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File: 908d4538ab9a8e3⋯.jpg (680.83 KB,2000x1000,2:1,loool.jpg)

File: 507cc00d71eb432⋯.png (38.95 KB,1280x672,40:21,507cc00d71eb4328a836531c74….png)

File: 6390ab3778b063f⋯.gif (2.84 MB,320x240,4:3,beatem.gif)


"The second-deadliest Ebola outbreak in history was declared a rare global health emergency days after the first Goma case was confirmed.

There is no licensed treatment for Ebola and survival can depend on seeking treatment as quickly as possible. And yet many people in the region don't believe that Ebola is real (NIGGERS HAHAHAHAHA), health workers have said."


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Ebola-chan will help us cleanse this world.

You have my word.

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Ebola broke my heart once and I'm not going to put any hope in her cleansing the world again.

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File: 7c9cc2cbf009cbd⋯.jpg (53.17 KB,600x636,50:53,7c9cc2cbf009cbdb1b037cecd3….jpg)


>And yet many people in the region don't believe that Ebola is real


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File: ac108b4be861390⋯.jpg (165.38 KB,850x1206,425:603,Ebola-chan.jpg)

Please, Ebola-chan. Kill every nigger already.

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yawn, wake me when it actually passes into nigeria

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File: a656898d6882784⋯.jpg (100 KB,640x427,640:427,DNS.jpg)

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comfy thread

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if only Ebola-Chan would weaponize it

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File: d4fccdfbf7aec42⋯.jpg (22.73 KB,400x269,400:269,afro engineered.jpg)

If only there was a way to convince them they could immunize themselves to ebola if they feed on the blood of someone in their early stages.

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File: 26c5fdfafd3294c⋯.gif (647.95 KB,284x284,1:1,26c5fdfafd3294c88d029f807c….gif)

I love you Ebola-chan

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That would actually work !

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File: eed7c84bbec02e5⋯.jpg (94.38 KB,1086x725,1086:725,witch_doctor[1].jpg)

File: 236a445bb91f4a5⋯.jpg (327.58 KB,800x1178,400:589,bix nood.jpg)

Oooga booga eeta nigga!

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kek, that could happen

but seriously, if we stopped feeding niggers they would eradicate themselves in 50 years with the only exception of primal tribes since they just stick to eachother

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Take my power, ebolachan

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