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File: 36b96b79f78d233⋯.jpg (15.68 KB,208x243,208:243,36b96b79f78d233ecbbb9aa234….jpg)


Right now, in America, there are young children who have been abducted by criminals and these children have been used for sexual purposes by these criminal networks.

This situation is based on an alliance of perverted gentiles and a minority within the Jewish community who form a criminal network of child traffickers. Not all Jews, but a minority of them have done so.

The Jewish community hosts criminal networks because, according to Jewish law, a Jew is not allowed to report Jewish criminals to non-Jewish authorities, which includes the American police. (see: mesirah)

Young children of all races have been victims of this child abduction network established in America. We do not know what happened to children after they were used by these criminals.

The American homosexual community is home to a small community of pedophiles. The pedophile community is home to an even smaller community of people involved in child trafficking. For this reason, America should not tolerate a culture of open homosexuality.

We do not know what happened to children after their use by these criminal networks.

This is the main reason why societies do not want Jews to be part of their society. Jews have been expelled from European countries for centuries because of accusations of kidnapping Gentile children. This is the main reason why we can not allow them to be part of our community.

And that sort of thing is also related to why we can not allow homosexuality to be revealed in society. We can not allow homosexuality to be a visible part of our community.


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Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

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Fuck jews.

What are you going to do about this menace, OP?

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File: 5e8c22be50ccef4⋯.jpg (61.04 KB,1200x816,25:17,close_encounters.jpg)


Aliens are abducting children, no the juice.

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File: 916309cd8e52cd2⋯.jpg (303.05 KB,1565x880,313:176,fybreez.jpg)


Alien spokesperson say: Itz not we kidnapping dem childrun, it's OP.

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The eyes of the greys are actually nostrils.

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File: 0439edef08a5896⋯.jpg (100.93 KB,1200x600,2:1,78158080.jpg)


That must be why I always want to lick them.

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Kek. Also

>some kikes

>some faggots

>children of all races

Get the fuck out of here.

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>Get the fuck out of here.

OK. [everybody leaves]

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File: f05d7cbd86c33a1⋯.png (168.31 KB,417x578,417:578,faggot.png)


>[everybody leaves]

You better be a nigger on purpose.

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File: 9260144c6d3d063⋯.jpg (5.78 KB,268x188,67:47,images.jpg)

Evidence that Jews have a history of attacking the children of their gentile enemies is here: this link is to information on the kings torah in which a rabbi advises jews that it is okay to harm non-jewish children if it is believed those children will grow up to threaten the jewish community:


Psalm 137:9 mentions jews being blessed if the bash the heads of babylonian babies against rocks

New International Version, QUOTE:

"Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."

And lastly Jews have a code called Mesirah that says they cannot report jews to the police in non-jewish nations. All this indicates that jews have a history of killing the infants of non-jews. Jews have been abducting gentile children as part of their war.

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File: ec2ff78b542b40d⋯.jpg (119.4 KB,639x1008,71:112,The Poisonous Mushroom, St….jpg)

File: 5fbdcfa5a784035⋯.pdf (1.74 MB,The Poisonous Mushroom, St….pdf)

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File: c1aac8c36c547c2⋯.jpg (156.01 KB,639x1008,71:112,The Poisonous Mushroom, St….jpg)

File: dca31b79e746c7d⋯.jpg (140.39 KB,639x1008,71:112,The Poisonous Mushroom, St….jpg)

File: 4684981b89f3360⋯.jpg (103.2 KB,639x1008,71:112,The Poisonous Mushroom, St….jpg)

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I want to applaud OP for their nuanced presentation, and respectfully disagree with the point about open homosexuality.

I was a mistreated child. I don’t want to go into it right this moment, but my parents were left-leaning, and I went towards progressive spaces for support. I would say the LGBT community honestly bungled my case, but I believe the bungling was honest. The problem was not (initially) a lack of apparent sincerity. The right intention was there and cultures accrete knowledge over time as they continue their endeavors. I believe on the strength of my own anecdotal experience that it isn’t the openly homosexual people who are likely doing evil things, but rather I think evil is more probable from people who are concealing their proclivities. I found a space that would protect children, even obviously vulnerable ones, and whose good will was apparent even if they were clumsy. I honor that in the spirit of being who I needed as a child.

(Also, I still pretty much love one of my early romantic partners, haha. Amicable breakup, no hatred between us, he was just an absolutely great guy. Good to the last drop, lol.)

If we want cultures to not conceal criminals it’s important that we not hate them. Child abuse is a special kind of evil, arright? We ought to be able to use it as a lever against this “mesirah” doctrine and things like it.

Wimipedia says there was a 2015 scandal in Australia around mesirah, child abuse, and the Jewish community. Yet the whole reason the scandal arose was because, when the safety of children was at stake, a swathe of Jewish society wasn’t putting mesirah over child safety after all. So let’s trust that evil people live in a world of traitors, because they do. People who do evil shit get reported on. People who don’t do evil shit can trust 96% of the public, but people who do evil shit can’t trust one in a hundred.

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File: 8576d4be4393c87⋯.jpg (341.48 KB,1111x1600,1111:1600,Strength of virtue battles….jpg)


>If we want cultures to not conceal criminals it’s important that we not hate them.


That's the kind of mixed-up, self-defeating thinking that allows pedophilia to flourish in the first place.

Instead, be direct, know what's right and stand for it. If criminality exists, don't 'tolerate' it, rather confront it instead.

Anything less than courage in the face of (((controversy))) is sickening.

Do you want to be a healthy robust man? Stand for what's right.

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God creation was good in its initial form; when it performed its initial purpose. The devil did not create anything; instead the devil is corruption. The healthy body, the intended purpose; that is good.

Food is primarily to nourish and fuel us, and we experience pleasure when we eat to encourage us to keep our bodies fueled and nourished. If food becomes primarily about pleasure; then we become gluttonous, eating not for fuel or nourishment, but for pleasure. This is corrupting the purpose of food. The result is that our bodies are not nourished, but become unhealthy with clogged arteries and fat; we are not fueled, but become lethargic. That is the corruption of food.

All things can be corrupted. Love can be corrupted into lust; and if one primarily pursues lust, they will soon not be able to form relationships. Look at these deviants like sodomite and pedophiles; there is no love, only a perverse desire to defile with their genitals.

God created Man as a Steward of Creation. We are supposed to maintain what has been created; we are supposed to maintain Nature; we are supposed maintain the intended purpose of actions, animals, plants and more general 'things'. This means we are supposed to DESTROY corruption where we find it. The metaphors of gardeners uprooting the weeds; farmers separating the wheat from the chaff; shepherds fighting off wolves; doctors amputating the diseased; warriors slaying monsters - is supposed to remind us of this purpose. We destroy the corruption where we find it.

Evil cannot exist without good. Evil is the corruption of good. It is better to simply think of evil as corruption as opposed to something in and of itself. All things can be corrupted. We must be eternally vigilant. Our purpose is to annihilate the corrupt.

God wills it.

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hey man thanks for posting this, unironically

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