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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 7d8d60aac0a6e56⋯.jpg (184.69 KB,750x1081,750:1081,1564359503697.jpg)

File: f5775b448c8af38⋯.png (254.63 KB,535x496,535:496,1564359710652.png)

 No.13543705 [Last50 Posts]






this is real and he's doing a lot more than just naming the Jew.

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Based as fuck. This dude is genuine

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Yeah dude I'm sure his account wasn't compromised and he never had those tattoos after all.

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Fox news is nothing but kikes too. This is how you know it was some cuckchanner

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It's still a good thing. A blue checkmark actually doing this at all, even if it doesn't also vilify fox news

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File: 45d5c780e95a763⋯.webm (12.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,SS2HonklerVScnn.webm)


Based, and Honkpilled.

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Steve-o is kind of a jackass, but high profile twitter accounts naming the jew is always a good thing.

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>Steve-o is kind of a jackass


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/b2/ beat you guys to it

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File: c7de1243dc089b6⋯.jpg (26.6 KB,275x274,275:274,wew dog.jpg)

Steve-O was apparently hacked and sent out a bunch of other nigger-tier tweets to compliment this gem.

>mfw one of those posts is "hey /pol/

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It was someone posting on halfchan who hacked the account you mongoloid

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File: a57ab99ae5ba702⋯.png (272.67 KB,660x496,165:124,steveo.png)

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File: 2995537f4599557⋯.png (317.35 KB,1306x687,1306:687,1564357731558.png)

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I want to know how many 15 yr old girls are in his DMs

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Even funnier because steve-o is a gigantic fucking faggot.

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File: 908b08237cf7d4c⋯.png (269.81 KB,480x524,120:131,Steve-O.png)

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Steve o is a drug addled baby fucking degenerate

I don’t want him on my team.


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he didn't post these so don't worry nigger

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He's clean now. watch the JRE podcast.

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>watch the JRE podcast

off yourself subhuman

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>watch JRE

No thanks. I avoid jewish propaganda.

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>joe "the manlet cuckold" rogan


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Say what,!

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File: 38b8e459d823690⋯.jpg (76.71 KB,1200x1440,5:6,sketch-1564372249725.jpg)

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File: c9a3ca34fd3843d⋯.jpg (90.15 KB,749x819,107:117,based.jpg)


Hacked or he fell off the wagon

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No shit, sherlock?

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Looks like Steve-O is going to get hit with a Shit storm.

Good luck to him.

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I did Nitrous just like Steve-O did, AMA

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>inb4 suicided

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File: cae9865b7b3ac26⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,728x546,4:3,cc9a46d5e6f5489b997b4e4d97….jpg)

Someones going on a hacking spree. Yesterday Jessica Alba.

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He's actually clean and detests drug users, he's been campaigning for it for a long time hence why i somewhat believed the thread's title.

I know it sounds ridiculous but he became the more sane and sober member of the Jackass crew, you can clearly see it in any of his interviews in which he speaks in an almost offensive honest tone. I also know you won't check the fact because of his past behavior, even when we always talk about auto-improvement.

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File: fac9d2c5715552d⋯.png (264.66 KB,540x531,60:59,ClipboardImage.png)

He's one of them.

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Isn't this the asshole with the pedo tat? kek

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This; baby impaled on his dick fucking freak

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Yep. Checked.

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File: ebef03032245872⋯.jpg (323.04 KB,640x641,640:641,98db63cdfc4e5aa733e4a1e1f4….jpg)


>yfw when you realize i was "hacked"

> is plausible debility

>so you can finally lash out at all the kikes that >vile secrets you had to keep

>asses you had to kiss

>the blackmail against you and family

> just to keep your life and job

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File: f5b826a8174d88d⋯.jpg (526.46 KB,1310x2064,655:1032,terror jews.jpg)


>yfw when you realize i was "hacked"

> is plausible debility

>so you can finally lash out at all the kikes that >vile secrets you had to keep for pedo kikes

>asses you had to kiss

>the blackmail against you and family

> just to keep your life and job

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Hey Steve-o! Did you post this yourself and just blamed /pol/ for teh lulz? If so, well done. Did CNN ever answer your question btw?

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His twitter was hacked by a Japanon earlier.

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File: 790ab69cd1d7b93⋯.png (109.19 KB,612x586,306:293,Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 1….png)

File: 07e4834829bcb64⋯.png (87.1 KB,610x567,610:567,Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 1….png)

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Shit got hacked by cuckchan. Why is it still up, though?

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File: 4f45c436e34bddf⋯.png (77.44 KB,605x532,605:532,Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 1….png)

File: 7facc6381a29e4b⋯.png (140.87 KB,668x353,668:353,Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 1….png)

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Like i said, /pol/ is so chock-full of newfags they don't remember Steve-O going against the Jackass crew for being degenerates.

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He only started that holy-than-thou shit when he was forced to get sober after hitting rock bottom

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>conflating handicapped killing with positive posts about the Reich

I know it's technically not totally false but why?

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she looks like one of my old friends. he's a dude.

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File: 1da04d323c37d1f⋯.png (405.64 KB,453x500,453:500,ClipboardImage.png)

>its still fucking there

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File: 0739f0b4001c617⋯.gif (169.8 KB,220x107,220:107,steveo.gif)

Wew Lad

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Shits still up lmao

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I've followed those guys since the jackass day. I always knew they were based. Just watch their shows (viva la bam etc…) Some stunts are degenerate, but they never did anything liberal. Most metal guys are right wing.

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File: 065bf4dc15376f3⋯.jpg (739.92 KB,1280x960,4:3,1562487046745.jpg)


every fucking time

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File: b157247e42148aa⋯.png (174.89 KB,500x687,500:687,shock.png)

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Le edgy

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File: 62af089881c1da7⋯.jpg (146.3 KB,497x497,1:1,20190602_074336.jpg)


Really makes you think

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File: 75c15a91bf8976e⋯.png (183.37 KB,588x537,196:179,6A76ACA9-719C-4DE3-B832-45….png)

File: 7c31c8ead6a4d17⋯.png (196.5 KB,1263x731,1263:731,7BAECC0E-4F90-4B24-8CBF-40….png)

The hacker has all of his dms and he asked a 16 year old girl for nudes

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/b2/tard confirmed

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Steve-o also had a tattoo of a man fucking a baby on his arm

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Good. I won't same anything too detailed, but I know some of he same people, and they are all pretty realistic about the world.

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Good lord that typing is terrible.

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I get that the Jews envy him for his near perfect genetics - they have been trying for two thousand years to copy and steal this type of build. But this does not explain hacking his twitter a/c to show the world that Jews control the media, as this is known by all already.

Three things that i see which are connected are - this hack, the synagogue drive by, and the Garlic festival shooting.

Who gains ?

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File: c2949dae673f505⋯.jpg (199.31 KB,1200x1305,80:87,Putting_c23514_6383873.jpg)


Imagine just getting this to be edgy then finding out all your Hollywood friends are actually pedos

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He got hacked, just like Jessica Alba a few days ago. Still pretty funny though.

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>i somewhat believed the thread's title.

He's goyim patient 0, a model for degeneracy of an entire generation of 90's white kids, so as to demonstrate the pressing need for the Noahide laws. The only thing someone like him would become morally outraged about is NAHTZEE-ism, so that's funny you'd think for even a split second this was legitimate.

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Steve O? Like from Jackass?

> On July 31, 2002, Steve-O was arrested on obscenity and assault charges for stapling his scrotum to his leg


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The same guy who covered up his baby fucking tattoo?

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>So I figured instead getting buff like Breker I'd do some parkour and edgelord shit for some jews at MTV

I heard a story about how Johnny Knoxville was turned down by Tom Green and went out to assemble his own crew. I do know the former friend who used to have his show on CHUO after Midnight Caller (who we think once dated a suspected serial killer in Cornwall Ontario) would complain about him and Greenson and Humplink leaving garbage in the studio.

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to poison the well, of course

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File: 9fe9a1fe51e71a8⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,pz458_-jMO7JdiNA.mp4)

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That's the ugly tranny faggot from /b/ and /soc/ on cripple chan

Completely mentally retarded, posts new pics every day about how ugly he is

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>it's still up

This is looking less like a hack

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He talked about that tat on one his videos changed it to fucking a ostrich.

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Why SeaWorld?

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Yeah but look how many of her followers LOVED her comments.

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Half nigger, half God whales. Race mixing fucking whales, man.

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Fucking hell…look at those spicnigger stats. I know that 'others' includes nigger crimes, bug people crimes, mongrel crimes as well as the tiny tiny minority of White crime.

42% of the terrorism in the USA is spicnigger

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Also, if you added up 'semitic' extremism.

Add the desert niggers to the kikes, add the communism since that is 100% jewish philosophy, add the left wing faggots and some of the 'others'


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>dm stops directly after asking her age and not getting an answer

>he has a degenerate (really fucking sick and disgusting) tattoo

YOU DON'T CONDEMN THE PEOPLE THAT ARE HELPING YOU (you take the help at their disadvantage, and you refuse any debt of returning the favour) - even if the account was hacked, and it probably was. You're all a great example of why you're all getting nowhere, you have zero fucking strategic bone in your body and can't think further than the radius of schlomo's nostrils.

It's as simple as do not condone, do not condemn, this has nothing to do with you and how dare anyone assume so. Always be on the offensive, never defensive, never cannibalize.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, merely a tool when advantageous.

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File: 72df8605a6a77ac⋯.png (913.09 KB,1175x690,235:138,Screenshot from 2019-07-20….png)

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Hahaa fucking baaaaased

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>Being hacked is plausible deniability

>Except they can find out typically how you were hacked not usually who but how

This is bad advice. How about just don't be a pussy and own up to your distasteful beliefs? Oh they will shit on us in public? Without martyrs no cause can ever be taken in kind. It is sacrifice man secretly respects. It's what kikes figured out 2000 years ago to try and destroy our souls.

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Guess it isn't a hack since it is still up. (((They))) must be trying to associate those who criticize them with degenerates like Steveno.

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We really need an updated version of that CNN graphic. I know it's missing Don Lemon (a "non-practicing jew"), and probably some others.

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File: 4b114996d0aa6ab⋯.png (14.96 KB,591x118,591:118,tragicsituation.PNG)

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Top 10 boomer conspiracies

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What is Steve-o is just based?

I mean in the state we live in these days can you really shit on him that hard for making millions by exploiting a readily available market for slapstick comedy?

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is there a single comment in this thread about how the real steve o is a disgusting junkie. lol. go back to watching jackass guys

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fucking brainlet thinks a junkie is cool. current state of this board

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go listen to this faggot talk for 5 minutes about drugs and tell me you want him on our side

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Did you even read the reply? Fucking christ

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Are you fucking retarded, you strawmanning faggot?

Read it a third time, and don't trip on your smooth brain this time, nigger.


Fucking christ. This place has slipped drastically.

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not as retarded as a person who has taken every drug in the world

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>people still discussing if this was real


It was pretty based however, he followed some Esteban spic looking dude and everyone thought that guy was the hacker. The CNN redpill stayed up for a whole day forr some reason (based twitter mod?)

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steve o is the ultimate retard. jackass bro LOL!!!!

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File: cae12c621f9a4ab⋯.png (802.35 KB,632x909,632:909,steve o gay.png)


I know right

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Nigger that is obvious. The question becomes whether or not the "hacker" was actually Steve-o because the tweets are still up

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You still missing it, brainlet? Here it is a fourth time


figure it out already

You have actually convinced yourself that you're less retarded than Steve O? Truly astounding. You're a fucking moron who is still lost in this thread, faggot. How embarrassing for you.

Stop posting. Lurk 2 years, nigger.

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Not anymore

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>Steve-O leaks himself committing the criminal act of requesting cp

Ok retard

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they took it down, the tweets aren't there any more

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JUST now while I was refreshing it.

It was up all night.

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File: d4bf031167b802b⋯.jpg (71.71 KB,970x2048,485:1024,sup niggas.jpg)

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File: 73b789d72a45fc5⋯.png (109.18 KB,681x861,227:287,Untitled.png)


not my screenshot, it didn't load

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>hack account



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File: 6998b6f3554892f⋯.png (126.99 KB,640x825,128:165,IMG_9300.PNG)

Honk honk

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/b2/ broke this story before /pol/

/pol/ is slipping………..

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Yeah? How did that work for the jew Anthony Weiner? He claimed he was hacked too

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why do they never promote illegal activity? it seems the obvious thing to domwith a hacked account.

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he rapes christian children, but is uite out of jail. of course. he’s a kike.

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this is what a cia post looks like:


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>anime poster


Makes me think

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Noticing a trend there.

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We've got to swarm Jackie with reports so Twitter shuts her down.

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/pol/ will never figure this out, this board is pretty much dead

just come here for raw-videos/sources during happenings, theres nothing else of value here anymore

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example fia post:


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File: 627a123db5acc66⋯.png (169.58 KB,238x400,119:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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join gab

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File: e2fd62d8d37f8af⋯.jpg (24.7 KB,348x321,116:107,▄█▀_█▬█_█_█_█_█_█_█_▀█▀ pt….jpg)

File: 337eb3352fa37f3⋯.jpg (38.21 KB,450x495,10:11,▄█▀_█▬█_█_█_█_█_█_█_▀█▀.jpg)

>mfw this entire situation

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File: fc8e454c4dee693⋯.png (552.03 KB,600x495,40:33,shoahjoe.png)

File: c5bfb83741e6b80⋯.png (282.29 KB,618x348,103:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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Nice catch. Glownigs busy.

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The question is, why would anybody hack fucking Steve-O of all people?

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Whoever thinks he did that baby tattoo and being sincere about it must be stupid to a new level. Steve-o has always been a weird fuck. Like not giving a fuc to any side and making mockery of all. That baby tattoo is mockery of all fucks basically and this society. Whoever doesnt get that is pretty fucked in the head even more than Steve-O himself.

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Fucking normies.

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Hey btw glownigs suck cock. that new board suck cock too. Degenerate shit. Might work on jewchan but here? not so sure. I think Steve-Os account got hacked. But he figured that picture was great so he didn't remove it. my 2 cents.

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Bet he hasn't.

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It doesn't matter if he's 'sincere' about his baby-fucking tattoo, you absolute fucking lunatic. The fact that he has one means he's a subhuman goybot.

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He was just the guy stupid enough to get hacked

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File: 0752adab65d5f09⋯.mp4 (163.64 KB,384x286,192:143,EAsYyxxUcAAyyrZ.mp4)

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Here's a close-up.

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File: 8e62fccc6d18053⋯.jpg (31.52 KB,403x487,403:487,Unfunny-lol.jpg)

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Imagine being such a degenerate that you'd think it would be a good idea to get a tattoo of a baby being raped for everyone to see.

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I'd feel better about it if it involved a blender.

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And some boiling water being poured over him, just for good measure.

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File: 106e28f87ae859b⋯.gif (1.62 MB,332x332,1:1,Steve-O.gif)


Well, he's a specially kind of freak who had no problem getting pissed on, throwing shit around, tacking his balls to his legs, getting tattooed while driving over a dirt road track, taking vodka intravenous, burn some teens tits off, setting his hair on fire while doing somersaults from a hotel roof etc. he's the prime subject for the jewish freak show called earth.

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As is every artist who draws depictions of children and animals in a sexual manner, and the people who enjoy looking at it.

It's only a cartoon, just art, just lines on paper or skin, so it can't be made illegal, it's just one of those things you have to decide for yourself, whether you want to associate with it/them.

The jackass jews had a very specific task, get soft satanism out there to kids, get intoxicated, disrespect your parents, disrespect others property, it's all good fun. Steve-o last did a bmx, skateboard, rollerblade show called Revolution, it was a multicult fest of retardation and one of the arenas was literally a triangle with 666 in it. Many of the skateboards had occult sigil stickers on them, I assume they were handing them out. Who better to host a kids show in England than somebody who thinks baby raping is a joke, Aleister Crowley and Jimmy Savile would definitely approve.

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Holy shit, Abbyy Lewis. I know that whore IRL. Her Dad fucked her when she was a kid and now she's a schizo depressive who demands money from cucks. She doesn't even make much money either, it's just the only thing she knows how to do. She's from near Wigan in the UK. What's she doing in Steve Os DMs?

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Steve-o was redpilled on a lot of health charities just being rackets quite some time ago. It's good that he's using his popularity for good instead of just "jackass" content.

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File: b74e4ff3a1d3456⋯.jpg (120.37 KB,956x634,478:317,so.jpg)

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yeah, hes definitely jewish phenotype. lucky they are so genetically shallow easy to recognize

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File: 395fab9143972d7⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2550x3300,17:22,youtube.jpg)

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Oh christ, there's always some /leftypol/ faggot that takes offense to someone talking about the democrats or a station like CNN.

>uuuhhurrrrr how dare u talk bout CNN without mentionin Fox!

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

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fox is owned by just as many jews as cnn you dumb nigger

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>i'm mad someone had the audacity to mention CNN without mentioning every other network under the sun

>how do you know i'm a left-wing faggot who feels compelled to defend CNN?

Shut the fuck up nigger.

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dont worry, fox and cnn probably hold a big child rape festival you can go attend and meet all your favorite golem-anchors

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Go back to /leftypol/ faggot, your derailing shit is a waste of everyone's time. Filtered.

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seems kosher

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Back then it was funny tbf

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bump for naming the jew

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It's simple, they destroy a movement by infiltrating and leading it.

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Remember, rule from movies, if the bad guy says the truth, it makes it false. He is trash, so it will only invalidate it. Still funny to see.

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You make yourself blatantly obvious by the fact that you conveniently rule out Fox News in specific. Apparently Fox News and CNN are really the only media companies on the planet, even though Fox News is largely isolated to the US. While CNN, NBC, ABC, Sky News and BBC are all available worldwide and put out just as much trash if not more. Out of all those you somehow seemed to get pretty fucking butthurt that Fox News in specific wasn't mentioned. So yeah, I would have to agree with him, quite often people deflecting with "b-but what about Fox" are ones that are simply regurgitating talking points.


Steve-O wasn't the villain in really anything, people generally see him as a fairly likeable.

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