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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 800ca0426f9b174⋯.png (45.72 KB,598x252,299:126,Screenshot_20190803_212718.png)

 No.13567118 [View All]



>Once again a terrorist used 8chan to

spread his message as he knew people would save it and spread it, and that the

board is a receptive audience for domestic terrorists.

158 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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pretty sure the q crap is spread on twatter.

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Most censorship is here

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(((natsoc))) lol

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>(((2))) lol

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I bet the CIA niggers are forcing him to say this.

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Kill yourself shill niggers. You have never fit in here.

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Hey, he has no right to complain. His moderators let trash run amok.

No matter how many times you report crap the moderators leave it up. We have a honey pot suppressor making thread up for weeks now.

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why does every libertarian end up a faggot?

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He’s even helping /leftypol/ now.


Fuck the cripple.

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May the cripple burn in Hell.

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File: aef72219fe697c8⋯.png (127.9 KB,836x664,209:166,HW2.png)

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Completely irrational.

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cucked if you do cucked if you dont!

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Cripplekike has completely lost his mind.

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First moot, now hotwheels.

There's no hero leading imageboard, except maybe unironically Hiro/Hero.

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It's a complete 180 on his ideology, libertarian no more, now full blown ""hate" speech isn't free speech" sjw.

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What the fuck happened to him? This isn't the same person I shitposted with.

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>What the fuck happened to him?


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Why I doubt it's him, I need to see a live video interview of him spewing this crap before I'd believe he flipped.

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File: dc13027e4ee2b52⋯.jpg (131.17 KB,1200x1397,1200:1397,38ac49571f183243cc526540ed….jpg)


>fbi de-radicalization coward posting

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I converted to Christianity, but I'd never stab 8chan in the back like this. What the fuck? I can understand wanting to distance your public identity, but I'd never fucking betray you guys. What the fuck is wrong with him? It's nothing like he was 2014/2015. How could he do this?

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I go on 8chan for one board and it's not even an edgy one. These fuckers can take 8chan from my cold dead hands.

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File: 1a909c1dbb5101d⋯.png (162.01 KB,1248x619,1248:619,ClipboardImage.png)



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File: 3b693b9f86cdd82⋯.png (132.6 KB,1298x167,1298:167,HW3.png)



I loved this fucking little KrippleKike and now he stabs us in the back. His creation changed my life for the better and has brought me many laughs. What ever happened to the man in pic related? The person who would fight with us.

I remember posts of everyone talking about building him a giant epic exoskeleton.

Good times.

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Not really just most of the fags who hardly browsed here just camr to see what's going in.

At best is a few newfags.

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Cripplekike taking questions LIVE!


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What a little shit.

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File: acfd539048cef50⋯.png (202.54 KB,1125x965,225:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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They are already plenty of chans like this except some may not have create your own board feature.

If they shut down this site.

Endchan will be our next location

Neinchan can suck a dick.

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This will be interesting to say the very least.

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>nothing but more text

Your definition of live isn't live.

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Kek. That is who he pretty much is now. Wait till he tells them all about the backdoors in the code.

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File: beb4c79501e2070⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,291x174,97:58,normalfags.jpg)


>if we shut them down the killings will stop

Too late, kikes.

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The glowniggers probably found his freakshit folders

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Sorry, I didn't realize I was replying an anime baby. Are you going to hell?

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Imagine outing your self this easily just shill on 4chan they will gobble up your bullshit way more easily.

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>not ignoring something you are no longer connected to

>reminding people you were once connected to it

>legally sound

Cope posting for a cripplekike.

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If they shut down all the avenues of outlet, don't throw away your life. Build networks in meatspace and call out any feds trying to get you to do incriminating shit.

If you're going to do shit then stay in your own lane. Get in, do it, get out, don't get caught. Bankers, upper academics, synagogues. A couple Mexicans or blacks is nothing compared to the 2.7% that disproportionately bring them in and attack you.

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I love how none of these shills can explain what /pol/ has done wrong. Not having a super ai that auto bans anyone with an Israeli IP?


>I do not associate with neonazi websites

>AMA me on kiwi farms


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File: 541afd43bab1eea⋯.png (250.61 KB,632x946,316:473,4761fc5a424cdf7aa396dc911c….png)



I think i found out what happened to him.

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The glowniggers used some MKULTRA shit on him, his brain is fucked.

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File: 8dd3994c2136e22⋯.webm (6.72 MB,620x348,155:87,He's_off_the_chain.webm)



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channel ##8chan

server irc.rizon.net



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Die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain, I suppose. I miss the firetires who used to come shitpost with us, too. I defended the fuck out of him time and time again as the admin we got, but didn't deserve. His performance during his international move, while moving hosts time after time after time, was just incredible. All of the jewsh/Infinity Next bullshit, the memes, the gaffs, it was all an incredible chapter in my life and I'll never forget it.

Never forget, Anons. Wherever you are, your memories are with you. /pol/ is with you. We are the inheritors of Anonymous: The Opsec and the Redpill and they will never leave us, so long as we do not leave them.

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he kilt dat boi

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Cloudflare is going with the Rule of Jew. So expect a bumpy move as the kikes slam the place.

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Stop trying to apply terms and structures associated with actual terrorist organizations to this place. The fact you are using your neurons to try to bridge those two separate universes together is a sign of your horrific ignorance to both Modern security concerns and modern internet history

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How is that even a response? Do you have Asperger's?

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