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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 41e68504bff017e⋯.jpg (29.28 KB,834x481,834:481,voat.jpg)

 No.13546974 [View All]

For two weeks Voat has shown a weird page of alleged "maintenance".

Now they came up with the bullshit that they're "under attack" because of a stupid thread and the site is down.

It's not necessary to explain what's going on.

It's been 3 weeks of shit show now.

Sure they're going to start blocking any pro-Russia thread.

A bit later they're going to push pro-Israel and nigga bullshit.

Write it down.

The site is getting full of shills too.

Welcome to the democracy that decides for you.

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File: b55c6b25db42f0f⋯.png (426.39 KB,629x561,37:33,Screenshot from 2017-08-23….png)

>Sure they're going to start blocking any pro-Russia thread

Hope so if they're against the kikes.

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Getting Error: 522 again : \

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orrr op is the shill who doesn't like /pol/ natsoc influence on their q monkeys.

by the way these q monkeys are having their minds open for the first time, you are an idiot if you don't use that opportunity to expose them to the truth.

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Relax, brother. It was a joke. In all seriousness, we need a motherbase. ZeroNet's a viable option for imageboards and video platforms. If anon wants to sell shit online, they can set up a shop using OpenBazaar. We have the tools and materials. We just need to build some shit with them.

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>Welcome to the democracy that decides for you.

That's every democracy, the elites found out it's easier to control us with fabricated consent tends to take away a certain kind of firey preacher out of the public discourse because it gives them an artificial control over morality.

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heh that's true. sorry, man. im wound up thinking about these jews and my people.

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File: 176a2afc8d1d2c5⋯.png (13.1 KB,255x238,15:14,c3b8ef69c19d83656a83383f21….png)


Me three.love to troll zerohedge also.

Though largly redpilled on the jq there is a sizable remnant of kike supremacists & their good goy patriotard puppets.

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No worries, anon. I have vodka nearby for that very reason.

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So it’ll be like here, feds telling each other to shoot up a crowd

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File: b96aed630988dd0⋯.jpg (97.42 KB,1404x983,1404:983,voat2_beuhyvfeyt874yuebrgj….JPG)

You guys are a bunch of faggots.

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As I said, first they're going to censor and blame everything on Russia.

After it they start pushing pro-Israel shit and threads about how niggas are cool and going mulatto is better.

This is predictable.

The same thing they did on 4cuck and try to do it here they're going to do it on Voat.

They're trying to CNN the whole internet before they start pushing another stupid war and the same circus again.

America is dead.

As long as the world isn't a fucking Haiti that worships the Jew they won't stop.

The democracy that decides for you may be going to be even worse than the Soviet Union.

If the US doesn't start literal reeducation camps I'd be surprised.

The nightmare is real.



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yea, yea, yea.

>If the US doesn't start literal reeducation camps I'd be surprised.

They're called Public Schools. Pretty much everything regarding history that you are taught in public schools is pretty much revisioned.

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Jesus christ, russian servers are used to attack pretty much everything BUT russia. FSB doesn't care about anything else than their own country(if even that, after judaic-soviet dysgenics it's all vodka vasja bljat left there), so they let everyone else do their dirty work.

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File: 3431efff221fa08⋯.jpg (43.24 KB,400x341,400:341,GasBrutal.jpg)

Seems like (((they))) using Russian servers again. The new CNN v2.0 is here. Propaganda through DDOS attacks. The news service DDOS. They actually think goyim are that stupid. That goyim does not see through their little trickery. FACE PALM.

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Two cents, huh?

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File: 6e77717a7481aa7⋯.gif (1.72 MB,666x716,333:358,staticjew.gif)





etc, etc, etc

JDIF scum

You know the thread Voat is being DDOSed for. You are entitled to be afraid jew, very afraid. When your house of cards falls, it will be terrifying and magnificent. The hatred unparalleled. The gibs will stop and you'll have to go back to renting out your asshole for shekels before eventually being reduced to ash and bone

Your desperation gives hope to humanity

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File: e5d280c1ced8cc2⋯.jpg (49.99 KB,440x557,440:557,17A.jpg)


DDoS is always extortion.

Cloudflare uses extortion to gain control of 'deplorable' traffic.

Check their board members.

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putt probably forgot to pay his server hosting bill and is making this all up.

im not sure why he chose to say where the ddos was coming from. It just fuels the "muh russia" narrative for retards who think the governments of those nations are responsible when pretty much anyone on the planet can order one and it'll come from there.

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Why would we be pro-Russia?

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It's a bunch of contracted treadmill mice. Putts right, a lot of powerful people don't like what's discussed there, or here. The difference is the servers for this place are already under control.

Sadly, no loosely organised low orbit ion cannons involved in the Voat issue…

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Literally who clickbait site, get this shit off my board.

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This post reads like a kike wrote it. Voat is under DDoS attack and here comes a shill trying to tell others to stay away. Voat by its very nature and design is hostile to shills, and the community is flat out distrustful of new people. Shills have a very difficult time proliferating there…nowhere near as difficult as they seem to be operating here at least.

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This. All day.

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Why isn't godlike productions taken down too?

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Have you seen Greatawakening subs and QRV? Voat is pretty much drowned in "content creation" spam. This ddos is just next step.

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- No war for Israel

- No Blacked culture

- No LGBT Parades

- No Hollywood degeneracy

- Europeans

- Blocked porn sites

- Asked people to have babies

- Putin

- China backed

- New space program


- Nukes

- Christian

- Democracy (not Jewish rule)

- No nigger ads everywhere

- No Globalism

- Freed the US from Hillary

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was voat never a honeypot to begin with? i recall that boomer wannabe nazi azzmador wanting people to post there. TRSodomites are trly the worst race of beings.

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/pol/ needs to back Voat. If they go, we will soon follow. The cancerous jew is afraid. Too much darkness is now being illuminated and /pol/, Voat and Gab are the only places that can focus the light.

So many jewshills in this thread, I feel like I've walked into a bar mitzvah.

And I was hoping for a Bergen-Belsen where the kike-fantasy had become a Euro-reality

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Do not forget tor.

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I do not know about that ivan

>Freed the US from Hillary

>YEs yes they freed you from a jewish puppet with another jewish puppet.

Everything else I agree with.

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File: 3076d5e324761bf⋯.jpg (588.62 KB,4096x2160,256:135,dba77d878b42d1a0b8fcb74307….jpg)


>/pol/ needs to back Voat


(((they))) are shutting voat down because of epstein. this post was the reason for DDOS http://archive.is/8IIUj

In 2016, “Jane Doe” & KATIE JOHNSON filed lawsuits against Trump together with Epstein alleging a “savage sexual attack” in 1994, when they were 13 years old,

in which one of them was tied to a bed at Epstein’s house, raped, and struck in the face. The account was corroborated by a witness “Jane Doe” who claimed to have seen the child perform sexual acts on both Trump and Epstein.

Jane Doe alleged in the lawsuit that Trump told her she shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to “disappear like Maria,” a 12-year-old girl who had also been abused along with her.

Jane Doe dropped the lawsuit in November 2016, days before Trump’s election, after her attorney, Lisa Bloom, cited “numerous threats” against her client.

Epstein’s victims were threatened, had paramilitary/IDF types following them, looming over them when they shopped, grilling friends and employers and even using their Tahoe/Denali vehicles with suppressed license plates to run victims off the road.

The press calls them “private detectives.” We know them as IDF and JDL, part of the ADL/AIPAC network tasked with protecting Jews from anti-Semites.

Anyone threatening to come forward against Epstein, including police, attorneys, media, would find a paramilitary detail parked in front of their homes, guns openly brandished and their lives ground into the dirt.

Problem is, everyone in the media knew this, most of the victims came forward, told all of this to local law enforcement and the FBI and asked for help.

When police and Federal agencies learned they were dealing the the JDL/JINSA and “Mossad,” victims were ignored, their reports shredded.

At least three private investigators who police believed were working on Epstein’s behalf tracked down accusers and possible witnesses to the alleged attacks, according to the police reports.

They sat in black SUVs outside the homes of accusers, questioned their current and former boyfriends, and chased one parent’s car off the road, according to police reports and a lawyer for three accusers.


BTW, it appears Epstein indeed was Les Wexner's anal bugger boy when all of this racket was put on rails, and the promise to the upper management (who have been doing this since OSS) was 'we'll only use white girls',

contrary to the time of Moshe Dayan and Menachem Begin in MOSSAD, who didn't care also using their own jewish girls.

Court case KATIE JOHNSON 2016 concerning violent rape incident Epstein/Trump:


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File: a606e284a67df55⋯.pdf (618.44 KB,gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1….pdf)

(((it))) is scared.

epstein should be investigated and his connections. not just to trump and hillary…to everybody. and there are videos and pictures that are used for blackmail. we should put it on internet. it would be fun…

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The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS….Nicole Junkermann https://archive.is/MbcKj

EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections http://archive.is/8IIUj

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I think the reason Voat is under attack is that the post is about Nicole Junkermann who is a shady as fuck and has managed to keeo herself under the radar by deleting all negative info about her from the net. She needs to maintain a low profile, especially now she and therefore Israel are being given access to the UK's national health database

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>- China backed

>- Freed the US from Hillary

Are you even trying?


Voat.co (I know, I know) is under attack for a post that was made, archived here: http://archive.is/ArZdi

The Clintons want this suppressed. Let's spread it!


EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections (pizzagate)

submitted 5 days ago by letsdothis3

This post is a continuation of : The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS….Nicole Junkermann

Nicole Junkermann with husband Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti at the Vatican: https://www.leggo.it/gossip/news/ferdinando_brachetti_peretti_nicole_jungermann_battesimo_piccola_vita-4369976.html


Ferdinando Maria Brachetti Peretti (born in Rome on January 13 1960), from the wealthy Brachetti Peretti family, is Chairman and CEO of an Italian energy company, API Group.

Brachetti Peretti's father, Count Aldo Maria Brachetti Peretti, was for thirty years, until September 2007, head of the family Group “API” (Anonima Petroli Italiana), founded by his maternal grandfather Cav. Del Lavoro Ferdinando Peretti.[citation needed] His mother, Mila, worked for more than 30 years in the Red Cross and is the only woman in Italy to carry the military grade of General.

Mila Peretti https://imgur.com/a/uhI8k1Z

Through social media one can see the deep ties to the Vatican… I'm archiving those connections.. Anyhoo..

Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/25/nazis-escaped-on-red-cross-documents

Her son Ugo and brother-in-law of Junkermann: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugo_Brachetti_Peretti

Ugo Maria Brachetti Peretti (born July 8, 1965, Rome) is an Italian oil executive. ..His father, Count Aldo Maria Brachetti Peretti, Cavaliere Del Lavoro was the head of the family group, Anonima Petroli Italiana (API) for thirty years, until his retirement in September 2007. The company was founded by his maternal grandfather Cavaliere Del Lavoro Ferdinando Peretti. His mother, Mila Peretti,[1] is the National Inspectress of the Italian Red Cross, which she has served for over 30 years. She is the only woman in Italy to carry the military grade of General. In 2005 Peretti married the Countess Isabella Borromeo Arese Taverna.

He was educated at the American Community School in London where he graduated in 1983 with an international Baccalaureate degree and then qualified for a degree in Business Administration at the American University of Rome in 1987. He subsequently obtained his specialization at Boston University. He completed his military service as an officer of the Carabinieri.

After 1990 he started working as a manager in the family business of which he and his brothers are 100% shareholders. During his time with API he has held many positions, at first operating the "downstream cycle" (a combination of activities such as deliveries, transportation, refining, sale and marketing of oil). In 2007, after a series of promotions, he became Chairman of the company.[2] In this capacity, he focused the Group's activities back to the oil sector, with the strengthening of the distribution network and the improvement of the Falconara refinery.[3] He holds several other chairs, vice-chairs and advisory positions within API as well as being a member of the boards at UniCredit, the Executive Council of the "Rome Industrial Union" and Unione Petrolifera.

Corps of Gendarmerie of Vatican City https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corps_of_Gendarmerie_of_Vatican_City

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File: afd3c6945215fd6⋯.png (16.76 KB,847x1193,847:1193,branding2.png)


>VATICAN connections

Like the Papal connection with Stormy Daniels?

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The question is: which one, and when?

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There's no input on the diode, anon. That circuit is gibberish.

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Putin is a lubavitch kike puppet. Who do you think oligarchs are?

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There's Lemmy on github, which is vaporware, last I checked. The maintainer is a bit too busy writing essays on capitalism-bad to make a week product.

I've been thinking about what a federated image board or reddit might look like. ActivityPub is a weird standard to shoehorn into a place like this, though. Ultimately, boards are just CRUD apps. Peering servers probably isn't that much of a technical issue, but getting adoption wouldn't be very likely.

I'm leery of zero net and these kind of platforms. It's not like anyone actually audits the platform for security. ESLint was compromised recently, so it's hard to know the tools used to build the service are even safe. I really think simple implementations regular anons can quickly take up and down paired with personal webs of trust are the way to go. It's not like the NSA/Google can actually parse the whole web.

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File: c1954fdf5a57e96⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,650x729,650:729,trust-us-goy-new-york-time….jpg)

All your organization s are honeypots goyim! Isolate yourself. Anyome who does anything prowhite is a false flag goy, make sure you do nothing!

Shut the fuck up kike

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Or it was a honeypot for most of its existence and now (((they))) are taking things to the next level?

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Reddit spam still up.

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>- No war for Israel


>- No Blacked culture

Just dune coon culture.

>- No Hollywood degeneracy


>- Putin

LOL, comrade.

>- China backed


>- New space program

70 year old program.


Oy vey goyim, destroy your species.

>- Nukes


>- Democracy

Literally jewish.

>- No nigger ads everywhere

Literally jewish.

>- No Globalism

100% controlled by jews.

>- Freed the US from Hillary


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File: 0fac901339235a0⋯.jpg (11.78 KB,214x265,214:265,1469985127174.jpg)





This. OP is pure subversive conjecture.

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File: 0891870b2ae4b57⋯.gif (906.12 KB,768x432,16:9,1113455466457.gif)


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File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB,300x424,75:106,1522212749595.gif)



Only shills say "nigga" and "pro-Israel"

Its Jews and Niggers faggot, god you suck at your job.

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unzDOTcom, in the comments

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