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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: ed7edb4559a0d29⋯.jpg (137.97 KB,850x1325,34:53,__original_drawn_by_unicro….jpg)

 No.13570393 [Last50 Posts]




Leftypol is trying to plan an internet wide ops to combat what they are calling "fascism". They lump /pol/ into this category as well as many YouTube channels like Lauren Southern and PJW and blame them for "inspiring shootings like Christchurch". They intend to shit up comments and demonitize people.

You may say it doesn't matter, and that these e-celebs are worthless anyway. On that you are wrong, because leftypol is our enemy, and THEY SEE IT AS IMPORTANT. We must combat them to keep them focused on what is essentially a non-target. When you see shitty leftist comments, reply to them. Do not fall into their insult loop and say nothing of value. Destroy their narrative with sources and leave. On the meantime we continue as usual. Make memes, make jokes, shitpost. We're winning, they become more arrogant every day.

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Faggots like you never prosper because you're ALWAYS thinking about someone else. If you were not threatened or scared by it, why would you make a post blustering about how you will just carry on making memes? Sound like rush fucking pillbaugh. You're scared your little forum is gonna get taken away aawwwhhhh

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Next time the shooting should be in an antifa meeting.

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This will just radicalize people.

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Hello leftynigger


Reread the OP. It's important to combat them because they think what they are doing is important. Know thy enemy. By making them feel like the battle they have chosen is key, we control them.

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What does this commie even mean? anti-sage.

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Oh god I love how delusional these niggers are. An "ascendant fascism" has been a constant threat since the fucking 1950s.

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/leftypol/ will overthrow the /pol/yps, suck on it racists.

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If you leave leftist comments untouched, it will radicalize more people to the left. Opposition must occur, even of on the surface it appears to help the so-called "alt-right". By defeating leftist comments in this way, it allows National Socialism to continue building a base while keeping the useful idiot e-celebs making content for now

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File: c8f827016f05a2f⋯.png (18.81 KB,654x454,327:227,2019.08.Banned.png)


/leftypol/ (((BO))) is D&Cer

Proof in pic related. I'm saying stop the D&C and that op is Neoliberal doing it. So I get banned, no argument was going. The D&Cers are Neoliberals who are pushing from the left and right. They don't talk about and avoid the topic of (((Neoliberalism))).

LEFTYPOL BO IS A D&CER. I tried to post not to D&C and that it was neoliberals but got banned.

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Useful idiots are just that, idiots. Even with all the financial, political, and media backing they still flounder to any sort of resistance. The funny thing things haven't even started and they're already panicking.

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LMFAO leftypol is so fucking cringe.

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>Cringe posting


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Rightists are useful idiots since they're mostly lower class.

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hey faggot giving them an enemy is the worst thing you can do. just let them get board of it.

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Not really, since a lefty is always advocating for White Genocide.

But leaving them untouched is fucked really.

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Exactly. The useful idiots will battle on this non-target while /pol/ continues to dominate. I simply propose we keep the charade up for longer by combating their narratives

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Over time of left untouched those views become more acceptable to hear. While the information to shoot down leftist narratives exists and is easily accessible, we should use it

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I'm not giving them an enemy. Whites will always be the enemy of communists.

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/leftypol/ is run by neoliberals (((BO))) because the word replacements it has turn "zog" into "King Zog". Also NatSoc replacements.

This means /leftypol/ is not true left such as Communism. It means they're Neoliberals in similar way to /pol/ having them shilling.

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Retard, National Socialist isn't about class warfare but class co-operation. Its why Hitler allowed private companies and the government to flourish. Careful nationalization of only certain sectors rather than the destruction of private ownership.

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Everything a leftist does fails anyway because it's not based in reality. Just let them get their hopes up and fail again.

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but if they feel like an actual battle is happening you'll never break there moral

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>Whites will always be the enemy of communists.

Right here on /pol/ in thtis comment we have a Civic Nationalist Neoliberal casually pretending he is pro-White.

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Eat a bullet you fucking facist.

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File: d8d69a77ad40a20⋯.png (90.82 KB,720x534,120:89,pinwheel of tolerance.png)

leftypol's BO can't even go 10 minutes without banning a user, the board is worthless use leftpol instead

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> Its why Hitler allowed private companies and the government to flourish.

He allowed them to because they forced him to by assuring he would gain assistance. Your ignorance will do a lot of damage to National Socialists if you continue this.

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As I said, that's what we want. This battle is a over a non-target if useful idiot e-celebs. Leftypol thinks they are attacking the heart of /pol/ by doing these ops. We should keep them thinking so.

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>Everything a leftist does fails anyway because it's not based in reality. Just let them get their hopes up and fail again.

Wrong. The elites/military sided with Rightists throughout the 20th century.

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non-target *of

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File: b1c149820a5f73d⋯.jpg (151.7 KB,1200x1185,80:79,482051f84878b94aa8f05720bb….jpg)

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The best way to push your idea propaganda-wise is to put down other ideas instead of raising the quality of yours, actually. That's what these second generation commies do most effectively.

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i suppose your right.

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Look guys I keep having to correct you and you keep spurging out wrong information. Why? Because you are idiots and don't care about reality, while saying others don't. This is a big deal if you continue to behave like this.

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File: e5085b314228c58⋯.png (948.36 KB,800x714,400:357,A68E094E-80AF-4E81-8EBA-5B….png)


Right wingers using sources from books. LOL right wing fascists hate books. You’re patriot front butt buddies went to a book fair to intimidate anarch-kiddies recently. You literally have nothing of value to add to conversations besides Hannity talking points. If you read books you might not sound so ignorant.

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Thanks for the bumps, commie

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Ask me if I give a shot about a bunch of angry faggots and trannies.

Go ahead, ask me.

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If you take the whole racebait garbage seriously you have to socialize industries and operate the country as a discrete racial unit. Non-compliant minorities (read: JEWS) go to their own country where their industries are all owned by jews without interference from others. Otherwise you wind up with boomers voting jews onto the board who then make the company's goal into something impossible like unlimited expansion rather than providing a service.

Israel itself is a great model for the west largely because they still manufacture all their own weapons rather than allowing German, American, and Chinese companies to compete for the contracts and create an obvious vulnerability. Meanwhile Britain has to rely on America for missiles and planes, which is why they are a fucking worthless country even compared to Canada (who can still manufacture their own weapons and often do).

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You really are a gay nigger.

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Maybe you want to disclose yourself as a Civic nationalist kike shill?

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We have to. They are the enemy. Only a fool fights a battle and ignores what his enemy wants

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I agree, make them look irrational and retarded.

Demoralize them completely while you're at it.

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Kill yourself commie, I'm sure your soylent filled body would last 3 days in a Civil-War scenario.

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File: 273bebf366a5371⋯.jpg (584.56 KB,2592x1944,4:3,af4894ffa07470b8e27268549e….jpg)

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(4dd6fa) is a kike.

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See this guys? Kikes are like termites on this board.

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Imagine trying to use the very method of shitting up comments that I exposed you for in the OP

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Op is a kike, neoliberal civic nationalist anti-white kike.

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Why not make a counter-offensive and innonder them shit? like Tumblr war?

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Imagine being a dumbass so thick you are doing heavy damage to something you are trying to advocate. You were proven both dumb and ignorant above. Yet you persist like you have some kind of credibility.

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File: 1fbfe5827f64ad5⋯.jpeg (78.79 KB,752x554,376:277,5084C1B0-2A81-425D-855D-E….jpeg)

You will lose YouTube, because your ideology is trash. Right wingers suck billionaire cock. They scapegoat economic problems on illegal immigrants, because they’re so low IQ they could lose a job to someone who doesn’t speak English. Right wingers team up with Franklin Graham and Jim Bakker which is pathetic to say the least. Right wingers support class traitors like the police. Right wingers are willing to let billionaires use the public treasury as a slush fund for private profits as long as their politicians talk dirty about Mexicans. Right wingers shoot unarmed children. Right wingers support a President who has been called Zion Don for being sent by God to be the savior of Israel. Your ideology is pure trash, and can be summed up as wanting to get fucked in the ass by billionaires.

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ugly pre-bipedal ogre hiding doublechin.

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No the idea of allowing jews to continue living died 70 years ago with the last country that tried to peacefully emigrate the jews. You think that by private companies being allowed to exist means I support international conglomerates? Or that all companies will forever be run by jews? Thats quite the leap.

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File: a9bb643ae9dd734⋯.jpg (86.54 KB,499x838,499:838,futureWhiteswillbeRightWin….JPG)

File: efbf34f1403120e⋯.jpg (80.92 KB,1000x799,1000:799,WhiteRightWingshavethemost….JPG)


Looks like a /leftypol/ reject!



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Would be good, but the primary thing is making them focus on it. They are focused on e-celebs because the leftist media talks about them.

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(((TV))) today is thick with historical documentaries about how bad things like eugenics xenophobia and fascisem were.

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> Hurrr durrr Right cant into literature

Nigger do you even know who Georges Sorel is ?

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File: df031471b492fb7⋯.png (911.79 KB,1046x920,523:460,53c383aab79dbed646550c1421….png)


>doctoring images like the disinfo shill that you are

>this faggot was confirmed to be from /leftypol/

>the obvious color transitions around the word "hate"

Trannypol can't even fight info wars without doctoring images.

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File: c20c56f738376a6⋯.png (1.3 MB,1920x1896,80:79,leftyshills 3.png)


>censored version

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kike. why did you ignore this:


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>fight info wars

info wars is kike associated.

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No shit the image was edited. That was from the very thread he posted in to shitpost with.

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Because I don't care. Make your thread about Neoliberalism if you want. Filtered.

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>jewish billionaires ban white nationalism because they see it as thread


KYS leftyturd

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File: f7a28acb93ad11b⋯.jpg (22.43 KB,428x427,428:427,f7a28acb93ad11b5cdee8e7847….jpg)


>Facebook meme and cliche laden diatribe.

How mediocre you are.

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File: 17918fa05934a94⋯.jpg (576.51 KB,2592x1944,4:3,f5157e2c3df8225f6655b1a3b4….jpg)

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>Lets be even MORE of a nuisance guys! Lets do the exact same thing that made people hate us so much in the first place!

/leftypol/ will never acknowledge how insufferable they are, they are incapable of self reflection.

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All those e-celebs are low hanging fruit that stunt the natural progression that we had to endure.


Why are you going on about neoliberalism? That ideology has no future and is on the verge of death.

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Anyone cutting in. The kikes and their collaborators are getting really itchy and can't help trying to D&C against Communists. (I also try to stop these Neoliberals from steering communists to D&C).

Info wars is a GOP Neoliberal operation who wants the establishment intact. Kikes and the JIDF are getting really upset about their puppet Civic nationalists (like op)

Even attracting a Trump poster.

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>Why are you going on about neoliberalism?

Because the op is a Neoliberal shill.

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>implying im referring to alex jonestein the filter merchant

You're misinterpreting the term as a connotation for filter merchants brand. I'm talking about informational wars.

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How did you come to this conclusion?

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He's posting anti-communist despite corrections. Also ignoring this post: >>13570493

That's totally 100% neoliberal motive. There's no reason to atatck Communists if you are a national socialist (other than to defend against D&C).

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File: ec655afea42ea7e⋯.png (307.08 KB,343x488,343:488,5162c3fbdf006e46631383b0f5….png)


>posting an image of a self-admitted leftycuck as proven in my previous post

What's the next step of your master plan?

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>other than to defend against D&C

He's not defending against D&C, but instead instituing a D&C. and not even shy about it

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>All those e-celebs are low hanging fruit

Exactly. Low hanging fruit that make the case of National Socialism stronger. Why? Because leftist media is obsessed with "Nazis". They call everyone that disagrees with them Nazis. What is going to happen, and what has been happening, is that the charge is taken out of the word. People hear "Nazi" and suddenly they think that it's nothing more than a casual way to censor something you don't like. However this accomplished a key factor, it allows discussion of actual National Socialism without the shadow of the holohoax. It allows people to FINALLY be objective about WWII.

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Communist are faggots that fight for a jewish ideology, what's wrong with calling them out?

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Engels is White. And so is Communism.

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> And rightists all everyone Communists

> What is going to happen, and what has been happening, is that the charge is taken out of the word. People hear "Commie" and suddenly they think that it's nothing more than a casual way to censor something you don't like.

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You idiots are intensely stupid picking fights with Communists.

D&C faggots aids the Neoliberal.

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It's amazing how they don't realize they are siding with corporations. What's their end goal? Give youtube, facebook, & twitter complete control over what can and can't be discussed? Push the "nazis and facists" to the point where there is no option left but violence? Complete useful idiots.

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> Push the "Commies and Communists" to the point where there is no option left but violence?

Keep being stupid. Op should be focused on extracting the (((Neoliberals))) from Communist events and groups. Instead he is obsessed with piking the fight rather than calling out the Neoliberals in control of /leftypol/ who are trying to manipulate Communists.

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Boy wouldn't that be great if people could be objective about both the National Socialists and the Communists? Surely the people would side with Stalin after all the facts are well known common knowledge.

Yes I did unfilter you just to see what you were still kvetching about

Yes, you are now filtered again

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What can we do about it then?

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The Neoliberal elite collaborators and kikes are making both sides look stupid. If the rich control society who are they? They're NEOLIBERAL COLLABORATORS AND JEWS.

So what are you doing here being a faggot manipulated by them? In the same way communists are being stupid and listening to neoliberal leftists instead of neoliberal rightists.

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>Neoliberals in control of /leftypol/ who are trying to manipulate Communists.

/leftypol/ has always been a neoliberal board. I've never seen a communist online who wasn't a pro-censorship tranny

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File: 16dfd272a438856⋯.jpg (50.52 KB,640x516,160:129,16dfd272a4388560f73d70bc08….jpg)


I guarantee you that you have never read a single book in your life that was published before 1930.

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From that same thread posted in the OP:

>We're talking about redditors and maybe even left twitter, not 4channers, of course they would be scared of chans, they've been taught that chan=Deep web Adolf Hitler, that's why I putted the "Don't care about 'problematic' language" but we need to teach them to not fear them, but to adapt to them.

They know not what they ask. They actually think the normalfags will side with them if "fascists" are adapted to. Fucking lol. They never learn.

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There's not much, but there is something, because Neoliberals are entrenched in Communist movements and groups. Communists need to be taught to not manipulated by neoliberals. Many will not want to be because they are considered the enemy to Communists too.

Picking a fight with based communists is stupid. Communists once taught will be able to purge the ranks of idpol neoliberal capitalist social democracy manipulators.

Then national socialists can continue to get the neoliberals on the right and the shills asking them to D&C constantly.

Yes if Communists do not listen then they can be forsaken, but neoliberals are the common enemy.

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File: 1c42cd4d7cca781⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB,1314x1503,146:167,1c42cd4d7cca7818bf4779160a….png)

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<"don't fall for their communist tricks, come to my communist board instead"

How about no

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>neoliberal board

They have a lot of Communist posts. What you are saying is more interesting because it shows they are allowing communists to post while being Neoliberal controllers, which is as suspected

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There's a bigger storm brewing…we got the recent "anti-semitism" summit, the kike whore as the head of the NSA and the "climate change" VIP summit. They are loosing the narrative big time globally, so expect some hard hitting tyranny coming up ahead.

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File: 9a182e8abf8b475⋯.jpg (60.89 KB,577x608,577:608,ebb63ddefc16900061d76a8935….jpg)


Kek, thanks for supplying your fellow anons with more leftypol cringe, you're doing god's work, anon.

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Then petition codemonkey to fuck with leftypol the same way that /pol/ and all its alts have been fucked with. Otherwise you're just pissing into the wind.

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The point is Communists want the same thing. They are currently infested with neoliberal social democracy advocates. They should be purged on their side. There's no point attaking them if they want the same thing. Attacking each side is stupid when the neoliberals are laughing in their banks watching.

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>They have a lot of Communist posts

Looking at the thread in the OP it's nothing but faggots cheering on reporting "racist" youtube channels to their corporate overlords. I don't see any communists.

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File: a1ab7171046582e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,361.43 KB,775x890,155:178,a1ab7171046582e88e04893d26….png)

File: c6185f31a6d5ee4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,71.31 KB,669x471,223:157,c6185f31a6d5ee4ec10f25a339….png)

File: f5bdac177347f1a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,144.8 KB,1176x298,588:149,f5bdac177347f1a8f5b6a7803a….png)

File: fcfe32d088498f7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,28.33 KB,780x363,260:121,fcfe32d088498f76ea7c6e8d53….png)

File: 268e678f7d222aa⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.58 MB,6000x3738,1000:623,Ha is that Snape.png)



He will just deflect as they always do, most of the books he will recommend will also be shit his professor gave him as a reading assignment for his sociology classes.

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>combating leftist narratives is pissing in the wind

I think you should remind yourself that you never argue with a jew to convince him. You argue to convince the audience

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Rightists are idpol neoliberals don't you know that already?

Communism isn't particularly idpol. Much less so than Neoliberals, making them allies. Don't confuse a social democracy/neoliberal compromised "Communist" group that isn't really communist with communism. Sure if communists stay infected with neoliberals as the neoliberals will try hard to do, then they can be attacked since they will want to do the bidding of leftist neoliberals.

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>Muh right

>muh left


all worthless larp

we just need all jew-aware, race realists.

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Communists have to be shown that they are neoliberally infected and led. They can listen or not. But so does National socialists also have to be rid of the shills who are from the existing establishment telling NatSocs to think about Communists rather than Noliberals. Why do the shills never talk about neolibealism? Because both the GOP and Dems are neoliberals. So the shills are there out to ruin everything unapologetically and unironically.

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File: e9d6e646220cc0a⋯.jpg (481.68 KB,2500x2143,2500:2143,rwm.jpg)

File: 37baea1f9bad1fc⋯.jpg (481.68 KB,2499x2143,2499:2143,right_wing_males.jpg)

File: 6b2a41c78737c24⋯.jpg (481.68 KB,2498x2143,2498:2143,right_wing_males_superior.jpg)

File: 3199664fbbe64f5⋯.jpg (481.68 KB,2497x2143,2497:2143,right_wing_males_stronger.jpg)

File: 2154db42cb3a920⋯.jpg (480.97 KB,2496x2143,2496:2143,right_wing_males_hotter.jpg)

something to spam in their slide threads when they call right wingers "incels" lol

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File: 8dce56301e404d1⋯.jpg (480.97 KB,2495x2143,2495:2143,right_wing_males_more_sex.jpg)

File: 389e291be218443⋯.jpg (480.97 KB,2494x2143,2494:2143,rwm_superior.jpg)

File: ca8c345b7734cd1⋯.jpg (480.97 KB,2493x2143,2493:2143,rwm_superior_evidence.jpg)

File: 91130aa21ee247b⋯.jpg (480.97 KB,2492x2143,2492:2143,rwm_hotter.jpg)

File: 72458e2f1030ab9⋯.jpg (480.97 KB,2491x2143,2491:2143,rwm_stronger.jpg)


more size variations of the image to bypass posting cooldowns

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File: 2a559e1099a86f3⋯.jpg (244.43 KB,1955x882,1955:882,right_wing_males_vice_fake….jpg)



and a full refutation of their fake vice article claiming the "alt right" are incels

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File: d43f9c85dcdd622⋯.png (880.65 KB,902x935,82:85,leftyfaggot.PNG)

File: 87adbf97611e644⋯.gif (3.2 MB,320x209,320:209,g0B6g6L6.gif)

File: e2e196ed5b0a708⋯.gif (2.42 MB,400x202,200:101,JewTor1000.gif)


Copy pasta already BTFO on a Murdoch Murdoch thread on 4chan, you really think you will come here and have any luck.

Nice try, Cuck Prime.

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There is another meddlesome fation than the kikes of course. We have anti-communist Catholics or even Orthodox. These guys will attack Communists without any reason and never comply with rationality. I'm sure they are present in addition to the neoliberals and white elite collaborators. All these shills are trying to make white nationalists attack communists, in addition to the military faction who ran the Cold War. So is it any surprise the ideologies are trying to manipulate the hell out of National socialists and Communists? They have to be countered every time on both sides.

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File: 0bfad85a7a7f6ec⋯.jpg (269.83 KB,1183x1200,1183:1200,oleg-bulakh-112.jpg)


Nobody here is 'right wing'. We don't belong to the Jewish left-right dichotomy.

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>shit up comments on youtube videos


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This is only because of neoliberal propaganda and neoliberal hypergamist society.

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File: c6d0d04d9fe6ffc⋯.jpeg (134.75 KB,1300x1000,13:10,00EC06CD-59F7-493D-9372-E….jpeg)


They’re walking into a war that has been going on for quite a while. /leftypol/ is ill prepared as always, if you simply want to combat them on this “new” front. Just fire up a new twitter account pick a leftist persona and (((rant))) on how X communist hated niggers, etc. Then just mention this in whatever video games you play online.

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Again from the OP thread:

>My plan was to use the shooting as a casus belli , and then recruit Redditors and leftist twitter as soldiers in this fight, firstly against right-wing youtube channels and then against 4chan, occupying it and eliminating the threat as a whole

What's interesting here is that he gives away that normalfags, if informed properly, could logically side with someone like Tarrant. This is why when they try to take down something like 4pol, they rely on forums already left leaning, instead of presenting an argument to the population at large. This also gives away that this position is weak, and based on emotion rather than a logical point

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/leftypol/ can barely coordinate a socialist bookclub, this will certainly be lulzy

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I got banned posting in that thread, first try too. Impressive.

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Again it's a neoliberal D&C attempt.

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nice pic retard, I haven't used any of those.

also this entire "if you hate x, then why do you use product of x?" is retarded, I hope you kill yourself.

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That is the most leftist post I've read in a while. It's total gibberish. Just say that you work for the jewish mob and you can avoid all of these nonsense terms.

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It would be more impressive if /leftypol/ didn’t ban you. It’s a hugbox for commies

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Basically all that OP of theirs amounts to is SHUT IT DOWN, as if all that shit they're talking about hasn't been going on for some time now.

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File: f51a91a426a284c⋯.png (1.24 MB,2800x2072,50:37,Retards from leftypol spam….png)

File: 5231d395e79bf00⋯.png (449.91 KB,1824x2294,912:1147,leftypol forgetting about ….png)

File: c1be6953e698ddd⋯.png (306.03 KB,1400x1200,7:6,leftypol forgetting about ….png)

File: 5b12ae71086be55⋯.png (195.54 KB,599x356,599:356,leftypol ggrevolt.png)

File: 7a96205a95f15c3⋯.png (303.96 KB,1220x1200,61:60,leftypol raiding 4chan pol….png)


You can call neoliberal divide and conquer how many times you want, /leftypol/ has consistently attempted to sabotage shit people have been doing. If half of your entire board is neoliberals, was the board even yours to begin with? They clearly have a supermajority.


Last time I went, I got a 90 year ban for posting a singular video of trannydick surgery.

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File: 41950e798f323b5⋯.jpg (552.26 KB,2033x3044,2033:3044,leftypol raiding 4chan in ….jpg)

File: 287bee38a99ad41⋯.png (1.15 MB,1904x2872,238:359,leftypol raiding 4chan pol.png)

File: d8eff72441190e3⋯.png (98.1 KB,1782x327,594:109,leftypol replacement.png)

File: db8f851f8cf2cb6⋯.png (195.93 KB,1284x251,1284:251,leftypol samefagging.png)

File: 956918ab7b8c01c⋯.png (102.1 KB,1907x571,1907:571,leftypol shilling 4chan po….png)


Well, last time I went for shit other than just cataloguing cancer and to see if there is anything of their own to look into.

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File: 266882fe05294bf⋯.png (273.21 KB,1529x1187,1529:1187,leftypol tries samefagging….png)

File: efe35b089290238⋯.png (867.23 KB,854x2988,427:1494,leftypol tries to shill b.png)

File: d7aca70647a6787⋯.png (144.03 KB,1024x768,4:3,leftypol twitter.png)

File: 434b60697bc14af⋯.png (18.32 KB,1004x380,251:95,leftypol board owner sperg….png)

File: d9ff2bc7981ce5f⋯.png (154.41 KB,1898x1115,1898:1115,leftypol butthurt about be….png)

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File: 6c0ce491e9a5aac⋯.png (442.81 KB,551x766,551:766,6c0ce491e9a5aaccc2d840c556….png)

File: 3e1ff74f048d5a2⋯.png (1.52 MB,1260x932,315:233,1467489936644-0.png)

File: bbd6ffc3f63352e⋯.png (277.08 KB,602x396,301:198,bbd6ffc3f63352e37c94dde519….png)

File: dd086241018f28c⋯.png (363.82 KB,1496x1600,187:200,leftypol butthurt about Ch….png)

File: b3526fb2632b173⋯.png (59.41 KB,959x556,959:556,Not even the leftypol draw….png)

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And there you have it. Pics 1 and 2 are both direct evidence that leftypol has been trying this for three years and is still failing. The question is will these shootings change anything? They will certainly cause the average Joe to research some more. Even if leftypol succeeds in driving people to their board, they are not ever immune to /pol/ combating them. They think we won't.

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File: 7a4be3f45985082⋯.png (Spoiler Image,192.2 KB,766x337,766:337,a35729d16f72e492c192672f7c….png)

File: b9a0fcb2d3c1c68⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,339.7 KB,956x1275,956:1275,LtMNdAF.jpg)

File: 685299670fd5b66⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,789.25 KB,2387x5184,2387:5184,mjhspgt.jpg)

File: 542a760de351da8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.62 KB,960x1280,3:4,rtVPDx7.jpg)

File: 4c730fe684648d7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,449.96 KB,1944x2592,3:4,SxyV74Q.jpg)






And we may as well go into the topic of the Traposlavia leaks, since /leftypol/ likes to proclaim that it is actually a right-wing conspiracy to defame them.


You have to take into consideration that they have been failing due to people keeping watch and going against it. If you do nothing then it is blatantly obvious that you will also get nothing.

>The question is will these shootings change anything?

Only time will tell

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File: 02cc3bf3838dd24⋯.png (Spoiler Image,234.5 KB,555x395,111:79,8rBAOWx.png)

File: 0417c339e4e38c0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.37 KB,1346x70,673:35,0417c339e4e38c085d181903ae….png)

File: c6bb59603ac8735⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB,4460x2908,1115:727,leftypol.jpg)

File: 0cbe7912dbb8bbe⋯.png (Spoiler Image,132.23 KB,860x798,430:399,0cbe7912dbb8bbefd3055dbba0….png)

File: 46497aabfaa2a37⋯.png (Spoiler Image,17.89 KB,1636x497,1636:497,3ceae78165a45c9f34c5c165bb….png)

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I hate /marx/ and its Jewish BO so much

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File: c24bdf71ca0f75d⋯.png (645.69 KB,1400x1632,175:204,6bd3f9c760ffb30244a5a5a085….png)

File: 1d4ee88381b78cc⋯.png (98.07 KB,1517x241,1517:241,c1093d23cdf07b67c5ef54af37….png)

File: aed8e9cd63cb4a6⋯.png (19.36 KB,860x183,860:183,Cucked into voting by his ….png)

File: 04d616f24fc6992⋯.png (234.11 KB,874x664,437:332,fasersefcaers.png)

File: 1832352ede82914⋯.png (6.5 KB,883x82,883:82,Irony.png)

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>still stuck in left/right political paradigm

>thinking national socialists want anything to do with billionaires

>thinking neocons lurk this board

kek, you leftypol retards are hilariously clueless.

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File: 1ee15fad7d347a3⋯.png (8.31 KB,717x88,717:88,On drugs since twelve.png)

File: 2d48573da2f59a8⋯.png (10.23 KB,852x93,284:31,Smoking weed at 13 years w….png)

File: 08d6cc86f1b449d⋯.png (295.62 KB,841x534,841:534,08d6cc86f1b449dd1ed62a1176….png)

File: 622e29640a2ff98⋯.jpg (171.7 KB,1436x1080,359:270,14882211_642387722590089_8….jpg)

File: 7224106ae10b44d⋯.jpg (33.21 KB,480x360,4:3,15171193_227791067649394_7….jpg)

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File: 900dce49e9209d9⋯.png (572.96 KB,720x720,1:1,53ea09db005f775f921360f258….png)

We comming for that tooth brush faggots.

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File: 52c94b8b7c8d64d⋯.jpg (186.37 KB,2000x1081,2000:1081,52c94b8b7c8d64d1fdfba94f72….jpg)

File: a3a8e4440cf097a⋯.jpg (58.71 KB,624x654,104:109,a3a8e4440cf097a5532362e492….jpg)

File: b16e297fbb4c31a⋯.jpg (562.84 KB,1944x2592,3:4,b16e297fbb4c31a24a4bda8fee….jpg)

File: b4615628a7cd5a8⋯.jpg (195.5 KB,1080x1920,9:16,b4615628a7cd5a8408f24003dd….jpg)

File: faebfdbae840791⋯.jpg (109.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,faebfdbae84079165858bb8ea4….jpg)

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File: 62c12fdfe2a0c40⋯.png (2.89 MB,1260x1200,21:20,HitlerFinal.png)



There is a solution for this.

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File: 0eddcdd20d5515c⋯.jpg (681.58 KB,1464x1093,1464:1093,geneticdeadends.jpg)

here is a random sampling of the people who are gonna end fascism online

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if anyone here wants to hit up some insecure antifa-run sites, here you go:



both have open ssh ports that appear to use regular password verification, with an enabled root account. i was going to try pwning them later but never got around to it, so if you guys want some place to strike back i'll just put this here

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You've been exposed.

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Stalin died while pissing himself.

I'll say.. follow your leader too hahahahahaha

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File: aab7fc709c191fc⋯.png (300.37 KB,596x485,596:485,'Let's Read __ Intro __ Pa….png)

File: 5ca275fcdf7f51d⋯.png (392.59 KB,731x575,731:575,'Media Tweets by Comrade_Y….png)

File: 5043af042da3657⋯.png (182.97 KB,725x696,25:24,While leftypol acts proud ….png)

File: 9f18268dc4ae0f0⋯.webm (6.91 MB,640x360,16:9,9f18268dc4ae0f0e3d64e9213….webm)

File: f00cbb703da70f3⋯.webm (5.78 MB,480x270,16:9,leftypol - lmao why bothe….webm)



Argentina does sound like a fairly nice place for the holidays.

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File: a18b79b5dace971⋯.png (231.48 KB,956x2080,239:520,just a recent compilation.png)


I beg to differ. I'd say it's only commies that defend communism. And their presence shows in how uncomfortable they get when you turn their racial epithets back against them.

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Yes, refute far left arguments, but remember, going far right is also extremely counter productive. Just like how the Democrats are going further left, don't follow their actions and go further right. Have values.

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christ that kike profesor is insuferable

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File: 31c16fad3010ae8⋯.png (62.58 KB,668x515,668:515,leftypol desperate to figu….png)

File: 6926be1a34de2f6⋯.png (62.9 KB,929x506,929:506,leftypol suggesting degree….png)

File: 2e39727b976b688⋯.png (10.29 KB,680x224,85:28,leftypol mass reporting an….png)

File: c626eb5ead147af⋯.png (159.81 KB,1079x701,1079:701,intl goons admit to pushin….png)

File: a052a1ccbc66150⋯.jpg (87.89 KB,656x638,328:319,gZ6zNPu1.jpg)



You're right, the answer is always in the middle. If group A wants a racially pure nation and group B wants an entirely mixed nation, then the right answer will be to keep it 50% pure and 50% mixed.


/leftypol/ worships the ground he walks on, they even paid him just to mention their board in one of his lectures.

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More stuff posted by the lefty lolcow

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File: 2ed7605a70ba030⋯.jpeg (149.84 KB,1242x947,1242:947,FEDB79E5-9624-4B79-86FB-D….jpeg)


Top kek even Reddit doesn’t want his gay ops

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<rejected by even reddit





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Hey I know yui. Pretty cool dude.

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File: 5d4ab72d4be5d82⋯.png (120.02 KB,940x256,235:64,leftypol participating in ….png)

File: 7295082e6b617f8⋯.jpg (20.1 KB,928x174,16:3,Bat'ko getting more leftyp….jpg)

File: e245a60f4e76a17⋯.png (280.84 KB,638x1829,638:1829,leftypol and tranny squirm….png)

File: 83b74cb2df81f87⋯.png (12.4 KB,622x103,622:103,Bat'ko concerned about pri….png)

File: d09173c6c874a49⋯.png (53.21 KB,515x647,515:647,Bat'ko gulag.png)



Speaking of gay ops

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It never fails to surprise me how deep this Kraut faggotry goes

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File: e0c1111d196ba64⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,2903x3000,2903:3000,leftypol recommendations.jpg)


It most likely wasn't even Kraut's idea to begin with but rather Bat'ko's. The list of targets on the server was almost identical to the one on Bat'ko's attempt at a flagging server. Which he made because we had a thread about him like three minutes before he got his Youtube account briefly suspended (and then quickly brought back up). The reasoning with which he got /leftypol/ on his side was that an appropriate response was to flag /pol/ channels. Although none of the channels in the list were actual /pol/ channels, just ones he believed to be even vaguely right-wing.

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Speak in English please, write coherent sentences also.

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>/leftypol/ trannies

>doing anything but spewing buzzwords

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File: 8c7667f185c0f03⋯.png (149.02 KB,1490x841,1490:841,Communism - In further con….png)

File: a988eb4a95d356c⋯.png (333.21 KB,1484x1798,742:899,Communism - The fully deve….png)

File: 932cfb5407646ac⋯.png (972.27 KB,1480x3982,740:1991,Communism - A communist ec….png)

File: f157fccc3762783⋯.png (473.79 KB,1471x3456,1471:3456,Communism - Soviet society….png)

File: 755ddec930526b7⋯.png (294.57 KB,1491x969,497:323,Communism - Lumpenproletar….png)


Forgot I had a couple more

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File: f0815e1ca4ce1cc⋯.png (391.79 KB,1444x1835,1444:1835,Communism - Did you start ….png)

File: 472936b9ac5a3ec⋯.png (160.4 KB,1479x1468,1479:1468,Communism - For the most p….png)

File: 2656075efb3f194⋯.png (52.28 KB,1491x493,1491:493,Communism - In very genera….png)

File: 257fd8a99cc8489⋯.png (103.61 KB,1473x461,1473:461,Communism - Marx also wrot….png)

File: f98ffffa6e00d8f⋯.png (57.26 KB,1484x533,1484:533,Communism - We know that t….png)

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>Lauren Southern

God, they're completely out of the loop.

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File: 26af3ceddb46862⋯.png (202.21 KB,1472x1103,1472:1103,Communism can work but it ….png)

File: 21fc070f754665e⋯.png (2.76 MB,2976x4416,31:46,Communist society would fr….png)

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File: 619d9622ac51d8b⋯.png (134.51 KB,832x1024,13:16,leftypol raiding 4chan pol….png)


Is everything alright with you? Do you need help?

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Are you retarded? Those were made to respond to the thread he made to piss him off and paint him as the very thing he hated. Nice gong on admitting you weren't in that thread to see him get mad at them.

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