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 No.13549240 [View All]

Based Thiel attacks (((Google))), (((Universities))) and (((Bankers)))

With billions in his pockets and direct access to the Orange Man, Thiel's high IQ is becoming a problem for (((them))).

How long before the brakes mysteriously go out on Thiel's car?

17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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You're dodging the question a lot. I knew you where a homosexual jew with aids. It all makes sense.

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these two are clearly in a homosexual relationship. i hope you are married, trump 2020

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I asked if you had aids you jew. Yes or no. I know jews are dumber than niggers but you're really not fooling anyone.

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Do you have aids jew-kun?

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we had them, they were called trump rallies. another kike traitor

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a115a3 is a mod. Enjoy this deleting your posts.

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I knew it.

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he says with his stolen half-assed kosher ideology.

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File: 5b0ae45210eb079⋯.jpg (437.53 KB,1920x864,20:9,107cb98cf6141d8142be689522….jpg)


I'm always baffled by these supposed high-IQ billionaire 'genuises'. Anyone with a lick of common sense would understand that you can't reform the system peacefully, or from the inside. It's too rotten, and the inertia is too strong.

Which leaves 2 choices:

(1) violent revolution

(2) peaceful secession

Revolution is a problem to pull off successfully unless it's grassroots and supported by at least 10% of the population. I'm not saying it's impossible, but there's too many wildcards and variables for anyone to steer with a semblance of certainty (despite what the arrogant faggots in power think about their ability to do so).

Secession is tricky because no one nation will willingly give up its clay, or allow a burgeoning 'racist' enclave to spring up. But an arcology? Ah… Cloaked in the veneer of utopianism, masked under scientific progressivism, and guarded by the best PR money can buy, an arcology welcoming only scientists and the ultra-capable would have liberals salivating to get in. Tweak the entry exams to fail anyone with less than 130 IQ and lilly-white skin, and there you go…

I'm pretty sure Putin or any other piddling dictator would welcome a 300k+ city of super-smart white sceintists. A modern-day version of a voluntarily-enacted Project Paperclip, but with self-autonomy and business/trade deals with the country that gives the arcology clay and military protection. Imagine what an entire city of white geniuses could accomplish… Cures for cancer, new energy tech, meta-materials, nano-fabrication, life extension… the list is endless. All of it sold on the global market, with a share of the profits paid directly to the umbrella nation covering the arcology's ass.

Imagine having about 1/5th the GDP of California in your back yard. Industry titans like Bell Labs, Microsoft, Xerox, and others were all started, staffed, and ran by a few hundred white minds - just imagine what an army of thousands could do! Any country not ruled by completed idiots would jump at the opportunity to grant space and protection to the smartest people in the West.

And attracting the talent would be piss-easy. Just wrap the city's aesthetics in neo-futurism, while blending propaganda pics with 50s traditionalism. Any warm-blooded white male with a working dick would sell himself into slavery to have a chance of getting in! Obviously the living conditions would have to be enticing and reward cerebral effort, but whites never had a problem with building thriving societies.

Meanwhile, Thiel is jacking his cock off to reformatist fantasies while buddying up with cretins and scammers like Elon 'My Batteries Are 0.0005% More Efficient!' Musk.

Tards, the lot of them.

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>Trump told you Stormfags to fuck off.

just fuck off, kike. i'm bored now.

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Notice how he stops replying and starts cleaning up the spam he left up to maintain plausible deniability as soon as I call him out

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It did not go unnoticed.

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I'm capping it all and reporting him to the jidf

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Isn't it nice to have a leftist jew as a mod that's approved by the site owner?

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Yes, you did.

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He's burning the evidence like a typical jew

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cowardly rabbits

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>violent revolution

You mean the violent revolution that would lead to WW3 and cause the production of a world state government according to game theory?

please name a single peaceful secession in recent history.

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That's the way it seems like as time has moved forward since 2016. What really was happening was the jews prior were working together until world domination was guaranteed. Now the factions that made it happen are simply fighting over who rules in a winner take all struggle. End of the day we get fucked.


He's a hyper flaming faggot and borderline corporate globalist just less butt fucking than the current globalist regime. Literally nothing special about him other than stating the obvious really. Not even specific just generic boomer tier terminology which is a dog whistle at best.

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Hey ma! Look at me I finally learned how to red text on the 8channels in a completely abused way that doesn't expose me as a shill faggot.

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>mod spergs then deletes posts

Is kikey back?

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File: 311453159ec4588⋯.jpeg (85.29 KB,974x846,487:423,tidf.jpeg)


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Oy vey censor every post I don't like. Fuck you, I post 10x as much now.

National Conservatism does not want to be associated with cringe White Nationalists. So STFU about them censoring you when you all censor everyone else.

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They only care about keeping their tax colony afloat. The surest path to the worldwide destruction of capital, to autarky, to the end of israel, is White revolutionary violence.

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Nigger, Thiel destroyed the newspaper that outed him as gay. He is a traditional closet gay who wanted no one to know his private life.

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>traditional closet gay

The absolute state of American capital.

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Anon, end of the day we kill all jews.

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>no quotes

>no webm

>shit OP













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>Listening to literal spooks

Op… Wtf are you doing?

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There's an embedded video, Moishe.

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File: e15deac6f462ae5⋯.jpg (139.28 KB,640x480,4:3,cremation_of_care.jpg)


>guize, Thiel is based, this totally isn't astroturf!


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>embedded video



not realizing why you're the kike for saying this


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File: f696a7c13833b95⋯.jpg (217.95 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Peter Thiel.jpg)

Can someone make a list of all the pros and cons of Thiel? Some of the things he says I completely agree with, but I've reached the point where I don't trust anyone and I put little value in words. Where's a list of all the things he's actually done, a list of projects he invest into, etc?

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His involvement with Bilderberg is all you should need to know.

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>Bilderberg is just rich guys hanging out


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>le downboat

There aren't any better threads out right now.

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>Bilderberg is just a hangout

Go home JIDF.

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op is a trumpnigger

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<whites no longer care about morality

We no longer care about (((Christcucked))) universalist (((morality))), that much is true. Fuck kikes, niggers, spics, and race traitors.

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theyre trying to keep people in pivot while they get complete node control. its close. id say 2020 the USA will be lost until you take it back

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>islamic shit-skin thinks he blends in on /pol/

Just because people here don't like jews it doesn't mean you inbred shit-skins were invited to join us. Get the fuck out.

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This shit sounds like it was thought up by some hut-dwelling genetic primitive somewhere in a desolate post-war shit-hole in the middle east.

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File: cce9de7b5fbe06e⋯.png (486.04 KB,605x734,605:734,National Cohenservatism.png)


>Media coverage of Hazony in the United States has tended to refer to him simply as an “Israeli political philosopher,” but the label doesn’t really do justice to his interesting and highly illustrative career. Born in Israel in 1964, but raised and educated in the United States, he described being “mesmerized” by an encounter as a Princeton undergraduate with the ultranationalist Rabbi Meir Kahane, a few years before Kahane’s party was banned in Israel for anti-Arab racism. Going on to earn a doctorate in political theory, Hazony chose not to pursue an academic career, instead moving to Israel with Princeton friends to found the Shalem Center, an American-style think tank based in Jerusalem. Hazony was an early member of Benjamin Netanyahu’s inner circle, and Shalem would remain closely aligned with the Likud Party. It would also serve as a nexus for the Israeli and American right; funding came from American billionaires like Ronald Lauder and Sheldon Adelson, while the roster of fellows tended to feature Israeli political figures who played well inside the Beltway. Hazony and others in the Shalem leadership spent the 1990s living in Eli, an Israeli settlement deep in the West Bank, until security concerns following the Second Intifada convinced them to relocate to East Jerusalem.


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File: 9204fa4dbd7a218⋯.png (116.07 KB,619x611,619:611,sad.png)


Imagine having a brain this small. Thiel is also on the board of Facebook. Do you think he likes Facebook or its policies? No, he is keeping an eye on them.

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>4D chess

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File: bb8a049c8325e93⋯.jpg (89.3 KB,960x624,20:13,basedthielbasedHH.jpg)


>4D chess

If anyone is playing 4D chess, it's him. Thiel is literally a chess master. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel#Chess

He's smart enough to have made early bets on Facebook, Paypal, DeepMind, etc. He is basically the only person in silicon valley to back Trump. He literally took down (((Gawker))). Have some fucking respect, brainlet.

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Reminder that Thiel, is a semen, swallowing poop dick. He literally takes it up the ass from a nigger than eats his own shit. OP never had a daddy what with his mother being a whore, so this is what passes for a father figure to him.

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