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 No.13572166 [View All]

El Paso Walmart shooting witnesses saw ‘three to four armed men running in… dressed in all black… shooting’


>Major cover-up underway? Why are mainstream sources and officials reporting only one shooter when eyewitnesses claim that they saw 3 to 4 armed men dressed in all black enter the store and start shooting?

>(INTELLIHUB) — Twenty people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso Texas on Saturday reportedly by the hands of a single suspected gunman who was identified by various news sources as Patrick Crusius, 21, of Allen, Texas. However, information received by Intellihub may tell a different story. Remarkably, several eyewitnesses to the shooting, a mother and her daughter, were captured on video recounting how three men dressed in all black entered through the front doors of the store as the shooting started.

>“That’s when my mom is like ‘no it is actually shooting’ and she saw three men went in and they were all dressed in black,” a young girl named Britney explained. “…that’s when my mom said ‘drop down, go down to the floor.'” Britney admits that neither she nor her mom actually saw anyone shot or wounded but said the three men were, in fact, holding guns and acknowledged the men were shooting.


>Britney’s mother Adriana was near the checkout area at the front of the store with both her children when the shooting started and claims to have seen three or four male shooters dressed in black enter through the front doors. “As we were waiting to pay, I saw men run in shooting,” she said. “There was at least three or four people… they were dressed in black.”


>“I did not see their faces,” she explained. “I saw them dressed in all black… and they were the ones shooting because I could see their weapons and the bullets firing.” Additionally, it is important to point out that El Paso Mayor Dee Margo originally told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer early on after the shooting that three suspects were taken into custody. Not to mention, an image taken from security camera footage reveals a shooter who entered the store may have been wearing different pants than the suspect apprehended by police who was pictured in handcuffs as the following Tweet points out.


>A third eyewitness to the shooting, a Hispanic man, told a reporter that the shooter he saw inside the store was wearing all black and was also wearing a mask. “The guy with the gun I saw him twice,” the man said. He looked “German-Anglo… about 6 foot… he had an AK-47.”


>He was dressed in “all black… he had a mask,” the eyewitness explained. “That was about it.”

tl;dr: Eyewitnesses describe multiple shooters and that they were in ALL BLACK, unlike the photos of a "lone gunman" and his "manifesto" (more like patsy).

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Yes we need to help the Jews not villains them.

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Kill yourselves

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You showed that shill, not-fbinigger

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Knight Commander Breivik will kill you in your sleep for not fighting along our brothers.

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Based Brevik defender of Israel

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I just wanna say, this shooter, did a good job with safety. See the safety/shooting glasses? Good job, OSHA approves.

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Bowers got a bad rap mostly because it was right before the midterms. A month later and we would have celebrated the dead kikes

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Terrible shilling. Is /leftypol/ going at it again?

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I understand that but, honestly, I don't think those 4 pages of text taught anyone who would carry an act like this out anything they didn't already know. He didn't name the Jew and was a bit soft in other areas, actually. That's beside the point though, I just don't see the strategic advantage to boasting about instrumental online content that they're trying to ban was in making you do this and focusing so much on the tool rather than the act and motives themselves.

Not saying it's a false flag but, if not, I think those were tactical mishaps

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indiscriminate targeting of innocent people is a tactical mishap in and of itself

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Maybe he just liked guns and wanted to write a text about his baby


Tell that to mossad or the US army, shillfaggot

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>doesn’t blame Jews

>must be leftypol

You need to go back Habib

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Kek, my offer still stands, kill yourself. You niggers are always using Breivik's bait to try to label him pro israel. It's pathetic.

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Sweet dubs anon.


Why is the video footage so shitty in 2019?

What if Walmart security is outsourced to a kike (((security))) company like 9/11?

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where is this alleged manifesto of the El paso Shooter?

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File: 03b90cbde41df4a⋯.jpg (59.4 KB,634x421,634:421,tunnel.jpg)

Walmart could be an ideal location for false-flags. Their government sponsored role as FEMA-linked emergency distribution centers gives many Walmart locations secured access points to off-limit, unofficial, underground facilities & tunnel-systems. Does anyone know if this specific Walmart has been linked to these underground projects?

On a side note, these secured access points to off-limit facilities & tunnel-systems could also make Walmarts excellent locations to make children "disappear" into the hands of the pedophillic (((elites))).

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That’s the fed who drew the straw to get the blame for the op and need a new identity. Try to keep up.

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Why would you neet a tunnel for a mass shooting, schizo

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https://rense.com//general96/shooter-suspect-patrick-crusius-manifesto.php thoughts on this?

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Ok I'm starting to think this was a false flag. Definitely not the same guy.

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To make sure the real perpetrators can leave undetected and/or switch them out with the scapegoat.

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get the real shooters in & out easily, while a patsy takes the wrap. hell, could even get corpses in, remove false-flag actors, etc.

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Obvious reasons like >>13572988 with the purity dubs.




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>take the bogpill

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>another FF shill

Take your meds antisemite

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i just got done reading the manifesto its legit your all racists time to die your all horrible people

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Thats what we were saying the entire time, only shills posted the fake profile pic and claimed it was him

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And why would you need a patsy and real shooters? Why not have the patsy do the work, you fucking retard? Pants on head retarded

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isn't the manifesto kosher though? not naming the jew once despite presumably using this forum?

p.s. "racist" is a meaningless word just like "antisemite" just a jewish word to enslave the gentiles

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is the manifesto really his or not?

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Only shills blame the Jews

Only shills hate Tarrant

t. Tarant thread anons

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It seemed like it was tailor made to give the impression he'd been radicalized on the chans. Probably an attempt to shut us down.

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Isn't that discord shit? Fuck off, IP miner.

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Well then the leftist governments butchering 80,000,000 must have your wanting liberals dead.

If half the planet wasn't following white people around begging for bread, would it matter what we thought?

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Sooo this website is basically a place for a bunch of subhuman pieces of shit(and trolls pretending to be just that)??

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A patsy isn't supposed to know what really happened. That way, after 10-20 years in prison, they can't roll on their accomplices. Pants on head retarded. Any other mind-twisters, ya pedo-kike-faggot?

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Jews have been poor scapegoats throughout the centuries. It was (((BOG))) behind 9/11, it was (((BOG))) behind the invention of immigration, and it was (((BOG))) behind the drugs killing milliongs of whites and our Jewish brothers.

We need to follow our Knight Commander's orders and join forces with our Jewish brothers. We need to put an end to (((BOG))). Probably some (((spic))) is controlling our president and his loyal man Kushner.

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It's definitely good practice, in terms of spotting shills.

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Why would the federal government not just get their guy out of prison? If they can get their people to throw some innocent random dude into prison? You talk like a fag shits all retarded, inbred jewish child rapist

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You're trying to hard, kike shill

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((( >>13573273 )))

Hi (((Jose))), jews are our brotbers and we will fight for them like Knight Commander Breivik told us to

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>jews are our brotbers

Spamming it isn't going to fool anyone, you retarded kike.

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You can also see Mexico from El Paso.. is that spanish for passage way?

Also walmart can not be happy with Chinese tariffs mentioned in effect just days earlier.

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>doesn’t recognize irony


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First photo was identical to garlic guy. Sloppy mossad probably mixed up their stock photos. Eitherway patrick probably has a house and wife in israel waiting for both he and his dad after they fake his capital punishment. Theyll prob use the day for their anniversary like the dancing israeli.

Or they slipped in some other fall guy they have on stock. Hard to say.

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>this fucking thread

Are we being raided by cuckchan?

The uptick in braindead posts and false flag brainlets is staggering.

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