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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 8276756fef7c96c⋯.jpeg (165.27 KB,940x923,940:923,Relocate.jpeg)

File: bf6f36313318dfd⋯.jpg (147.17 KB,1486x634,743:317,AWAKE.jpg)

File: 5082baf255e63e1⋯.png (110.42 KB,1056x694,528:347,Newawakening.PNG)

File: 0f6d6c09c1cf50d⋯.jpg (83.57 KB,600x451,600:451,imageboard brain.jpg)

 No.13557384 [Last50 Posts]

I came to provide you with two very hard to swallow redpills:

1) TV, computers, cellphones, radio, news, music, pornography and the Internet (especially imageboards) are all data smog that act as addictions and hinder our cognitive performance, too much information and also subversive information that fills our minds with degeneracy is EXACTLY WHAT THE JEWS WANT! Don't believe me? Try going without 8chan or porn for a week. Imagine how much time we waste on DATA SMOG that we could have used to improve our lives. We are literally killing our brains and making ourselves more stupid by doing this.

2) Accelerationism helps the Jews because it allows them to persecute us more violently. WE HAVE NOT YET CREATED THE REVOLUTIONARY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED TO FIGHT THE ENEMY IN THE STREETS. This is why we should be planning to do what Harold Covington and the New Awakening is suggesting, pic related.

Now imagine if we all permanently got rid of data smog in our lives, which would lead to us increasing our IQs by 20-25 points, and instead of ACCELERATIONISM started believing in RESTRAINTISM. By 2030, when the brains of lemmings are fried from data smog and the ZOG has fallen, we will rise up all across the white world and take power into our hands.

Criticize me all you want, call me a shill or a glownigger but deep down you know I'm right.

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File: d6dd661b62bbfd5⋯.jpg (815.77 KB,1456x3000,182:375,Accelerationism-Argument-1.jpg)

File: 7ce126c74e80169⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1955x3000,391:600,Accelerationism-Argument-2.jpg)

File: 1ca36c4ebe52d17⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,2095x3000,419:600,accelerationism-argument-3.jpg)

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Doing anything violent will get you killed or arrested. Any immediate political activism will get you put on a watch list and forced to become a federal informant.

On the other hand if you wait ten years, gather resources and execute a thorough plan, then you can actually help your race.

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File: 337c5778557c975⋯.jpg (911.74 KB,2148x2958,358:493,Accelerationism-Redpill.jpg)


Accelerationism is not about violence. Don't let kikes and other bad actors co-opt every single word.

>pic related

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>Tarrant is mossad and discredited accelerationism

Get out schizo. Filtered.

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Stay defeated Moshe. We Accelerationism nao.

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It takes an assload of resources to move somewhere like the NW, especially while looking for a new job.

Quite a lot of us don’t have that kind of capital on hand.

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Reminder that this (https://uswhiteclock.org/) is your alternative to NW migration.

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I know exactly what’s going on, but I don’t have shit to my name. Funs are at least still cheap enough to obtain, for now.

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I like what you guys are doing, but you are all going to be killed by Yellowstone.

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>muh yellowstone

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File: f182960d944b68c⋯.jpg (137.68 KB,1486x634,743:317,bf6f36313318dfd6734ebb56af….jpg)

Who put you on the job to make a thread?What ever you do not call Tarrant something bad faggot He's a saint!You do not touch or insult saints.Also Accelerationism and mass killings both work faggot look at knight Breivik he made a whole country become right leaning and stopped them from importing invaders.Even this image you posted disproves you we need to take action against the system im with the new awaking and having a ethostate but the hard truth is the system needs to be destroyed we can't wait for the colapse we need to fucking start is the system will not let happen

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Retard their not going to get killed by yollowstone

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What im getting is fine have tons of kids while we do the heavy lifting and kill the system it would be good for both of us

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>retard thinks making a business and getting involved in politics will help

This is not getting out of the system. They WILL raid you like they did Waco and the lemmings will eat it up.

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Their not saying to live in one big ass place.It's community structured

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Sure but don't propagate accelerationism violence as the ONLY solution.


If you read the New Awakening plan on their website, you will see that it is the best plan we've got. As long as we keep on the down low (((they))) will not Ruby ridge us.

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A mix of accelerationism violence is good

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No brakes on this train, faggot

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File: 67ab1d0340b330a⋯.jpg (64.84 KB,601x402,601:402,JIDF Elite.jpg)

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File: 890e50b7428f12c⋯.jpg (216.91 KB,981x577,981:577,1562618889854.jpg)


Shut the fuck up (((conservative boomer))).

You have been poisoning our well for too much long now.

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I'm reporting the spammer for being anti gringo!

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Fuck off spicnigger, Knight Commander Breivik told us to protect the jews

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I raped your mom

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Forming white communities is OK but fighting for collapse is also needed.

You also don't need to form big communities and it is possible bad when the race war starts. We want to get as many white people on our side as possible. That's why we must be anonymised so the fight will be between whites and non-whites, instead of white nationalists and everyone else.

If we target blacks, they know who to hit to hurt us. We must make them attack random whites to get sympathy for our cause.

Also the colors (green and blue) are suspicious though. I've seen them somewhere else


This person is not completely incorrect

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This is some of the gayest shit I've ever read. Let's say that all your members aren't subversives and DO play things by the book as good ole fashioned law-abiding citizens. Even still, ZOG will inevitably do everything within its well-funded power to play it as dirty as possible and outright fuck you all in the ass without the courtesy of lube before anything meaningful could be accomplished. At this juncture only lonewolves and decentralized networks operating in the shadows can enact meaningful change. Go home with your lofty fantasy and read Siege, faggot.


This image that blatantly condemns those willing to die for their race is the supreme level of degenerate. The effeminate creator of this image can fuck right off with his cowardly fear of death. Valhalla awaits.

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>gucas itt

gucas itt

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File: bde61f2b018cac0⋯.jpg (82.35 KB,1453x123,1453:123,milquetoast cucks.jpg)

> if you just stopped rocking the boat, everything would be fine

This cannot be reposted often enough.

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Learn the laws of nature, anon. A host needs to fight the parasite to death or it will be devoured by it. Only the parasite can chose to flee, the host is forced to fight or die.

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Change first date to 2016.

Good shit tbh.

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The globoZOG system must collapse first (accelerationism), only then will creating white communities and ethnostates be possible. For that, each one of us needs to be as subversive and do as much damage to the system itself as possible.

Let's say you create your FBI honeypot state, it will give the government an excuse to crack down on it, even militarily if needed. Let's say you somehow win a civil war in the US and the country becomes /pol/ tier, you will get attacked by Russia, China, (((UN))) etc, most likely even during the war. Do that in some other country, and you get bombed by uncle ZOG. The initiative needs to be global, and simultaneous, because kikes always have a backup country to flee to.

Accelerationism doesn't mean listening to JIDF and glowniggers praising mass shootings though

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Why do you have to D&C? Always? Why always? We're not fucking asians and don't subscribe to your hive mind mentality where everyone has the exact same approach. We need to fight on ALL fronts.

It's a race against time you dumb fuck, if everyone were to become wage slave cucks and have kids (not that I have anything against that) we would be outnumbered in a blink. time to get a little bit /uncomfy/ coward

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File: c4e30b9099382a9⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,750x926,375:463,1564681467234.jpg)


I agree with your post but this image is better.

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File: b51419999a92891⋯.png (2.82 MB,954x1448,477:724,Wire 2019-07-07 at 3_33 PM….png)

Fuck off you faggots, why are you running to the northwest like a bunch of cowards!? Stand and FIGHT! Like a REAL Aryan man! We have to stand out ground and fight until the glorious Endsieg or the bitter end of this world! READ SIEGE FAGGOT!

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>Hollywood style edgy propaganda quite similar to ISIS

How's the weather in Langley?

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File: db505c262e8ecda⋯.jpg (105.19 KB,721x664,721:664,Accelerationism_original.jpg)

File: 02aea68027ffbaf⋯.jpg (133.25 KB,717x664,717:664,Accelerationism_original_d….jpg)

File: bee8154bf85062e⋯.jpg (139.23 KB,703x687,703:687,Accelerationism_original_o….jpg)

File: 4d6a02087845e3e⋯.jpg (113.82 KB,649x587,649:587,Accelerationism_original_p….jpg)


>1) media is bad for you in too great a quantity

Wow, great insight. Powerful redpill.

>2) Accelerationism helps the Jews because it allows to them make things worse

…… You're retarded.

>Criticize me all you want, call me a shill or a glownigger but deep down you know I'm right.

Okay you shill glownigger. Deep down I know you're retarded.

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>Doing anything violent will get you killed or arrested.

Hitler tried to forcibly take over the country.

It made him world-famous, landed him in prison for awhile, and led directly to his rise to power.

>On the other hand if you wait ten years

The game will be over by then you idiot. You can't help your race when they're 30% of your country.

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File: f26925d097938ec⋯.jpg (167.95 KB,610x501,610:501,f26925d097938ecc6c9a294d55….jpg)


I agree that acceleration is not the answer, but neither is relocation to one central region. That would make ZOG roundup once the shit hits the fan far too easy. Of course you should relocate if you're in any sort of diversity ground zero area, such as the southwest, whose fate is already sealed. Just move to a majority white area and try to become a part of the community, get married ASAP if you aren't already, start having kids, and just propagate the knowledge you have to your friends and family. As shit gets worse, and the endgame becomes more obvious (as if it weren't already) the seeds you've planted will blossom. We need thousands of small communities who are willing to band together when the gang violence amalgamates into literal race war. And here's the other thing, that you might not want to hear, but even Harold Covington knew to be true: you need a connection to God. You need Christ, as a moral compass, for what is here and what is coming.

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>You need Christ, as a moral compass

That's what got us into this mess!

No more jew shit. Jew shit is dead. You don't even believe in the jew shit, you're just desperate for an identity.

Stop with the jew shit.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Christianity is not "jew shit". The very word "kike" speaks to that; the entire jewish identity, for 2000 years, is centered on a rejection of Christ. Christianity is the moral foundation of Western Civilization, and our decline and collapse of sexual morality was perfectly inversely correlated to the regression of Christianity in the West.



Oy vey.

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The Northwest Initiative will result in our genocide.

There is an active volcano there that could erupt, completely eliminating us.

Do not go. Create a new initiative, and locate elsewhere.

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>be a boomer

>mind has been retarded by media and modernity

>has done nothing but indulge himself since the Vietnam war

>hated by his children and wife

>alone and probably divorced

>is defeated because it fears losing all the junk it has accumulated

>cum innawoods wit me

>you will never be a pathetic boomer

Feels good.

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File: 181b8ec3d90bb00⋯.jpg (282.83 KB,2497x725,2497:725,Ancient Judaism v Christ =….JPG)

File: b4d14532adf7ef3⋯.png (378.79 KB,1748x2808,437:702,Christianity - (((Christia….png)

File: a3c3804363b5e48⋯.jpg (193.92 KB,1729x579,1729:579,Jews and Christianity - Tr….JPG)


>Christianity is not "jew shit".

Yes, it is. That you can't come to terms with that is demonstrable of the fact that you're hopeless.

There's no point in arguing about it with you, you're a sycophant who claims to be anti-semitic while worshiping a literal jew and the god of the hyksos.

Kikes reject christ as you reject coal-burners and communists my man. Its nothing more than that, and they are not scared of christianity in the least. All you ever do is 'deport' them to other christian lands.

>Christianity is the moral foundation of Western Civilization

It isn't, its only been extant for like 2,000 years, and wasn't adopted throughout the West for large portions of that.

Whats more, even if it were? Christianity is what led us to where we are today.


Traditionally Europe, philosemite, since before you traitorous ilk existed. Now go worship your demon and STFU.

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Enclavism is suicide.

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Christianity is based around the worship of a jew.

We should have a religion that is based around the reverence towards our Aryan bloodlines. Then we can choose our own morals, instead of using Jewish morals, which are all the rules in the Old Testament/Torah, or the words of the Jewish male called Jesus.

This would solve the issue.

If your objection is, "But Christianity is already popular," then that's a fair point. Unimportant however, because I think it is best to completely eliminate all worship of Jews, no matter if you think they are on our side or not.

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File: 0ff47dfe0f73444⋯.jpg (2.05 MB,1480x6432,185:804,Christians - Not Even Once.jpg)


The best way to deal with modern Christians is to ask them simply:

If a Jew genuinely converts to Christianity, is he still a Jew?

If they answer no, then they're retarded civnat faggots.

If they answer yes, then they're not really christian.

Its one of those fun questions like "If you had to choose between a non-White Christian Europe or a White non-Christian Europe, which would you choose?" that gets them squirming around and engaging in ridiculous mental gymnastics to try to justify loyalty to their creepy jewish demon cult.

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File: 47dc2030dc60be4⋯.jpg (96.52 KB,1440x1080,4:3,who could it be now.jpg)


>unironically using "anti-semitic" in the orthodox fashion

>let me tell you why kikes do xyz, I should know

>grrr I hate God!!!11

>t-the Talmud doesn't contradict pre-Christian Judaism

Hello, Schlomo!


>Christianity is based around the worship of a jew.

No, it's based on the remission of sin. The concept of sin is the most important of all concepts which have been discarded by post-Christian modernity. The notion that you will be called to account for misdeeds is vital to the self-regulation of behavior. Our fleshly desires are destructive. People revert to an animal state when they follow the Law of the Prince of This World, namely: Do what thou wilt. This mantra permeates our culture in overt ways. It's the theme of almost every pop song, it is written on the hearts of every adulterer, liar, and thief.

I'm not arguing for Christian revival because of its pragmatic use as an identity: it's not an identity. It's a moral framework, and it works, and its True.

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>White flight is the answer

Retreating is not an option, it never was.

The government will force your pure white ethno-colony to be multicultural at gunpoint and if you're not willing to fight now I hold no hope you will fight back then.

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I'm not planning on relocating anywhere at all, but if people really do want to leave and make new friends, then I figure it's best to warn them about Yellowstone.

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>unironically using "anti-semitic" in the orthodox fashion

What the fuck does that even mean?

>let me tell you why kikes do xyz, I should know

I've studied kikes extensively, and unlike you, I'm not restricted by my jewish cult.

>grrr I hate God!!!11

Your 'God' is a the demon you call 'Satan'. You're just too stupid to realize it.

>t-the Talmud doesn't contradict pre-Christian Judaism

Who cares? Its all jew shit. Seriously, that's the best you can do? Jews were shit before the Talmud kiddo.


>No, it's based on the remission of sin.

>sin as described by jewish teachings

And no, its literally based on worship of a jew, because you literally can't be a christian without worshiping the rabbi Yeshua.


Enclavism is suicide. Its just another form of escapist White flight.

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>The government will force your pure white ethno-colony to be multicultural at gunpoint and if you're not willing to fight now I hold no hope you will fight back then.

And here's why enclavism is suicide.

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File: 88f399f6aea62a6⋯.jpg (281.66 KB,2577x615,859:205,Christianity - Its The Opp….JPG)

By the way, this bit?

>sin as described by jewish teachings

This is why Christianity is so shit and why this outcome was inevitable.

The cognitive dissonance this causes in Christians leads them to say some of the most outlandishly retarded shit you could possibly imagine with a straight fucking face. Shit like "Jesus was not a jew! He was a European!" or "Saul/Paul was not a jew either, he converted!".

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Do you actually believe in Christianity, or are you just arguing for it in an intellectual manner?

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>being this fixated on hatred of Jesus Christ

Definitely a jew.

Sin and holiness are the key concepts. If people lived perfect lives without sin, they wouldn't need a savior.



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>let me just repeat kike propaganda verbatim

>I am certainly not a yid though goyim

Abandoning Christianity is what led us to where we are today. Christianity says kikes are the literal direct descendants of satan, and are the eternal nemesis of Adamites (white people). The things we call jews today have no relation to Judeans of the bible, they only say they do because it let them deceive Christians into supporting their conquest of the middle east. The entire reason jews started pornography, rap, nigger culture, etc was precisely to undermine Christian values. The Lord said clearly that only white people have souls, race mixing is a sin and mongrels are abominations, that faggots go to hell, and that women are to be obedient to their men. Which part of that is bad for us again?

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File: c8959e13ace34be⋯.jpg (383.07 KB,2057x1516,2057:1516,Christianity - Totally Not….JPG)

File: c4cd55040223785⋯.jpg (244.47 KB,1188x1540,27:35,Christianity - Love Thy En….JPG)


>being this fixated on hatred of Jews and their creations

<must be a jew



Pic #1.

Your conception of sin was literally created by jews, and that's why the summation of the espousal of your doctrines is a jewish tranny fucking children while 'christians' stand by watching in between making contributions to Israeli NGOs.


>let me just repeat kike propaganda verbatim

<let me just call your claims kike propaganda while i defensively try to justify my embrace of literal kike propaganda

kek, hopeless.

>Abandoning Christianity is what led us to where we are today.

No, it didn't. And we didn't abandon Christianity, this is Christianity's final form before collapse. You just can't bring yourself to accept that.

>Christianity says kikes are the literal direct descendants of satan

No, it doesn't. This is why you're so hopeless, you're like jews in your willingness to try to spin this yarn in a way that doesn't come out kosher, but it never works.

Fact: Christianity says that ONE GROUP OF JEWS were bad. That's it. Period.

>The things we call jews today have no relation to Judeans of the bible


>The cognitive dissonance this causes in Christians leads them to say some of the most outlandishly retarded shit you could possibly imagine with a straight fucking face. Shit like "Jesus was not a jew! He was a European!" or "Saul/Paul was not a jew either, he converted!".

You're a fucking meme dude, fucks sake. Spew your jew propaganda elsewhere after you answer these questions (no cop-outs or you are forever a jew):

>If an ethnic Jew genuinely converts to Christianity, is he still a Jew? Is he still bad?

>If you had to choose between a non-White Christian Europe and a non-Christian White Europe, which would you choose and why?

<inb4 cop-out and mental gymnastics

>Which part of that is bad for us again?

The part where it came out of the mouth of a jew.

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>Pic #1.

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The thing about Christians is that they actually believe that it's literally true. No matter if you go full-creationism, or just the fact that they believe that they will go to heaven when they die, it's all a complete and utter clownworld show. It's so obvious it's a cult, that the only way to trick people into believing it is to brainwash them as children. And they do. They literally do, because it happened to probably more than half of us.

We already know the truth about Christianity. We were born and raised into that cult, so it's not like you look sane when you claim that Jews are the "direct descendants of Satan."

Jews have chosen to be our enemy, but how do you think sane people feel when some cultist says something stupid like that?

Christians lie. They lie like Jews.

They will say anything to get you to join their cult. They will say true things, partially true things, and utter falsehoods to get you to join. They literally have no other objective in life but to convert people until death, where they believe they will be rewarded for their obedience to the cult doctrine. Afterlife.

They can't deny it either. I was one of them, so they can't say something to get out of this accusation. Christianity is false. It is a cult invented by Jews, and it will lead to our demise.

We need to find a better answer.

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>us yids are God's chosen people goyim!

>not white people, the only people on the planet who ever followed the Lord and his Word

Nice try rabbi. You are the sons of satan, who say you are Judean but are not. Exactly as it says in Revelation.

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There are no 'chosen people' you fucking kike.

Fucks sake, you are so JEWISH!

>In Revelation 2:9, Jesus is said to have written, "I know your works, tribulations and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

<The author names himself as "John", but modern scholars consider it unlikely that the author of Revelation also wrote the Gospel of John. Pope Dionysius of Alexandria set out some of the evidence for this view as early as the second half of the third century, noting that the gospel and the epistles attributed to John, unlike Revelation, do not name their author, and that the Greek of the gospel is stylistically correct and elegant while that of Revelation is neither; some later scholars believe that the two books also have radical differences in theological perspective.

<Tradition ascribes the authorship to John the Apostle, but it seems unlikely that the apostle could have lived into the most likely time for the book's composition, the reign of Domitian, and the author never states that he knew Jesus.

<All that is known is that this John was a Jewish Christian prophet, probably belonging to a group of such prophets, and was accepted as such by the congregations to whom he addresses his letter.

<His precise identity remains unknown

<The book has been written about 95 AD. The date is suggested by clues in the visions pointing to the reign of the emperor Domitian.

>According to Paul's definition of a "true" Jew, "he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God" (Romans 2:28-29)

>That is, the Christian notion of a "true" Jew refers to Jews and Gentiles who follow Paul's concept of submission to belief in Jesus, not adherence to the Torah.

>Jews by birth or choice who do not believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior are classified as Jews of the "flesh" not "true" spiritual Jews.

>The author of Revelation declares that Jews of the "flesh" who do not become "true" Jews (that is, Christians) worship Satan and are destined to someday be subdued and come to bow down at the feet of Jesus' beloved church.

So, its pretty clear – christians must accept ethnic jews who convert as no longer being 'bad jews'… That is, if you take seriously a text written like 100 years after the fact, by someone who identity you don't know, but who was probably Jewish.

Now answer the fucking questions, you philosemitic pussy, and lets get this over with. I don't have all day for you to work through your fucking cowardice and just admit that you're a fucking philosemitic pile of cognitive dissonance and zealotry.

I swear, Christian Identity faggots are even worse than straight-up kikes.

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>1) stuff that seems reasonable

>2) stuff that is bullshit

>just trust me!

What a shitty attempt at subversion. Send better shills please. SAGE.



2) is bullshit because a few days after Saint Tarrant's attack Australia dropped its official immigrant target from 190,000 to 160,000.

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File: 484829d76e86472⋯.png (41.44 KB,560x323,560:323,Christianity - Demographic….png)

File: b1563cd8e769934⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2512x1307,2512:1307,Rabbi Ravage.jpg)


Also, I love how you go all "No Real Christcuck" when it suits your narrative…

>not white people, the only people on the planet who ever followed the Lord and his Word

… Even when it goes against the dogma of your cult, lel

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>Your conception of sin was literally created by jews

The law is written on every man's heart, because we are all made in the image of God. We all know that murder, adultery, theft are immoral. These principles have been codified by many other cultures besides that of the ancient Israelites. Again, even though you pose as some sort of aryan, you reveal your jewish supremacism by claiming some sort of monopoly on the knowledge of good and evil. It's comical how transparent you are, yet you keep doubling down, even as multiple people ITT have recognized (((you))).

>and that's why the summation of the espousal of your doctrines is a jewish tranny fucking children while 'christians' stand by watching.

You're not arguing in good faith, kike. Speaking against LGBT is blasphemy in all formerly-Christian nations. Preachers are arrested routinely for speaking against it. You will be deplatformed and fired for taking a stand against. Trying to put this on Christians, when this evil only arrived after the Christians retreated from the mainstream, is dishonest. This will be my last reply to you, as I'm filtering you for this remark.

>Christian zionism

We can both agree that that's bad, but again, it is a peculiarity of modernity. Christianity has historically been opposed to jewry and recognized its corrupting influence.

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>There are no 'chosen people' you fucking kike.

Yes there are. White people are God's people. It doesn't matter how hard you cry about this Shlomo, it always was and always will be true.

>Fucks sake, you are so JEWISH!

Says the yid while insisting that kike lies about them being Israelites should be believed despite all evidence to the contrary.

>So, its pretty clear

It is pretty clear that you are regurgitating kike bullshit without even attempting to understand it. The word you keep seeing as "Jew" is in fact "Judean". Judean means someone from Judah. The things we call jews are not of Judah. They have absolutely no relation to Jacob, or Abraham, or Adam. They are the descendants of Cain, who was fathered by satan. What the bible says is that Christians must accept all white people who have faith in the Lord. Judean or Greek, does not matter. We're all white. Jews are Caananites and Edomites who have traditionally followed the satanic rituals of babylonian talmudism, although many in the modern world now follow the satanic rituals of progressivism or communism instead.

>Now answer the fucking questions,

What questions? Your kike derangement is making you hear voices or something.


>oy vey goyim listen to my rabbi he only speaks the truth!

You already proved you're a yid, you don't need to keep trying. Just because kikes want to claim credit for everything white people have ever accomplished, while giving whites blame for everything kikes have done, doesn't mean we're going to just swallow that shit like a bunch of retards.

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>We need to find a better answer.

The summation of conversations with both pagans, christians and atheists has led me to the conclusion that this is the correct stance looking towards the future.


>The law is written on every man's heart, because we are all made in the image of God.

Empty philosemitic blather. We had conceptions of what was right and wrong before your stupid jewish shit showed up, and it was better than what your stupid jewish shit espoused and espouses to this day.


>You're not arguing in good faith, kike.

Yes, I am, and the irony of a philosemite calling me a kike because I hate all kikes including the rabbi Yeshua? Priceless.



That shit is a micro-component of the downfall happening around you, all of it orchestrated by jews who your ancestors let walk amongst you based on… Wait for it… Christianity!

>rying to put this on Christians, when this evil only arrived after the Christians retreated from the mainstream

They didn't retreat, they're still there, they're the largest religious group on the fucking planet.

What the fuck are you talking about? You're just doing more "No Real Christcuck" shit you sorry loser, because you can't come to the reality before you: This isn't the post-Christian era, this is the summation of Christianity, of Christianity ideology, or your stupid jewish conception of 'sin' taken to its inevitable paramount.

>This will be my last reply to you, as I'm filtering you for this remark.

Translation: You're a cowardly philosemite.

Protip: I knew that the moment I started engaging you, and I was proven correct.

>We can both agree that that's bad, but again, it is a peculiarity of modernity.

Its the end-product of your jewish subservience. Again, you're just too stupid, and too indoctrinated, to internalize that, so talking to you about it is like talking to a brick wall – Christians are basically NPCs when it comes to questioning their cult, you just shut down.

>Christianity has historically been opposed to jewry and recognized its corrupting influence.


>Pic #2

A lie as you typed it. More attempt to spin a kosher yarn into an non-kosher product. Yet another failure for philosemitism.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey man, I was you. I grew up in a lukewarm Christian household, and rebelled hard. I'll spare the details, but hedonistic lifestyle led to major dead ends. Also had to reject atheistic materialism on intellectual grounds, vid related. There is a creator, there is right and wrong, and if you pray for faith, God will answer. Hope it works out, I will pray for you.

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Accelerationism vs. Restraintism seems like kind of a silly debate. People should just be smart in what they do. If you're going to practice restraintism, practice self improvement, and focus on redpilling others in a way that wont make you seem like some kind of nut job. If you're going to practice accelerationsim, do shit that will actually count for something, rather than shit that will be a net benefit for (((them))) by giving (((them))) pity points.

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File: faa65a7755d965f⋯.jpg (418.96 KB,979x1254,89:114,Fixed - Christian Fiction.jpg)


>Yes there are.

No, there aren't. Stop being so jewish you CI loser.

>Says the yid

<says the literal jew by his own admission

>kike lies about them being Israelites should be believed despite all evidence to the contrary.

Pic related.

>It is pretty clear that you are regurgitating kike bullshit without even attempting to understand it.

Literally what you are doing! Projection! Crying out as you strike at me!


>a whole bunch of CI nonsense about WE WUZ DA REEL JOOZ!

Pic related, again.


>It is pretty clear that you are regurgitating kike bullshit without even attempting to understand it.


>What questions?

And now he's pretending not to know what I'm talking about! BE LESS JEWISH! kek

>oy vey goyim listen to my rabbi he only speaks the truth!


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Talking about Christianity is a waste of time.

Focus on political, financial, and social solutions that are true to the volk, so that Christianity can be replaced. Leave Christianity immediately, or you are branded a traitor to the Aryan people.

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Checked for extremely wise post.

I'll leave it at where it started:

Christianity is jew shit.

No more jew shit. Jew shit is dead. You don't even believe in the jew shit, you're just desperate for an identity.

Stop with the jew shit.

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Christians are traitors. Look what they've done.

Two people in this thread should be friends and allies, but the Christian is blocking people for disagreeing. Christianity leads to brother wars. Christians will serve their god before they serve Aryans. They put Jesus before their own family.

Christians are traitors to their blood and will instantly betray you if told to by their cult.Dd not trust Christians.

Christians: Leave your cult and become Aryan again. You will not be accepted here if you are Christian. Your cult was proven false.

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File: f587803178f57cd⋯.jpg (48.51 KB,471x350,471:350,ZwarteZonWevelsburg.jpg)

Saying that "jews hate jesus so he's a fucking based jew guys!!" is logically similar to saying

>You should let muslims into your country because jews don't like muslims

>jewish republicans are baste because they don't like the far left jewish marxists

>marxist jews are baste because they don't like israel and zionists

They are ALL the enemy. Just because they speak against each other doesn't mean they're on OUR fucking PRO-EUROPEAN side.

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File: 138bc17eb49ab0a⋯.jpg (427.66 KB,1399x2114,1399:2114,the genesis of science.jpg)


Christianity birthed the worldview which produced the Scientific Method. No other belief system has been anywhere near as successful at understanding and interacting with the natural world.




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>No, there aren't.

I love how much it burns you yids up to hear the truth. Your eternal hatred and envy of God's people gives you away just as easily as your nose does.

>Pic related.

So you are going to prove you are not regurgitating kike lies, by posting a "recreation" of what a group of kikes say Jesus looked like? Even a nigger can see the obvious problem with your kikery:

Pocahontas was from Virginia.

People in Virginia are white.

Therefore Pocahontas looked like pic.

>Literally what you are doing!

Please show me a kike saying that kikes are the spawn of satan and that white people are the only humans. If you can not, then obviously I am not regurgitating kike bullshit.

>And now he's pretending not to know what I'm talking about!

Not pretending. You didn't ask me anything retard.


"no u!111" isn't an argument. You literally quoted a rabbi saying the same thing you are saying, to support your argument.


>Christians will serve their god before they serve Aryans

That's completely illogical. Serving God is serving mankind. It is one and the same.


>Saying that "jews hate jesus so he's a fucking based jew guys!!"

Nobody says that. Jesus was not a jew. Jesus was fair skinned and blond, like his mother. Yids are not Judeans, they are not Israelites, they are not Hebrews. They are Caananites and Edomites whose ancestors converted to talmudism.

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File: 270af519bc150fc⋯.jpg (705.57 KB,2000x3000,2:3,virginia_woman.jpg)


Oops, forgot the 100% accurate recreation of Virginian Pocahontas.

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>leftyshit tier wordswordswords

Holy fuck condense your message

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op is a faggot

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>Most of their Holy Book is (((Their Book))) with a few extra stories

>Literally Judaism 2: Electric Boogaloo

You're a part of the problem. Try Aryan Paganism or into the oven

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>go back to your grasshuts, goyim

Seethe harder, kike.

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>Most of their Holy Book is (((Their Book)))

Christianity does not include the Babylonian talmud. Where did you get such a stupid idea?

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Based Christian anon, it's nice to know that there are many of us out there. God bless. There are many prophetic passages in the Bible that point to the empowerment of a small, warmongering, prideful, anti-White, deceitful and filthy rich minority; Edom.

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What is old Testament?

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>oy vey goyim do what jews want

>support jewish degeneracy

>do the opposite of what will save whites

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You certainly don’t know, you stupid fucking faggot. Nothing in the Torah or the Talmud is Christian law.

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File: ef27d2dcf68dc68⋯.gif (214.29 KB,360x181,360:181,thumbs down.gif)


>northwest front shit


>kiketianity shit

>linking to a non-white

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I wonder why when Yaweh is foretold as the protector of jizzrael and the jews, why would anyone anti-semitic would worship him? It's silly.

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>Old Testament

If white people were following talmudic judaism, we would have conquered all spaces.

The only thing white people lack is thinking for themselves

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>oy vey goyim, behave like jews themselves!

This is how far /pol/ has fallen.

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Low quality of this thread is astounding. Am I on cuckchan suddenly? OP made three mistakes. Intellectual, tactical and moral one.


Is building whole predicament on a strawman and misinterpretations about acceleration. He did not understood elementary basis of the whole accelerationist practice or just fell for shill memes.


I personally believe that white separatism, be it to NW or not, is one of the valid (note ONE OF) and good choices for any radical white idealist. Especially since Butler's plan and late Covington's work is rather well-thought and detailed. It's something tangible and doable. HOWEVER, the accelerationism is not it's enemy, quite the contrary. These two are literally made to be deployed together and can supplement each other just nice. Even if it was just white separatism, the acceleration would come later anyway.


This cancer is widespread in white movements. Pierce once said that he will never talk bad about white men taking action, no matter his personal conflicts or opinions on them. This is something that must be adopted again. Don't shittalk your own people. Especially your own people who actually did something other than useless shitposting on anonymous cantonese manta-ray hunting forums, like we do. Note how left never talks bad even about the worst of them? Because they understand the value of social cohesion. NSDAP as well cared for this. They cleaned their dirty undies at home, behind closed doors, secretly. All you have to do is to keep your mouth shut. No one expects you to fake praise or interest. Just keep quiet.

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no, christianity is jewish slave mentality. Christianity is being the servant while Judaism is being the master in abrahamic hierarchy. It's a cattle faith.

Aryan Paganism is the best though.

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The old testament. What kind of retarded question is that? The yids call the old testament the tanakh. The torah is yids taking the first part of the old testament, but discarding the rest because it doesn't suit their narrative, pretending they are the people of Moses, and then tacking on centuries of rabbis writing about how to not follow any of the laws given to Moses by trying to exploit made up loopholes so they can claim to be God's people while doing the opposite of what God commanded.


>I can't tell the difference between the ancient people "Israelites" and the modern country of kikes that was intentionally and deceptively named "Israel"

You seem pretty stupid. Are you black?


You're definitely black.

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no, I am from Eastern Europe and all my ancestors were white.

Old Testament is what Christians and Kikes follow, it is their abrahamic world system where whites are slaves of jews.

Whites are cattle who might do nothing and jews are the masters who will get all money through usury and are able to murder the cattle when they want. That is abrahamic bullshit. You must fear hell, freaking cowards.

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Why does anyone take these retards seriously when they post a shill thread nearly identical to this once a month?

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>Jesus was fair skinned and blond, like his mother.

Prove it. You can't. So don't claim it. Nigger.

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Networking is the only thing that has ever worked. Thanks to kosher White Nationalists that has become nearly impossible.

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Forgot youre red text at home shlomo?

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The marxist/abrahamic indoctrination technique of repeating something until it normalizes in the minds of your enemies doesn't work on national socialists. It never has, and never will.

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That's all you larpers have left. Nothing ever changes and the Jews always win.

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You mean WN larping over and over?

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Jewish demographics are floundering due to miscegenation, in a hundred years all we'll have left to contend with is their confused and bewildered nigger abominations. In so far as a waiting game is concerned, we have the advantage.

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Name one instance of whites networking successfully and then being ruined by "WN" larping?

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>no, I am from Eastern Europe and all my ancestors were white.

Then you suffered severe brain damage.

>Old Testament is what Christians and Kikes follow

Kikes do not follow the bible at all. Their entire religion is about how to pretend to be the people of God while not doing anything God commanded of his people.

>it is their abrahamic world system where whites are slaves of jews.

The bible is the Abrahamic system where whites are the only humans, kikes are the spawn of satan the fallen angel and are abhorrent to the Lord, and the other "races" are beasts of the field.

>Whites are cattle who might do nothing and jews are the masters who will get all money through usury and are able to murder the cattle when they want. That is abrahamic bullshit.

That's precisely the opposite of the teachings of the bible, it is not Abrahamic at all.


We have two Roman sources directly stating Jesus was fair and blond, plus every contemporary piece of art from 100BC to 100AD depicts Galileans as fair skinned. What is your proof Jesus was a nigger? "Some kikes say so". Wow.

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Gas the bikes accelerate now


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File: d42289db8db2e02⋯.png (92.72 KB,361x329,361:329,Ahura.png)


>The bible is the Abrahamic system where whites are the only humans, kikes are the spawn of satan the fallen angel and are abhorrent to the Lord, and the other "races" are beasts of the field.

New script, kike? Claim your filthy abhorrent ideology always represented the interests of the cro-magnon Germanic/Northerners?

That is about as believable as Noah, King David or Solomon ever having existed beyond being the dreams of curly haired, brown and black eyed desert vagabonds. Perhaps they are stolen and misrepresented Assyrian, Persian or Babylonian legends. Everything Abraham's legacy is built of that has any worth, has essentially been taken from some place else.

The Quran in particular, steals thoughtlessly from the principles of Ahura Mazda.

Shem, never existed.

Sol Invictus

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File: b1539bc7b62f2d9⋯.jpg (122.53 KB,377x447,377:447,bucvkelupkids.jpg)

File: 186f953e49a6b6a⋯.png (258.86 KB,700x390,70:39,11605b8bb7e7e5fe27147abb8b….png)


When do all of you finally understand that it needs ACCELERATION ==AND== RESTRAINT ?!

use your breins for once and stop being narrow-minded edgelords

probably 7 out of 10 of you are non-whites or faggots anyways

and your end most likely already dawns on you so you propagate your pathetic divisionist messages

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>filthy abhorrent ideology

Now who could possibly think that white people being the people of God, and niggers being beasts of the field, and kikes being the literal descendants of satan is "filthy" and "abhorrent". I wonder (((who)))

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How is this and accelerationism even ,mutually exclusive OP is just a kike

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Where in the Bible which version does it reference "white people."

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>that 1990s interpretation for sub-90 iq whites

Wow man. I thought you were baiting, but you're being serious. Ouch.


It doesn't.

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The bible is the history of white people. It says Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. It refers to Adam and his descendants as "mankind". Obviously chinks and niggers are not in the same image and likeness as white people. So only one "race" can be mankind. Since the bible mentions various people in it as being fair skinned and ruddy, it is pretty obvious which "race" it is talking about. The bible does of course mention niggers. When it talks about beasts that the Israelites owned speaking and having hands, clearly it means niggers, not sheep or cattle.


>I have no argument and I must yid

Not surprising. The 90s "interpretation" (lies) of the bible is that we're all one race and there is no such thing as race mixing and faggots are totally fine because Jesus said to love your neighbor.

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>oy vey! how dare you post such anti-semitic hate facts! I'm calling the ADL on you!

Way to convince us you're not a yid.

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File: d9753e17946b8de⋯.jpg (39.02 KB,900x477,100:53,dirlewanger.jpg)


>what is Waco - the thread













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This. But see, I'm still not a fan of most Christians, and it's because the ones I know are all that "we're all one under Christ" and "No matter what race or religion or sexuality you are, Christ and WE love you" types, so it's painted a bad image for me. I won't deny I haven't read the Bible, other than excerpts, but as it's currently being used, and how it's currently interpreted by a large majority of Christians, it's not a positive thing to use. It can send the wrong message honestly. I'm not one of those D&C'ers who run rampant on this site saying "OH CHRISTIANITY IS FOR KIKES BY KIKES", but I do acknowledge that it isn't the best choice for whites, regardless of how it was meant to be interpreted in it's old form, it isn't being read that way, and there's no denying that.

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>comparing a folkish movement with WACO a small religious sect that never planned to expand to a colony or anything of that nature

You first, nigger.

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>missing the point this hard

Get WACOd, retard

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What's your point?

Just give up? Government will just come in and kill you anyway? Don't do anything? Just sit and home sheltered and protected, don't struggle, just accept it. I will not. Nigger. I do not fear death, because I understand the concept of reincarnation that my ancestors before me understood. I have a past, and it extends far beyond your manufactured perspective.

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My point is terrorism you utter fag

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>"Revolutionary infrastructure"

Hey friend. Did you get that phrase from me? If so, please don't caps-lock when you explain this.

I agree with you in many ways, btw. I am a supporter of the PNWM. And you're right. In order to have a successful Revolution, we need to build the infrastructure of Revolution. However I am still of the mind that accelerationist tactics will serve as a compelling factor in getting people to oppose the System.

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>It can send the wrong message honestly

No, it can send the wrong message when anti-Christs deliberately lie about what it says to subvert God's people, not honestly. This is what we see today. (((Priests))) and (((pastors))) who care nothing for the word of God, but just want to keep people coming to church so they can take their money. They say anything that they think is appealing, because they are materialists. They see Christians as a market, and they will choose "progressive" or "liberal" or "fundamentalist" as their niche in the market to capitalize on. A true leader of Christ's one universal Church teaches the word of God, not the lies of man.

The most common way to lie about the bible is to pick a specific English translation, and then try to interpret that in a way that they like. But the bible was not written in English, and if we look at the original Hebrew and Greek, we can get a much better understanding of what was really meant. Like "the meek shall inherit the earth" was a poor translation to begin with, and then kikes capitalized on that to interpret meek as weak, unwilling to defend yourself, passive and a pushover. But that is complete nonsense, the word is praus, which is better translated as obedient, not meek. The greeks most commonly use the word in reference to war horses, which are not at all weak or passive. A war horse that responded without fail was described as praus. Jesus did not say pathetic wimps will inherit the earth, he said those who obey God will inherit the earth.

>but I do acknowledge that it isn't the best choice for whites

It is. When a Christian discovers the true word of God, they become completely resolute in their desire to uphold his laws. Since the word of God clearly says kikes are satan's children, and white people must destroy them, I think it is a good message.

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Stop arguing in bad faith. It is disingenuous to compare consolidating in a large area with the intention to revolt with Waco Church.

The Branch Dividians moved into a compound and passively waited for ZOG to deal with them. Covington was an outspoken critic of "compound resistance".

It is the height of intellectual dishonesty to accuse the PNWM to moving to a compound.

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You're a White Nationalist, retard.

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You're right and you're wrong. Dharmically speaking, there is nowhere to go but forward and down. It will be accelerated irrespective of what one's personal/theoretical contributions are. This is Natural Law. But it behooves the shitposter to understand the reality of accelerationism without being held in its maw.

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File: a373f66e79d8fc3⋯.jpg (73.8 KB,524x960,131:240,communism.jpg)

NWF was a cringey movement at the dawn of /pol/ and it's still cringe today.

Oh boy, let's retreat from our homes and concentrate in one area, we totally won't be overun and displaced if we all just group together, all 2000 of us! W-we will fight the power and have our own state! *holds up le xd spork* hail Hiblers!

America was 90 something % white, the whole country was NWF. As it turns out, policy and womens rights to vote really changes shit, but I'm sure you self segregating will totally stop the GIBS from demanding their share and moving to leech whatever you create.

God I hate nu-/pol/. If it's not SIEGE posters, its WHAMEN defenders, Purity Spiralers and now we have regressed to the fucking meme of NWF. Accelerationism is an obvious CIA nigger movement and even it's more appealing than going back to "lets take over an Island" /pol/.

Do you remember the first days after the original exodus for 8/pol/? Do you remember how fucking great those days were, where good idea's floated and were bounced back all the time, and JIDF and kike were used very sparingly and people actually thought about shit.

Nu-/pol/ is just a fucking imageboard version now of Storm Front:

<Hopelessly Comprimised by CIA and FBI

<D&C out the ass by Discord Trannies

<Purity Spiraling to the point people make anti-anime posts and defend the honor of "All wahmen are queens"

<Bans meme's that hurt their feelings despite moving from 4cuck to 8chan purely on the stance of censorship

<Endless bullshit threads of utterly no value save /SIG/ and even it is a poor mans /fit/

<All power has been forfeited in endless petty squabbles of "whose Hitlers favorite lad" a la YOUR NOT WHITE and IRONLARP/ANGLIN/RED ICE eternal REEEE-ing

I hate it all. I hate it all so fucking much. I thought this board was in for a new Renaissance after IMKAMPFY got the boot, but it turned out like all revolutions that replacement of one head has lead to even greater unforeseen evils. Hell is other people and I hate you all.

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What is needed is :

White Mutual Aid.

White Business Networks.

White Political Networks.

White Propaganda Networks.

White Insurance Funds

White Communes

White Dating apps.

White Co-Ops

White Banks

White Schools.

White Media.

White Religion.

White Ethnocracy.

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> That would make ZOG roundup once the shit hits the fan far too easy.

No it wouldn't. Literally the opposite would be true.

Think. Just think about this idea for a minute. You are weaker when you are isolated.

If anons were concentrated in a large geographic region, rebellion would be MORE possible, not less.


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Saying you'll get Waco'd isn't any kind of argument for deterrent. Especially compared to what? Wageslaving your 9-5 as an atomized individual as opposed to living as a community with likeminded kin, even if for a few moments? Die on your feet or live on your knees faggot.


The Greeks were the framework, quit trying to do as most Christians do and make everything revolve around your religion when it was the Europeans responsible.

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What fucking community? I'll we have is some shitty YouTube videos yet you schills keep telling us to move with no proof that we are moving to anything.

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Try and make one with some friends or similar minded people in your town or something. Get some land on your own first then let white families build and live there. One doesn't have to move to Oregon though considering the tense tinder box situation just waiting for someone with a match over there you might want to Yeah it's hard if you never had any true friends, but you have to start from somewhere if you want long term sustainability of a parallel structure.

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You're not going to be able to muster a rebellion which can face regular army troops, and that's exactly what you'll face if you try to establish some sort of separatist nation within a nation. A thousand pockets of dissidents is much harder to deal with logistically.


>if you don't stand in front of the ZOG military bulldozer, you're a coward

False dichotomy. But hey, good luck with that while I'm raising my family in a cohesive non-descript community amongst like-minded fellow white Christians.

>The Greeks were the framework, quit trying to do as most Christians do and make everything revolve around your religion when it was the Europeans responsible.

The Greeks had no concept of the Lawfulness of Nature, which was a necessary precursor to development of inductive methods of scientific inquiry, which is exactly what the Scientific Method is. The Greeks used deductive methods of inquiry almost exclusively. For example, they falsely surmised that since a circle is the perfect shape ("forms" platonism, etc), that the planets must orbit in perfect circular patters. No need to investigate further; it had to be true. You can read more about that here, and in the book I linked. In fact, even atheist historians agree on the necessity of Christianity in development of Scientific Method. http://www.bede.org.uk/sciencehistory.htm

Lawfulness of Nature was a concept localized specifically to the Christian world, entirely as a result of the Christian theology, and was not limited to a strict subset of Europeans. It included much of the middle east prior to the sweeping conquests of the Islamists starting in the late 600s.

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okay so what you're saying is that we have to wait a long time not using cellphones for the problem to just get worse anyway and the boogaloo in 2030 instead of trying to speed up the process. the reasoning being that we'll be smarter or something?

makes sense op

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>But hey, good luck with that while I'm raising my family in a cohesive non-descript community amongst like-minded fellow white Christians.

That's literally all I've said. You're just being contrarian for the sake of contrarianism when I'm saying not forming communities because of feared reprisal is stupid.

As for the rest:

>Anaximander (/æ?næks?'mænd?r/; Greek: ??a??µa?d??? Anaximandros; c.?610 – c.?546 BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus,[4] a city of Ionia (in modern-day Turkey).

>"He was an early proponent of science and tried to observe and explain different aspects of the universe, with a particular interest in its origins, claiming that nature is ruled by laws"


>"Aristotle is recognized as giving the earliest systematic treatise on the nature of scientific inquiry in the western tradition, one which embraced observation and reasoning about the natural world. In the Prior and Posterior Analytics, Aristotle reflects first on the aims and then the methods of inquiry into nature. A number of features can be found which are still considered by most to be essential to science. For Aristotle, empiricism, careful observation (but passive observation, not controlled experiment), is the starting point, though the aim is not merely recording of facts. Science (epistêmê), for Aristotle, is a body of properly arranged knowledge or learning—the empirical facts, but also their ordering and display are of crucial importance."

>"The basic aim and method of inquiry identified here can be seen as a theme running throughout the next two millennia of reflection on the correct way to seek after knowledge: carefully observe nature and then seek rules or principles which explain or predict its operation. The Aristotelian corpus provided the framework for a commentary tradition on scientific method independent of the science itself (its physics and cosmos.) During the medieval period, figures such as Albertus Magnus (1206–1280), Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Robert Grosseteste (1175–1253), Roger Bacon (1214/1220–1292), William of Ockham (1287–1347), Andreas Vesalius (1514–1546), Giacomo Zabarella (1533–1589) all worked to clarify the kind of knowledge which could be obtained by observation and induction, the source of justification of induction, and the best rules for its application.[2]"

You're being disingenuous. Ever hear of "standing on the shoulders of giants"?

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>the entire jewish identity, for 2000 years, is centered on a rejection of Christ

You see a jew pour an unidentified liquid into a well. The jew insists that he did not pour any liquid into the well, but refuses to drink from the well. Which of the following is more likely?

>the well has been poisoned

>anyone who does not drink from the well is a jew

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What exactly do you fear most about accelerationism?

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The section on Aristotle you've quoted: keep reading from there. The link accurately describes the shortcomings of his methods, and the corrections made by later Christian thinkers. It supports exactly what I've said. Yes, Aristotle did emphasize observation, but not a rigorous inductive methodology for inferring beyond those observations.

>not forming communities because of feared reprisal is stupid.

I'm not saying to avoid forming communities. I'm saying that the PNW movement is not a viable solution, for a number of reasons. "White" is not a cohesive enough concept or bonding enough to form a community around. I don't want to live around a bunch of compulsive masturbators who are eying my wife, who are probably homos or pedos due to their excessive porn usage, who drink or use drugs, who have no moral compass, etc. If you don't have religious cohesion, you don't have a community. Shit will fall apart in these ethno-communes rather quickly. It's been attempted many times in the 70's during the various hippie movements.

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>You're not going to be able to muster a rebellion which can face regular army troops

No one is trying to. Look up Asymmetric warfare.

>A thousand pockets of dissidents is much harder to deal with logistically.

1. That's not what is happening

2. That's literally what Covington proposed.

1-2 thousand White Nationalists organized into cells to engage in asymmetric warfare against the System.


>What fucking community?

Maybe if you reached out more, you'd find that there are many people who are White Nationalists.


No, retard.

It's dumb Nazis who do this.

White Nationalism = pro-White

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observation necessitates induction as a refinement.

Wherefore are the Ethiopian scientists if Christianity is the secret ingredient to understanding science?

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>spicspam still at it

What the fuck are the mods doing? This entire thread should be nuked

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imageboard-brain.jpg was kys tier, but restarintism is stupid as can be, how about obedience and sanctity.

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The kikes are guaranteed to kill us anyway, there's no point in fighting for better future.

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>assemble fascists in one place

>get infiltrated and WACOd

>bUt wE wuZ cOmPOunD ResIsTAnCe













Leaderless resistance is the future

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>That's literally what Covington proposed.

Then why are you guys trying to convince everyone to consolidate to the PNW?


>observation necessitates induction as a refinement.

You speak from hindsight with your very-Christian worldivew.

<In addition to careful observation, then, scientific method requires a logic as a system of reasoning for properly arranging, but also inferring beyond, what is known by observation. Methods of reasoning may include induction, prediction, or analogy, among others. Aristotle’s system (along with his catalogue of fallacious reasoning) was collected under the title the Organon.

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I'm moving to Maine right now to buy land. I have the money and I have a few street kids that are following me there. Any advice anons??

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Getting a group of people together of similar interests and getting land requires one thing money and a lot of it. If you really think you can just simply squat in the forest and build a community you are naive.

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missed opportunity to put a hooked nose rat under they

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>Wherefore are the Ethiopian scientists if Christianity is the secret ingredient to understanding science?

I didn't say it was sufficient, I said it was necessary.

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Data smog for irony, and so Huginn and Muninn may meet the old man of the sea even though thou be PTSD'd.

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Again, as I've stated clearly beforehand. Greeks set the framework. They weren't perfect sure, but they are the reason Medieval learned men were able to accomplish what they did. It didn't pop out of the void because of some holy book, European accomplishment is an exponential process


>In the ancient world, Greek had been the primary language of science. Even under the Roman Empire, Latin texts drew extensively on Greek work, some pre-Roman, some contemporary; while advanced scientific research and teaching continued to be carried on in the Hellenistic side of the empire, in Greek. Late Roman attempts to translate Greek writings into Latin had limited success.[3]

>As the knowledge of Greek declined during the transition to the Middle Ages, the Latin West found itself cut off from its Greek philosophical and scientific roots. Most scientific inquiry came to be based on information gleaned from sources which were often incomplete and posed serious problems of interpretation. Latin-speakers who wanted to learn about science only had access to books by such Roman writers as Calcidius, Macrobius, Martianus Capella, Boethius, Cassiodorus, and later Latin encyclopedists. Much had to be gleaned from non-scientific sources: Roman surveying manuals were read for what geometry was included.[4]

>De-urbanization reduced the scope of education and by the 6th century teaching and learning moved to monastic and cathedral schools, with the center of education being the study of the Bible.[5]

>The leading scholars of the early centuries were clergymen for whom the study of nature was but a small part of their interest. They lived in an atmosphere which provided little institutional support for the disinterested study of natural phenomena. The study of nature was pursued more for practical reasons than as an abstract inquiry: the need to care for the sick led to the study of medicine and of ancient texts on drugs,[7] the need for monks to determine the proper time to pray led them to study the motion of the stars,[8] the need to compute the date of Easter led them to study and teach rudimentary mathematics and the motions of the Sun and Moon.[9]

>Beginning around the year 1050, European scholars built upon their existing knowledge by seeking out ancient learning in Greek and Arabic texts which they translated into Latin. They encountered a wide range of classical Greek texts, some of which had earlier been translated into Arabic, accompanied by commentaries and independent works by Islamic thinkers.

>The rediscovery of the works of Aristotle allowed the full development of the new Christian philosophy and the method of scholasticism. By 1200 there were reasonably accurate Latin translations of the main works of Aristotle, Euclid, Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Galen—that is, of all the intellectually crucial ancient authors except Plato.

>During the 13th century, scholastics expanded the natural philosophy of these texts by commentaries (associated with teaching in the universities) and independent treatises. Notable among these were the works of Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, John of Sacrobosco, Albertus Magnus, and Duns Scotus.

>Under the tuition of Grosseteste and inspired by the writings of Arab alchemists who had preserved and built upon Aristotle's portrait of induction, Bacon described a repeating cycle of observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and the need for independent verification. He recorded the manner in which he conducted his experiments in precise detail so that others could reproduce and independently test his results - a cornerstone of the scientific method, and a continuation of the work of researchers like Al Battani.

>White is not a cohesive enough concept or bonding enough to form a community around.

Except it is. It is the only one. Race is the only thing that provides the common ground for community cohesion. Your problems stated are more likely to arise from your based brown Christians or their children due to regression to the mean than atheistic whites, but once again you CI types keep proving how you put your religion over race like the borderline traitors you are.

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I like this version of /pol/, literally the only bad things now are shills and mongrels like you, you mongrels can fuck off.

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Yes they will, the Z.O.G government has nukes under Yellow stone ready cause an eruption at any moment. Even if the NWF succeed they would themselves covered in ashes.


Learn grammar and spelling faggot.

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Except that's not what anyone said to do. Yeah it costs money, pooled resources make it easier or you can budget your own resources to better use than where they already are. Land can be pricey just like kids depending on location, but should you not have white children because of money?

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>the Z.O.G government has nukes under Yellow stone ready cause an eruption at any moment.

Sources ?

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I've listed about 5 different sources to support the necessity of Christian worldview in the development of the scientific method. You've obviously read non of them, and are now quoting (((wikipedia))). You're also strawmanning me:

<pop out of the void because of some holy book

Wikipedia is literally run by kikes who routinely strip topics of anything which may shine a positive light on Christianity, white nationhood, traditional sexuality. If you accept Wikipedia as a valid source of information, I will easily be able to convince you that women have penises, men have vaginas, that homosexuality is healthy, that white nationalism is literally naziism, etc. The fact that the article on "European science in the middle ages" makes no mention of the Lawfulness of Nature, even crediting the Arabs for rigorous inductive methods (not true) is a glaring example of typical kikepedia antics. You can go read the links, infographics, and books I've posted which delve into the topic in much more detail.

>Race is the only thing that provides the common ground for community cohesion.

Even if that were true (it's not, see history), "white" is not a race. Italians are very different from Anglos, are very different from Germans, are very different from Irish. Christianity gives us a commonality, and a standard of righteousness. The whole "might makes right" ethos of the white nationalists results in me taking your wife, and you smiling about it, forced to acknowledge that I am the alpha male and therefore my seed is more worthy of her womb. If you have something I want, I will take it. Your fantasy world already exists, just find your way to the nearest trailer park and watch what happens when a bunch of white people operate indulgently and without knowledge of sin or repentance.

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>On the other hand if you wait ten years, gather resources and execute a thorough plan, then you can actually help your race.

You realize this is what literally happened in South Africa and Rhodesia right?

"Planners" like you ran away to build coward huts and joined with communists to sabotage any real attempt at resistance. And now what can they do? Just continue to run away.

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But we're talking about building a community not having kids which being poor in no excuse to have. This means town halls l, schools and other utilities to foster a community. I'm not asking for “build it and they will come“ I just want to know if some thought was put into this instead of none at all

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this guy, yikes

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I've never denied European Christians effect on science. it's just not the source. You can see the linked sources on wikipedia to verify for yourself.

>I've posted 5 sources

You posted a 6 minute youtube video, and 2 blogs, one of which is named "godevidence". Get over yourself

>"white" is not a race

And the CI continues to reveal himself

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Depends on what you mean by accelerationism Violent accelerationism will not work because you wont get enough people doing it to actually rock the system. True acceleration would be white people actually meeting up to advocate for white rights and interests, just like the shitskins do. It's not going to be until white people are willing to once again view themselves as one people with common interests that we can properly accelerate. Look at how quickly the mods shoah'd yesterdays meetup thread, yet the tolerate threads that glorify violence

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File: b10cf53fd9974b3⋯.png (1.99 MB,3558x3364,1779:1682,christianity_and_science.png)


>ignores the book reference

>accepts only globohomo sources are acceptable

>references (((kikepedia)))

>adopts the reactionary deracinated category which kikes have foisted upon all the various European nations

>rejects Christ, morality, logos

I don't care what you do, as long as you do it far away from me.

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Schooling largely isn't an issue with the supplies for it and books being cheap as hell for homeschooling. For hospitals there's some good books out there, one I think being called "A Village Healthcare Book" or something like that. But I think you're putting the cart before the horse here in terms of what these communes or communities are or what is truly necessary for what forms a functioning community. They're white spaces first and foremost. The rest as you picture it will come later as a result.


You do nothing but put words in my mouth that I've never said you asshurt race traitor.

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I won't ban you for hurting my feelings :^)

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Accelerationism is just political polarization and radicalization. Anyone blaming accelerationists for "making things worse" is a deradicalization shill and a votecuck.

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Do you think the pilgrims got on the mayflower without any plan because that would be putting the cart before the horse? I don't want to show up and see a bunch of basement dwellers and roastis with books saying one day while sleeping in tents.

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No, but they had certainly built their houses and stable farms before any other infrastructure. For being serious about communes and such the information on /polk/ would likely be much more your style. I couldn't give you a step by step plan for everything. Still in the brainstorming/accruing resources phase now.

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The NA has had 2 threads, many people think its a FBI honey pot, I honestly think its a scam. I don't want the step by step to build a commune. I just want to know before I DOX MYSELF that NA is serious and not looking to put me on a list or sucker me out money.

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Eruption can be achieved by setting up geothermal plant as in Hawaii.

This is long term stuff. This is why Brooklynite globalist Carl Sagan goaded to become "type 1 civilization" - geothermal can destroy us all.

This is known ahead of time.

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I couldn't tell ya mate. Not a part of Northwest Action though the flag/imagery is nice, I've just been defending the concept of building white spaces. If you don't trust them just go with your gut.

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>Christianity birthed the worldview which produced the Scientific Method. No other belief system has been anywhere near as successful at understanding and interacting with the natural world.

If Christianity was so critical to the genesis of the scientific method then can you please point out to me incidences where Christians developed the scientific method in a vacuum? I couldn't find any. Bonus points for this happening anywhere outside of Europe. Failing that, can you please explain to me why Christians only started developing the scientific method after exposure to the Greeks?

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File: b218709be749945⋯.png (354.6 KB,1079x1019,1079:1019,Paranoid Pete.png)

Beware of Paranoid Pete!

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I never argued that Christianity was sufficient, but that it was necessary. Here is an except from a source cited in one of the several links I provided in this thread:

>Christianity furnishes the conceptual framework in which science can flourish. Science is not something that is natural to mankind. …Although glimmerings of science appeared among the ancient Greeks and Chinese, modern science is the child of European civilization. Why is this so? It is due to the unique contribution of the Christian faith to Western culture. As [science writer] Eiseley states, “it is the Christian world which finally gave birth in a clear, articulate fashion to the experimental method of science itself.” In contrast to pantheistic or animistic religions, Christianity does not view the world as divine or as indwelt by spirits, but rather as the natural product of a transcendent Creator who designed and brought it into being. Thus, the world is a rational place which is open to exploration and discovery.

>Furthermore, the whole scientific enterprise is based on certain assumptions which cannot be proved scientifically, but which are guaranteed by the Christian world view; for example: the laws of logic, the orderly nature of the external world, the reliability of our cognitive faculties in knowing the world, and the objectivity of the moral values used in science. I want to emphasize that science could not even exist without these assumptions, and yet these assumptions cannot be proved scientifically. They are philosophical assumptions which, interestingly, are part and parcel of a Christian world view. Thus, religion is relevant to science in that it can furnish a conceptual framework in which science can exist. More than that, the Christian religion historically did furnish the conceptual framework in which modern science was born and nurtured

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Whenever I see one of these posts about acceleration I know just how disconnected some here are from reality. The fact is, and remains, not a fucking person here has any control over the speed in which everything goes to shit. Kids aren't getting hormone injections and dancing on stages because some fucking anon in Arkansas is accelerating shit. The tide of shitskins isn't because fourteen fucking OPs and shitposters banded together and made it happen. The sentiment against whites isn't because some dank goddamn meme convinced everyone that white hate is the way to go. It is always some brainlet OP trying to pretend he is contributing to something because he sat down and thought about the ideal speed and direction of the tornado in his backyard and doesn't stop to realize that he has absolutely no fucking control over it. All these threads are just playing pretend.

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>Accelerationism helps the Jews because it allows them to persecute us more violently. WE HAVE NOT YET CREATED THE REVOLUTIONARY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED TO FIGHT THE ENEMY IN THE STREETS. This is why we should be planning to do what Harold Covington and the New Awakening is suggesting, pic related.

This completely, people just don't understand this fact but they wanna go guns ablazing lone wolf style and immortalize themselves like some sort of martyrs. It doesn't do anything folks.

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Commune? No one is building a commune. Why? So we can be singled out and surrounded like Ruby Ridge or Waco? Fuck no.


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Depending on what sate you're in you're already surrounded but more importantly discussing something even if you think it's a bad idea hurts know one and is better then just saying Waco or ruby ridge end of discussion

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The entire PNW is massive.

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Or maybe you're just a pussy shill. Tarrant and Bowers did plenty. Infrastructure can also be attacked. But you don't care about any of that, you just wanna be a coward and demean anyone that actually does something or promotes doing something.

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>why are you guys trying to convince everyone to consolidate to the PNW?

You are confusing consolidating in a large geographic region with forming a boomer-compound like Waco.

Stop. Think.

In order to form actual cells, White Nationalists must know each other. And in order for these cells to graduate above the level of occasional terror attack to full on guerrilla warfare, they must be within an hours drive from each other.

Only by focusing our small numbers in a realistic area can we ever hope to actually create an ethno-state.

Think. Don't just repeat the same old "Dis is a compound!" bullshit. History supports my point here. If you think that concentrating numbers in a geographic region hinders ones' ability to wage war against a government, then you need to explain away Ireland, Cyprus, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, the Myanmar conflicts, the southern Thailand Islamic Insurgency, the Islamic Insurgency in the Southern Philippines, Corsica, the ongoing conflict in Euskadi, the Taureg successes in 2012 in seizing more than half of Mali, South Sudan (modern ethnic conflicts AND previous successes based on racial conflicts against the Arabs), Serbian resistance against Germany in WW2, and dozens and dozens of other examples.

Do you understand what I just said? Rebellions, historically have ONLY succeeded when the aggrieved group (in our case White Nationalists) are concentrated in a geographic region.

Irish nationalists concentrated in Ireland.

Greek nationalists concentrated in Cyprus.

Taureg nationalists concentrated in north Mali (and neighboring states)

Think about historical examples of revolutions before you make incorrect statements about the PNWM.

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>no goy don't attack infrastructure you have no control!!!

fuck off coward shill

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You are either a paid shill.

No one is naturally as stupid as you pretend to be. This lie has been debunked repeatedly.


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>If you really think you can just simply squat in the forest and build a community you are naive.

No one even implied doing that. I certainly did not. No one in this thread has (so far as I have seen). And Covington didn't suggest that either. In fact he literally argued against that.

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>just run away goyim

>just keep running

>dont EVER defend yourselves or fight back!

>just RESTRAIN yourselves goy!

>just run away from the rabid dog dude! definitely dont shoot it or call animal control! just run!

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>call the police goyim

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>consolidating in a large area

The world belongs to the white man you nigger, every.single.inch.

"consolidating a large area" requires global cleansing.

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You know what I mean't faggot.

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You are engaging in what is called pilpol. Deliberately ignoring relevant points in an argument in order to disrupt conversation and discussion.

You are likely a paid shill.

Die in a trench, kike.

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Acceleration is as real as fuck and its working… BIG TIME. And it's a beast that's feeding itself now. Every last shooting is making it onto major over the air networks and cable news channels and talk shows. Tell me, who the fuck in Arkansas gives one fuck about a shooting at a thing called The Gilroy Garlic Festival, or anywhere else for that matter.

They dont. Yet, my buddy living there tells me it's all over his local news along with every other shooting they can fit into their hour long news broadcasts. That's over the air broadcasts my frens. The acceleration is in runaway mode mode now. The media giants are knowingly or not slamming down hard on that gas pedal now.

The hand of government is going to be forced and I think we all know which direction they are going to choose. The forced disarming of every last gun owner.

So how is this going to fly. I really dont think gun owners have the nutz big enough to resist, up to and including using deadly force to keep their constitutional right. If they do then acceleration and its adherents get their wish, a ultimate showdown that could even go global. If they rollover it's all over, everything written in the constitution will be subject to change without notice including HEAVY restrictions on free speech. And to think, there wont be one fucking american that will be able to fight the growing tyranny like our revolutionary ancestors did.

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Dont be an ass. You will never get enough anons going out and accelerating things in today's society. We have anywhere from 10 - 30 years until this system breaks so completely white people will be willing to listen to reason. Pushing for accelerationism now when everything is still basically functioning will do nothing effective, it's just IRL bait to get you caught or killed prematurely. Dont take the bait. The real thing to do is network with other whites now and begin creating the foundation for what's to come. Most of the rest of the general public wouldn't even know the name "Brenton Tarrant" if you walked up to them and asked because it made so little actual impact in the greater scheme of things. I dont disparage anyone for smoting down shitskins, but trying to push for random acts of violence with no follow up plans at a time when the vast majority if the public will also be against it is a setup for disaster. There will come a day, anons, but it's not here yet. Nobody will give a shit or even know or care that the boat we're on is sinking until their feet are cold and wet. In the meantime we need to be prepping the life rafts and organizing for when the rest of whites finally begin to pull their heads out of their asses

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There's always a way to fight, but it is best done at an advantageous potion. Which includes attacking first instead of letting the police raid you.

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Plenty of what exactly? What did they accomplish? Oh great, they smoked a couple of useless insignificant muds and noses instead of going after the people that actually matter.

You know what I promote doing? Getting White MEN of high moral standing off of their asses and into family life. I promote building families, communities, and a new world free of ZOG poison.

Push is going to come to shove with the System, how would you rather face it? Alone and with nothing but destruction on your mind? Or with thousands of likeminded people behind you with the vision of a new world? That's what accelerationists don't think of, what comes after.

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Society is not gonna collapse, it's gonna degrade. It's gonna become Brazil on its natural course.

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Tarrant did his thing under the assumption that he could engineer a White Revolution later on. If you refuse to build one IRL then you are making his brave sacrifice a waste.

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You're contradicting yourself. You said you want a thousand pockets of dissidents, now you're saying you want them within a 1 hour drive. Furthermore, I have no desire to engage in guerilla warfare with ZOGbots. Our situation is not analogous to those of the foreign nations you listed. We are not fighting an external enemy, we are enduring the masochistic self-destruction wrought by our own leaders and countrymen. It's a national implosion, much much worse. I see realistically the only goal is to survive the coming catastrophe with a large family, in the context of a like-minded community. I don't see "we're all white" as being cohesive enough to be like-minded. I require a Christian community which is incidentally white as a secondary characteristic. Morality will be the rock of new nation building. Current nation is toast, and its because of the lack of morality that the demographic collapse happened in the first place (sexual revolution = RIP fertility).

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And my point was that without the Greeks Christian "science" would be on par with Islam's, where the peak of scientific debate is over whether earthquakes in Pakistan are caused by sodomy or by apostasy.

>>Furthermore, the whole scientific enterprise is based on certain assumptions which cannot be proved scientifically, but which are guaranteed by the Christian world view; for example: the laws of logic, the orderly nature of the external world, the reliability of our cognitive faculties in knowing the world, and the objectivity of the moral values used in science. I want to emphasize that science could not even exist without these assumptions, and yet these assumptions cannot be proved scientifically. They are philosophical assumptions which, interestingly, are part and parcel of a Christian world view. Thus, religion is relevant to science in that it can furnish a conceptual framework in which science can exist. More than that, the Christian religion historically did furnish the conceptual framework in which modern science was born and nurtured

This was also lifted from the fucking Greeks. The entire reason that the above framework exists is because Hellenes married their old intellectual traditions to their new spiritual framework; without that intellectual tradition Christians would be almost as sandniggery as sandniggers when it comes to matters of reason, much less systematic inquiry. Islam simply killed its rivals but Christianity skinned its opponents alive and made a Buffalo Bill-esque suit from them that people like you wear while muttering "I'm the real western tradition".

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The synagogues are important for Jewish unity. Making Jews think twice about connecting with each other just like how Whites are hunted, is a major step. Either way they got kills and actually did something instead of larping as some genious one million IQ armchair tactician.

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"Incidentally White" this is why Christianity is an enemy.

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>the world belongs to white men

>this somehow makes me a kike shill

You seem to have a habit of calling those who disagree with you shills, I've noticed. Tell me moishe, what part of "the world belongs to white men" do you not understand or agree with?

Not quite sure which "relevant point" i've ignored or how I've tried to disrupt discussion.

I have merely said "THE WORLD BELONGS TO WHITE MEN" in effect saying that the American northwest, along with every other piece of land, belongs to white men.

gas yourself faggot.

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I don't want noses or muds to be cautious. I want them to walk the streets like they own the place.

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Waiting for and trusting lemming is a fool's errand. Like I said, our natural course is becoming Brazil.

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Anon the media are stepping on the gas because sensationalism sells. Media fags LOVE mass shootings even as they cry their kikodile tears on screen because the crazy story and footage gets literally hundreds of millions of views and the media likes get tons of shekels off of it. More people, or at least subhumans, get shot in Chicago literally every weekend than hiw many died or were shit in that garlic fest nonsense. It's not as if things are going to cease to function because of it.


Also highly possible. The future of the USA may very well be the same as south or central america. This is why I believe we must start just by fucking organizing ourselves locally so we can support each other and see what we can build or accomplish and go from there. In about 10 years the boomers will find out they cant retire because spics have stolen everything, and only then will whites begin to be receptive to our message en mass when they see there is nothing for them and realize they're fucked, even though everyone on /pol/ knows this most of the general public is in blissfully ignorant denial and wont care until it's too late. That's why we need to be getting our shit together now for them to have something to flock to when that happens.

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>random violence with no follow up plan

it's not random, kike. And we already spend enough time on "afterplans" instead of dealing with situations at hand. You don't even have to fire a single bullet, you could just attack the infrastructure in so many ways.

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Fuck off ludwig, your new awakening shit is a horrible meme that has gone on for way too long

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>You're contradicting yourself.

No I am not. Reread your own post. There is no contradiction in mine.

> Our situation is not analogous to those of the foreign nations you listed.

I disagree. We are under occupation by a hostile government engaging in literal genocide of our race.

>I require a Christian community which is incidentally white as a secondary characteristic.

No offense intended, but that is gay.

If your religion is more important to you than your race, then leave. Go somewhere else. Serious people here don't give a shit about childish concepts like Christianity. Serious people are concerned with serious issues; Racial survival.

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I am not gonna wait for traitorous lemming to "wise up" and "flock to us."

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Exactly, a lot of issues come from people putting their religious comfort before racial reality. Christianity is also fucked from the start and is gonna be more of a hamper than anything.

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It's probably just a schizopost, but I'm sure they could easily trigger an eruption if they really needed to.

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And you don't want them to be dead? Cutting off communication and/or spirit is a good thing even if the mole up. Either way it's better than letting them all live.

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Just because I don't support "Accelerationism" doesn't mean I don't want to make my enemies bite the dust.

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Checked for truth.

I am a very open minded and tolerant person. As far as I am concerned, if Christians want to go worship Yahweh in their bedrooms, I do not care so long as they are pro-White first and foremost.

But this faggy shit where they put their Yahweh before their race is so disgusting that I find it difficult to sympathize with Christians. And they make this even worse by trying to convert racialists like me to their retarded religion. Fuck that. Fuck them. Keep your goddamn jewish cult to yourself you attention seeking whore!

Most Christians are attention whores who will never feel validated until literally everyone around them agrees with every word that drops from their arrogant mouths. This guarantees that if they ever get to power, they will immediately begin engaging in White Genocide of people who don't parrot whatever the Dear Leader says is Yahweh's will.

Fuck that and fuck them.

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Agreed. Read Brigade not Siege.

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The first picture of this thread is NA propaganda piece so yeah if you're not accelerateing you doing the white enclave or both. Those are the only options I see and if you say voting please don't respond.

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Christianity was good at uniting Europe long ago, but now it's just harming whites. We wouldn't be in this mess right now if their cuck mindset was ended around 150 years ago.

Just think: No foreign aid to Africa and Israel, no opening up our borders because "it's the christian thing to do", and especially no "B-B-BUT RACISM IS WRONG BECAUSE WE'RE ALL GOD'S CHILDREN AND EQUAL BECAUSE OF IT!!".

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Enclaving is not the same as consolidating. An enclave would be you, me, and other White Nationalists gathering in some Idaho town and polishing our guns.

Consolidation would be us moving to Idaho and networking with other White Nationalists.

Also, NA is the National Alliance unless the PNWM has some other organization abbreviated to NA that I am not aware of.

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File: 0e09be2e87af7c5⋯.jpg (76.58 KB,408x1024,51:128,1532786053008.jpg)


>Thats why jesus looked like this:

<[study done by israeli jews]

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Problem is the Pacific Northwest is expensive and absolutely cucked. You couldn't have picked a worse region.

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it stands for New Awakening they had 2 threads, their a group advocating for the PNWM but most think it's just a honey pot.

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File: 39ea15dd82d8d77⋯.png (2.04 MB,1279x1200,1279:1200,Response to 'This is encla….png)

Here. I made this to explain the difference between Enclavism and Consolidation.

Post this the next time someone fails to understand the simple concepts being discussed here.


Ah. My mistake. I had heard of it before but forgot about it.

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File: ada6a0e0a5b008c⋯.jpg (21.22 KB,254x254,1:1,First_Brits.jpg)


Odd coincidence.

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How many units per local should there be? I think many of us are just feeling divided and are unsure how to progress. Some of this seems like boomer idealism where we would be able to form our own economy.

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What you are exposing could ultimately be boiled down to lone wolf terrorism which has already been happening and actual not that ineffective. Forming a community/group isn't bad, but it's also not the be all end all.

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File: e01f924a2416879⋯.jpg (138.1 KB,1488x888,62:37,PNW.jpg)


>Idaho and Western Montana


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Why is everyone in this thread such fucking kikes?

Both accelerationism and the NA plan have their merits.

The fact is, if you’ve ever read Covington’s The Brigade, you know that the hypothetical world in that scenario was far worse than what we currently have. We are in a Clown World, but the book displays Piss Earth, where the oppression and hatred of whites are much more open. That is good breeding ground for revolutionary activities, which is what the book itself shows.

The second fact is that we are racing against time, quite literally. Even if we reach Piss Earth, it will be of no use when whites are near extinction and the course towards destruction is set. If the Piss Earth takes too long to come into place, it won’t matter anyways - whites will have already lost.

The solution, of course, is to hasten the arrival of Piss Earth. And that is exactly what Accelerationism is about.

Now I am not only talkin about mass shootings. I don’t disavow them, but there are smarter ways to go about it. Political assassinations, attacks on media, sabotaging infrastructure, etc. Those will lead to a hastening of Piss Earth, as the oppression gets worse and worse as the (((elites))) get scared. And with this oppression, more people will be up to take up arms and fight the System. And no I am not talking about some “mass uprising” - I am very well aware that most people are lemmings and of no use. I’m mostly referring to the whites/NatSoc people who are on the fence between “politics still work” and “time for the bullet box”. In a Piss Earth like shown in both The Brigade and The Turner Diaries, more such people will be inclined to choose the bullet box over the ballot box. In our current world, too many people are still too comfortable, and that is what Accelerationism seeks to change. And this transition to Piss Earth has to happen soon enough - the demographics are playing against us.

In the end, this Brigade-style guerrilla war doesn’t have to be just in the PNW. It could be anywhere from the PNW to the mountains of West Virginia. The terrain should be mountainous and forested, and the local population largely white and not a mishmash of niggers, spics and whatever else there is. Preferably there should be two simultaneous wars like that, one in the US and one in Europe.

Accelerationism and white separatism/nationalism can work hand-in-hand, and they should.

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Destroying infrastructure will also harm the lemming mindset and force them to confront reality. It's a win-win.

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We would have gotten our "pissworld" if Trump wasn't elected.

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Elections do not matter.

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File: 43d184789432045⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,1280x836,320:209,White genocide in Canada.jpg)

File: dd982dc739d7935⋯.jpg (161.5 KB,640x746,320:373,White genocide parasites.jpg)

File: fc4f14f800f33fa⋯.jpg (170.88 KB,960x926,480:463,overpopulation put in prop….jpg)


Whatever makes you sleep at night coward.

One day you will understand White revolution is the only solution but then it will be too late. There should have been an Nationalist uprising in the late 70's. You're deaf, dumb & blind.

You've invested too much into your career, lifestyle & education that you're too much of a puss to do anything apart from bitch & whine on the web. You need to be hanged.

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We have more people willing to defect to our side when they're uncomfortable and uncared for by the system so yes they do matter. Shillary would have kick started a civil war and we could have used the dumb conservatards as leverage.

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File: aad57ea5f59a784⋯.jpg (264.39 KB,1252x963,1252:963,gang stalking red pill 2b.jpg)

File: 101d7235ad8bf8c⋯.jpg (61.12 KB,869x298,869:298,2019-08-02_18-50-41 gang s….jpg)


Gang stalking gimp now does his errands on the web, now his little plan of using non-touch torture has been exposed. It's all about the dopamine release & the gibs, hey? It's comical the lengths you would go to make the little man know he's being surveiled by Malevolent forces.

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None of this shit matters, especially OP's larp

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File: 1d15211bfcd8fda⋯.jpg (326.33 KB,1606x830,803:415,heh pill.jpg)


>Not believing in meme magic

OK, anon, all hope is lost. We are but grains of sand in a giant hourglass.

When the sand runs out though… then what happens?

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What the hell is this schizoposting.

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File: 4602e7700b7c56e⋯.webm (2.46 MB,1080x686,540:343,4602e7700b7c56e44d54e69ee….webm)


You just gonna post the same boomer honeypot thread over and over, huh?

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This is their chat.

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Didn't mean to reply to 511.

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You keep throwing that word around without any sense.

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Yea, fuck off. Writing off music instantly already shows your alleged 2020 new phase will fail. Arts are man's most precious creations. They are the products of our culture to the point of synonimity.

Music is a necessary tool in harmonising soul and body, the individual and the state, the sublunar world with the superlunar, the microcosm with the macrocosm. Everywhere, music is what gives the fabric of existence its proportions and its movement.

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I'm pretty sure he reffering to the first jpeg. It's from New Awakening they're for the move to the pacific northwest thing but many believe it's just a FBI honeypot.

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>Shut it down by calling him a schizo even when he has shown proof of Zersetzung still in service

You need a slow, groveling death like you aim to do to patriotic who feel powerless & hopeless in combating your terroristic behaviour. You've no soul who just does whatever your master tells you to do, like those sheep did in the 60's with the shock experiment, under the orders of a Talmudic Jew (Stanley Milgram) that had to mix truth with the shoah.

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Sorry but without Christianity, you're just going to be living among a bunch of porn addicts, homos, pedos, drug addicts, adulterers, liars, thieves, etc. You don't have to go to the PNW for your ethnostate, I'm sure there is a trailer park closer by.

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File: 2dd08357764b851⋯.webm (1.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Toilet Paper.webm)


>Sorry but without Christianity, you're just going to be living among a bunch of porn addicts, homos, pedos, drug addicts, adulterers, liars, thieves, etc.

Perhaps you haven't been paying attention, but you still get all these things in vile abundance even with a mob of wailing christfags around.

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I have no fucking clue what any of that means. Are you a Qposter?

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No, you don't. Try harder.

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File: e3e04a1a29ed920⋯.png (28.06 KB,362x213,362:213,btaf.png)


>By 2030, when the brains of lemmings are fried from data smog and the ZOG has fallen, we will rise up all across the white world and take power into our hands.

Your plan is to wait for the government to collapse on its own?

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I agree, phones and computers, or tech in general is one of the worst things to happen to us, I get the irony since I am using a phone to post this now, but the dependency on these devices changes our thaughts and behavior, it also lead to depression for me, i now limit my internet use and media consumption to not more than an hour a day and I make certain to take at least one entire weekend away from all tech once a month, no email, no text, nothing. I am far happier, I am a better father and husband, it was the best thing I did for myself and my family

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Ted Kaczynski saw it on the walls and tried to warn us.

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File: ebac9bd214d6630⋯.jpg (152.26 KB,949x735,949:735,1481912619533.jpg)


>Your plan is to wait for the government to collapse on its own?

How do you expect the system will collapse if there's no alternative? People need a way out that's more than being edgy on a message board.

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File: 4b39208aef9bcdd⋯.jpg (93.96 KB,970x546,485:273,4269F48000000578-4702868-i….jpg)


Answer this within 1 minute

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Wait what the fuck

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How on Earth did you get that number? I'm not seeing it.

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We can't go one thread without some homopagan shilling irrelevantly. At this stage, I'm more anti-pagan than I am Christian. I hate you insufferably retards almost as much as I hate kikes by now.

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File: 30d26f24035baba⋯.png (712.96 KB,1000x750,4:3,boomerposting.png)

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This is exactly why you cannot be accepted. Divisive and anti-white by nature.

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I dunno anon. I fully get what you're saying, but that approach might also result in a Soth Africa situation in which most whites disavow and turn against the whites trying to accelerate. That could result in a situation in which the (((government and media))) finally have full license to create this piss earth, with most whites just grovelling to the kikes and shitskins about how they are against the WN's and their terroristic acceleration. I feel like that may cause the lemming whites to turn on us if we try to force it too fast. IMO we have to let it happen more naturally and the catch the timing right with proper planning, not to to force it fast and hard and make ourselves pariahs

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well ignoring the fucked up equations, like 2+5 = 7, not 12

2+2*5 = 12

3+3*6 = 21


or you could say 8+8*11 = 96

But the way it's written doesn't imply a sequence because it jumps from 3->8. So I would say 52.

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We tried to give you guys a chance with Positive Christianity, but you're always Judeo-Christians first, White second.

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Very keen.

I'm not sure what he's trying to imply though.

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Ok retard.

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Your vote makes no difference.

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Retarded nonsense. Nationalist Christians have existed long before your gay neopagan obsession

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Lemming opinions don't matter. They are going to follow whoever is strongest. Maybe you could the police/military lemmings but they are more psychopathic than anything.

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You're actually right. Forget about what I said.

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Find out for yourself, why does everyone have to be such a self-destructive pussy?

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What were those good ideas? Vote for dup? You're a faggot pure and simple that hates the idea of having your comfort bubble popped.

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You first then pussy tell me how goes being bait and doxing yourself

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Do I have to be in a certain area to really participate in the early stages? CDA is 5.5 hours from Bremerton where the NWF guys set up


the answer is 19, the first two equations are wrong

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>muh tolerance

The jews really sunk their claws into your mind, anon.

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My fear is just that such an approach would give kikes the perfect "evil YT" scapegoat they want, but the acceleration tactics would still never reach the level necessary to truly collapse the system. And people do follow strength, but it's not like Americans all followed Al Queda after 9/11 because they dis massive damage and fucked shit up, they rallied around the establishment because they perceived that as the good guys, or at least the less scary side that would protect them from the scarier side. Sadly lemming opinions do matter on some levels, which is why it's important to get the masses on your side. Also, there will simply never be enough anons willing to essentially sacrifice themselves to create the kind of situation were talking about, only enough to paint WN's as the bad guys without affecting significant change. What I will say for it is that FFS if you are going to do some crazy shit, do it in a major metro city so everyone can see shitskins chimp when services are unavailable, or do it in a corporate or government HQ where you can do something that matters. IMO anyone preaching accelerationism is full of it because those anons clearly want someone else to go out and be the ones to do it, but dont have the courage of their own convictions to actually take the hit and do it th themselves. Most pro-acceleration anons are talking about how great it would be, but then wont do it themselves, literally NO U response. I do think there is an time and place but there needs to be more of a network in place coupled with political aims and representation as well. IE Sinn Feinn and the IRA/PIRA or like how Nelson Mandela the commie bigger engaged in both minecraft and voting politics at the same time for max effect

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>but the acceleration tactics would still never reach the level necessary to truly collapse the system.

Not with cucks like you, no. So fuck off and let men do the work.

>oh noes what will the media brand us

The same as they always brand us, evil racist genocidal nazi bigots, so fucking own it, faggot.

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>Without my dumbasshit religion, White people are just a bunch of druggies and rednecks.

Fuck off.


I disagree. Lone wolf terrorism has never brought down any regime and is so fantastically unlikely to do so as to be considered impossible. People are much stronger as groups than as desperate individuals.


It depends on what you mean by "local"

If you mean a region, I'd say that there should be three to six men per operational theater. What that is is hard to define. It could be as small as ten blocks in a city or as vast as a hundred square miles of wilderness and small towns.

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>People are much stronger as groups than as desperate individuals.

Than create a group and stop whining about lone wolf terrorists who actually go out there and do more work than dozens of groups have so far

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It's awfully jew in here today.

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I'd say modern weaponry can make a single person very effective, so trying to compare to the past in that way is nonsensical. With multiple lone wolf terrorists, it's difficult to even call them "alone." Only in action are they alone.

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File: ea077312fcea933⋯.png (3.33 MB,1100x1536,275:384,ea077312fcea9339aec237a2fe….png)

>>13558888 (heiled)

Well then

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<white people being the people of God

you can't find that word in Bible or any Hebrew script

instead full of evidence that desert tribe steal others work


<Excavations of cities from the supposedly majestic time of Kings David and Solomon a century earlier, he said, revealed that the "cities" consisted of scattered buildings and the kingdoms were small, provincial dynasties that exercised no real claim over the land.

<Herzog said Jerusalem, the majestic capital built by King David to rule over an empire that spanned much of the Middle East, was at best a small fiefdom.

Sand people came to you as "friend" and infiltrate host society

Later Sand people Claim to be a true master and others must obey him, obviously Egyptian and Persian didn't like it so expel these harmful parasite

Christianity is like middle eastern version of Post-modernism, argue about destroying ethnic identity and insist to serve the others especially Jews…

We are not double digit IQ Sambo like you, fuck off

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The northwest is controlled by the federal government same as any other part of the country. It isn't an alternative to the system, it's part of it.

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I just popped in and out, that's like a introductions/meet'n'greet room not anything more.

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It's about shaking off control, and the northwest just happens to be an okay place to do so. We are not looking for a perfect safe haven because there is no such thing.

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It'd be nice. But I think you hope too much.

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Yes they will. They'll do it and laugh while they do. Watch What Happens.

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Summarize SIEGE and tell me how the ZOG won't just subsume you with shitskin numbers and unlimited printed money.

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I have a strong feeling that you are envisioning an ideal lone-wolf rather than a realistic one. An ideal lone-wolf is V. A genius super-hero who makes his own bombs from scratch and they all detonate exactly as planned, he is a master of disguise and subterfuge, able to talk his way into or out of any situation. He is a black belt in three forms of martial arts and a Parkor artist. He is a master counterfeiter, able to produce fake currency and documents with nothing but every day, untracible office supplies. He can drive his truck filled with home made C4 right into the Pentagon supply station and E&E with absolute ease before striking again with god-like efficiency.

However, in the real world Lone Wolf terrorism looks more like a well meaning man walking into a Mosque and wasting 50 Hajis before being caught.

Also, lone-wolves are lone wolves. This idea that if multiple lone-wolves could coordinate their actions is against everything you should know about stochastic terrorism. They're loners. How would they coordinate?


>If you don't worship the jews… YOURE A JEW!!!!

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>So fuck off and let men do the work.

Ok anon, make sure to Tarrant post for us before you an hero to prove your pedigree. I just want to point out that threads like this regarding violence are allowed by the mods here, but the thread about non violent meetups gets deleted, why do you anons think that is? They want lone wolf idiots taking the bait and getting themselves caught or killed, they don't want groups of white people meeting up to get politically active in bettering the system for ourselves. Historically almost all successful revolutions have began with a breakaway state or territory breaking off from the empire to form its own nation state, and then growing the revolt from there. Almost all successful revolutions also involve political insiders who already have some degree of power or representation and have the political networking and acumen to get shit off the ground. It can't just be a bunch of angry peasants with pitchforks, that almost always gets quashed. There needs to be organized, central leadership that already has some degree of experience in politics and logistical organization, not to mention an actual home territory with resources to support its goal. This is a big part of why decentralized, leaderless shit like Occupy and Yellow Vests ultimately flopped. They couldn't do enough damage or rile things up enough, had no leadership and no territory of their own, just a bunch of random, disconnected shit all over the place that in the end wasn't enough to overwhelm, take over, or collapse the system they were against. I don't say this to shill or blackpill, just be rational and hear me out.

Even if you get siege tier shit going on you have to remember, the USA is a gigantic country that's 5% of the world population just by itself. The sheer amount of resources and technically skilled people in the USA means that there will always be some way to quickly repair any damage and get things back online in short order. The way to power isn't by destroying shit, it's by building things. We need to start forming groups and networks now, so we can work on ways to get away from the ZOG system. Yes, they will ultimately sic their ZOGbots on you and that may be the time for your tactics, but there needs to be a foundation before we even get there, otherwise it's gonna be just another failed op.

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coward posting at its finest

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I have a strong feeling that you are a bitch. Explosives are difficult to easy effectively but if they are used effectively then they can be devastating. Martial arts is hardly relevant in the firearm era.

Fifty to one is not bad and you are fucking weak ass bitch for implying that it is.


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to effectively use*

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He has a point about real lone wolves vs crazies who just gun down browns.

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asses and eggos

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Also my point is that they work for similar or even the same goal, never said that they worked in a team.

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>omg he just skipped the optics and gunned them down! craziiieeee!

What is that point exactly?

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>keeps repeating things only jews say

>actually thinks anyone believes him

You lose.

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Go ahead then. Post about it here when you're done.

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Who said anything about optics here. Real lone wolves cause real damage to the system, not to the lemmings that feed off of it.

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File: de70ba1ee15cc85⋯.jpg (35.78 KB,500x350,10:7,ted-haggard.jpg)

File: b160b4ff1296ae0⋯.jpg (123.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Pastor Hagee.jpg)

File: 7c8e1e85c4491ed⋯.png (403.4 KB,853x861,853:861,pastor niggerlover.png)

File: 3bc20f78ab70b4b⋯.jpg (73.05 KB,750x500,3:2,PapalThrone.jpg)


Naive little faggot. You're in for a hell of a wake up call.

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The lemmings are part of the system, and damaging the infrastructure affects both.

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If there were millions of Tarrants perhaps it would be a viable option.

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We wouldn't need millions and Tarrant did not attack infrastructure.

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File: 7ae719727cb72d0⋯.jpg (98.85 KB,600x458,300:229,1978183b6b2249e096225e5c69….jpg)


And what would the collapse of the system bring about other than chaos at the moment? Yes, we all wish for its swift extinction, but what comes afterwards?

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File: 6fd99b6511db824⋯.png (116.75 KB,753x435,251:145,MERCHANT QUOTE NPC 02.png)


>coward posting at its finest

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We must deal with the problem at hand.

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Fuck off shill.

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So we can make a world like Iron Gates?

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File: fd95b2045cc781a⋯.gif (52.33 KB,550x405,110:81,MERCHANT - HEBRAIC SCREECH….gif)


>Fuck off shill.

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Never read it.


You can suffer with the rest of your lemming brethren, makes no difference.

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>quit being degenerate


what are you, some kind of nazi?

I've been saying this for years, OP. /pol/ is full of faggots now who legitimately believe accelerationism is "the way". It's hard to convince them otherwise now.

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also fuck imkampfy, he ruined this goddamn board

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I've seen a video of tarrant shooting shit skins, I haven't seen a video Of NA networking or building or what ever you faggots think your doing its just move to the northwest were not Agents you can trust us.

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Maybe because they don't want to put their shit out there for all to see, you double nigger

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You're one of the divisive faggots. Both creativity and destructiveness are important. You cannot have one without the other.

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Id think if you were doing something in secret you would have a website advertising your plan or talk about it on a public image board? but what do I know I'm just a dumb bigger.

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File: d65ef73cdb0e662⋯.jpg (11.08 KB,245x251,245:251,SAY THAT TO MY FACE FUCKER.jpg)


>37 posts ITT

>every single one is trying to shit on other anons

>calling anyone a "divisive faggot"

No, fuck you.

I want people to unite, to form communities outside of this retarded clown world (or to be more precise, "sanctuaries" for non-retards). However, where I differ from the majority of /pol/ is that I don't think you would want to gate solely based on race - not because I want "muh multicultural society free from hate" or some other shitty lefty propaganda, but because I don't want lazy retards to think they can get a free pass simply because they're white.


>if you were doing something in secret

>a website advertising your plan

>talk about it on a public image board

one of these is not like the other

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Reminder that in 10 years whites are a minority in Weimerica and possibly Europe given the mass exodus out of Africa that's about to occur in 2025.

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Irrelevant, I will shit on as many faggots as they come. There is no outside of this world, and I really don't care about your vague standards. Also, quads of truth.

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What makes the northwest a good place for that?

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1) Correct to the core.

I quit browsing for like 20 days and my productivity skyrocketed. My life improved a lot in that short amount of time.

Now i don't want to advise quitting completely /pol/ or other boards. It's just that it is highly addictive and browsing too much time is actually counterproductive.


Yes. But it doesn't mean "yeah, let's legitimize the system by contributing to it, never rebel, never reveal your powerlevel".

The best movement one can do imo is stop depending so much on the system, buy local, produce most of the stuff you need, and form small groups of similar people with similar interests. Even better if you practice regularly for the happening (it case it really happens one day, if not the training doesn't hurt either)

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Lots of natural resources, high number of whites including some of those that are white nationalists, and many seclusive areas. I didn't pick the spot, but we need to be decisive and ultimately we can take up which ever area we see fit.

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Yeah, there's a fine line between being a sitting duck and being a spastic retard who blows their load too early.

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Difference is the sitting duck only contributes to his own demise.

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One important thing to mention is that the Cascadia Fault can destroy the coast any day now so go high if you are close to the coast.

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You want me to relocate? Cool, show me cheap listings or show me where I can stay a few months cheap before finding work..

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File: bb311448fb59839⋯.jpg (824.91 KB,1028x5122,514:2561,The psychology of the lemm….jpg)


>1.Technology is inherently degenerate and prevents you from saving the white race.You faggots are addicted to porn and 8chan hur hur.

No, faggot. It's more so how you use this technology. Don't watch degenerate shows or listen to degenerate radio stations. Pretty fucking simple. You are criticizing technology for the character fault's of it's users.

>2.Accelerationism is a Jew trick!We don't have the infrastructure to fight the enemy in the streets.

What do you suggest then? Just run away(white flight) and leave our land to Jews and non-whites? Sit by and do nothing?We don't need complex/large infrastructure and we sure as hell aren't going to be fighting our enemies in the streets(unless it's commiefag militias from cities). Large complex infrastructure that isn't well guarded is their weakness.Head on conflicts with the army/police are suicidal. Ambushes and raids on supply depots would work better.

>Imagine if we stopped using technology, our IQs would increase by 20-25 points.

Our IQs would increase by about 2 standard deviations? I have a feeling you aren't very well educated. There is no amount of science and technology that will increase your IQ by that many points. If we did have that technology we would have already used it on groids so they would be intelligent enough to get a job and not act like jungle apes.

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spics and niggers already populated the area

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Time isnt on our side anon

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ha, you get it

nothing lasts forever kiddo, we knew of the impermanence of places when we first got here

I'm only in this thread because of the partial truth in the opening post, that dopamine abuse is wide spread and has to be curtailed on a personal level

which is why i limit myself to visiting 8pol only once per day and only make one post per day

i suggest you move on too, get off the internet and start impregnating women and crushing your enemies


>TV, computers, cellphones, radio, news, music, pornography and the Internet (especially imageboards)

these things are like drugs and have to mostly be avoided, and what is used has to be used sparingly

there need not be division between the ideas of accelerationistic action and moving to a nicer, more rural, white place

all self improvement are attempts to mimic an actual healthy life, that of our ancient wild ancestors

civilization is a mistake, we have to go back

back to nature

simply replicating cities on a small scale in rural areas can still be a trap

become the barbarians past our gates or stay to be crushed by the collapsing infrastructure of our comforts

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Symbol/number masking.

+ is actually x

Number on the right is actually the number + 1


2 x 6 = 12

3 x 7 = 21

8 x 12 = 96

Other anon already pointed this out.

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I solved it a bit differently than >>13560347, but got the same answer

I multiplied the numbers together and added the first number to the product of the original

2 x 5 = 10 + 2 = 12

3 x 6 = 18 + 3 = 21

so, following that pattern

8 x 11 = 88 + 8 = 96

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You have exposed yourself as a moron with no understading of anything.

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There's no indication of the last number being +1 or the + being an x.

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>he doesn't want to accelerate the jewish agenda

Bruh, do you even know where you are at? How dare you suggest such a thing here on /nupol/!

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daily reminder glowinthedark NIGGERS

have been found to falseflag 8/pol/ JUST THIS FUCKING YEAR ALONE


also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxu1KPx3DdY


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Stated in the problem, instead we have:




We can solve this without adding extra numbers or changing + to x, and this is how:

7 in base 10=12 in base 5.

9 in base 10=21 in base 4.

So, we have a pattern already.

19 in base 10=? in base 3.


If you want to check my work:




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By the way, >>13560982 gave me the answer.

There is no +1 indicated, + =/= x


From there, I just had to figure out a way where 2+5=7 and 12, and 3+6=9 and 21 without breaking A=A.

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*I stated it weird but what I meant was it still had to make sense mathematically without changing the equation whatsoever by changing the signs or adding additional numbers to it

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I understand different-based number systems.

What was the point of your post, though?

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It's in response to the post linked, >>13559660

and the people who got 96 out of it by changing the signs and the equation:



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So the point is the "bases" are descending?

But there is no "5" in a base-five number system.

there is 1,2,3,4,10, 10 being equivalent to 5 in base ten systems.

So there is no "2 plus 5" in a base five number system, because five does not exist.

Remember that. 5,6,7,8,9 do not exist in a base five number system. There are only the digits 1,2,3,4 and then you roll over to 10.

11,12,13,14, 20

21,22,23,24,30 "30" in this case being the base ten 15.

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The equations on the left are in base ten, and on the right are in bases 5, 4, and 3.

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If you have a base ELEVEN number system, by the way, you would have to make up a new single-character number for the value we assign to ten.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,õ, 10 for example. "10 just means "one in the next higher level column" just like it does now, but the next higher number is the 11's.

So "10" in base-eleven is 11 in base ten.

100 in base-eleven is 121 in base ten.


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Thanks for that clarification. So the origin is in base ten and the result is in a descending matrix of bases.

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>muh PNW

nigger have you been to the cities in oregon/washington lately? my favorite game to play in seattle businesses is "spot the white heterosexual male"

pro tip - there is none

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Sorry for wasting a response on that, but that was genuinely funny and incisive.

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Base 11 is

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a 10 11…


Yeah, that's how I looked at it without changing the given equations of 2+5=x, 3+6=y, and 8+11=z, trying not to add any extra information or changing the original equation given.

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fucking delet this right now

im curious, it says census as source. does this mean the spics that identify as white are included? my biggest fear is (((they))) are purposely showing white statistics including shitskins to prevent a mass awakening until it is too late (boomer die off)

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>(((they))) are purposely showing white statistics including shitskins to prevent a mass awakening until it is too late

That is exactly what they are doing.

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why 8

if (you) then 4

result 32

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Jesus Christ is the antithesis of the jew.

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>I quit browsing for like 20 days and my productivity skyrocketed. My life improved a lot in that short amount of time.

>Now i don't want to advise quitting completely /pol/ or other boards. It's just that it is highly addictive and browsing too much time is actually counterproductive.

This so much. Not just /pol/ but the internet in general. You shouldn't spend too much time just surfing and shitposting around on /pol/ or the web. It's easy to get depressed spending too much time on /pol/, and you should be out accomplishing shit IRL anyway. There are plenty of slow days on /pol/ where I don't bother to post. The modern world in general is full of physically and mentally addictive pitfalls to productivity and happiness that you must be aware of.

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File: fc579c2e3a9f97e⋯.jpg (481.69 KB,1920x1248,20:13,artem-demura-graveyard-god….jpg)

Boring thread as usual.

>do something

<boomer cuck retard kike mossad op false flag

>don't do anything

<doomer dopamine addict, incel, have sex, accelerate, muh memes

Waking the masses to reality is quite literally the only thing the elite is afraid of, and you can only do it out there on the street through activism, anonymous or not.

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>you can only do it out there on the street through activism

Stop lying, faggot. Kill yourself.

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Getting our ducks in a row is not running away, and retreating has been a valid tactic throughout history. You are a lemming that calls for atomization. If you wanna adopt the lone wolf tactic go ahead but attacking constructive efforts is simply subversive. It's people like you that don't want to actually wanna break the shell and are just fluff. We need people like us and for us or we will lose.

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You have exposed yourself as a coward by trying to tear everything down like a baby. God I am tired of fakers like you, pretending to have these ideals but whenever someone wants enable any of them you immediently become afraid and lash out. Pol and this very thread is filled with people like you, the non-committed liars that are actually against any movement, but only pretend to support as high iq armchair optics geniuses.

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Yes but they also teach to not count on your martial arts or knife over your gun. I never said that martial arts is bad.

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The reason the Left has been able to dominate culture and the public narrative for so long is because the Right basically allows them to. The Right doesn't challenge the Left in any meaningful way because the Right have a suicidal passive mentality. The Right tends to mind their own business and live in their own little bubbles isolated from the culture war, which allows the the Left to conquer "territory" unchallenged. The Left has basically achieved "air superiority" many years ago. The Left controls all the social infrastructures that influence public perception and opinion like Hollywood, mainstream media, schools, etc. The Right still thinks the Left deserves to be treated with respect because of the "my fellow American" mentality. This is extremely naive thinking. Respect is earned and the Left is completely undeserving of respect. It would be immoral to respect those so undeserving of it. The Right still clings to old rules of conduct like the golden rule of "do not do onto others that which you would not want done to you" and "turn the other cheek" etc. The reason the obedience to the old rules of conduct is so dangerous is because they critically handicap fighting ability and you need everything in order to win because this is a fight to the death. It's a fight for the future of western civilization. You must be willing to do necessary evil. Common courtesy and decency must be abandoned because it can't be afforded, the stakes are far too high. Fighting clean is suicidal in a real fight. Never fight fair. Always seek to gain an advantage and/or force the enemy into a disadvantage before fighting. Leave fair play to sports. An extremely dangerous expectation that seems to be prevelant among the Right is the expectation that this is all going to blow over and everything will return to normal. This is as insane as expecting cancer to just magically disappear. The only solution is extremely aggressive and unrelenting counteraction until the target is destroyed. Another dangerous expectation prevalent among the Right is the expectation of an actual civil war. The expectation of a civil war is just the carrot tied to a stick. If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost. Accelerationism is self-defeating and very dangerous because it may not result in a collapse but stabilize as a dystopian nightmare. Or it could collapse and then start again as something just as bad or even worse than before. Too many among the Right think their political abilities are limited to simply voting. But voting is just the bare minimum. The vast mojority of citizens political power is social activism. The Right's social activism capabilities are very weak compared to the left's. The Right lacks the cohesion that enable the Left to fight like a professional army while the Right are more like Native American warriors that fight individually instead of soldiers that fight as a unit. Individualism is a very serious weakness. Collective action is greater than the sum of its parts. Collectivism is a force multiplier. It was only after the creation of the Continental Army that the colonists were actually able to seriously challenge the British. Another problem with the Right is that they seem to only react defensively to the Left's initiative and almost never counter attack in any substantial way. You can't win a war by only reacting defensively to the enemy. You must seize the initiative by attacking the enemy and force them to react defensively to you. Another problem of the Right is their over-reliance on "champions." These "champions" are the few outspoken right-wingers that have gained notoriety. But they are too few and vulnerable to censorship. So everyone among the Right needs to consider themselves a soldier in order to decentralize. Do not expect others to fight for you while you sit on the sidelines.

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White Nationalism, 20 years of failure on the internet. Yet it's everyone elses fault. Sounds familiar?

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide" as they are the ones that force their vulgar larping upon any effort by Whites defending their interests. Every time Whites try to create networking similar to every other ethnic group to obtain, jobs, homes, healthcare, education, etc., White Nationalists deliberately detrail such efforts out of spite.

In addition, White Nationalists or by any other name have repeatedly called for the murder of entire groups of innocent Whites including Boomers, Christians, Gays and others.

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File: 72e9d0dacc34749⋯.png (29.71 KB,849x480,283:160,whitenationalism.png)

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>If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost.

>Don't accelerate it's a spook!

Fuck off liar.

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>and you can only do it out there on the street through activism

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Acceleration merely prescribes the current conditions of techno-capital; you acknowledge it's happening or you don't.

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Northwest got their beaner bomb long ago.

Helping the white race would be going to Ukraine or Moldova, and being white when you do it.

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>just give up your lands and move to a foreign country where things are magically better


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but your answer to a logic puzzle requires an understanding of different-based number systems

that would make the riddle a riddle only a specific set of people can solve, eliminating the pretense that "you have to be smart/logical to solve it" and instead establishing the pretense "if you understand different based number systems and know the translation between numbers regarding their bases, you'll be able to solve it"

it's a simple pattern recognition logic-based puzzle

If you multiply 4 x 1 and then add 1, you'll also get a solution‚ of 5. Following that rule for the other equations, you'd compute 2 + (2 x 5) + 12. Then, 3 + (3 x 6)= 21. And 8 + (8 x 11) which equals 96.

The '+' is just a symbol that is being used and we are accustomed to adding the two numbers that sit on either side of the symbol. So in this case the '+' symbol means you multiply the two numbers, then you add the first number to that result.

As with many logic puzzles, you should be looking for a pattern to complete, which explains how the answer of 96 is correct. The pattern is multiply the second number by the first number then add that answer to the answer in the above equation.

So, if you follow the pattern with the missing digits, it'll lead you to the 8+11 equation and you can solve the puzzle.

With the missing equations:








8+11= 96

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That's an overly complicated way to notice that the result is equal to n(n+4) where n is the first number. I would say that it would be much easier to realize that + is just a binary operator from a unital magma. This operation adds 1 to the right operand and then it is multiplied with the first operand.

2+5=12 becomes 2*(5+1)=12

3+6=12 becomes 3*(6+1)=21

8+11=12 becomes 8*(11+1)=96

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File: e3e8d8258373daf⋯.png (19.2 KB,293x280,293:280,aproudboy.png)


>you can only do it out there on the street through activism


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File: fe1f4b036aeb251⋯.jpg (150.38 KB,1000x1000,1:1,accelerationism.jpg)

Shut the fuck up faggot OP!!!…The elite are gaining ever more increasingly powerful technology with which they will use to control us and shape the societal narrative/ What are you advocating for, just sitting back and doing nothing? what a fucking a joke…ACCELERATE anons, shove the the clownworld right on the normies face…If we dont do this, in just a couple years, the technology will be to great (If it isnt already). We MUST red pill as many people as possible…Here let me explain an advanced concept in a picture.

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4chan had a thread about twitter banning certain images or keywords. #DemandVoterID, Russia, 2020. Include these words in ANY tweet and you'll be banned within 30 seconds for 12 hours. I'm not joking about this anons, I will upload an image and you can try it out yourselves. So, here's the deal anons, we can use this censorship against the technocrats.

Start making normie memes. Include the words "Russia" "2020" "#DemandVoterID" somewhere in the meme. Maybe even as a low contrast / semi transparent layer that isnt visible to the human eye, but will be picked up on by AI…Watch twitter accounts get banned en mass, as the memes trickle through the system…lol…Best way to red pill the normies…Top KEK

Do it anons, this is powerfuI …Use it wisely

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This is correct.


Raising the right operand by one multiplied by the first will always give you the same answer as multiplying the operands and adding the first operand to the result. I am not a mathematician so I can't say why. I perceived the pattern by means of the latter approach, personally. I have also met people who do arithmetic in a different way than me, so I imagine that there might be some variable at play here, one not relating to intelligence, but perhaps to the structure of the brain.



Regarding the thread topic, these are the best posts. Since the 40s, the feds have pumped lots of money into breaking up nationalist networks, because that is what they perceive to be a threat, not one-off terrorism, which is especially a bad idea when the media has already prepped the country to perceive these people as satanic.

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Then go burn yourself out. Post here when your done. Watch What Happens.

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Your answer involves adding extra meanings to a symbol with only one universal meaning.

Mine involved only a conversion process between different bases; the + still acts just like a +, and the numbers are still the same absolute value no matter the base system they are in.

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File: a32c33e86167d8b⋯.jpg (242.97 KB,875x1119,875:1119,76009349.jpg)

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>Accelerationism helps the Jews

shut up retard

>dont use the internet, the best redpilling machine invented

shut up retard

>call me a shill or a glownigger

I'll call you a retard

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File: c6629bdc213c57b⋯.png (7.36 KB,250x250,1:1,1564885657399.png)

ITT: Good little goyim slaves, pathetic and weak, addicted to the interjew, angrily justifying their 16 hours per day of staring at glowing screens, just clicking and scrolling, scrolling and clicking like the pathetic little sheep they want you to be.

The TRUE REDPILL is limiting internet use to 1-3 hours a week maximum. Anything other than this objective truth is COPE from little goy slaves to the interjew.

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Block chains never stop trading Jew.

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>trying to tear everything down like a baby

Literally what you are doing. I'm pro-PNWM, remember?

Learn to read.

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In your mind.

Since Jesus is a fictional character, what you think is irrelevant.

My religion is my race. Race is real.

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Your religion isn't your race nigger, everyone except delusional White christians sees through that shit. A faithful christian nigger will still kill you on sight if he feels safe to do so without having to fear lethal repercussions, even if he knows full well you're both christians.

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Because you offer only servitude and demand compliance.

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>the jews own the internet. never use it, goy.

Why are you idiots so fucking retarded?

Go the fuck away, brainlet.

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>A faithful christian nigger will still kill you on sight if he feels safe to do so without having to fear lethal repercussions, even if he knows full well you're both christians.

You seem to have responded to the wrong person. Reread what I said and who I am responding to. I am arguing against a Christian.

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File: 030c52219b2cd1c⋯.jpg (166.43 KB,959x550,959:550,VIA-Churchill.jpg)

File: e3fbe8fdc7e6632⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,1021x640,1021:640,canada-via-rail-manitobia-….jpg)

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File: 65f1e3f44ad304d⋯.jpg (458.46 KB,822x530,411:265,MAC34_CHURCHILL_POST05.jpg)

>moving to the northwest and not northern canada

If you want your 1488% white natsoc paradise to work you have to leave the US and live in a part of the world nobody wants. This means living in the arctic circle near some wagon burner reservation, because even though Canada's government will hate your political opinions they'll still be reliant on your community for educating local people and providing manpower to hospitals, construction jobs, and radar stations. And even then you;re not exceeding from Canada, just being a very remote municipality.

The most obvious place to do this is Churchill as it has rail/sea connections and thus just enough industry where people might actually move to it. It's population is about 900, and it usually gets down to about -10 or -20 F in the winter. This is one of the few places in the world that will (a) improve due to climate change (b) still require greenhouses aka controlled, defensible environments for food production and (c) where said food can actually be sold at a profit.

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>If you want your 1488% white natsoc paradise to work you have to leave the US and live in a part of the world nobody wants

They don't want a paradise to run to, idiot. They want a revolution. Pay attention to what is being discussed. Fuck White flight.

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File: 1d3eface77e0463⋯.jpg (2.84 MB,3008x2000,188:125,DSC_0294.jpg)

File: f23ad99047cc563⋯.jpg (21.13 KB,250x300,5:6,250px-Fort_Prince_of_Wales….jpg)

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Why not just go into Fort Prince of Wales? It's not like Canada's military would ever use it again.


If someone is flying out to rural Idaho or Oregon to live there they are doing white flight, same as all the ex-SF residents who flew to Portland. The only serious statehood proposal in this area is the State Of Jefferson, but this is both boomercore and wouldn't separate from the US anyway. Anything besides staying and fighting in your own hometown is flight, if you're asking people to move somewhere might as well move to a place that will never have a large population otherwise.

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>Anything besides staying and fighting in your own hometown is flight

This is boomer-tire bullshit. "Imma stay in muh house and wait for ZOG to kick down muh doors and drag me out and shoot me!" retardation.

You're confusing consolidation with flight. If you think that this is flight, then you also think that gathering together to form a call is flight.

Stop talking and start thinking.

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File: f0976c3e2443042⋯.jpg (67.15 KB,800x600,4:3,port-of-sept-iles-photo.jpg)

File: 58a8233490c5eec⋯.jpg (2.82 MB,3504x2336,3:2,Schefferville_Pierre_Bouch….JPG)


Statistically Canada is whiter than America and nonwhites don't want to live in frozen places like Churchill. Yet, Churchill still has just enough connections to the rest of NA where non-/pol/ people might consider a move there. If there was a place to consolidate, this is the best location by far. Schefferville is more remote and smaller (pop 220) but few people will move up there, Seven Islands is much more accessible (pop 30k) but is also Francophone and thus catholic/nonwhite.

You can live in your fantasy world all you want but these are the only places where a nazi cult community will be tolerated because of the manpower shortage in the area. It's difficult for the RCMP (or Rangers, depending) to arrest Nazis if they wholly comprise the local post, fire, mechanical, and hospital service staff in an area. This is what raw power is, the ability to get your way. It's also very isolated and out of the way so Jews won't bother especially if white people refuse to repair or fuel their private jets (which is the only way they go into these places when they absolutely must).

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what a good little internet addict, so addicted that you think a reasonable 1-3 hours a week is "never using it". what's it like being a slave?

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1) Obviously kike degeneracy is to be avoid. But that's normie shit. Technology is a tool and as such, entirely up to the individual as to how it's used.

2) As history shows, the jew is going to try and fuck us regardless. We should follow a failed writer and run for the woods? So when we reach the tree line, shlomo is just going to stop? You can't be that naive.

>>Now imagine if we all permanently got rid of data smog in our lives, which would lead to us increasing our IQs by 20-25 points

Ask me how I know your a boomer? Fucking 'smog' haha. You have a citation for that massive jump in IQ? Because IQ before and after the internet would prove you wrong, unfortunately, niggers.

By 2030 it will be too late.

>>Criticize me all you want, call me a shill or a glownigger but deep down you know I'm right.

Ok. You're an idiot and coward and I just proved you wrong.

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>>"Doing anything violent will get you killed or arrested. Any immediate political activism will get you put on a watch list and forced to become a federal informant"

I totally agree with this sentiment.

Throwing your life away to take out a bunch of soft targets is only hurting the status of all proud White men. It makes us all look emotional, unhinged and weak.

On top of that, even though most of these shooters are incel dorks… think of all the wasted potential.

We could be taking these kids under our collective wings, teaching them to get under a high protein diet and to get JACKED. Teaching them to program, to build a proper resume, to get a sustaining job that helps them to feel fulfilled.

There NEEDS to be a balance between the acceleration and the laying-low.

>>I think we can all agree that our big problem is that we're being OUT-BRED.

We need to get our fuck on and start pumping out glorious white babies like it's nobody's business.

At this rate, all the enemy has to do is sit around and wait. They will out-breed us, making more and more filth, while we slowly tear ourselves apart from the inside out. All because we ALLOWED a bunch misguided, emotional kids to go out and start spraying soft targets without any rhyme or reason.

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Fuck off kike

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>10 years

We will be a minority by then at that point you will have no chance what so ever, considering how advanced surveillance is getting.


New Awakening was ran by a roblox larper who knew shit about the real world. Cascadia was larp for 40 years with absolutely zero progress.

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It shouldn't be a question anymore, you have been replaced, they are winning in the next election, they are stealing the morality and humanity from every kid, they will force you quiet by any means necessary.


Will you die slowly over the years waiting for things to get better on your ass? There is no escape except Accelerationism. NONE.

The world will hate you for it, you may lose everything you love in the process but there is only one out of this mess. MAKE HELL

Choose your own fate,

Will you let things get worse and worse til everything is irreversible to the point where there is a camera in every home, and a needle in your arm feeding you your daily dose of food mixed with enough estrogen to make you just docile enough?

Or, will you die giving the world chance to end this nightmare? By god I made my choose by spending night after night thinking, and working on convincing people to make the right choice.

We are spitting up every goddamn thing they gave us, no more playing by these rules that we adhered ourselves to in hopes they would do the same. They want you dead.

We will never get out of this without bullets flying.

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Accelerate BBC up the asses of WN'S for helping the Jews exterminate us.

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I find this brand of rhetoric to be so manipulative and pathetic.

We're White men, strong enough to make the world what it is but somehow not strong enough to save it from the fucking filth trying to out-breed us?


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Would love to relocate, fam. Can my hapa waifu come with me? Serious question

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