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 No.13547386 [View All]

Bernier reveals power level

Initially his promises were very lite. He merely wanted to reduce the current immigration levels of 400,000 per year to a reasonable 350,000. Finally we're done with this nonsense. he's dialed that bullshit back to 100,000 per year and is also emphasizing cutting back on refugee BS / family uniting BS so that of the much lower immigration numbers, much more of them will be wealthy and not welfare state leeches.

Not only that but he's promising some border fences. TBH, IDGAF about that but it's pretty and good signaling. If anything, seeing him elected in 2019 and getting better progress on the wall than Trump might encourage him to hurry things along to save face.




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They'd build the fence purely to keep white people out and they'd let all the shitskins have instant citizenship.

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>dark hair

>dark eyes

She looks like a generic med. Nothing special.

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Not only slackers, but they end up morbidly unhappy and socially destructive. Childbirth and nurturing is their route to self-actuation. Women with one, two and three kids never make it. In ancestry records, there are numerous instances of women commonly having at least six to eight children, some two or three times as many. We need the tradition of coverture, bride price, dowry and 4rth cousin marriage back. Otherwise, no matter what these wahmen are saying, doing, protesting or competing with they will never be happy in any meaningful sense.

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>Are you pissed enough to completely wipe out the invaders and (((foreigners))) to the last person?

I am. I'm from Ontario and I would have no second thoughts about it at all.

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Cuckold or coward. You can't even anonymously talk shit on an imageboard you're that much of a useless sack of shit.

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Helpful civic advice, anon.

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What we need to do is assemble enough armed and fanatical men to demand they all leave that they realize they ought to fuck off and leave the country. Then it's just a matter of killing the ones that are dumb enough not to fuck off.

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>at least on 4cuck /pol/ they are all Jordan Peterson-tier.

So a bunch of cuckolds and controlled opposition then?

>They are even cucks on /pol

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens faggot.

>There has been no action in the canacuck land from what I have noticed and nobody even thinks about fighting back

Come join me I'm fighting back and so are a number of other people in my area.

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Trips of terrible purpose.

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What do you think political power is?

If you have a business, you have political power. If you have a voice and time to use it, you have political power. If you own a printer, you have political power.

Get influential my fellow /pol/ack.

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She's no serious loss as far as I'm concerned. It's the blond and red haired nordic goddesses with green or blue or (anything but brown/black) eyes whose loss really saddens me.

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Man I'm going to email these around.

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If that's too blunt, spread this around so they can listen to the venom with which the Jewish professor refers to "white" people.


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You know, I realize it's (((government))) and all controlled opposition but I'd love it if Bernier won and went Doug Ford on the place. Badly needs it.

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>just a plant to reduce the threat of the conservative party against the liberals

He's taking on the Saputo dairy empire, that means he's either incredibly stupid or he has an arrangement and it's kayfabe


t. Italians have my respect, other gangs not so much

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That second one, was he in McQ?

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There a lot of rapefugees that land in the USA and then cross into Canada for better benefits

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>New, improved pancake batter!

>Now with only 100,000 flecks of shit!

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Fuck that. We're running out of time. We either need Super-Trudeau-Cuckolding-On-Steroids or a genuine NatSoc party like Travis Patron appears to be.

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I just joined the party.

All leafs on this board sign up!

Get your friends to sign up! The party is still small / new enough that you can make a difference!

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This. Best option for 2019.

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progessive conservatives

new democrats

three party government, this man won't win his seat, let alone his party win any type of majority in the house. nice larp thread though

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Canadians are not lost.

All it will take is one event to shake many out of their leftist miasma .

The media is fucking terrible though . .Canadian shows are leftist propaganda and then most normies get even more from the American MSM/Netflix etc.

We're nice until we're not nice. It only takes a few% of the population.

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Where are the Canadian news/media propaganda outlets physically located? I've tried to locate them before but only found stuff in New York City and some other places. Apparently CNN doesn't mean Canadian News Network but Cable News Network and it's based in America. So what are the Canadian places where these are located?

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Fuck that. I'm trying to get in contact (they haven't answered my emails yet) with the Canadian Nationalist Party and want to donate to them and help them. Look at Nationalist.ca it's exactly what we need. Not this cucked shit.

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This French fag isn't doing shit besides making big promises for votes. Yeah, vote for him as he's better than cuck boy trudeau, but don't expect anything. 350k is now, 'reasonable' when it used to be half that for twenty years.

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Global TV is in Vancouver, BC, next to the Vancouver Public Library. Its the hideously ugly concrete building done in Brutalist style with the running marquee of headlines

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No that's a Quebec blend of Breton French with a streak of Huron or Iroquos blood.

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He's talking about 1 fence in one spot in Quebec where a 20m grass patch separates Canada and the US and that has become refugee from the US central.

He has no chance of getting elected anyway so his platform matters even less than the Green Party platform. Unfortunately he may sap enough votes from the Conservatives that the Liberals may get reelected.

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>Canadian Nationalist Part

They were unable to obtain the 250 signatures from eligible voters required to register as a political party. Elections Canada even gave them an extension and they still couldn't find 250 Canadians to sign up.

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>three party government

The Greens have been polling well and the NDP poorly. It's possible the Greens may get enough seats to act as the swing votes if we get a close minority government. Plus there is the Bloc which holds 10 seats now if memory serves. So we are kind of a 5ish party system :)

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>went Doug Ford on the place.

Doug ran as a conservative but he sure isn't governing as one. The overall deficit and overall spending both went UP under Doug. Even in areas like education where people are whining about the changes he made he still INCREASED the budgets. There is no way he will meet his promise to eliminate the deficit in his first term.

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>So what are the Canadian places where these are located?

They are located all over the country. We don't have a central hub for TV stations lol

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This whole migration business still feels like a special case of “human governments don’t know how to help each other.”. If integrating migrants is so notably challenging, why can’t we do more for people at their origins?

I’m gonna keep mentioning biome factories for a while, because I think we could construct a more pleasant equator. A lot of the jobs people travel for are low-skilled: we should be able to create those. Besides, I think we need more layers of real capital around bioprocessing endeavors. Imagine, someday we might be able to grow solar panels by engineering photosynthetic meat moss!

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I doubt they went any further West than Toronto, but that is pretty lame, indeed.

But, Canada is pretty lame, indeed. Or, it was just a fake psyop, a pressure relief/then defeat valve. I find it hard to imagine they didn't get 250 signatures across the whole country.

Did they not advertise? Say anything to anyone? Has anyone in Canada even heard of them?

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That's how every conservative governs.

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I went to school with a campbell, he was alright but a crypto jew essentially

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How does an American illegally immigrate to Canada and stay? If you kneecap some mounties, will that help?

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Glad to seeing somebody calling this zog bitch out at the top. Bernier is going to be shilled relentlessly and is going to ride the coattails of the increasing nationalism movement like the zognald successfully had and like the zognald do everything in his power per his kike boss’s commands to shift the Overton window more to the left with civic nationalism. While at the same time cause infighting between leftists and rightists as to keep the kikes off the spotlight and able to safely continue their new world order kalergi plan agenda as fast as possible without waking up the goyim until it’s too late.

During the next meme war we have to counter everything that isn’t explicitly calling out Jews and their role in everything terrible within our society and everything that they plan for us in the future.

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How 'bout this Campbell.


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>Kike candidate A is better the Kike candidate B or C

If you still truly believe that there is advantage to our people in anyways if we get a particular puppet in office over another you are a complete NPC retard beyond saving.

No matter what everything is always done in accordance to Jewish supremacy so long as they own this Earth.


The only option we have left st this point is violence. We have to simply take out all enemies and traitors. Fuck all optics. The herds will always follow the strong.

Read “Might Is Right” by Ragnard Redbeard. It’s a good book for de-cuckification.

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>We will reduce immigration levels, from 350,000 each year under the Liberals, to between 100,000 and 150,000.

>We will focus on skilled immigrants who bring economic benefits to Canada.

>We will limit the number of immigrants accepted under the family reunification program, including abolishing the program for parents and grand-parents.

>We will accept fewer refugees and focus on persecuted minorities.

>We will declare the whole border an official port of entry and send back to the US anyone trying to enter illegally.

>We will repeal the Multiculturalism Act and eliminate all funding to promote multiculturalism.

>We will emphasize the integration of immigrants into Canadian society.

>We will only accept immigrants who share fundamental Canadian values.

>We will make birth tourism illegal.

>We will take Canada out of the UN’s Global Compact for Migration.

>Our immigration laws will be made in Canada, for the interest of Canadians.

I love his newsletter.

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hey Rabbi, he tweeted that over 11 months ago


The point of this thread is that he's avoided the politically-correct posturing (merely 300,000 cap, "just doing this to prevent a race war") and become more extreme (150k cap, signalling desire for 100k, doing it for Canadians).

I realize the concern that Bernier/Trump are just pressure release valves, but whether or not they are genuine or their policies are extreme enough, putting people like that in power, giving them a voice, shifts the overton window.

What other policy would you desire? Never shift the overton window… never push candidates who try to reduce immigration… push mass immigration in hopes that eventually the ever-reducing white population will wake up and win a race war?

I'm not sure that the shrinking of our race is what will wake us. It's been shrinking for decades and nothing has happened: proof that the existence of white genocide alone is not enough to cause white awakening.

What actually will cause a white awakening is our memes, is our ability to think freely. We do that by shifting the overton window, stoking conflict, by slowing the tide of immigration enough that there are actually enough whites left to win a race war.

It is a 2-front conflict: slow immigration enough until we can win the meme war. I think your hope that we won't need to fight the meme war, that we'll just automatically win it because white survival instincts will kick in, is lazy and the type of programming I expect Jews to promote in their flocks. You're hoping for some magical solution instead of the grim and bitter war many of us fight.

Bernier 1 and Trump 2 may not deliver to our expectations. My hopes are never high with any population. But even if they fuck it up, their elections still express a legitimacy of desire in a population and put the niggers and jews on notice. A failure to delivery stokes rage in the population, desire for a better candidate, one who sets even higher bars so that if they only meet 10% of their stated goals like most politicians, at least that's 10% of a higher total.

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checkout these guys as well.


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Will he, or is he just saying so. You need to make sure there are NO kike ties, and you need to look at the deeds done in the past of this man.

Deeds matter, words are nil and empty, cheaper than a whore.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>Will he, or is he just saying so

As with any poltiician, we never know, it's always a gamble. But even if he doesn't, he moves the overton window, and if he fails too hard, some upset supporter might put forth ramifications against him. If Trump doesn't manage to get a bunch of wall/deports by end of 2nd term I could see upset supporters inviting him to play minecraft. I think Trump knows that so he will deliver SOMETHING, even if it's not enough to make a decent difference.

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