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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 01178c0b9da9889⋯.jpg (90.64 KB,993x559,993:559,3,w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg)

 No.13547356 [Last50 Posts]

German Public Waterparks Overwhelmed By Aggressive Rapefugees

A group of 60 rapefugees recently staged a takeover of the public waterpark in Duesseldorf and the whole waterpark was eventually shut down.

German women state they feel unsafe after 4pm and won't go there anymore.

Shariah law and no more leaving your apartment after sundown when?


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Get your rugs out Dusseldorf. From legendary craftsman to cuck slaves.

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Nice archive link, you homo

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You can't really blame Germany for this, they've been hit the hardest in revenge for the proficiency of the Germanic people and their daring to stand against Judaic-Anglo hegemony. If Germany had been allowed to surpass England then the British people would've overthrown their own yoke. It's not too late for that future, it's just too late to undo the tragedy that was our past.

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This will repdill the germans further.

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I will believe that when they start purging their nation of the filth that has invaded it.

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This has been going on since the 90s if not the 80s with turkroaches

Nothing has been done since then as jews are extremely good at crushing organized dissent.

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Islam is going to end up turning these whores into something marriageable, the irony.

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And you're doing what faggot?

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Islam is the religion of breeding retardation into your people. The only thing islam does well is make mongrel trash out of the people of the nation…

…they also rape little boys.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe I'm just to young and in a majority non-White part of the United States but Waterparks are the most degenerate local to go to. Maybe if run by National Socialists they'd be better.

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The boil needs time to reach boiling point.

There are more white people on Earth than ever, only need about 10 millions of white to cleanse the Earth.

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>The boil needs time to reach the boiling point

<german women are harassed and raped regularly

>Just a little bit longer guys!

<german men are attacked in the streets of their own country

>We're so close to the boiling point

<german children are kidnapped and raped regularly

>Now it's time to really boil!

If cows in a slaughterhouse could speak you'd hear them talk about how they're going to put an end to this shit any day now.

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I was speaking primarily in jest.

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><german women are harassed and raped regularly

Good redpill.

><german men are attacked in the streets of their own country

Good redpill.

><german men are attacked in the streets of their own country

Good redpill.

Children and men aren't being hacked and shot on the street yet. And unlike the burgers, the germans change ATTITUDE very fast.

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>germans change ATTITUDE very fast.

Not fast enough. I have been screaming at them to wake up for YEARS and they still love their 'multicultural' fucking shitskin trash.

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Well said but I don't think the situation is hopeless just depressing.

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this is just fanaticism against immigrants. i know many immigrants, and they're great. a few immigrants do something stupid and all immigrants must go. germans do stupid things all the time, but saying germans must go is considered crazy. i'm getting so tired of this

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File: 9f321d0f5214e74⋯.jpg (34.57 KB,480x360,4:3,waterpark.jpg)

What has happened to this place?

I don’t recognize it anymore.

It used to be so fun and special.

What is life worth living for?

The dream is dead, our land is gone;

There’s a hole in my heart and I can’t go on.

There are too many minorities (minorities)

At my water park (my water park).

This was our land, our dream (our dream)

and they’ve taken it all away.

They just keep coming and coming (minorities).

I tried to go and tell the police,

But even the authorities

Are minorities

At my water park.

There’s no place for me to sit anymore,

And the lines just keep getting crazier.

There are Mexicans all around me.

The lazy river has never been lazier.

It’s a 40 minute wait to go down one slide,

And the instructions are in Spanish on the Zip Line ride!

(Guarden los brazos y piernas dentro del paseo)

Just do it in English!

There are too many minorities (too many)

At my water park (somebody do something).

Where did they all come from?

Why can’t they leave this land alone?

And it’s such a tragedy (feel a bit like dying).

We looked the other way too long.

We’ve got to change our priorities

And get all these minorities

Out of my water park

(Minorities) Mexicans and Asians,

(Black people), I think I even saw Native Americans (gross).

God I’m asking please, get all of these minorities

Out of my water park (my water park).

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The average german is more racist than ameriburgers tbqh.


Fuck off niggers, Germany isn't a country of immigrants.

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You are the disgusting genetic trash of the planet. You do not belong either on the planet or in Germany. It is your destiny to destroy everything you touch because it is encoded into your DNA.

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ur so blinded by hate. i hope you can grow up one day and see the world for how it is

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>Waterparks are the most degenerate local to go to.

Some of the most pure fun I had as a child was at the water park, in fact I still enjoy it today when taking young ones to it. Even todays zombie phone addicted youngsters still get a ethereal joy at the "pool. I can guarantee you that its clown world degeneracy if your local sucked about it.

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>changed IDs

We got a live one.

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>i hope you can grow up one day and see the world for how it is

How do you think we ended up here m8

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filthy kike. we know how the world works.

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You have a toddlers way of looking at the world.

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Spengler says 10,000.

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Well then let's do this already. I am getting very tired of this shit. Aren't you?

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In the 70’s, the two amusement parks in my metropolitan area got taken over, one by the niggers and the other by the spics. They start first by making it unsafe for whites at night. You get the security you pay for. Just like the liquor store owner who makes bank in a nigger neighborhood, then one day loses the entire inventory to looters.

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Who is funding the germanic waterparks? The public waterparks need to be close down permanently until this problem is fixed. Too many people got hurt because of this.

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waterparks are for niggers. German should prepare and slaughter the tribe.

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Germans should demand that the public waterparks to be close down permanently to save the tax money. It's a disgrace that the tax money is being spent on the public services, which is being exploited for selfish reasons.

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What can we do to help Germans? We need realistic and legal solutions to close the public waterparks down to protect the Germans. I realise this sounds demoralising but that's not my intention to make them feel bad. If they do not want the public waterparks to close down then perhaps the commercialisation of public services would be a good idea.

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>protect the Germans

We aren't even in a situation to help ourselves.

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File: 9455db24a6cde12⋯.png (53.08 KB,999x436,999:436,austria pool 10yo boy con….png)

File: 8787f8e19c69b92⋯.png (24.63 KB,647x334,647:334,german pool sluts.png)

File: d7a8e5c18cc6a61⋯.png (921.92 KB,666x1169,666:1169,german swimming toilet poo….png)

File: 8d7866d23528b01⋯.jpg (326.37 KB,640x1138,320:569,two afghan refugees waterp….jpg)


1. if no appropriate law exists, create a law

2. enforce that law

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The problem is the laws will be written by the traitors so try another solution. Sue the public services for endangering the people to bankrupt them.

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send guns. lots of guns.

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File: d4defadf3c08d9e⋯.jpeg (101.34 KB,1000x483,1000:483,F8F4D895-CA7A-4133-865B-C….jpeg)



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And I'll tell you why it happens. I was staying at a lake. There was an ageing German cat lady with her imported boyfriend. It was a sight beyond disgusting. I sat right in the middle of the common area and stared the cunt down. When a different woman tried her bullshit on me, I let her know in certain terms it wasn't on. Fucking easy shit. Wanna know what happened? Some old, fat, useless, piece of shit boomer cucks came up and started acting all friendly to the guy. Slowly his confidence picks back up. Sure I can still take the guy, and sure the younger non-cat lady girls like me better, but it's demoralizing as fuck to live with so many traitors, and these cunts would just LOVE to try it on just to feed their own pathetic sense of spite.



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Let's hope August is hot as hell too.

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i'm so glad Germany has big strong bucks willing to protect OUR sluts

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File: 12f85bb5659a223⋯.jpg (98.4 KB,1000x875,8:7,3143530228668325068.jpg)


>What can we do to help Germans?

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You do realize you could've asked for help how to turn your nation into a 1st world nation right?

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i'm pretty sure it's the same retard from the tarrant thread

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Part of the plan.

Germany is in recession, where an economic collapse is imminent.

Brexit has betrayed Germany, and as before, the Bongs have the upper hand.

War is the only way that Europe can be united, and we are getting there.

Once we have pushed all relevant countries to the very edge then the people will rise up. When this stage is completed, the main architects of all this will then swoop in with their already preplanned solution, and then United States of Europe will be born.

This is when the real suffering begins……….

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Buy more German cars and other products.

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>as before, the Bongs have the upper hand.

utterly delusional

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File: 3ee2047d8dc379c⋯.png (648.14 KB,654x708,109:118,Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at ….png)

File: b837c35bcb302b5⋯.jpg (131.19 KB,700x700,1:1,351500.jpg)

File: 86fc2bedf02d19b⋯.jpg (160.46 KB,1200x1200,1:1,bosch-1191vsrk-1.jpg)

File: 957fcfe50a03500⋯.jpg (44.18 KB,1146x724,573:362,brand-store-fein-multitool.jpg)


>Buy more German cars and other products.

They are expensive but Nazis still make the best damn shit in the world bar none.

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File: 434a6a9b4358d99⋯.webm (6.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,Eric Cartman Song Minorit….webm)

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Ah, you beat me to it, you nigger! Good job.

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Media propaganda is a more powerful weapon than violence. Cameras trump bullets. It's difficult to grasp, because so much of our perception of reality is shaped by our media, which obviously doesn't want to give away it's own secrets so it portrays gun violence as the supreme power in society.

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I buy german vidya games mainly.

Battle Brothers, Gothic, the Surge. They are nice game developers.

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Tarrant shooting muslims is great propaganda and gives people back the GREAT WHITE HOPE.

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Very true, which is why the authorities are handing down prison sentences for possessing or distributing it. Believe it or not, the C-ville tiki torch march was unbelievably good propaganda, which is why the kikes had to stage the subsequent compromised rally in order to force it out of the public's memory (and Google's search results).

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Kikes are scared of one thing and one thing only: white getting organized.

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It's more complex than that, because once whites start getting organized, it's already over for them. That's why they focus so much on symbols, imagery, and themes - and the tiki torch march had a perfect mix of all three. By far the most powerful images to come out of that were the physically attractive man and woman holding the torch, lit only by it's flame, captured in the middle of an open mouth chant. Even here or on cuckchan, you will only see the photos of the weak manlet betas screaming like children holding torches, never the chad ubermensch and his mate. Those pictures are the most frightening thing that glowniggers had seen in a generation, but we here just thought it was normal and nice.

An unfortunate side effect of autism is the inability to be affected emotionally by images (in certain ways), so many here may have missed the profound impact of those images could have on the average person who had never heard of /pol/, and was on the fence about the whole immigration matter.

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Don't buy German cars at least in America, German automobile companies are manufactured in Latin America

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File: 1aa2883e0ed8728⋯.png (271.06 KB,528x588,44:49,bongarrst.png)


White Hope?

pic related


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We’ve been having exactly the same problem in Belgium for years and nothing is being done about it.

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>my personal experiece can be used as benchmark for the general situation

what a brainlet

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I'd like to see these pics

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Shit the fucking Germans are so cucked that they take their children there to watch them get fucked by the invaders. Most of what is left there aren't even German anymore just the result of Slavic rape babies. The whole country should just fucking kill itself now, just like the fucking Anglos.

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File: 750b8583985bc16⋯.jpg (259.8 KB,765x1024,765:1024,1559827478270.jpg)


another mutt, how surprising

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No they don't, it is faked by (((media))).

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>We’ve been having exactly the same problem in Belgium for years and nothing is being done about it.

You shouldn't expect a broken system to fix itself.

This system isn't broken though, it's doing exactly what it's meant to.

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File: 7f02f148b9a7e24⋯.jpg (71.99 KB,727x506,727:506,long live killdozer.jpg)



>a few immigrants do something stupid

It is systematic, the violence is aimed mostly at Germans or hated minorities like kurds and the participants aren't a few but many, most of the time arabs/turks and sometime niggers. In terms you understand, they practice fascism against a populace, which was mental castrated and can't repel them because of discouragement from MSM propaganda. It's the same with bulling or mobbing, if you don't fight back, then the number of attackers will increase. North Rhine Westphalia is overrun with immigrants from the middle east and aperica. I know you will not believe me but I lived and interacted most of my life with them and wondered why the antagonism against Germans, why the false smiles and eyes full of contempt, why did I feel like a foreign object in their midst I was so blue pilled. You point at me and scream fascist but you are defending literal fascist, don't get me wrong I'm a fascist but I became one after I lived with foreign fascist who occupy the land of my ancestors and who see us as people who will be conquered by them.

t. German Anon



A nigger from Eritrea pushed a mother and her 8 year old son in front of a train, boy dies. The nigger tried to push a granny too, she survived. A kosovo albanian muzel pushed a 34 year old mother in front of a train, dead. Last month two boys had been pushed by turks in front of a train, dead. Between the victims and the perpetrators were no conections. The number of this incidents raises.


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File: a18556ed96b6f34⋯.png (407.72 KB,500x332,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)


Count the Blondes at Santa Monica Beach…


Coming to EU, but instead of Hispanics…

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Oh and I forgot to mention that all this happened only in North Rhine Westphalia.

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Poor German anon.

Been happening here for almost a hundred years now.

It's going to be hard for a non-theistic, family based folk that worship the rule of law and competitive excellence to accept their new neighbors.

Not much to worry about though; ya'll still living in the horror of the Holocaust.

Too afraid the mudslimes will make another scary word and put "German" in front of it to do anything. So just put up with it and be polite while they rape your women.

(Actually hoping our people start WW3 soon before it gets worse)

Once is none and three is perfect.

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>The problem is the laws will be written by the traitors so try another solution

Seriously underrated post anon.

>the laws are always written by traitors.

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They all seem pretty white though

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>Only black hair

>Seems pretty white

Is this an American thing?

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What the fuck anon? They are spicnigger mongrels. There are only a few Whites in that photo. They are almost all 10%+ nigger DNA.


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ashkeNAZIs don't work. they plot and corrupt and steal. all those tools were made by Germans not ashkeNAZI jews.

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True anon. We have nothing in common at all genetically or otherwise with the 'aryans' like the semitic filth KhazAryans or the ashkeNazi.



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<I'm getting so tired of this

Lel, very funny, you anti-White fuck. I can only pray that someone will one day end your miserable and cretinous existence.

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get back to work, consuela

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>all of the subhuman shills ITT

Do you honestly think it's a wise idea to continuously mock the destruction and defilement of a man's race directly to his face?

Actions have consequences. The more you push, the more your downfall becomes inevitable.

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>>13548244 (checked)

No… No…

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I think it is the only thing that is going to get you to put down the bong and take up the AK. They could not have fomented this war against you any more skillfully.

>"We will have our global government by consent or by conquest"

I think you should consider ETHNOGLOBALISM where we will never have to worry about this stupid semitic filth and their machinations EVER AGAIN. If they want it by conquest, shouldn't it at least be our people who live and not the raping low IQ trash?

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add another today. nigger invader pushes 8yr old german boy in front of german train. dead. one less to fight in the racewar.

fuck these niggers and fuck the traitors and kikes that let them in and let them stay.

revolt and purge is the only option for germany or germany will not survive.

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shoa'd and almost noone noticed since media is controlled 100% in the public life and besides some "wrongthinkers" nobody cares

boomers accept this as side effects of their programming

cuckpropaganda and daily brainwash transmissions including daily newspapers local tv and radio stations fed by 3-4 news agencies are sufficient…

germany needs some alternative media which is on 24hrs with tv and web presence , print media is dying anyways but there is basically no resistance except what at best "open minded" normies consume with a "different" viewpoint is crap on (((faceberg))) or plebbit.

not saying germany is entirely lost but it requires some serious input to create free thinkspace for alternative thoughts everything of course inside the boundaries of the german law.

since ze germans are very strict on enforcing their cucked judicial system on anyone who openly forms some sort of resistance against the occupying trends in leading positions…

expect to be infiltrated, maligned, interfered with and generally having a hard time.

a lot of gatekeeping positions are controlled by zogbots so you most likely wont recieve the same amount of that tasty german tax fuelled subsidization all of the left leaning and pro refugee / lgbtq cucked groups are recieving right now.

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>"everything of course inside the boundaries of german law"

stop optics cucking you dumb faggot. who you think writes those laws? history is written by men who said "fuck the law"

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>German women state they feel unsafe after 4pm and won't go there anymore.

Look – Men have a duty. Why aren't there German males holding these invaders' heads underwater as a message to all? In a crowded pool, how would the authorities even identify the attackers?

Hypothetically in Minekraft, of course.

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File: e341956f346d32f⋯.jpg (51.97 KB,554x352,277:176,eloi.jpg)

what we're seeing in germany and sweden is what i'll call the "eloi" problem. If you've never read the Time machine, the eloi are a race in the future who live a life of ease and pleasure, never working or doing anything. They're harvested by a race of underground dwellers called the Morlocks

It don't like sayng it but Germans(west germans mostly) and especially swedes lived a life of pleasure and decadence, public nudity, lack of hardship, etc for some long that they're celebrating bringing the people that caused their downfall. And these brainwashed slaves are still so stuck in their peaceful mindset that they will continue to support the scum that come to Germany. You'll need a war or some sort of mass event(the ISIS terror attacks didn't do fuck all) to change this deeply ingrained minset.

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File: 3affbbaf785fe6d⋯.webm (10.69 MB,202x360,101:180,fp.webm)

File: 466d80f5f6f840e⋯.png (97.94 KB,550x550,1:1,keineeierkeineproblemevonw….png)


they are already closing because of privatization of former community owned properties, this was probably done to narrow the point of attack for those migrant swimmingpool raid flashmobs


you obviously have no clue about what the fuck you are talking about. ==expect no mercy==



you know why.

why are you behaving like a degenerate and are staring down a subverted-beyond-repair "cat lady" ???

if you hated your life so much and wanted to waste it with some pointless shit you could have done something very different…

instead you cuck yourself into this depressive behaviour… step out of it and grow an eye for what really matters.

and its definitely not apeing around in public or elsewhere about how big of a guy/gal you are because your feelings are so hurt…

start to choose some good and righeous role models and gain some inspiration from productive places and for fucks sake start to use your brain to get back hold of your behaviour. eventually you will get to the point where you start to reshape your person into something more simmilar to what some of your ancestors were anon… ( if it so happens you are not just another larping torfag anyways)

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File: 1af9567ec4acdfe⋯.jpeg (63.63 KB,750x390,25:13,1af9567ec4acdfeeae5fd9f57….jpeg)



COPE the LAW or BTFO behind bars

read into what happened to the accelerationists at the Hitlerputsch, the system achieved a k:d of 3.75 whereas the accelerationists got BTFO'd with a k:d of 0.26

and that happened back then, without police having armor, riot gear and means of riot control in general.

stop being a delusional potato or alternatively stop shilling accelerationism, it might work with the immigrants you and your ( ( ( " FRIENDS " ) ) ) are importing since the 60's…

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Keep accelerating.

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>website asking you to turn off adblocker

Fake news fearmongering BS.

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File: 2464738ba9e0a6c⋯.png (3.17 MB,1659x961,1659:961,RQtmAhg.png)

File: 5fa89a4c391d23f⋯.jpg (317.51 KB,1402x788,701:394,charlottesville-va-tourche….jpg)


Pic related is the cuck screaming. I can't find Chad and Stacey's picture, as it's been scrubbed from Google's search results. If you google image search by date and filter it to just the week it happened (8/12/2017), you will find a bunch of crowd shots like the second pic. However, all of the closeups with non-goober looking people have been purged. There is an excellent reason for that.

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lol guaranteed replies both me btw:^)

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>Is this an American thing?

Yes americans thinks anyone who is not a negro or chink is white because there are like, uh, only three races in the world and the sajantifik name for white is kaukazian and USA is 80% kaukazian hahaha much more white than Sweden or Germany hahaha etc. In america someone with black hair is called a "brunette". In Europe someone with brown hair is called a "brunette". American whites are the lost and the damned.

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Nigger you need to go back to your containment board…wherever the fuck that is…wakanda or wherever.

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File: 9a30ca6570f6186⋯.jpg (45.61 KB,600x531,200:177,1508607445777.jpg)


Think of all the urine that must be in these rapefugee water parks. Think of all the fecal remains that are floating in the water from the rapefugees and Pajeets cleaning their ass with their left hand.

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They are full of transmissible disease now. Some of which cannot be cured.

No amount of bleach could get me to 'swim with the niggers' even if they were capable of wiping that bubble butt clean of the shit that gets trapped in there.

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don't listen to this retard. in US, someone with black hair is called nigger, someone with brown hair + brown eyes is called spic, someone with slanty eyes is called chink, anyone else that looks brown but doesn't seem to fit is called muslim or arab, and everyone else is h'white

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File: 6b6439cc2c732de⋯.jpg (158.57 KB,516x720,43:60,126301916-h-720.jpg)


>This has been going on since the 90s if not the 80s with turkroaches

not the first time in Germany. Why do ypi think Jazz was called Negermusik? The jews brought the 25,000 "musicians" from Africa to flood Berlin.

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Hasnt Paris gotten so bad you dont see French women on the street anymore?

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>staring down a subverted-beyond-repair "cat lady"

My mistake. It was the diverse new citizen not the cat lady whom I was staring down. Regardless, your overall message is correct. I shouldn't buy into this behavior because it is the women who create it and the women who benefit.

We still need to fix our birthrate by fixing our women. If we have done all we can to stop the Cathedral and the invaders are still coming THEN we will destroy the invaders. The Pope alone must declare Deus Vult and if the Pope will not then we need a new Pope.

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did they pull cops out of car and dead them?

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File: 6f59a97006be8fe⋯.jpg (138.92 KB,655x700,131:140,photo-savitri10.jpg)


>in revenge for the proficiency of the Germanic people and their daring to stand against Judaic-Anglo hegemony

>in revenge for the



From "The Lightning and the Sun" by Savitri Devi:

"Ribbentrop, bring me the English alliance!" 1 Sincerer words than

these — the last Adolf Hitler addressed to the man whom he was sending to

London, as Germany's ambassador, in 1936, to sound once more all the

possibilities that could lead to an understanding with England — were never

uttered in the history of diplomatic relations.

Adolf Hitler had indeed been striving for "an understanding with

England" nay, an "English alliance," from the beginning of his public life.

Already as early as 1924 he had, in his immortal book, "Mein Kampf,"

clearly laid down the main lines of this new policy ("new," at least after the

first World War.) And, which is more, however justified it doubtless was,

from a strictly political point of view, this policy had — like everything the

Fiihrer did — a definitely more-than-political meaning and more-than-

political scope, and was even more justified from the point of view of

Nature, i.e. of living truth. It rested upon the solid biological fact of common

blood. And although it was, admittedly, something quite different from

Adolf Hitler's continental policy, — although there was, there, for instance,

no question of people of the same blood coming under "the same State" —

yet it could have been formulated in sentences impressively parallel to those

which proclaim, on the first page of "Mein Kampf," the legitimity of

Austria's incorporation into the German Reich; I mean: the inspired Leader

would certainly have maintained that, "even if, economically, it were a

matter of indifference, nay, even if it were positively a disadvantage," 2 still

one should, in Germany, seek England's alliance, for "people of similar

blood" should stand together.

It was, — again in perfect consistency with the tenets and general

character of National Socialism, — a thoroughly revolutionary policy.

Revolutionary not merely because it was a

J. von Ribbentrop, "Zwischen London und Moskau" (edit. 1954), p. 93.

2 "Mein Kampf," I, p. 1.


break with the recent past and — apparently — a return to an older political

tradition, but because it was the outcome, of an attitude in complete

contradiction with that of all European politicians for the last one thousand

five hundred years at least, and a return to the spirit and corresponding

customs of a long-forgotten age, the sanity of which other-worldly

superstitions, on one hand, and all-too-worldly business considerations, on

the other, had not yet destroyed, and in which common blood was, as a

matter of course, — as Nature intended it to be, — the soundest thinkable

basis of friendship and constructive collaboration; in other words, because it

was a break with that untruth — that rebellion of man against Nature, —

which is the distinctive (and increasingly visible) trait of our Dark Age.

The system of political alliances that had prevailed up till then, and

that yet prevailed, was indeed — like practically all human institutions of

this Age — stamped with the sign of untruth. Common dogmatic faith (in

the first millennium of the Christian era and somewhat later) and then, more

and more, common (or supposed common) material interests, had been,

irrespective of blood, and, more often than not, in flagrant opposition to any

idea of natural blood-solidarity, the main bond between allied powers.

Charlemagne and his warriors had fought, with the blessing of the Catholic

Church, — the oldest international (and anti-national) power in Europe —

against the Lombards, against the Saxons, people of Germanic stock like

themselves, which was bad enough. And seven hundred years later, Francis

the First, King of France — an Aryan king, at any rate — had, for the sake

of dynastic greed, allied himself with the Turks against the German Reich,

which was even worse, if worse could be. And in later history, calculations

of mere material profit had played an ever greater part in the determination

of the attitude of governments towards one another and in that of nations'

"friends" and "foes," without the mentioned profit being, in fact, anybody's

but that of a few international — Jewish; or raceless — big-businessmen, —

which meant the complete separation of "politics" from national life in the

true sense of the word. The typical Dark Age mentality' behind that

unhealthy state of affairs had

"When society reaches a stage in which property confers rank; in which wealth

becomes the only source of virtue … then we are in the Kali Yuga or Dark Age" (Vishnu


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been, already at the close of the 19th century, that of an influential British

minority, championing, in the name of a misled and pre-eminently

commercial nationalism, the most extreme anti-German policy. It can hardly

ever have found a dearer and more cynical expression than in Sir Philip

Chalmers Mitchell's essay "A biological view of our foreign policy, by a

biologist," published in the 1st of February issue of the London "Saturday

Review," in 1896, and recently quoted in extenso by Hans Grimm. 1 There,

not only are England's commercial interests stressed as though they were

everything; not only is Germany, — the prosperous, and therefore dangerous

business rival — pointed out as England's main enemy in spite of

undeniable biological similitude, but that biological similitude, that

community of blood and the community of nature, which is the consequence

of it, that similitude in permanent, deeper qualities, is precisely the fact

alleged to make war between England and Germany unavoidable, nay, to

cause that war to be a war to the finish; 2 it is the fact which urges Sir Philip

Chalmers Mitchell, professor of biology, — and, later on, (from 1916 to

1919) member of the British General. Staff — to paraphrase, applying them

to England's sister-nation, the famous pitiless words which the Roman Cato

once used to repeat, at every opportunity, against Carthago, Rome's Semitic

rival, and to say: "Delenda est Germania" — "Germany must be destroyed."

It is difficult to ascertain whether Adolf Hitler knew or not of the

existence of that strangely enlightening piece of English literature. Possibly

he did; the essay had been, already at the time of its publication, handed over

to German diplomatic and military circles, in which, apart from a few

exceptional men, such as Admiral Tirpitz, nobody had — unfortunately —

then or afterwards, taken it seriously. Possibly, he did not. But even so, he

was perfectly aware of the widespread attitude which it now so unmistakably

expresses; of that superstitious hostility to Germany, rooted in the fear of

being commercially "outdone," which is, with minor circumstantial

differences, Eyre Crowe's attitude and, nearer to us, Sir Robert Vansittart' s,

Duff Cooper' s, Eden's and Winston Churchill's.

In both his "Erzbischofschrift," and in "Warum? Woher? aber Wohin?"


See the text of the essay.

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He was aware of it, and yet, from the beginning of his public life, and

over and over again — nay, as we shall see, even during the war, — he held

out his hand to England in a gesture of friendship — in a spirit of total,

unconditional, thoroughly sincere reconciliation, without a shade of

bitterness, let alone of revengefulness. He did all he possibly could, not to

"placate" the mistress of the Seven Seas, whose might he neither feared not

hated, but to win her confidence and collaboration, in absolute good faith; to

break that superstitious dread of a powerful Germany, which clever, or,

sometimes, irresponsible agents of the Dark Forces had been breathing into

her people for over forty years at least, and to awaken in them the

slumbering consciousness of the brotherhood of blood, deeper, truer,

stronger than any commercial or narrowly political realities — everlasting,

while profit and power are time-bound.

Governments and Churches, inasmuch as they do not actually embody

and adequately express a people's collective soul, are also time-bound.

Maybe, England was living under a political regime entirely different from

— nay, the very opposite of — that which Adolf Hitler had given Germany.

But that was a secondary matter. Germany herself had lived under a different

regime up till 1933. And quite possibly, even a real "people's regime" in

England — in an English National Socialist State, if ever one had happened

to come into existence — would have been, in many ways, profoundly

different from the German National Socialist regime. Maybe, deep-rooted

moral and religious prejudices (blind allegiance to time-honoured

institutions and ideas) would, for years, — or for centuries — prevent the

English from accepting some of the hard and simple biological truths upon

which genuine National Socialism is based, and from sharing

wholeheartedly that heathen scale of values which is, strictly speaking,

inseparable from it. Yet even that was, from the standpoint of permanent,

natural reality, i.e. from the standpoint of the Seer, a secondary matter. That

did not alter the fact that, considered with her dominions overseas, England

was, before the Second World War, — in spite of obvious weakness,

mistakes and crimes; in spite of her having, hardly forty years earlier, waged

the most disgraceful war upon the Boors, in South Africa; in spite of her

having, through her missionaries and her schools, introduced the microbe of

Democracy (and,

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unwillingly, that of Communism) into such a land as India, — the great

ruling Aryan power. Her Empire was, as a historical reality, one of the grand

material achievements of the Nordic race — unthinkable, apart from the

qualities of character of the best men among those who had built it up, and

among those who were running it: daring; perseverance; sense of

responsibility and sense of honour; organising genius, coupled with selfless

idealism: Nordic qualities.

Adolf Hitler repeatedly proclaimed his determination to respect the

integrity of the British Empire. He repeatedly declared that the German

National Socialist State was to look upon every manner of pre- 19 14 colonial

policy, and every form pf aggressive commercial competition with England

as a thing of the past. And he fully meant what he said. He meant it because

he saw, no doubt, in that "alliance with England" which he so eagerly urged

J. von Ribbentrop to "bring him back," a guarantee of peaceful development

for Germany and of further unhindered evolution and expansion for National

Socialism — Germany's highest interest, immediately and in the long run.

He meant it also because the friendly collaboration of the two leading

nations of Nordic blood appeared to him, from a more-than-political

standpoint, as the unmistakable dictate of sanity; as the course in harmony

with the meaning of life (which should also be the meaning of "politics," if

the latter are to cease being mere business intrigues) and the policy which

was, therefore, immediately and in the long run, in the interest of superior

mankind in the biological sense of the word, and consequently, "in the

interest of the Universe," again to quote the old hallowed words of the

Bhagavad-Gita. He held out his hand to England both as a wise, far-sighted

statesman and as a "Man against Time."

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>>in revenge for the

Sorry, I realize there is no error here. It just looked incorrect to me for some reason. Anyways, read the excerpt I posted, which is from chapter 14 of the book.

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

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>buying video games


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write it yourselves

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Unfortunately, I am afraid that is not possible at this current time but one day someone will write the righteous laws when they are done with executions of the traitors.

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Gastarbeiter (pronounced [ˈɡastˌʔaɐbaɪtɐ] (About this soundlisten); both singular and plural) is German for (literally) "guest worker". It refers to foreign or migrant workers, particularly those who had moved to West Germany mainly in the 1950s, 60s and early 70s, seeking work as part of a formal guest worker program (Gastarbeiterprogramm).

however they are (not) everywhere, yet none the less, they replaced all the fallen krauts workforce to build the "Wirtschaftswunder" (which died in the late 80s), this is thy germany has a really fucking big identity problem.

thanks to the marshall plan and the denazification program, thanks again all americunts from back then who obeyed their (((masters))) !

never forget.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Conversation between German women talking about the "immigrants". Watched this 2 years ago and never forgot their conversation.

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Bullshit website. Didn't even post video or photos of the horde chimping out. Anyone got vid of the pool nigs?

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It's the only they bathe.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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It's the only *time they bathe. I'm dyslexic.

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File: 126a8c0997e8aa0⋯.jpg (112.14 KB,1110x591,370:197,fbi-juggalos.jpg)


FBI spotted. /pol/ is a board of peace.

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File: db95cf7aa82883c⋯.jpg (32.95 KB,400x270,40:27,LQbvx.jpg)


Fuck your psyop, GRUnigger.

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>Fuck your psyop, GRUnigger.

The fuck?

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File: 67cccd3b6b361cf⋯.jpg (189.96 KB,1200x621,400:207,Czw30_ZUAAAq6xU.jpg)













GRUniggers spotted. Sell your souls for a couple extra rubles because Russia is so shit tier you can't do anything unless you're the child of a GRUnigger or FSBfaggot. You live like shit and go to your babushka who complains and has hair growing our of her face. Suck Putin's cock and let him cum inside you.

You probably make $1,500/mo. while Putin steals your country from you. Go drive a Lada into a lake, GRUnigger.

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File: 7e70132eba52cd3⋯.jpg (49.97 KB,600x350,12:7,robb-600.jpg)


Neck yourself, GRUnigger. We see what you're doing. Fuck off and die. Go do what your sister does, being a prostitute on the street and 'sucking tourist dick.

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CIA used shiny new psyop

It wasn't very effective

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Why don't you look at who owns the companies before buying from them. You never know which is kike owned now.

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Your post reveals much about you. That you have poor judgement of character, you don't understand the concept or value of nations; and worst of all, you are advocating the equal treatment of unequal beings. A travesty of warped thinking.

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File: 0412553a6e676d3⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,3603x1932,1201:644,Russia_Military_Spies.JPG.jpg)


You're a GRUnigger who spreads D&C by attempting to radicalize fringe groups to cause problems in the U.S., since you know race is our Achilles heel, you fucking GRUnigger.

/pol/ is a board of peace. Fuck your GRU psyop. Your faggot ass never even visited The Aquarium, you fucking faggot GRUnigger.

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is saying GRUnigger the new posting "spicspam" over and over? this board has gotten so fucking weird just over the past 3 months

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/pol/ is like a general that has already conquered thousands of enemies, it only attracts more haughty "world class" foes, whom cannot comprehend our plainest arguments much less turn our flank.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is why US "elites" are so pissed at Russia, the Russians have life extension medicine that doesn't require Aryan baby blood.

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File: 73186dad646e3ed⋯.jpg (228.17 KB,960x720,4:3,Mahou no Princess Minky Mo….jpg)


Russian elite goes abroad to make simplest surgery.

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Kikes are not allowed to post here. Go away.

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger niger

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>Proof kikime.

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File: 99d73194aa62e50⋯.png (521.23 KB,532x501,532:501,1389922091294.png)


Could you even understand the excerpt I posted above? Or are you some illiterate nigger who can't read more than a sentence of text?

Summarize it if you wish to prove that you aren't.

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Also, can someone tell me what "GRUNigger" is?

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GRU is a ruthless russian military special force. GRU guys don't like the niggers so I don't know why the jews are referring them to as GRUniggers. I don't think GRU will take that insult too kind though.

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File: 979fd84baf1b21c⋯.jpg (85.97 KB,485x299,485:299,efca289-petrov-boshyrov.jpg)


Cos GRUchniki have sadly low IQ. Imagine real black people in CIA.

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^^^^Jew shilling again.

GRU might have done something to rattle the jews. No clue why.

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Jews are shilling the online anons on other websites into harming GRU soldiers. I think the jews totally lost their minds now.

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Anyway ignore the jew shills and move on.

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1:10 criminal to normal person ratio completely destroys any community. Your "not all X are like Y" cope is idiotic. Boosting the crime rate by 1000% will reduce the country to chaos or a police state. You have no way of systematically filtering out criminals better than racism. Racism works because it's pragmatic.

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File: 0ba6bc285af6781⋯.jpeg (199.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,2677d2970e772fe12d22be47f….jpeg)

Finally all the Russia meddling threads I've seen over the past month, now comes to its conclusion and is GRUnigger spam. So this was their plan? To build up all that momentum to resort themselves to this? Try to inflate their ranks artificially, with us shouting GRUnigger, with little to none explanation at all being given? Are CIA/JDF getting so niggered to a point of literal incompetence? What a glorious day. It is about time to deploy your assets to the next task.

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If enough Germans become unemployed then they might do something, as long as there is some sort of appearance of order Germans won't do a damn thing.

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You can't boil a gallon on a tea candle faggot. Crank that shit up to full throttle and see how quick bubbles appear.

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Hey bruv can you lend me some (you)s?

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>agrees with everything

>the germans change ATTITUDE very fast.

lol what?

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>go to the waterpark like a pleb not having your own pool

have you been to a waterpark recently? there are just plebs and foreigners anyway why would anyone go there.

i don't give a rats ass about sharia law because frankly these worthless plebs deserve it. I don't give a fuck if some bitches don't feel save when they wanna go whoreing.

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