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File: e904ef888cad9b3⋯.jpg (34.58 KB,740x493,740:493,102344602-94286755.jpg)

 No.13549866 [View All]

>> Procter & Gamble’s write-down of its struggling Gillette brand, executives expressed confidence about the future of the shaving business.

P&G reported an impairment charge of $8.0 billion in the fiscal fourth quarter, resulting in a net loss of $5.24 billion. The one-time, noncash charge was to adjust the carrying values of Gillette’s goodwill and intangible assets.

These fuckers deserve this and more. Suck product. Suck company.



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lol. shaveniggers actually have their own shill bots.

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Glad to hear that. Too bad every time they take a financial hit for shit like this (((someone))) ends up bailing them out. So in the end, it's not about losing money. They print that shit on demand. It's about creating a norm.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MyPillow is a pillow brand.

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>not just stuffing your own pillow with duck feather

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Yeah it's a TRS meme.

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A lot of times going """woke""" is in response to slowing sales. They figure if they go woke, that section of society will become more avid consumers of their product since fags and their orbiters are naturally the biggest consumers. Sales will still slump but they hope to maintain a stronger, more loyal consumer base. Presumably this is what Swift did after her last album slumped.

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>hav segs inzel

>lose $5.2 billion

fucking nazis did it again!

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Double edge razor and alum block especially in the beginning when you will most likely fuck up a lot. Youtube is your friend. Proraso brand (Italian) aftershave products are pretty good. Enjoy a close comfortable kike-free shave, faggots.

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It sounds like psychological illness and trying to preserve the dead.

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le based kike enoch memes

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>>13549988 (checked)

I use a trimmer to shave and it gets me by fine, when I have a function or important meeting or something, then maybe I use a razor, but it is the same razor that I've had for years.

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It's not a bad idea from a business point of view.

If you have a dying brand/product then you have three choices:

The first and most preferable choice is to identify and rectify what has caused it to begin its decline.

But this choice isn't available in the majority of cases as there's simply no way around the problem or the means to deal with it are beyond the company. For Gillette the best outcome would be some manner of government mandate for men to shave. But they could never pull it off.

So you're left with two other options most of the time.

Option 1: Let it die. Not exactly preferable both because you have all this equipment and infrastructure relating to the brand/product which won't be easily repurposed most of the time.

Plus it may be a key product in your company profitability.

Option 2: Go woke. As the prior anon mentioned the hope here is to obtain a smaller but much more active consumer base who will consistently purchase your products.

To some extent this could be considered brand/product life support and in the eyes of most businesses who pursue it is a temporary measure trying to wait out a trend that has caused them to enter this downturn.

In the case of Gillette this would be trying to wait out the modern western trend for beards.

A basic reasoning of it is that you need to keep your product on shelves. So that when the trend passes and people start consuming this product category in large numbers again your product is there ready to be picked up and purchased.

If your product is pulled from shelves due to never selling, you can't pull that off.

So courting a smaller but more consistent and aggressive purchasing bloc during this downturn isn't the bad move many often initially believe it to be.

Problem is pulling it off successfully. That is the tricky part.

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>P&G reported an impairment charge of $8.0 billion in the fiscal fourth quarter, resulting in a net loss of $5.24 billion

Good. Next steps is to spread awareness of other P&G products and remind everyone this corporation is hostile so long that they bend the knee, apologise, and fire their entire marketing department and CEO.

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And next steps after that happens is to do serious campaigning against everyone who worked at P&G maketing so that they will never ever be hired anywhere else in their life and harass them to suicide.

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Dorco blades made in S Korea. Cheap, good. Razor holder, futur, made in germany. You can get a chinese clone of the futur off ebay cheap though.

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Feather is the one that doesn't pull for me.

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>honoring a brother war

how about not, shithead.

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Personna blades are Made in USA. On the cheaper end, too.

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But are they made by white people?

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Uh, that's only a portion of their production. They also have plants in Germany, Israel, Czech Republic, and Mexico. Their packaging is made in Brazil, Mexico, and China.


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>My theory is that multinationals only put a woman or an ethnic in charge of a dying brand.

I agree. Also consider that the best marketers have a lot of options. Why would a great marketer take on a dying brand?

So you get the B-team, largely women and ethnics, who understand the form of marketing but not the substance. How can a woman understand marketing? A woman can only think of herself, while a marketer thinks from the customer's viewpoint.

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Made in USA doesn't mean shit when it's shitskins making them.

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>We made growing huge ugly beards acceptable so that it would be easier to import hairy barbarian mudshits! All it cost us was one of our puppet (((corporations)))


>Nope, they are stupid fucks who still think money is real and not just toilet paper we print in our federal synagogues

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>Gillette’s goodwill and intangible assets.

This kind of shit is why corporate accounting is complete bullshit.

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I don't feel sorry for them, in their current incarnation as just another P&G brand; but it's a shame that renowned names that were the effort of hardworking men in the past disappear. Sometimes they disappear entirely and other times they become zombie labels, as the front for a foreign corporation's entry into the Western market.

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Kikes and mental illness, everyone. This guy just had a full conversation with himself.

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Look at the bigot shaming communication fluid individuals of non binary typographic linguistic disruptive identity!

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Why do you want them to stop?

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>he's ashamed of his beard because he looks like a raghead with it

That's bad genetics, anon.

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I just trim my beard because who cares? A man shouldn't give a shit about his facial hair, that's a womanly attitude

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>Hairy barbarian mudshits

Nigger white people have always had facial hair too you dumb nigger

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> I use… Wilkinson Sword

>>amazon dot com/dp/B00K8RFS48

<a Gillette brand, heh…

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Proctor and Gamble Execs sold $3.15m in shares-July 31

Logo Procter & Gamble Company

Procter & Gamble Company is one of the world's leaders in producing and selling consumer products. Net sales break down by family of products as follows:

- care and hygiene products (38.8%): oral hygiene products (toothpastes, toothbrushes, mouthwashes, etc.; Crest, Oral-B, Scope brands, etc.), pharmaceutical products (Vicks and Prilosec), toilet training pants (Pampers), toilet papers (Charmin), paper towels (Bounty), feminine protection products (Always and Tampax), etc.;

- home care and laundry products (32.1%): dishwashing liquids, detergents, stain removers, fabric softeners, deodorizers, bleaches, etc. (Ariel, Downy, Dash, Tide, Bonux, Mr Propre, Swiffer, Febreze, Ace, etc.);

- beauty products (18.6%): hair care products (shampoos, colorings, and cream rinses; brands Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essences, Wella and Koleston), body care (soaps, shower gels, deodorants, etc.; Camay, Zest, Secret, Old Spice), cosmetics (make-up and facial care; Max Facto, Covergirl and Olay), and perfumes (Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Escada);

- shaving products (9.8%): blades, razors, batteries, etc. (Gillette, Mach3, Braun and Fusion brands);

- other (0.7%).

Number of employees : 92 000 people.


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More and more muslim and jew converts = less shaving

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Guy looks like a pedo. And probably is.

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>You will note the stock is UP today, not down.

Jewish accounting tricks.

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Please, stop. I can only get so erect.

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>make inflammatory anti-male comments to virtue signal according to your masters' wishes, pushing propaganda you would gladly pay for

>sell millions in stock

>stock tanks

>buy back stock on the cheap

>stock recovers

Jewish accounting tricks.

Is there really any greater jewery than (((speculation)))?

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Oh, shit, those power dykes produce Crest? I used that all my life up until this moment.

Looks like Bounty's off the list of stuff to ever consider buying again, also.

Thanks for the information. I quit buying their razors shortly after their Be A Bold Faggot ad campaign. I wish they would have mentioned ALL their brands in the Push To a NAMBLA Future advertising.

Oh, shit, Tide, also. Time to find ANY brand other than that next time it's time to get some detergent.

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Ive been shaving my nieces peachfuzz vaginal with a phillips/norelco. Its much better for the environment but not as close as a shaver.

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Coconut oil. I'll check those dubs tho.

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Lot more people switching to dollar shave club/harry's or just using straight and safety razors.

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fucking amazon

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you can make anything work as long as your ripped. keep lifting

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>anyone who doesn't clean shave dishonors all the dead of ww1.

Good. Half of them were on the wrong fucking side anyway.

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https://www.dorcousa.com/ razors are way better then shitty Gillette anyways and cheaper. Sign up for the email newsletter they give 35-50% off all the time.

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Bump for our new friends browsing here. Boycotts work.

BTW, I'm enjoying the Barbasol razors that I purchased in response to Gillette's shitty ad.

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>This is probably the biggest influence. Even though the boycott is probably doing some damage, it's not likely the biggest deal.

But understand that when people see a product do shit like that they don't just stop shaving, they look for alternatives. And maybe they didn't realize how much money they were spending until they started looking.

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>lower shave frequency

It sure was a miracle when mens hair stopped growing as fast all of a sudden, I hope they figure out what caused it someday :^)

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