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File: 38ac9335910f229⋯.png (18.3 KB,589x127,589:127,knl.PNG)


So the sister of the Ohio shooter has been found dead. Wtf

RIP to both of them.

also Trump orders American flags in the US and around the world lowered to half staff until Aug. 8 at sunset "as a mark of solemn respect" for the El Paso and Dayton mass shooting attack victims - NBC

Glowniggers in full force this week huh

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File: cfb348fb71d31f5⋯.jpg (9.43 KB,240x320,3:4,CD2.jpg)

File: 6648cefe6ca3a3d⋯.jpg (33.31 KB,700x467,700:467,CD.jpg)


Was she a hottie like the one who got the shotgun sandwich in Canada?

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Did we ever find out what the fuck the Ohio guys motives were?

And that's terrible, don't bring his sister into this

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Her name was released an hour ago or so and hasn’t officially been confirmed as his sister by police (they confirm that they’re relatives though… why bother hiding the fact), but it’s everywhere and mega obvious. She and her boyfriend were killed in a car nearby. 99% sure the rest was completely random. She was 2 years younger than him.

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File: 25b01bd83248229⋯.gif (2.29 MB,368x300,92:75,MUH DIK.gif)

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File: 101caa4bcb57450⋯.jpg (25.5 KB,474x311,474:311,sleepy boomy.jpg)


Gotta tie up those loose ends, afterall.

Hey speaking of loose ends, does anyone remember that helicopter crash that happened during the charlottesville protests? No? Me either. I guess I'll just go back to sleep.

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they realized none of their events will be exposed after sandy hook so they just keep creating fake news and /pol/ just runs with the media conglomerate version now. the more they keep pushing the more of you will cuck out and begin your descent to marxism and the destruction of anything worth preserving.

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was the boyfriend white?

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Anyone remember the security camera footage from the Las Vegas shooting that apparently had it all on video but was never released? Me neither.

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She & her bf shot in the car, but not found in the car. Most of the dead are black. Did he kill her for race mixing & everyone else collateral damage/pretend not him?

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Good questions as we might have a real hero to celebrate.

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>"white" amerimutt shoots a few people with months in between other "white" amerimutt shooters

>Entire country goes to shit

>Niggers and beaners average 7 - 9 kills per day


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Ohio's was an a punch-a-nazi antifa-adjacent fag. Don't know about if he was involved in any groups, though. They will memoryhole it in favor of El Paso or put the two stories together and gloss over as generic "white terrorism".

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