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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: e3014cd37f86574⋯.png (2.28 MB,1453x1388,1453:1388,1_BHO_PDF.png)

File: d11121d10b60ccb⋯.png (2.17 MB,1280x1398,640:699,2_BHO_Illustrator_Entire.png)

File: 290f150cf868773⋯.png (2.25 MB,1280x1399,1280:1399,3_BHO_Illustrator_Bottom_L….png)

File: 4ae20c01fbe8ff3⋯.png (124.45 KB,1280x1398,640:699,4_BHO_Illustrator_Text_Lay….png)

File: 5c7847c0ead2da2⋯.png (39.51 KB,399x615,133:205,6_BHO_Info.png)


After much speculation and rumors, Barack Hussein Obama released his “Long Form” birth certificate on April 27, 2011. The Main Stream Media (MSM) heralded the release.

On the day of it’s release I downloaded the file from the White House website. I clicked on the file and it opened as expected in Adobe Acrobat (the programme for PDF files).

I am an artist, so I have all of the Adobe products, including Illustrator. I knew that a PDF could also be opened in Illustrator, so I tried. Immediately I noticed something amiss. There were layers in the file and clipping paths. That would not happen if the original birth certificate was simply scanned, it would be one only one layer with everything on that one layer and no clipping paths. (You have to create clipping paths in the Illustrator programme.)

Conclusion: The file is a creation, it is not an original birth certificate. It was probably manufactured in both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator before being saved off as a PDF.

If you compare my images side-by-side of the file opened in Acrobat to the file opened in Illustrator, you can easily see that some of the text is missing. This only enhances my assertion that the birth certificate is a fake.

I have included a screenshot of the Apple iMac Info panel open. It shows the original creation date and notice the Version number of 1.3. Interesting, why would there need to be a version higher than 1?

The file is still available out there on the internet if you look for it, at least at the moment of this writing. You better move fast if you want to download it, I predict that it will become hard to find now.

Speculation: Did the person or persons creating this file intentionally leave it this way so that the treachery would be discovered? I think so.

I will leave it up to you to figure out the ramifications of my discovery.

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Kill yourself nigger.

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all that effort for such a shit thread.

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File: 5377f352d28c18f⋯.png (11.9 KB,312x295,312:295,slowpoke.png)

You're a few years late on this one.

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File: 09bb2f112d813c3⋯.jpg (10.1 KB,248x255,248:255,09bb2f112d813c3f5904b89904….jpg)

Top Researchings. Make dogumentry about you going to Washington, knocking on his door, showing a clipboard detailing your concerns and his thru the roof reacts. Title "Soetoro & Me", just like Mega More.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nice job you are two years late to the party

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Did you find out about wooden doors yet OP? I don't even know boomers who still give a fuck about that 'obummer birf sertificut' anymore, jfc.

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File: 28c79c7fb9a80e3⋯.jpg (143.27 KB,1118x737,1118:737,jew black.jpg)

The Kenyan interloper is (((their))) nigger.

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File: 90124327e35cc96⋯.gif (1.23 MB,1936x2532,484:633,obama birt sert.gif)


Anon, Sheriff Joe literally had a Fox special with 60 points of forgery. We know this, but it's branded as "birtherism," and talking to shills >>13549241 >>13549380 and normalniggers is like a brick wall.


see this


>just forget that a usurper was president when we can undo every act he ever did (including trillions in odious debt)

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It's been longer than a few years niggers. Remember, goyim–you're birther neonazi hollacouast deniahs for even noticing!

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<forensically proven a fraud by that one guy Trump pardoned years ago now

Tell us something new glowape

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Congratulations, you are the first person in 8 years to figure this out. Sage for an absolutely autistic thread.

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bump because people forget and media memory holes shit and revises history constantly.

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him spinning around with an erection poking out of his pants on an airplane in front of staff is crazier, less well know and way more obvious though.

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Nice try, spiccy. You glow.

/pol/ is a board of peace and we don't go full schizo on our presidents.

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You are most likely correct in your conclusions. Unfortunately without a smoking gun beyond a technical analysis that only an expert can follow the public will not take this seriously. The implications are just too big.

Now if could find other outside supporting evidence to show it was a forgery such an Obama loyalist who made it spilling the beans then we might have something. Until then we got nothing. Nobody cares and the country is worse off for it because Obama was president for 8 years and his entire presidency was illegitimate. The rule of law is dead.

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Suitable for framing.

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