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File: c6a7f7eeb35affc⋯.png (105.87 KB,1023x614,1023:614,NatsocAmericana.png)


National Socialism is the path to our salvation.

but there is no shade under the Swastika. It does not represent the American. The star and the eagle, the rifle and the snake. These are the icons of the American, these are the tools that can gather the White man of the nation to the bright future promised us by Hitler. We need only strike forward.

National Socialism adapts to the nation it upholds. We can no longer parade the carcass of Germany as our rallying banner. National Socialism must become America's

Adapt, Improve, Overcome.

Manifest Destiny.

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We aren't interested in representing America.

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Then you've lost the purpose of National Socialism and are doomed to fail in its implantation beyond LARP

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America had its shot and it chose wrong. The value is in the landmass, not the institutions.

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Amerinigger, other countries exist besides the US, something you amerimutts don't seem to grasp.

Also Manifest destiny is pretty gay, why not stick with an actual facist motto that you guys already have: E pluribus unum.

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Fuck socialism

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You're right. Our jew controlled two party ineffectual democracy is perfect the way it is so long as we have the land. How long we got left on that? because we already got spics swarming the Rockies like those are their mountains.


Then I guess the thread isnt relevant to you, is it? How about you take some initiative and start a thread for your country instead of waiting for America to take the lead for you.

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a new flag, for a new nation, and a new goverment seems like a great idea. But it need more fascist things. More wooden rods lel. Maybe add in some science stuff (for racial realism), a flag that has all the virtues that the left hates. Love for volk, embrace of accurate darwinism (and all of its implications), hatred for degeneracy. All sorts of stuff really.

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"America" isnt a race and so it is t a nation. America, a long with its symbols is post-racial and Masonic and needs to be repudiated in full. The land needs to be carved up and given back to European overlordship (actual racial ststes). American (((patriots))) are not on our side.

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Lookin pretty post racial in Europe

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The big mistake smaller parties keep making, which you are making now, is believing that the US must or even can be maintained the way that it is. It can't. There is no saving this bloated corpse. If anybody has any serious interest in a political solution, it must be geared towards secession and reconstruction. The US will eventually Balkanize. There is no stopping that. Acting without that knowledge, you are as doomed to fail as the federal government.

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File: a8c35c1248f42f7⋯.jpg (62.27 KB,412x398,206:199,03b562e30427bc62e7864741da….jpg)


You are an idiot. National Socialism isn't the future. National Socialism is the past, specifically 1930s Germany. Our solutions don't lie in the past with Natsoc Germany, they lie in the future in a new white, american movement with ideals and solutions tailored for 2020s America.

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>a new white, american movement with ideals and solutions tailored for 2020s America.

So a world full of circumcized dicks, racemixing, and braindead Israeli supporters. Nice anime pic, Schlomo.

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"National Socialism" and "America" is a contradiction in terms. "America" isn't a Nation. The English-speaking Europeans across the border, in that thing called "Canada," belong to the same Nationa as us, the English-speaking European Nation.

National Socialism means the destruction of "America." There isn't going to be any belong Founding Faggots and a National Socialist Worker's Party.

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No, we will not be Trannies, get out.

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> belong Founding Faggots

any blending of the Founding Faggots

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Kill yourself ovendodger.

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America isn't their nation you ignorant jew nigger.

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Most women prefer circumcized dicks genius

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Are you a woman?

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