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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 0ddff390484a6a4⋯.jpg (226.95 KB,750x1334,375:667,abgeschlachtet.jpg)

 No.13556539 [View All]

A palestinian living in Germany with a false identity (syrian) slaughtered his roommate, a German-Kazakh, with a machete in the street in Stuttgart. Videos included. Germans are sharing the videos on social media in droves, even though its against the law. State media is silent, only regional media talks about this.

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>A Kazakh with German ancestry

>a German-Kazakh

>Neither of these phrasings make it clear that its a GERMAN GUY who lived in KAZAKHSTAN (or did previously???)

Both phrases make it clear. Stop trying to dodge feeling retarded by pretending it's an issue with the information.

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>what are the Volga Germans


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Haha…everyone knows that the Brits are completely kiked trash. Your 'royal family' is muslim and jewish not British at all. Hence their love of importing their own mongrel 'kind' into your ancestral lands.

You two are jealous much? Yes, I think so.

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how many shekels you make a day with this gig baruch?

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But the germans are the ones wholesale letting people in as the british shut down their borders more and try to leave the EU and the German natural birth rate death spirals. There is nothing for anyone to be jealous of in regards to a tire fire.

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The Brits have already let the subhumans into their nation. Too late to close the door now. Besides you are too weak willed to ever overthrow your foreign government.

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Genuine autism. The UK is 90 percent white still while germany refuses to even collect data on racial demographics. How is the queen foreign you mong she has no fucking power and was born here. The mistake is the half bigger but he will never even get close to the throne.

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Gas London, it will save the monuments while getting rid of the infestation.

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BWAHAHAHAHA 90% White…Don't think I haven't been to England and seen the demographic decline. You are stuffed to the gills with subhuman trash. All at the behest of the (((government))) you are too weak to even consider overthrowing.

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Lol spam every German outlet with these news. Let the regime cuck itself to death.

/pol/ is now the frontline against commies

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True fucking story mate.


The numbers are readily available. Being to londinstan is not a good move. The germans invite in Millions of people and then dont release numbers as the white population is not even reproducing even worse than the Japanese. The people who need to rise up the most are the krauts.

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True. But they are no longer equipped with the spine that would be required to rise up and overthrow the trash that rules over them. They have abdicated their RIGHT as a man and head of the household to jewish leadership. They are so soft and feminized with jews as the ‘man of the household’ that they probably can’t rise up anymore as they are inured to globohomo.

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I identify with Germany very strongly because my ancestors are all from Germany (Bavaria and Wurttemberg). However, the creepy way that many anons masturbate to Germany and use Germans as a tool to shit on the rest of Europe has made me start to dislike Germany.

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You're a morron of UK i guess continue to suck britain gouvernement and don't come cry cos u land gonna be black ! stupid fag' tard'

Fick dich

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Do not confuse the German jews with Germans.

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You're probably right.

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>the british shut down their borders more

Under Blair more shitskins arrived in Britain than in Germany under Merkel. And NOBODY was giving a shit, you stupid faggots don't even know it. It is astounding that you tolerated all this shit, you are even more passive than Germans. You are already lost, the transformation is complete.

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She things her vagina powers make her immune to slashing damage.

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There are more niggers in England right now than there are White/Europeans in the entire continent of Africa.

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I am just fine with the muzzies killing each other, but it should not happen in our countries

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will the citizenry actually do anything though?

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>The UK is 90 percent white

Wake up faggot

>How is the queen foreign

you know they're circumcised right?

>she has no fucking power

Wake up faggot

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This. I was thinking this exactly.

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I know that feel bro. t. biological conservationist

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>There was actually a planned neonazi uprising in the army that was squashed by the government in Germany recently.

Why didn't it work? wtf. Is it over for them now or is there still hope they can succeed?

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You're a historical illiterate with a low IQ. Go drown yourself.

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>I thought /pol/ had respect for Mongols

The ricefucker weebtards sure. I don't. Only the Japs have some respect and that respect dwindles the more they racemix with whites and others and shit up their own country's purity.

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If the german is armed then he would been alive and jailed for being racist to paki. Really make you think.

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play stupid games win stupid prizes

thats what you get for living with sandniggers

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Dutch-German reporting in.

I hate unclean people (have had to live with them all my life, parents were hoarders).

I keep everything organized and clean and know where everything is and am ready to pack up and bug out at a moment if needed.

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Pfft the British and the Germans and the Swedes are the most cucked in Europe today.

>blaming the Germans for starting the wars

The Polish started it by persecuting Germans in Poland and the Jews made it into a world war.

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>Blaming the Germans for what the Communists/Zionists did.

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When will the Germans wake up or do they need more katana stabs?

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One anon mentioned a NatSoc revolt in their military but says it was crushed.

I guess that means they killed all the /pol/acks in Germany recently.

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Where's the source to support his claim?

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None was provided.

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Then I don't believe it anon. They must wake up soon or they will get purged for being white. There is nothing with us being white so I am damn proud of the race. Screw the traitors for killing us and robbed our chances to colonise the planet.

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I've got an Asian-Australian friend.

What ethnicity is my friend? Asian? Or Australian?

Just lol, bro. Do you see the issue now? Come on, be serious with how you interact with the world.

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Then what about the ethno nationalists of other countries in this world?

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What about them?

They all deserve respect and we should forge alliances with them. When every nation is enacting National Socialism we'll reach the stars and perfect the races through eugenics.

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Christ I hate this shitty fucking website. Nothing loads properly. Someone needs to shut the fucking website down if the niggers who own it won't fucking maintain it properly. 5 minutes to load some shitty ass low quality video. Fuck this website.

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I don't know about the sword but you have all kinds of edge

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Well since Asian isn't a nationality, it is safe to assume that your friend is an ethnic Asian with an Australian passport.

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You're genuinely the most unintelligent person in this thread.

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good for the germans. dont be a faggot and stand up for your people WHITE MEN!

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I know lots of Americans now are trash, especially as the country is browner than ever, but remember that the fools who bought kike lies and fought against our German cousins were simple decent people, mostly from farms. They were lied to and were naive enough to not comprehend the kike protocol conspiracy.

Justice is being done though, as Americans turned their back on God, He then on them, and now it's a country of mostly degenerate trash. And that's not even counting the evil child raping kikes.

I'd like to see an attempt at a draft today though. Enough information about false flags and the kike infiltration and treason has spread that anyone trying to enforce a draft would be shot. I'd rather die and take a few traitors with me than kill another cousin.

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