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File: 8276756fef7c96c⋯.jpeg (165.27 KB,940x923,940:923,Relocate.jpeg)

File: bf6f36313318dfd⋯.jpg (147.17 KB,1486x634,743:317,AWAKE.jpg)

File: 5082baf255e63e1⋯.png (110.42 KB,1056x694,528:347,Newawakening.PNG)

File: 0f6d6c09c1cf50d⋯.jpg (83.57 KB,600x451,600:451,imageboard brain.jpg)

 No.13557384 [View All]

I came to provide you with two very hard to swallow redpills:

1) TV, computers, cellphones, radio, news, music, pornography and the Internet (especially imageboards) are all data smog that act as addictions and hinder our cognitive performance, too much information and also subversive information that fills our minds with degeneracy is EXACTLY WHAT THE JEWS WANT! Don't believe me? Try going without 8chan or porn for a week. Imagine how much time we waste on DATA SMOG that we could have used to improve our lives. We are literally killing our brains and making ourselves more stupid by doing this.

2) Accelerationism helps the Jews because it allows them to persecute us more violently. WE HAVE NOT YET CREATED THE REVOLUTIONARY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED TO FIGHT THE ENEMY IN THE STREETS. This is why we should be planning to do what Harold Covington and the New Awakening is suggesting, pic related.

Now imagine if we all permanently got rid of data smog in our lives, which would lead to us increasing our IQs by 20-25 points, and instead of ACCELERATIONISM started believing in RESTRAINTISM. By 2030, when the brains of lemmings are fried from data smog and the ZOG has fallen, we will rise up all across the white world and take power into our hands.

Criticize me all you want, call me a shill or a glownigger but deep down you know I'm right.

353 posts and 76 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Jesus Christ is the antithesis of the jew.

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>I quit browsing for like 20 days and my productivity skyrocketed. My life improved a lot in that short amount of time.

>Now i don't want to advise quitting completely /pol/ or other boards. It's just that it is highly addictive and browsing too much time is actually counterproductive.

This so much. Not just /pol/ but the internet in general. You shouldn't spend too much time just surfing and shitposting around on /pol/ or the web. It's easy to get depressed spending too much time on /pol/, and you should be out accomplishing shit IRL anyway. There are plenty of slow days on /pol/ where I don't bother to post. The modern world in general is full of physically and mentally addictive pitfalls to productivity and happiness that you must be aware of.

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File: fc579c2e3a9f97e⋯.jpg (481.69 KB,1920x1248,20:13,artem-demura-graveyard-god….jpg)

Boring thread as usual.

>do something

<boomer cuck retard kike mossad op false flag

>don't do anything

<doomer dopamine addict, incel, have sex, accelerate, muh memes

Waking the masses to reality is quite literally the only thing the elite is afraid of, and you can only do it out there on the street through activism, anonymous or not.

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>you can only do it out there on the street through activism

Stop lying, faggot. Kill yourself.

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Getting our ducks in a row is not running away, and retreating has been a valid tactic throughout history. You are a lemming that calls for atomization. If you wanna adopt the lone wolf tactic go ahead but attacking constructive efforts is simply subversive. It's people like you that don't want to actually wanna break the shell and are just fluff. We need people like us and for us or we will lose.

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You have exposed yourself as a coward by trying to tear everything down like a baby. God I am tired of fakers like you, pretending to have these ideals but whenever someone wants enable any of them you immediently become afraid and lash out. Pol and this very thread is filled with people like you, the non-committed liars that are actually against any movement, but only pretend to support as high iq armchair optics geniuses.

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Yes but they also teach to not count on your martial arts or knife over your gun. I never said that martial arts is bad.

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The reason the Left has been able to dominate culture and the public narrative for so long is because the Right basically allows them to. The Right doesn't challenge the Left in any meaningful way because the Right have a suicidal passive mentality. The Right tends to mind their own business and live in their own little bubbles isolated from the culture war, which allows the the Left to conquer "territory" unchallenged. The Left has basically achieved "air superiority" many years ago. The Left controls all the social infrastructures that influence public perception and opinion like Hollywood, mainstream media, schools, etc. The Right still thinks the Left deserves to be treated with respect because of the "my fellow American" mentality. This is extremely naive thinking. Respect is earned and the Left is completely undeserving of respect. It would be immoral to respect those so undeserving of it. The Right still clings to old rules of conduct like the golden rule of "do not do onto others that which you would not want done to you" and "turn the other cheek" etc. The reason the obedience to the old rules of conduct is so dangerous is because they critically handicap fighting ability and you need everything in order to win because this is a fight to the death. It's a fight for the future of western civilization. You must be willing to do necessary evil. Common courtesy and decency must be abandoned because it can't be afforded, the stakes are far too high. Fighting clean is suicidal in a real fight. Never fight fair. Always seek to gain an advantage and/or force the enemy into a disadvantage before fighting. Leave fair play to sports. An extremely dangerous expectation that seems to be prevelant among the Right is the expectation that this is all going to blow over and everything will return to normal. This is as insane as expecting cancer to just magically disappear. The only solution is extremely aggressive and unrelenting counteraction until the target is destroyed. Another dangerous expectation prevalent among the Right is the expectation of an actual civil war. The expectation of a civil war is just the carrot tied to a stick. If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost. Accelerationism is self-defeating and very dangerous because it may not result in a collapse but stabilize as a dystopian nightmare. Or it could collapse and then start again as something just as bad or even worse than before. Too many among the Right think their political abilities are limited to simply voting. But voting is just the bare minimum. The vast mojority of citizens political power is social activism. The Right's social activism capabilities are very weak compared to the left's. The Right lacks the cohesion that enable the Left to fight like a professional army while the Right are more like Native American warriors that fight individually instead of soldiers that fight as a unit. Individualism is a very serious weakness. Collective action is greater than the sum of its parts. Collectivism is a force multiplier. It was only after the creation of the Continental Army that the colonists were actually able to seriously challenge the British. Another problem with the Right is that they seem to only react defensively to the Left's initiative and almost never counter attack in any substantial way. You can't win a war by only reacting defensively to the enemy. You must seize the initiative by attacking the enemy and force them to react defensively to you. Another problem of the Right is their over-reliance on "champions." These "champions" are the few outspoken right-wingers that have gained notoriety. But they are too few and vulnerable to censorship. So everyone among the Right needs to consider themselves a soldier in order to decentralize. Do not expect others to fight for you while you sit on the sidelines.

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White Nationalism, 20 years of failure on the internet. Yet it's everyone elses fault. Sounds familiar?

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide" as they are the ones that force their vulgar larping upon any effort by Whites defending their interests. Every time Whites try to create networking similar to every other ethnic group to obtain, jobs, homes, healthcare, education, etc., White Nationalists deliberately detrail such efforts out of spite.

In addition, White Nationalists or by any other name have repeatedly called for the murder of entire groups of innocent Whites including Boomers, Christians, Gays and others.

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File: 72e9d0dacc34749⋯.png (29.71 KB,849x480,283:160,whitenationalism.png)

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>If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost.

>Don't accelerate it's a spook!

Fuck off liar.

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File: 3b5ce11cd549c3e⋯.jpg (36.86 KB,526x555,526:555,1414460466178.jpg)


>and you can only do it out there on the street through activism

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Acceleration merely prescribes the current conditions of techno-capital; you acknowledge it's happening or you don't.

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Northwest got their beaner bomb long ago.

Helping the white race would be going to Ukraine or Moldova, and being white when you do it.

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>just give up your lands and move to a foreign country where things are magically better


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but your answer to a logic puzzle requires an understanding of different-based number systems

that would make the riddle a riddle only a specific set of people can solve, eliminating the pretense that "you have to be smart/logical to solve it" and instead establishing the pretense "if you understand different based number systems and know the translation between numbers regarding their bases, you'll be able to solve it"

it's a simple pattern recognition logic-based puzzle

If you multiply 4 x 1 and then add 1, you'll also get a solution‚ of 5. Following that rule for the other equations, you'd compute 2 + (2 x 5) + 12. Then, 3 + (3 x 6)= 21. And 8 + (8 x 11) which equals 96.

The '+' is just a symbol that is being used and we are accustomed to adding the two numbers that sit on either side of the symbol. So in this case the '+' symbol means you multiply the two numbers, then you add the first number to that result.

As with many logic puzzles, you should be looking for a pattern to complete, which explains how the answer of 96 is correct. The pattern is multiply the second number by the first number then add that answer to the answer in the above equation.

So, if you follow the pattern with the missing digits, it'll lead you to the 8+11 equation and you can solve the puzzle.

With the missing equations:








8+11= 96

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That's an overly complicated way to notice that the result is equal to n(n+4) where n is the first number. I would say that it would be much easier to realize that + is just a binary operator from a unital magma. This operation adds 1 to the right operand and then it is multiplied with the first operand.

2+5=12 becomes 2*(5+1)=12

3+6=12 becomes 3*(6+1)=21

8+11=12 becomes 8*(11+1)=96

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File: e3e8d8258373daf⋯.png (19.2 KB,293x280,293:280,aproudboy.png)


>you can only do it out there on the street through activism


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File: fe1f4b036aeb251⋯.jpg (150.38 KB,1000x1000,1:1,accelerationism.jpg)

Shut the fuck up faggot OP!!!…The elite are gaining ever more increasingly powerful technology with which they will use to control us and shape the societal narrative/ What are you advocating for, just sitting back and doing nothing? what a fucking a joke…ACCELERATE anons, shove the the clownworld right on the normies face…If we dont do this, in just a couple years, the technology will be to great (If it isnt already). We MUST red pill as many people as possible…Here let me explain an advanced concept in a picture.

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4chan had a thread about twitter banning certain images or keywords. #DemandVoterID, Russia, 2020. Include these words in ANY tweet and you'll be banned within 30 seconds for 12 hours. I'm not joking about this anons, I will upload an image and you can try it out yourselves. So, here's the deal anons, we can use this censorship against the technocrats.

Start making normie memes. Include the words "Russia" "2020" "#DemandVoterID" somewhere in the meme. Maybe even as a low contrast / semi transparent layer that isnt visible to the human eye, but will be picked up on by AI…Watch twitter accounts get banned en mass, as the memes trickle through the system…lol…Best way to red pill the normies…Top KEK

Do it anons, this is powerfuI …Use it wisely

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This is correct.


Raising the right operand by one multiplied by the first will always give you the same answer as multiplying the operands and adding the first operand to the result. I am not a mathematician so I can't say why. I perceived the pattern by means of the latter approach, personally. I have also met people who do arithmetic in a different way than me, so I imagine that there might be some variable at play here, one not relating to intelligence, but perhaps to the structure of the brain.



Regarding the thread topic, these are the best posts. Since the 40s, the feds have pumped lots of money into breaking up nationalist networks, because that is what they perceive to be a threat, not one-off terrorism, which is especially a bad idea when the media has already prepped the country to perceive these people as satanic.

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Then go burn yourself out. Post here when your done. Watch What Happens.

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Your answer involves adding extra meanings to a symbol with only one universal meaning.

Mine involved only a conversion process between different bases; the + still acts just like a +, and the numbers are still the same absolute value no matter the base system they are in.

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File: a32c33e86167d8b⋯.jpg (242.97 KB,875x1119,875:1119,76009349.jpg)

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>Accelerationism helps the Jews

shut up retard

>dont use the internet, the best redpilling machine invented

shut up retard

>call me a shill or a glownigger

I'll call you a retard

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File: c6629bdc213c57b⋯.png (7.36 KB,250x250,1:1,1564885657399.png)

ITT: Good little goyim slaves, pathetic and weak, addicted to the interjew, angrily justifying their 16 hours per day of staring at glowing screens, just clicking and scrolling, scrolling and clicking like the pathetic little sheep they want you to be.

The TRUE REDPILL is limiting internet use to 1-3 hours a week maximum. Anything other than this objective truth is COPE from little goy slaves to the interjew.

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Block chains never stop trading Jew.

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>trying to tear everything down like a baby

Literally what you are doing. I'm pro-PNWM, remember?

Learn to read.

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In your mind.

Since Jesus is a fictional character, what you think is irrelevant.

My religion is my race. Race is real.

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Your religion isn't your race nigger, everyone except delusional White christians sees through that shit. A faithful christian nigger will still kill you on sight if he feels safe to do so without having to fear lethal repercussions, even if he knows full well you're both christians.

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Because you offer only servitude and demand compliance.

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>the jews own the internet. never use it, goy.

Why are you idiots so fucking retarded?

Go the fuck away, brainlet.

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>A faithful christian nigger will still kill you on sight if he feels safe to do so without having to fear lethal repercussions, even if he knows full well you're both christians.

You seem to have responded to the wrong person. Reread what I said and who I am responding to. I am arguing against a Christian.

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File: e9e2ad6fea3414e⋯.jpg (177.7 KB,1024x682,512:341,train.jpg)

File: 030c52219b2cd1c⋯.jpg (166.43 KB,959x550,959:550,VIA-Churchill.jpg)

File: e3fbe8fdc7e6632⋯.jpg (38.06 KB,1021x640,1021:640,canada-via-rail-manitobia-….jpg)

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File: 65f1e3f44ad304d⋯.jpg (458.46 KB,822x530,411:265,MAC34_CHURCHILL_POST05.jpg)

>moving to the northwest and not northern canada

If you want your 1488% white natsoc paradise to work you have to leave the US and live in a part of the world nobody wants. This means living in the arctic circle near some wagon burner reservation, because even though Canada's government will hate your political opinions they'll still be reliant on your community for educating local people and providing manpower to hospitals, construction jobs, and radar stations. And even then you;re not exceeding from Canada, just being a very remote municipality.

The most obvious place to do this is Churchill as it has rail/sea connections and thus just enough industry where people might actually move to it. It's population is about 900, and it usually gets down to about -10 or -20 F in the winter. This is one of the few places in the world that will (a) improve due to climate change (b) still require greenhouses aka controlled, defensible environments for food production and (c) where said food can actually be sold at a profit.

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>If you want your 1488% white natsoc paradise to work you have to leave the US and live in a part of the world nobody wants

They don't want a paradise to run to, idiot. They want a revolution. Pay attention to what is being discussed. Fuck White flight.

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File: 1d3eface77e0463⋯.jpg (2.84 MB,3008x2000,188:125,DSC_0294.jpg)

File: f23ad99047cc563⋯.jpg (21.13 KB,250x300,5:6,250px-Fort_Prince_of_Wales….jpg)

File: db128a195528267⋯.jpg (155.88 KB,500x330,50:33,00913.jpg)

File: d8d5e3b49880f6c⋯.jpg (161.01 KB,620x348,155:87,1536777181465.jpg)

File: 7ce5803be58fb89⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,480x315,32:21,lllllllllllllllllllll.jpg)

Why not just go into Fort Prince of Wales? It's not like Canada's military would ever use it again.


If someone is flying out to rural Idaho or Oregon to live there they are doing white flight, same as all the ex-SF residents who flew to Portland. The only serious statehood proposal in this area is the State Of Jefferson, but this is both boomercore and wouldn't separate from the US anyway. Anything besides staying and fighting in your own hometown is flight, if you're asking people to move somewhere might as well move to a place that will never have a large population otherwise.

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>Anything besides staying and fighting in your own hometown is flight

This is boomer-tire bullshit. "Imma stay in muh house and wait for ZOG to kick down muh doors and drag me out and shoot me!" retardation.

You're confusing consolidation with flight. If you think that this is flight, then you also think that gathering together to form a call is flight.

Stop talking and start thinking.

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File: f0976c3e2443042⋯.jpg (67.15 KB,800x600,4:3,port-of-sept-iles-photo.jpg)

File: 58a8233490c5eec⋯.jpg (2.82 MB,3504x2336,3:2,Schefferville_Pierre_Bouch….JPG)


Statistically Canada is whiter than America and nonwhites don't want to live in frozen places like Churchill. Yet, Churchill still has just enough connections to the rest of NA where non-/pol/ people might consider a move there. If there was a place to consolidate, this is the best location by far. Schefferville is more remote and smaller (pop 220) but few people will move up there, Seven Islands is much more accessible (pop 30k) but is also Francophone and thus catholic/nonwhite.

You can live in your fantasy world all you want but these are the only places where a nazi cult community will be tolerated because of the manpower shortage in the area. It's difficult for the RCMP (or Rangers, depending) to arrest Nazis if they wholly comprise the local post, fire, mechanical, and hospital service staff in an area. This is what raw power is, the ability to get your way. It's also very isolated and out of the way so Jews won't bother especially if white people refuse to repair or fuel their private jets (which is the only way they go into these places when they absolutely must).

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what a good little internet addict, so addicted that you think a reasonable 1-3 hours a week is "never using it". what's it like being a slave?

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1) Obviously kike degeneracy is to be avoid. But that's normie shit. Technology is a tool and as such, entirely up to the individual as to how it's used.

2) As history shows, the jew is going to try and fuck us regardless. We should follow a failed writer and run for the woods? So when we reach the tree line, shlomo is just going to stop? You can't be that naive.

>>Now imagine if we all permanently got rid of data smog in our lives, which would lead to us increasing our IQs by 20-25 points

Ask me how I know your a boomer? Fucking 'smog' haha. You have a citation for that massive jump in IQ? Because IQ before and after the internet would prove you wrong, unfortunately, niggers.

By 2030 it will be too late.

>>Criticize me all you want, call me a shill or a glownigger but deep down you know I'm right.

Ok. You're an idiot and coward and I just proved you wrong.

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>>"Doing anything violent will get you killed or arrested. Any immediate political activism will get you put on a watch list and forced to become a federal informant"

I totally agree with this sentiment.

Throwing your life away to take out a bunch of soft targets is only hurting the status of all proud White men. It makes us all look emotional, unhinged and weak.

On top of that, even though most of these shooters are incel dorks… think of all the wasted potential.

We could be taking these kids under our collective wings, teaching them to get under a high protein diet and to get JACKED. Teaching them to program, to build a proper resume, to get a sustaining job that helps them to feel fulfilled.

There NEEDS to be a balance between the acceleration and the laying-low.

>>I think we can all agree that our big problem is that we're being OUT-BRED.

We need to get our fuck on and start pumping out glorious white babies like it's nobody's business.

At this rate, all the enemy has to do is sit around and wait. They will out-breed us, making more and more filth, while we slowly tear ourselves apart from the inside out. All because we ALLOWED a bunch misguided, emotional kids to go out and start spraying soft targets without any rhyme or reason.

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Fuck off kike

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>10 years

We will be a minority by then at that point you will have no chance what so ever, considering how advanced surveillance is getting.


New Awakening was ran by a roblox larper who knew shit about the real world. Cascadia was larp for 40 years with absolutely zero progress.

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It shouldn't be a question anymore, you have been replaced, they are winning in the next election, they are stealing the morality and humanity from every kid, they will force you quiet by any means necessary.


Will you die slowly over the years waiting for things to get better on your ass? There is no escape except Accelerationism. NONE.

The world will hate you for it, you may lose everything you love in the process but there is only one out of this mess. MAKE HELL

Choose your own fate,

Will you let things get worse and worse til everything is irreversible to the point where there is a camera in every home, and a needle in your arm feeding you your daily dose of food mixed with enough estrogen to make you just docile enough?

Or, will you die giving the world chance to end this nightmare? By god I made my choose by spending night after night thinking, and working on convincing people to make the right choice.

We are spitting up every goddamn thing they gave us, no more playing by these rules that we adhered ourselves to in hopes they would do the same. They want you dead.

We will never get out of this without bullets flying.

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Accelerate BBC up the asses of WN'S for helping the Jews exterminate us.

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I find this brand of rhetoric to be so manipulative and pathetic.

We're White men, strong enough to make the world what it is but somehow not strong enough to save it from the fucking filth trying to out-breed us?


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Would love to relocate, fam. Can my hapa waifu come with me? Serious question

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