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File: 0ddff390484a6a4⋯.jpg (226.95 KB,750x1334,375:667,abgeschlachtet.jpg)

 No.13556539 [Last50 Posts]

A palestinian living in Germany with a false identity (syrian) slaughtered his roommate, a German-Kazakh, with a machete in the street in Stuttgart. Videos included. Germans are sharing the videos on social media in droves, even though its against the law. State media is silent, only regional media talks about this.

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File: dd386b2630d1445⋯.webm (2.58 MB,320x400,4:5,stuttgart.webm)

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File: 57ee8bf528dfa54⋯.webm (2.12 MB,320x176,20:11,stuttgart2.webm)

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>a German-Kazakh

You're new here, OP. Fuck off.

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A Kazakh with German ancestry, you fucking tard. There are also "Russlanddeutsche" meaning ethnic Germans living in Russia. I would only have written Kazakh if it wasn't an ethnic German.

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Sounds like an esoteric German

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Why didn't he kill him first?

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>with German ancestry

If the Soviets let his family live, they probably deserve death by shitskin.

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That looks like a katana or whatever.

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The early Kazakh-Germans were mostly men and women that settled in Kazakhstan after they were released from the gulags, retard. But i guess if you survived the gulag you were a bad German. Kys


Could be. Lying press says "sword-like object".

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>But i guess if you survived the gulag you were a bad German.

Most likely. The good Germans were murdered. You don't feel that way though, since you're at least a fellow travelling cuck, nigger.

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The Germans living along the Volga were not trusted by Stalin as he thought that they might be loyal to the Germans if they invaded.

Thus he relocated them to what is now Kazakhstan.

In the 90s and 2000s the German government allowed those people who could show some Germanic ancestry to return to Germany.

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By that logic you're a jew

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File: aed990e6ff7e9ae⋯.png (1.13 MB,673x972,673:972,ClipboardImage.png)


>since you're at least a fellow travelling cuck

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>The good Germans were murdered

So the most successful airfighter pilot of all times, Erich Hartmann, who survived the gulag, was a bad German. Got it. If you were just some average German soldier dude and managed to struggle through hunger and cold, to finally get released after years, i wonder what you would think if someone told you that you are a bad German because you survived. Please consider suicide, low IQ faggot.

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What the hell does that female think she is doing approaching an armed loonatic and showing almost no fear?

wtf man!?

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In battle ancient German women travelled with the army and camped right behind the fighting force. Partly to motivate the men, partly to strike down any cowards who tried to flee. And if the battle was lost, slaughter the children and themselves before being taken as slaves.

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She did better than the faggot on the phone who turned and run full speed as soon as the murderer looked at him funny.

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>he doesn't know that Germans used to live all throughout what was the Russian Empire and later Soviet Union before most immigrated back to Germany

new/pol/ needs to leave

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>Some Kazakh German (rare ethnicity) gets fucking slain by some sandnigger

i'm absolutely FUCKING PISSED

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Where were the young German women?

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If the loonatic wanted to kill her she would be dead.


She didn´t do anything, at least the faggot who ran away had some self preservation instincts.

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I haven't heard about them slaaughtering the children, but Tacitus wrote about them screaming at their men and ripping off their clothes to show their bare breasts, to remind them that the men have to protect them from rape and slavery

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Which is what makes her brave.


Jerry Seinfeld over here.

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It's from the Teutonic Wars of Marius I believe, so 200-250 years before Tacitus.

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Damn, that's hot.

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Pussy pass.

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Is he gonna be ok.

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No it's from Tacitus' Germania.

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>Immigrant kills native.

What else is new?

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The event that information is based on is when Marius defeated the Teutones and Suetones. When the battle was lost the men surged forward in suicidal attacks while the women took care of the family in a similar way. Maybe Tacitus references it, but that's where it is originally from.

>In the devastating defeat the Cimbri were virtually annihilated, and both their highest leaders, Boiorix and Lugius, fell. The women killed both themselves and their children in order to avoid slavery. Thus the war, which began with a mass migration, ended in defeat and mass suicide.

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So its a German who is a Kazakh national? You're incoherent

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notice how the jews post this to the board and not the boy who was thrown in front of the train?

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That has also been posted, by me. Check the catalog. Retard.

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yes, he'll get a slap on the wrist

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#1 already posted

#2 it was an african kid

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Low-IQ retard.


Is this why Merkel is having these violent shaking attacks? Because she is finally realising what she has brought upon Germany?

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Apt title, anon.

Anyone have links to media reporting on this?

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>it was an african kid

Which one? There have been multi train attacks

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it's kuru.

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Gotta love the women just not bothering and nobody running up behind and tackling the person murdering someone else. Germans are such beta cucks

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>it was an african kid

And that matters why?

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>Germans are such beta cucks

If Germans rose up against their government, the US military would crack down hard upon them. Get real, burger.

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his machete game was on point

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Big bad burger dapping on you and you can't do shit lmao

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Tackling someone with a huge sword who is killing someone else. Its easy to be a keyboard warrior sir. You would risk your life for someone else which could be a drug deal fight as far as we are concerned. Most fights in Europe are criminal related so you would literally waste your own life for a criminal in 90% of the cases. Americun Keyboard Warriors at its finest. Go play CSGO or something.

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Get lost, zoomer.

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>Big bad burger

I can smell the kfc and sperm from hare.

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So you admit America is a superior country without a bunch of sword-wielding drug dealers running amok.

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Pussy Privilege/Pussy Pass…. the idea that horrible shit won't happen to them because they have a vagina. He pointed at her and told her to leave so… I guess… it proves the point??

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File: 8f516386822c201⋯.jpg (16.27 KB,400x300,4:3,nigger rabbit.jpg)

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Worst part about this is that the Germans (((in power))) celebrates this and as someone else said will just get a slap on wrist. (((They))) never want to do the dirty work. (((They))) have waited 70 years about for this about to happen and start. The total masslaughter and removal of the german natives.

Imagine planning this for 70 years and its finally start to happen (((Those ))) must be extremely happy right now. Since the germans wont lift a finger to defend themselves as they are getting killed off totally now. By a force they brought in. Sickening.

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Yea and the world just watches as this genocide happens. Fat fuck americuns on top of it posts shit comments on websites like this to think they are better when they were responsible for killing the Germans in the first place in WW2 and allowed this to happen.

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It means an ethnic German from Kazakhstan. About a million ethnic Germans (mainly Wolgadeutsche) were resettled from the Soviet Union to Kazakhstan, mainly the north. Since then most of them emigrated back to Germany. You're welcome for the history lesson, braindead americans.

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Where is the based NSU when you need them?

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is there are a photo of the victim?

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ls that a fucking sword?!

Current year Germany is pure Lulz!!

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File: d2ea018290fc003⋯.jpg (41.26 KB,399x533,399:533,nigger murdered 8yr old Ge….jpg)


Get your facts straight. Oh my bad you're a shill aiming to call the boy an African to stem the tide of an Nationalist uprising against subhuman & traitorous trash who cover up the crimes in media for them. You and them need to be sent to the gallows at a bare minimal if there's going to be any justice in the world.

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>oy vey, but _ isn't white

gas yourselves

have a bump

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That stupid cunt is probably on of those "refugee welcome" whores. She probably ran over there trying to see if the victim was a White Man to virtue signal.

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High IQ post.

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Fuck this makes me depressed and furious at the same time.

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Not worth going to hell over

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There are a lot of immature anons on /pol/ this whole if you survived the Gulag you're a bad German shit is proof. I am not saying you cannot be great without having children, nay there are plenty of great men and women who didn't have kids, Tesla, Hitler, Devi. But average men like us on /pol/, the life changing act of having a kids cannot be fathomed by the children here and it shows in their nonsense.

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t. father

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you brainlet no better than ghosts fearing bush nigger

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The jew are indeed satan personified on this planet, but killing your kids? Mate, God will fuck your ass for that.

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Read what the Russians did to the Germans in 45 you fucking moron. God isn't concerned with punishing mortals.

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MP4 or it didn’t happen

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>all burgers are the same

You know damn why why we won't help, we can't. If we tried to do shit they would blow us out of the air or water before we got anywhere near the coastline. Need I remind you that this shit is happening here aswell wholesale? Every man needs to pull his weight, this shit won't go away even if a couple of muricunts manage to get to duetschland. We need to win the fight in our own homes before we can help others with theirs.

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You actually have to know what you're doing to cut properly with a sword. They'll fuck someone up really fast but a clean cut like that takes practice. They make bamboo mats for this purpose and it's harder than it looks.

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hitler had children. look into it.

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>implying that soviets killed all good whites

>being this retarded.

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no, not all good germans were murdered.

The only faggot who deserves death is you

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Yahweh isn't real, you retard. It's a semitic myth. The Romans considered suicide to be an honourable end, and they were in good standing with Iupiter.

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No such thing. Nothing of value was lost.

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Another amerimutt retard.

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You are not white.

You are an Amerindian shitskin.

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Wrong. Actual German who interacts with so-called Russlanddeutsche. They are very clearly ethnic Russians who have used tenuous ties to some German ancestors to come to Germany for the gibs. They, as a group, generally don't speak German, don't act German and don't see themselves as German.

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>They, as a group, generally don't speak German, don't act German and don't see themselves as German.

>Muh civnat values.

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Many of them even have chinks eyes and/or brown skin as well. 100% Germanic phenotype eh my wannabe white friend?

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Volga Germans were deported to Kazakhstan during WWII, you fucking retard.

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>brown skin

>Northern Euros who mixed with other Northern Euros

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reminder that this is a kike shill posing as German.

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I'm not American, how dare you call me that

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>Being this butthurt

>Feeling the need to defend nonwhites

Really makes u think

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>If they are Russians, they are as white as German

>If they are Germans, then they are Germans

Any retard can be posing as a "German" in an online conversation and say that "things are so" in order to D&C whites.

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There was actually a planned neonazi uprising in the army that was squashed by the government in Germany recently.

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Talk like an amerimutt, get slapped like an amerimutt.

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Any idiot can pose as white, too, especially here. I'm simply telling you my experience with these supposed "Germans". If they were truly ethnic Germans, why do they not bother to learn the language? Supermarkets are catering to them with specialized Russian food. Why do they have very clearly Russo-asiatic tastes in general? Heck, a lot of them are staunchly pro-Putin.

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>If they were truly ethnic Germans, why do they not bother to learn the language?

Because their German culture was destroyed under Soviet rule. (Well can't say that from sure but I know that there was russification everywhere in the Soviet Union).

They probably do not talk this as their first language and came to Germany mostly for gibs and also because they were counted as Russians.

>Why do they have very clearly Russo-asiatic tastes in general

I am not sure what you mean by Russo-asiatic.

>Heck, a lot of them are staunchly pro-Putin

They have probably close ties to Russia.

I get the problem that they are non-Germans but they should be still whites and are

1) useful for racewar if it starts in Germany.

2) should be deported back to Russia/Ukraine if they are genetically eastern European (instead of being killed)

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There is a difference between bravery and stupidity. Staying around a guy that just butchered a man because you want to get your handbag out of your car is the latter.

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They are attempting to downplay the main subject of this thread. How do we get this incident into public consciousness

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File: 0c6cb0622c3e66e⋯.jpg (9.1 KB,183x275,183:275,download.jpg)


>I am not sure what you mean by Russo-asiatic.

They prefer Russian food over local food. They prefer those tacky rugs, chandeliers, grandma couches and fake expensive decorations you sometimes see in Russia (Pic related).

>Because their German culture was destroyed under Soviet rule.

So they aren't actually German. Glad we agree.

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== Return of the death penalty

we don't want to pay terrorists jail time==

+ We want free weapon for all citizen in west countries .

we want to be able to defend ourselves and shoot those fkg terrorist retard

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File: 3a3a2712dfd797c⋯.gif (987.28 KB,500x170,50:17,Ze Kek.gif)

>shitskin on shitskin violence

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She's just an ageing bitch who should be in retirement home instead of taking more disastrous political decisions.

Like if she even ever cared about Germany anyhow.

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She's not as cowardly as the establishment or average rightist or zogbot.

Common people show 1000 times the courage of the Zogbots and elites.

Should be shown as evidence of the elite cowardice.

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Another lesson anons, about the neoliberals.

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Anons whenever a cowardly zogbot says they have to street execute, show them this video to make them look like the cowards they are.

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File: 9ab49a5e61bc168⋯.jpg (79.79 KB,993x559,993:559,1e5492b9540772c1cb23286c7f….jpg)


It was a (cheap) Katana

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weaboo faggot thinks everything is a katana

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They pushed that weaboo to far.

>What the fuck do you say about my wifu now, fucker?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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either you are one or the other.

a man cannot serve two masters.

and in this case he doesn't even get to choose.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It was a (cheap) Katana



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Source that he was really Palestinian? All the reports say he was Syrian?

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I distinguish between idiocy and courage. There's a big difference. It's always amusing to see some ditzy cunt get into the middle of a bloody bone crushing fight in a hillbilly bar parking lot without an ounce of wit in her empty skull. The outcome is often amusing.

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since when does culture alone determine if you are a German/British etc or not?


ride this: >>13557304

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people being murdered by Palestinians with katanas in Germany in 2019, good times

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When I was very poor in the early 80's I lived in a dumpy apartment building in a shitty part of town. About 1/5 of the tenants were the most disgusting faggots. When faggots break up, especially when they catch one another cheating, the results are often spectacularly violent and bloody with the two faggots out in the hallways screaming "bitch" at each other and slicing each other up with knives. These are two middle aged men living together in Germany probably both Mudslimes. What, I ask you, is the likelihood they were two faggots breaking up? At least 98% I'd say.

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an interesting take, maybe nothing of value was lost after all

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you haven't seen it I do believe you'd like Ken Russell's The Devils (Of Loudon)

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I expect he was an Iranian Syrian Palestinian jihadist on a watch list.

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ethnicity =/= culture



It was a white Russian German

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>They prefer Russian food over local food. They prefer those tacky rugs, chandeliers, grandma couches and fake expensive decorations you sometimes see in Russia (Pic related).

I don't understand why would you care about it.

Your local germans eat burger/turkish and chinese/indian food. Their items are cheap plastic chinese crap.

>tacky rugs, chandeliers, grandma couches

Better than cheap chinese crap.

They are both more German and more European

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File: b1442de188ff9b8⋯.jpg (269.93 KB,636x464,159:116,diversity.jpg)

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>ethnicity =/= culture

Whiteness is more than just light skin. It's linked to certain cultural behaviors that are only exhibited by specific populations.

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Also, while Russia proper may be questionable, Kazakhstan certainly isn't European, much less White. It's an Asiatic country in fucking Asia inhabited by Turko-Mongols.

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Yeah, it is also skull shape, eye and hair color and immunity system + cognitive.

Genes are which make people white

People have been changed with (((Christian))) bullshit

The behaviours which you like to call "white" are just behaviours of a loyal goyim to a jew.

Whites are different because they give a shit about other races

That is directly because (((Christian))) bullshit allowed to subvert people from a tribal to a universal morality where non-whites are considered human

Other behaviors like civility and politeness are which also started before the downfall of white race (accepting of Christianity) and acceptance of civilization but white race predates it.

Eastern Europeans are genetically more original European than Western Europeans because they were less affected by Neolithic migrations from Anatolia, who brought in agriculture into Western Europe and later to Eastern Europe which happened at late neolithic/early bronze age (in Eastern Europe)

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As pointed out by other anons, they were Russian-Germans deported to Kazakhstan.

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Most of current European cultures dates back to 100-200 years today, while there are some older traditions which are usually similar to other European culture traditions

Most different Indo-European languages data back to 5000-6000 years ago

Most phenotype features can completely change in 1000 years if wanted.

While genetic ancestry dates back to at least Paleolithic.

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You may be right here. Especially looking at the weapon of choice being a tacky af katana - perfect fag decoration

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>The Germans of Kazakhstan or German Kazakhs (German: Kasachstandeutsche) are a minority in Kazakhstan, and make up a small percentage of the population. Today they live mostly in the northeastern part of the country between the cities of Nur-Sultan and Oskemen, the majority being urban dwellers.[1] Numbering nearly a million at the time of the Soviet collapse, most have emigrated since then, usually to Germany or Russia. However, after a significant decrease from 1989 to 2009, by 2015 the number had seen a slight increase of a few thousand, the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

>Most of them are the offspring of Volga Germans, who were deported to the then Soviet republic of Kazakhstan from the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic soon after the Nazi German Invasion during World War II. Large portions of the community were imprisoned in the Soviet labor camp system.

>Due to the German right of return law that enables ethnic Germans abroad who had been forcibly deported to return to Germany, Volga Germans could immigrate to Germany after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[4] But due to widespread abuse of the system and the lack of interest on the part of the heavily-Russified newly arrived immigrants to assimilate, Germany abolished the policy during the early 21st century. By 2009 Russia had replaced Germany as the major immigrant destination for German Kazakhstanis.[5] In 1999, there were 353,441 Germans remaining in Kazakhstan.

>After the deportation, Volga Germans, as well as other deported minorities, were subject to imposed cultural assimilation into the Russian culture. The methods to achieve that goal included the prohibition of public use of the German language and education in German, the abolition of German ethnic holidays and a prohibition on their observance in public and a ban on relocation among others.

>Those measures had been enacted by Joseph Stalin, even though the Volga German community as a whole was in no way affiliated with Nazi Germany, and Volga Germans had been loyal citizens of the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union for centuries. These restrictions ended, however, during the "Khrushchev Thaw".

>Most Germans of Kazakhstan speak only Russian. Most were historically followers of Protestantism, but some are Roman Catholic and certain others adopted Russian Orthodoxy. Today many, possibly the majority, are irreligious. The heaviest concentrations of Germans in Kazakhstan can be found along the cities and villages in the Northern region, such as Wspen (11.19%), Taran (10.14%), and Borodwlïxа (11.40%).[6]

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So the Syrian Iranian Palestinian was radicalized by homosexual anime and Brentin Tarrantino.

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>being white yet originating from a nonwhite country somehow makes you nonwhite

Does this mean that namibian germans are shitskins? Or afrikaners, for that matter?


>how come these ethnic germans who've lived in kazakh culture are conforming to kazakh culture?


>It's an Asiatic country in fucking Asia inhabited by Turko-Mongols.

I thought /pol/ had respect for Mongols. The turkic people came from them, but are not turks themselves.


Good thing they stick to their own kind.

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>>how come these ethnic germans who've lived in kazakh culture are conforming to kazakh culture?

If the only attachment to your "home country" is a questionable relationship with some distant ancestor and you exhibit none of the traits of your "original" nation, then you aren't of that nation. This isn't hard to grasp.

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You do realize these are the same german settlers in the volga that queen catherine invited over, had their own autonomous republic, only to be treated as traitors by Stalin and deported to kazakh lands, right? Does the girl in OP's picture look like she has any kazakh DNA to you, hallmarks and all? If there's still ethnic germans in Namibia and Brazil, then surely there's ethnic German kazaks.

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>whites come and settle lands

>communism comes around and forces them to adapt to different culture, yet whites still retain some of their old culture

>these whites are suddenly deemed nonwhite because they settled in nonwhite lands


What makes you sure they're any whiter than afrikaners or white settlers in nonwhite lands?

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File: cf566ea693a854e⋯.png (158.31 KB,1200x700,12:7,Ashkenazi_Jew.png)


Ashkenazi jews have nothing to do with Kazakhs.

First of all Khazar theory is bullshit. Ashkenazi jews come most likely from Italy.

Secondly these Kazakh Germans are Volga Germans who were deported under Soviet Union to Kazakhstan.

I have some were Balto-Slavic like population of Germans samples in datasets, they were all labeled as German so I can't get know what Germans they are.

I am guessing Prussians or Volga Germans or just East Germans

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>muh khazar juden!!

Did you read my entire post or are you just insisting on being a fucking retard?

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what is a german kazakh?

why were they roomates? was he actually dumb enough to live with a fucking muzzie? deserved it.

i still dont see why this couldnt be used to make others fearful of these animals, however.

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>Khazar theory is bullshit

Other than jews admitting it and genetics proving it, yeah.

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>yet whites still retain some of their old culture


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File: caf543d06115c34⋯.png (211.72 KB,1704x828,142:69,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why guess when it is as important as it is not to have desert niggers in your homeland?

Because she's not a sandnigger, you autist? You're immediately jumping to "muh kazar sandkike" because you read the "kazakh" part and ignored everything else.




You're still arguing ethnicity is culture - would migrants in germany suddenly become any whiter for partaking in their culture?

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Don't worry, you Jewish God only have power over you. The rest of us will act like humans.

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File: b49da867bf41a57⋯.png (86.57 KB,1366x768,683:384,dddd.png)

File: 79a3b917d7dad8b⋯.png (67.36 KB,1366x768,683:384,ddddd.png)

File: 1574a45d506fabb⋯.png (78.68 KB,1366x768,683:384,dddddd.png)


This just completely proves that they are South Italian mostly


I can run nMonte, qpAdm, F4-stats, ADMIXTURE, PCA, f3-stats to prove that their ancestry is mostly Italian.

These are the only genetic tests available

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>genetics proving it

it doesn't; at the very best, they may have some contribution from those, but completely minor to their east mediterranean/Roman-Italic/west Euro contribution

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>would migrants in germany suddenly become any whiter for partaking in their culture?

Of course not. This is a false equivalency and you know it. Genetics begets culture, not the other way around, but that also means genetics are a fundamental requirement TO culture.

We're talking about people who a) don't speak German, b) don't WANT to speak German, c) have no immediate ties to German culture, d) are culturally Russian and e) don't want to be culturally German.

This is like allowing every random Spic to run across the border and settle as natural born citizen in Texas because their great-great-great uncle once had a farm there.

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File: 539fae305f97a6c⋯.png (282.69 KB,647x868,647:868,ClipboardImage.png)


>DNA testing will 100% solidify if they are subhuman trash or mongrel trash as a resulting product.


Faulty arguments.


>German settlers being forcefully assimilated by soviets no longer makes them german

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Give us samples then retard.

We don't have Kazakh German samples

Are all American Germans now Amerindians?

That's your logic

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German settlers in volga are still German - even if they're deported to Kazakhstan and been forced to assimilate by soviets.

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he didn't say they are European, but that they have some European DNA

unfortunately, this is probably the source of their intelligence compared to their lesser European kikes in the middle east who are totally unimpressive

the modern kike is a mongrel that bettered his race by getting some European DNA while keeping its scummy and destructive merchant nature

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They'll still come up ethnically German, which is what i'm saying. What the fuck do you want me to do, go and DNA test the corpse you fucking retard?

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>A group of ethnic settlers who've adapted to a new culture is somehow mongrel trash, even if they still are genetically german


>Numbering nearly a million at the time of the Soviet collapse, most have emigrated since then, usually to Germany or Russia. However, after a significant decrease from 1989 to 2009, by 2015 the number had seen a slight increase of a few thousand, the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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retard level: 1000

Germans were deported to Kazakhstan in 1924+ that means that if these Germans came back mostly in the early 1990s they have had offspring for ~1-3 generations in Kazakhstan. I think that you are not so fucking dumb and you think that they all racemixed.

Before this they were Volga Germans. Volga Germans are either Germans or Russians. I have found one ADMIXTURE spreadsheet, I can see what's their distance.

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>Could be. Lying press says "sword-like object".

A tactical assault sword?

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File: 75e49239bf5ae82⋯.jpg (19.4 KB,666x533,666:533,Weapons Grade Autism.jpg)



Submit your own DNA results here if you're that white, then.

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Why don't you prove it with a DNA test if you're that insistent? Are you insecure that maybe you yourself aren't white?

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You want a hot take on what happened?

The Khazar probably applied for asylum just like the Mudslime did, because that's A Thing now that ANYONE can walk up to the German border and stammer "Asüüüüül" and get free gibs for life, so of course these Steppe Niggers are going to exploit the system too. So the Khazar and the Mudslime get put in the same refugee housing project, they bond over their shared interests in crime, violence, drugs and fucking over Germans and then get in a tussle over said crime or drugs and the Mudslime stays true to his prophet and gets rid of the kafir. Simple as that.

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South_German North_German German_East Swede German Russian-West

4.456916 9.491127 9.617531 11.561704 16.564592 25.794139

Udmurd Kazakh

34.488739 52.009358

Distances for Volga German

Looks like they are mostly South Germans.

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>white settler from nonwhite area is somehow nonwhite and anyone who argues otherwise is jew

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this autist is filtered.

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Address my example above then.

Pedro Raul García Ramírez de Arroyo lives in Mexico. He speaks Spanish and no other language. His living relatives are also all Mexican. His great-great-great grandfather was a Spanish settler who lived in Spanish Mexico.

By your logic, Pedro is 100% American.

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They are pure Germans, not even Russians.

American is not even a nationality.

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So you agree then that Pedro should be granted citizenship.

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>great-great-great grandfather

You understand that most these Volga Germans have been one or two generations in Kazakhstan before they came back to Germany?

Genetically, Volga Germans are between Southern and Northern Germans


PURE GERMANS, dumbfuck

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>Germans are invited by queen catherine to settle russian lands

>Most of them are the offspring of Volga Germans, who were deported to the then Soviet republic of Kazakhstan from the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic soon after the Nazi German Invasion during World War II. Large portions of the community were imprisoned in the Soviet labor camp system.

>After the deportation, Volga Germans, as well as other deported minorities, were subject to imposed cultural assimilation into the Russian culture. The methods to achieve that goal included the prohibition of public use of the German language and education in German, the abolition of German ethnic holidays and a prohibition on their observance in public and a ban on relocation among others.

>Due to the German right of return law that enables ethnic Germans abroad who had been forcibly deported to return to Germany, Volga Germans could immigrate to Germany after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[4] But due to widespread abuse of the system and the lack of interest on the part of the heavily-Russified newly arrived immigrants to assimilate, Germany abolished the policy during the early 21st century. By 2009 Russia had replaced Germany as the major immigrant destination for German Kazakhstanis.[5] In 1999, there were 353,441 Germans remaining in Kazakhstan.

How does your example compare to this?

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>most these Volga Germans have been one or two generations in Kazakhstan before they came back to Germany?

Not this one. Stop deflecting.

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>PURE GERMANS, dumbfuck


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[1] "distance%=0.989"




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Not an argument.

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it is their literal ancestry.

I don't care about your example because it is not the case here. They are just pure ethnic Germans who migrated to Russia and didn't mix with Russians even.

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>They are just pure ethnic Germans who migrated to Russia and didn't mix with Russians even.

Genetics doesn't matter when they have zero ties to German culture. You know what other group has no cultural ties to the countries they inhabit and constantly cause trouble…?

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>blatantly ignores anything related to said ethnic group in order to endlessly reassert an argument which, if a little bit of research has been put into, would render their statement pointless


So german mennonites and namibians are no longer ethnically german because they're somehow divorced from german culture?



>asking for proof they can't immediately get from a thread

Just admit that you've never met any.

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>So german mennonites and namibians are no longer ethnically german because they're somehow divorced from german culture?

The mennonites at least kept parts of the language alive - even though I don't think spoken Deitsch and modern German are mutually recognizable today - but yes, they have no almost no ties to Germany so they are just as alien as the supposed Russlanddeutsche.

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Hyperbolic REEEEing is the domain of /leftypol/

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File: e73de2f8ffe1f88⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,474x251,474:251,based.jpg)

just proves that based brenton tarrant is right afterall. kill all mussies no mercy.

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back to reddit, civnat scum

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You are not a nationalist, you are a cuckservative.

Cuckservative is the same as liberal except Cuckservatives love IsraHELL

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File: 5d4fa2b4738179f⋯.png (1.5 MB,901x954,17:18,ClipboardImage.png)


They're volga germans who've been seperated from the rest of them.


Again, arguing that ethnicity = culture.


What concrete proof do you have that they're not German outside of >muh DNA testing? Are you so schizophrenic that you think all research on them is invalid?


And autists like 297193.

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>He's so mad he started samefagging

>He doesn't know about IDs

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White is someone who is born in Europe and got 3-4 generation parents from European countries. "Real" European countries like in the old days. Big difference between arab genes and others compared to european genetics going back 500 years at least.

Saying someone is germanic etc based on being born in a local village tribal in a small area like Germany is not so clever. Since many europeans comes and goes travelled in countries.

In end it doesn't matter in this thread. Since what is different is that the foreigners immigrants are now starting to kill people in the open. Which is happening more and more in Germany. Stop bickering about silly things just takes time and energy which could be spent on crucial resources like shit posting about Jews and enlightning Normies.

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>Again, arguing that ethnicity = culture.

Yes and I've explained over and over again why. The guy in this case is the perfect example.

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Back to reddit, white hating civnat scum

These Volga Germans are more German than you.

You are American today, you eat burgers, you use cheap chinese plastic shit, you let a refugee fuck your wife.

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File: 1a042cac5d45efb⋯.png (109.87 KB,1694x319,154:29,ClipboardImage.png)


>Stop bickering about silly things just takes time and energy which could be spent on crucial resources like shit posting about Jews and enlightning Normies.

That's the problem - /pol/ would rather tear itself over proving who's white and who isn't rather than doing anything meaningful.


Who, the screeching DNAutist? It's already been proven that they're Volga Germans who've been forced to assimilate. I've already posted the same shit like a broken record in regards to that.


You could also say the same for >>13557898 as well - willing to bet a jew's car that if they posted their actual DNA results it won't be 100% German as they claim.

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File: 389e728e7607664⋯.jpeg (10.96 KB,248x248,1:1,5DimDy6p_400x400.jpeg)

German kazakh ye right fucking shitskin femongloid getting ripped by shitskin. Nothing to see here.

Dubs if true.

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>Who, the screeching DNAutist?

The guy who got chopped up.

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File: 37982d6f4812cb4⋯.png (82.92 KB,300x326,150:163,cutout1.png)


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>if they posted their actual DNA results it won't be 100% German as they claim.

South Germans are more like French, North Germans more like Dutch, East Germans more like Poles. It's hard to define what one can mean by 100% German. Germanic languages were brought to Germany from Scandinavia, so Germans are more local stock + Scandinavians + possibly some kind of Roman/Greek influence.

Prussians are probably like Balts/Poles (I can't tell for sure if these are Prussians but I know that Prussian Germans have Baltic haplogroups and they score similary to Balts on Gedmatch)

BTW all modern Europeans are very similar and main difference is between North and South

From Russia to England, the main difference is in WHG ancestry.

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>It's not

So, which one is 100% German?

target Steppe_Eneolithic Ukraine_N Poland_Globular_Amphora Russia_UstIda_EBA

German_East 0.364 0.076 0.53 0.029

German_North 0.354 0.054 0.562 0.03

German_West 0.372 0 0.596 0.033

Swedish 0.36 0.106 0.499 0.035

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File: 0ef9abe7042ff55⋯.png (263.95 KB,5334x3000,889:500,PCANE2.png)


in terms of north European specific genetic variation, Germans and Austrians are a bit all over the place

not really that surprising for a big ass country at the center of Europe and with no important natural barriers

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I'm sure the autism still stands


>gets singles



You mean Girl, right?


>anyone who disagrees with me is a kike!

Congrats for summing up the worst in /pol/ in a nutshell.


Volga Germans are Germans who lived in Russia and were deported during Stalin's reign. Your grandfather didn't live in Germany. Catherine the Great was German so she ordered Germans to move to Russia in 1700's. There lived millions of Germans in Russia in the early 1900's, but many of them were killed and about one million Germans were deported to Siberia and Kazakstan.

Again, you're still autistically screeching instead of doing research and completely ignore actual DNA results like >>13558155. It can't be any clearer that you're the kike here.



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>But due to widespread abuse of the system and the lack of interest on the part of the heavily-Russified newly arrived immigrants to assimilate, Germany abolished the policy during the early 21st century.

Okay, but I'm arguing about the woman who got butchered in OP's post and Kasachstandeutsche, not those jews who manipulate or abuse it. Almost like the non-syrians who claim to be syrian, right?

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You should better to that to all Germans then because these Volga Germans are just Germans.

Their population average is 100% German (and from the Western areas), therefore they are more distant from Russians than average German because Eastern Germans have more Eastern ancestry but it does not matter much because Eastern ancestry is practically the same as Northern ancestry.

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They are more German than Germans, therefore Germany's Germans should do them instead.

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File: 6a5282916c1bbed⋯.jpg (168.19 KB,1033x679,1033:679,My Nigger.jpg)


Thank you for being one of the few intelligent people on here.


Which they already have or can do - just do some damn research on Kasachstandeutsche.

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Its a katana and it bend from being used.

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>Okay, but I'm arguing about the woman who got butchered in OP's post…

Thats not a woman.

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File: 26f8592a112ae78⋯.png (1.63 MB,1235x1600,247:320,iu.png)


Yes. Everyone who lives in this part of Germany should be exterminated because the Soviets let them live.

We should also exterminate all of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovenia, and N Macedonia.

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Asking for clarity isn't very American.

>A Kazakh with German ancestry

>a German-Kazakh

Neither of these phrasings make it clear that its a GERMAN GUY who lived in KAZAKHSTAN (or did previously???)

Also why was he in Kazakhstan? Ok there are historical reasons. Why did he have a Palestinian roommate?

Why am I supposed to have sympathy for the race traitors who live amongst nonWhites? Get on my level I am not shocked or surprised or hurt when this stuff happens, this is a normal thing that happens.


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Because 1 out of millions killed someone it is justified to kill the ones, who had nothing do do with it?

So when ever a white person commits a crime killing random white people is also justified according to your logic.

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File: e881720d2b42787⋯.jpg (34.4 KB,720x762,120:127,1518586697601.jpg)





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fat people and swords

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>who had nothing do do with it?

All mudslimes are complicit in the murderous terrorism of their brethren. Fuck them, a cozy hole for all of them.

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File: 16d5b606b4dbba0⋯.png (135.04 KB,1441x984,1441:984,Screenshot_2019-08-03 Akit….png)


It a Boker Akito

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File: 2d3b3860ef048c5⋯.png (37.13 KB,1694x157,1694:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc01ea2d641afd0⋯.png (155.4 KB,1702x478,851:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cb214cc079155e⋯.png (2.21 MB,1920x10726,960:5363,ClipboardImage.png)


>what is diaspora

<I am so autistic that I insist on personally screening an entire demographic to verify what's already obvious because I think that doing research and history is too jewish and unreliable

So Afrikaners aren't white because they originate from a nonwhite country/continent? Namibian Germans aren't ethnically german? Mennonite Germans aren't German?

>you can't just say that you lived in a fucking ex-pat community

Look at the group's history you screeching untermensch - they are Volga Germans - actual germans that were invited to settle russian lands and got deported to kazakhstan because of kikes like you. Due to the German right of return law that enables ethnic Germans abroad who had been forcibly deported to return to Germany, Volga Germans could immigrate to Germany after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Do some fucking research, learn some HISTORY and quit being a pedantic fucking retard. I'm afraid of arrogant mutts like you declare aryan descendents to be nonwhite because you insist on doing dumb shit to prove what >3 minutes of research will already fucking tell you.



It's a girl that got killed. Also, pics related.

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File: 4de1fa5c4b424a0⋯.png (106.48 KB,785x635,157:127,ClipboardImage.png)


Prove that they're in any way jewish from the picture alone, or at least try to prove anything I said wrong. You can't.

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>its a girl that got killed

No it isn't, retard


>kike men and kike women

And its also not a kike, retard

Its a Kazakh-German, a member of the German ethnic group who reimmigrated from Kazakhstan, just as stated in the OP.

Are all of you double-digit IQ imbeciles? Jesus Christ.

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File: 30c15e41e7fa606⋯.jpg (501.11 KB,400x5000,2:25,downhill.jpg)

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Americans aren't Germans because

A. they chose to deracinate themselves, mostly giving up their traditions, their language and their relations to their homelands


B. because they mixed with other European groups, while the Kazakh-Germans just like the Russian-Germans remained a monolithic diaspora, they were basically small ethnostates on foreign ground

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>Irina Geisler

A name doesn't get more German than this

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its true, and its kinda sad

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To specifiy, to me this video shows how shallow the American attempt at keeping their traditions was. It was a lost cause in a jew-owned melting pot of a state

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>waaah I can't prove his argument wrong so I'll call him a kike!

Typical hebrew move there shlomo, are you sure you're actual German diaspora? If you were of actual german descent, you'd be trying to stand up for them instead of tearing them down.

And yet you haven't posted any DNA examples.

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File: e3baa448b4b9a43⋯.png (265.28 KB,741x649,741:649,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh hey I found a picture of 297193

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File: 1615e41fc196b8c⋯.png (9.05 MB,3260x1964,815:491,suicide-isnt-genocide.png)

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>1 Million

Its far, far more if you take all of Europe and all of the generations of subhuman invaders that have already settled here. The cleansing is going to be a herculian effort

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>Its far, far more if

1) What do you think the "+" at the end referred to faggot?


2) If Europe stops shitting on it's own heritage first then it can consider cleaning up after itself.

Pissing to put out a house fire wont do much if you're pumping in gas and smoking at the same time.

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>I am paid by jews to post here

Great job, subhuman.

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File: 3f30c114ce1fa62⋯.webm (9.14 MB,854x480,427:240,Seven Nation Army - Natio….webm)


Triple Checked.

When did everything go so wrong? I miss the ruthlessness of the ancient world and somewhere it started going to shit after the New World. Even Hernan Cortés burned the ships and gave everyone a victory or death ultimatum. The gay really seems to have started in the 1500's.

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that’s a katana, my bet a cheap musashi

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>Yea and the world just watches as this genocide happens.

The rest of the world needs not to interfere in any way.

Solve your own problems.

What? do you want a ((( global police state ))) ?

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All the good Germans died in the war, the only good Germans left now are the Americans who helped kill them. That's why Americans ought to rule over German people, so they can protect them from their cuckiness and teach them to man up and submit. God bless America.

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>The event that information is based on


>It's from the Teutonic Wars of Marius I believe, so 200-250 years before Tacitus.

While you are right, about one event, 1st century, evidently you do not understand that that was not one event, that was Germanic history over a fucking period. Centuries. Marius was 2nd century. Even when you are told, you hang on to the one book that you do know, that informs you about one event. Now in that stupid place of narrow knowledge about the subject, thinking that it is all knowledge about it, you are not in a position to say "no", to deny facts about what you have no idea. So STFU and read the next book. Send the next.

42 years from now, when you get to the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and Vandals, who sacked Rome five times (5th & 6th centuries) and brought about the fall of the Roman Empire … you might figure out … the Germanic (Teutonic) Tribes spanned six centuries.

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>So its a German who is a Kazakh national?

No. Read this very slowly. It was an ethnic German (means German genes; language; culture). Who was a Kazakh national. Because Germans in Germany lands, who were defeated in the Jewish war against humanity, had their lands split up and given to France; Poland; and Russia. Then Stalin transported those Germans who lived in newly acquired Russia lands (previously German lands for almost 2,000 years) to Kazakhstan. Where they maintained they race and culture. Then recently, after the German Reunification, when Germany was strong again, Germany invited all such Germans who were living in both near lands (Poland; France; Russia) and far-flung lands (Kazakhstan) back to Germany.

So the Syrian/Palestinian's flatmate, who hosted the refugee, is an ethnic German from Kazakhstan, recently repatriated to Germany.

>You're incoherent

No, you are stupid. When there is something you do not understand, please ask a question. Do not make statements, such as you and >>13556786 >>13556687, and advertise your ignorance, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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That's fucked.

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File: 377998327fdc328⋯.png (74.92 KB,680x464,85:58,vvvvvv.PNG)


>Get your facts straight

How about you get your facts straight too and not post deceptive bullshit like this fake photo you idiot.

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you are the shitskin who doesnt know what he's talking about

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>So you admit America is a superior country without a bunch of sword-wielding drug dealers running amok.

So you admit you are schizophrenic, connecting things that are not connected, and failing to connect things that are connected.

America is great in the sense that they were the first to lose the Jewish war against humanity in 1911, and the first to be controlled by them, providing the proxy (cannon fodder) for their unending wars since then.

Before the little ones here cal me a hater, let's be clear. I have lived and worked in America, I love the American people and their righteousness, I still have American friends. What we (American people and I) hate is the American government, which is so subservient to the Jew. The problem is, due to the massive propaganda, most people think that America won the war. Bahahahahahahah.

When you get back on your meds, you might notice that America is a superior country (best among the losers) with a masses of gun- and sword-wielding drug dealers running amok. With pretty much the illegal migrant problem as Europe, prosecuted by the same forces (Jew), upon the same losing countries, handling it a slightly different way.

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Yeah sure.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Preach kike bullshit elsewhere, (((christcuck))).





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Not even staunch or anything, just slicing up a person who lays dying/dead on the middle of the street…

We are pathetic aren't we? Just sitting here doing nothing… Fuck you Kikes fuck you mosquitoes

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That is not a machete. It is a katana.

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>Stabbing with full force on a guy lying on concrete

Nigger what are you doing.

If your sword has any kind of edge you don't need to smash it into the guy like that just put the point over his heart and put a little bit of pressure on until the tip sinks in or just cut the arteries at the neck.

Thank god it was just a cheap wallhanger.

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If they were 'ethnic German' then they won't mind taking a DNA test to prove it.

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The word of man does not define the Lord's laws, the word of God does. The word of God is clear, mankind literally means Adamkind, the word man is Adam. The meaning of Adam is ruddy. God created man/Adam in his image. The "races" are not in the same image, so they can not all be mankind. Only one "race" can blush, only one "race" is in God's image, obviously only white people are mankind. Negros are mentioned in the bible a few times, they are called livestock or beasts of the field. Racism is a kike fiction, it does not exist. The natural behavior of mankind to consider negros as apes created to work the fields is correct according to the Lord. And the Lord repeatedly forbids race mixing. Right from the start Genesis says everything reproduced "after its own kind, and it was good". The Lord was sad that everyone ignored his natural laws and race mixed, so he sent a flood to wipe away all the mongrels, saving only Noah and his family because he was "perfect in his genealogy". We're even forbidden from mixing seed in our fields, how could anyone possibly think it is ok to mix our own seed?

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How could anyone follow the Sons of Satan like that kike you are talking to…yet they do. Which is worse, following the Sons of Satan so that your whole line is erased or erasing it yourself via race mixing? Both decisions end the same way.

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in all fairness, I or any person would be likely to at least WANT to murder their German roommate.

Germans make a nice nation and shouldn't be forced to let in any shit-people, but I can't imagine a German roommate being anything other than a "neatness Nazi" and massively passive-agro about it.

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Germans deserve everything they get for being so cucked

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File: 231d700bfc51e44⋯.jpg (75.04 KB,550x450,11:9,gamer room mess.jpg)



What is the problem with organization and militant cleanliness. The average German housewife does housework for 5 hours per day, you can eat off the floor.

pic who wants to live like you?




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>kike radar detected.

Leave this board and get in the oven immediately!

t. disgusted Anglo-Celtican Strayan.

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>link me to the media reporting about a shitskin murdering a german

get a load of this newfag

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>Not knowing those called jews today are not actual jews

>Not knowing (((the tribe))) stole the name jew like everything else

>Not knowing this was foretold Rev2:9, Rev3:9

Still shilling the christcuck meme is stale now, even for newfag fedora tippers. You might as well put a sign over your head saying "Hasbara for JIDF".

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Of course, kike, everyone on /pol/ wants to be electronically castrated by your mind control psyop. I have seen you pushing your degenerate trash server on other boards this morning as well.

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File: 01c5fb9e6705c96⋯.png (3.63 MB,1392x1600,87:100,1562985475777.png)

The germans are a shitty useless fucking people anyway. The only whites of any actual value are from the british isles that actually dominated the world and still do. Germans dying is a fucking blessing with their annoying ability to start 2 fucking world wars and then make an economic scam called the EUSSR. Fuck you kraut loving faggots.

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And a shalom to you too, rabbi.

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As an Englishman I have a hard time disagreeing with this. Although Germans are at least a step up from sandniggers. Sandniggers don't make good beer.

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Your only retort is muh rabbi but you dont think about shit in regards to the Germans. They destroyed europe twice, killed millions of whites, ruined the dominating white presence of Britain and France around the globe, and opened up asia to the world and the US. All while making the USSR a fucking empire. Germans are also seemingly naturally adverse to freedom unlike Anglo peoples and also cannot win a war to save their lives even when they start it. Care about some white nations that actually did something for the white race instead of randomly exist and fuck up removing jews and making communism dominate

Inb4 muh like rabbi shill reee.

Fucking JIDF tier response.

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File: 946ba7b64b1911e⋯.jpg (89.1 KB,900x596,225:149,machete.jpg)

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Enjoy your ban.

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>A Kazakh with German ancestry

>a German-Kazakh

>Neither of these phrasings make it clear that its a GERMAN GUY who lived in KAZAKHSTAN (or did previously???)

Both phrases make it clear. Stop trying to dodge feeling retarded by pretending it's an issue with the information.

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>what are the Volga Germans


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Haha…everyone knows that the Brits are completely kiked trash. Your 'royal family' is muslim and jewish not British at all. Hence their love of importing their own mongrel 'kind' into your ancestral lands.

You two are jealous much? Yes, I think so.

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how many shekels you make a day with this gig baruch?

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But the germans are the ones wholesale letting people in as the british shut down their borders more and try to leave the EU and the German natural birth rate death spirals. There is nothing for anyone to be jealous of in regards to a tire fire.

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The Brits have already let the subhumans into their nation. Too late to close the door now. Besides you are too weak willed to ever overthrow your foreign government.

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File: 6722697f00963ed⋯.png (920.08 KB,728x1182,364:591,1562938358804.png)


Genuine autism. The UK is 90 percent white still while germany refuses to even collect data on racial demographics. How is the queen foreign you mong she has no fucking power and was born here. The mistake is the half bigger but he will never even get close to the throne.

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Gas London, it will save the monuments while getting rid of the infestation.

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BWAHAHAHAHA 90% White…Don't think I haven't been to England and seen the demographic decline. You are stuffed to the gills with subhuman trash. All at the behest of the (((government))) you are too weak to even consider overthrowing.

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Lol spam every German outlet with these news. Let the regime cuck itself to death.

/pol/ is now the frontline against commies

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True fucking story mate.


The numbers are readily available. Being to londinstan is not a good move. The germans invite in Millions of people and then dont release numbers as the white population is not even reproducing even worse than the Japanese. The people who need to rise up the most are the krauts.

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True. But they are no longer equipped with the spine that would be required to rise up and overthrow the trash that rules over them. They have abdicated their RIGHT as a man and head of the household to jewish leadership. They are so soft and feminized with jews as the ‘man of the household’ that they probably can’t rise up anymore as they are inured to globohomo.

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I identify with Germany very strongly because my ancestors are all from Germany (Bavaria and Wurttemberg). However, the creepy way that many anons masturbate to Germany and use Germans as a tool to shit on the rest of Europe has made me start to dislike Germany.

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You're a morron of UK i guess continue to suck britain gouvernement and don't come cry cos u land gonna be black ! stupid fag' tard'

Fick dich

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Do not confuse the German jews with Germans.

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You're probably right.

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>the british shut down their borders more

Under Blair more shitskins arrived in Britain than in Germany under Merkel. And NOBODY was giving a shit, you stupid faggots don't even know it. It is astounding that you tolerated all this shit, you are even more passive than Germans. You are already lost, the transformation is complete.

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She things her vagina powers make her immune to slashing damage.

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There are more niggers in England right now than there are White/Europeans in the entire continent of Africa.

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I am just fine with the muzzies killing each other, but it should not happen in our countries

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will the citizenry actually do anything though?

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File: 814c047f50646d2⋯.png (1.63 MB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>The UK is 90 percent white

Wake up faggot

>How is the queen foreign

you know they're circumcised right?

>she has no fucking power

Wake up faggot

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This. I was thinking this exactly.

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I know that feel bro. t. biological conservationist

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>There was actually a planned neonazi uprising in the army that was squashed by the government in Germany recently.

Why didn't it work? wtf. Is it over for them now or is there still hope they can succeed?

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You're a historical illiterate with a low IQ. Go drown yourself.

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>I thought /pol/ had respect for Mongols

The ricefucker weebtards sure. I don't. Only the Japs have some respect and that respect dwindles the more they racemix with whites and others and shit up their own country's purity.

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If the german is armed then he would been alive and jailed for being racist to paki. Really make you think.

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play stupid games win stupid prizes

thats what you get for living with sandniggers

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Dutch-German reporting in.

I hate unclean people (have had to live with them all my life, parents were hoarders).

I keep everything organized and clean and know where everything is and am ready to pack up and bug out at a moment if needed.

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Pfft the British and the Germans and the Swedes are the most cucked in Europe today.

>blaming the Germans for starting the wars

The Polish started it by persecuting Germans in Poland and the Jews made it into a world war.

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>Blaming the Germans for what the Communists/Zionists did.

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When will the Germans wake up or do they need more katana stabs?

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One anon mentioned a NatSoc revolt in their military but says it was crushed.

I guess that means they killed all the /pol/acks in Germany recently.

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Where's the source to support his claim?

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None was provided.

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Then I don't believe it anon. They must wake up soon or they will get purged for being white. There is nothing with us being white so I am damn proud of the race. Screw the traitors for killing us and robbed our chances to colonise the planet.

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File: ecd2ad08059fa5c⋯.png (19.81 KB,111x143,111:143,1413891101015.png)


I've got an Asian-Australian friend.

What ethnicity is my friend? Asian? Or Australian?

Just lol, bro. Do you see the issue now? Come on, be serious with how you interact with the world.

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Then what about the ethno nationalists of other countries in this world?

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What about them?

They all deserve respect and we should forge alliances with them. When every nation is enacting National Socialism we'll reach the stars and perfect the races through eugenics.

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Christ I hate this shitty fucking website. Nothing loads properly. Someone needs to shut the fucking website down if the niggers who own it won't fucking maintain it properly. 5 minutes to load some shitty ass low quality video. Fuck this website.

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I don't know about the sword but you have all kinds of edge

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Well since Asian isn't a nationality, it is safe to assume that your friend is an ethnic Asian with an Australian passport.

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You're genuinely the most unintelligent person in this thread.

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good for the germans. dont be a faggot and stand up for your people WHITE MEN!

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File: 616ed5912c18498⋯.jpg (315.3 KB,720x1198,360:599,IMG_20190804_163939_918.jpg)

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I know lots of Americans now are trash, especially as the country is browner than ever, but remember that the fools who bought kike lies and fought against our German cousins were simple decent people, mostly from farms. They were lied to and were naive enough to not comprehend the kike protocol conspiracy.

Justice is being done though, as Americans turned their back on God, He then on them, and now it's a country of mostly degenerate trash. And that's not even counting the evil child raping kikes.

I'd like to see an attempt at a draft today though. Enough information about false flags and the kike infiltration and treason has spread that anyone trying to enforce a draft would be shot. I'd rather die and take a few traitors with me than kill another cousin.

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