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File: 860ad1a325faae3⋯.png (208.57 KB,496x868,4:7,ohio.png)


Shooting in Dayton, OH





Kinda sounds like a shootout to me. Half chain is saying that there were two gunmen, one shooter was supposedly killed (they're also saying he was black), haven't seen confirmation so I don't know.

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File: ff576d1c95fc84b⋯.jpg (80.43 KB,656x370,328:185,bandicam 2019-08-04 03-51-….jpg)

DAYTON OHIO VARIOUS LIVE FOOTAGE CAUGHT ON TAPE CAMERA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO-0BtTmw7k&feature=youtu.be

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Nice, more fun with auto generated captions.

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Retards on twitter are already calling him a "white supremacist" without any motive or any more information than we have here and leftists think we are the ones praying for every shooter being a non-white or anti-white? We cannot continue to co exist with these people.

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Gun control is definitely comeing

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Only in liberal shitholes so the non-whites can kill their anti-white worshippers faster.

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Local news here in Ohio says the guy had body armor on. Could be /ourguy/ again

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May the best race win.

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Anyone can buy body armor.

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File: d1ad7955fc210d2⋯.jpg (396.48 KB,1600x1200,4:3,d1ad7955fc210d2bb76e112efa….jpg)

Found the guy

Raymond Egloff

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File: 3f2f54794764ed9⋯.png (234.4 KB,707x831,707:831,OP_terrified.png)

File: 1dce1b7b7fa140f⋯.png (116.62 KB,294x517,294:517,OP2.png)

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True, but the niggers who usually shoot each other up here never do

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In most of those cases, they surely don't intend on taking much return fire.

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stop posting links you lazy nigger

webm,mp4,or gtfo

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File: 83469c17b8784d6⋯.jpg (8.91 KB,248x189,248:189,1514941201451s.jpg)


>fat neckbeard too fat to reach his mouse and copy links

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File: 8b3df5739ab92cc⋯.jpg (150.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,20190730013520_1.jpg)

I predicted it, played hitman this tuesday and decided to shoot up a bar just for the feel of it (exif data, if you don't believe me), now people do the same irl.

Lole, even the victim count is there…

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You didn't get the police outfit? Shame

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your logic is asinine retarded. please shut the fuck up

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Why is this sliding?

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10 dead including gunman, 15-20something wounded, reported on radio also

>the gun used a high-capacity magazine


And aren't the cops great, they responded with one minute to violence at the hippest bar strip in Dayton on sat nite

Mayor gonna speak

governor gonna speak

Sherrod brown flying in to kvetch about guns, certainly

>but we will not be having a political discussion, not here not today

<thoughts and prayers are with the victims for this senseless act

Radio also says the violence in El Paso was "racial"

Just turrible

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>cunts outs himself in one post that he doesn't belong

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>We cannot continue to co exist with these people.

Nope this society is over. Either we kill them or they kill us.

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>We cannot continue to co exist with these people.

No shit

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hey dumb fuck!!!! post videos man for real!!! not fucking links dumb fuck!

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Does anyone have a link to the thread he made or a copy of his manifesto? I heard he's desciple of Tarrant.

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Dayton Ohio shooter is an antifa faggot. Go look at his twitter, all /leftypol/ memes.

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As far as I know it's some guy who got pissed off that he wasn't allowed into a bar so it's not like the manifesto shooter from yesterday or the nigger violence that happened today.

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