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File: 8176aafd288f0bc⋯.jpg (21.38 KB,810x455,162:91,william patrick.jpg)




<Aug 3 2019

>Was going to shoot up hotel

>Has sub 80 IQ

>Tells grandma about shooting

>She tells cops

>Cops bust nigger with his 17 mags in hotel the night before the shooting

>Tell him to come with them back to home in prison.


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i believe you because its on the news

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Only a nigger is stupid enough to tell his relative that he's going to do a mass shooting

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File: 74d71181b81ca8f⋯.webm (5.07 MB,640x360,16:9,send the niggers back.webm)

This would have been the 4th shooting in a span of 3 or so days.

Tragic he wasn't unleashed as another instrument to join the symphony of celebrating the day of the rope.

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>also uses ak47

zog couldn't let him interfere with their false flag, especially since he isn't white

funny how this nigger has a whiter name than any of the other shooters

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File: 9f38d3a3ef8eea9⋯.jpg (233.02 KB,1920x1280,3:2,1423752384900.jpg)

File: 09363e218498268⋯.gif (850.5 KB,300x225,4:3,1377473085334.gif)

File: 6d535d6e8582c42⋯.jpg (152.96 KB,633x1812,211:604,Anthony Stokes.jpg)

File: 007ae58f12a71fc⋯.png (805.66 KB,990x663,330:221,1417461471247.png)

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Nigger damage control.

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File: 2a9faa54da69262⋯.gif (2 MB,371x217,53:31,cop punches a gorrilla.gif)

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>youre a nigger if you don’t automatically believe jewish media

i also dont believe the other mass shootings. keep trying to use jewish media stories when you think it benefits you. all youre doing is giving kikes credibility.

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File: 760be38c1efec41⋯.jpg (163.79 KB,1162x1177,1162:1177,760be38c1efec41acd6ea7df6e….jpg)


Thie is why nobody takes niggers seriously.

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You're a nigger regardless of what you say or do, nigger.

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we need more niggr Drama

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pretty sure hes converted to islam. he has a sandnigger beard that not a lot of niggers have

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