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File: 800ca0426f9b174⋯.png (45.72 KB,598x252,299:126,Screenshot_20190803_212718.png)

 No.13567118 [Last50 Posts]



>Once again a terrorist used 8chan to

spread his message as he knew people would save it and spread it, and that the

board is a receptive audience for domestic terrorists.

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Fuck that genetically defective traitorous christcuck retard.

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Why wouldn't he be able to move on?

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Figuratively speaking I should add…

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He right tho ,This shooting shit is sad, but ain't nothing new smh. This why I don't like going anywhere. Imma start calling the pigs whenever I see a crazy looking white mf, which means any white mf.

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File: aaf5a095f70d9bc⋯.mp4 (979.95 KB,540x360,3:2,Gardening_tips_with_sir_pa….mp4)

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Mark Zuckerberg's website showcased the killing of Muslims praying in a mosque. Shame on him! Facebook needs to be taken down for hosting Tarrant's hate fuelled antics! Pull the plug Mark.

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true. the website owner is not responsible for what people post. HW needs to cool his shit

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Whiteboi kills 20people and not one cop had the thought to shoot this peckerwood ….privilege like a muthafucka.

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Daaaaaas riiiiiii

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Dey dun get dis boi faaast food like dey dun did dat church shooter mofuggah?

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>dead battery

>josh isn't there to carry him

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Are you cognitively impaired?

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It's 10am in Tel Aviv.

That explains why you're so active right now.

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I don't want to associate with traitorous cripples.

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Where is kikewheels these days? Last time I saw him on here, he was chilling in the Philippines.

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File: 0484b052724b075⋯.mp4 (582.12 KB,510x388,255:194,C7VBRFhXgAAfNzi.mp4)


With ladyboy prostitutes in a dive bar.

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Hotwheels has taken ENOUGH shit as a disabled paraplegic from leftists. To commit shootings with his work while calling him a traitor is downright insulting. Kindly fuck yourself with a rake.

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I didn't commit any shootings, and the weird mutt trotted out by the glownigs that did commit a shooting is nowhere near savvy enough to correctly label the cripple a traitor.

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File: 9b016779f2b31ce⋯.png (371 KB,900x900,1:1,laughing stalker.png)

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File: e1f79f0ec3effce⋯.jpg (657.06 KB,2448x3264,3:4,hotwheels and 8chan's budg….jpg)


>Why wouldn't he be able to move on?

Because 8chan will forever be the only thing that cripple has ever done with his life; so "what happens in 8chan" is essentially his only call to fame. He could ignore it all and just continue to diddle underage mutt hookers as usual, but he'll read "8chan" on a newspaper and remember that's the only thing he ever did and will ever have done.

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File: 68ae43bc13bad74⋯.jpg (187.01 KB,364x447,364:447,2ndhand-copy.jpg)


>Implying you can ever wash an imageboard off your hands, regardless of meme shootings

How tiresome.

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Calm down Fred.

Yes, maintain additional industries.

No, don't fuck yourself.

This should answer your position.

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Picking someone his own size.

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kill yourself

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Hotwheels, keep in mind most of us here are calling him a faggot

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KFC and watermelon ape.

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So because something is first posted/announced on place X, it somehow makes the place bad?

What is this retarded logic?

Do people shot down newspapers if said newspapers were the first to recieve a manifesto from a shooter?

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Looks like he's preparing himself for a mass-shooting

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He had a FB and Twatter too

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It sucks but Hotwheels didn't do anything. 8chan didn't do anything. The shooter would have still shot down people if 8chan didn't exist. He didn't just wake up one day, and decide he wanted to kill people, solely because of this place. He would have posted his manifesto somewhere else

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Wtf man this makes me want to cry. That poor dude is blaming himself for all the shit that goes on here. I have half a mind to make a Twitter account to try to tell him to let it go. That's really sad, he has a rough life

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Why do those outraged about a shooting done by a white man, not give the same amount of attention to shootings done by non-white people?

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>Make website devoted to freedom of speech

>Defend website because it allows freedom of speech

<Abandon website because you'd rather fuck prostitutes all day

>Attack website because it allows freedom of speech

His first reason to (((shut it down))) is because it doesn't make shekels. Hotwheels abandoned all his principles as soon as he had the money to do so.

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Well that doesn't sound very Christian now does it

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File: 8bdbc152428df1b⋯.jpg (32.07 KB,640x595,128:119,scrm.jpg)

Go easy on the guy, he has a decade left on this world at most, he just wants to break even

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You can't be so sure about that. People get radicalized here.

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Turns out he can talk the talk but he can't walk the walk.

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8chan is lost and a honeypot. The best course of action is to redpill as many as possible each time a mass shooting happens.

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Logic, intellectual honest and reason? In MY planet?

The thing is, these people are either crypto-authoritarians or so stupid. It doesn't matter that you can go do killdozer or steal a truck and mow down faggots in a gay parade, they seriously believe that locking down freedoms is going to make a lick of difference.

Now watch them go ahead and not put this comment on the big screen on CNN, the evil cunts.

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Reminder that cripplekike sucks Josh Moon's circumcised cock for money for his medical treatment.

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A larp account or the cripple had a personality transplant going from a logical metered thinker to an emotional assumption based on distorted misinformation sjw reactionary.

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File: e3c3f1ab361719d⋯.jpg (711.46 KB,1140x1818,190:303,rawImage.jpg)


You mean like the Chronicle publishing letters from the Zodiac killer?

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I think that twatter may have been fake, and somebody just changed the name afterwards to troll.

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>do us a favor and shut it off


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Posting a Twitter screencap as a thread in an effort to rage-snort the population should be a bannable offense.

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He's probably just trying to distance himself from it and avoid getting blamed.

I ignored it entirely, but wasn't he allowing non-nude "child models" and pedophilia advocacy because of his lolberg principles or whatever?

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>To commit shootings with his work


>free speech website

>stop doing the free speech

this always gets me

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I doubt it's him, it's out of character.

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>murder is free speech

Can I get you to host my wife's son's bar mitzvah?

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nice spacing, fellow channer

Be more specific.

We weren't remote controlling anyone.

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It's definitely him.

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how so.

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Little fucker's a born traitor.

He betrayed Wizchan and then he betrayed 8chan.

Are any of you sure "cripplekike" is just a humorous name and not given as a moniker to him for actual Jewish ancestry?

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>Why wouldn't he be able to move on?

At a guess, I'd say a mild incline + gravity.

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What a faggot

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Because @HW_BEAT_THAT has been his Twitter handle for 5 or 6 years now. Are you saying that someone hacked cripplekike's twatter to post like a sjw? He has other accounts on other sites and would say he got hacked if that was the case. The fucking IQ is lower than Somalia's around here because of niggerfaggots like you.

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File: 06b52de3f4fb044⋯.jpg (33.91 KB,308x539,4:7,06b52de3f4fb044649ec3937ff….jpg)


>crying 'muh reddit spacing' on literally one line of text

>attempting to obfuscate the obvious kike pilpul in the previous post

>using the term "channer" unironically

>something about "remote controlling" (which means what, even?)

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Seems pretty reasonable from a legal point of view.

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Hey Yuri! Back to support your new pianoboy? Now a a good time to post that sweet odessan jew dancing video, right buddy?

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Hotwheels sold us out like moot sold halfchan out

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Hmm, I don't recall following what a cripple does being on the IQ test. Speaking of low IQ:

>Are you saying that someone hacked cripplekike's twatter to post like a sjw?

That's all you could come up with? Not even him being a cripple to suggest to you scenarios other than hacking? Seems Q rather than IQ is more your speed.

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He got sidelined by gook-fucking Jim "I gave 2chan users credit card info to the highest bidder" Watkins, who let his gook bastard Qlarping son take management of this board. Moot wasn't a total cripple though, he was way more insidious about fucking over 4chan.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did his rabbi tell him to say that?

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>saying the f-word

That's not very Christian.

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Yeah he was, I miss that cripplekike.

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>caring about genetic duds

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Frederick Brennan is literally Jewish

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>he allowing non-nude "child models" and pedophilia advocacy because of his lolberg principles

Well let's be honest here, AOC laws are feminist kike bullshit.

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File: f8435df9969dd51⋯.gif (3.64 MB,376x288,47:36,Wheelchair.gif)

>"when I still gave a fuck"

For someone that doesn't give a fuck, he sure seems to care quite a lot.

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And now moot works for Google while the cripple is slowly dying in a third world shithole

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They use real women there, it's not your favorite nigger bar.

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Yes, I am talking to you, you Russian faggot.

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equal fates, if you ask me.

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i like how any action to go against the status quo, the lies they told us about history, or the fiat money system is immediatley labled as


who would have thought being exposed to truthful information would make people do extreme things. maybe you should have been honest with society and not tried the big brother i know better than you route.

youll never learn and neither will we.

the descent into chaos will be very satisfying to watch.

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File: 68c36807972ce64⋯.jpg (35.57 KB,656x446,328:223,hotwheels finds a street.jpg)

HW went native.

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File: 9124a234d60db9d⋯.png (467.17 KB,1276x484,29:11,RuV3JL9[1].png)

File: c840ee455a33e32⋯.jpg (33.97 KB,600x299,600:299,5468106_2_l[1].jpg)


>expecting him to raise a shield

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Hahaha what a fucking loser.

I knew him back on 4chon.

Now he's all cucked and moralfagged.

Stupid gookfucker HIV-ridden crippled jew.

He just proves there are no good jews. Every jew, even hotwheels, must be exterminated. The jew always sides against the white race when push comes to shove.

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White men with a gun can hit what they are shooting at. They get more respect.

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Nah, jewt still doesn't get laid even when paying for it.

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What a humongous faggot you are. Wipe those tears away from your face and man the fuck up. Hotwheels deserves no sympathy only hate.

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that's a photo-shopped image, right|?

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File: 90a585a69b3c28b⋯.jpg (63.09 KB,700x457,700:457,crippled_beggars_02[1].jpg)

File: e65070351b7cd84⋯.jpg (121.84 KB,883x1227,883:1227,Indian boy[1].jpg)

File: efc16b8adbadbd3⋯.jpg (86.85 KB,500x749,500:749,this nigga serious.jpg)

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Shutting this down will stop nothing

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File: 4aed072906a2034⋯.jpg (112.41 KB,865x1024,865:1024,4aed072906a20347a282964414….jpg)


Shutting this down will cause thousands of shootings.

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File: e7ce0fcc7518991⋯.png (517.7 KB,902x639,902:639,Whatevs.png)

If Jim takes his advice and shuts it down, where does everyone want to go? We need a backup, cuz autists are gonna keep using this site for manifestos for mass murder. We need a backup for freedom of speech. Not even a regular /pol/ anon, just a general site user who likes the user created boards and mods that aren't ridiculous moral/rule fags who thought police every user and ban the unwanteds.

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File: a0412ac45eb30b1⋯.png (275 KB,642x628,321:314,ClipboardImage.png)






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File: ba117fff7f9bcd4⋯.gif (389.19 KB,300x200,3:2,Kickoff.gif)


So is twitter, and periscope, and twitch, and jewtube, and wurrrrrrrlstar, and the list goes on and on.

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I assume they'd just shut down this specific board and we'd head over to the next biggest board like it aka >>>/fascist/

If they shut the whole site down, someone will create a clone, and we'll go there.

Maybe lolifox or some other imageboard that is known for its freespeech could host us next.

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File: 89c0ee4ca1d0a80⋯.jpeg (113.47 KB,719x300,719:300,AE426829-F911-43A6-839A-D….jpeg)


>shuts site down

>anons go hot and show what a real shooting looks like not some cianigger walmart or bar shooting script

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File: d15ca1325e6b9ad⋯.png (51.06 KB,229x174,229:174,remove mix.PNG)

File: adbc5e7faf62bb9⋯.png (208.47 KB,980x742,70:53,Remove Merchant.png)

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File: 6c1f64d50179d18⋯.jpg (87.81 KB,570x364,285:182,donnie1.jpg)


Even if 8chan doesn't get shut down the massive wave of normie newfaggots this new york times article is going to cause to flood here will be its deathblow.

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We're at 2700 and a few days ago it was 1800. There are a lot of faggots among us right now.

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File: f0b010439e017cb⋯.gif (954.15 KB,500x300,5:3,comfy.gif)

Bring it.

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Freedom of Speech is gay

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I fail to see how a forum is a megaphone for shooters when as soon as they post their retarded "manifestos" they're taken down.

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The feds are helping to push it because they're pissed we see through the crap when it's posted. Vindictive cunts.

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File: e663010a05f0768⋯.png (11.04 KB,420x377,420:377,FT_15.10.05_USin2065_420px.png)


More to the point, what kind of facts could possible be circulating here that would make someone want to go out and shoot non-white people?

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Seriously though, it would have more impact being dropped on leddit and kikechan unless you're naming the fucking jew. Obvious false flags are obvious.

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Truth is a hate crime in many countries anon, careful.

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8chan is reddit at this point. The fact that mods deleted the manifesto shows that this website is now worthless.

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File: 35a41f0a69e0d98⋯.png (138.05 KB,647x308,647:308,fredrickBrennanShutItDown.png)

I'm saddened by this

I was around when the migration away from censorship happened

Fred had the right idea

I guess he didn't fully comprehend the joys and sorrows of truly free speech

I guess the cowardly virgin wizard's colors finally show thru


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It was reddit when imkampfy started banning everyone who didn't suck off Zion Don. Mods are a little more sinister in their pretenses for banning anyone who doesn't kowtow and preach votecuckery, at least they've backed off a bit though.

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Fred has had one right idea ever.

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After the War the stress was shifted to the

Jew, partly because French 'inferiority' had not been satis-

factorily demonstrated, after all, and partly because the Free

Corps encouraged the view that Jewry was responsible for

Germany's acquiescence in Allied demands.

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Educated. They get educated here.


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Inshallah :^)

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Stay triggered flipshit.

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He just cant walk away.

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File: 6fd935ebb96b637⋯.png (1.01 MB,6488x6488,1:1,Brenton Tarrant Manifesto.png)


What does it matter that they're taken down when I just repost it soon after?

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File: 700d32394e1c2c9⋯.png (1.05 MB,542x700,271:350,sid-HW.png)

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This site is all about education. Free from the shackles of censorship and virtue signalling, we can discuss the truth.


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I used to be against using abortion for eugenics purposes, but cripplekike has convinced me otherwise.

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PI is pretty based compared to the US these days. They wouldn't project a AIDS pride flag on their capital building and they still have traditional women there that only want to have kids and cook as a hobby.

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File: 3af84d33dda36ae⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.77 KB,585x390,3:2,The final solution to the ….jpg)

Guys, I found a cure for Hotwheels

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You probably wouldn't even need half that many stairs to get it done.

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File: 2c3be93eb0681df⋯.mp4 (9.42 MB,768x568,96:71,MolokoHCN.mp4)

windows XP logoff sound

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Hi Buzzfeed / VICE.

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Oh, look at that. PV2 and the rest of the natsoc mods were right THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME.


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Nigger spam. Allowed to remain. Website owner is complicit. /pol/ is dead. 8chan is dead. It’s time WE destroyed it on our terms.

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>only radicals care about the truth, goy! Now shut up, take your opioids and drink your soylent! >:(

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File: 38002a715c75625⋯.gif (659.91 KB,480x360,4:3,felix the cat walking and ….gif)

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File: 1a79455e3f0289f⋯.png (12.92 KB,255x255,1:1,39193e4e70db1f3f3074b607e3….png)


I'm intrigued.

Go on…

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File: b1058a9453f8b2d⋯.jpg (37.32 KB,960x960,1:1,(slow heavy metal music pl….jpg)

What is it with founders of imageboards that later go on to completely and totally disown the only thing that ever made them important?

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File: 5c22b27a6e687af⋯.jpg (164.05 KB,832x526,416:263,1564809710537.jpg)


> gets false flagging during Gamergay

> doesn't understand false flagging during actual war

Listen you dumb faggots. There is a reason the targets are always innocent, and not anyone who would hurt the left. Its because there are some desperate glow in the dark fuckers out there who hate that they can't have their way in the White House right now because of faggots like you.

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It's just like Frankenstein and his monster tbh. The good news is that in the end his creation will catch up to him and destroy his lover in front of his eyes.

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you just get collectively more gullible with the way you talk like all these events are just the way the big media portrays them. taking every point they talk on as reality. you can tell if the event is scripted based on the media response and both of these shootings are set up. like the majority of the time.

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lol, no one except the handful of autists that visit this site know who he is. He could easily shut down all his social media and focus on banging jungle gooks in the Philippines and no one would ever bother him about 8ch.

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i think Hotwheels knows that his time in this world is limited. i hope that you find true happiness in the after life.

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No one wants to be associated with mass shooters, especially a disabled person. Fuck spree shooters for abusing free speech so that they can harm others.

I don't blame Hotwheels for leaving the site.


People are radicalized by different ideologies all the time. The issue is with how they respond their radicalization. Rather than aspiring to be a better person from the hedonism that they witness, they would prefer to shoot people instead. 8ch has been a great influence to me because of it's blunt brutal feedback. Got me into programming, 3d modeling, art, and game dev as we shared content that wouldn't be permitted on clearnet sites like reddit or Youtube.

However, these braindead newfags only use 8ch to parrot and act on memes. You know the types, the idiots in their 20s who ruin their lives by wanking off to Tarrant's video. They can't aspire to be anything good, so they just resort to killing unarmed minorities in public areas.



Users denounced the shooter too:


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File: b5408ec722ca7d8⋯.jpg (67.04 KB,800x600,4:3,b5408ec722ca7d81c7a9d694d0….jpg)


>Andrew Anglin


Way to fuck up what was otherwise the best moonman track in ages. What a shame.

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You are paid to post here.

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>hurr durr kikel shill!!!1111

I've been here longer than you, newfag

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>However, these braindead newfags only use 8ch to parrot and act on memes. You know the types, the idiots in their 20s who ruin their lives by wanking off to Tarrant's video. They can't aspire to be anything good, so they just resort to killing unarmed minorities in public areas.

Oh fuck off, every one of these perps for these false flag events has the same suspicious backstory of family members involved with psychological experimentation and or military/intelligence connections. That or they just grab a drooling retard nobody will ever miss out of an institution and tell the public that he did it.

The notion that someone is going to want to murder as many people as possible with his own hands as a direct result of reading posts and watching videos online is absolutely preposterous. The exact same thing was said back in England during the birth of VHS era when they tried banning violent movies, then it became video games in the states a little later.

This is just about control.

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>proves it

Thanks, paid shill. It was literally that easy. You've never fit in here.

>Fuck spree shooters for abusing free speech so that they can harm others.

This was the clue. I'm telling you because even though you'll change, it won't be enough.

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Backstabbing piece of shit. And after all that wasted Infinity Next money. Your shekels he steals, the kike on wheels.

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Let it be shut down, then there will be another migration to another chan.

More hidden, more unknown to the public and government, but with much more reach and more organized.

They should be happy that there are enough "suicide by cops" retards that are posting here before their crimes, so they can get ready.

Think about the effect it would have if organized groups pull such a stunt without announcement and and an escape plan.

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File: 77b5106d423573e⋯.jpg (255.32 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20190804-143106.jpg)

I can confirm it is the real hotwheels. He followed me recently. Talked for a bit. He recognized me from the IRC days and followed me.

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>there will be another migration to another chan.

There aren't any more.

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Didja call him a faggot?

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There is sportschan.

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>Implying Fred wanted to hand over everything to Jim

>Implying Fred agreed with the way Jim ran the site and apparently helped fuck the infinity rebuild pipedream

>Implying Fred doesn't know things that are still running behind the scene you may not be aware of, like "Sunshine" was at one point

>Implying Fred doesn't want pressure on Jim to close the site and his potential info selling as a giant fuck you

>Implying the closing of h8chan would do anything but cause our deviants to run loose on the net, a new and better chan to be born and effortposters to be freed of the shitpost distractions.

Go ahead nuke the site, chans thrive in chaos and we have already planted our seed into the public.

End this faggy cold war and make it hot. If you couldn't beat some emaciated rice farmers and some dunecoon goatfuckers…

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Twitter isnt a white supremist website. Hashing and fascing isn't what I do.

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>white supremist


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Does his dick even work?

I don't think it does…

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I hope a nigger tries.

They won't, because they know its a pressure release valve, so if they shut it down, things will only get hotter.

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File: 0ba78af7cae262b⋯.png (863.64 KB,540x541,540:541,1560050561975.png)


No it's not, it's exactly what was coming when you constantly demonize white men and take away their guns and their rights dumb shit. It's nature taking its natural course and you women fags just whining about it. You fags are the ones who are constantly going on about fighting back

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File: 7c6884d0177c540⋯.jpg (21.91 KB,480x320,3:2,chill_kaomoji.jpg)


He's retarded if he thought 8chan would never hurt him in some way or another. Look at j00t and how cuckchan ruined his offline and offline presence, he knew sooner or later something would happen and make 8chan look like evil 4chan on steroids.

He himself seemed pretty happy when 8chan got bigger thanks to the goymergate exodus, adding lots of features and accommodations that made the site easier to browse. He was the one that allowed 8chan to become mainstream when he showed his ugly mug on the news and talked about the site as a PR move to whiteknight ni/gg/ers. He made it easy for people to find this site while attaching his offline persona to it, he has no right to complain.

This tweet just shows that, like the kike he is, he doesn't care about the whole issue, he doesn't care about the mass shootings, the victims, the shooter or 8chan being a hub for terrorists like he says in >>13571060 he just cares that every time something "bad" happens in 8chan it will be traced back at him and hurt him on a professional level. If the shooter hadn't posted it here, it would have tweeted about it or made a thread in cuckchan or any other imageboard he wouldn't have given a flying fuck about it because it wouldn't be his business to deal with.

He wanted the fame and bad boy cred that came with owning a big imageboard and now he's crying while paying the price of it. Fuck him, I hope he dies in pain and his shitty cat eats his face.

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File: 0cc62cb49ea6ee0⋯.webm (10.45 MB,640x360,16:9,12-years-not-a-slave.webm)


>a mild incline + gravity

Kek'd hard. I figure this thread is a decent enough place to mention that, even though we have had bullshit over this place for many years, don't lose heart, don't lose your sense of humor, and don't let it get you down. We will gas every last kike eventually, including the kikes within ourselves and our own families. Fuck the bots, shills, and newfags who don't lurk.

One day, we won't be slaves anymore.

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I guess this thread is more popular, but I posted the webm here >>13572332

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File: c512c11866841ef⋯.jpg (416.36 KB,605x2337,605:2337,senilejim.jpg)

File: f616d8536e3677e⋯.png (623.1 KB,608x839,608:839,typicalamericanday.png)

Based Jim got into a fight with a nip and scared the entire population enough to leave town. Hotwheels meanwhile, can't get into church since there's a 6" curb.

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Hahahaha second pic just got another layer of meaning to it

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People are definitely more likely to get violent when they have no platform. Being censored everywhere else by KIKES is what caused violence. Of course, no fucking KIKE media outlet is going to mention that to the goyim.

But yes, NatSocs have tried to be reasonable from day one, and all we have gotten in response is bloodlust from kike scum going after kids, women, etc. They may as well shut everything down. The whole fucking western world would get burnt down, most likely. Every regular person hates them, yet they never stop. What other outcome could there possibly be?

All it would take is one single broken TV to start a media crystal-night at this point.

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Shut down 8chan and Q loses his platform.

Does the Q have a backup plan? or will this rustle his jimmies?

And how can Qtards trust the plan when the plan is shut down?

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pretty sure the q crap is spread on twatter.

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Most censorship is here

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(((natsoc))) lol

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>(((2))) lol

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I bet the CIA niggers are forcing him to say this.

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Kill yourself shill niggers. You have never fit in here.

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Hey, he has no right to complain. His moderators let trash run amok.

No matter how many times you report crap the moderators leave it up. We have a honey pot suppressor making thread up for weeks now.

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why does every libertarian end up a faggot?

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He’s even helping /leftypol/ now.


Fuck the cripple.

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May the cripple burn in Hell.

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File: aef72219fe697c8⋯.png (127.9 KB,836x664,209:166,HW2.png)

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Completely irrational.

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cucked if you do cucked if you dont!

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Cripplekike has completely lost his mind.

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First moot, now hotwheels.

There's no hero leading imageboard, except maybe unironically Hiro/Hero.

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It's a complete 180 on his ideology, libertarian no more, now full blown ""hate" speech isn't free speech" sjw.

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What the fuck happened to him? This isn't the same person I shitposted with.

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>What the fuck happened to him?


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Why I doubt it's him, I need to see a live video interview of him spewing this crap before I'd believe he flipped.

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File: dc13027e4ee2b52⋯.jpg (131.17 KB,1200x1397,1200:1397,38ac49571f183243cc526540ed….jpg)


>fbi de-radicalization coward posting

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I converted to Christianity, but I'd never stab 8chan in the back like this. What the fuck? I can understand wanting to distance your public identity, but I'd never fucking betray you guys. What the fuck is wrong with him? It's nothing like he was 2014/2015. How could he do this?

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I go on 8chan for one board and it's not even an edgy one. These fuckers can take 8chan from my cold dead hands.

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File: 1a909c1dbb5101d⋯.png (162.01 KB,1248x619,1248:619,ClipboardImage.png)



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File: 3b693b9f86cdd82⋯.png (132.6 KB,1298x167,1298:167,HW3.png)



I loved this fucking little KrippleKike and now he stabs us in the back. His creation changed my life for the better and has brought me many laughs. What ever happened to the man in pic related? The person who would fight with us.

I remember posts of everyone talking about building him a giant epic exoskeleton.

Good times.

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Not really just most of the fags who hardly browsed here just camr to see what's going in.

At best is a few newfags.

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Cripplekike taking questions LIVE!


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What a little shit.

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File: acfd539048cef50⋯.png (202.54 KB,1125x965,225:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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They are already plenty of chans like this except some may not have create your own board feature.

If they shut down this site.

Endchan will be our next location

Neinchan can suck a dick.

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This will be interesting to say the very least.

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>nothing but more text

Your definition of live isn't live.

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Kek. That is who he pretty much is now. Wait till he tells them all about the backdoors in the code.

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File: beb4c79501e2070⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,291x174,97:58,normalfags.jpg)


>if we shut them down the killings will stop

Too late, kikes.

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The glowniggers probably found his freakshit folders

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Sorry, I didn't realize I was replying an anime baby. Are you going to hell?

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Imagine outing your self this easily just shill on 4chan they will gobble up your bullshit way more easily.

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>not ignoring something you are no longer connected to

>reminding people you were once connected to it

>legally sound

Cope posting for a cripplekike.

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If they shut down all the avenues of outlet, don't throw away your life. Build networks in meatspace and call out any feds trying to get you to do incriminating shit.

If you're going to do shit then stay in your own lane. Get in, do it, get out, don't get caught. Bankers, upper academics, synagogues. A couple Mexicans or blacks is nothing compared to the 2.7% that disproportionately bring them in and attack you.

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I love how none of these shills can explain what /pol/ has done wrong. Not having a super ai that auto bans anyone with an Israeli IP?


>I do not associate with neonazi websites

>AMA me on kiwi farms


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File: 541afd43bab1eea⋯.png (250.61 KB,632x946,316:473,4761fc5a424cdf7aa396dc911c….png)



I think i found out what happened to him.

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The glowniggers used some MKULTRA shit on him, his brain is fucked.

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File: 8dd3994c2136e22⋯.webm (6.72 MB,620x348,155:87,He's_off_the_chain.webm)



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channel ##8chan

server irc.rizon.net



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Die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, I suppose. I miss the firetires who used to come shitpost with us, too. I defended the fuck out of him time and time again as the admin we got, but didn't deserve. His performance during his international move, while moving hosts time after time after time, was just incredible. All of the jewsh/Infinity Next bullshit, the memes, the gaffs, it was all an incredible chapter in my life and I'll never forget it.

Never forget, Anons. Wherever you are, your memories are with you. /pol/ is with you. We are the inheritors of Anonymous: The Opsec and the Redpill and they will never leave us, so long as we do not leave them.

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he kilt dat boi

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Cloudflare is going with the Rule of Jew. So expect a bumpy move as the kikes slam the place.

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Stop trying to apply terms and structures associated with actual terrorist organizations to this place. The fact you are using your neurons to try to bridge those two separate universes together is a sign of your horrific ignorance to both Modern security concerns and modern internet history

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How is that even a response? Do you have Asperger's?

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / aiproto / ebola / f1 / mde / moldnet / qhaos / warroom / x ]