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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 15985e877082883⋯.png (699.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,FuckHispanics.png)

 No.13564508 [View All]

You know what to do!!!

Make OC

Spread OC

Share OC

Inspire OC

Inspire Anons

Make the world a better place

Trigger the media and day visitors

Join your fellow Anons today and celebrate the heroic action of Saint Crusius!









682 posts and 191 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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He's not wrong though. That niglet's probably packing a Glock 26.

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there finally… where were you all day anyways?

as this happened you were all occupied with jewish grab ass

>you're a jew

no you're a jew

>fuck you kike

fuckk off schlomo

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jesus christ… oh well.. another nerd shoots up a bunch of people

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>crystal balls

snake oil salesmen are outlawed so how does this get a pass?

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>the jews didn't borrow german names like crazy

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I can hear the defensiveness in your post. Don't worry since things are only going to get worse you'll get used to it eventually.

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Hell no. Where else i will find based and redpilled news?

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unrelated.. but

after a weekend in sweden, swedish pm løfven.. condems violence in the us


fucking triggered

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This is that aspie who originally came up when you google Patrick Crusius. Not him

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*when you’re tired of people licking the ice creams and peeing on the produce

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ashkenazi jewish


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File: 762c007a37712d8⋯.jpg (23.01 KB,150x150,1:1,DeusEx_avatar.jpg)

>Another manifesto without mentioning the joo

top kek I mean all these dudes claim basketweaving but not of them weave. We're getting cucked boys.

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File: 54fae163b938975⋯.jpg (255.94 KB,768x1024,3:4,walm.jpg)

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I’d like to remind our journalist friends here that the Trump campaign had an ad posted on this board for almost an entire year paid ostensibly by Jared Kushner so we could meme Trump into office. If you would be so kind and bring this up we would be glad for Kushner and Yael to leave the White House post haste.

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Based Crusius Maximus Optimus

A true hero of the white race.

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Total coincidence goy. Don't worry about it . Hehehehe

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Meanwhile a handful of women are getting raped daily in Sweden. Talk about cuckholdry.

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holy fuck it must be hard to be born so fucking ugly AND jewish!


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yes yes gojim

richard quest phenotype jew is our hero

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File: 85d3394b3eb0717⋯.png (228.54 KB,811x439,811:439,I DESIRE MORE OF THIS.png)

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You guys posting on here are real losers.

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File: 6e40ab75718c2a5⋯.png (207.1 KB,526x407,526:407,1395982863316.png)


Yeah. Look at them.

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They're the same person, you face-blind autist.

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Why do you post this shit are you stupid. You must have no life to be posting stuff like you do.

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If you're going to go postal at least kill people who are part ZOG like Bowers did, that shit legitimately made the jews afraid, what does killing shitskin peasants accomplish?

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why would you support a kike?

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for all what i know his mom died a few years ago , and his dead got shot

he did quit his job because he had no means of transportation to get to his workplace

so hes probably a little bit depressed about his mom dead and father severely injured , has no means of self affirmation and slides into depression , turns up drunk to a class , probably to appear edgy and as an outcry for help, then he gets punished for all the shit thats happening with him and to what he is not to blame for … then pops and takes all his frustation he was confronted with during his youth and socialization phases to those people he has been fucked with from the most and decides to raid some beaners because they diluted the society he needed to grow up but was unable to due to life struggle and failure to adapt to degenracy….

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The opposite of gladio.

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Why is population plotted against city ranking? And then regressed? With a zero-slope and no confidence? What

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and the notches on his AK numbered one and nineteen more, one and nineteen more.

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this site is disgusting.

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File: da272904e15e34f⋯.png (114.62 KB,506x395,506:395,93eae04327f24cf4735af61373….png)


Make the world a better place and shoot up your office before turning the gun on yourself.

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The just mirror imaged the other pic to try to make it less obvious. It was still so obvious they started pushing new pics without glasses

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File: 39aed986b13a91e⋯.jpg (16.69 KB,480x360,4:3,1500808056840.jpg)

File: 31d7874e10eaffd⋯.jpg (202.3 KB,980x768,245:192,afPyrYCRgGv--z1Umx9ccGAiy2….jpg)

File: a58df7bd5523621⋯.jpg (372.78 KB,1200x1200,1:1,buffalo fried chicken burg….jpg)

File: a79a7c98affeb35⋯.jpg (59.09 KB,640x479,640:479,Ei2-7_yP_yOoWuzQftWExBwcNW….jpg)

File: 8286adf4e18151d⋯.jpg (809.66 KB,2448x3264,3:4,gp0qanzk1tdz.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?

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File: d3250db6fa5403e⋯.jpg (742.92 KB,3718x2092,1859:1046,cheese on bottom.jpg)

File: e30e07f404a14a8⋯.jpg (896.91 KB,2822x1588,1411:794,ISykk1n.jpg)

File: c588c3e6c4e35f8⋯.jpg (784.45 KB,3024x4032,3:4,juel2ro7fmny.jpg)


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File: 2a5500f9572d4f1⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,3024x4032,3:4,titj955pa8a11.jpg)

File: 578678a321663ff⋯.jpg (823.15 KB,2722x3629,2722:3629,uXEoajd.jpg)

File: e0eeec841e3ca76⋯.jpg (617.86 KB,2448x1836,4:3,VGAvfJB.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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File: 711ae8b1b8a1edb⋯.jpg (130.34 KB,720x960,3:4,1443346863957.jpg)

File: 96a80bae89cfa10⋯.jpg (633.73 KB,1536x1152,4:3,b3c47337690c45e18689e59995….jpg)

File: 64ffba973eb80e4⋯.jpg (140.54 KB,1242x1229,1242:1229,fln6mgvru2ny.jpg)


Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

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File: 31209a3b0c94ebd⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,3024x4032,3:4,EK18ve8.jpg)

File: 61218504e273572⋯.jpg (2.71 MB,3143x4190,3143:4190,y4tfDtw.jpg)

File: 4e3966f13c57e15⋯.jpg (730.58 KB,600x2815,120:563,yAaRzcv.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

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File: 2279ce62b72c05c⋯.jpg (384.18 KB,550x550,1:1,HB_01_tomahawk_01.jpg)

File: 06a4f2c6ec978e4⋯.jpg (146.62 KB,768x768,1:1,Picahna (Siroin Cap).jpg)

File: cf240704e2fc356⋯.jpg (86.81 KB,576x768,3:4,pir559lfmh821.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!!!!!

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File: 94fb024378786fd⋯.jpg (262.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,t1RYwM9Kx5qmnDNWaspCLAxYUC….jpg)

File: 9ad25b3c8894a66⋯.jpg (399.81 KB,1152x1536,3:4,t3_5d3csl.jpg)

File: 475417bf4094985⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,5952x3348,16:9,t3_7ixsk0.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!!!!!

It's making me really, really mad now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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File: d9a0cd6fb835748⋯.jpg (34.87 KB,480x640,3:4,aTPNjFU.jpg)

File: 28e1456e31c6841⋯.jpg (148.45 KB,755x960,151:192,c9gWdjY.jpg)

File: 9297e7f93b8bfb3⋯.jpg (932.14 KB,1520x2688,95:168,X6nz83J.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!

Fucking mods are feds I bet

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File: 140a7b2459b5a1b⋯.jpg (724.93 KB,2117x2822,2117:2822,Charcuterie.jpg)

File: fdf6564bad925f2⋯.jpg (143.6 KB,768x1024,3:4,dweVsuD.jpg)

File: 9a9a5e844fcb3d1⋯.jpg (844.89 KB,2822x2117,2822:2117,E2KcwEL.jpg)

File: 6d7f5a999638e5e⋯.jpg (197.93 KB,1024x768,4:3,GA9M22OXcWxpsPNHb08NYjEbWh….jpg)

File: 7c691b830be71cf⋯.jpg (998.85 KB,3620x2595,724:519,t3_5leuiq.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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File: d4da3c715a41046⋯.jpg (35.96 KB,780x520,3:2,f6e40dac2bb2473e8f77a2cfbd….jpg)

File: 15407bb541fec8d⋯.jpg (63.18 KB,675x450,3:2,GAZA-master675.jpg)

File: 8ad90a127e09595⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,3264x2448,4:3,K6sdYaa.jpg)

File: 957531d41071ea9⋯.png (609.75 KB,496x590,248:295,Kec1R5b.png)

File: 13dd15b1765ceda⋯.jpg (37.42 KB,300x222,50:37,pie2.jpg)


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File: 3df86290998c39d⋯.jpg (920.66 KB,2064x1548,4:3,MWJpdu6.jpg)

File: cb45bb7b4095d35⋯.jpg (862.8 KB,2241x2241,1:1,ntEgpUD.jpg)

File: 575c1d6b6c3eac8⋯.jpg (64.07 KB,720x479,720:479,vOUppmz.jpg)

File: cc95a3639ace352⋯.jpg (920.63 KB,2390x4250,239:425,zHQVbr5.jpg)


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All these shootings an not on Rothschild or Soroseven nicked. Shooting Beaners muz etc is something anyway but they're pawns . Rothschild's have even been confronted on the street before.

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File: f8217f464f13a4d⋯.jpg (87.3 KB,625x824,625:824,1418443763222.jpg)

File: cc975fa8bcc9ff8⋯.jpg (29.94 KB,400x276,100:69,prison_food_aspx.jpg)

File: 19846f08d14adba⋯.jpg (91.61 KB,498x616,249:308,school-lunches-5.jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEEEEEEE

I both global and local reported it.

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File: 1ada18b394069e5⋯.jpg (444.98 KB,2048x1356,512:339,349115c59ab99735d49a535b2f….jpg)

File: b118c119496dd10⋯.jpg (104.51 KB,650x984,325:492,9674861146aaacf7d3de4f2acb….jpg)

File: 3373bf55fd8f682⋯.jpg (107.36 KB,700x523,700:523,H114-Cherry-Cowboy-Hat-s.jpg)

File: 955680e6f22ab9c⋯.jpg (129.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 5e407736622f6f5⋯.jpg (58 KB,320x480,2:3,Spirit-Flesh-Magazine_Eliz….jpg)

Why is this thread still fucking up?? REEE

I both global and local reported it.

None of the fucking mods will take it down!!!!!!!

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File: 09fac2aa1a4591c⋯.jpg (221.11 KB,800x600,4:3,1390677668241.jpg)


> No cool black sun logo.

> No catchy title.

> No pasta.


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