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 No.13552911 [View All]

Friendly reminder that porn destroys your brain, your self-confidence and your hormone levels, and it also makes you more likely to become a faggot.

The jews invented and pushed pornography. The porn business is dominated by jews, its was designed to push increasingly degenerate sexual immorality. The producer of "Blacked" is also a jew. His name is Greg Lansky.

The various highly detrimental effects of porn on mental and physical health ave been proven scientifically. Read the articles on this website:


Spread the website to fight jewish poison.

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>porn is precisely this: proof the modern woman isn’t fucking men enough. if you fucked your woman 5 times a day you wouldn’t give imagery the least thought.

Exactly, this is why the porn problem is almost unbeatable until you, as a young man, find a woman to start a family with - and we all know how difficult that is to do (I'm mainly thinking of the economic problems)

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>duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur you can only masturbate to/with porn

100% to fail on porn addicts like you.

>And exactly what do you do about a young man with a high sex drive and no woman?

>duur im stupid

fap WITHOUT porn retard

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fap in the shower WITHOUT porn you fucking retard holy shit, you don't need it to get off.

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Wrong on 2 counts, I didn't fap so much during my teen years and having children is a major life goal.

Also I think many anti porn posters might be feds because of their demoralization tactics (you're suspect). You're making a mountain out of a molehill.


This is worth considering

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On the plus side, you CAN rewire your brain, so all is not lost. Just find a teen waifu, and marry her when legal. You'll have no trouble.

But, an aging roastie with seven different color kids, three of whom have Down's Syndrome? I think a teenager on steroids would have trouble working up a stiffie for that.

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Fucken caved for the purpose of my own research


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I read your posts and you didn't provide much info, if you wanted me to read something specifically could you link it please? I will check this thread tomorrow. As a side note if any of this is about not being attracted to real life women anymore, that has not happened - the opposite happened I became sex crazed as I got older.

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I had been trying not to watch porn for about 4 years, but I hadn't been able to quit for longer than ~25 days at most. I had been looking at porn consistently for about 11 years (I started when I was 13, I'm 24 now).

However a couple weeks ago I read an ebook in one sitting, and I haven't had a single urge to watch porn since. No exaggeration here. I'm actually very surprised how miraculously it worked. So if you've struggled with porn and feel like there's just nothing that's going to work, I really really think you should try reading this ebook.

==Warning: this ebook doesn't appear to have been edited, and the author doesn't seem to have English as his first language. HOWEVER, I strongly advise you to not worry about that, and trust the process. Don't skip any of the sections. Everything he writes has a REAL PURPOSE that will slowly let you break free from porn. This book is 100% free and is literally all I needed to stop wanting to watch porn. I almost never believe in "magic pills" but that is actually the best way of describing this ebook.

If you have any questions about it, I'll try to keep my eye on this thread. I've been trying this shit for 4 years, so I've probably been through a lot of what you've been through.

Here's the book (don't worry, no charge for it): https://sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/home

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Firstly, how profitable is porn production in the age of the internet? Many producers & actors have said that the internet killed the industry's profits. Nobody I know pays for it, and everyone uses adblock. Even if you don't use ad-block, the ads are just for other free porn sites… where is the profit coming from?

Secondly, IF there isn't much money in it anymore, why are (((companies))) still funding porn production & promotion for consumers that don't pay for porn?

Asking myself these question really drove home the fact that jews must have an ulterior motive for continuing to push their porn on us, at ever increasing rates, long after profits have dwindled.

For a while I could brush off the (((porn-agenda))) as a questionable conspiracy theory, but when I realized that hordes of jews stayed around after the profits disappeared, I could no longer deny it. They want something more than money here, and I don't want to be a part of it anymore.

Thanks for keeping the wheels spinning, anons. I feel re-energized to try again to kick the habit. And thanks to the anon who suggested switching my computer to black & white. Without color, porn and the triggers to seek it out… just don't have as strong of an effect. Good luck, faggots!

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Nofap and noporn quite literally cured me of my life long crippling migraines.

Helps to have regular sex though. Not sure it'd have been so easy if I was single.

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reading it now

thanks in advance

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> >>13557864

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The nofap faggots are too focused on aversion and avoidance. Aversion doesn’t work that well. The better method is reminding yourself multiple times per day to “Live Life” wanking isn’t living. Just set a reminder on your phone to pop up several times per day. You need to train yourself to see the subtle sensations of life as rewarding and enjoyable. Then porn will seem like a disgusting junk food overload. Focus on living.

Live life, faggots.

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>nofap doesnt stop you from being a ziocuck jew slave though, tough shit

There are thousands or millions of ziocucks in your country America.

Trump worked harder than most to become president.

Your point is still valid on the whole, but the discussion is about nofap and their effect on productivity regardless of what objectives you have for your productive work.

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>But a better method is to replace that habit with another.

Just be very careful what you replace it with.

>You could drag humankind almost anywhere by manipulating the enormous energies of procreation. You could goad humans into actions they would never have believed possible.

>This energy must have an outlet. Bottle it up and it becomes monstrously dangerous. Redirect it and it will sweep over anything in its path. This is an ultimate secret of all religions

We are ready to unleash this.

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I tried and failed with this. Either it doesn't work for me or I did something wrong.

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>jews invented porn

That's silly. The jews were just the ones degenerate enough to make an industry out of porn. No one but the jews were as morally defunct to consider that they could change the laws to make porn "legal" to not only make money off of, but to use as a weapon.

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5 more hours till I complete one week lads. Last night I was plagued by visions of women and porn, no idea how I managed to get through it. I would rate nofap as harder than quitting cigarettes, It would be easier to start smoking again and then quit compared to lasting 1 month on nofap tbh.

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I am a boomer (67). When I was young I got into my dad's porn stash. All it had was photos of women nudes, nudist magazines and old playboys. No males. I definitely prefer to see a nude woman doing something wholesome. You guys doing porn on the internet make a resolution to look only at nude women - no sex acts. It will wean you off the rotten stuff.

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Keep at it. Porn being worse is not surprising. Dopamine rewards are higher with porn and masturbation. Plus, smoking is not a natural desire/need, sexual release/breeding is and porn and masturbation hijack into that impulse.

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>it would be easier to start smoking again


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Both feminists and white nationalists love to restrict male sexuality while ignoring the effect of women's bad behaviour.

>Porn is bad! Stop watching porn!

I could stop watching porn today since I'm not addicted to it. But then what? Modern dating is a nightmare for any man who doesn't look like a model, and the reward is a lying whore who's just settling for you because she's tired of being Chad's cocksleeve. No, thanks.

We grow up in an oversexualized environment that keeps us constantly horny without giving us the ability to relieve ourselves of that sexual frustration in a 'natural' way. Porn is not ideal of course, but it's better than nothing.

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fug meant for >>13560747

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The worst thing about nofap is that if I excite myself in anyway (eg: looking at a picture for too long, or simply fantasizing), I will stay that way for HOURS. Cigarettes were much easier to hold back, if you crave one the feeling lasts at worst 15 minutes. I woke up 1.5 hours ago and have been horny the entire time for no reason, its completely fucked mate.



What is the point of your post?

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Because smoking is not a natural biological need, like sex is. Until you get old and your testosterone goes down, you'll never stop craving sex and orgasm. It's like trying to live in total isolation and stop being 'addicted' to human interaction.

Yeah, you could survive without ever talking to another human being again, but all you'd accomplish is torturing yourself. There's something perverse about denying yourself of the most basic pleasures in life because you've somehow convinced yourself that they're immoral.

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Just started nofap here and the urges are pretty easy to shake off for me. They last maybe 15min. Once I start another task it quickly subsides.

Also quit smoking cigs and drinking liquor/beer, nofap is easier.

My point being it may get easier for you after the initial hump.

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That Goldstien guy has not so unfamiliar symbols on his TShirt.

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you're a dumbshit. you just compared the positive advertising of an addictive cancer causing chemical to the depiction of a gay couple in an advertisement. you've been radicalized.

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For me it isn't about fapping being moral or immoral, its objectively a waste of time. During my peak fapping years I was fapping 2-4 times daily, and spending 1-3 hours just watching porn. Then you have 2+ hours of feeling tired and wanting to go to bed from the aftereffects of orgasm (same thing with actual sex).


I never had to quit drinking, I have heard the stories of that addiction and thank god that I never got into it myself. Quitting cigs sucks if you try to do it while working, I found that if I lock myself in my house for a week its an easy transition. Usually 3 days of pain and then it's easy. I've been trying to quit fapping for an entire year and the longest I've gotten was 10 fucking days clean. Maybe my natural test and sex drive are just through the roof, because like I said I have to go full 100% monk mode and not even think about anything sexual or I'm fucked for hours on end.

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research semen retention as well, anons. the ancients regarded their semen as something to sacrifice for the sake of having children. orgasms for pleasure were considered decedent.

Semen retention will make you more creative and sharper mind.

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>you just compared the positive advertising of an addictive cancer causing chemical to the depiction of an anal-cancer and HIV causing lifestyle

What's the issue here?

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Porn (and other cheap dopamine pleasures) will take time and energy away from you which could be better spent on more meaningful things.

When you're at the end of your life, looking back on it, you will wish you spent your limited time doing more meaningful things. There is nothing more meaningful than faith (humbly understanding that you are just a tiny piece of an infinite puzzle) and family (sharing your time and efforts with people you love, creating a good life for them).

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what came first the whamen or the porn

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Whamen. Before them men used to simply poke each other in the bunglhole and shit out a humanturd which they would leave to mature and survive or be eaten on the savannah.

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>oversexualized environment that keeps us constantly horny without giving us the ability to relieve ourselves of that sexual frustration in a 'natural' way. Porn is not ideal of course, but it's better than nothing.

Fuck off closet-kike. That's a (((false dichotomy))). People masturbated for 200,000 years before porn. Difference being that if you masturbate without porn, you're done in like 5 min. Porn, however, is like a drug to take while masturbating. Most people who use porn will binge for hours, several days a week, burning out their dopamine pleasure centers of the brain, leaving them depressed, de-energized, de-motivated, etc. F*ck that shit, faggot.

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Tabacco is a healthy plant though

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g ö t e b o r g s r a p é

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Surprised no one mentioned this but, apparently Israelis broadcasted nothing but porn on Palestinian airwaves while enforcing curfews during their occupation of either west bank or gaza, i forget which

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That would be fascinating to learn more about. Any links to material on the subject?

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Definitely something to it! Thanks for the info. Will be interesting to read more about



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Read Libido Dominandi and listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQeRu7BUEr8

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Faggotry causes not just personal harm but societal death. It's also irrational. We used to laugh, because everyone knew it was. Even the faggots.

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… and so, that's why it works in part, to draw analogy. The smoker knows it's irrational to smoke. That same smoker could be a sodomite and they'll rationalize that it's who they are. Absurd. It's what gets them off. But nature makes the matter perfectly clear what sex is for. Birds and the bees. Neither does nature agree with, or make provision for, willful, long term inhalation of smoke into our lungs. A smoker is not a political identity. It's a person addicted to smoking.

Our coddling of peoples erroneous choices have zero effect on nature's response. What they do impact is mob mentality. The political push back from gays is misplaced and pointless. Putting aside the malicious ones at the top, for whom it's to do with power. To emasculate the father. No one can change nature's dictates, and even supposing we could, the meddling just makes matters worse. They're at odds with reality, not other people. With the natural, biological processes of life. Which is probably why they persist in demanding acceptance by others, even with full legal rights. They know nature itself rejects their choices, whatever man or man's law has to say about it. No amount of social acceptance can cure this level of denial. The rationale makes no sense, from a medical standpoint. It embeds and normalizes delusion.

The average non-smoker of the 1950s might well have regarded it rude to demand a smoker put out their cigarette in a restaurant. You'd be radical. The onus would be on that person to ask to be seated in the non-smoking section.

We're probably living through a time where it'll be considered rude to ask homos not to be affectionate in public (as their agenda is boundless), but eventually, maybe those homo couplings will be more tactful to account for other people, despite their irrational choices, because they'll know they're irrational.

Or, you know, barring this, those claiming legitimate authority could just regulate human behavior in public, in accordance with natural law and immutable physical laws again. Like when mature adults ran civilization. That sorta thing.

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weed is degenerate. multiple studies have shown it permanently lowers iq.

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Not watching porn or fapping for a week or two my body and mind goes into a mode where I urge to train my body, learn new stuff and interract with people.

Therefore, I do not watch porn or fap.

It's a sin you fucking kikeniggers.

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>interract with people

A double edged sword if living in a liberal hellscape. They thought of everything.

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Nature's trick is sex depletes the man and energizes the woman. This works on multiple layers. Porn pacifies men and empowers women. When the feminists realized this, they shifted from opposing its consumption to promoting it. Whatever a female's bent, she is endemically in fear of male vitality, (if even on a subconscious level), because it means potential violence, and she might be on the receiving end. Not necessarily directly, but in matters of war and ambition.

It's a careful balance for women to figure out, and they do better with age, to frustrate the man well enough, that he takes it out on her in the sack, but not so much that his agency extends beyond her influence. Better to have frustrated, malleable men than warrior monks. Better that men need women, than want them.

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Is fapping to doujins and anime pictures considered porn? I never bother with 3D.

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Smoking marijuana increases estrogen levels faggot

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>send help or meaningful advice

Sort your brain out. See things for what they really are, isolate the feelings. Next time you have sex or masturbate isolate it, describe to yourself the feelings, and you'll see they aren't as important or powerful as you make them out to be. It's a base pleasure and there's nothing wrong with that necessarily, since hunger and thirst can be counted in the base desires, yet are fundamental. The issue is when you put it on equal level to your higher feelings. The only way to overcome this thing is to destroy the mystique around it. Break down urges with logic.

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