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File: f6627523ccd8300⋯.jpg (191.25 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Ronald-Reagan-in-Bedtime-f….jpg)

 No.13555177 [View All]


The day after the United Nations voted to recognize the People’s Republic of China, then–California Governor Ronald Reagan phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House and vented his frustration at the delegates who had sided against the United States. “Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh.

The past month has brought presidential racism back into the headlines. This October 1971 exchange between current and future presidents is a reminder that other presidents have subscribed to the racist belief that Africans or African Americans are somehow inferior. The most novel aspect of President Donald Trump’s racist gibes isn’t that he said them, but that he said them in public.

The exchange was taped by Nixon, and then later became the responsibility of the Nixon Presidential Library, which I directed from 2007 to 2011. When the National Archives originally released the tape of this conversation, in 2000, the racist portion was apparently withheld to protect Reagan’s privacy. A court order stipulated that the tapes be reviewed chronologically; the chronological review was completed in 2013. Not until 2017 or 2018 did the National Archives begin a general rereview of the earliest Nixon tapes. Reagan’s death, in 2004, eliminated the privacy concerns. Last year, as a researcher, I requested that the conversations involving Ronald Reagan be rereviewed, and two weeks ago, the National Archives released complete versions of the October 1971 conversations involving Reagan online.

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File: 6ed6fcfafbdbbb2⋯.jpg (257.69 KB,603x841,603:841,Reagan.jpg)

Reminder that White people who like Reagan are dumber than niggers.

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Kill self.


Why are you quoting yourself, PAID SHILL WHO WON’T EVEN TYPE NIGGER?

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That's deep bro.

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You just described every jew with its claws wrapped around every nation on the planet with the exception of like 2. You kike fucks were born defective, that's the point. You are incapable of existing with human beings because of your broken genetics.

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>Undiagnosed sociopaths aren’t landing in power.

The existence of jews proves you wrong. You are fooling absolutely no one.


Mods allow this, remember.

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Gaucher Disease 1 in 15

Niemann-Pick Disease 1 in 90

Tay-Sachs Disease (Enzyme) 1 in 25

Joubert Syndrome 1 in 92

Cystic Fibrosis § 1 in 26

Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency (DLD) 1 in 96

Familial Dysautonomia 1 in 30

Bloom Syndrome 1 in 100

Spinal Muscular Atrophy § 1 in 41

Usher syndrome type III 1 in 107

Cavanan Disease 1 in 55

Walker Warburg syndrome 1 in 112

Familial Hyperinsulinism 1 in 66

Mucolipidosis Type IV 1 in 122

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1A 1 in 71

Usher syndrome 1F 1 in 141

Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1 in 81

Nemaline Myopathy 1 in 149

Fanconi Anemia 1 in 89

Fragile X Syndrome ^ § 1 in 115

>schizo data




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Chimpanzees act violently because of their inattentive father figures.

Lions act violently because of their inattentive father figures.

Alligators act violently because of their inattentive father figures.

Or maybe they're just dumb, violent animals?

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Or maybe violence gets things done.

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File: f8da224687f010e⋯.jpg (35.14 KB,349x437,349:437,0b1509c8ecfe0f13104d0c5627….jpg)


When you can figure out the error in your statements, feel free to return.

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Because societies built on killing and stealing from each other, like steppe nomads, have a great track record.


>If they just had better patenting, they wouldn't commit half the homicides in the US!

Nonsense. And that's a gorilla, chum.

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>look at this human manipulated photo of a scenario outside of their natural habitat! I have a point!

What a nigger.

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File: 8d587a2d9324b36⋯.jpg (54.99 KB,781x551,781:551,10.21.15-danger[1].jpg)



>what is proper parenting

Thanks for making my point jews.

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>Because societies built on killing and stealing from each other, like steppe nomads, have a great track record.

They're doing a good job at invading and plundering your high tech peace loving society, so…

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File: b125f45d78d1bbd⋯.jpg (178.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault[1].jpg)

File: 15bc24b57581729⋯.jpg (93.36 KB,969x546,323:182,7793[1].jpg)

What's if like knowing you will never be white? kek

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File: 46be3181a2a0530⋯.jpg (33.38 KB,800x418,400:209,how_jewish_are_you_6-f.jpg)


> antisemites make delicious prey

> jews are friendly best at making friends

> antisemitism is just people being jealous of how popular jews are with the cool kids

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blaze it

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File: f01bbe6dc5b0866⋯.jpeg (338.3 KB,1202x1296,601:648,YesAllJews.jpeg)


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File: 6d1b0278cc7d3dd⋯.gif (1.18 MB,450x253,450:253,OnlyElementaryBeetle-small….gif)


>circle of jew life

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File: bfab632cb3659ea⋯.png (273.39 KB,262x475,262:475,ClipboardImage.png)


talking about Bonzo?

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Learn to read nigger.


Who ever said anything positive about niggers. Smells like you are trying to use niggers being niggers as blanket evidence for anything saying such. "Oh, a recording of this famous person is saying some real shit about niggers, so the recording must be true. What you don't believe it? Niggers are niggers you nigger!" Absolute retardation. I guess Hitler's personal kike lampshades and kike soap are true too, because we all know kikes are bad.

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>So now everything


>any kind of proof or evidence, is up for debate


>Why not become a nihilist?

I don't define the worth of life based on supposed evidence given to me via the media. Perhaps you should examine why you do?

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>Huh? Nixon didnt say anything about African Americans in the quote. Its almost like a large powerful organization has to steer everything towards racism against african americans.

The "other Presidents" thing is supposed to be saying that Trump is racist (because of those 'go back' tweets) but it's nothing new because Presidents X, Y, and Z were also racist.

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Who cares? Reagan still gave the California and all its electoral seats to the beaners.

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File: aa2052e6ca8e83f⋯.jpg (33.28 KB,640x541,640:541,D4Jsy5oWsAAE3_L.jpg)


pic: just kidding. It's nice to see intelligence in anons.

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Kneegrows had it better than ever under colonial rule and their populations still grew uncontrollably, because any pastimes not focusing on your genitals is too high brow for apefricans. They should have been culled in the nineteenth century, with a few examples kept for museums and circuses.

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Go suck some leftypol-antifa dick, you faggot.

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Yes, actually. You need to become a kind of Gnostic - everything you know and see is possibly a lie, so the only truth is yourself. In this context, that'd mean questioning if this is legit or a deepfake of some sort.

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Except this isn't true. There's plenty of places just like that (Eastern Europe or Northern Ireland for example), and while yeah, things can get bad - the people still aren't total niggers, and rapidly revert to being fairly civilised when the opportunity is given to them.

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File: 3bc7694c8fefba5⋯.mp4 (405.96 KB,320x240,4:3,Reagan Denies the Holohoax.mp4)


>oy vey Reagan was raycis

<ignoring that he gave amnesty to six goyillion muds

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Because societies built on killing and stealing from each other, like steppe nomads, have a great track record.

<1 in 200 people on Earth are genetically derivative from a single steppe nomad warlord

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everything acts violently to defend itself.

That which does not, dies.

What is best in life?

>being peaceful


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The insanity is that America knowing that African-like people ruin everything and Jews want exactly it let things going on.

I don't advocate for violence or anything like that, but now the world may be going Baltimore, Haiti, Congo.

You either join the Jewish-run low IQ'ed brown army that only think about sex and food or you work hard for something else.

This is disturbingly going politically racial, no place to hide. At some point you're going to say "I don't want to be Africa".

Is that you aspire for you? For your family? Your children?

And if you notice the most obvious and clear fact yet some tell you you're a "Hitler" in the making, this is as stupid as it can get.

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>niggers rape, torture, and murder because 60 years ago whitey was a meanie

Fucking spare me.

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Nobody with an IQ above 120 could possibly believe this. It is self-evident to anyone who has been around Africans that some races are fundamentally intellectually inferior to others. Reality doesn't care about your feelings and pretending like the problem doesn't exist is the height of stupidity.

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>racist belief that Africans or African Americans are somehow inferior

lmao why would anyone ever think there's something wrong with Africans! The rampant cannibalism, witchcraft, murdering/raping children, HIV etc wasn't a give away? lmao fags

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File: 800a483a2b80787⋯.png (1.45 MB,1334x750,667:375,835C0653-8C23-43BC-8141-66….png)



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>dozens of post replying to a single /leftypol/ cuck spouting buzzfeed tier race denial

I hate /nupol/

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File: 2c821a6d5451dac⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,navy seal.jpg)

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File: fa7793f8590f6b6⋯.jpg (60.64 KB,640x944,40:59,dbdd32a33d3e4463e8451dc321….jpg)


where the fuck do you people come from. Did you just come straight off of the nearest "detached hippie centrist" forum or something. jesus fucking christ.





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>niggers are sapient

This spam is allowed to remain up indefinitely.

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File: b85464ea55c8d3a⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB,640x480,4:3,Congo Soldiers explain why….mp4)


I guess he's "home" now, as per his request. What amazes me is that he was still running his mouth after the first strike to the face with a metal hammer.


>Dont forget Liberia.

It was my understanding that Liberia actually managed to function reasonably for over a century under black (colored?) leadership until a foreign-organized Revolutionary Vanguard, instigated from the US by a "human rights" organization that was created and lead by several Jews, literally armed the cannibal tribes there and sent them on a rampage. The country appeared somewhat theocratic before that, which was part of the conflict with the cannibals. The cannibals wanted to eat people and practice their voodoo nonsense with their rape-powered, magical potions, but the Protestant blacks from America weren't having any of it and maintained the order given to them. I strongly suspect that the two reasons they were able to function for as long as they did were

>lack of animosity toward whites

meaning they had their own positive sense of identity, which wasn't defined by supposed victimhood.

>They kept to the governing system and religious order that we set up for them

Our systems of government were originally devised to affect large-scale cooperation and social stability, so that's a no-brainer. For the religious part, I don't think I should need to explain even to anons that hate Christianity that if its principles are properly understood and implemented that it makes for a very morally stable society that stamps out most degeneracy, especially when compared to what Africans would normally be working with. The former slaves would have had those values drilled into them during their time in the West, and having those things explicitly intermingled with the government itself would provide them with fairly strong social momentum to propagate to at least the next few generations.

When you look at Rhodesia or South Africa, these two conditions weren't present. Communists (Jews) came in, stirred up the local(?) blacks that hadn't been civilized to nearly the same extent as American slaves, if at all, and convinced them that they needed to "take they land back and shiet." The animosity was already present to some extent because blacks were always the outgroup there. In Liberia, blacks had been given land and systems, leading to some sense of gratitude or at least precluding the idea that they had been wronged somehow. Since there weren't enough whites in Liberia, I'm sure the Jews had to lump the few whites there in with the black colonists as the bourgeouis class for the cannibals to rise up against. I'm also sure that they had to bring in blacks from other African nations to bolster numbers…


Literal glowniggers.


I wish I could find these gems on liveleak.

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That Darwin quote is fake. It came from an early 1900s novel by a Jew-lover that abandoned his congregation because he saw opportunity for power and wealth. The quote is still true though, regardless of who said it. Here's some stuff that Darwin apparently did actually say though:

>the most abject and miserable creatures I anywhere beheld

He wasn't talking about niggers though. He was referring to some ooga boogas he saw from his boat, down at the southernmost tip of South America.

>… with their naked bodies bedaubed with black, white, and red, they looked like so many demoniacs who had been fighting

>The party altogether closely resembled the devils which come on the stage in plays like Der Freischütz.

If he felt that way about South Americans, I'm sure you can imagine how he probably felt about Africans.

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Any footage of the Africans dancing at the UN that Reagan was talking about?

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Ha I found it myself:


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Most monkeys are from Africa. Maybe he wasn't talking about blacks (would be funny though)

I imagine wearing human shoes as a primate is uncomfortable.

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Do you really think we're that stupid you fucking glowfag? Pay me and I'll show you how it's done.

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>Shame GOP

>It's 2019

Yeah they should be all gone by now

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anti-whites shouldn't be here.

Why the fuck are you even here?

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ignore >>13567893

it was meant for >>13555215

this piece of anti-white shit.

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