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File: 8bd284f0e7f0d3d⋯.jpg (95.44 KB,500x604,125:151,White Race traitor.jpg)

File: bdbadc83f5ebc89⋯.jpeg (110.67 KB,800x626,400:313,Tyrone.jpeg)

 No.13549920 [View All]

In my experience, its absolutely impossible to redpill middle-class and rich Whites. They have too much to lose. This is because people with higher living standards are easier to brainwash into liberal bullshit than the working class.

I found that working class Whites were easier to redpill than middle class or wealthy whites. The sad thing is, wealthy whites, especially WASPs, think they—like the kings of yore—control the jews and not the other way around. To sum it up, wealthy Whites are too arrogant to be redpilled and middle class Whites are too comfortable to care about their collective existence.

Realizing this, Germans and Swedes aren't uniquely cucked, most of them probably don't pay attention to the news of some migrant killing or raping a child, as they are too caught up in their video games or their movies/tv shows to notice. On the other hand, the reason large amounts of American Whites are redpilled is because a lot of White Americans are poor and can't afford those distractions.

Two things are required for Jewish brainwashing to work:

1). A median IQ

2). Bread and Circuses

The reason why people like Pierce couldn't be bluepilled is because his IQ was way too high. He caught on to the bullshit immediately. Most scientists, even people like Bill Nye, are redpilled. It's just that they care more about their paycheck than their integrity. People with IQs of 120 or above are redpilled right from the get go.

One White genius, Christopher Langan, saw university as a Jewish scam right from the 1960s, when he first started going at age 15. He's probably twice as intelligent as the average White. When a man's IQ is above 180, he prefers to teach himself.

In conclusion, White men with high IQs are impossible to bluepill, and middle class Whites are too easily brainwashed from being too comfortable.

I'm starting to wonder if men like Pierce and Langan were in the European Aristocracies before the Jews killed the aristocrats. If the European Aristocrats were still in power, and in control of our finance and media instead, we wouldn't be in this apocalyptic mess. That's for certain.

tl;dr: middle class Whites are the worst fucking lemmings on the planet.

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The problem with that is any disruption just galvanizes sports fans into hating whoever stopped their bread and circuses. Like how a lot of people hated OJ Simpson and wanted him convicted simply because the Bronco chase interrupted the NBA Finals (I know people who still harp on about that whenever OJ is mentioned, they don’t even care that the nigger murdered two people).

We honestly just need to find a way to hurt their wallets. The whole kneeling controversy worked for a month or less, but it wasn’t strong enough to really incur the wrath of the average American. We’d have to trick a bunch of “Af-letes” into supporting a charity for pedophiles or something to get a boycott that will stick and actually hurt the industry.

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File: 6350e99111e4018⋯.jpg (2.66 KB,116x125,116:125,Dude.jpg)


>Fill those apartments with /pol/acks.

Are you for real? That sounds based as fuck, where are you located? I'd honestly be closer to something like contentment if I knew I rented and was backed by a /pol/ack not working for some corporation.

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File: b5e8165261b3c23⋯.png (381.93 KB,680x453,680:453,parasite extinctions.png)


If by enzymes, you mean venom. Venom deaths happen from the inside out; yet it isn't reasonable to blame the organs and systems that succumb to its arrival. In penetration blood sucking insects – mosquitoes et.al. – there is often a pain suppression chemical complex that leaves the host unaware of the violation. A few articles show that parasite species do in fact go extinct – presumably due to changing conditions or supply patterns. Would like to know more about what can cause a parasite extinction. Could there be clues in these events in nature for invoking extinctions of exasperatingly tiresome parasitic groups. There may be an ideal recipe of circumstances and conditions which could be created so that we could be liberated from the deadly effects and consequences of the (((hive mind))).

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OP I agree. I am very high IQ so see through the bullshit and self-taught but my parents are middle class lemmings that can't be redpilled.

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Instead of self taught say "autodidactic," because it sounds smarter. When people do a google search they'll feel like a retard. This will reinforce your very high IQ claim. #LIFEHACK!

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I honestly wish I could advertise it on here, but you know as well as I do how that could be a problem. I’m actually slightly worried we may have problems if I don’t rent to at least one nigger or mexi, never a kike though, the second I have an applicant who sets of my jewdar I just say “it’s been taken, little too late, sorry” lol

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>Some Whites can't be redpilled

i've been thinking the same thing, even though i'm not american, i find it hard to debate immigration when all the stats say they benefit your economy unlike europe, the only point i could find is that new immigrants take more than they give and since there's an endless cycle of new immigrants…

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File: f6ab191db9bca9a⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,497x480,497:480,sad.jpg)


The absolute state of Langan. Coming to /pol/ to make threads about his on phony IQ. You stupid Boomer, nearly every person on this board is middle class or rich.

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You seem triggered. This is indicated by your particular need to dispute about my claim, to sage your post, and to make mock suggestions. Why does it hurt or threaten you that anons may in fact be highly intelligent?

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File: 2d19d1da3e47a53⋯.pdf (155.01 KB,template_feasibility_study.pdf)


Excellent work, anon. Humble recommend to hold your ideological nose and look at liberal "arts communities building" projects. There may be useful strategic or anti-strategic cues for you to work from in your own work. The liberal arts housing scams operate as an economic and real estate flow structure for controlling kike operated real estate properties in urban settings. They can resuscitate blasted out slums, build up, give each other awards, cash-out then bring niggers, faggots, trannie-psychos in the libraries then move along and let it all fall again. There are university studies on this (((renaissance index))) aspect of the urban housing and real estate schtetl. If you are approaching companies or governments for zoning or funding or licenses, get conceptually handy with the basics of (((renaissance index))). See: http://www.artscapediy.org/Creative-Placemaking-Toolbox/How-Do-I-Use-This-Toolbox.aspx There are sister organizations like this in the USA and all over Europa, prolly listed in the index, with similar types of how-to information under the presumption that liberal pozz values and principles. However, you can correct it all to a civilized gentile orientation.

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>The sad thing is, wealthy whites, especially WASPs, think they—like the kings of yore—control the jews and not the other way around. To sum it up, wealthy Whites are too arrogant to be redpilled and middle class Whites are too comfortable to care about their collective existence.

Elite Catholics too. I spent Easter 2017 with the mayor of one of California's largest and wealthiest cities…descendants of spoiled, selfish boomers. Part of military intelligence around WWII , so they still think the US is hot shit, and deserves to rule out of "superiority" of course they were Trump haters, only thing they could agree on is we need to keep bombing the middle east.

Wasps and Catholics aren't allies, but they will work with each other over darkies.

catholics virtue signal and pretend they aren't secret racists, WASPS pretend nobody notices their elitism. Both are globalist traitors agains the white working class

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File: 5dd9fb3561ecbee⋯.jpg (6.35 KB,202x250,101:125,1524179787617.jpg)

>>13552233 (checked)

dubs of truth.

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m-muh dik

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File: 3a9944a9d6269d8⋯.png (384.78 KB,596x384,149:96,a_dollar.png)


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Interesting, I’ve saved the pdf, I’ll look into it. My parents and I have an arrangement on this, because I told them long ago that if we want to really get money rolling in even after they retire we must own some kind of rentable property (my home town has been blowing up with apartment complexes the last 5 years). So they handle the buying and I went to college pretty much to make it as legit as possible while also taking care of maintenance (if it’s something easy enough) and handling most of the tenant problems and leasing. Plus it all goes to me in the end. What I’m saying though is I’d have to run that idea past them, and I’m sort of against associating with the colleges in any way shape or form.

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>>13552300 (checked)

Definitely stay away from colleges. Core point is there are publicly available, structural how-it-works resources; studies, templates, statistics in these globo-homo arts and housing groups that could be of use to your strategies on how to frame and expand your own property without going over to the dark side.

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File: a619d2674d0435b⋯.jpg (17.42 KB,300x371,300:371,Pol Pot.jpg)


Go for top score in Minecraft. Exterminate elite class. Feed them to the animals. Replenish the Oceans. Organically fertilize the soils of our fields. Hear them moan about their spectacles and fortunes in bloodied fields of mud, just the as Freemasons moan about the liberation of their special documents and bronze plaques.

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File: acc6610f2732f13⋯.jpg (67.37 KB,624x451,624:451,_82394335_rusoryolwoman.jpg)

Muh Russia.

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Based Berber

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Sieg heil my fellow very high IQ white aryan brother

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Very nice smart sounding word but it doesn't really make sense to use it

>dispute about my claim

I'd leave the word about out of there if you're trying to convey yourself as very high IQ.


Wait, what are you suggesting? That you have a very high IQ or that your family is incapable of being redpilled?

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Destroy the comfort of them

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File: 54606c1faf5bbe0⋯.png (104.71 KB,639x821,639:821,1553092224086.png)


>Bobby Fischer for example

Lurk moar.

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File: a720885fb8c92c8⋯.png (419.07 KB,1280x662,640:331,1564645013970.png)

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You're probably not doing it correctly. The Fuhrer even instructed use to use different approaches for the difference social classes.

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The working class is exactly the same though

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This is insightful. I met a group of young hyperleft political volunteers and in talking to them noticed one in particular who had a very "cause and effect" way of looking at things. He was clearly much smarter and more pragmatic than the rest of the group.

He wasn't redpilled by any means and fully pob board with their dogma, but you could see him identifying the cracks in their policy ideas even though he was very optimistic that the left could figure out the best solution.

I remember thinking to myself, "This guy is going to put his brain to work on the problems he's talking about and in no more than 10 years he'll be one of us."

It's basically the process I went through in my early 20s.

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>The reason why people like Pierce couldn't be bluepilled is because his IQ was way too high. He caught on to the bullshit immediately.

Same with me. I saw everything go to clown world in 1988. I've planned my life accordingly.

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>one in particular who had a very "cause and effect" way of looking at things.

I supported gay "marriage" for this very reason. Straight marriage was already ruined, this would accelerate things to a reform. (Accelleration works getting yourself OUT of bad (((policy))) decisions; it's just a tool in the box and not appropriate for other cases.)

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>we killed anyone with degenerate tendencies from early childhood.

Keep freemasons and kikes away from their assholes growing up and you're 95% of the way there.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The nigger move made by the best player on the winning team was noticed. That half-kike cocksucker who was taunting the other team has also dipped in popularity. I have coworkers who are now banning Day of the RAKE from their kids ipods.

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File: 65f30a0b07e6320⋯.png (68.79 KB,488x36,122:9,bob.png)


>reddit spacing

>Lurk moar

Yes you should, 2 years to be precise

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I’ll drop an anecdote because maybe it’s revealing, but I’ve been moderately “redpilled” my entire life, from a middle class suburburn family. It wasn’t til much more recently though that I dove head first into it. The biggest problems are:

>most middle class whites are suburban.

At least where I grew up that means my hometown was greater than 95% white. Was at least,not sure now. But your average middle class white doesn’t experience a daily chimpout. Lower class whites tend to be stuck in the cities and will experience firsthand the problems of diversity.

This ends up creating a big problem. Myself, for instance stumbled on the JQ when I was young. I was fascinated with what NS Germany accomplished. But I really wanted to believe they were wrong about race, altruism is another big problem with whites. I think if more middle class whites interacted with nonwhites regularly they’d quickly get that reality check as well. That is what finally caused me to fully wake up.

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File: 160ab90655e937f⋯.jpg (53.25 KB,1000x800,5:4,ok.jpg)


Looks legit.

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No need, kikes and their freemasons puppets would be exterminated in a white-only world.

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>The concentration of power by the few being unavoidable, a successful state breeds a culture where the masses become revolutionary when the focus of the ruling class shifts away from the welfare of the citizens.

This. Even in the Bible, Solomon's taxes were somewhat excessive, and when his son was to succeed him, the people of the ten tribes came to him (the other two being Judah and Benjamin) to ask Rehoboam to lighten the tax burden. He didn't listen to the wise advisers, but his lax, loose, licentious Rich Buddies.

His answer to them was not "I will reduce taxes," but "My little finger will be thicker than my father's penis (loins.)" Jeroboam tore Israel apart, rallying the people of the ten tribes against Rehoboam.

So, yes, historically, revolutions happen when the minority in power quit doing their best to help the majority. This is why the commies are trying so hard to divide America with race war rhetoric, and reparations rhetoric, and all the other divisions they are sowing.

Divide and conquer, it has ever been thus.

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I never understood why anyone cares. If guys like he and the late Zundel were part kikel, it would only make their criticisms more damaging.


Lemmings should be gassed. Their nature is responsible for every problem. The go-along-to-get-along conveyer is rolling directly into the oven.


Again, it is totally irrelevant. A movement where every Odinic group claimed outwardly to be kikes to keep outsiders out would be pretty dangerous. It would confuse the lemming paper-pushers and let it get much more widespread.




Fuck muh wings.

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What an excellent idea anon. Looking forward to an effortpost from you m80.

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>There is some truth to this, notice how right wingers are either IQ120+ or various lower IQ working class people. The former being too smart to accept the clown world, for the latter it's negative effects being too obvious.

I've noticed this too and I am in Europe.

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>I’m actually slightly worried we may have problems if I don’t rent to at least one nigger or mexi,

That should be easy to get around if you have renters that are redpilled. Just ask some of them to claim that they are hispanic or native american or whatever. I dont understand why white americans treat this affirmative action system honestly, if america had been populated by eastern europeans 100% of the population would be non-white on paper.

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This bot has malfunctioned.

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>jews try to pin him as jew after world chess championship

>wikijews try to pin him as jew in current year

hmm, really activates the almonds

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>athletic competition and physical fitness bad

you guys were either the uncool bullied beta males growing up or you're jews that don't want the white man in peak physical condition. there's objectively no other possibilities.

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>Guys like you sperg out to people you really don't know and at inappropriate times. That's why it doesn't work. You go full 1488 from the start and sound like a mental patient. A person mildly interested asks a question about something you said and you can't answer them, because like a libtard npc, you're just repeating shit you hear and adopted because you like how it sounded.

This statement is correct, though.

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Will never start again for Haiti and all of africa.

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I think you're right in some cases. But its not so much a question of wealth or class. My parents are upper middle class whites who liked Clinton for a while and Obama for a while. The more they saw nothing change, and the more I slowly red-pilled them, now they are fully red-pilled. BUT, my dads a doctor and mother is intelligent, and they weren't raised on TV. An open mind, and asking the right questions is important when red-pilling. For example. When has government ever done its best for the people. Apart from maybe 3 examples. When has the American government in the last 50 years followed through on a major promise or have the parties disagreed on anything major? Why has Israel never been discussed, let alone held accountable for its many war crimes, its extortion by pedo ops, its interference in the politics of countless nations. Why did WW1 completely swing from Germany offering peace and on the verge of owning all of Europe and Britain to the Jewish owned media in every participating country including the USA and Germany turn on Germany. Why do the Jewish people own the media everywhere, and why can't we talk about it? Many easy redpills. Just start slow, like you aren;t racist, just progressive and open minded, and always striving for fairness. Demand CNN, FOX, CBS NBC ABC hire an exact proportion of every race.

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>Day of the RAKE

What is this?

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>most of them probably don't pay attention to the news of some migrant killing or raping a child, as they are too caught up in their video games or their movies/tv shows to notice.

Assuming that the rapes and murders ever make it to the local news.

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Since Canadians are referred to as Leafs, the Day of the Rake is a humorous comeuppance of Canadian race traitors. Someone had a great maple leaf with a face on it for that, really funny.

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Yes, group psychology is the key. Read the works of (((Bernays))), (((Lippman))) and Gustav Le Bon to get a really good primer on how it comes together.

In a nutshell, normies are blasted with too much day to day info to process. They have to defer to cognitive and group biases just to function.

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