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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 9ffafd9c85603e9⋯.jpg (69.98 KB,685x456,685:456,methode_times_prodmigratio….jpg)

 No.13564457 [Last50 Posts]

Greetings #FakeNews

By now, (((journalists))) are flooding here to learn more about the guy who happened to frequent this board. As you worthless faggots scoop up shit to smear us, here's a quick little guide to 8chan that I wrote up

1. We are anti-Kike, anti-Black, anti-Spic, anti-Asian, anti-woman, anti-faggot, anti-Mudslime, anti-atheism, anti-red meat, anti-smoking, anti-tranny, anti-alcohol, anti-environmentalist, anti-socialism, anti-liberalism, anti-socialist, anti-college, anti-Chink, anti-Jap, anti-libertarianism

2. This board is predominantly pro-Trump and pro-Hitler with a noticeable pro-Yang and anti-voting minority

3. Fuck journalists

4. Israel the cause of all degeneracy; all roads lead to Jerusalem

5. Sieg Heil

6. The left can't meme

7. We are a board of peace

8. Our heroes are Owen Benjamin, Birttany Venti, David Duke, Baked Alaska, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes, Adolf Hitler, Augusto Pinochet

Fuck off, we're full faggots

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>Owen Benjamin

>Brittany Venti

>Baked Alaska

>Milo Yiannopoulos

>Nick Fuentes

you can do better than that OP

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The news is calling you tin foil hat keyboard warriors. Go show them wrong.


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I eat read meat regularly, it's healthy and it gets my dick super hard.

I'm also an environmentalist, even Hitler was an environmentalist!

Japan is a great nation, I've visited there multiple times

OP does not represent me or most people on this board.

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Get lost. We are hardcore technocrats!

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everyone knows this is an anarcho-primitivist board, shill

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>anti-womananti-red meatanti-environmentalistanti-socialismanti-socialistanti-collegeanti-Jap

Get the fuck out.

National Socialists support all that and more, in their current form they have been perverted, which is why is must be cleansed.

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I don't know man, it looks like the journos and leftist attempts at censoring the right is working well in preventing this attacks.

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None of that represents the macrame and origami board I frequent.

Except fuck fake news, censorship and tax avoiding corporations that parasite from good folk, whilst attempting to steer public opinion their way, you scum.

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Nah, it's a pro-naturalist board mate.

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File: 69250fc234f2599⋯.jpg (348 KB,1000x1500,2:3,Degrelle - National social….jpg)

File: 5d1740adca2cf9a⋯.png (82.06 KB,756x768,63:64,Black, brown and white fed….png)

Op is spreading bullshit. /pol/ isn't anti-anyone. We're pro white. We just want to live with other white people. It's pretty racist to say that it is a hardship for blacks and hispanics to have to live with blacks and hispanics - you're saying these groups can't compete. We both know they can't; they have different values and ideas. You PC journalist just won't admit it.

Not even "white supremacist" We believe other peoples have a right to live with their own folk and govern themselves and be free of what they see as "white oppression"

But this idea of gibs (free stuff) for everyone is wrong. Someone has to pay for it, and you can see from the graph, whites are the ones that are enslaved to pay it.

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Actually we are National Socialists.

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Oh pish posh. /pol/ is a board of peace.

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We are space empire colonists.

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>pol supports milo

literal pedo-supporting pro-nigger kike faggot.

>pol supports trump

Time to update your new hire training videos, agent novak.

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You don't speak for te board you dumb nigger.











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Explain June 2015 through March 2017 then

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The paid nonwhite shill, imkikey, permanently banned everyone who did not suck Trump’s cock. It was physically impossible for /pol/acks to post on our own board. You stupid. motherfucking. retarded. newfag.

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/pol/ is bored of peace.

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>anti-red meat




This is a shill thread.

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weak bait

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I've been here since GamerGate retard. If /pol/ got BTFOed by one idiot, it kinda ruins your credibility.

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>Anti-Red Meat

Fuck you OP you fucking Hindu street shitting faggot. I hope you die the most painful death pssible immediately after watching your family be flayed alive

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>how do i know you're not from here

>cant into greentext

>needs to buzzfeed number a listicle

>non english image name


>nick the spic fuentes

>milo the greasy fucking greek faggot kike Yiannopoulos

>david plastic surgery pro israel duke

Fuck i took the bait.

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We have an issue

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fuck off and lurk for 2 years before posting, you cockmongling faggot

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>oy vey goyim if a moderator, who is able to control literally everything, was able to stop you, that totally means you’re worthless

You’ve been here for four hours, you filthy kike. Fuck off.

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Guter Köder Jude

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>thread supporting an admitted child raping, coal burning sodomite jew

>still up

>OP not banned

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I was banned for calling out Trumps bullshit during that time. That was kikey enforced consensus.

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lmao the amount of retards replying to this thread with complete sincerity is hilarious

not to go about and ruin the joke, but every reply is just jacking OP off with (you)s and giving credibility to the idea that everyone here is retarded and can't take a fucking joke


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File: bdd7d890e3d27e2⋯.gif (417.19 KB,280x314,140:157,NameTheJew.gif)

File: 375abc8aacb38c1⋯.gif (9.23 MB,356x200,89:50,ReichHouse.gif)

File: e6793b50209cd9b⋯.gif (301 KB,300x100,3:1,Hitler.TheseDudes.gif)


OP is a faggot fake news jew.

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ITT: Jews attack me

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they don’t want to know. those faggot kike niggers don’t care about truth, they only lie, are thieving communists.

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nah man. watkins makes these shit threads LOOOOOOOOOL

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basically, p ople are shy to make threads. that’s why twitter works, every comment can itself become anthread, clever trick for solving the fb problem, so fb>twitter. which leads us to the topic of how fb posts get started. that’s right, fake too. but trends don’t work (even if trying to be honest, the cream can’t ride, meaningless shit comes up like “sports team” when theykre playing).

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this man is a FED and a liar. pol is a board of war! arrrrrghhhhhhhhhh,,!,!,!,

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WATCH them quote this

Bonus points for poorly censored screenshot

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White Nationalist cringe for the Jews

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ironically, it’s not even safe anymore to say you’re going to war against cockroaches, evn if you’re literally using raid on literal cockroaches. psychologically the infested and terminally ill body politic knows who the cockroaches are. this is highly illuminating. they testify themselves to the veracity of the accusation by their own thinking, though they project their own thoughts on someone else. it’s their own brain and no other.

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File: 40936f32e1f04be⋯.png (61.07 KB,300x250,6:5,explode.png)


>Explain June 2015 through March 2017 then

Some of us fell for his bullshit. I'm not proud of it, but it happened.

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File: bfdff92b5975858⋯.jpeg (18.7 KB,255x173,255:173,75834417-9EAD-4059-8924-8….jpeg)


This new shooting same operation as (((Tarrant shooting))) and (((Tarrant threads))).

The Tarrant shills are just giving Twitter jews something to point their fingers at. No one replies to the threads but they don’t care, they keep them bumped for weeks just talking to each other and calling everyone shill.

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8. Our heroes are Owen Benjamin, Birttany Venti, David Duke, Baked Alaska, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes, Adolf Hitler, Augusto Pinochet


all of those are controlled op; hitler included

he didn't kill any jews on purpose, so put 2 and 2 together

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press: why didn’t you kikes reveal that ehud barack, a highly powerful mossad israeli was a constant companion of rapist of children of christians epstein. seems i answered my own question. press are kikes covering up the rape of christian children for israel mossad blackmail, thus for the glory of that damned yahweh.

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worse, the mods delete the posts of people trolling these (((tarrant))) threads.

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Because you're a dumb nigger with stale arguments. Nobody is buying your schizo shit now fuck off back to kikebart or /qresearch/

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File: 9cf7e4f3522ad42⋯.png (973.77 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1557163762141.png)


/pol/ is primarily a Strasserite board. We consider Egyptians white and love bacon. We think Germans are crypto-jews.

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File: da52d1ddf6b5dfe⋯.jpg (123.17 KB,468x704,117:176,0 11 glimB.jpg)

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File: bf2b63dc5e683df⋯.png (124.07 KB,484x364,121:91,z 2017-10-28_13-59-54 B.png)

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File: e38979d2cdcf4d2⋯.jpg (60.07 KB,354x470,177:235,l quote on compassion of a….jpg)



What a retarded leftist kike. It was the NSDAP & Hitler that were the first to implement anti-environmental laws before any liberal did. The left merely adopted policies that included banning vivisection & punishing companies polluting the nearby region, who also banned kosher & halal slaughter which the so called compassionate left are too scared to address in public.

Hitler was an angel in comparison to you, shill.

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an interesting point.

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there are no schizos.

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(((Hitler again)))

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>You forgot Netanyahu, leader of the white ethnostate/colony of Israel, not to mention his puppet Diane Feinstein taking away guns from negros so white supremacist police can genocide them.

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you don't speak for me

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You're so edgy.

It must suck to be you, living a lonely life and thinking that identifying with fucking psychos makes you cool. Hint: It doesn't,

OP loves the cock as much as Patrick Crusius does - that's why he didn't kill himself - too much of a pussy and he's looking forward to the eventual daily ass plundering he's definitely going to get.

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Niggerkike mods confirmed

Also, OP works for CNN.

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maybe he wanted to get married. now, women all over the country will write him love letters. he can get married now, and, with the right lawyer, make babies too.

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I see the reddit niggers are already seething kek

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only the fbi says “schizo”. it’s boomer tier meem.

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nice trips boomer-kun, but there are literal schizos claiming

>muh false flag

for every event.

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Only spooks and jews schizopost, spookjew

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that!s not schizo, that’s very ordinary rationalization.

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uhuh, kike, tell me about how you have hard and fast retard rules that must be upheld, like they were written by a middle ages scholar of the torah.

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example of rationalization, my mother tells me that the truth will out in a certain domestic violence case in local rumors. now, that’s foolish, naive, but it’s psychologically safe. rationalized to achieve anfeeling of security.

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Speak for yourself, nigger. I still find him very useful. All the more now that he's been on certain people's minds for 4 years.

> b-but israel

He always advertised his connections and friendships. If you expected him not to fellate Israel, then I've got some property to sell you.

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Study harder fbinigger

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File: 257215b520e2d24⋯.png (282.75 KB,562x757,562:757,4e21940503958957bcc8f3e0ce….png)

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

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>millions of dollars pouring into this board

>every poster is a fed LARP

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it’s uncomfortable knowing that there’s something wrong with society, that results in men going out and shooting people. but to confront women is impssible, as they are the priests of the age of the church of feminism. and so, different people solve it different ways. some say the solution is ban guns. but these incel men have lots of free tome and lots of inventiveness, so that can’t work, long-term. after all, it won’t make men wuit being angry. on the right, some just deny that they ever happened. can’t criticise women. and others like hannity say the guys wern’t really right wing, because of a doctrinal variation here or there. that makes it simple, he just goes, i don’t have to fix it, the fault is not being a member of my group. but it’s an internal brainwashing that does nothing about the angry men.

womenkikes say try to turn angry men into faggots, before they become angry. but lots of guys just aren’t interested in sex with men. so there will remain angry men, and ther might be more of them, if they get pushed gay then find out they actually like the inaccessible pussy to dicks.

none are capable of addressing the incel problem, because it lands up pointing at women. and they’re too busy staring at funny animals on instagram to grow up and become actual functioning humans outside of their soft jobs.

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i’m not. it’s easy enough to tell. i’m pointing out the fundamental issue, that’s not going away:


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but white women aren't interested… we’re like captive pandas or something.

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the schizo meem was invented by the fbi within the past year to fight disinfo, and control the info narrative. denialism permitted resiliance to coercion over propagandization.

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File: f5b2ee86ea56c83⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2700x1800,3:2,1558319045687.jpg)

dear diary

today, OP wasn't a faggot at all

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I love Mother Nature because it's so Nazi!

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Did you get lost on your way to >>>/doomer/ , incel?

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Are you retarded, I already said that.

“Schizoposting” is calling people schizo, boomerposting saying boomer, and so on newfag

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File: e4f2d4b98e41ca7⋯.webm (6.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,blame.webm)


There is a bodycount associated with Ben Collins.

What a dweeb. He openly fights everything that America does, and is the hitman for the Democrats. He is the nameless Antifa spouting the rhetoric.

Think I am wrong?

https:/ /www.youtube. com/results?search_query=ben+collins+reporter+msnbc

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fuck off kike

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you are 💯 ignorant of history. USELESS!

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We need to donate our free redpills to the newfags so they can get high and jump in the deepest rabbit holes to see to at the cold dark truths.

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oldfag. schiz emerged while i’ve been cutting back on internet. it’s a new meem. one reason the feds don’t like literal and other non normatives schizos is that they are able to think outside the box, make associations. there is a different memory search strategy, which can perturb the narrative. it’s like escaping the matrix through extradiemnsional thinking (the added dimensions are just factors ignored, and ann coulter sometimes does this. rush limbaugh is famous for it as well).

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anne? i forget. i think she uses the snooty e.

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File: 453cf08b17998fe⋯.jpg (122.03 KB,525x460,105:92,13a3d3e2da39ef5a03021bc510….jpg)

Greetings #FakeNews, ignore OP, he sucks cocks.

By now, "journalists" are flooding here to learn more about the guy who happened to frequent this board. As you worthless faggots scoop up shit to smear us, here's a quick little guide to 8chan that I wrote.

1. We are actually /leftypol/ and Reddit larping.

2. This board is predominantly Anti-Trump and pro-Hitler with a noticeable anti-voting majority.

3. Fuck journalists

4. Israel is an ethnonationalist apartheid state; all roads lead to Jerusalem, ignore China pls, it's just israel that is evil.

5. Sieg zeon

6. The left can't meme

7. We are a board of peace

8. Our heroes are Karl Marx and Giovanni Gentile.

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>anti-red meat

(((you))) wat m8?

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they don’t know what op is.

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Maybe you didn’t notice it but feds have been saying schizo take your meds since before the internet

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Based Karl Marx

OP is “Oppressed Person”

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it was “tin foil hat” since the 90’s, but now the science shows cell signals can fuk up your brain, so that’s no good.

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Karl Marx is UNIRONICALLY based. OP is a kike, only a kike would be anti-socialism and support Pinochet. Real White Nationalists are Far-Left Third Positionists and Marxist-Leninists

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>anti-red meat


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Viva la revolucion


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No way I support a capitalist like Harris. I guess you are a typical reactionary right-wing idiot who thinks all "leftists" are the same and anything to the left of Bill Clinton is "communism". I support Radical COMMUNIST REVOLUTION and the killing of all capitalists, "woke" or otherwise. If all the rich people were killed that would kill 40% of the jewish population, and communists would kill the rest for being zionist. how coulld anyone be against that?

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<not praising lgbt & the prc smh

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File: 06302e0d919fb04⋯.png (179.62 KB,358x459,358:459,1499034079643.png)

Hello journalists, you are to blame for the recent counter-attacks against non-whites. You push for extreme radical multiculturalism which destroys the beautiful diversity of nations, no group of people like this.

Jews wish to retain their cultural and racial identity.

Arabs wish to retain their cultural and racial identity.

Africans wish to retain their cultural and racial identity.

Hispanics wish to retain their cultural and racial identity.

As you push your extremist ideology all these groups feel their core identities corroded and understandably do what they can to ensure their group survives. They make their enclaves, they push their culture, they push their religion, they openly air grievances against other groups. They are AIPAC, CAIR, NAACP, CHCI, They are the the USS liberty, 9/11, the Dallas shooting, the shooting of Kate Steinle.

Europeans wish to retain their cultural and racial identity, and it was only a matter of time before we adopted their tactics as they take our land and erode our culture. As yet we lack any group on par with theirs, but we will. We are John T. Ernest.

I do not wish it was so, I wish we were able to peacefully live with these other races as neighbors, but you and our politicians preach an ideology of death, forcing us all into one house. I suggest an ideology of life.

We must recognize that our races cannot live together as we will always struggle for dominance to ensure our culture and our people exist, that our children are secure in their future. The only way to peacefully accomplish this is to allow the races to separate and rule themselves with self-determination.

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<caring what the kike media says

great way to end a counterculture, with ego

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dubs wasted on an essay


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checked. white women don’t care, though. it’s just white men. white women just want to feel muscles and collect their soft job check.

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How dare you, fucking kike shill

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Bro Harris is 4D chessmaster. That’s what she’ll do that’s why /pol/ supports her.

Communism is the only “red” pill.

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10% of posts are dubs. maybe 5% of posts are rants, so .5% it 5/1000 posts are rant dubs.

impressive dubs, then!


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accelerationism doesn't work though. The future lies in recruiting based white prison gangs into a revolutionary army to take on ZOG

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brother, kamala harris is prepared to rip her shirt to expose one breast as she waves the communist flag, urging the comrades on to the fight against the oppressive white man!

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/pol/ is a communist board anon. That’s why we hate Jews.

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wtf we love jews raping all christian girls for ehud barack’s mossad blackmail rape islander epstein oy vey antisemite reactionary filtered

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At my communist get togethers they’re usually talking about fighting the Jew, and the Orange Man, because he’s a Jew.

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File: f9a382494bd84e4⋯.jpg (30.34 KB,380x493,380:493,25a (11).jpg)

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File: 214363ed4d586e6⋯.jpg (140.27 KB,500x645,100:129,The real side of The Natio….jpg)


The level of quality from these shills is astounding. No one is that stupid surely, most likely a way to collect another shekel from his string-pullers.

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This, UNIRONICALLY. Ever Communist rebel group of the 20th century was anti-Semitic. You can't have a communist revolution without killing jews

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>communists are the real antisemites

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File: ba166cf89f63775⋯.jpg (38.49 KB,474x474,1:1,ecnatsoc.jpg)

/pol/ is a pro ebola board

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Based socialist Hitler

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checked. by the power of your dubs i am humbled and a changed man. vote out orange hitler at once!

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ebola has done nothing but disappoint.

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Based socialist fellow white

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Poor jews dont exist. The vast majority of jews are either bourgeoisie, zionists or both. A communist revolution would mean a real holocaust even if jews aren't targeted on a racial basis

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all i ever got there was bans.

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hol up imma dance on muh roof, not ebin jokin’

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that’s not santa strangling a cat, that’s me dancing & violining for the communist recolution

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File: 9b3a455a93db0fa⋯.png (1.54 MB,748x834,374:417,9b3a455a93db0fafac6aba5ddd….png)

OP is a faggot. Complete f a g g o t

This board is anti- orange kike AKA Israel's Greatest Ally® AKA no-wall bitch AKA more billions to Israel AKA "white nationalists should have death penalties" AKA kike-dick-gobbling shabbos goy cuck AKA "I'll destroy Iran w some dumb goyim" faggot.

I'm talking about pic related.

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first thing we do, we take over the tv studios (seize the means of introduction).

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Here's what a communist guerrilla movement did to a synagogue in 1969


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File: f04ee97489c969f⋯.jpeg (10.71 KB,255x255,1:1,Straight_Outta_Calcium.jpeg)


>8. Our heroes are Owen Benjamin, Birttany Venti, David Duke, Baked Alaska, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes, Adolf Hitler, Augusto Pinochet

Get the fuck out, nigger.

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q says the wall is coming and hillary’s getting arrested, keep up baste colored fellow

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File: 26ae9bbc0cb6592⋯.jpg (25.18 KB,416x655,416:655,Winged_Ebola-Chan.jpg)


>ebola has done nothing but disappoint.

She's a little shy. Give her time; she just woke up and hasn't made it far past Goma yet, though she is tantalizingly close to several major airports now.

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Marxism killed a ton of jews, and German and Italian Fascism, were influenced by marxist revisionists, IIRC. It doesn't surprise me to see stormcunts and commies agree on hating israel and jews.

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File: 2feb7ee3717b49c⋯.jpg (317.49 KB,566x800,283:400,StriveTowardsPerfection.jpg)


>white women just want to feel muscles

Then we must get the muscles. Besides, how can you ensure the existence of your people and a future for your children if you are soft and weak?

>collect their soft job check.

There will be no soft job checks as the empire crumbles and violence escalates, besides what job is softer and more rewarding for a woman than rearing children? Modern society discourages that work with propaganda and low wages forcing mothers out of the house. We can build a better society that puts men and women in their rightful place, ending the confusion and emptiness many are feeling and creating a much happier people.

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i shouldn’t shout at our lady ebola, i guess.

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> pro-Trump

> Israel the cause

OP is skitso.

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>Marxism killed a ton of jews

And we commies are just getting started, kike!

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This poster is a faggot. Board is pro-Israel, anti-racist, antisemitic, LGBTQ communist

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how do you log-in to 8chan?

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Just fill in the email field

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I love red meat and also happen to be an environmentalist since parks and forests are the only places to go to get away from niggers

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a money

b looks (includes height)

c charisma (includes popularity)


a*b*c= female ranking of a given man

muscles are a sub-part of looks. but this is looks


c face

d height (it’s like 1= her height, 0= 2 inches shorter)

e muscles (can be achieved by showing them off through lifting or running or whatever, so they don’t have to be visible)



if you’re a male butterface you rank as a total zero, i think you’ll see. a dire situation. women have extremely high standards. men are WAY less picky.

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File: 14800475a28de55⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,731x1000,731:1000,Jud_Suss.jpg)


It's "less than," not "then," nigger. And it has always been routine for Jews to feign poverty when the goyim are looking.

It's as if you know nothing of how the Rothschilds got started.

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the password goes in the “message” first line, but don’t tell this noob 😂

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Bob is off his meds again, please over look him.

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the password is the same as for your gmail or hotmail, it’s already set up

but don’t tell the noobs 😆

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File: d58e3e8b4eb378e⋯.jpg (62.7 KB,850x400,17:8,socialism.jpg)

File: 862432095ddf527⋯.jpg (377.37 KB,736x1080,92:135,B10.jpg)

File: 25ef38b11a9c26f⋯.jpg (344.09 KB,1280x626,640:313,B11.jpg)


If you want peace you don't invite the whole neighbourhood to stay in your own home forever to rape your woman, get flirting with your daughter & beat up your son like what has happened in the rape & murder capital of the world that left-leaning punks still attack, whether intentionally or not, White South Africans. The goal is not have populations packed together like sardines in a tin but remain close-knit but at a distance. Separation leads to peace.

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good luck finding any of those

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File: 3ac120335939143⋯.jpg (189.96 KB,1506x552,251:92,1519098187227.jpg)

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File: 28e59b888aeca42⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,400x500,4:5,frenship_day.jpg)

I lyke this bord

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The jews probably control 40% of the means of production in the US despite being only 2% of the population

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File: 8de54074d6a7222⋯.png (91.49 KB,691x286,691:286,aku master of faggots.png)

File: 78c40683f3854b5⋯.jpg (79.28 KB,600x549,200:183,adolf did what none elso c….jpg)

File: ec4b22cea96198d⋯.png (482.93 KB,618x797,618:797,aussi kebab remover.png)



take your (((MGTOW))) black pill faggotry elsewere

>anti-red meat

Take your (((vegan))) faggotry elsewere


take your (((superstitious fairy tale))) faggotry elsewere


what part of National SOCIALISM did you not understand faggot? we are anti-Marxism




Yeah cus we sure want to end up living in a toxic waste land like China or a literal shithole like India, go fuck yourself faggot


just becos we recognised him as the lesser evil during the last elections does not mean he has our unconditional support ye stupid faggot


muh Yang gang… go get a fucking job you lazy commie faggot

>Fuck journalists

we call them lügenpresse, and we want them dead, not fucked

>Milo Yiannopoulos

seriously faggot? the nigger fucking, aids ridden, pedo apologist, kike faggot who gaslighted the gamergate shitstorm just to become famous? a /pol/'s hero?



know that the only replies you'll get if you try to make a tread here are a lot of homophobic coments against a person called OP

your ilk glows in the dark

and by the way, the Texas shooter was a falce flagg

we know becos he name dropped this site as his inspiration but made no mention of the Jews in his manifesto

it couldn't be more obvious

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Here is a Communist perspective on the Jews: https://web.archive.org/web/20080311000559/http://www.nacazai.org/againstjjz.html

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“The only good Jew is a dead Jew.”

-Bernie Sanders

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Whoa who let in the J right?

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File: 3be4d65e8bcb1a1⋯.jpg (69.11 KB,626x573,626:573,hanged women in the danzig….jpg)

File: d583fbcbca04961⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,320x240,4:3,Vanguard News Network - Ul….mp4)


>Try the treaty of Versailles in 1919 that out of 440 clauses 419 were used to punish Germany


The victorious western plutocratic Allies had forced Germany to accept responsibility for The Great War[4] and charged her an indemnity of 25 trillion dollars. This responsibility was, of course, a fiction[5], but as Russia, the prime mover, had fallen to the Bolsheviks and the Austro-Hungarian Empire had been broken up into fragments by the same Allies, only Germany was left. Everyone seemed to have forgotten Serbia, who had set the war in motion[6][7].

Germany lost all her colonies along with Alsace-Lorraine, northern Schleswig, the provinces of Posen and West Prussia, parts of Upper Silesia with its industries and coal mines, and the coal-fields of the Saar.[8]

In particular great resentment was caused in Germany by the territorial losses in eastern Germany, including Danzig, and the open French sympathy towards the re-established Poland and her terrorists in Silesia, (almost a mirror of the terrorist situation in Ireland). All post-1920 German Foreign Ministers called for the reform of the eastern border with Poland.


The main (but not the only) pretext for the German-Polish conflict started with the continuing disputes over the German city of Danzig [14], whose overall population in 1938 was 407,000 [15] of whom 98% were German, the balance being approximately 1% Kashubian and 1% Polish. It had been the capital city of West Prussia.

In 1919 the city and its hinterland had been separated from Germany and made into a so-called 'Free City' but awarding oppressive conditions and 'rights' in the Free City to Poland at the Versailles conference. Hitler, who had respected the former Polish leader, Pilsudski, and did not want war with Poland, had attempted to negotiate Danzig's return to Germany.

From January through to March 1939, Hitler approached the Polish government several times with diplomatic overtures, seeking to resolve "the Danzig question" by negotiation. Germany's proposals included allowing Poland to retain the economic interests it had been awarded in 1919, and joining Germany in an alliance against the Soviet Union. Germany would gain direct political control of Danzig, her return back to the Reich, and Germany would be permitted to erect an extra-territorial railway and autobahn across the so-called "Polish Corridor" to East Prussia.


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That last bit was a joke as well as a red herring

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But in all seriousness, this anon is a federal agent.

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>but made no mention of the Jews in his manifesto

>posts Tarrant meme

Tarrant didn't mention the kikes in the great replacement either, does that mean he's a false flag?

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Tarrant was just a regular socialist, anon.

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Is that why he mentioned every other cause of the great replacement, except for the Jewish involvement?

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>take your (((MGTOW))) black pill faggotry elsewere

mgtow is a natural response to incel conditions known as “acceptance”. it’s quite practical. see:


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>britney venti

lelz nigger

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File: 79d8cf446ef027c⋯.jpg (83.58 KB,740x490,74:49,17pa0v33afgjijpg.jpg)

File: 24bfa65a41108c5⋯.jpg (13.25 KB,300x200,3:2,don_lemon_on_dr_drew.jpg)

File: 442ac51e4d8df26⋯.jpeg (19.07 KB,474x355,474:355,th (1).jpeg)












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very interesting post. and the new guy excluded kikes too?! ok, too fucking weird. how does a guy hang out HERE without addressing the jq? search (((el paso el bullshit))) for “jew” - no results found holy FUUUUUUUKKK

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The new guy is very clearly a biological rat. Tarrant though seemed genuine enough. Maybe he glows, I just don't see it.

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Most right-wingers are pro-jew because they see jews as "based, ihgh-IQ, rich, turbo-whites" and support Israel against the "brown palestinian mud people". That's why only a left-wing, anti-colonialist, communist movement can truly destroy the Jew once and for all!

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>Our heroes are….

kys you shit cunt, you represent the small minority of reddit outcasts who still glorify alt lite profiteers and degenerates

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>we're anti-kike

milo is our hero

>we're anti-spic

>our hero is brittany venti

>our hero is nick fuentes

What a retard

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>>anti-red meat, anti-smoking

Speak for yourself faggot. We all know you like black meat in your mouth and only dislike smokes because your coon lover boy lights up a Kool's after he nuts in your bitch mouth.


This faggot has full blown AIDS.

>>Our heroes are Owen Benjamin, Birttany Venti, David Duke, Baked Alaska, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes

You mean yours, you jizz swallowing monkey.

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Tarrant did not mention kikes but his manifesto is gold

everything he said would happen, happened, and he is right on the money when he sais we are being ethnically replaced

this faggot on the other hand came here several times to post a pdf was called out a glowinthedarkcianigger by several anons then goes and gives the (((goverment))) a big fat excuse to shut down this site by explicitly name droping us, and of all the people he could have killed, of all tipes of subhumans he could have shot, he targetted spics

don't get me wrong, spics are cancer but when you compare them to: commies, faggots, tranies, femtards, mudslimes, niggers and most of all kikes. spics are by far the lesser of all evils, if anything their presence is a sympthom but the disease is leftism

seriusly the guy went specifically to target the pawns, the ethnic groups kikes want to flood merica with the most and you know very well (((they))) will use these 20something spi corpses to preach muh open borders to hell and back

they may be greater in number, but not nearly as great a treath as any of the other groups that deserve the oven

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Spics are a fucking disease, I don't feel they are the lesser of evils. They are the invading force in our country right now, as much as the Mudslimes are the invading force of Europe.

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you seem nice op

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did The Great Replacement address jews?

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i think we have discovered an epstein type operation, false flags by israel. this is pretty fucking huge!!!

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This is our land. Go back to Europe.

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spics are ways less bad than niggers. nigger gangsters will shoot your granny. spic gangsters will help boost her car and give her a cocacola.

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No. Ir was written by a homosexual who is strongly philo-semitic and pro-Israel. The same can be said for Camp of the Saints which openly condemns "hateful leftists" who supported the Palestinian refugees against Israel (and this was in the early 70s)

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Mel Gibson?

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eh I prefer niggers tbh. Spics don't self-segregate whereas niggers do. Also all of the


screeching from the spics gets pretty tiresome quickly.

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spics segregate. in the extreme. a bit less than niggers, true. try getting a spic to teach you spanish and find out how permeable their culture is.

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hates himself more than anyone

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File: 5f9cd3931f4cc8c⋯.jpeg (871.75 KB,2048x1482,1024:741,D52600EB-3F60-4237-BECD-F….jpeg)

File: f76537622cc96b7⋯.jpeg (648.24 KB,1536x848,96:53,6CEF6A44-39E3-4D57-BBD1-1….jpeg)

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Journalists are, without exception, stupid enough to fall for this. Well played OP.

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Niggers>Spics tbh, atleast the niggers don't try to larp as white people and further perpetuate the 56% meme.

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it was a false flag, zero chance it could have been legit.

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In terms of your heroes… Owen Benjamin is part kike…. Nick Fuienets is part spic, Milo is a fag, and you're a fucking moron.

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the wuestion that remains is was he cia, fbi, mossad, fsb, chinese, or what. he wan’t an american “racist”. american “racists” are anti-jew, period. 1488 gas the kikes race war now.

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>anti-red meat




Speak for yourself, numbnuts.

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<speak for yourself

kikes will never comprehend the chans.

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What I mean is, he was just a regular, nonfederal, socialist guy.

There’s nothing Jewish about Brenton Tarrant, you guys.

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No true. Half the "Dissident Right" and "NeoReactionary" intelectuals and bloggers are literal kikes, and the other half are mostly (stand with the Israeli defenders of western civilization against the brown muslim muds in palestine) types

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File: a8cc6176b1af755⋯.jpg (241.88 KB,586x454,293:227,mexico.jpg)


>muh homeland

top kek. spics had the land that included Texas for all of just 15 years, after taking it from Spain, who had it for 131 years and did nothing with it in that time except from some place holder forts and pedo priests, after they had taken it from france. Reason why nothing done with it was because indians raped, killed and pillaged spaniards and then spics, so when spics got it they had a cattle call to settle Texas to use as indian fodder to keep spics from getting raped and as place holders like spain did for the same reason. Whites settled and did what spaniards and spics couldn't and didn't do, they brought indians to heel, hunted them down. After making the area usable mescans started demanding more and more and boom, revolution. Much of Texas hasn't changed much, it's still shitty land except where evil Whitey turned it into an oasis with his evil Whitey ways, otherwise crappy brush and desert, better land all around, which is why even the indians settled elsewhere, just traveling through it like a highway.

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"…..killing everyone including ourselves"

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Truly this is a strange and evil experiment just to see how much the human mind can be bent so as to accept what it normally would not and perhaps should not accept. This is the consequence of living in Jew world.

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This post is a bait, or maked by a neonazi

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Were not anti hispanic.

Op is another statistic waiting to happen.

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You must be one of those opioid addicted babies these white women have been producing out of their polluted wombs. Bet you like guns and bacon and meth huh?

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If that ain’t the dumbest goddamn shit that I’ve seen all night then dammit I must be a white nationalist….

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congrats newfag you can recognize journokike bait now fuck off

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Wtf is a neo natzi. That’s a new tranny term? Sounds about white. These keyboard warriors are fucking hilarious. A neo natzi. Gtfohwtbs

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> calling Op a neonazi

> like being a neo gnatzi is a bad thing


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>anti-red meat

speak for yourself, soy nigger

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>We are

FBIfags shillposting again.

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OP is correct about the last line.

Reveals much about the poster.

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Speak for yourself, faggot.

Half of what you wrote is retarded.

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That's all they need to know. The means to achieve this vary depending on whose posting, /pol/acks, jews, shills or gloniggers

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Now this is baitposting

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We're anti-gay so fuck off faggot OP.

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spics are gangster, but they are neither as dumb nor as violent as niggers, most of them are christians so they hate faggots and mudslimes too

they invaders and they live next door to merica. now leftards have 20 martirs to whine about tearing down the wall wich will facilitat the flood of mexcrement into merimutt land

Tarrant on the other hand purged islamis, they have to cross the ocean to get to Kiwiland so the effect 20something kebab martirs will have NZ will not be as devastating as the potential effect of 20 mexcrement martirs

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>This board is predominantly pro-Trump

Nope, not even remotely true.

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Don't listen to op.















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Report op to get him banned.

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Whoa whoa whoa…Anti Red Meat???

And you're anty faggot too? Sort of a contradiction there eh buddy?


oh wait..

>8. Our heroes are Owen Benjamin, Birttany Venti, David Duke, Baked Alaska, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes,

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none of those links support the claim in the image. the general direction of tax contribution/liability is probably accurate for the most part but don't post bullshit

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Sieg Heil

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They look so unhappy

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I was personally radicalized by Candace Owens.

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I was in a walmart last week, east coast, and a loud alarm went off in the store. Over heard managers "I aint never heard that before" I asked someone who works there what it was and they said "IDK".

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this is bullshit, this board is Hegelian hermetic techno-prim-transhumanist ethno-monarchists

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Don't forget Ben Shapiro

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anti-meat, anti-politics, pro-Trump?

lol, nice list of heroes you autistic incel idiot fuck

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This lowered my iq so fast. So are you saying youre full of faggots?

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Basically, to any journo would be propagandist, 8chan is not one person, and any fuckwit with a toaster and dial up can post here. The ones responsible for the deaths are moreso you than anyone here.

>Children do to society what society does to children


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gr8 b8 but you're still a faggot

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Can't tell if optics or overtly opinionated in directions that garner the visible scowl and brow quirk.

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File: ea659ce132da9ea⋯.jpeg (64.28 KB,600x553,600:553,0D1FD2E8-2899-4717-B1BA-5….jpeg)


Anything here that makes us look bad was generated by leftists, Israelis, feminists, gays, Muslims and Democrats. This is a humorous board of peace that discusses the finer point of politics, is dedicated to expanding minds and bringing prosperity to the West. We are pro Western, pro European and pro civilization.

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File: ba4eb48f2f5937f⋯.jpg (122.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (5).jpg)

Anyone remember all the terrible things E P S T E I N is accused of? It's distracting with A L L these RECENT shootings, aint it?

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I love the Jews as a people, but not as a religion. I like the castizos, but not the mestizos or cholos. I predominantly dislike the blacks.

Hitler really was a great man. He defeated communism in Western Europe. People forget all of the good Hitler was trying to do. He disliked the jews solely because at that time and place, they were bolshevik communists in control of the local (((media)))

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>Basically, to any journo would be propagandist, 8chan is not one person, and any fuckwit with a toaster and dial up can post here

That explanation is far too complicated for most (((journalists))) to understand.

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File: fef495314a29f15⋯.jpg (364.6 KB,894x894,1:1,Freedom of the press.jpg)

Hello journalists,

You're all going to be executed.

Thank you for your attention.

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Don't forget us ancaps, faggot!

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File: c63cc9ccbf79151⋯.jpg (137.2 KB,831x1080,277:360,c63cc9ccbf79151f017917631f….jpg)

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File: 9fb21c015ac7531⋯.jpg (114.33 KB,784x1080,98:135,9fb21c015ac75317ad2a11707d….jpg)

Hello (((journalists))). Please go fuck yourselves.

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>retarded reporters coming here

>write some bullshit

>oi vey shut it down

Just another day on the mongolian underwater basket weaving forum

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kill all jews, journalists, globalists and kill anyone who gets in the way

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File: 6bba4be87ff7b8c⋯.png (473.13 KB,480x572,120:143,6bba4be87ff7b8c315a1d94aa9….png)


astroturfing kikes at it again

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>being a dumb nigger

>not getting the joke

>still not banned

Faggots like you are shitting up the board.

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File: 148afce488b2c72⋯.png (310.17 KB,490x331,490:331,2cc6df631f3db65ed615f34f7d….png)


>bumps a thread where OP speaks for all of /pol/

>claims others are the problem

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>lol it’s just a joke goyim ha ha

No one believes you.

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