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File: 78eb92c27be870f⋯.jpeg (117.39 KB,1200x800,3:2,3E382CCB-CD15-4D05-A763-8….jpeg)

 No.13545223 [View All]

>Santino William Legan, 19, has been identified by CBS News as the suspect in the mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California. The shooting Sunday night on the final day of the annual event at Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy left three dead, 15 injured and the suspected shooter, Legan, killed by police. Several others were injured in the chaos after shots were fired, but were not shot, authorities said.


He has no online presence, despite being 19. It was all either (((scrubbed))) or they did a shit job at creating a straw man.

The only thing I can find are press releases.

Maybe one of you faggots can find more.

>low effort post.

You faggots let the other thread reach the limit and didn’t make another one. Now this is what you get to live with.

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Fake as fuck.

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So they planned another Charolette setup. But this time they actually planned on shooting pol users. The jokes on them because they wouldn't be able tell mutts from the rest of the beaner mutts.

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>waaah why wasn't he white

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>italian iranian

is that considered white?

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Yes goyim, hate the Iranians

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File: f1c85a5742b2f12⋯.png (48.46 KB,750x208,375:104,Screenshot from 2019-07-29….png)


Santino William Legan the white ebil naziman


^ http://archive.fo/4SfYO ^

An Instagram post connected to the 19-year-old who killed three people at a food festival in Northern California points to literature that is part of an ecosystem of white nationalist literature, according to extremism researchers.

On Sunday, police officers shot and killed Santino William Legan at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, after he opened fire at the event. Earlier the same day, a post appeared on an Instagram page attributed to him referring to a proto-fascist white supremacist manifesto by a pseudonymous 19th-century author.

<NBC News has declined to identify the literature by name in

<order to limit its spread.


According to extremism researchers, the manifesto is part of a collection of white nationalist literature that’s been pirated and distributed for free on far-right websites. The material is part of a yearslong recruiting technique by white nationalists to target those vulnerable to their message on forums frequently populated by teenagers.

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File: 212f3f9f730db4c⋯.jpg (29.85 KB,550x412,275:206,the-garlic-shoppe.jpg)

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File: 9a00cbf1d8f02e6⋯.jpg (67.95 KB,720x480,3:2,9a00cbf1d8f02e678e131b13d4….jpg)


the only way to truly become enlightened is to embrace esoteric individualism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Liberalistism.

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File: a6889343bc3a3de⋯.png (363.03 KB,798x541,798:541,Mason_1.png)

File: a1805db654891fd⋯.png (1.76 MB,1898x1066,73:41,Mason2.png)

Wasn't there another post-shooting interviewee wearing a mason hat?

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File: 5b4c7c6463ef27c⋯.jpg (43.27 KB,640x1136,40:71,canelo.jpg)


Gonna go ahead and say that's mexican boxer Canelo Alvarez's icon and shirt.

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File: 1bde017673131e6⋯.jpeg (85.2 KB,660x883,660:883,767c8d1058c0660520c041c2a….jpeg)

Garlic anon here

wasn't there myself but had plenty of other folks actually there and there's enough of that shit going around on the social medias to show you what's going on

The kid graduated 2017 at Gilroy High if you want to peep the yearbook

They're already spreading shit about white supremacy but it's a fucking halfling identityless with a sandnigger parent and a spaghetti parent

If it's anything like the rest of kids from this fucking town there wasn't an actual motive, just a fucking asshurt mixed blood with shit parents going full sandnigger, but this being California you know the fucking narrative will be used to push more shit. News saying he got his weapon from Nevada, used to bounce between here and there

Kids in this town wear Air force Ones and Supreme and make school shooter jokes all the time. This is full gen Z shit right here, except instead of one of ours it's a nonwhite with no fucking direction or identity lashing out

No word on the 2nd dude but sounds like the news is trying to bury that shit

If given specific questions I can try to dig for what I can, but I'm phoneposting from work right now

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Reporting thirty plus shooters, police say.

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File: 0e7ae327ab85459⋯.jpg (100.07 KB,470x733,470:733,16649148-7298307-Santino_L….jpg)

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File: 00d0000d5008c46⋯.jpeg (19.11 KB,398x224,199:112,C0F4065F-EB7E-4CF5-91EA-2….jpeg)

File: 5b7a4e8925debe6⋯.jpeg (86.36 KB,857x488,857:488,E46600F5-6FB1-4DAC-A8BD-8….jpeg)

File: abb0ba877d64af3⋯.jpeg (81.76 KB,962x580,481:290,269DEBE1-3BCB-40D9-9B2B-8….jpeg)

File: ff20bd9dd21ec94⋯.jpeg (462.27 KB,908x513,908:513,FEF0D30D-DA08-45C1-A186-F….jpeg)


Used same photo for both images. Video and all photos all show the same shopped in people and they don’t move or have correct shadows if at all. The one image is a merged diff of the image to show it align. The white helmet guy is the same claimed to be “tackled by police” and the “moment was captured”

I have much much more. A shit job in their editing.

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The heavenly halo obscured guy appears to be a “victim” … I won’t get into it with the images and you can explore with a photofag on analysis.

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File: 56e1ba2fb088c6c⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1044x782,522:391,86466B54-B88B-494F-8374-3….jpeg)

File: 9bc3e2872ad6848⋯.jpeg (922.42 KB,1263x1361,1263:1361,7F6F6415-4944-4644-94E0-7….jpeg)

File: 40e320708d0933f⋯.png (2.72 MB,2048x1536,4:3,95155901-ED15-4489-8F2A-58….png)

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File: 9d6b98ccca8948c⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,2048x1536,4:3,3FC4BB6B-403D-498C-A693-0….jpeg)

File: 2f712678693e141⋯.jpeg (2.75 MB,2048x1536,4:3,14F21DFD-5C01-4996-A4D1-3….jpeg)

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File: 4258bf597a87d9e⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1358x861,194:123,122D6DF6-6340-423D-97B2-1….jpeg)


Now add source and see the even further changes

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Grab last video from here. It has loads of evidence of the edits frame by frame.


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in a row?

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Could be that his pants rubbed against something else that had blood on it. Possibly a blood soaked sleeve briefly resting against it or something.

Definitely worth keeping in mind though.

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Video already gone from her account. Hope she’s alright. A suspicious acting man presses to use her phone, as their last attempt to end filming (after multiple other attempts) .. archive this video…


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File: d68368bfff3a626⋯.jpeg (85.72 KB,1015x405,203:81,80E6A95C-468F-4A33-8B65-4….jpeg)

File: a1e527ec919922a⋯.jpeg (16.3 KB,446x247,446:247,67B63405-7414-43ED-9039-D….jpeg)


Interesting angle

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File: fd1808f4858d8d3⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,2048x1353,2048:1353,8DBEF012-E4C3-4519-ADDC-E….jpeg)


Because the white helmet guy “photographed at the moment he was being tackled” seems to be standing calmly on the other side of the bouncy castle…though they try to hide this…

Their biggest fuck up

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File: 7f850a560b2f55a⋯.jpg (109.49 KB,774x720,43:40,jellytoaster.jpg)


I was born and raised in the south bay.

I've gone to at least two other Garlic festivals in my life.

Me and my wife went to the Garlic festival on Friday afternoon.

We were directed by traffic signs for miles going down Santa Teresa towards Gavilan College.

The signs detoured us to a parking lot miles away from the festival.

When we arrived at the parking lot for the shuttle bus (a new feature which I've never seen at the festival before.) there is no one there to greet us or take payment for parking - only Gilroy highschoolers flagging us on and helping us to park.

We got out of our cars and walked to the shuttle waiting area.

We got on the shuttle bus without having to pay anything or show proof that we had already purchased Garlic festival tickets - nothing - they just let us on the bus.

We arrive at the Green shuttle lot and get off the shuttle bus.

We both make our way to the entrance area.

Some highschool girl was standing to the side letting people just walk by, when we asked if she should scan our tickets - she told us to come back after we had finish walking around the festival.

The festival had lots of police present but they were all standing around.

As we left the Festival, no one scanned are tickets. No one asked anyone questions about us getting back on the shuttle and heading back to shuttle parking lot.

We drove out of the shuttle parking lot and had zero people ask for money.

Anyone could have gotten in for free.


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I hope that mongrel gets run over by a truck , filthy fucking mestizos and mongrels always making White Nationalists look bad.


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Only a mongrel or a mestizo would shoot up a garlic festival, FUCKING MORON.

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He there from Denver with a gun that's banned in California

Now they must be double-banned, that'l do it

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He glows, we are on the right track.

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>>13551133 Underrated video

>Sheeboon stick cam into truck of "dead body"

Blood looks strange

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He isn't. None of these brown people reading this kind of literature are. It's all fake. The brown jihadist just tried to connect himself to white nationalism in a deliberate attempt to denigrate it. The people in the media pushing the "brown jihadist was a white nationalist" narrative know it is a stupid lie, but they thoroughly enjoy making you angry by saying stupid things.

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File: ada50b6fe857865⋯.jpg (110.94 KB,1200x823,1200:823,399590e92b38f3dbf0c380ac54….jpg)


If I lurk extremist websites am I an extremist or an extremist researcher? I cannot wait to hear about a jornalist who getsuber-redpilled and shoot his own workplace. It would be a day to reckon.


Your pic take me to places in my childhood that, even to this day, I'm not sure of what to do with it. KEK'ed anyway.


<demographics can't be criticized


<anyone under 6'2 or pays for stay at home landwhale


I wonder what is going wrong with the world that is making those people resort to violence.

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I literally came to this thread because a radio show I listen to said it was white supremacism via the source he was reading from. I remembered some anti white comments from his Instagram or whatever.

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And everyone is acting like a crew on a set because it is. The see of golf carts, blue shirts, green shirts, red shirts…indicating roles. The video should be examined in slo mo frame by frame. It’s insane. There are others. This was some sloppy work.

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File: 1de8aa6185a32e6⋯.png (3.46 MB,2048x1536,4:3,0F14EE2E-584F-41F2-B6AA-AE….png)


Note the scrubbed items in video that was right of truck and so on…compare (despite being where the photo came from)

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Thus making it easy to tell what they don’t want you to see

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File: 94ff65d25e1eb86⋯.jpeg (281.7 KB,1181x1165,1181:1165,B0BE5F9B-B481-4D27-87D2-E….jpeg)



And there’s this frame I snagged that they failed to scrub…

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File: 61c829065d035e7⋯.jpeg (1.86 MB,2048x1536,4:3,AB8055A9-1BA3-49D7-8DEE-5….jpeg)

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Friendly notice…some photoFags and videofags should take a closer look at the drops here. Lots went into digging and grabbing evidence of their fuck ups … we just need some skills to do proper forensics on them

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File: 3b03465389fa406⋯.png (81.81 KB,822x322,411:161,Screen Shot 7.png)

GILROY, Calif. (AP) — The Santa Clara County coroner’s office says the gunman in the deadly Northern California festival shooting killed himself, a finding that contradicts earlier police accounts that officers fired the fatal shot.

Santino William Legan, 19, shot and killed three people — including two children — Sunday at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.

Nicole Lopez, a senior office specialist in the Santa Clara County Medical Examiner-Coroner’s Office, says Friday that Legan’s cause of death was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Gilroy Police Chief Scot Smithee had previously said Legan was shot and killed by three officers who responded in less than a minute. Smithee has called the officers “heroes” for preventing additional casualties by taking down the shooter.


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File: b8cac49ffa5e341⋯.png (1.13 MB,780x1200,13:20,1501758077647.png)


They also lied and said security was tight - it wasn't.

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A Survivor of the Route 91 Music Festival Shooting in Las Vegas was at the Gilroy garlic Festival Shooting

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – In the panic following the gunfire at the Gilroy garlic Festival, thousands wondered what was happening. Only a few found themselves thinking, "not again."

"Oh man, this is not happening again," Alicia Olive recalled thinking Sunday as she escaped the mass shooting in Gilroy.

On Oct. 1, 2017, Olive escaped the mass shooting at the Route 91 Music Festival in Las Vegas. She said she entered a deep depression following the tragedy.

"I would go into either – if it's a bar or sometimes just a crowded area – and something about it, it just, I start to panic," Olive said.

Olive said it took almost two years after Vegas to start to feel safe in public places again.

Then, she ended up in Gilroy, in the company of two friends she met in a Las Vegas shooting support group.

All three of them are part of a small group of Americans with a distinction none of them wants: they've now survived two mass shootings.

"After the Vegas shooting, I felt like I would be there again, and it happened," Olive said. "Angry. It makes you angry."

Olive said she was near the concert stage where the shooter entered the festival. She and her friends were leaving, but before they hit the exit, gunshots rang out.

"I said, 'I can't believe this is happening again.' We were trying to find somewhere to get cover," she said.

Olive said massacres really can happen anywhere, but accepting tragedy as inevitable isn't enough.

"We can't tell that to the families that lost someone. Say, 'Oh well. That's life, that's America,'" she said. "It's not enough. It's time to say enough is enough."


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Sort of funny how little attention this entire story has gotten in the MSM. It's dropped right out of sight. No ratings in garlic gobbling beaners eh/

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its not a false flag it's some depressed autist that decided to go full retard

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So it’s a false flag, then.

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i dont think you know what that term means

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File: f827777f251cd3d⋯.jpg (52.72 KB,514x432,257:216,07e25e1d49bc19df952d31a6b5….jpg)



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>19 and no online presence

it's not that rare anon

i'm 33 and didin't have a facebook until 5 or 4 years ago, and the only reason i have one now is becos my mom made it for me just so that i could keep in touch with the rest of the family and that's all i ever use it for. Facebook is the only social media i use or know about, i also got my first cellphone last year but i haven't even used it once, i turned it on one time to see if it worked and that's it

my only other online presence is a Gmail acount i made under a fake name just for youtube shitposting

i don't even like online vidya, and this place is the only site i visit regularly

and it's not like i don't have online presence becos i'm a chad irl who is respected by men and desired by women, i'm as much a dakimakura hugging neckbeard as everyone else in this site.

not everyone is an atention starving camwhore

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File: c5e687fc4bdfa0d⋯.jpeg (130.97 KB,1170x680,117:68,554CEC84-79F5-4CEF-B733-1….jpeg)

File: e50681945dc3e3d⋯.png (2.31 MB,2048x1536,4:3,FB87E203-7932-4DC0-BE08-5F….png)

File: 336200e5c51f4f4⋯.jpeg (993.66 KB,2048x1536,4:3,A7D96C4E-D4B0-4BF2-8F3F-C….jpeg)

File: 12ba1ef2b53d937⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB,2048x1536,4:3,EB763B39-DBB8-43BE-8C4B-B….jpeg)




The whole hoax is fully exposed with these photos and videos. Shooter allegedly arrives in car and walks to festival. Cuts through fence (I bet my right arm it was cut to the left of the truck..the yellow structure to the right of the truck was to obscure the view to this area. Why else would they go through the trouble to edit it out of all but the largest resolution photo (which was cut from HD source video. Just look at the strange image size and it’s obvious. Pixels align with frame 2 of video.) So the shooter walks from the car and news shows “moment he was tackled” .. oops. He has a white helmet on. Then the damning photo of him casually standing on the other side of the bouncy castle structure with the same officers (near cooler, with paint brush in hand helping stage the scene.) Then you add the cameo by Barbara Starr..of false flag hoax fame and it’s a wrap.

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My work here is done. Photo and video fags should properly and forensically review all. It was sloppy. Also be sure to check the meta data on all. The ICC profiles are very interesting. Seek the highest resolution images. Find the source. They were dropped for daily mail via an obscure blog page. They used a typesetting system on some they forgot to alter the profile on. I’m often amazed at the level of coordination required to pull it off…but the people are asleep and feel like it’s wrong to question what is being sold to them. Stay thirst my friends…out

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Mom's a boomer, right?

>the only reason i have one now is becos my mom made it for me just so that i could keep in touch with the rest of the family and that's all i ever use it for.

Don't worry, Zuckerberg and his handlers are using your lifelog for FAR more than YOU keeping tabs on you and your family.

Just admitting you HAVE Faceberg on here gives them valuable information to cross-link with other stuff.

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