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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13572525 [View All]

The jews are coming for your guns!

"Take the guns first, due process later" Donald is set to deliver a major speech on gun control tomorrow. Now might be a good time to finish up those last-minute preparations, because shit is going hot and the ZOG jew president wants to make sure you don't have any means to defend yourself when the Commissar Jamal and Commissar Jose come knocking on your door to share in the Your Wife's White Pussy Reclamation Act of 2021.



Remember, if you wait for them to come take your guns - you already waited too long!

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Haha is boggles me there is anyone, even sub-IQ caved heads on /pol/, who unironically believe that gun control will result in civil war. You know what will happen? Gun owners will fall over themselves to comply rapidly while blowing up the ATF’s phone lines asking about how to comply in each and every scenario. You fucking watch.

Anyway, whatever. Trump will just spout some shit, maybe ban high-capacity clips or something and leave it at that.

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red flag for sure

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There are only 27 good adult Jews in the WOrld!


Trump always way controled-op and I called it before he was elected.

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There are ZERO good jews in the world Abraham.

(((you))) know that.

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Beat white nationalism scum burn them

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File: 5d3a40fe91e7bcf⋯.webm (15.73 MB,270x480,9:16,'lil lunchbox' declares w….webm)

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File: 13a28c44f4597b0⋯.png (30.62 KB,646x346,323:173,1.PNG)

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Yeah I am sure this time it will finally happen, and it just doesn't fall back to normal after some crocodile tears and "muh raysism"

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wasn't Obama supposed to be an Islamic communist that was gonna take all our guns and put us in fema camps too? whatever happened to that?

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He just advanced it through culture wars instead.

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If Trump goes full retard and sides with the left/demonrats/bolsheviks, He will be a one term president. However, this may be the moment we've all been waiting for in terms of an American Balkanization. If the US government attacks the 2nd full throttle, I can imagine places like Texas to push hard for independence.

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Prove us wrong!

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You are a FOOL!

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>may christ save you


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>this guy gets it

the reason they make firearm attacks seem like the only option for domestic terrorism is because it's game over when people start cracking open chemistry books

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Yes, but remember that anything that doesn't conform to the will and intent of the original 1790 constitution and bill of rights is NULL and VOID (unlawful)!

The founding fathers said that it was up to the good people to defend and uphold, and that our right and means to do so SHALL NEVER BE INFRINGED!

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It was a 16 year plan with hillary pulling the other 8, trump getting in was not planned.

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You are not very bright!

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Red flags and no more pistol braces

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trump will just ban guns temporary for the election but he can't say that. it undermines the left talking points and steals their votes. to beat the left you must become the left. 88d chess idiots. thanks president donald you are truly are greatest allie.

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texas wont do shit. 42% white. if anything they will push hard to be annex to mexico.

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Well about Texas, Greg Faggott is a zionist cripplefag that coerced the town of Dickinson to support Pissrael or they wouldn't get their hurricane relief when Harvey hit Texas. If Texas becomes a country than he becomes president of Texas. It will still suck. Unless Larry Kilgore becomes president if Texas does become independent.

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Texas here. Kikewheels lost my respect with that Dickenson bullshit. I mean to withhold someone's aid for not prostrating themselves to pissrael? Fuck you!

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Sauce on the quotes

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To any who are truly inspired by El Paso purging, ChristChurch purging, or just wants to do something grand before dying, take out electrical transformers and sabotage the petroleum pipelines.

Another mass shooting or stabbing will not do it. You can use a high powered air rifle to take out an electrical transformer if you cannot get an actual gunpowder rifle.

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My last post maybe

Fuck the kikes beaners and niggers also faggots i hate them all

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You're a dumbass. Compare gun laws today with gun laws in 1980, or 1900. They're definitely coming for the guns, one law at a time.

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good thing i have been investing in guns and ammo. no guns faggots will have nothing without paying a premium in a few years.

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I'll believe it when it happens, kike.

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Yo look at all these white ppl mad America is not the gay leave it to beaver days hahaha I laugh in ur face and white women love brown cock

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Here come the background searches fuck you fucking anarchists lolololololololololol

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Your guns won't do shit when my bois in M1's roll over you fucking house and take yo shit.

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Trump needs to stop listening to Princess Ivanka, not good!

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There are plenty of third world countries that have handed your military its ass, despite your 'superiority'!

Do you really think that the race that created your advanced armaments couldn't do better?

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Laugh my butt off good thing I'm going to work for the county. Can't take my gun away cuz the sheriff said so. Eat it feds

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Funny that the news media had just recently suggested this as being a hazard. And now you're here promoting it.


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Problem is, those are actually OUR boys.

Whites are the only population that has more men than women in ANY branch of the US military. And every branch's primary composition is made up of… Did you guess 'White men'? If so, congratulations, you just won a brand new civil unrest scenario!

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Race war.

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>implying the intervention force wouldn't get raped too

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Your scope of thinking is too narrow!

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1000 years of gradual decline. no big igloo. whites go out with a whimper, boiled frogs.

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>This is who kampfy shilled for

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>whites go out with a whimper, boiled frogs.

So far!

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Reminder than image #1 originated on an "Anti-Islamophobe" account on Twatter.

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File: 7a08f36acab5373⋯.jpg (91.03 KB,618x685,618:685,trump-backstab.jpg)


How about this one?

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Why the hell would they care about the illegals?

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