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File: d8394278ae13b88⋯.png (104.62 KB,543x421,543:421,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13552911 [Last50 Posts]

Friendly reminder that porn destroys your brain, your self-confidence and your hormone levels, and it also makes you more likely to become a faggot.

The jews invented and pushed pornography. The porn business is dominated by jews, its was designed to push increasingly degenerate sexual immorality. The producer of "Blacked" is also a jew. His name is Greg Lansky.

The various highly detrimental effects of porn on mental and physical health ave been proven scientifically. Read the articles on this website:


Spread the website to fight jewish poison.

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File: 3f28adf3bc5484c⋯.pdf (4.43 MB,Your Brain on Porn by Gary….pdf)

File: d96c1c400345d95⋯.jpg (119.21 KB,564x900,47:75,Your Brain on Porn by Gary….jpg)

Good material OP

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Online gambling is illegal in most states. Porn is legal in every state.

It's not about muh nanny state, but minimal standards of decency, to convincingly claim legitimacy.

An aside. The FCC disallows the promotion of or advertising of tobacco products over the airwaves, for the sake of public health. It allows the promotion and advertising for normalizing homosexual lifestyles.

Ask any smoker and 9.999 out of 10 will admit they know what they do is wrong, unhealthy, unwise, poorly informed decision on their part. Ask a homo what they think about their choices.

Be neutral or be consistent. Being arbitrary illustrates and propagates illegitimacy, and the mere plebs are not begrudged any reaction against you, from a moral standpoint. You have not made your case. You have only made transparent, that you have no principles or standards that accord with reality.

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I know, porn and pushing faggotry should be illegal too, these are far worse than smoking

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do you think that the effects they talk about would be the same whether you were watching jewish filth videos everyday, versus looking at pictures like you might find in playboy?

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Thanks, comrade.

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I know how bad it is, but still can't quit.

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The effects of hardcore pornography will obviously be more destructive, but every form of "surrogate porn" is still extremely bad. Evolution has not designed our brain to deal with the instant dopamine "fix" you get from accessing unlimited amounts of pictures of nude women and other pornographic material. Those are unatural stimuli, and they are addicting. What you are doing is consuming an extremely potent drug, which rewires your brain and takes the place of actual, real-life sexual experiences. You can activate an immense release of dopamine just by googling and looking at things, within seconds. It absolutely wrecks your brain, and subsequently your life. You will see how addicted you are when you try to stop.

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I might add that this is also what leads to the increase in degeneracy and/or frequency of the porn people consume - since its a drug, your brain builds up a tolerance to it and needs more of it to get the same effect. Just like a heroine addict needs larger and larger doses of heroine to get high.

This is how people end up watching the most disgusting types of porn, and its also what explains (in my view) the fact that increased porn use was linked to higher likelihood of homosexuality in a study. These people needed more deranged material, the initial stimuli simply weren't enough. Look at all that "trap" degeneracy floating around the chans - its clearly another stimulus that porn victims utilize to make their porn consumption more "exciting", i.e. an increase in dosage of degeneracy. Its what triggers their obsession with immoral and repulsive sexual acts, i.e. homosexuality.

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File: 6ac392316ec001a⋯.jpeg (34.21 KB,460x460,1:1,iu-3.jpeg)


Nicotine is basically the perfect drug.

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File: 3c6d459f9a14992⋯.jpg (481.37 KB,625x2585,125:517,Porn as a Weapon.jpg)

File: ef3aed2613750b5⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,2824x3540,706:885,Pornography as a Secret We….jpg)

File: 50283bcc9559f18⋯.jpg (619.32 KB,1324x2960,331:740,MindGeek.jpg)

File: a570ff58173316a⋯.jpg (78.61 KB,543x906,181:302,a570ff58173316a038a7e1260c….jpg)

I'm a weak willed faggot and can't stop. I'll dump some info on porn.


Not the same, no but still bad. Its always a downward spiral with porn or even any material. Many started with fashion catalogs or posters of a celebrity, that type of thing. That quickly degenerates to sex scenes, music videos and then eventually porn. Why its an important topic to talk about today is because of internet pornography being very fast and damaging. You had to make do with what little you had back in the day but now kids can hop online and get exposed to an immense amount of depravity fast. It comes down to dopamine, specifically porn burning your reward/pleasure circuits out. Eventually things get stale so you must move onto another genre, kink etc.

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But I like masturbating! You faggots are literally no-fun-allowed schizos!

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File: 2cb34861486f703⋯.jpg (146.1 KB,878x599,878:599,Al Goldstein on Porn.jpg)

File: 1b2b0e5e7a76a4b⋯.png (469.77 KB,1889x3505,1889:3505,Brain Studies on Porn User….png)

File: 9acc7c2fded0eea⋯.png (154.42 KB,1900x370,190:37,Knowledge Bomb. Porn.png)

File: d636a4356653a04⋯.png (408.39 KB,1907x2074,1907:2074,Why Sexuality is Fucked.png)

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File: 3be7f70293dc42c⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,6379x3589,6379:3589,The pure state of mind.jpg)


Everyone can. I did it too. There are a few tactics that can help you. First, you need a calender. On that calender, you will put a big X, a checkmark or a sticker for every day that you stayed clean, hence didn't watch porn. This method is known as the "Done-List" and has been proven in studies to increase the willpower of people who set themselves a certain goal. Also, think of the time in days, not months or years. The shorter the measurement of time, the shorter the whole timespan subconsciously seems to your monkey brain.

Second you need to set yourself a number of milestones, lets say "30 days" is the first one, on which you reward yourself with something OTHER THAN porn. That might be something as simple as a bar of chocolate (-> dopamine release), a good meal, an item you always wanted to buy, etc. That way you can counteract the connection your brain makes between porn and reward hormones.

Third, you need to do other stuff which normalizes your brain, your hormonal system and gives younstuff to do so you don't constantly sit in front of your PC being tempted to watch porn.

These activities include, but are not limited to, going to the gym, going for a walk in nature, meditating, going to a rally, reading a book (maybe on fascism), trying out a new sport (for example martial arts) and meeting new people.

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This thread is not about masturbation, but about porn. When i stopped watching porn, i noticed i masturbated much less frequently after a few weeks. The reason i wanted to masturbate so often was because it gave me a reason to watch porn. There are men who reported they were masturbating with a "death grip" at some point because they didn't even get a real erection anymore, but still had an immense urge to watch porn. This can also lead to erectile dyfunction when you're in bed with an actual, real woman.

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I can see your autism miles away.

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File: bb55cdef37f55c3⋯.png (258.57 KB,914x444,457:222,Trump NoFap.png)


>displacing eroticism onto 2D paper images is okay, r-right?

Not to shill (((post-modernism))) here, but you're replacing a real thing with its simulation and rewiring your brain accordingly. Does it seem safe to remove all senses from sex (touch, smell, taste, sound) and be all visual?


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File: 310d5bfbf219537⋯.png (138.36 KB,325x325,1:1,1553632067858.png)


>Avoids Modern media becauses its destructure and discribes his plight about it

He must have Autism? eh

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File: 3d318d040b8f3fe⋯.jpg (16.08 KB,270x263,270:263,Very_Sad_Clown.jpg)

>>13553299 (checked)

It's the kind of joke that doesn't have a punchline.

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nofap doesnt stop you from being a ziocuck jew slave though, tough shit

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its the first step though. you wont be jack shit if youre always beating your weiner son

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This. How can you free yourself and your people from world jewry if you can't even free yourself from porn addiction?

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Its the bread and circus entirely. Porn is probably their strongest tool but without all the other comforts and luxuries, it'd be useless. Many distractions and pleasures are affecting us.

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File: 8a5de33cd37dca5⋯.jpg (141.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,h;i;.jpg)

post pics of porn addicts getting BTFO

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Evil kike.

Exhentai was more than porn, and it's not the only porn outlet on the internet.

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>and it's not the only porn outlet on the internet.

Don't worry we are coming for the rest of your pedophile hangouts too ;)

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File: 216ca39a6389240⋯.png (344.85 KB,793x810,793:810,roastie.png)


BLACKED is literally worse than all hentai combined you fucking kike. It's legit genocidal demoralization vs some dude drawing anime tiddies

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Just you try faggot.

Loli spirit never dies.

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Most people when they try to drop a bad habit try to just tell themselves no when they feel the urge. This works sometimes, and works better for some people than others. But a better method is to replace that habit with another. When you feel the urge to pull some shit up, go for a walk or do some light exercise or some shit. Alternatively, go masturbate but just don't use any porn. Porn is especially harmful when compared to just masturbating to your imagination because there's always an urge for more. It's been found that people masturbate for much longer when using porn vs their imagination, so it's that much more time spent overloading your dopamine receptors, making them less sensitive in the future, reducing your ability to find pleasure in small simple good things in life and to motivate yourself.

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You are a porn victim having degraded by porn so much that you became a pedophile. Are you not ashamed of yourself?

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Please tell me this name is Jewish.

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File: 13ab385b33b7eab⋯.jpg (417.59 KB,1680x945,16:9,image.jpg)

Porn is virtual cuckholding. When you watch porn you are getting off watching the woman you want get fucked by another man.

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File: c1de037f0725fac⋯.jpeg (866.3 KB,2048x1494,1024:747,3CE52D0C-3645-4D27-839C-0….jpeg)

color images in general are harmful. they are the sugar that keeps you watching tv and surfing the web. if you have a modern system, which means not a pc or mac, you can disable color and also invert images (to make them even less instantly compelling). forcing yourself to only surf in this mode will dramatically tilt the balance of power over your browsing habits. the addiction will no longer have its hold on you. you will be human again.

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When leftists cracked down on porn, that didn’t actually go well for them at all. That’s why I as an asexual leftist hate porn restrictions. I don’t really “get” porn, but it seems like a necessary expressive freedom.

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Look at the nose, the face and the lips, there is no doubt in my mind.


You can't stop civilization decay through soft power

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File: 493bb1473856b81⋯.jpg (92.11 KB,879x608,879:608,kike.jpg)


>like a necessary expressive freedom

Just like fag parades and trans kids…

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porn is precisely this: proof the modern woman isn’t fucking men enough. if you fucked your woman 5 times a day you wouldn’t give imagery the least thought. but modern society asks women to make a choice, which is their weakest skill, and they are further enticed not to make the choice. so women become “to blame” for the incel situation. but the incel situation is a societal one, feminism is one name for it, but it’s integrated in sean hannity right-wing boomerism as well.

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>modern woman isn't fucking men enough

>women fucking men

Men fuck women and not the other way around, anon. You are mixing up cause and effect here. Men have become feminized, low-T porn addicts, thats why they don't fuck their women enough anymore. Women are sheep, they are made to follow and will give in to a man dominating them. If men fail to take the lead, society fails.

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ding ding ding

freedom is useless crap. not one damn shred of “freedom” is of any use to normal people. no, i don’t want butt sex (men’s health did a 2 page spread in june promoting butt sex). no, i don’t want to fuck men. no, i don’t want to fuck a robot. no, i don’t want pornography. no, i don’t want drugs. no, i don’t want to dance in a club. no, i don’t want mixed bathing. yes, all “freedom” is useless. perhaps there is this shred of “freedom” i enjoy: a religious freedom, though i am not safe from the rumor mill if i were to confess to my cosmological convictions (whereas a homo is embraced). anyway, if the commies get their way, there will be no religious freedom.

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in modern society, she’s in charge.

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that nobody lostens to this is proof what fucking wiggers we’re dealing with. do you need fucking sam hyde to hold your hand through the time wasting detox, wiggers?

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Wrong, women are never in charge. They just become disoriented without a male lead, which will make them mentally unstable and sometimes insane. They will look to other kinds of authority without male lead, which also explains the high amount of females that follow the leftist doctrine which the systems authoritative figures (symbols of stability to the female mind) dictate.

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Without male lead in the family / in the marriage, to specify.

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Getting a woman to sleep with you is not some Herculean task. Men have become not only cowardly, but isolated in the sense that they feel that something as simple as striking up conversation and maintaining it properly is unachievable so they don't try. Men nowadays need liquid courage to approach women and even then only do seldomly. The problem is not women, but the ineptness of many men

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Right on. You have no choice but to use porn. It's women's fault that you use porn.

You fucking coward.

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You sound like a junkie blaming the world for making you shoot up every day. Sure, on a societal level, soaring rates of drug addiction are sign that something is wrong. On an individual level though, it's on you. Additionally, something else you porn addicts are never able to admit, you don't need porn to masturbate.

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I stopped cold turkey. Wasn’t hard tbh. Once you understand that everything you consume be it visual or audio, everything you read, the people you interact with, the music you listen to all have a direct influence on you it makes it a lot easier to consciously filter out the negative for the positive.

If you watch some slut take cocks all day you’re going to get conditioned to be attracted to men because your brain is going to equate dicks with porn and equate porn with pleasure.

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i just grew out of it. but this remains, do you permit color on your screens? i mean when doing other than directly conversing with fam and meatspace frens? color, photos, animation, are actually the cause of “addiction” online. it’s not compelling content. your brain gets put in stimulation/carnival mode, and the prefrontal cortex is drowned out. not always bad, but candy isn’t for daily consumption.

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indon’t use porn. porn is a symptom of cultural malaise.

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Moralists are sex-obsessed perverts. That’s why they need so much prudism. Their sex drive screams for expression and seizes on every hint.

People who actually have sex get bored of it.






Porn is part of keeping life meaningful, but nihilistic perverts hate it.

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no, studies of historic birthrates show that breeding is essentially unimpaired when the woman is required by society to put out.

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>t. virgin

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Why is it always a Jew behind degeneracy? Every fucking time

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>porn is part of keeping life meaningful

>staring into a screen watching a random man cuck you virtually while you beat your meat alone in the dark


Hang yourself

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>sexual acts, i.e. homosexuality

How exactly is homosexuality a sexual act? I'd wager that the majority of homosexuals that ever existed on the planet never engaged in buggery. If you define such people by their behavior, then you can no longer claim to oppose homosexuality, because you wouldn't be able to recognize a good number of homosexuals by their behavior. If you define them by a state of being, then its not clear what they are doing wrong. Are you opposed to buggery as an action, or attraction to the same sex? The former can be realistically proscribed, the latter cannot.

This took a side turn from pornography, and on that note I'd also like to remind all you that Uncle Ted would say something to the effect that it is modern technology which is giving us the means of our own destruction. When people can find more pleasure, albeit temporary and unfulfilling, in masturbation than sex, it seems that social atomization is at its peak. About gays, I'll just say that not all of them support the modern direction of society, as the Rainbow Coalition of the Left would have you believe, and that loyalty to one's family, race and nation is not incompatible with their situation. Many do desire a lifelong partner as a noble goal, even if its discouraged by the flamboyant loudmouths promoting promiscuity and free will as a way of 'liberating' the world.


>Porn is part of keeping life meaningful

Humans had meaning in their lives before pornography and they will have meaningful lives after pornography as well. I also don't understand your use of 'moralist' as a derogatory term.

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The anon suggesting color images being detrimental has peaked my interest. I try not to look at sexualized images but I have a sweet tooth for anime/manga visual style even if I'm not fapping to it. It will always have a soft spot in my eyes but I often wonder, am I appealed to it for for the way the female form is drawn or that amphetamine tier sweetness that the nips animate/stylize it with.

I quit drinking recently and will switch my computer LED lights to white light and try monochrome on my phone and computer screen to give it a try. I'm very intrigued because I've always considered nip art style as pure eye candy.

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Just switched, it's greyscale for you Android users in accessibility settings

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>How is homosexuality a sexual act?

Learn to read. I said that homosexuality is obsession with immoral and repulsive sexual acts. Fags are sexual deviants that have a fixation on anal intercourse between males, scat and pedophilia. Its literally what defines faggotry. There is no such thing as love between two men. Homosexuality, just like transgenderism, is based around sexual deviancy.

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Also my reward will be LSD. I know drugs are degenerate but there's something about 5HT2a agonists that I believe is righteous and beneficial if used sparingly and appropriately. To each his own. Actually acid helped me reaffirm my NatSoc views and the importance of our race and my people

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Do MEGA links end up expiring? I was wanting to bookmark one in the thread, for future use

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File: 6901ccbe5e69dba⋯.jpg (517.92 KB,3004x1660,751:415,Greg_lansky_jew.jpg)


Daily reminder that it is impossible to deny that kikes are behind this shit.

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Interesting. You’ve piqued my curiosity, do you have any links to more on this tree of death and equilibrium relation to Jews?

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>What you are doing is consuming an extremely potent drug, which rewires your brain and takes the place of actual, real-life sexual experiences.

>takes the place of actual, real-life sexual experiences

This is just blameshifting. I won't approach a woman if it's sexual harassment. Why are you guys still saying this bullshit 30 years later? Porn is a last resort. You can take it away but it won't make me have "real-life sexual experiences."

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>saying hello to a woman is sexual harassment

Why can’t I hold all these straws

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>saying hello to a woman is never sexual harassment

The 90's say hello.

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Based post

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I mean, you're probably right but I get crazy when I haven't jerked off in a while. Like my chest starts burning and I can't think straight. Maybe I have cancer

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I literally went up to a woman yesterday saying hi and asked her for directions because I didn’t know the area that well and nothing happened to me.

And at a get together went up and started talking to a woman when I noticed she kept looking at me. What shit hole do you live in where an obvious approach invite is considered sexual harassment!


This place isn’t what it was a few years ago so that doesn’t surprise me. You’ve brought my attention to something interesting though, will try to delve into it independently myself but I hope you report back when you learn more tbh

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? Not !

That’s what I get for having auto correct huh

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Damn. That actually makes sense. Never thought of it that way.

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Part of that ineptness is a fear of getting #metoo'd. They see low status men getting punished in everyday life for deigning to approach women, but you can only interact freely with women if you're Chad. Therefore, you need to either become Chad, or interact as meekly as possible. Men can become the ones that fuck women, but the short/bald ones can't fuck them with modern expectations making low status men approaching a crime.

When I was a teacher abroad, in Thailand women actively welcomed my conversations and inquiries. In fact, I met my tradwife through one such interaction.

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Or realize your real potential" physically by lifting and being able to afford hair transplants, intellectually by reading regularly, and professionally by starting your own business. The meek stuff is only for the men who don't improve, but it is by necessity that they avoid women.


I'm already mixed. German father and Slavic mother

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>this pilpul

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fucking puritans

looks more like you got some rather personal issues.

I think you people rather have a problem with self disciplin and that new myth about how porn "makes you gay" is the latest example of that.

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Whatever point you made has been invalidated when you announced you race-mixed. If you want a point across, don't announce you farmed the rice.

Women broke the social contract, and now the reap what they sow. Again, the big lesson in regards to feminism and women's liberation:


I don't like Christianity for being a jewish subversion, but maybe there was a point to those nunneries for single women. Did the natural religions in Europe had something similar?

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>anything I disagree with is pilpil

pilpul indeed


DNA testing didn't find any kike genes, not even the 1% they like to add.

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ACHTUNG !!! Zyklon /b2/ gassen

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porn isn't a problem, not being able to exterminate non-whites is a problem

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Nobody cares what you do or do not agree with.

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>Look at the porn addict freaking out that someone might take away his porn…

Not everyone who watches porn is addicted to it, it's just a way to avoid wanting to rape women. Porn is a giant nothingburger. The real problem is the fact that politicians and police are actively preventing you from being able to exterminate non-whites. It's not like your puritanical faggot-ass is going to stop porn from existing anyways. It's faggots like you who were deposed from power in England which led to the restoration of the monarchy in the 1660s. It's faggots like you who empowered Lincoln, the temperance movement and fucking feminists.

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<muh muhs

Go bitch like a female somewhere else.

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File: 676ac10036b4aa0⋯.png (253.39 KB,640x866,320:433,votecuck.png)


Votecucking is worse.

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Too soon

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You want the truth ? This stuff is a wasted effort and anyone who fell deep in this shit knows aswell . Porn is like drugs, once you get addicted to it you can never go clean unless you get some real therapy irl . Nofap and sharing those stats and all that Bs wont help for shit, It might help you for a day or two but It's only temporary . I have tried this shit for five years now and still even after going nofap for months once I see porn again everything goes back. In my opinion just sage this waste of effort

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<Porn is like drugs, once you get addicted to it you can never go clean unless you get some real therapy irl

<even after going nofap for months once I see porn again everything goes back. In my opinion just sage this waste of effort

Fucking die, you pathetic cretin.

No man should ever give up on purging degeneracy from his mind, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes.

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Is having fun count as degeneracy?

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I was in the same boat as you, I asked god for help and every time I had the urge to fap I prayed and read the bible. It helped and I have been clean for a few months and have no urges. Its like smoking cigarettes the first week or two are hell but the want slowly fades.

Id say change your habits every time you feel the urge to fap do something else, for me it was praying and reading the bible. Maybe go for a run, read a book, or really do anything else to fill your mind. Remember anon, idle hands do the devils work. I will genuinely pray that you get better. It is a tough thing to beat and its why the Jew has pushed it onto us. good luck.

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Are you implying having fun is degenerate behavior?

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Are you implying that degenerate behavior is fun?

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I'm explicitly asking you if you think having fun is "degenerate behavior"?

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And I'm reversing your question to make my point. Do you understand, you degenerate retard?

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>And I'm reversing your question to make my point.

And I'm ignoring the fact that you're doing that to reiterate my question: do you think having fun is "degenerate behavior"?

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Neat. Do you think that blatantly degenerate behavior is "fun"?

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Answer my goddamn question you puritanical prude: do you think having fun is "degenerate behavior"?

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Congratulations you both have autism.

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He's using his own definition of fun, not the common term. By compartmentalizing the term, he can make it mean whatever he wants, including degeneracy.

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<Answer my goddamn question you puritanical prude

Very interesting, but how about this: you answer my question.

>Do you think that blatantly degenerate behavior is "fun"?

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>how about this: you answer my question

How about no.

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Don't worry, I already know the answer, I just wanted to see if you'd explicitly admit that you're a degenerate.

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Around 15-16 irc


>No man should ever give up on purging degeneracy from his mind

I didn't state otherwise, I wholeheartedly agree.

All I am saying is that you really want to get rid of porn, you should seek real therapy instead of wasting you time here or on other forums telling you it's bad and stating obvious facts .


I really appreciate that anon, in fact I used to do push ups everytime the urge would come and like you said it really did vanish but with time It eventually won over me and I just went to zero . At this point I am just living with it but thanks anyway

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File: 468c03584609b7d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,261.65 KB,720x544,45:34,pituitary-gland (1).jpg)

File: 358f489511256e0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.44 KB,467x300,467:300,Pituitary-Gland.jpg)

File: bb4f142d8a13a5e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,13.74 KB,225x224,225:224,cleansweep.jpg)

File: e2fa46cc18a609a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.02 KB,807x337,807:337,third-eye-egypt.jpg)

The Chinese Royal family(along with other royal families) only trusted servants that were castrated. Not just the balls but everything, a "clean sweep" of both twig&berries to work for them within the palace. Anyway, my point is the servants pituitary gland was astonishingly larger than normal, non-castrated men. Animals that were castrated young were significantly larger than ones that weren't. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/84/12/4324/2864451

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File: 4f4549e9d3b86a2⋯.jpg (44.67 KB,280x243,280:243,4f4549e9d3b86a2ed332cf8191….jpg)


Cutt off your balls to reach (((yahweh))) you christcuck shill

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Now that you mentioned it I used to own some magazines that featured some really hot ads (lingerie, massage ect) maybe it has to do with it?

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Struggle is an eternal battle of life but a battle within ourselves. You have proven that you can fight it, yes you were overcome but that being said for a time you staved it off. You have proven that you can beat it, and with that proof you can push a little further. You may trip and fall but isn't that the way all struggles are? success and failure until we overcome our own eternal struggle. continue your eternal kampf mein kameraden

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Some of you assholes are too paranoid about information. It was something I was researching. Now I'm the enemy? Fuck your brain.

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I agree that porn is bad and is to be avoided, but disagree with some of the claims against it.

Firstly, I realized recently that porn is not simply an activity pursued in itself for a lot of people, but often comes from the frustration of the primary desire to be married. Then, since people aren't having relations with a spouse, they would turn to fornication or adultery. But, as a harm reduction action that prevents harming families (adultery) or having bastard children out of wedlock (fornication), they end up using porn. So, while porn in itself isn't a good thing, its use comes about to reduce harm otherwise, which is "less bad".

As for "Your Brain On Porn" (YBOP) claims, I'm not particularly persuaded by a bunch of them, because pornography has too much similarity to healthy normal sex to be unhealthy: for instance, the sight of one's wife which would evoke a physical response in a man would be somewhat physically identical to seeing a pornography "star". So, my problem with YBOP claims is that many of the allegedly harmful things that porn does, would also make "normal" sex harmful (unless you want to argue that, which might be true actually but I don't think it would be as harmful as some people make it out to be).

The reason anti-porn people are creating these reasons why they think porn is more harmful than it is, is because they're trying to rationalize stopping using porn, which can be more complicated so they are trying to simplify it by making porn out to be worse than it is. In fact, because porn is so seemingly "harmless", this is why it can be difficult for some people to kick, I think.

Porn can definitely create emotional problems though I think, because people feel guilty about using it, and this can mess with your self-confidence, but beyond that I don't know how it would mess with self-confidence.

Again, I don't know how porn would affect hormone levels differently from sex, they should be somewhat the same.

I also think porn is spiritually harmful, and would personally simply focus more on that problem rather than trying to prove porn to be physically harmful; indeed, you might find that porn is actually physically healthy as it is exercise, but ultimately to be avoided because it is spiritually a bad thing.

Other claims like that porn overstimulates dopamine or other things like that, again it would seem like actual sex would have a similar kind of overstimulation, so these claims seem doubtful, or at least it would seem that "moderate porn consumption" should avoid such overstimulation, and also that a man could have too much sex with his wife which would cause harm.

Semen loss seems to be what is physically harmful in both sex with a wife or with masturbating to pornography.

What do y'all think?

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>because pornography has too much similarity to healthy normal sex to be unhealthy: for instance, the sight of one's wife which would evoke a physical response in a man would be somewhat physically identical to seeing a pornography "star".

What the fuck is wrong with you. Literal cuckold.

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>I get no grief from women.

Nothing like what he's talking about has ever happened to me, either. Except that is, from my mother. She all but called me a sexual predator to my sister. She also constantly tried to scare me from doing bad things I never showed or had any intention of doing, suggesting she'd be all right with me being emasculated as a consequence of such actions. So for me, the slightest possible slight from any woman is unconsciously processed as an act of war.

These days I fantasize about walking through public parks and shooting in the face any woman who appears frightened of me. That's how I want to fuck women.

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Boy did you misread me. But I'll forgive you, you clearly don't have a degree in psychotherapy, or else you'd know better than to think that the best way of convincing me of something is by shrieking at me.

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I'm not sure what voting leads to either.

We had an NPD guy in the EU parliament. Now we don't.

Thx to AfD and voting manipulation all right wing parties counted together didn't even get 1%.

Resistance is the only option. I'm done voting.


>The porn business is dominated by jews

It consists of Jews.

However porn was a thing before the Jew. Even niggers have drawn stickmen with dicks.

The problem is (((commercial porn))).

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I was replying in support to a skeptical reply to a poster who harbored fears that innocent contact would lead to being #Metooed or some such thing. I was giving an example of how someone can come to have fears like that. Maybe that wasn't clear. But I'm not going to apologize to you for the monstrous assumptions you made.

>I don't shriek, anon.

If you're not shrieking then I'm not harboring anger.

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in support against*

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Also, you snark like a liberal pundit or comedic 'news' host. Are you from /leftypol/?

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File: a65844d87b23355⋯.png (984.11 KB,924x721,132:103,ClipboardImage.png)

Antiporn Red Pills

卐 - Jews and the Porn Industry


> Nathan Abrams on Jews in the Porn Industry


> The Jewish Masters of Porn


> Pornography, sex slaves, prostitution… Why are these businesses dominated by Jews?


> Jewish Porn Star James Deen–“The Jews know we’re better than everyone else. That’s all that matters. It’s true. We’re the Chosen People. It’s a fact.”


> Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable


>Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.




> Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours


> Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption


> Brown University: Pornography


> The Social Costs of Pornography


> The Effects of Pornography on Individuals,Marriage, Family and Community


> Porn, Novelty and the Coolidge Effect


> Porn Stars without Make-up: Death of the Illusion


> Physiological and Psychologica Effects of Modern Day Pornography


> Philip Zimbardo TED Talk: The Demise of Guys


> Gary Wilson: The Great Porn Experiment

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTD_itXrR6E [Open]

> Adolescent Brain Meets Highspeed Internet Porn

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyejdlmKpE&feature=youtu.be [Open]

> Viewers of Pornography Have a Smaller Reward System


> Adult Film Performers Transmission and STI Prevelace


> The Documented Effects of Pornography


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Porn is a release valve.

Without porn, historically, the broiling underclasses of men with no access to women start uprisings and overthrow systems.

This is why porn exists.

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File: a027bf7c4bd990a⋯.jpg (14.46 KB,450x450,1:1,life hack.jpg)

Every time you masturbate with porn, a jew rubs his hands and smiles.

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File: 38a154de69a7836⋯.jpg (37.17 KB,534x532,267:266,1463604252624.jpg)


I mean, because of lewd drawings - shortstacks, thicc, etc. I can't really find that much pleasure or cuteness in simple, non-sexual cute drawings like I did before. Having waifus and genuinely feeling adoration or love is replaced with whatever i'm into at the moment. Not being able to split intimate adoration, love and comforting with fucking is killing me.

Send help or meaningful advice.

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Again anon , it's like saying smoking kills . I cheer on your intention but this is public knowledge and doesn"t help imo. We need something effective ,redpills aren't enough .

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This is what I have been doing, except I have hash mark on a sticky not on my computer for everyday I don’t watch porn or jerk off. That way I have to look at it if I open my computer.

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This is what I have been doing, except I wrote hash marks on a sticky note on my computer for everyday I don’t watch porn or jerk off. That way I have to look at it if I open my computer.

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>Without porn, historically, the broiling underclasses of men with no access to women start uprisings and overthrow systems.

>le beta uprising is a historical fact


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That's why you do if without a condom.

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File: c968747e9065664⋯.jpg (67.96 KB,1920x1080,16:9,shia-labeouf-motivation-wa….jpg)


Simple and easiest way to resist against dis jewish propaganda shee******T

'''having experienced it on me a little over a month ago I can guarantee you that I no longer have any temptation. honestly 100% guaranteed

It's like weight training you shouldn't beat around the bush choose the hard way and your efforts will be rewarded. And enjoy life again.'''

Don't be a pussy, Do it for yourself!

#Embrace life again

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It is definitely one of their greatest achievements of psychological warfare. They react very strongly to any meaningful act to dislodge its influence on the young, even so far to call critics of porn and its use anti-semites.

Jews are currently working on cracking the perspectives of non-jews in respect to relationships and promoting the scheme known as an "open relationship" to maximize exposure and spread of disease, and race mixing, as well as a weakening of the natural tribal family unit.

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File: 666cd4edece42c8⋯.png (280.22 KB,576x1024,9:16,smug anime face.png)

Feminist thread in which men are blamed for women's actions and told to settle for disgusting worn out "former sluts", disregard it and watch hentai.

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File: a5ed1a454bbf371⋯.png (291.55 KB,612x365,612:365,1489781311153.png)

>"Porn is bad!"

>Doesn't offer any solutions, advice, steps to take, etc etc

When will you learn you need to do this?

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<don't look at it


<don't fap to it

>steps to take

<don't touch ur peepee while looking at a guy fucking a girl on your monitor

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I unironically think you are OP might be feds. The advice you give IS CERTAIN TO FAIL. 100%

Here's an analogy, do you, or others reading know what its like to uninstall and then reinstall computer games? Exactly. You haven't found a solution until you've found a replacement. And exactly what do you do about a young man with a high sex drive and no woman?

If you're not a fed start using your noggin

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I have a partial solution btw which is to simply fap to softcore images - of naked women. Or girls I know IRL (pics from their Facebook). It's much healthier than videos or hardcore pics.

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exhentai and blacked are owned by the same people

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No, that's marijuana. Although nicotine isn't bad either, as long as you're not smoking or chewing it.

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>porn is precisely this: proof the modern woman isn’t fucking men enough. if you fucked your woman 5 times a day you wouldn’t give imagery the least thought.

Exactly, this is why the porn problem is almost unbeatable until you, as a young man, find a woman to start a family with - and we all know how difficult that is to do (I'm mainly thinking of the economic problems)

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>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur you can only masturbate to/with porn

100% to fail on porn addicts like you.

>And exactly what do you do about a young man with a high sex drive and no woman?

>duur im stupid

fap WITHOUT porn retard

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fap in the shower WITHOUT porn you fucking retard holy shit, you don't need it to get off.

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Wrong on 2 counts, I didn't fap so much during my teen years and having children is a major life goal.

Also I think many anti porn posters might be feds because of their demoralization tactics (you're suspect). You're making a mountain out of a molehill.


This is worth considering

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On the plus side, you CAN rewire your brain, so all is not lost. Just find a teen waifu, and marry her when legal. You'll have no trouble.

But, an aging roastie with seven different color kids, three of whom have Down's Syndrome? I think a teenager on steroids would have trouble working up a stiffie for that.

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Fucken caved for the purpose of my own research


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I read your posts and you didn't provide much info, if you wanted me to read something specifically could you link it please? I will check this thread tomorrow. As a side note if any of this is about not being attracted to real life women anymore, that has not happened - the opposite happened I became sex crazed as I got older.

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File: cd717ae46ec97dc⋯.png (156.86 KB,300x344,75:86,300px-Cia.png)


I had been trying not to watch porn for about 4 years, but I hadn't been able to quit for longer than ~25 days at most. I had been looking at porn consistently for about 11 years (I started when I was 13, I'm 24 now).

However a couple weeks ago I read an ebook in one sitting, and I haven't had a single urge to watch porn since. No exaggeration here. I'm actually very surprised how miraculously it worked. So if you've struggled with porn and feel like there's just nothing that's going to work, I really really think you should try reading this ebook.

==Warning: this ebook doesn't appear to have been edited, and the author doesn't seem to have English as his first language. HOWEVER, I strongly advise you to not worry about that, and trust the process. Don't skip any of the sections. Everything he writes has a REAL PURPOSE that will slowly let you break free from porn. This book is 100% free and is literally all I needed to stop wanting to watch porn. I almost never believe in "magic pills" but that is actually the best way of describing this ebook.

If you have any questions about it, I'll try to keep my eye on this thread. I've been trying this shit for 4 years, so I've probably been through a lot of what you've been through.

Here's the book (don't worry, no charge for it): https://sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/home

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File: d109c0be574a5d6⋯.jpg (100.64 KB,800x450,16:9,pl7a.jpg)

Firstly, how profitable is porn production in the age of the internet? Many producers & actors have said that the internet killed the industry's profits. Nobody I know pays for it, and everyone uses adblock. Even if you don't use ad-block, the ads are just for other free porn sites… where is the profit coming from?

Secondly, IF there isn't much money in it anymore, why are (((companies))) still funding porn production & promotion for consumers that don't pay for porn?

Asking myself these question really drove home the fact that jews must have an ulterior motive for continuing to push their porn on us, at ever increasing rates, long after profits have dwindled.

For a while I could brush off the (((porn-agenda))) as a questionable conspiracy theory, but when I realized that hordes of jews stayed around after the profits disappeared, I could no longer deny it. They want something more than money here, and I don't want to be a part of it anymore.

Thanks for keeping the wheels spinning, anons. I feel re-energized to try again to kick the habit. And thanks to the anon who suggested switching my computer to black & white. Without color, porn and the triggers to seek it out… just don't have as strong of an effect. Good luck, faggots!

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Nofap and noporn quite literally cured me of my life long crippling migraines.

Helps to have regular sex though. Not sure it'd have been so easy if I was single.

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reading it now

thanks in advance

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> >>13557864

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File: 0944cfcbb9a4990⋯.jpeg (348.81 KB,631x833,631:833,A67605F4-E116-45AD-84FA-5….jpeg)


The nofap faggots are too focused on aversion and avoidance. Aversion doesn’t work that well. The better method is reminding yourself multiple times per day to “Live Life” wanking isn’t living. Just set a reminder on your phone to pop up several times per day. You need to train yourself to see the subtle sensations of life as rewarding and enjoyable. Then porn will seem like a disgusting junk food overload. Focus on living.

Live life, faggots.

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>nofap doesnt stop you from being a ziocuck jew slave though, tough shit

There are thousands or millions of ziocucks in your country America.

Trump worked harder than most to become president.

Your point is still valid on the whole, but the discussion is about nofap and their effect on productivity regardless of what objectives you have for your productive work.

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>But a better method is to replace that habit with another.

Just be very careful what you replace it with.

>You could drag humankind almost anywhere by manipulating the enormous energies of procreation. You could goad humans into actions they would never have believed possible.

>This energy must have an outlet. Bottle it up and it becomes monstrously dangerous. Redirect it and it will sweep over anything in its path. This is an ultimate secret of all religions

We are ready to unleash this.

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I tried and failed with this. Either it doesn't work for me or I did something wrong.

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>jews invented porn

That's silly. The jews were just the ones degenerate enough to make an industry out of porn. No one but the jews were as morally defunct to consider that they could change the laws to make porn "legal" to not only make money off of, but to use as a weapon.

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File: f083810d132fee4⋯.jpg (105.93 KB,601x534,601:534,1490472727768.jpg)

5 more hours till I complete one week lads. Last night I was plagued by visions of women and porn, no idea how I managed to get through it. I would rate nofap as harder than quitting cigarettes, It would be easier to start smoking again and then quit compared to lasting 1 month on nofap tbh.

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I am a boomer (67). When I was young I got into my dad's porn stash. All it had was photos of women nudes, nudist magazines and old playboys. No males. I definitely prefer to see a nude woman doing something wholesome. You guys doing porn on the internet make a resolution to look only at nude women - no sex acts. It will wean you off the rotten stuff.

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Keep at it. Porn being worse is not surprising. Dopamine rewards are higher with porn and masturbation. Plus, smoking is not a natural desire/need, sexual release/breeding is and porn and masturbation hijack into that impulse.

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>it would be easier to start smoking again


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Both feminists and white nationalists love to restrict male sexuality while ignoring the effect of women's bad behaviour.

>Porn is bad! Stop watching porn!

I could stop watching porn today since I'm not addicted to it. But then what? Modern dating is a nightmare for any man who doesn't look like a model, and the reward is a lying whore who's just settling for you because she's tired of being Chad's cocksleeve. No, thanks.

We grow up in an oversexualized environment that keeps us constantly horny without giving us the ability to relieve ourselves of that sexual frustration in a 'natural' way. Porn is not ideal of course, but it's better than nothing.

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fug meant for >>13560747

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File: 3d91aca786c0a4f⋯.png (254 KB,550x547,550:547,MEAL POSTING6.png)


The worst thing about nofap is that if I excite myself in anyway (eg: looking at a picture for too long, or simply fantasizing), I will stay that way for HOURS. Cigarettes were much easier to hold back, if you crave one the feeling lasts at worst 15 minutes. I woke up 1.5 hours ago and have been horny the entire time for no reason, its completely fucked mate.



What is the point of your post?

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Because smoking is not a natural biological need, like sex is. Until you get old and your testosterone goes down, you'll never stop craving sex and orgasm. It's like trying to live in total isolation and stop being 'addicted' to human interaction.

Yeah, you could survive without ever talking to another human being again, but all you'd accomplish is torturing yourself. There's something perverse about denying yourself of the most basic pleasures in life because you've somehow convinced yourself that they're immoral.

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Just started nofap here and the urges are pretty easy to shake off for me. They last maybe 15min. Once I start another task it quickly subsides.

Also quit smoking cigs and drinking liquor/beer, nofap is easier.

My point being it may get easier for you after the initial hump.

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That Goldstien guy has not so unfamiliar symbols on his TShirt.

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you're a dumbshit. you just compared the positive advertising of an addictive cancer causing chemical to the depiction of a gay couple in an advertisement. you've been radicalized.

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For me it isn't about fapping being moral or immoral, its objectively a waste of time. During my peak fapping years I was fapping 2-4 times daily, and spending 1-3 hours just watching porn. Then you have 2+ hours of feeling tired and wanting to go to bed from the aftereffects of orgasm (same thing with actual sex).


I never had to quit drinking, I have heard the stories of that addiction and thank god that I never got into it myself. Quitting cigs sucks if you try to do it while working, I found that if I lock myself in my house for a week its an easy transition. Usually 3 days of pain and then it's easy. I've been trying to quit fapping for an entire year and the longest I've gotten was 10 fucking days clean. Maybe my natural test and sex drive are just through the roof, because like I said I have to go full 100% monk mode and not even think about anything sexual or I'm fucked for hours on end.

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research semen retention as well, anons. the ancients regarded their semen as something to sacrifice for the sake of having children. orgasms for pleasure were considered decedent.

Semen retention will make you more creative and sharper mind.

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>you just compared the positive advertising of an addictive cancer causing chemical to the depiction of an anal-cancer and HIV causing lifestyle

What's the issue here?

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Porn (and other cheap dopamine pleasures) will take time and energy away from you which could be better spent on more meaningful things.

When you're at the end of your life, looking back on it, you will wish you spent your limited time doing more meaningful things. There is nothing more meaningful than faith (humbly understanding that you are just a tiny piece of an infinite puzzle) and family (sharing your time and efforts with people you love, creating a good life for them).

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what came first the whamen or the porn

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Whamen. Before them men used to simply poke each other in the bunglhole and shit out a humanturd which they would leave to mature and survive or be eaten on the savannah.

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File: 4fb9097ef69900a⋯.jpg (62.68 KB,460x583,460:583,g6lci.jpg)


>oversexualized environment that keeps us constantly horny without giving us the ability to relieve ourselves of that sexual frustration in a 'natural' way. Porn is not ideal of course, but it's better than nothing.

Fuck off closet-kike. That's a (((false dichotomy))). People masturbated for 200,000 years before porn. Difference being that if you masturbate without porn, you're done in like 5 min. Porn, however, is like a drug to take while masturbating. Most people who use porn will binge for hours, several days a week, burning out their dopamine pleasure centers of the brain, leaving them depressed, de-energized, de-motivated, etc. F*ck that shit, faggot.

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Tabacco is a healthy plant though

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g ö t e b o r g s r a p é

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Surprised no one mentioned this but, apparently Israelis broadcasted nothing but porn on Palestinian airwaves while enforcing curfews during their occupation of either west bank or gaza, i forget which

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That would be fascinating to learn more about. Any links to material on the subject?

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Definitely something to it! Thanks for the info. Will be interesting to read more about



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Read Libido Dominandi and listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQeRu7BUEr8

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Faggotry causes not just personal harm but societal death. It's also irrational. We used to laugh, because everyone knew it was. Even the faggots.

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… and so, that's why it works in part, to draw analogy. The smoker knows it's irrational to smoke. That same smoker could be a sodomite and they'll rationalize that it's who they are. Absurd. It's what gets them off. But nature makes the matter perfectly clear what sex is for. Birds and the bees. Neither does nature agree with, or make provision for, willful, long term inhalation of smoke into our lungs. A smoker is not a political identity. It's a person addicted to smoking.

Our coddling of peoples erroneous choices have zero effect on nature's response. What they do impact is mob mentality. The political push back from gays is misplaced and pointless. Putting aside the malicious ones at the top, for whom it's to do with power. To emasculate the father. No one can change nature's dictates, and even supposing we could, the meddling just makes matters worse. They're at odds with reality, not other people. With the natural, biological processes of life. Which is probably why they persist in demanding acceptance by others, even with full legal rights. They know nature itself rejects their choices, whatever man or man's law has to say about it. No amount of social acceptance can cure this level of denial. The rationale makes no sense, from a medical standpoint. It embeds and normalizes delusion.

The average non-smoker of the 1950s might well have regarded it rude to demand a smoker put out their cigarette in a restaurant. You'd be radical. The onus would be on that person to ask to be seated in the non-smoking section.

We're probably living through a time where it'll be considered rude to ask homos not to be affectionate in public (as their agenda is boundless), but eventually, maybe those homo couplings will be more tactful to account for other people, despite their irrational choices, because they'll know they're irrational.

Or, you know, barring this, those claiming legitimate authority could just regulate human behavior in public, in accordance with natural law and immutable physical laws again. Like when mature adults ran civilization. That sorta thing.

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weed is degenerate. multiple studies have shown it permanently lowers iq.

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Not watching porn or fapping for a week or two my body and mind goes into a mode where I urge to train my body, learn new stuff and interract with people.

Therefore, I do not watch porn or fap.

It's a sin you fucking kikeniggers.

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>interract with people

A double edged sword if living in a liberal hellscape. They thought of everything.

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Nature's trick is sex depletes the man and energizes the woman. This works on multiple layers. Porn pacifies men and empowers women. When the feminists realized this, they shifted from opposing its consumption to promoting it. Whatever a female's bent, she is endemically in fear of male vitality, (if even on a subconscious level), because it means potential violence, and she might be on the receiving end. Not necessarily directly, but in matters of war and ambition.

It's a careful balance for women to figure out, and they do better with age, to frustrate the man well enough, that he takes it out on her in the sack, but not so much that his agency extends beyond her influence. Better to have frustrated, malleable men than warrior monks. Better that men need women, than want them.

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Is fapping to doujins and anime pictures considered porn? I never bother with 3D.

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Smoking marijuana increases estrogen levels faggot

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>send help or meaningful advice

Sort your brain out. See things for what they really are, isolate the feelings. Next time you have sex or masturbate isolate it, describe to yourself the feelings, and you'll see they aren't as important or powerful as you make them out to be. It's a base pleasure and there's nothing wrong with that necessarily, since hunger and thirst can be counted in the base desires, yet are fundamental. The issue is when you put it on equal level to your higher feelings. The only way to overcome this thing is to destroy the mystique around it. Break down urges with logic.

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