll over an accept it.

If that happens, it just means the situation will have to get even WORSE. Which we can help with, too.

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You haven't learned anything yet. All the cameras will be on him and live and he will use that moment to drop something else much bigger after a brief statement about mental health evaluations for leftists. Maybe he will use it to declassify something…

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File: ecb039ea18f3be1⋯.png (146.6 KB,500x637,500:637,8442f404a2af597edf63718816….png)



Eat white terrorism, slut.

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t. glownigger

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He should propose a law that makes murdering people illegal.

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Murder is by definition an illegal killing.

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He should lift restrictions on automatic weapons so law-abiding citizens can more-easily protect themselves against this wave of violence.

I’ll take a dozen.

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you redneckfags don't even understand your own rights. DC v. Heller 2009 guaranteed your right to bear arms and you still think Washingtonfags are coming for ur tonz o' gunz. fucking retarded shitkickers, the lot of you. the only reason Orange Julius Caesar fag#1 is gonna make a speech on gun control is so he can help boost gun sales. Remember: Gun sales tank in the deep crimson red whenever there is a repubtardfag prez and skyrocket when my antifafag democrats are in charge. Remington fuckin' filed for bankruptcy under your orange nazi prez. He gotta fix dat shit cause his wall fell flat. Fucking retard conservative cucktarded shitkickers.

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File: 9c3d9d1f67a6348⋯.jpg (152.76 KB,1197x756,19:12,1446000486550.jpg)


Murder is by definition fucking awesome.

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good, bout damn time white america gets its precious little 2nd amendment repealed.

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Fuck yeah it is.

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Bet you Trump announces an ammo ban on 8m3 7.62x39. Just got me 1000 rounds before this shit happened. Why go out of your way to specifically name the ammo?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Its the boiling the frog tactic, they won't ban all guns at once but some random, very specific shit with some dumbass justification which lemmings don't understand and will forget about after a day.

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That's the point, only reason I can think of this obviously staged shit.

It's killer btw, check out the gel tests. Opens and fragments out of a 10.5 inch barrel. Got it for my 16" rips and tears so much you could call it doom slayer.

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You mean the manifesto? There was a lot of discussion about the ammo and guns Tarrant used and i guess Pat wanted to justify his decisions, already thinking about what we would post. The gov bans shit anyways, we need them to start losing their shit

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No. Murder is by definition a flock of crows.

Stupid faggot.

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Almost like chinkboy (you) is milking it.

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They won't.

Millennials will.

This clown world is odd as fuck.

You can tell I'm right by how much literal jews push the "look at the best goy millennial!!!" narative.

Completely ignoring the constant red-pilled millennial event.

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March on the streets with redpills of kike crimes and conspiracy on sandwich boards.

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Yeah, except they've been chiseling away gun rights since the 1920s, and aint a god damned thing happened. Confiscation means a few turnins and most everyone else being tight-lipped about their small collection in the closet.

Not trying to blackpill, but the civil war you hope for can only exist if another unified side exists in opposition to the US gov and their donors. We dont have anything like that. That's why we have lone-wolf/isolated/mentally unstable shootings

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>about their small


Have you never been out in the country? The real country. Not 5 miles outside of town.

Those fucks have dozens of guns each in a family.

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We here on the only resistance in this nation. Period. The 'right' conservatives are all bark and no bite as they say. Likely too fucking busy watching their sunday niggerball after eating our at their favorite diversity food establishment.

This is gonna fall on us or no one.

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Funny how much talk republicucks are till something happens and they turn into libfags

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This. It's going to fall on a few hundred thousand.

Families are going to be absolutely shredded.

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This is disgusting

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>Billiard balls


>Turned from 4" tool steel

NIGGER WHAT? That shit is stupid expensive at that size. Use some fucking cast iron like "ye goode olde dayz" if you're doing something that small.

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4 years later and you are still posting the same argument

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It's the only argument left to trumpcucks for wasting time supporting such a mega anti-white nigger loving jew

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Haha is boggles me there is anyone, even sub-IQ caved heads on /pol/, who unironically believe that gun control will result in civil war. You know what will happen? Gun owners will fall over themselves to comply rapidly while blowing up the ATF’s phone lines asking about how to comply in each and every scenario. You fucking watch.

Anyway, whatever. Trump will just spout some shit, maybe ban high-capacity clips or something and leave it at that.

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red flag for sure

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There are only 27 good adult Jews in the WOrld!


Trump always way controled-op and I called it before he was elected.

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There are ZERO good jews in the world Abraham.

(((you))) know that.

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Beat white nationalism scum burn them

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File: 5d3a40fe91e7bcf⋯.webm (15.73 MB,270x480,9:16,'lil lunchbox' declares w….webm)

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File: 13a28c44f4597b0⋯.png (30.62 KB,646x346,323:173,1.PNG)

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Yeah I am sure this time it will finally happen, and it just doesn't fall back to normal after some crocodile tears and "muh raysism"

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wasn't Obama supposed to be an Islamic communist that was gonna take all our guns and put us in fema camps too? whatever happened to that?

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He just advanced it through culture wars instead.

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If Trump goes full retard and sides with the left/demonrats/bolsheviks, He will be a one term president. However, this may be the moment we've all been waiting for in terms of an American Balkanization. If the US government attacks the 2nd full throttle, I can imagine places like Texas to push hard for independence.

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Prove us wrong!

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You are a FOOL!

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>may christ save you


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>this guy gets it

the reason they make firearm attacks seem like the only option for domestic terrorism is because it's game over when people start cracking open chemistry books

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Yes, but remember that anything that doesn't conform to the will and intent of the original 1790 constitution and bill of rights is NULL and VOID (unlawful)!

The founding fathers said that it was up to the good people to defend and uphold, and that our right and means to do so SHALL NEVER BE INFRINGED!

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It was a 16 year plan with hillary pulling the other 8, trump getting in was not planned.

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You are not very bright!

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Red flags and no more pistol braces

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trump will just ban guns temporary for the election but he can't say that. it undermines the left talking points and steals their votes. to beat the left you must become the left. 88d chess idiots. thanks president donald you are truly are greatest allie.

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texas wont do shit. 42% white. if anything they will push hard to be annex to mexico.

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Well about Texas, Greg Faggott is a zionist cripplefag that coerced the town of Dickinson to support Pissrael or they wouldn't get their hurricane relief when Harvey hit Texas. If Texas becomes a country than he becomes president of Texas. It will still suck. Unless Larry Kilgore becomes president if Texas does become independent.

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Texas here. Kikewheels lost my respect with that Dickenson bullshit. I mean to withhold someone's aid for not prostrating themselves to pissrael? Fuck you!

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Sauce on the quotes

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To any who are truly inspired by El Paso purging, ChristChurch purging, or just wants to do something grand before dying, take out electrical transformers and sabotage the petroleum pipelines.

Another mass shooting or stabbing will not do it. You can use a high powered air rifle to take out an electrical transformer if you cannot get an actual gunpowder rifle.

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My last post maybe

Fuck the kikes beaners and niggers also faggots i hate them all

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You're a dumbass. Compare gun laws today with gun laws in 1980, or 1900. They're definitely coming for the guns, one law at a time.

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good thing i have been investing in guns and ammo. no guns faggots will have nothing without paying a premium in a few years.

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I'll believe it when it happens, kike.

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Yo look at all these white ppl mad America is not the gay leave it to beaver days hahaha I laugh in ur face and white women love brown cock

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Here come the background searches fuck you fucking anarchists lolololololololololol

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Your guns won't do shit when my bois in M1's roll over you fucking house and take yo shit.

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Trump needs to stop listening to Princess Ivanka, not good!

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There are plenty of third world countries that have handed your military its ass, despite your 'superiority'!

Do you really think that the race that created your advanced armaments couldn't do better?

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Laugh my butt off good thing I'm going to work for the county. Can't take my gun away cuz the sheriff said so. Eat it feds

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Funny that the news media had just recently suggested this as being a hazard. And now you're here promoting it.


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Problem is, those are actually OUR boys.

Whites are the only population that has more men than women in ANY branch of the US military. And every branch's primary composition is made up of… Did you guess 'White men'? If so, congratulations, you just won a brand new civil unrest scenario!

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Race war.

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>implying the intervention force wouldn't get raped too

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Your scope of thinking is too narrow!

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1000 years of gradual decline. no big igloo. whites go out with a whimper, boiled frogs.

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>This is who kampfy shilled for

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>whites go out with a whimper, boiled frogs.

So far!

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Reminder than image #1 originated on an "Anti-Islamophobe" account on Twatter.

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File: 7a08f36acab5373⋯.jpg (91.03 KB,618x685,618:685,trump-backstab.jpg)


How about this one?

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Why the hell would they care about the illegals?

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