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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 15985e877082883⋯.png (699.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,FuckHispanics.png)

 No.13564508 [Last50 Posts]

You know what to do!!!

Make OC

Spread OC

Share OC

Inspire OC

Inspire Anons

Make the world a better place

Trigger the media and day visitors

Join your fellow Anons today and celebrate the heroic action of Saint Crusius!









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His name was Patrick Crusius

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His name was Patrick Crusius

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File: 8261e24a9c52879⋯.jpg (309.85 KB,860x1841,860:1841,Oi vey.jpg)

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This guy doesn't really inspire like tarrant did tbh. He didn't even live stream. We don't know enough about him to start memeing yet.

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File: 9266364526c4af5⋯.jpg (11.82 KB,248x250,124:125,3131.jpg)

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>This guy doesn't really inspire like tarrant did tbh.

I found the footage of swiss-cheesed spics lying in pools of blood pretty inspiring tbh.

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I didn't take you very long to show up did it, Moshe?

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File: d55627f0c0bd790⋯.jpg (63.87 KB,538x482,269:241,d55627f0c0bd7909df5227c088….jpg)


Its a literal fucking kike, who are you trying to fool?

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Drawing Jewish locks and a hat onto someone does not make them a Jew. Also, Crusius is a German name.

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File: 557e29791e010ce⋯.jpg (156.71 KB,680x794,340:397,rules.jpg)

He's a fucking Jew

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t. Kike

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Are we sure that kike looking goblin incel is him? I don't know about you but I'd rather our saints were chads like Brenton

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File: b3af7d956a9fe78⋯.jpg (77.5 KB,761x396,761:396,2525252 (4).jpg)


No fucking shit, kikes are getting lazy.

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>6 gorillion shitty meme threads will surely win this board over like christchurch

Feds can't even make decent OC. Of course the oyveying replies are instantaneous.

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File: d6cc0e863125ff9⋯.jpg (154.43 KB,606x698,303:349,DEPORTED.jpg)

So many fucking shills. He's a Saint. Hail Saint Crucius

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Boss-level meme.

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File: a077bd6333259ee⋯.png (795.6 KB,755x1000,151:200,walmart shooter oc.png)


The memeing against this kid is a huge red-flag. The feds don't want us supporting the removal of beaners.

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>being a jew doesnt mean you're a jew

>taking a german name to play the jewish name game doesnt mean youre a jew

Why do you think the entire ((())) meme was started? It was to call out kikes pretending to be white via name obfuscation and force their subversion into public scrutiny.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gonna dump this here.

It's for the Zoomers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the Soy version

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File: e8e34065d4004b6⋯.jpg (109.25 KB,826x561,826:561,123.jpg)




That kike wording though

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File: 7cb348524f3f8ec⋯.png (307.09 KB,1096x650,548:325,Patrick Crusius.png)

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ez clap

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yeye what up my nigga

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Surprised no one posted a McLovin meme yet

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File: 36c706e634ab719⋯.jpg (79.07 KB,640x412,160:103,McLovin.jpg)


ask and you shall receive

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Nice pop culture reference there fellow Jew! I also am a fan of Jewish Hollywood!

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You fags are really desperate to shit on this guy huh?

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>referencing anything ever

>hur durr kike shill

KYS incel faggot

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>incel faggot

Get the fuck out dilating tranny discord


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Shills always attack /ourguy/s whenever they do something major. First Tarrant, now the kike vultures are moving onto Saint Crusius.

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This guy was stupid. Hispanics tend to ally with whites in prisons. I don't want hispanics to be an enemy of whites.

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>just spread your cheeks and let it happen goy

>you might like it

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Stay mad shill, you'll never be as Chad as /ourguy Patrick Crusius aka McLovin

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File: 0bdaf9194f16d4a⋯.png (848.54 KB,1509x899,1509:899,incel jew rampage.png)

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He will know we support his sacrifice

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shut up retard


Can we make a based meme name? McShootin? McReloadin?

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               _  -─‐- _
              , '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヘ::::::::ヽヽ
             '::::/:::::::::::/!:::::/l::::/  l:::::l:::::::::ハ
          |:l::l:::::::i-/┼-' .l:/-─-|::小l:::::::::i
          |:l::l::::/.l/ l:/  l!    l::N/::::::::::l
          |:l::l:/ l'_l'    __ l/ l::::i::::::::|
            i::l::ハ丁i苅j     丁苅丁|::::ト、:::|
           /イ:::::}. 弋ソ     弋ソ ノ |:::ル }:::|
            /' |::i:::{ ''''   '      ''' j::リノ:::::l
              |::l:::::>、   r─‐┐  , ィ:j:::::::::::li
    _____ _   |:ハ::::::::|:> - ーェァr≦::::j::小:::l::小
  r‐と{ { {/┴‐┐|l i:::i::レ'´ ̄l,イヽ_/`ヽ:i::/i:::::l:::iハ
  l' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ヽ_ レl:::ト、    TT     〃ヽl:::l::l ヾ、
  |  Get    トイ\ V! }   /::l    〃   V小   ヽ
  |        |__,ィ }  /   l:::::|  /      V小
  |  Out    |  ヽレヘ.   l::::::|    i     〉:ハ
  |        l      i  l::::::l   l___, ィ:|:::::iハ
  |  Jew   |      l  ヽ:/    l   l::i:::::| ヾ、
  l_____.|      l          /l   l::i::::|  ヽ
                j           l   l:l::::|
               /         |   l:l::::|

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               _  -─‐- _


              , '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヘ::::::::ヽヽ


             '::::/:::::::::::/!:::::/l::::/  l:::::l:::::::::ハ

          |:l::l:::::::i-/┼-' .l:/-─-|::小l:::::::::i

          |:l::l::::/.l/ l:/  l!    l::N/::::::::::l

          |:l::l:/ l'_l'    __ l/ l::::i::::::::|

            i::l::ハ丁i苅j     丁苅丁|::::ト、:::|

           /イ:::::}. 弋ソ     弋ソ ノ |:::ル }:::|

            /' |::i:::{ '   '      j::リノ:::::l

              |::l:::::>、   r─‐┐  , ィ:j:::::::::::li

    _ _   |:ハ::::::::|:> - ーェァr≦::::j::小:::l::小

  r‐と{ { {/┴‐┐|l i:::i::レ'´ ̄l,イヽ_/`ヽ:i::/i:::::l:::iハ

  l' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ヽ_ レl:::ト、    TT     〃ヽl:::l::l ヾ、

  |  Get    トイ\ V! }   /::l    〃   V小   ヽ

  |        |__,ィ }  /   l:::::|  /      V小

  |  Out    |  ヽレヘ.   l::::::|    i     〉:ハ

  |        l      i  l::::::l   l___, ィ:|:::::iハ

  |  Jew   |      l  ヽ:/    l   l::i:::::| ヾ、

  l_____.|      l          /l   l::i::::|  ヽ

                j           l   l:l::::|

               /         |   l:l::::|

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>caring about white felons

You become a nigger when you choose to commit felonies. Why do you care about subhuman criminal alliances?

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File: 2f701ebb25bcdc9⋯.png (327.41 KB,982x606,491:303,Patrick Crusius.png)

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He's the angriest gamer you've ever heeeaaard

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>manifesto doesn't even mention jews or a jew or any jewry

Oh look a genuine 8pol user made an actual meme of this kid and it's actually funny lol

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You're the retard, not me.


Not calling you a retard, here is my response to you.

It's not that I care about criminal alliances, its that the fact whites and hispanics are allies in prison indicates that we can find common ground with hispanics in protecting each other from blacks and jews. I reject all anti-hispanic attitude. We are a separate people, but hispanics are not the enemy.

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File: dcfd574a71b6c82⋯.jpg (6 KB,217x253,217:253,Judan.jpg)

File: 32de89f4940ea19⋯.jpg (121.59 KB,816x512,51:32,Diversity_Strength.jpg)


Tell them my boy. My precious son & I have our name derived from Saxonry. To him only the likes of Dolph Lundgren are Aryan. Divide & conquer crap.

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he looks like a virgin incel

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Hey, I read that Saint Patrick posted his manifesto on fullch. Can I has a link?

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Reported for zero effort thread.

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some whites are wrongfully imprisoned for words that sound like libel, retard. guess why there is so many neo nazis there. because none of you care about them. You have to care about your volk and keep them out of trouble or you will have your fighters constantly land in jail.

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File: 0941bb4dab8eff4⋯.png (330.05 KB,416x383,416:383,1564882841419.png)

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File: 04841e8d291d6e9⋯.png (197.45 KB,368x372,92:93,1564883072125.png)

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This gave me a good cuckle, good job kike shill.



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is this the thread all the /b/niggers ran to after getting chased out of the last one?

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File: d6f583c4b173227⋯.jpg (865.55 KB,1333x2250,1333:2250,olam-haba.jpg)


lol ^ they actually think whites are this stupid

jews project their own mental midgetry onto the whites they think they look like and it's deranged, to say the least

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He was fighting the BOG.

(Beaner occupied government)

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> read manifesto

> it was literally a cuckservative

> he's against deporting or killing brown people

Well at least he was invested enough to go through with what he did. Baby steps I guess. I would prefer if they were less delusional about non-Whites.

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File: 732ee39b320c0e9⋯.jpg (151.25 KB,900x1200,3:4,Cvg8DQnXgAAfLUZ.jpg)

Thought he looked familiar

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File: b51c9bca85bd30b⋯.jpg (156.78 KB,650x400,13:8,download (1).jpg)

Hey guys, Austin here! And today we are here to Make America Great again

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File: 93a4fa0f5f1157f⋯.png (28.17 KB,136x137,136:137,ClipboardImage.png)


Fucker I was literally about to post this

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Fuck wrong pic hang on

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File: f2805cab14ac514⋯.png (41.87 KB,853x155,853:155,austin.png)

Boomered that up didnt I

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File: 61d0d5a5a5668fa⋯.png (518.14 KB,340x930,34:93,Transcendência Ariana vers….png)

File: 389a114e3cd8d5f⋯.jpg (73.52 KB,993x559,993:559,liberal freak of nature.jpg)


>20: Nothing is to be taken seriously

What the heck is this radical individualistic crap? If you're not fanatical about the core beliefs you sprout on the web that are sound, then you're worse than an normie too intellectually lazy to research them.

If you stand for nothing you fall for everything. The punishment for complacency is the gulag & then the soap chamber

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File: 6207e7d2a8ab627⋯.jpg (151.51 KB,1078x516,539:258,shit_just_got_real.jpg)


This post is believable enough to deserve a proper response.

Of course we want to kill all of our enemies. That's perfectly natural.

But it takes a knee-jerk-tier autistic retard to go full-sperg when it's not even a warzone yet, and this shit is so fake and gay that only people who literally never come here would believe he was some "8chan" shooter.


basically you'd have to be pic related to be this fucking retarded

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File: 3e8aaf7664e5abe⋯.png (264.87 KB,1439x458,1439:458,ClipboardImage.png)

Updated for a new disciple. I have a higher quality version but the kiked file upload thing doesn't let you upload it multiple times, you can find it here


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Thats not him, we have the real pictures of him already. They are in the shooting threads. His skull is larger, his brow ridge and his face is wider, the face is completely different, etc. This random aspie that you universally push as being him was found by literally just googling the name "Patrick Crusius".

But keep doing what you're doing, maybe one double digit IQ retard will actually fall for this while the rest just gets reaffirmed in their belief that Saint Patrick did absolutely nothing wrong.

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> invaders

> innocents

Top kek. You conservaniggers are even using the same talking points you tried with Saint Brenton.

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oy vey, a seasoned veteran who tries to link dumbass shooters of brown people that don't even name the jew to 8chan

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File: e80587bd672b8ec⋯.png (645.99 KB,1321x899,1321:899,5ba054c2406e8f09be6f2b2ca3….png)

Ignore the zog, fight the bog!

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LOL thats my OC, i feel honored comrade

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to specify, the original version was my OC

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>>Boomered that up didnt I

Yeah you did, but dubs graciously saw you through. :)

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File: db744a6dc4e9114⋯.png (390.67 KB,3955x1284,3955:1284,typo fixed.png)




Good job, hopefully many more expansions will come. Also


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We will free all of them one day.

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Fuck off nigger

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Yes yes dear shillcuck, i'm a nigger and we shouldn't kill our enemies because then they win. Except for when "its a warzone", whatever that means in your shill clown world.

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File: 7a46d0300edd455⋯.pdf (1.17 MB,06_iran_strategy.pdf)


^ imagine thinking white people are stupid enough to go along with this shit lol

ofc we really know you're posting this to appear legitimate for the governments and journalists who view this board when events like this happen

hey what's this file about?

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Notice how the shills are seething at meme production already

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A single Chosen People is better than 100 symptoms.

Up to this point, every attack in the symptom instead of the real issue is simple Mossad false flagging.

Nobody can be so bluepilled to believe immigrants/muslims are invading under their own volition so suddenly in recent years.

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Yes my fellow Jew friend, lets pretend this pop culture is our own!

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Show us how it's done.

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File: 63186e3a774a3a7⋯.jpeg (41.35 KB,525x348,175:116,main-qimg-029edee9d9193bb….jpeg)

He will get his spinchter expanded by the mexican midgets in prison

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Hot sauce burrito up the ass!

That's gonna suck.

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>being this oblivious

Yes, the greatest threat white americans face right now is hispanic invasion.

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File: 18ded4df3d7b63d⋯.png (86.83 KB,702x380,351:190,hispanicpopulation.png)

File: 6a74fb82f5171ce⋯.gif (151.78 KB,925x623,925:623,Whitest-Non-Hispanic1.gif)

File: 840882e463445f4⋯.png (365.83 KB,480x587,480:587,mestizo rapist and murdere….png)


You mestizo's are pawns for sure but you're still bad as Jews where you almost commit as much crime as niggers in Jew York & Chicago, all the while breeding like rabbits that the predominantly White taxpayer has to folk out.

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Trump tweeted saying he is going to give the death penalty to him.



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Imagine believing that if "8chan" went full terrorist, that it looks like one mentally retarded weeaboo yelling about "gamers rising up" while he shoots random beaners at a Walmart…. rofl….

I can't wait for the power lines to get cutoff in some urbanite safehaven for kikes and have a team of actually based h'White™ people getting away with killing hundreds of you ratkikes and you type up a fake manifesto then, too.

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File: 2978fe8bec964cf⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,500x577,500:577,walmart shooter meme.jpg)

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File: 110c066fc05a31c⋯.jpeg (68.92 KB,600x929,600:929,shut it down.jpeg)


>Fellow white people

Nice virus pdf tho

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Was his manifesto centered around ZOG or was this another false flag?

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>only 2 disciples

I wonder what that'll look like when it reaches 10,12, 20, more…

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File: 45237bf46c9c43b⋯.jpg (29.63 KB,470x674,235:337,white_in_america.jpg)

why do subhumans like pic related think that they are any better than Hispanics?

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oy gevalt goys! we didn't harass him with our shill brigades and make him snap!

honest! *holds crossed fingers behind my back*

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File: c804fa25d4b4163⋯.mp4 (948.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,leave_the_white_man_alone.mp4)


LOL so shooting random beaners at Walmart is smart!!! Also don't name the jew! Please! Don't do that, the NORMIES wouldn't like it!


You kikes are so low effort that it's beyond disinteresting, and yet here we are.

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File: 46de9bb65355cac⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,780x439,780:439,killed by mexican illegals.jpg)


he looks more noble than literally every single mexican. you jealous spic?

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File: e27c33c297d8d48⋯.png (4.51 MB,1584x745,1584:745,evilPatrickWalmarts.png)

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Just look at his photo, he has ashkenazim genetics without a fucking doubt.

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you definitely have actual diagnosed autism

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Virgin piano fags hate this

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No its Jewish control pushing for Hispanic invasion. You think spices give a shit that 20 of them were killed in Walmart? The cartels kill that many an hour back in Mexico. IF THE MANIFESTO DOESNT FOCUS ON ZOG, ITS A RETARD OR A FALSE FLAG.

Isnt it wierd that all these "le redpilled shooters" were aggravated to the point of throwing their life a way for the causes, without doing the minimal amount of research or takes to figure out the jew is behind all of this? Isnt it wierd that all these shooters keep pitting whites against different groups of goyim, without pointing to the people masterminding the invasions?


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File: 36d21081687a08c⋯.png (18.39 KB,595x121,595:121,mclovin-j3w-trips.png)

File: 8c967fa063ae99b⋯.png (17.84 KB,518x284,259:142,mclovin.png)


The phenotype makes it all too likely. Not to mention nearly impossible for him to be white proper. If you can't see that–or the problem with normalizing this phenotype for a bit of passing memetic value–you don't belong here.

And unless it's to point out his mischling phenotype, enough w/ the McLovin bullshit, faggots.

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File: 81e7470d56d8b56⋯.webm (3.92 MB,640x360,16:9,911.webm)


>literally claims the policy to start war with iran is a virus pdf




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File: 6fa22315436f3fe⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,500x577,500:577,walmart shooter meme 2.jpg)

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File: 25b88a5972ad27b⋯.png (118.28 KB,1366x768,683:384,coincidence.png)


That's just a (((coincidence))), goys

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What makes him a mestizo faggot? No one is even close to as bad as the jew. Non-whites are animals that can be easily dealt with if we had control of our governments. The jew is the root of the problem, anyone who doesnt point to zog isnt on our side.

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He's not half as entertaining, heroic, or interesting as our Lord and Saviour Tarrant was.

Tarrant was charming, handsome, and intelligent. He had goals, he had aspirations, and everything he said would happen did. This is just some whiny kid shooting up beaners in a walmart. If /pol/ accepts this fag then we've really fallen low.

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With how many copycats there have been in less than six months after Tarrant’s shooting I imagine that soon we’ll be posting huge images of the disciples soon

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>our Lord and Saviour Tarrant was.

Jesus fuccking christ this is /ptg/-tier humor. Tarrant was a fucking kike asset, or else a useful idiot.

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>20+ kills

>not laudable

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No white man who killed 20 beaners is a fag in my book, so kys jew

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File: 1a912e237c9ad4c⋯.png (1.89 MB,695x710,139:142,disgustmchan.png)

File: 81ae3840ae0c5bf⋯.jpg (51.84 KB,831x799,831:799,honkler.jpg)

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Only Bowers was based. Breivik was a literal Zionist. Kys.

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Kys nupol

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Thats not him dude... just wait for the trial for better pics, but we have others already from the arrest

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the left cant meme

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File: bb1eb2688335359⋯.png (386.59 KB,470x451,470:451,Capture _2019-03-02-05-32-….png)


It's a gradual process, you don't start naming the Jew in an instant. The brainwashing has been happening for over a hundred years with the likes of liberalism, egalitarianism, Marxism infesting my peoples mind often from cradle to grave, generation to generation.

The awakening takes years to come into effect. You're certainly no strategist (not that you're aiming to) so I wouldn't waste anymore time on you parrot spic.

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Swallow that joo joo cum.

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>tarrant was a kike

sure he was

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File: 367c2fec74a4520⋯.pdf (5.42 MB,OKC Bombing Case Overview,….pdf)


^ mossad is telegraphing its plans folks


>imagine pretending to be a /pol/ack and not being overwhelmingly aware of timothy mcveigh's army psyops background or the kikes on this list

hey what's this file about?

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why are there so many kikes shit talking patrick ITT? or do we have beaners that think they can be /pol/lacks too?

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File: 1308f35c9782b49⋯.png (35.63 KB,583x303,583:303,Even a nigga can see.png)


It's false-flags all the way down.


STFU, glownigger. /pol/ isn't a person or an entity to emit a open letter supporting or condemning something.

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mcveigh was a patsy tho. the ATF scored 168 not him

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File: 0638652e2cdadd9⋯.jpg (17.81 KB,403x403,1:1,skeptic come on now.jpg)

strong aztlan damage control

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/pol/ is flooded with nonWhites of all sorts. It's no surprise they're pissed today.

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>Tariq Nasheed


>what are gunshot sound echos

>what is dumb beaners mistaking police for shooters

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Not mention the jew makes you an enemy of whites.

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File: dd5a0650feb7ed2⋯.png (215.04 KB,642x361,642:361,1551287147415.png)

File: 4422be2439b4621⋯.png (63.5 KB,442x162,221:81,1551288293472.png)

File: 688a962a7c34602⋯.jpg (91.33 KB,607x640,607:640,kittykike.jpg)


>>13565483 <- lol at least they organize their filenames


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And why would that be, Shlomo?

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Shills come out in droves whenever a /pol/ user effort posts IRL. Just remember the literal FBI agents that were revealed to be in the Earnest thread. The FBI and newfags are flooding this thread right now and desperately trying to deradicalize

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is this the /b/nigger that's always bitching about tarrant?

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Oh look who is still there, the son of a kike diplomat, a jew with family in israel who larped online as a shia muslim, the luby's massacre guy who was mad at some lady and hated women who has nothing to do with anything pol related, ...

should I go on?

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based meme

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Bowers shot himself.

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He's a hero. More and more it is made clear by these heros that the Civil War II ERUPTS, for the sake of their white ancestors and the founding fathers, who would completely endorse his actions 100%. As was done in previous generations (like wounded knee) soft targets were fair game if it was the only option and was to advance the race. These soft targets knew they were invading, they have no recourse to ignorance.

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>i agree with the retarded nigger on twitter!


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File: 5075c41ec1dec5e⋯.jpg (106.74 KB,530x696,265:348,.facebook_1500498645096.jpg)

File: 091a75b95cd9027⋯.jpg (311.58 KB,697x671,697:671,KICK-THE-ILLEGALS-OUT-3.jpg)


Feeling salty today spicky?

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>more and more lone-wolf mass shooters attempt to follow in Brenton's footsteps

>we're winning!

>more and more shitskins begin to flood white countries

>w-w-w-why isn't anything happening

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looks like a bloody wog mate

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File: f9d20401c4c987c⋯.png (268.96 KB,773x902,773:902,FBI_Epstein_1.png)



"Don't name the jew, it takes time. Shoot random brownies. I know strategy and you're not strategist."


Oh hey look what's still in the news…

Please, don't think about this…. think about how the WHITE RACISTS on 8CHAN are so evil and they shoot MESSICANS! lol

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>more and more shitskins begin to flood white countries

20 more were just deported to hell today

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File: b557965b92bc30e⋯.jpg (25.38 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

File: 759bd8d19fba9fa⋯.jpg (36 KB,855x480,57:32,crusius.jpg)


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>it was a false flag




same shit different thread. get btfo in one and run to another.

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>literally does exactly what saint tarrant said we should do

>muh /pol/ falling low

fuck off you weak dog

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While hundreds more continue to come in a day.

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File: 932b7b41626606e⋯.jpg (22.54 KB,320x372,80:93,8d72180c7b6c81e74f83271692….jpg)

File: 4c1f7a3420555b0⋯.jpg (1.68 MB,2400x1800,4:3,185533.jpg)

File: dd6fec81dab717f⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,702x890,351:445,ifunny watermark.jpg)

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call trump

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and that means nothing should be done? you people are PATHETIC

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File: b14c0f713b9a5bd⋯.png (273.57 KB,642x360,107:60,1564886178746.png)

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I think there is not one anon here who, after seeing the jewish tempertantrum when Saint Brenton cleansed that mosque, believes any of this pathetic shill rhetoric.

The amount of bullshit thrown at this board

>muh planted mags

>muh shoes change color

>CGI bullets

>"second shooter" false arrest

>fake videos from some mud country

>the unsourced veteranstoday fake news

etc. was a real eye-opener to men. To me its clear as day: Feds don't like fascist terrorism. They want it gone, and they shill hard to suppress the radicalization of /pol/. I think its useless. But i still think it s quite funny how they keep trying.

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File: 10d221b904d2ef9⋯.jpg (113.4 KB,362x599,362:599,funny-mclovin-movie-quote-….jpg)

Can you niggers edit this.

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What? So he can let more in legally?


What's "being done" isn't enough to put white birthrates above replacement level or lower immigration below safe levels.

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>implying we want to lone-wolf genocide shitskins

>what is destabilization

>what is creating a climate of fear

>what is forcing the government to react

>what is pressuring moderates

>what is accelerationism

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File: cdcb5256f18cea9⋯.jpeg (108.31 KB,600x769,600:769,bz-5cf93b0ec1982.jpeg)

Any legitimate "8chan" shooter would first and foremost, name the kike. Secondly, the last thing they would mention is 8chan as that would absolutely destroy the initiative. Third, they wouldn't wait until the ideal time to boost the socialist voting block. Fourth, they wouldn't get caught because they'd cut the fucking power to the town. Fi-…

You know what, fuck it. Kikes love pretending they're white.

Anyways we'd much rather have babies and rebuild the towns we live in than go shooting random people of an unaffiliated demographic that isn't itself at war with us already.

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Why should white people want to bring children into a deracinated world full of crime, horrors and degeneracy?

What needs to happen is the following: The anti-white system needs to be crushed. Then our race will heal and grow again.

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You people are disgusting. You're also cowards. Every single person here that praises that incel hogshit snarfing idiot that shot up a Walmart, but doesn't go out and do so themselves is a wretched little punk that hides behind his keyboard goading others to do what they themselves don't have the balls to do.

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File: 7c0f7f39228cf46⋯.jpg (78.87 KB,362x599,362:599,10d221b904d2ef9efc778cd7de….jpg)


go you jewish fam

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>The anti-white system needs to be crushed. Then our race will heal and grow again.

I agree with that, but there is more to it than shooting random spics and niggers anon.

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File: 37bcb511a5852f9⋯.png (98.46 KB,600x377,600:377,mexican.png)


He's a spic judging by how much he's sperging out that people are noticing & taking the demographic warfare going on with the seriousness it deserves. Southern Texas was 99.9% White European before the second world war, now it's like 10%. And non-Whites like Blacks are starting to realise they can benefit (short term) from attacking us with immunity. They're just as parasitical as Jews, they just can't master their parasitical ability like them for their IQ's are borderline.

You're the type of retard who would say focus on the Jews who opened the borders of Toledo Spain a thousand years ago instead of the Muslims waiting to pillage & plunder your land already within the gates.

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It's time to be more productive and start discussing the framework for a new government born of the coming civil possibly revolutionary war

We are the new founding fathers. What we hammer out In threads like this will have a better than even chance of making it into a final draft of a new nations constitution.

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Thanks fam.

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the projection in this post is unreal

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File: 4d03a6adcfca541⋯.jpg (343.24 KB,624x810,104:135,uk.jpg)


No its really that simple. Kill your enemies. Invaders, traitors, politicians. Just kill them.

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File: 78ee3f706162586⋯.jpg (38.22 KB,601x601,1:1,1400593232575.jpg)


I keep googling "Kalergi plan" and I can't find the nudes.

Someone help?

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Oh fuck my mistake. He didn't suicide. 0 deaths.

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McLovin' really did it? No way.

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>muh birf rates

>he doesn't understand r/K selection

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Just read the manifesto.


I don't have many thoughts on it really. It's very short and looks very rushed - e.g. there are some typos. He doesn't show much fear which is interesting. The way he lists his gear is pretty cold.

>I didn’t spend much time at all preparing for this attack. Maybe a month, probably less. I have do this before I lose my nerve. I figured that an under-prepared attack and a meh manifesto is better than no attack and no manifesto

Seems a bit strange how rushed it all was. I thought this next attack would have been more carefully prepared ala Breivik

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File: 7c6eeb692049de8⋯.jpg (390.61 KB,470x778,235:389,Codreanu-Checked.jpg)


checked & heil'd

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mutually exclusive

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>birf rates

>muh spelling things like a retard (freeze peach ect)

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File: aaffaf5da733dfb⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,540x720,3:4,f8c8c79ecd5c52c240ba700ed3….jpg)

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File: 17b2b947769c47c⋯.png (86.7 KB,298x228,149:114,gang.png)

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it even "sages" multiple times just like every jidf

they dont even know what sage means rofl

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you're replying to yourself you dumb kike

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>don't spell things like a retard to mock retards

fuck off nigger

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>implying we want to lone-wolf genocide shitskins

I understand there are users who aren't total retards on here that have better ideas than this, I was suggesting lone-wolf shooters aren't much to get excited over. As for all the other goals, your head is in the right direction but we don't have everything we need at this time to carry out all those.


You have the right idea, but we need to start at the top before we handle the shit at the bottom.

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>please tell me what sage means

lurk more

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>mocking them like a 10 year old

just spell it normal and call them nigger, nigger

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I know what r/K selection is. What makes you think it will be mass implemented though?

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>That dysgenic piece of shit


Good luck making anybody believe it, media.

Angry half breeds are responsible for most "mass shootings"

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File: 515ffa617351ca7⋯.jpg (22.77 KB,500x338,250:169,fuck you nigger 2.jpg)


>He's not half as entertaining, heroic, or interesting as our Lord and Saviour Tarrant was.

look how disconnected this do-nothing ironybro faggot is. the point isnt entertainment nigger, its terrifying the enemy. seriously kill yourself, the fate of America isn't your TV show. do back to the Daily Shiller and post clown world memes you life failure.

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File: bc9e67d1243896f⋯.png (1.11 MB,800x750,16:15,ClipboardImage.png)












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Still not a white person

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>I thought this next attack would have been more carefully prepared ala Breivik

Anyone who was inspired enough by Tarrant to prepare in the manner of Breivik probably won’t drop an effort post until 2021-23 if they were serious

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>he thinks it's something that one implements

jesus christ

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Retard. I don't know if you're a boomer who came here from some t_d tier subreddit, or a zoomer from 4cucks, but whichever it is, your inexperience and lacking perspective is showing.

> jews want a goy war

Yes, but not all goy wars are preferable to them. They want a goy war in a controlled environment in the middle east leveling a neighbour they can expand to and replace once they're all dead. So there is weaponry to be made and used in an area far away from their power centers in UK and US. The last thing they want, is an actual open civil war on American or British soil because oy vey, they could get caught in the crossfire. And there's been many instances of spics turning on kikes, god forbid a scenario be created where Whites take up arms and become willing to kill kikes on sight and the only thing keeping them alive are spics who are two steps away from doing the same.


> If he doesn't bring up the kikes in every single line he's an enemy

He was a cuckservative. Either that or a civnat. But that isn't relevant here, since what he did was still useful to us in all the right ways. Spics and other non-Whites still see a White person fighting back and killing them. You don't know what that does to a person with a guilty conscience. It also spurs on kikes and kike collaborators like yourself to double down on rushing through all these crackdowns they had already prepared.

And that last part is another thing you limp-wristed weaklings need repeated over and over: THERE IS A REASON IT'S CALLED 'ACCELERATIONISM' Every bill, every resolution, every action taken in response to acts of self-defense such as Saint Patrick, are things that were going to happen either way. But instead of the slow boil, there are instant bursts of it. Bursts so fast and enormous that it makes cuckservative Whites like you panic. It gives you a reality check on a lot of things you spent many years too ubncomfortable to talk or think about. Sure, each time, you blame the warrior who spurred the powers that be into that burst, but it forces you to see the writing on the wall. Which is part of exactly what we want.

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good, you're learning

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Who cares? He killed a bunch of spics. Thats a net positive!

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>gets caught shilling

>changes topic to something arbitrary to deflect

last one

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Also, that shooter isn't white to begin with.

Browns acting on our behalf isn't our fucking problem.

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stop bumping this FEDpost

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>gud u lrn

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I don't mind, but don't let the media spin this as "white terrorism"

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I took a moment to research the Crusius surname. It was popular among a certain class of intellectuals in Germany to latinize their names from Krauss to Crusius. Krauss is a surname evolved from the word for curly hair, there are several spelling variations. It denoted a person with a jewfro whose ancestors were probably migrants from bohemian lands. So I'm not saying he's a jew just that he could make a strong case for israeli citizenship.

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add filter ID +

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File: bf74822e41c11de⋯.jpg (5.26 KB,150x200,3:4,Harold Covington 4.jpg)

This is another case of "same shit, different asshole".

This Crusius Jew is the second coming of his fellow false flagger Tarrant.

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>He doesn't show much fear which is interesting.

He did sound really nervous in the original thread, which makes sense, but he didn't let the nerves stop him. He might have done it in a month which is definitely reflected in his writing (St. Tarrant's manifesto is a 2nd draft from an earlier one about 200 pages long), but he does rank 25th out of the top 50. Not bad at all.

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File: 69d4a054200a80e⋯.png (482.23 KB,419x559,419:559,1563240065119.png)

guys the journalists are all over this place, if u arent posting any media with ur text add on some gore.

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Fucking look at him.

That's a jew if I ever saw one.

That or a spic mutt and the last name is actually Cruz.

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File: d5ce89d5856c689⋯.png (566.89 KB,642x601,642:601,1564887617553.png)

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Bruh you shouldn't talk to the future of america that way, whitebois will get their skull bashed in numbers once Trump leaves office.

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Time to up the dose of your antipsychotics boomer-kun

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Yet another waterhead doped up to his eyes on "antipsychotics." How many "eyewitnesses" will also have been present at one of the many other ABC agency false flags?

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Tarrant did nothing wrong.

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Motherfucker looks like he could be running the local kosher bagel shop or stealing your money as an investment banker.

He's the Jewiest looking Jew that I've ever fucking seen next to Jew Fogel of Subway pedophile fame.

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>i fltr u


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Thats because Tarrant did nothing at all.

The video was a staged hoax.

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that's a nice edit

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Here's your single opportunity to demonstrate you can communicate with other people here like a normal human being would. Describe what necessary features a genuine attack would have.

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Sure, and also Stephan Ernst.

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We'll have to wait until the painters are done.

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the goy v goy war is already here dumdum. it's absolutely kosher and praisable to bash white people in any form. the only nonwhite group that could even potentially be allies are asians (and I do not mean pajeets or their inbred cousins). still, all nonwhites want to take our countries, our land, our women and our future. this cold war has been going on for at the very least 15 years now. every dead nonwhite at the hands of a white is a good thing, and I must add if what people say is true and crusius isn't white, the deaths of nonwhites at the hands of nonwhites is, dare I say, an even better thing.

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File: 8f404636c1ee961⋯.jpg (64.36 KB,480x269,480:269,checked.jpg)


checked & heil'd, AGAIN.

Are you kwans starting to get it or does he have to come down and crack you upside the head?

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File: 4ff87fe8601cf8a⋯.png (72.03 KB,644x499,644:499,priceless.png)

This is fun


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Yes apparently the file was uploaded here an hour before the shooting. When EXACTLY did the shooting first happen?

Cross-thread replies (in https://8ch.net/pol/res/13563973.html):




I downloaded the file linked in this post and on my crappy Amazon Fire table ES file manager says the file was "Modified" 8/3/2019 09:01:22 PM.

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I just think that if it was an op for the sake of blaming the white terror boogieman, his handlers would have had his hair bleached and given him blue or green contact lenses.

He would have still looked like a mutt to the trained eye though.

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Good, we need more traffic.

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do your own research journokike

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File: 1b4928ad70806f8⋯.png (338.04 KB,515x422,515:422,Let_Me_Go_Shut_It_Down.png)


I think half of this thread are JIDF proxies replying to each other. Everyone who was in the early Brenton Tarrant threads will remember that it was exactly like this. A sudden flood of people countersignalling him, usually engaging in one of three activities:

- trying to push a false flag narrative by utilizing fake and fraudulent evidence (CGI bullets, magazines supposedly planted in the mosque) and by questioning the ideological purity of the motivation

- assassinating the fascist combatants character (he's a loser, he can't get laid, he's a kike, he's stupid etc.)

- trying to convince others of the pointlessness of fasxist terrorism / accelerationism by deliberately strawmanning its goals ("if you kill 20 beaners, thousands more will come,goy", "this will make you look bad, goy", "they will ban guns now, goy")

Two weeks later, the amount of shills was much smaller, but they were still around in the Brenton threads. Now, all of sudden, the board is full of this scum again. These people are paid shills who push narratives all around the internet, and they have been directed here in the light of the current events.

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Does anyone else think it is an odd coincidence that this happened specifically in El Paso, when Antifa has been planning to 'Seige El Paso" on Sept 1?


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Holy shit I'm so retarded, th at says PM and not AM.

Regardless, in what thread was the manifesto first posted.

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Funny how this happens when /pol/ was legitimately dying. Wonder if based boomer Jim has something to do with it

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It's a war we can't win without control of the government. Jews have to be te focus always. Only when Jews are removed from power can we do anything about non white goys.

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Finally, unlocked.

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File: d710bb93cb52bb1⋯.jpg (2.31 KB,125x78,125:78,1436982578057s.jpg)


The latest manifesto didn't even mention the Jews……. Did she even read it?

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File: 2fc27114dd6323b⋯.png (38.54 KB,309x433,309:433,3c64551e6ba66bbebe3ed16e58….png)

When is the moonman song coming out?

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You're misreading it.

Tarrant: mudslimes

Ernest: jews

Crusius: spics

3 people, three subhumans she mentioned.

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File: 31178ba3a60512d⋯.gif (105.23 KB,511x512,511:512,Honkler.gif)

Put me on the screencap, FBI.

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Chinks are too dumb to realize that if 8chan shutdown the Jews’ pressure-release valve would not exist anymore and probably cause RWDS at a much higher rate than what we’re currently seeing.

So much for chink IQ

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They probably already got you in the 2nd thread (first one made by Patrick was deleted fast)

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you guys suck, i wish someone would shoot you

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File: c0acc63740e18a9⋯.jpg (46.83 KB,468x253,468:253,02384903284.jpg)

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>no u, the post

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Nice. Ernst doesn't get enough recognition so I'm happy you added him too.

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Don't let the press and the glowniggers know about the Jimhad.

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Everybody's *Least* Favorite Kike is Back!


The El Paso Shooting and the Gamification of Terror:

by Robert Evans (Mossad kike)

On August 3, 2019, at around 11am local time, initial police reports indicated that a gunman had walked into an El Paso Wal-Mart and opened fire. As of the publication of this article, at least eighteen people have died and several others have been injured. One victim was a four-month old infant. As we’ve seen with two other mass shootings this year, the killer announced the start of his rampage on 8chan’s /pol board. The poster also attached a four-page manifesto to the post, along with a document in his original post that included his name — Patrick Crusius. Looking to an archived copy of the 8chan post, we can see that the post was made at the Unix time of 1564848920, which converts to August 3, 2019 at 4:15pm (UTC) — or, in local El Paso time (UTC-6), 10:15am, just before the first reports surfaced of a shooting in El Paso.

While all of this could technically be an extremely elaborate hoax, it would require the poster to know the suspect’s name well ahead of time. Additionally, there is the fact that the post was made before any public reports of a shooting, and even longer before the name of the suspected shooter was released to the public, and included information that matched the attack (model of weapon, targeting a heavily-Hispanic area). This original 8chan thread was deleted almost immediately by site moderators, who by now have gotten quite experienced at pulling mass shooting threads from their website. The archived version of the post has only three responses. The first is an anon claiming that 8chan is a “board of peace” which does not condone violence. This phrasing is a meme among the anons; a mocking reference to statements that Islam is a “religion of peace”. The next poster after that said simply, “Every shabbat”, expressing his hope that mass shootings like this happen every weekend.

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Right, I missed that.

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File: 94702528c8dd405⋯.gif (1.34 MB,320x240,4:3,HG23SS2.gif)

I wish the mods would make up their damn mind on which thread is the real one.

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While this original thread was removed quite quickly, other anons have continued to post copies of the shooter’s post and links to his manifesto. I found this post roughly two hours after the shootings:

This poster and several others lambasted the shooter for his “shitty” and “0 effort manifesto”. There is nothing new in this killer’s ramblings. He expresses fears of the same “replacement” of white people that motivated the Christchurch shooter, and notes that he was deeply motivated by that shooter’s manifesto. In the article I wrote after the Poway Synagogue shooting I noted that 8channers had dedicated a great deal of time to spreading that manifesto, in an effort to inspire more shooters. The El Paso shooting is further proof that this strategy works.

A number of social media profiles for the arrested shooter have been found on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. These profiles are consistent with one another, and align with details that police have released about the shooter. His Twitter profile, left fallow since April 2017, suggests that at that time he projected the image of a relatively normal Trump-supporting Republican.

The El Paso shooter’s manifesto and 8chan post show his radicalization and turn towards white suprematism, the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto, and the video of his massacre, likely acting as major influences in his eventual attack. The most important takeaways from the El Paso shooting are twofold:

8chan’s /pol board continues to deliberately radicalize mass shooters.

The act of massacring innocents has been gamified.

This second point is illustrated clearly by some of the comments I found online in the wake of this shooting. In this discussion thread, after one anon posts screenshots of the El Paso shooter’s thread, another asks, “Is nobody going to check these incredible digits?” This statement is likely a reference to the shooter’s substantial body count. [Update: Or, also possible, a reference to the repeating “14” in a post ID, referencing the 14 words, or more benignly, “dubs” of repeating digits on post IDs]

If you have not spent hours upon hours reading /pol, that statement might not be particularly legible, but within the context of months of posting the meaning is clear. Ever since the Christchurch shooting spree, 8chan users have commented regularly on Brenton Tarrant’s high bodycount, and made references to their desire to “beat his high score”. For example, this image macro was passed around rather regularly in the months after the shooting:

The image title was “beatmyscore.png”.

What we see here is evidence of the only real innovation 8chan has brought to global terrorism: the gamification of mass violence. We see this not just in the references to “high scores”, but in the very way the Christchurch shooting was carried out. Brenton Tarrant livestreamed his massacre from a helmet cam in a way that made the shooting look almost exactly like a First Person Shooter video game. This was a conscious choice, as was his decision to pick a sound-track for the spree that would entertain and inspire his viewers.

The Poway Synagogue shooter attempted to copy Tarrant in both these tactics, posting a musical playlist along with his shooting. At this point it is unknown as to whether or not the El Paso shooter attempted to livestream his massacre, but posts like this on 8chan suggest that anons tried to claim the shooter as “ourguy” and tried to brigade live chats of news coverage of the event (the YouTube link was for live coverage of the shooting).

Here, some anons reference to the shooter as “ourguy”, despite the fact that later in the thread other anons attempt to spread claims that the shooter’s manifesto was a fake. Immediately below that is yet another reposting of the El Paso shooter’s manifesto.

Due to the “unique” tenor of conversations on /pol and the density of absurd memes 8chan is known for, observers might be compelled to view what’s happened here as more unique and novel than it truly is. The three 8chan massacres do represent an evolution in far-right violence, but they are very much tied to a decades-long tradition of murder. We can see this even in the obsession with “high scores”.

On April 19, 1995, right-wing extremist Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb outside the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. Four years later, in 1999, Erik Harris and Dylan Klebold killed thirteen of their classmates in Columbine High School in Colorado. Prior to masterminding the attack Erik Harris wrote constantly of his dedication to Hitler and Nazi ideology. Dave Cullen, a journalist who studied the attacks and combed through Harris’s journals, noted that the young killer was also obsessed with Timothy McVeigh.

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>The next poster after that said simply, “Every shabbat”, expressing his hope that mass shootings like this happen every weekend.

Only a Jew could draw this conclusion from those two words

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Cullen writes:

“In his journal, Eric would brag about topping McVeigh. Oklahoma City was a one-note performance. McVeigh set his timer and walked away. He didn’t even see his spectacle unfold.”

Harris and Klebold did not beat McVeigh’s “high score” in their lifetimes. But to date the Columbine attacks have inspired at least 74 copy-cat attacks, which have killed 89 people and injured 126 more. This is the way far right terrorism works: it is foolish, bordering on suicidal, to attribute attacks like the El Paso shooting or the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting to “lone wolves”. Both shooters were radicalized in an ecosystem of right-wing terror that deliberately seeks to inspire such massacres.

The Gilroy shooter specifically referenced “Might is Right”, a white supremacist text by “Ragnar Redbeard”. PDFs of this book have been deliberately spread on 8chan and 4chan for years, and it has become even more popular in the wake of the Gilroy shooting.

8chan’s /pol board is regularly host to threads filled with right wing extremist literature. This thread, posted fewer than two weeks after the Christchurch massacre, includes a copy of an audiobook of The Turner Diaries, a work of fascist speculative fiction that lays out how a right-wing insurgency based around seemingly random acts of terror could bring down the United States government.

The Turner Diaries was the favorite book of Timothy McVeigh. He cited passages from it directly in the manifesto he carried with him after bombing the Murrah building.

In the wake of the Christchurch shooting I published my first Bellingcat article about 8chan. I was interviewed by numerous media agencies about the website, and I warned all of them that additional attacks would follow – every month or two – until something was done. This prediction has proven accurate. Until law enforcement, and the media, treat these shooters as part of a terrorist movement no less organized, or deadly, than ISIS or Al Qaeda, the violence will continue. There will be more killers, more gleeful celebration of body counts on 8chan, and more bloody attempts to beat the last killer’s “high score”.

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Let’s meet then you racist fucks.

Let’s meet.

September 11

Downtown Houston.

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File: 6c32b74eb3d4ae1⋯.jpg (122.05 KB,846x571,846:571,6c32b74eb3d4ae1dd1e3510734….jpg)

File: 8e2be0df77dde55⋯.png (1.49 MB,1080x785,216:157,8e2be0df77dde55714f005d8e6….png)

Any new infos.

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so to walk into shooting gallery?

no, lol.

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nobody cares shitskin

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If the last 15 years have taught us anything, Patrick Cruzius doesn’t exist.

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you're not wrong, but one of the ways to remove them from power is showing the public how strong of a horse we are. once they see we have strength and the ability to use it they will start taking our side seriously. planning to dethrone kikes by killing 1 or 2 important ones (if that, these walking pair of nostrils have the money for security) at a time on suicide missions is not something to focus solely on. don't get me wrong, a few important assassinations can work wonders on the general public's conscience but it should be just one of many attack pathways until there is large enough militia to regularly attack and dethrone them.

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File: abd8fc0c917a8a5⋯.png (50.47 KB,812x1152,203:288,pepe removes kebab.png)


Since her name is Wong does this mean the next shooter is gonna fry the rice?

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File: 4880c6ed809f28c⋯.png (85.91 KB,1000x500,2:1,image0.png)


I'm confused, are all white people racists or do you need to agree to meet them?

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the myth of him sure does now though.

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checked and agreed. nice break down of tactics

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Whoever does it is gonna be a non-white anyway.

Even if they do it for our collective interests.

White terror doesn't real.

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>didn't name the Jew

>no video/livestream

>shitty manifesto

This event was not meme worthy.

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WTF I don't want to defend my race anymore

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good thing it wasn't your race then lmao

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File: d69d0141d46225c⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,480x360,4:3,ystle.mp4)

File: 60bd06afa506986⋯.png (575.68 KB,1026x768,171:128,zA0W.png)


shameless bump for truth

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File: 072f92b4969b79e⋯.jpg (54.43 KB,540x540,1:1,142Gj-t.jpg)


Listen up, you abinoids lucked out over the past 400 years, your time is up play how much ever mischiefs you want.


Yeah cuz whitebois wreck entire nations.lol

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Full blown jew? I wouldn't blame you.

Do like all good non-whites and self destruct for white interests.

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File: 831462505080175⋯.png (342.49 KB,397x355,397:355,check-heild.png)


checked & heil'd. It's all so tiresome.

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This is a big gummy leftist smile.

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No whites even want to step foot in your "nations"

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File: 49f929b924a3ac6⋯.png (359.62 KB,600x580,30:29,pepe-transparent-laugh-1.png)


>The act of massacring innocents has been gamified.


>This second point is illustrated clearly by some of the comments I found online in the wake of this shooting. In this discussion thread, after one anon posts screenshots of the El Paso shooter’s thread, another asks, “Is nobody going to check these incredible digits?”

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Holy shit is that his Dad?

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>not realizing those are edited photos

New/pol/ is so dumb

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The idea that brown invaders are innocent is laughable to begin with.

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File: f20a7300ccc3253⋯.jpg (57.31 KB,1244x646,622:323,IMG_20190803_233427.jpg)

Need an autist to check this

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That picture has been around for a while, idiot.

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File: 498660cf74ea01a⋯.jpg (78.17 KB,560x416,35:26,97d6cb27f73a449d93865a8f38….jpg)

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Bumping for mods listening to my reports.

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That's one badass meme. Thanks.

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Over spilled beans?

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Poor brown invaders can’t just come here by themselves, (((someone))) has to talk them into it, help them with the journey and let them in

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is this a JCrew ad or the Black Eyed Peas? What do westernized black men have to do with the El Paso shooting?

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They can literally walk across.

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That doesn't make them innocent, boomer.

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>feds can’t into humor

Pretty sure that was always his dad, anon

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File: 665237d11788b02⋯.png (2.36 MB,1600x1860,80:93,ClipboardImage.png)

this is his picture from cnn

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File: 679abefd6b0dc7f⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1600x1600,1:1,cc1bfdf3-b3ec-41c9-9250-5c….jpg)


>Hey guys, lets praise the guy who shot up a mall and a wal mart in a wealthy area instead of driving 5 more minutes to where the litteral border is in down town El Paso.

So glad /pol/ seems to be able to tell the difference between chad ethnic cleansers and FBI fed false flaggots

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He looks like a Roman Emperor.

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They can walk across only because the courts and politicians are jewed.

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Shills will never post this pic because the old one makes him look awful


>killing walmart beaners

>not ethnic cleansing

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>feds can't into humor

can't disagree with that assessment

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Still a dysgenic non-white faggot.

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File: 6c19574e5c9e74a⋯.webm (3.93 MB,640x360,16:9,german1.webm)




in all fairness, these nomadic merchant tribesman know damn well that nobody who actually spends time on this board believes this bullshit

all the mental midget-tier posts as if "this is a hero" (lol shooting up plebs at Walmart?) - this is all meta posting for journalists and governments and potential court cases

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File: 6cfbfbe6c1f0e7a⋯.png (299.04 KB,1200x1321,1200:1321,7C464B7F-AD58-446D-AF53-80….png)

hello someone make a saint crusius-chan please. asking for a friend

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It's almost like he grew up.

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A spic is a spic is a spic. These ones happened to be infesting the US.


Border Patrol is also filled with spics too. It's no surprise someone would get angry seeing how blatant it is that they are flooding this country with subhuman rapists.

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File: 14e67f15eddcafb⋯.png (69.71 KB,1262x573,1262:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3afb8236d24d0af⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,1382x821,1382:821,9000 Hours in Legend Of Ze….jpg)

3 mexican nationals killed

3 mexican nationals wounded

Anybody have a good breakdown of Crusius score?

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None of this would be happening if Trump had deported millions of illegals the way he said he would. Hail Crusius! Hail our people!

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File: e44c326ddfb27a8⋯.jpg (86.57 KB,626x1024,313:512,1563838885672.jpg)


What's he going to do at the border, genius? Shoot pigeons?

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different poses glow in the dark Clown. Incompetance will be your downfall, along w treason

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I'd wager the journiggers are posting it and screencapping anybody they get to agree with their bait.

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Get killed by the border patrol agents who actively defend these pieces of shit.

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>jump the border to go shopping at walmart

>get lead poisoning instead

Probably would have got lead poisoning anyway with all the contaminated chinese shit walmart sells.

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File: 85fdbda10109300⋯.jpg (88.6 KB,861x446,861:446,4534534.jpg)


/pol/ knows its false flag by a kike or goy. The rest is just shills spamming.

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stop tying attacks to 8chan retards, larp as ISIS and kill some faggots instead.

anyways, great job saint patrick. 2019 is great so far

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It's at 20K/26W total, as far as I know. Pic related:


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Imagine being this intellectually dim

You're not better than the spics he killed

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he didn't name 8chan. you know it's disappointing reading your drivel when you posted that good mp4 here >>13565932

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There were marines from San Diego who were caught smuggling beaners across the border. I'll let you guess the race of the marines.

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spic and nigger, I remember that story

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File: 2ca80bc29fec240⋯.jpg (145.99 KB,1352x587,1352:587,Worship of Strength.jpg)

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You're a fucking retard. Most likely a fucking kike too. He explained his target choice in the manifesto, which you apparently didn't even fucking read.

>Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfill

your super soldier COD fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security

guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life

on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day.

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It's only 4 pages long this time around. There's no excuse not to have read it.

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gilroy garlic shooter and El Paso Walmart shooter, correct?

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File: 27c52c126f497b0⋯.jpeg (143.12 KB,1048x943,1048:943,b13f716f73444c85.jpeg)

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File: 2fa9a2e001f40a0⋯.png (157.85 KB,725x975,29:39,bryan c meme daddy.PNG)

http://www.dallasaddictionrecoverytherapy com/observations-prevalence-power-memes/

archived at https://archive.fo/EWAyu

His daddy was the father of memes.

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>The memeing against this kid is a huge red-flag.

There's always faggots for and against everything that gets posted. You can't let your criteria be

<someone said it's shit, therefore it's brilliant

you've got to actually use your brain and figure it out on your own.

At the moment, it's still less than a day since the shooting, and the real answer right now is to chill out and wait 'till more info comes to light before deciding you know what's going on.

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File: cc45e6ee411227e⋯.png (34.76 KB,578x423,578:423,REEEEEINTOTHENIGHT.png)

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>reasonably confident


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Game of Tyrones

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File: 62ba699168a0d6c⋯.jpg (67.85 KB,640x509,640:509,chesterbennington.jpg)

File: 7c4830229d943f5⋯.png (1.51 MB,1390x1160,139:116,1553102934464.png)

File: 853b8f070f08291⋯.jpeg (84.18 KB,768x1024,3:4,finnishpedo.jpeg)


oh the "8chan manifesto" that didn't name the kike once lol

hey i have a great idea

lets shoot people of no real importance

lets name websites the jews want banned as why we did it

lets not name any jew or anything jews are doing to us in the name of 8chan

heres some random actually true things to post about for a pic related reply

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White people are darkies you read it here first.

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Will the victims families sue 8chan?

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anyone have a copy of his manifesto?

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Fuck, 8chan's slow.

Glowniggers probably archiving a copy of it if they haven't already, and they surely have been here all day.

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>no real importance

>shitskin invaders

You'll never be able to ally with non-whites in any meaningful way, GDL.

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thanks brother!

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Blacks protecting spics? Who woulda thunk it?

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File: c91272fe2684ace⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,640x480,4:3,Mulberry_Street_Chinaman.jpg)


>our guy

Wait – I thought we called him a fag and told him to do a flip. This lady obviously doesn't archive threads that are about to get shoahed.

Also, gas gas gas bitch.

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The news networks have been running that nigger all day. He looks like a fucking gang member.

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File: 7ccf541d1e293ef⋯.jpg (107.7 KB,2048x1896,256:237,7ccf541d1e293ef8492f609913….jpg)


This. I always find it fishy that two shooters who "regularly browsed 4chan and 8chan" don't ever mention jews. For fuck's sake, "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" has been rhetoric on 4chan (and now here) for close to a decade. That's not to say they never browsed or that it's all a complete hoax, but it's still suspicious to me.

With that said,


It's also fucking evil. Any of you accelerationist cunts that push for this type of shit need to be immediately deported to the bottom of the sea.

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*running that nigger clip

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>The FBI and newfags are flooding this thread right now and desperately trying to deradicalize


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File: e6bdd75705f5e41⋯.jpg (88.6 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dershokike.jpg)


Satanic dubs say yes. They'll need a lawyer though.

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>innocent people

>spic invaders

Choose one.

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They're just posting fedbait. The US military has a problem with responding to rapid assaults on soft targets due to their philosophy of out-gunning and out-armoring everyone. The US military is a lumbering giant, and because the US law enforcement buys surplus military gear they too face similar challenges. Local departments respond faster, but 6-10 minutes is still 6-10 minutes.

>hey you pussy! why don'cha come over here and fight me like a man with all my gear on that you don't have inside my fortress with all of my buddies?

>where are you going?

>don't burn down that village!



They're literally trying to instigate people into attacking into their formation.

Death by 1,000 cuts.

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>RWDS at a much higher rate than what we’re currently seeing.

More than zero, got it.

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Well a non-white did it anyway so who the fuck even cares? Who are you trying to educate, GDL?

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I'd shoot all catposters if I had the chance.

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>this narrative again


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File: 3513f507eb9de89⋯.jpg (119.92 KB,885x1005,59:67,EBFcWYeXkAUUVF6.jpg)

Any confirmation this is his sister?

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Woke up to today and was like uwu another mass shooting

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It really does feel a lot like original sassycat.jpg which also was used by glowniggers.

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Nigger slaughter score: 9, St. Roof

Kike slaughter score: 11, St. Bowers

Spic slaughter score: 20, St. Crusius

Muslim slaughter score: 51, St. Tarrant

White liberal slaughter score: 77, St. Breivik

Faggot slaughter score: None

this is unacceptable, get to work lads and fill the empty space

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Yenta as hell

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Here's an interesting thought: If muslims never started blowing shit up and killing "innocent" people would we be in the situation today where people are waking up to jews or would we still be asleep as zog marched on?

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What about that one mudshit who went ham in florida a few years back? Omar Mateen was it?

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why is no one talking about Antifa's plans in El Paso?

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White people are the best at everything it seems

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But he wasn't white. Still a good score though.

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Mudshits do kill actual innocent people though.

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She's a qt

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File: de007a81737e4c2⋯.jpg (240.18 KB,1024x706,512:353,1562646011417.jpg)

File: 3b4cb258aa94a39⋯.jpg (292.98 KB,1024x706,512:353,1562646041684.jpg)

File: 6922db34a39cbd9⋯.jpg (327.52 KB,1024x706,512:353,1562646100525.jpg)

File: b969c2f82c4000e⋯.jpg (544.68 KB,1024x1576,128:197,1562646469093.jpg)

File: 6a7f76956b00a0b⋯.jpg (423.61 KB,1024x1576,128:197,1562646697541.jpg)


Yeah, notice how he was a mudshit how everyone seems to not care about that

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Neither was this dude.

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File: 94746334927dbf7⋯.webm (7.08 MB,480x360,4:3,moon man 49 faggots and 1….webm)


You forgot the muslime that shot up that fag night club in Orlando. 49 fags.

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He's white retard, get over it

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File: e9114d88e5d2f62⋯.jpg (145.34 KB,1024x706,512:353,5b1d46e6cf6b44b00f0039dc87….jpg)

File: 591f796eb76069e⋯.jpg (333.78 KB,1024x1576,128:197,889cef4c27afa8ff01558cfb3f….jpg)

File: 95e0018ff229d2f⋯.jpg (314.15 KB,1024x1576,128:197,7c3e79b7319a05647c5141bde7….jpg)

File: 20f89ba6c1acbd3⋯.jpg (133.63 KB,1024x706,512:353,e70a1dc9166466240dc7d99a7d….jpg)

File: d50f00ad98b2cea⋯.jpg (324.4 KB,1024x1576,128:197,e804a21cba27848b7b385a6d9c….jpg)

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Try re-reading the question and see how it relates to the comment that I was responding to.

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Sorry dude, I have eyes that work.

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File: 83877f4e4b25140⋯.png (185.31 KB,720x1209,240:403,S5h67.png)


His dad.

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File: c097f0d1e6b161e⋯.png (763.03 KB,449x570,449:570,7f5419304422decc797c6a7f02….png)

How does he keep getting away with it?

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Need more bottom dwellers to boost morale for our brave and stunning crusaders

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Mateen was a literal rentaspook whose father is on the record as an fbi informant.

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File: ccbd5b984caf7f5⋯.png (496.18 KB,885x516,295:172,checked-wray.png)


For those just tuning in, do yourself a favor and just ctrl+f 88>

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DEFINITELY at least 2 shooters possibly 3 to 4. His dad was the director of a fucking mental institution that was later shutdown for abuse and staff allowing rapes to take place. His dad is a jew. /k/ asked where he fucking had the extra magazines required to shoot 49 people - as he had no extras. Mods deleted thread.

slop job mossad

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>get shot in a gay night club

>pants are down and dick is out

imagine my shock

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File: c96d5edae7d6646⋯.jpg (117.19 KB,580x752,145:188,Untitled (7).jpg)


clearly not

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>t. fbi newfag

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I love Omar, but I could never let a Muzzie into the sainthood

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Are you retarded? His pants are down cause they searched him for IED's after they shot him

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>the blaze

>literal republicuck website fapping over nigger "hero" fantasies

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Good to see people are seeing straight through obvious muh nothing ever happens shills like >13565976

But seriously.

> shill shows up to claim no white person ever fights back (because that would reflect badly on them)

> posts christ chan reaction image

Like fucking clockwork.

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That's Omar? Didn't recognize him.

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Where have we seen this story before?


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The song's chill, at least, and though he was a shitskin, he at least did something right.


What about the fags in this >>13566154

One of them clearly has his pants down, with the white striped underwear.

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Fuck this shit

Crusius is a jew

he can burn

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Who actually believes this Jew crisis actor was a polack, much less shot anyone? They’re ramping up the “shootings” to build pressure for an assault weapons buying ban nationwide to coincide with a convenient democratic majority taking hold in the next election. They’ll continue doing them to build pressure for the next wave, confiscation. Then all the hoax events will calm down and focus will go to policing speech and such, of course still rooting out the few who hid their arms and plan on using them in the future. You know, same as Australia, just will take more work as we are still yet less cucked.

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>fda certified organic

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I heard the whites in the US were becoming extinct

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Amazing how kikes see themselves as kikes first unless that can be used against Whites, then they are grouped as Whites. Fuck him. He'll like Huntsville

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I heard you were a filthy subhuman.

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File: 781d68b2d59bb8e⋯.jpg (394.96 KB,1920x1080,16:9,fuckniggers.jpg)


That gif is as true as disgusting

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File: eca230253eeef33⋯.png (162.62 KB,692x590,346:295,1.PNG)

File: a975a89c8bd7465⋯.png (309.95 KB,698x804,349:402,2.PNG)



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For the next shooting, please pretend to be an Islamic terrorist or post your manifesto to reddit. Don't want 8chan to get (((shut down)))

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File: 310a151705ff0be⋯.mp4 (15.45 MB,488x274,244:137,Saint Earnest.mp4)

Only white people can be innocent.

Only white people can be persecuted.

Only white people can be oppressed.

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Got it pathetically wrong, there’s no tissue damage present, just fake bloodstains hastily administered to crisis actors lying there. Intermediate rounds at close range cause insane tearing of flesh, giant exit wounds etc. better luck next time yids m, although I will admit the Christ church shooting was the realest looking one yet, that could have been faked too and I’m steady on the side it was. All the other events are stupidly fake, all of them.

Burn in Hell masonic fucks.

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Fuck off, faggot

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>there's a county in Missouri unpozzed still

I bet that's a lovely place.

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Omarr takes it up the shithole

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Who said anything about being afraid, it’s just the overarching plan of kikes, they can’t eliminate the white race before they disarm it.

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>gun confiscation

Will never happen on a governmental/state level because they know that is a hornets nest getting angrier and angrier at the chipping away at the 2nd. It's only the losers that call for it know knowing the hell they would create.

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Better than Detroit, by far

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With the kvetching about what happened today I wouldn't be surprised if this place shut down sooner than later.

You should already know what you want to do with all of your free time when this place is gone.

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What a fucking waste.

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In countries that belong to them? Now you're getting it.

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It’s happening already under red flag laws, and in California and other states under retroactive bans. You shouldn’t be afraid, you should be aware it is coming and take appropriate steps. Learn, train, stockpile, and get into geocaching. And raise awareness in others whenever possible. It’s still just a ticking clock imo, you’re not gonna get out of your own lifetime without spilling blood in this conflict you faggy zoomer.

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>Shoot some mexicans in Wallmart

What a hero!

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File: 698d2fda053ae99⋯.png (50.09 KB,200x164,50:41,Le_56_Face.png)

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Watch how quick this gets memory holed in a week.

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Honestly this shouldn't be celebrated, killing of innosense isn't funny, and its not heroic. Stop inspiring people to do this.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(The original is better tbh.)

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I swear I saw a near exact copy of this post in early Tarrant threads, complete with the mad cat image.

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For what it's worth, the manifesto is up on Drudge Report.


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>I am honored to head the fight to reclaim my country from destruction

I don't know how killing spics in a malls going to save America.

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I hope the police arrest you for inciting terorism

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a newfag. fed or journalist?

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Invaders are not innocent, you stupid shitskin.

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where are these shills coming from that they can't spell?

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families aren't invaders

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Neither. Just wondering why everyone's cheering for a queer that killed some spics

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File: 09b6e1dd8ca377b⋯.jpg (1.5 MB,2000x2250,8:9,877f149407135afa8ed3ccfb2b….jpg)


>doesn't link to it

hey here's a pic-related that your tribe is trying to distract from with this retarded "kill the beaners" bullshit

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Assad is not white nor based. Kys muslim nigger

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Shitskins don't belong in the US, shitskin.

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because they're evil to the core, theyre cancer, theyre the deep seeded problem with our world

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I was going to post this in one off the 404 threads but I see some anons arguing over the shooter and Mexicans so I can't think of a better place to post this, sorry if it is off topic though:


"I mean I've said before that it was inevitably going to happen. I'm not surprised, I understand why. I've always been a staunch supporter of the white race and the country. But to say all Mexicans are allies to whites is foolish. I mean, speaking as an Hispanic the others I know are nothing but hostile to America and to whites. They always hated them both. They always have strong patriotism for Mexico even when they're born and raised here. They're degenerates, no better than niggers. If anything, white Spaniards are better and have a better chance of adapting but the Mestizo don't. I understand why it's happening, Mexicans are parasites invading the nation. And as I mentioned here >>>/pol/13564015 those who don't fight back will go the way of whites in North Africa.

Sometimes violence is cruel, violence is brutal, sympathy and compassion goes along way but not far enough. It cannot be met when the people you're trying to be compassionate and sympathetic towards have none towards you."

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The Tarrent chad vs the Curtis virgin

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Cry more.

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File: c7a7e33acbeab9b⋯.png (3.33 MB,2000x1998,1000:999,White_on_White_(Malevich,_….png)


>white suprematism

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I'll incite as many nonwhites to shoot other nonwhites as I want and you'll never be able to spin it against whites no matter how many articles you write, journiggers.

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not my fault you're easy to spot

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File: d3cb6987abd52af⋯.jpg (56.34 KB,540x960,9:16,1564891651727.jpg)

someone just posted this on cripplechan

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I cannot support this shooter for various reasons.

#1 Shart in the Mart walmart shooter

#2 Shooting not at a synagogue

#3 Didnt shoot a high level anti-white politician(any of them of any party really)

#4 wholly unprepared, shitty "manifesto"

#5 low score

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i think you might have fucked up

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kys phoneposter

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Need a meme playing on the theme of a door-busters sale . Its not black Friday is redpill Saturday


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I'm not a journalist mate. It's just pathetic that thinking killing people in a mall is going to incite great change

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Convenient when Antifa is supposed to !Siege El Paso! on Sept 1.

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am i dead yet

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File: 6d94d952e664b88⋯.gif (492.18 KB,500x281,500:281,gimmie a fucking break.gif)


>i'm not a journalist i swear

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I don't care if it does or not.

non whites killing each other is funny.

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Great change can come out of many small changes, fag.

Is the shitty paycheck worth it?

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>Great change can come out of many small changes

Nice cope. Hopefully the next spree killer reads this: target the actual people in charge, not some faggots in a mall

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when people die its NOT funny

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>copenigger is a journalist

it all makes sense now

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File: 5ddad61e388e736⋯.png (1.64 MB,1000x1000,1:1,9fd88cc25f03d214cdc51831f6….png)


We'll never forget our heros.

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It's hilarious.


It happened in a walmart, not in a mall. The mall was just nearby. You really are retarded.

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I'm not a burger so I wouldn't know.

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File: ca7de3946146ef9⋯.webm (1.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,BTFO.webm)

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You're still a faggot.

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I guess you newfaggots forgot when some guy showed up at comet ping pong with a gun, and guess what?


And when some boomer showed up to drag queen storytime with a gun.


Not to mention your narrative used to be


And then earnest and bowers went after them, guess what?


There will probably be a shooting within the next year and some politician or banker or someshit gets killed(because you keep asking for it) and I am 100% sure you'll be here spamming shitty photoshops and screaming false flag for years just like every other time.

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I couldn't care. Spree shooters are pretty pathetic.

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What have you done with your life to not make you a pathetic piece of shit?

Enlighten us.

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File: ba1c0b9c72c0f9a⋯.pdf (336.69 KB,mozilla.pdf)


>homosexuality celebrated

>transgenderism celebrated

>teaching kids blowsjobs and buttsex celebrated

>killing unborn celebrated

>non-white race-shootings happen every day

>gangs of latinos grenading each other and spraying american towns with machine gun fire

oh but the jewish kid who kills some spics at a walmart as a psyop is what made you have a conscience. tell me about his dad why don't ya

huwhat's this?



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you seem nervous kike mod what's the matter.

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The only nonwhites that qualify as people are asians specifically japs.

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fuck off, people like you should be in prison

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File: 90935935c264d9c⋯.jpg (6.41 KB,225x225,1:1,images.jpg)

File: 7b2b28b07312575⋯.jpg (120 KB,1484x1118,742:559,UOXHZNT6XQI6RO3LYHFWSHYUAI.jpg)


He has the same mouth and nose as Alan Dershowitz

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"people" like you don't belong in my country.

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File: 52aa488ec6ea6fb⋯.mp4 (14.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,MSNBC.mp4)

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>in prison for mean words

This is your mind on liberalism

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You come off like a 40 year old woman. Go back to facebook, nigger.

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Right now it's 7:53 am in Tel Aviv. Remember that when seeing all of these shills on here starting their workday.

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don't bother, it's the same nigger from /b2/ who was whining about bt for 14 hours straight and made 6 threads over here and 2 threads on /b2/.


i'm sure if you keep forcing it the meme will stick

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why isnt there a 3rd thread? what the fuck is this thread lock faggotry?

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There's no evidence Tarrant or Crusius masturbated to anime. In fact if you subscribe to the Great Replacement theory it's very ironic for you to jack off to anime

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link me to the manifesto

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What a dumb argument. It's an anonymous imageboard, I can say i'm the president of a fortune 500 company that fucks broads like there's no tomorrow. Why does it matter what I do when i'm anonymous?

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lol, just punching at MSNBC for thinking everyone does and people like Tarrant aren't going to make a difference in history.

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10 seconds in google.


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That bald guy was a GOP strategist, Rick Wilson


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Why isn't it here though

I want to read it here REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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They never send their best.


So you're just a faggot.



It's currently in another thread.

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He's an idiot. Texas has always been hispanic before it was even part of america it was part of mexico and before that is was part of New Spain. The name itself is a Spanish word. He must of always skipped history class. What a fucking loser. That's like me complaining about Hawaiians speaking Hawaiian in Hawaii. Aloha I hope he gets a public hanging. I'd pay to watch the faggot virgin die

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Checked for the guy who doesn't know how to party hard. Each of us will do what we want you boomer fuck.




Spread it! This puts antifa tards over the edge and they become a terrorist group the FBI HAS to go after. Dead beaners and fags on the run. Great win!.

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Cripplechan doesn't want to get banned (too late for that tbh)

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Got me there, still, he seemed like a shill and it's MSNBC who gave him a platform to say that.

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Thanks for this.

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ok thanks

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B-but he's saving America by killing spics in Wallmart

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Yes, he was definitely a shill

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Nice rebuttal IP hopper.

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Remember the Alamo.

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>no idea who you're poking

Considering Patrick's looks. Low IQ retards with no self awareness

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Just read it

Holy shit this kid got meme'd into it hard

I kinda feel sorry for him

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Reminder. Anglos were the illegal immigrants invading Texas before and after the revolution

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please be real

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Speaking of people who didn't go to history class - the Spanish invited whites from the American territory to move into "Tejas" for free, offering them no taxes and as an aim to incentivize civilization to be built. The white settlers were lied to. After having set up a few towns and farming and such, the Spanish government demanded taxes and that everyone disarm themselves. This is why the in 1835, the popular phrase of the revolution was akin to, "Come and Take It."

In other words, the Spanish tried to enslave the whites into taxed serfdom with no means of self defense in a territory that still had indians so that they could reap the free labor. White people fought to defend their homes and selves. Texas then later became a state of America once the southern forces were fought off.

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Reminder: Whites here don't give a shit about your subhuman lives.

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Sure, but the past is the past and Texas is now US territory and subject to Anglo law, which makes it Anglo land, whatever it was before.

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No, that's an outright lie.


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Test post . On this cracker field

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Whites like you, or whites like Patrick?

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Wow, that taxi-driver's head completely just exploded.

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File: 8ec34f103737e44⋯.png (1.99 MB,1600x900,16:9,Gross_prepares_the_Titan_i….png)


Yeah, I've heard it all before. Since your history is so great, why don't you tell it to the cartel members?

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>Why waste your breath?

I didn't, i typed them

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lol, dumb shills, nonwhites and kike puppets really do not understand that they are on our turf. weak fucking posts like "they were 'innocents'", "whites are the real invaders", and various character assassinations are not going to work here. you're just making us smug knowing that we've gotten so far under your skin that your weak posts are the only sense of solace you have left.

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>Why should white people want to bring children into a deracinated world full of crime, horrors and degeneracy?

44 years old. I consciously made decision 20 years ago not to have children. At the time I thought it would be atomic war or plague or just economic type apocalypse that would destroy the world. I had no idea it was going to be this bad.

While I am truly sorry for participating in the downfall of my fellow brethren, I sure as hell don't regret it

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File: 7dbf95331ce9832⋯.jpg (576.83 KB,2048x1295,2048:1295,7dbf95331ce9832ba9c497c105….jpg)


Bullets don't care about looks.

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Considering /pol/s MO. looks matter alot

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File: 59bc4e744f46e89⋯.gif (6.35 MB,495x415,99:83,065fb806f3c87db78daa898059….gif)

White include Hispanics. Many white hispanics you know. Canelo is whiter than many of you. Hispanic isn't a race.

Where's Luda

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nobody cares about your reddit shite opinion sweetie

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The enormous amount of shills today is a nice indication of how much they're scared and angered.

It really is a very comfy feeling.

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Same high school as picture of him here, so I'm almost positive


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Yeah, everyone who disagrees with you is a shill

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>dysgenic spic is also a dysgenic kpopper

kek, also

>white solely refers to skin color and not european heritage

let me rephrase

>braindead dysgenic spic is also a braindead dysgenic kpopper

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>Whites include Hispanic

(((government))) census methods are not how people determine who is White and who is subhuman.

It's in the genes, subhuman.

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Why do shitskins have an inferiority complex? Did you read his shitty manifesto? I don't see any mention of supremacy there.

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Prove that you're not.

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Enjoying your time here, faggot?

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Brenton was a cooler shooter

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File: 03c251d6574765a⋯.jpg (44.85 KB,500x532,125:133,IMG_20190622_153346_363.jpg)

this thread happens when you close all the mental hospitals. all the faggot virgins have a place to vent their stupidity.

racism is for faggots like patrick. stan Wjsn. Luda

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always remember to wear acoustic protection guys. if the senate would just protect the hearing protection act and deregulate suppressors this tragic loss of beaners supporting walmart, america's company, would not have happened.

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Jews think they are superior to everybody, that's why they eventually get kicked out of every country they infest.

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yes, but 22 is an extremely respectable score regardless.

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>White include Hispanics


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Reminds to much of the /co/ shooting. Wouldn't surprise me if he was a Danny Phantom fan

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What's his K:D again?

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Video of this totally legit i swear shooter's father.


>directly connected to "healers" from john of god in brazil

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File: 51e7b7295782d37⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,512x512,1:1,aiportraits_1563506195.jpg)

>race is a social construct but all white people should bear guilt for colonizing the third world

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10/10 post. truly a screencapable whitepill.

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File: c6373623d1806ba⋯.png (91.93 KB,1151x1153,1151:1153,Screenshot_2019-08-03 pol….png)

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File: 525b51358f63fd5⋯.webm (2.65 MB,320x180,16:9,The_Shooters_Father.webm)


Lol this is the shooters father and you dipshits are gunna pretend that shooting random beaners at a Walmart is worth idolizing.

You've been abolutely kiked.

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It really mirrors what was happening in the Weimar Republic, though the economy is being propped up by the (((govt and federal reserve))) instead of a full-on collapse, but, who knows how long they can lie about it while there's masses of unemployed, wages have stagnated for many years, inflation keeps killing off the purchasing power of the dollar, and meanwhile the president doesn't do shit to alleviate the issues Whites face. Then there's all the degenerate shit pushed by jews like pornography, transvestites, and more.

It's gonna explode.


At least 20 K / 0 D

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think its this

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so since assassinating patrick's character didn't work out as you planned, you decided the best course of action is to switch to assassinating the character of those around him?

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An excellent idea. It will get to the point where there will not be gun confiscation on paper or true door to door grabs, but they'll make it extremely difficult to even get one or go to the range, expensive ammo etc….a soft gun control.

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What do we even know about Patricks character?

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File: b59a21562bc15b0⋯.jpg (38.27 KB,208x322,104:161,RB.jpg)


Good Job!

pls add Robert Bowers in the meme

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File: 5c1fd713325a5e3⋯.jpg (98.66 KB,828x978,138:163,father_psych.jpg)

it's almost creepy how these weird kikey dipshits think anybody who regularly browses this board believes we'd be shooting random beaners at walmart and not naming the kike…


Anyways, check out the mental hospital his dad used to be the director of… Looks like the staff were fucking the patients in very weird ways…

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I don't think Breivik's high score will be defeated without explosives.

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File: 1c712ee62b6067d⋯.jpg (12.81 KB,250x250,1:1,uhhhh_yeah.jpg)

File: 3a921f8ed6e5cae⋯.jpg (122.49 KB,828x1290,138:215,safety_violations.jpg)

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To be honest Breivik used explosives himself. (Not to kill people but he dressed like a law enforcement officer and pointed to the bombing he previously did as an excuse to gain access)

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Looks like the shills were wrong again, Saint Brenton fruits are early and many.

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>It’s unclear exactly when the last patient will leave Timberlawn, which was once a premier mental health facility but in recent years has had safety problems, including sexual assaults.



>State Moves to Close Dallas Psychiatric Hospital After Child Raped

the shooters father was the directory at a psychiatric hospital that was shut down for child rape

he was directly connected with "healers" from john of god in brazil, the child rapist



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File: d650a12d6b1c9af⋯.jpg (134.46 KB,800x1250,16:25,d650a12d6b1c9afe62af3767c2….jpg)


So his father was a typical evangelical boomer?

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I really need to know who Sean Racca is now. I can't help it.

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>please help us to make: the perfect false flag / countermeasures against a real event


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Indeed he did, but that didn't even make a dent in his plan. His Rambo tactics on the island camp accounted for the bulk of his numbers.

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>lol virgin



Whoever made this should be taken out back and shot.

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Why weren't the feds watching this place since that Australian shooting, when did he post his stupid manifesto?

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It's fucking 4 pages long …

But i don't understand why he attacked some Mexicans instead of shooting muzzies?

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It was deleted too fast for them to notice inbetween fucking around on here.

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I'm all for free speech but women on the internet appeals to the dumbest of humanity - advances nothing but emotional drivel and sanctimonious virtue-signaling. The world is lesser with it.

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File: a0eeb21a7878d9f⋯.png (35.7 KB,878x276,439:138,cappable post01.png)

File: 255e782f8326b7d⋯.png (159.84 KB,1712x304,107:19,cappable post02.png)


> muh race is skin-deep shit

> it's defo not the homocidal and rapey tendencies they don't like, they just hate niggers because they look different




Both very cappable posts

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Obviously someone should report shit like this.

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yall need sum milk.. 0.o

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File: 2edb7d2194b3788⋯.jpg (48.54 KB,628x419,628:419,mayweather_canelo_faceoff.jpg)

There are plenty of white hispanics. you just can't see it because youre a braindead racist. Again Hispanic isn't a race it's an ethnicity, open your book. I'm pretty sure you've used a census form. This photo shows you two races. Both could be hispanic only the one on the right is. Patrick your idol is a subhuman. No matter if he's spic, kike, anglo or whatever. Idolizing a faggot virgin and hating the facts is a result of tiny dick. Btw that's mayweather & canelo

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File: e1f1c9824a25c87⋯.jpg (102.37 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563500353.jpg)

Spics aren't white.

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>Why weren't the feds watching this place

>someone should report shit like this

You're a faggot.

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"white hispanics" aren't invading the country.

They're upper crust of mexican society so they have no reason to seek gibs.

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>don't attack any targets of actual value

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File: bc593c5566dc6fd⋯.png (78.13 KB,1068x986,534:493,Bryan cv.PNG)


>But i don't understand why he attacked some Mexicans instead of shooting muzzies?



Mind control actor to appear on camera holding a rifle.

Look at his resume.

Amberton University

MA, Professional Counseling 2004 - 2006

University of Houston

BS, Management 1974 - 1980

Patrick was 8 years old when his father became a Professional Counselor. Then Bryan had some interference with John of God cultists.

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File: d1db8178af1a20a⋯.gif (164.95 KB,842x811,842:811,huwhite.gif)

File: 0bcf57322b18c94⋯.jpg (1.9 MB,1574x3408,787:1704,hu-white.jpg)


> castizos are the same as mestizos

Ironic that you would post something this ignorant and call anyone else a racist.

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why shoot mexicans or moslems when jews are the source of the problem?

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File: ab04482ee54fe3e⋯.png (831.56 KB,672x904,84:113,ScolippiAnimeInfobox.png)


Or he's the jew handler/benefactor of said evangelical boomers.

Maybe lean towards the idea that kikes control that racket.

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oh cool like 1% of the population from mexico to the tip of chile is white, how based.

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Why remove pawns or other pieces when checkmating the king is the point of chess?

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Incentives. Spics, niggers and the rest of their ilk are the biggest cowards. They only come here because they know that Whites never fucking fight back, no matter what you do to them. Strip their children of career opportunities? They cheer it on. Kill their sons? They don't fight back. Kill and rape their daughters? Don't move a muscle. And as they are here, murdering with impunity, their conscience gets loaded up with all the crimes they and their collaborators commit. All of it is predicated on Whites never, ever fighting back.

Their biggest, most primal fear, is seeing a White person unload a rifle on gleeful invaders like themselves. And then, la-di-da, what they see is a White person unloading a rifle on gleeful invaders. If you're thinking about migrating to the US to rape some girls and get some free money, you think twice about it when you notice the gringos are starting to shoot at those that did the same before you. The more of these shootings happen, the better.

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>implying npc normies walking around walmart are even pawns

They're not even pawn-level so your analogy retort is shit-tier

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Read it, it's only 4 pages long.

He basically says the Hispanic is the problem and that he wasn't inspired by trump. iirc

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You're shit tier.

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Then filter me dumbass

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Murdering innocents is the ultimate in spiritual kikery. See also: ZOG infinite wars. Nope. This kike is a kike.

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Falseflag confirmed

No one who comes here or cuckchan would ever do something like this without NAMING THE JEW.

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> muh spiritual kikes

Fuck off to /christian/ and go pray for El Paso or whatever you spineless faggots do in situations like this.

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Think you would need a shitton of these to make a difference. If somebody killed 20 a day they would still be safer than back in their shithole countries. Why do ya think they came here across a burning dessert?

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Get the fuck off my board QTard

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Can someone repost the manifesto?

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Don't ya love the state of journalism today?

"The document police believe the suspect wrote was posted on 8chan, an online messaging board full of racist, bigoted and anti-Semitic content."

Remember when the media left plausible deniability when they wanted to slander someone, the "some say…" gambit or quote some non journalist saying what they wanted in the story. Gone are those days, opinion and reporting are one.

Sauce, at least at the moment:


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Read the thread.

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File: 68febf7698846a1⋯.png (29.5 KB,700x965,140:193,dick denied.png)

hello FBI monitoring the thread. Don't forget your daily dose.

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My favorite headline is the "investigators are reasonably confident the shooter was a racist" one.

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File: d7399175b87b135⋯.jpg (431.19 KB,600x2400,1:4,ak-table.jpg)


thank you, patrick

you're a great man


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File: ca11e776f5be935⋯.png (3.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,thisGuyGetsIt.png)


This guy gets it.

God dammmmmn.

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The manifesto must be distributed. They cannot twist his words to their own political purposes if the truth is widely distributed.

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>Read the thread.

Yeah, I know, I actually found it before you replied.

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new shooting in Oregon, 10 shot, perp and motive unknown

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We must do all that we can to distribute the manifesto. The (((media))) can lie about his intent, but the manifesto will make the truth known.

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Antifa shooting white leftist boomers in response of jew shooting spics in el paso? interdasting

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that's at least 70% white

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You're at least 70% retarded

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What we hammer out In threads like this will have a better than even chance of making it into a final draft of a new nations constitution.

Yes, 8C…where intellectuals go to found nations.

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yea it some mexican flag though calling him antifa and posting it.

The garlic shooter was a antifa member and thought he was going to be shooting Whites, however the garlic shooter deleted everything on his Instagram except for three recent pictures.

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What's cripple chan?

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a chan board for cripples

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>new shooting in Oregon

You probably mean Ohio.


You can find it at http://lurk more faggot.onion

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None with niggers, poos, chechens nor chinks?

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>Any legitimate "8chan" shooter would first and foremost, name the kike.


>Secondly, the last thing they would mention is 8chan as that would absolutely destroy the initiative.

Demonstrably false. 8ch has been named at least twice so far, and nothing has happened.

>Third, they wouldn't wait until the ideal time to boost the socialist voting block.

I think next you should draw up a calendar of these so called "ideal times" in which any attacks on the enemy benefit the enemy in advance, because otherwise, no matter the season, according to people like you it's always the ideal time.

>Fourth, they wouldn't get caught because they'd cut the fucking power to the town.

Most people aren't capable of sourcing the information and enacting the plan necessary to do this. I'm not sure it's possible to conduct a mass shooting in person and escape any more, at least not solo.


Refusing to lay out the way in which you test what you perceive to ensure it's actually true reveals that you don't actually know or care about doing so, and instead are just here spouting false flag like a maniac. If you can't speak like I would to someone at a bar in this thread, you are a glownigger or hysterical coward pushing a point.

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You shouldn't be phone posting here faggot unless you're a fed

also you're a dumb nigger lurk for 2 years

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Filter the damn kikes, it's bots meant to push for voting for Omar Muslim bitch.

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Its him in a wig and lipstick.

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He sort of looks like Filthy Frank. Are we sure this guy isn't a HAPA?

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Is Filthy Frank part jew?

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File: 80002e0858d90f5⋯.jpg (340.88 KB,722x1463,38:77,no muslims or jews.jpg)

File: d51829d1175ba84⋯.png (173.33 KB,602x345,602:345,inbred muslims.png)

File: a25caaff31772bf⋯.png (191.52 KB,768x997,768:997,beaner mexicans.png)


This look how weak willed the leftist got against islam when they truly were just shooting random people just to kill. Then with islams history being entirely filled with being evil as possible even if it destroys them.

All the fence sitters and leftist had their real big bad to fight with islam and what did they do? Cower and kiss the feet of the same inbred muslim people that have a full on plan of targeting comratards, far leftist and fags first so they don't effect their troop moral.

The crusades worked out great for Europeans, it starved islamic invasions for centuries and reconquered entire European nations. Then went exploring for their ancient lands of the Western Hunter Gatherer to get away from all the shitskins and jews.

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A mid shot that killed a bunch of faggots

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McLovin and Filthy Frank's bastard offspring created via Jewish science to make an egg cell from sperm to allow this unholy fusion.

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Anyone can edit the bio. It's like Wikipedia, but you don't have to even link to sources.

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I hope you get raped and murdered by an illegal shitskin you fucking race trading basterd

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you know you are arguing with journos and alphabet shills? /pol/ is done for because people with brain get drowned out by them

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Yes the journos are laughing about nonwhites shooting other nonwhites. It's not the people whining about "evil racist nazis" and "innocent spics" it's the people having a laugh about the dead spics.

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Tbh among the democrats Omar is my favourite. She didn't even get to partake in the debate, did she?

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File: ab2d89805078921⋯.jpg (214.29 KB,1448x826,724:413,connectdots.jpg)

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File: e239afd14d80355⋯.png (454.48 KB,894x721,894:721,D36A4404-D8FB-4DFF-A0D7-CD….png)

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thanks doc

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File: 305035ae3d54af4⋯.jpg (52.49 KB,467x651,467:651,fiveeyes.jpg)

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File: 7529621a3296d69⋯.png (1.34 MB,1056x593,1056:593,78076800768.png)

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White boys are pussy. Guns bacon and opioids. What a fucked up way to live. It’s okay though, I’ve tried your women ♠️ and don’t like it. White women having opioid addicted babies are nasty. Nauseating to say the least.

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Late 30s here. Made that same decision before I even turned 18. Stuck to it, although there was a scare once. Main reason for me though is that in today's world, marriage and/or children is how the government sneaks it's way into having more control over your private life.

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That’s not nice. Your foul mouth. Maybe you need a dick in there so you’ll Shut the fuck up. Bet you’re the fag talking all that faggot shit.

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You literally just said faggot shit.

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Im pretty sure the cops shot up that nightclub and killed most of the people who died there. I think omar mateen shot some people, took some hostages, then the cops went trigger happy and killed a bunch more faggots.

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I think any healthy minded person with a gun would react the same way upon seeing the degeneracy taking place in that club first hand.

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only 10/10 male models can do anything

t.optics faggot

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File: 06443d49f40c5d3⋯.png (115.55 KB,500x586,250:293,iam-the-lorax-i-speak-for-….png)


>Uses "The Lorax" for reasoning.


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You forgot Breivik, the original.

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nobody gives a shit about europe tbh

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File: 744ee5f42dd94c9⋯.png (692.18 KB,960x540,16:9,1564869415955.png)


yep. one happy juden family

our/jewguy is on the right

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we euros outnumber you amerinigger 56%ers here, you know that? This is 8chan not 4chan.

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ok whatever you say france

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File: 81388c0921aeb49⋯.jpg (9.02 KB,275x183,275:183,images.jpg)

those waves sure do massive damage



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File: a6300124047ed74⋯.png (526.63 KB,1140x1140,1:1,17d1167fa6a0179546cbf77c4a….png)


for a gay jew drudge is alright sometimes

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>Ameriniggers think the whole of europe is Paris

how very typical.

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Still waiting for you to find an actual white shooter with my views who isn't Brenton Tarrant.

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settle down amsterdam

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Seriously, if the shooters were actually white and were shooting in my interests, optics be damned, I'd support them and laugh at the optics cucks.

That just ain't happening though.

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Who gives a shit if the shooter is white. He was shooting non-whites so that makes him our ally.

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Didn't say I wasn't in favor of non-whites sending other non-whites to hell.

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This is why nobody likes white people.

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>that face when

I know you're not from here.

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File: 5924b9fba8530ad⋯.png (384.73 KB,721x482,721:482,1564906433456.png)

>my mom was black and my dad was kraut

>I'm also jewish


sage for shit thread

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Because jews do terrors and then call themselves white? Wew lad.

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Guns are a waste of money.

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On the realest note possible, I hope all you slack jawed cousin lovin, redneck tobacco breath, paint sniffing goodwill shopping, ass crackers overdose on meth next to your fat whore crack junkie mother that you just raped while she was passed out drunk. That’s all that white people are even known for now anyway and it’s because of all the sick retarded incest children that decide this website is where they want to to invest their time. Fuck racism, fuck trump, and fuck the United States if this is how our citizens decide to align their morals.

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>(((our citizens)))

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So leave, retard.

Go live in a shithole.

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It's better than giving your money to niggers.

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Unfortunately I already do live in a shithole, where the president is the biggest joke in global politcs and isnt respected by almost anyone in any country, and where people like you seem to think that everything is great while children die from gunshots in school and people shopping at Walmart are shot and killed, then referred to o as “spics drownings in pools of blood”. Wake the fuck up you brainwashed inbred moron

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File: e4be90256469e38⋯.mp4 (15.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,e4be90256469e3859205f3dd9f….mp4)

Thank you based Crusiuschan!

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> he thinks burgerland is a shithole

Jesus talk about first world problems. Try living in Haiti, Somalia or Zimbabwe.

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I recommend avoiding crowds. Shop at 3am at the 24/7 places. Avoid going outside when the Sun is out. The Sun is a Demon that drives men insane.

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Honestly most people are tired of this shit with niggers and kikes and Muslims. The problem is most Whites in America are inbred trash. Which is why white women fuck niggers.

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Go have sex incel

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>white people

Guy was Semite yet here you are writing rather racist stuff about white people specifically. Posting similar shit in many threads. Sure you not a glownigger agitator? Either way, this was a glownig false flag, aimed to shutdown anonymous boards like chans.

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File: 513ec340bedf4d8⋯.png (398.45 KB,440x460,22:23,White trash 01.png)

File: 5b63993a35072c5⋯.jpg (93.25 KB,640x787,640:787,White trash 02.jpg)

File: e81cf26ead02b37⋯.jpg (108.06 KB,702x691,702:691,White trash 03.jpg)

File: b69c21867c33835⋯.jpg (42.29 KB,510x525,34:35,White trash 04.jpg)

File: fdc5d7935d98b5e⋯.jpg (74.9 KB,960x960,1:1,White trash 05.jpg)


I agree.

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The solution is a fertility rate approaching zero. The population would plummet. Only beautiful, healthy, intelligent people are wanted. Rest can die off. This is how simple the Final Solution really is. No need to shoot anyone.

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>posts anti-whites

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> gets defensive

Methinks you aren't an actual /pol/ack. Don't you agree that the white trash I posted is very punchable and guttable and should have their appendages and head ripped off?

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>narrative of white terror just isnt there

>nobody is taking the bait and claiming jew shooter as white

>"I know, better pretend to be European and shit on American whites"

Give it up, glowfags.

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File: e942a552acb6ed8⋯.jpg (155.05 KB,600x800,3:4,White trash 06.jpg)

File: 06101c346230da5⋯.jpg (470.88 KB,1273x1697,1273:1697,White trash 07.jpg)

File: ec0053861728011⋯.png (1.45 MB,1024x768,4:3,White trash 08.png)


> eurofag

Well got me there. 11AM in krautland isn't exactly a reasonable time for burgers to be posting anyway. But you seem to be dodging the question, the white trash I posted, the particular people in those pictures, don't you too think those people should be gutted, or alternatively lined up against a wall and shot?

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>first image

Imagine having a decent, normal sized cock and wanting to be a girl….

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Idgaf if the shooter was white, black, semite, nigger, spic, chink, whatever the fuck you “wrong turn” lookin ass bums wanna say, the fact is that you have too many sick hillbilly fucks that never grew past the age of 12 in their little pea brained minds. Have some fucking respect for the people who lost their lives, sisters, brothers, fathers, sons, daughters etc. edgy white school shooter kids like to talk about that whole “respect the fallen” bullshit when they’re talking about their great grandfather who died in World War Two, but then you come here and it’s just a bunch of greasy pasty little white nerds talkin about “nigger this” and “spics taking our jobs that”. Fuck everyone on this sorry ass thread, burn in hell

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File: ff67ec0a5bef008⋯.jpg (10.72 KB,170x159,170:159,9c2716c687388cde31f5868550….jpg)


>Have some fucking respect for the people who lost their lives

No, you don't show respect to invaders who are slain by someone defending their homeland. You burn their bodies or feed them to your dogs.

What kind of sick fuck wants to honor the people invading his homelands?

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You obviously do care what race (((the shooter))) was. You thought white because you came here following Jew controlled media such as CNN.

You think you know what this board is about but it's obvious you know nothing. Your hatred towards white people is not from you, it's from the global agenda.

You only have to lurk here a few months and you slowly begin to understand what this is all about. This is why glownigs try to shut down chans.

Not a coincidence this happens shortly after Epstein is arrested. Drag net is closing in and this is their last stand.

You know that Seth Rich, Avicii were killed for what they knew and did, Assange and Snowden arrested or in exile, Russia and chans blamed.

You should save your post because I know that in a few months you will look at it in disbelief. You won't believe you wrote it after you are redpilled.

It's hard for everyone to see how brainwashed we were.

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Yeah this will definitely help remove all beaners!

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Honestly that's exactly what the feds want.

They want you to claim this shooter as white so they can screencap it and run with the narrative of this kike being white in the media.

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It wont. Tarrant did a fantastic job in sardine packed mosques and still only got 51.

Breivik had over an hour to crusade though, compared to Tarrant's like 15 minutes total.

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>literally a jew incel

>bernie sanders tier manifesto

>muh corporations!

>OK time to fight the spic golems, goyim

No thanks, I'll keep making white babies instead.

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>"I'm all for free speech but-"

Then no you aren't. At this point I'd give up free speech if it meant these people losing their ability to post this death by a thousand papercuts bullshit on social media.

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This is a good one.

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File: a30b00085cbcc65⋯.jpg (187.56 KB,630x418,315:209,1300713650_15.jpg)


do not be surprised when the bolsheviks nationalists execute you as a coward, a traitor and a deserter

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and nobody cares, lmao

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Oh gosh, you're right. I better start fighting the golem before the true bad guys come and get me.

lmfao fucking jew made me laugh

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Ok, incel

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Have sex, incel.

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File: 289d4ff5edf4a0e⋯.png (184.75 KB,424x495,424:495,c5a2bdb462378ddae6b5f7cb52….png)

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Have children, degenerate.

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What trump meant was hes going to let 6000000 beaners ream his butthole

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File: 4cf56f1200d4c3c⋯.png (993.31 KB,757x997,757:997,Pat.PNG)

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Demanding respect is never reciprocated

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If i beat the fuck out of a nigger like you and i go to prison for it that does not make me the nigger, nigger.

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Drain the BOG expose the ZOG

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spics are replacing white americans under a specific (((designed plan))), idiot.

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He's not wrong though. That niglet's probably packing a Glock 26.

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there finally… where were you all day anyways?

as this happened you were all occupied with jewish grab ass

>you're a jew

no you're a jew

>fuck you kike

fuckk off schlomo

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jesus christ… oh well.. another nerd shoots up a bunch of people

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>crystal balls

snake oil salesmen are outlawed so how does this get a pass?

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>the jews didn't borrow german names like crazy

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I can hear the defensiveness in your post. Don't worry since things are only going to get worse you'll get used to it eventually.

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Hell no. Where else i will find based and redpilled news?

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unrelated.. but

after a weekend in sweden, swedish pm løfven.. condems violence in the us


fucking triggered

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This is that aspie who originally came up when you google Patrick Crusius. Not him

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*when you’re tired of people licking the ice creams and peeing on the produce

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ashkenazi jewish


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File: 762c007a37712d8⋯.jpg (23.01 KB,150x150,1:1,DeusEx_avatar.jpg)

>Another manifesto without mentioning the joo

top kek I mean all these dudes claim basketweaving but not of them weave. We're getting cucked boys.

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File: 54fae163b938975⋯.jpg (255.94 KB,768x1024,3:4,walm.jpg)

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I’d like to remind our journalist friends here that the Trump campaign had an ad posted on this board for almost an entire year paid ostensibly by Jared Kushner so we could meme Trump into office. If you would be so kind and bring this up we would be glad for Kushner and Yael to leave the White House post haste.

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Based Crusius Maximus Optimus

A true hero of the white race.

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Total coincidence goy. Don't worry about it . Hehehehe

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Meanwhile a handful of women are getting raped daily in Sweden. Talk about cuckholdry.

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holy fuck it must be hard to be born so fucking ugly AND jewish!


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yes yes gojim

richard quest phenotype jew is our hero

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File: 85d3394b3eb0717⋯.png (228.54 KB,811x439,811:439,I DESIRE MORE OF THIS.png)

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You guys posting on here are real losers.

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File: 6e40ab75718c2a5⋯.png (207.1 KB,526x407,526:407,1395982863316.png)


Yeah. Look at them.

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They're the same person, you face-blind autist.

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Why do you post this shit are you stupid. You must have no life to be posting stuff like you do.

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If you're going to go postal at least kill people who are part ZOG like Bowers did, that shit legitimately made the jews afraid, what does killing shitskin peasants accomplish?

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why would you support a kike?

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for all what i know his mom died a few years ago , and his dead got shot

he did quit his job because he had no means of transportation to get to his workplace

so hes probably a little bit depressed about his mom dead and father severely injured , has no means of self affirmation and slides into depression , turns up drunk to a class , probably to appear edgy and as an outcry for help, then he gets punished for all the shit thats happening with him and to what he is not to blame for … then pops and takes all his frustation he was confronted with during his youth and socialization phases to those people he has been fucked with from the most and decides to raid some beaners because they diluted the society he needed to grow up but was unable to due to life struggle and failure to adapt to degenracy….

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The opposite of gladio.

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Why is population plotted against city ranking? And then regressed? With a zero-slope and no confidence? What

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and the notches on his AK numbered one and nineteen more, one and nineteen more.

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this site is disgusting.

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File: da272904e15e34f⋯.png (114.62 KB,506x395,506:395,93eae04327f24cf4735af61373….png)


Make the world a better place and shoot up your office before turning the gun on yourself.

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The just mirror imaged the other pic to try to make it less obvious. It was still so obvious they started pushing new pics without glasses

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File: 39aed986b13a91e⋯.jpg (16.69 KB,480x360,4:3,1500808056840.jpg)

File: 31d7874e10eaffd⋯.jpg (202.3 KB,980x768,245:192,afPyrYCRgGv--z1Umx9ccGAiy2….jpg)

File: a58df7bd5523621⋯.jpg (372.78 KB,1200x1200,1:1,buffalo fried chicken burg….jpg)

File: a79a7c98affeb35⋯.jpg (59.09 KB,640x479,640:479,Ei2-7_yP_yOoWuzQftWExBwcNW….jpg)

File: 8286adf4e18151d⋯.jpg (809.66 KB,2448x3264,3:4,gp0qanzk1tdz.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?

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File: d3250db6fa5403e⋯.jpg (742.92 KB,3718x2092,1859:1046,cheese on bottom.jpg)

File: e30e07f404a14a8⋯.jpg (896.91 KB,2822x1588,1411:794,ISykk1n.jpg)

File: c588c3e6c4e35f8⋯.jpg (784.45 KB,3024x4032,3:4,juel2ro7fmny.jpg)


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File: 2a5500f9572d4f1⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,3024x4032,3:4,titj955pa8a11.jpg)

File: 578678a321663ff⋯.jpg (823.15 KB,2722x3629,2722:3629,uXEoajd.jpg)

File: e0eeec841e3ca76⋯.jpg (617.86 KB,2448x1836,4:3,VGAvfJB.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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File: 711ae8b1b8a1edb⋯.jpg (130.34 KB,720x960,3:4,1443346863957.jpg)

File: 96a80bae89cfa10⋯.jpg (633.73 KB,1536x1152,4:3,b3c47337690c45e18689e59995….jpg)

File: 64ffba973eb80e4⋯.jpg (140.54 KB,1242x1229,1242:1229,fln6mgvru2ny.jpg)


Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

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File: 31209a3b0c94ebd⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,3024x4032,3:4,EK18ve8.jpg)

File: 61218504e273572⋯.jpg (2.71 MB,3143x4190,3143:4190,y4tfDtw.jpg)

File: 4e3966f13c57e15⋯.jpg (730.58 KB,600x2815,120:563,yAaRzcv.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

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File: 2279ce62b72c05c⋯.jpg (384.18 KB,550x550,1:1,HB_01_tomahawk_01.jpg)

File: 06a4f2c6ec978e4⋯.jpg (146.62 KB,768x768,1:1,Picahna (Siroin Cap).jpg)

File: cf240704e2fc356⋯.jpg (86.81 KB,576x768,3:4,pir559lfmh821.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!!!!!

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File: 94fb024378786fd⋯.jpg (262.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,t1RYwM9Kx5qmnDNWaspCLAxYUC….jpg)

File: 9ad25b3c8894a66⋯.jpg (399.81 KB,1152x1536,3:4,t3_5d3csl.jpg)

File: 475417bf4094985⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,5952x3348,16:9,t3_7ixsk0.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!!!!!

It's making me really, really mad now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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File: d9a0cd6fb835748⋯.jpg (34.87 KB,480x640,3:4,aTPNjFU.jpg)

File: 28e1456e31c6841⋯.jpg (148.45 KB,755x960,151:192,c9gWdjY.jpg)

File: 9297e7f93b8bfb3⋯.jpg (932.14 KB,1520x2688,95:168,X6nz83J.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!

Fucking mods are feds I bet

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File: 140a7b2459b5a1b⋯.jpg (724.93 KB,2117x2822,2117:2822,Charcuterie.jpg)

File: fdf6564bad925f2⋯.jpg (143.6 KB,768x1024,3:4,dweVsuD.jpg)

File: 9a9a5e844fcb3d1⋯.jpg (844.89 KB,2822x2117,2822:2117,E2KcwEL.jpg)

File: 6d7f5a999638e5e⋯.jpg (197.93 KB,1024x768,4:3,GA9M22OXcWxpsPNHb08NYjEbWh….jpg)

File: 7c691b830be71cf⋯.jpg (998.85 KB,3620x2595,724:519,t3_5leuiq.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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File: d4da3c715a41046⋯.jpg (35.96 KB,780x520,3:2,f6e40dac2bb2473e8f77a2cfbd….jpg)

File: 15407bb541fec8d⋯.jpg (63.18 KB,675x450,3:2,GAZA-master675.jpg)

File: 8ad90a127e09595⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,3264x2448,4:3,K6sdYaa.jpg)

File: 957531d41071ea9⋯.png (609.75 KB,496x590,248:295,Kec1R5b.png)

File: 13dd15b1765ceda⋯.jpg (37.42 KB,300x222,50:37,pie2.jpg)


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File: 3df86290998c39d⋯.jpg (920.66 KB,2064x1548,4:3,MWJpdu6.jpg)

File: cb45bb7b4095d35⋯.jpg (862.8 KB,2241x2241,1:1,ntEgpUD.jpg)

File: 575c1d6b6c3eac8⋯.jpg (64.07 KB,720x479,720:479,vOUppmz.jpg)

File: cc95a3639ace352⋯.jpg (920.63 KB,2390x4250,239:425,zHQVbr5.jpg)


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All these shootings an not on Rothschild or Soroseven nicked. Shooting Beaners muz etc is something anyway but they're pawns . Rothschild's have even been confronted on the street before.

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File: f8217f464f13a4d⋯.jpg (87.3 KB,625x824,625:824,1418443763222.jpg)

File: cc975fa8bcc9ff8⋯.jpg (29.94 KB,400x276,100:69,prison_food_aspx.jpg)

File: 19846f08d14adba⋯.jpg (91.61 KB,498x616,249:308,school-lunches-5.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

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File: 1ada18b394069e5⋯.jpg (444.98 KB,2048x1356,512:339,349115c59ab99735d49a535b2f….jpg)

File: b118c119496dd10⋯.jpg (104.51 KB,650x984,325:492,9674861146aaacf7d3de4f2acb….jpg)

File: 3373bf55fd8f682⋯.jpg (107.36 KB,700x523,700:523,H114-Cherry-Cowboy-Hat-s.jpg)

File: 955680e6f22ab9c⋯.jpg (129.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 5e407736622f6f5⋯.jpg (58 KB,320x480,2:3,Spirit-Flesh-Magazine_Eliz….jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!

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File: 09fac2aa1a4591c⋯.jpg (221.11 KB,800x600,4:3,1390677668241.jpg)


> No cool black sun logo.

> No catchy title.

> No pasta.


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