>in revenge for the proficiency of the Germanic people and their daring to stand against Judaic-Anglo hegemony
>in revenge for the
From "The Lightning and the Sun" by Savitri Devi:
"Ribbentrop, bring me the English alliance!" 1 Sincerer words than
these — the last Adolf Hitler addressed to the man whom he was sending to
London, as Germany's ambassador, in 1936, to sound once more all the
possibilities that could lead to an understanding with England — were never
uttered in the history of diplomatic relations.
Adolf Hitler had indeed been striving for "an understanding with
England" nay, an "English alliance," from the beginning of his public life.
Already as early as 1924 he had, in his immortal book, "Mein Kampf,"
clearly laid down the main lines of this new policy ("new," at least after the
first World War.) And, which is more, however justified it doubtless was,
from a strictly political point of view, this policy had — like everything the
Fiihrer did — a definitely more-than-political meaning and more-than-
political scope, and was even more justified from the point of view of
Nature, i.e. of living truth. It rested upon the solid biological fact of common
blood. And although it was, admittedly, something quite different from
Adolf Hitler's continental policy, — although there was, there, for instance,
no question of people of the same blood coming under "the same State" —
yet it could have been formulated in sentences impressively parallel to those
which proclaim, on the first page of "Mein Kampf," the legitimity of
Austria's incorporation into the German Reich; I mean: the inspired Leader
would certainly have maintained that, "even if, economically, it were a
matter of indifference, nay, even if it were positively a disadvantage," 2 still
one should, in Germany, seek England's alliance, for "people of similar
blood" should stand together.
It was, — again in perfect consistency with the tenets and general
character of National Socialism, — a thoroughly revolutionary policy.
Revolutionary not merely because it was a
J. von Ribbentrop, "Zwischen London und Moskau" (edit. 1954), p. 93.
2 "Mein Kampf," I, p. 1.
break with the recent past and — apparently — a return to an older political
tradition, but because it was the outcome, of an attitude in complete
contradiction with that of all European politicians for the last one thousand
five hundred years at least, and a return to the spirit and corresponding
customs of a long-forgotten age, the sanity of which other-worldly
superstitions, on one hand, and all-too-worldly business considerations, on
the other, had not yet destroyed, and in which common blood was, as a
matter of course, — as Nature intended it to be, — the soundest thinkable
basis of friendship and constructive collaboration; in other words, because it
was a break with that untruth — that rebellion of man against Nature, —
which is the distinctive (and increasingly visible) trait of our Dark Age.
The system of political alliances that had prevailed up till then, and
that yet prevailed, was indeed — like practically all human institutions of
this Age — stamped with the sign of untruth. Common dogmatic faith (in
the first millennium of the Christian era and somewhat later) and then, more
and more, common (or supposed common) material interests, had been,
irrespective of blood, and, more often than not, in flagrant opposition to any
idea of natural blood-solidarity, the main bond between allied powers.
Charlemagne and his warriors had fought, with the blessing of the Catholic
Church, — the oldest international (and anti-national) power in Europe —
against the Lombards, against the Saxons, people of Germanic stock like
themselves, which was bad enough. And seven hundred years later, Francis
the First, King of France — an Aryan king, at any rate — had, for the sake
of dynastic greed, allied himself with the Turks against the German Reich,
which was even worse, if worse could be. And in later history, calculations
of mere material profit had played an ever greater part in the determination
of the attitude of governments towards one another and in that of nations'
"friends" and "foes," without the mentioned profit being, in fact, anybody's
but that of a few international — Jewish; or raceless — big-businessmen, —
which meant the complete separation of "politics" from national life in the
true sense of the word. The typical Dark Age mentality' behind that
unhealthy state of affairs had
"When society reaches a stage in which property confers rank; in which wealth
becomes the only source of virtue … then we are in the Kali Yuga or Dark Age" (Vishnu