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 No.13542601 [Last50 Posts]

I am admittedly sick and tired of hearing especially Christians insist their religion is a part of National Socialism, or that National Socialism is based within Christianity, or that Hitler was a Christian. ITT will explain why i think this is completely wrong, and at best a lack of understanding about National Socialism.

If you want a road that is built for cars, you must take into consideration how cars behave. For example, when moving fast, cars turn slowly and so the road must be straight enough to accomidate them. The exact same should be said for society. If you want a civilization that is built for Humans, you must take into consideration how Humans behave, how we are, what we want, why we are here. For example, Humans have 2 sexes, the male and the female. The former is strong and smart, and their primary happy hormone is dopamine, which is released by doing manual labour or being competitive, for example. The latter, on the other hand, is weak and bland, but they can give birth and their dominant happy hormone, seretonin, is released by doing tasks such as nurturing. From studying these facts about humans, we can determine that men and women should fill the traditional gender roles in society, as it will not only be the most efficient, but also make the most people reliably happy.

National Socialism is therefore ondoubtedly based on nature and the sciences, as it is from there all of the answers which National Socialism gives, are derived from. This also means that National Socialism cannot give an answer which is not bound to either nature or the sciences, that is the evident or the provable. This is where the friction beings with not just religion.

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from National Socialism - the Biological World-View, by Povl H. Riis-Knudsen:

"National Socialism (…) is a world view, a complete philosophy of life, covering all aspects of human existence. As an adherent to a such a world view you regard all phenomena in society from one and the same angle, so that every single aspect becomes part of a unified whole, just as your opinions in all areas are determined by the same uniting principle that enables you to understand and explain all facets of life and its mysteries. Thus a world view is the basis of its followers' attitude to religion, ethics, politics, economics - and of the way they organize their personal lives.


It is a well-known fact that the religions are based solely on faith - something they are proud to acknowledge! Thus, the existence of God, the immaculate conception, the resurrection, the second coming etc. are all things that you cannot prove - unless, of course, you accept God as the author of the Bible, another thing that you must just believe - in spite of any evidence you may have to the contrary. And if you do not believe without evidence you are suspicious - just like the doubting Thomas. As opposed to this pride in ignorance, both (((Marxism))) and National Socialism claim to based on scientific truth. (((Marxism))), was invented behind a desk, loaded with learned, philosophical books - but without any contact with reality or science, for that matter. At a closer look (((Marxism))) is just as much based on faith as any religion - namely on the completely unscientific belief that all biological beings who walk on two legs and don't have feathers are created equal, and the just as absurd idea that it is the conditions of production that have determined history in the same way as it is claimed to be the environment - and not heredity - that determines the development of the individual. This, of course, is to put the cart before the horse. It does not take much intelligence to realize that in reality it is man who has formed his environment - and established the social order, including the conditions of production - and not the other way round.

Unlike all these other philosophies, National Socialism has never been invented - it has been derived from the eternal Laws of Nature, which have existed as long as the universe and which have governed all life since the first primitive organism came into existence. This has been expressed beautifully and clearly by Savitri Devi, the famous late National Socialist philosopher, in her book "The Lightning and the Sun":

"In its essence, the National Socialist idea exceeds not only Germany and our time, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal wisdom of the primeval forest and of the ocean depths and of the spheres in the dark fields of space; and it is Adolf Hitler's glory not merely to have gone back to that de vine wisdom, but to have made it the practical regeneration policy of world-wide scope"

In other words, National Socialism was not invented by Adolf Hitler, but is the conscious expression of the fundamental Laws of Nature governing our lives. It is based on a infinite love of the creation in all its diversity, a deep, unconditional respect for the wisdom of Nature, and an ardent will to preserve life as it has grown out of this wisdom. The only way to do so is to organize the society of man in accordance with these fundamental Laws. Thus being against National Socialism is just as absurd and illogical as it would be to oppose the law of gravity or the fact that the earth is round! National Socialism is really nothing but the application of physical and biological laws to the political, economic, social, and religious areas of human life in the same way as they are today applied to technology. In this light, National Socialism is truly scientific - unlike any other world view. It does not wish to make reality fit any preconceived theories but to make the theories fit reality. New epoch making scientific landmarks would thus immediately be reflected in the practical life of a National Socialist community."

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So, if National Socialism as a worldview is based on reality, which is what makes it so superior, then it is impossible to derrive anything from anywhere that is not factually, provably, or evidently real. Do you want a set of morals? Ask how our natural emotions are activated, and focus on building a society where the grossed and angry emotions are not released. Do you want meaning to your life? The reason you and i are alive to ask that question is only possible because our forefathers, near, far, ancient, and prehistoric, all decided along their natural impulses to start a family. The reason we are the way we are today, that is humans who adhere by the 14 words, is because those who weren't like us couldn't survive, as their nature didn't strive to survive. Therefore, the function of everything in you, from you blood to bonemarrow to brain, is to continue the existence of your people forever. You don't need threats of hell, the death of your people is hell enough. You don't need promises of heaven, the dream of eternity in your peoples existence is the bliss i want. You don't need God, only nature.

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Fuck off jew lover.

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>>13542644 (wasted dubs)

Wow. You sure did convince me that you know what you're talking about

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Fucking Hell, bro. What is your purpose in life?

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Anyone being a Christian: heed this

Hitler assumed loosing the clamp people are stuck in. Religion has too many mistakes.

> it is impossible to derrive anything from anywhere that is not factually, provably, or evidently real.

Still, what Christianity is about is real.

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>>13542769 (Me)


So what do you think OP?

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>what Christianity is about is real.

please elaborate, i'm uncertain as to what you mean.

I absolutely acknowledge that the stories the bible tells are very real, perhaps more so than other historical texts of the periods it covers. This is because events told in the book are supported by other texts, the story of Noah's ark in particular.

But i don't agree that the Christian moral doctrine alings with a National Socialist doctrine along the lines i described, Although i've never fully read anything of Nietzsche, his concept of morality and to it, the Overman and the friction between that philosophy and Christianity, does seem to apply to the National Socialist worldview. I also don't agree that humans are supposed to live for a life that they will gain themselves after they pass, but instead should accept that the only share of eternity that they can get is through the eternal life of their culture and race. Again, much of this alings with Nietzsche's view to my knowledge

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pic not related btw, that was a mistake

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>i don't agree that the Christian moral doctrine alings with a National Socialist doctrine

I don't have an opinion on this right away.

Do you mean division between church and state?

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>>what Christianity is about is real.

I am not sure what to show right now. To anyone looking for it, it becomes clear that a spiritual world exists.

The same goes for Christianity. Though I am not sure whether or not to solely focus on Christianity. Instead of the whole principle on itself. It is not only God, angels and the devil. (And demons).

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There is no such thing as "National Socialism" mentally ill faggot. Take to /fascism or whatever the fuck it's called.

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I mean ways of life the two worldviews promote, like what good morals are and how we should live our lives. Some things do align, like be kind to your fellow man, but many do not, like forgive those who do you wrong. Also the "original sin" aspect of Christianity strongly goes against the National Socialist view of mankind as an honest and innocent cog in nature, and that there is nothing to be ashamed of in that. In any case, the fundament for the Christian morals is founded on nothing that is actually real, or at the very least as obviously real as nature and biology.


Right now, to my knowledge, there doesn't exist any physical or provable evidence of a spiritual "world" that is seperate or intertwined with the physical. There are almost certainly many more physical dimensions, one of which gives us gravity, and perhaps lifeforms exist in these dimensions, however this is still not proof of any theism, rather it just further disproves what religions hypothesised. All spiritual experiences have been proven to soely exist within our conciousness of our physical brains, and not on any level above it. We have emotions, and inner spiritual drives and spiritual connections, likely because they helped us with surviving on one way or another, and they are to us very real, but outside of our brains, this spiritualism doesn't physically exist. This just means that we can learn from this spiritual feeling we definetly have, and apply it to our civilization like any other National Socialist principle, but the outcome will be what Saritri Devi talked about, as she has done this exact thing. I know that some of our spiritual feelings come from being in an exeedingly mentally healthy environment, for example like a lush and populated forest, or an exeedingly mentally unhealthy environment, like being close to death. Again, from studying and comprehending how we humans work, we can apply this to our civilization and way of life, and the same goes for our spiritualism, and in this example we can learn that humans are at peace when surrounded by nature, and at peace when being close to passing. But then again, i am an Atheist, and i am very illeterate on what spiritualism actually entails.

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I think Himmler had the right idea in trying to construct a new religion based on pagan revivalism; unfortunately it was cut short.

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The Reich Church was Marcionist Gnostic Christian

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Hitler disagreed with Himmler.

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In name only.

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Haha is an Atheist. Which is really compulsory for being a good Christian. In a sense of being a true realist. Though there are not many religious people that recognise this.

>All spiritual experiences have been proven to soely exist within our conciousness of our physical brains, and not on any level above it.

This is not how the facts are. There can only be proof of the opposite if someone covered it up.

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>Which is really compulsory for being a good Christian.

I only mean this as a nice remark about Atheism. It could look like trying to evangelize in an obtrusive way.

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National Socialism and religion becomes rather complicated. It was something where Hitler and others had varying beliefs, but the people following did not share the same beliefs. Hitler went along with the church because he saw what happen when a right-wing Austrian party fought against the catholic church who were siding with the slavs and Hapsburgs. This is recorded in the earlier portions of Mein Kampf. He ordered all members to remain in the Church as tensions arose. He said he was a "man of science", but publicly he was a Christian. So does that make NS christian, not really. They opened up "positive Christianity" because they didn't like what they perceived as a weak/overly peaceful/semitic religion. This ended in total failure and went away. They made plans to replace Christianity eventually but would tolerate it for now. In addition, Himmler started a whole bunch of occult stuff which is another discussion. I could go on, so where does this leave us? National Socialism is a mixed, broken, incoherent mess when it comes to religion. The best way to put it was that National Socialism worshiped the Aryan man. It was a materialist, rationalist, and collectivist ideology which led to the worship of themselves.

>please ask questions if you have any

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Hitler explicitly said that NS isn't a cult movement. So it's neither Christian (though promoted "Positive Christianity") or occultist (though Himmler was one, Hitler disagreed with it, and the party also banned many such organisations because of their resemblance to freemasonry).

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Read "Hitler, Christianity, and the Old Testament" by M. Raphael Johnson. It addresses many of your concerns.


There are MANY quotes proving Hitler's Christianity, that "our movement is a Christian one", "we will not tolerate attacks on Christianity", "the only philosophy we will not tolerate is Atheism", etc. … the unification of Catholics and Protestants in Germany behind the banner of "Christendom" was one of Hitler's stated goals in Mein Kampf.

YES, there were SOME among the NSDAP upper elite who favoured Paganism, but they were the exception and not the rule.

Himmler, and Speer especially, had a lot of motivation to invent or alter Hitler's "Table Talks" to fit their agenda.

Actions speak louder than words. The Axis Powers wore GOTT MIT UNS on their belt buckles and fought against the godless, Atheistic Judeo-Bolsheviks. Even the Japanese many who signed the Tripartite Pact forming the Axis Powers was a Christian, Saburo Kurusu.

This anti-Christian agenda is just more D&C Kike shilling. (((They))) know that


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I don't understand why this needs to be debated at all times, no matter what you say I will always be on the Christian side of things. But below Jesus uncle Adolf isn't far off. Why is it so hard to grasp?

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He disagreed with paganism, but his comment "we might as well have remained with the Church" shows he was certainly not thinking in terms of Christianity either.

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Okay, but Christians worship

> in the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God

so Christians in theory are unreservedly committed to understanding the natural world.

In addition, Christians are committed, through the words of Jesus, who they identify with the Logos, and the saints who wrote the New Testament, to uphold the marriage customs of the White race as moral good, which is White supremacy, and impose them on anyone they can, which is White chauvinism.

A natural result of Jesus' 1000 year reich, as written of in the Book of Revelations, would be to turn everyone White in behavior and appearance.

In addition, theoretically Christians are taught that salvation is only through confessing with the mouth the central principles of Christianity, and not through works lest any man should inordinately virtue signal and sow division, and to avoid division though strange and divers doctrines.

That's why National Socialists really want to be Christians, and Christians really want to be National Socialists.

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It is well documented that Hitler was not a Christian in his private life and wouldn't want to see it upholded. He said he was a Christian and that the NSDAP was a Christian party as a tactic of office seeking. But just because people were religious, does not mean it was right or true, you have to justify why Christianity aligns with National Socialism, which is what i have argued that it doesn't. Talking about the people and not the idea is very low-iq of you.


My worry is exactly that; where is your loyalty? Are you a "real" National Socialist, or do you compromise on your values against reason? We all live lives and hold views that are opposed by what the National Socialist worldview tells us, like living decadent lives is bad, but just as people are working to improve that aspect and stop living degenerate lives, i think Christians should stop living Christian lives. If National Socialism is based on absolute truth of this world, and that truth tells you that religions aren't ideal, then you should strive to cut it out of your life eventually. You can very well value Jesus for the historical figure that he was, just like Hitler, but worshipping him and living by the morals and ways of life of Christianity must be justified.

I also know and understand that people dislike infighting, and i certainly agree if it's just tribalism between two groups or a retarded discussion on what symbol to use, but when it comes to the ideas, it is not infighting. If you are a Christian and not a National Socialist, i am not infighting with National Socialists.


This comment is VERY concerning to me, and i hope it outlines why i made this thread.

>Christians in theory are unreservedly committed to understanding the natural world

Christians as a matter of fact do not commit to understanding of the world, i can name any scientific discovery of the past forever, and all of them will have been dismissed or persecuted by Christians who had their own wrong hypothesies on how the world worked.

>Christians are committed to uphold the marriage customs of the White race as moral good and impose them on anyone they can

This line is NOT National Socialist whatsoever. Assuming your values even are white (read Nietcszhe), you want to impose WHITE values on "anyone", I.E. people who are not white? The main conclution of not just National Socialism, but EVERY Fascist doctrine, is that different things work for different people, because we are different.

<But slavs and nazi germany!!

Hitler wanted a "British Raj" for Germany, the doctrine of lebensraum was purely to give the Germans power and was in fact not a National Socialist policy according to the worldview.

So, are you a National Socialist, or a Christian? Do you want a society to be built on human nature, or on your ancient doctrine? I'm sorry if i am insulting you, but i really do not think you are National Socialist in thought, but a Clerical Fascist.

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Do you believe that our ways, and ourselves, molded by our ways for several thousand years, are objectively superior, or do you believe that there is no objective superiority but everyone is equal? I know you don't extend that to Pakis living in England should keep their customs, though.

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You define National Socialism as derived from the laws of nature. I define my religion as derived from the laws of nature. We both start from the same point.

Let us then debate what the laws of nature are. We can then debate what we should do about them.

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Starts with facts, ends with kikery. One and fucking done.


Starts with mistruths, ends with kikery. One and fucking done.


Jesus was a Jew, Christianity IS a Jewish sect.


Pointless question. Indians get gas in minecraft.


Don't reply to tor posters.

Ok Op here is my take. You have written some pretty accurate stuff here.

This is my take as an x-christian. National Socialism is indeed as you say, natural law and order, truth, the cosmic order etc. Christianity denies some of the most basic laws of nature, survival of the fittest, gender rolls, in-group preference/nationalism, inequality, etc. There really should be no debate that a Jewish sect that worships a Jew should have ANY roll in the future National Socialist world. Any self respectable should want to see any trace of the Jew eradicated from their day to day lives much less the world - in minecraft. I really do not think I need to discuss this any longer. Hitler early on did not speak out against the Church so to not stifle his immediate political goals, he then went on to try unjew it and in private spoke about how it was unfortunate that we had Christianity and that it should go. He also said he believes in a creator and God, as was a requirement of being an SS member, this speaks of the deeply spiritual soul of the National Socialist. Yes our policy can be drawn from the material, but the ordering of the material is the work of an order within, without, above and beyond us and can only be interpreted as metaphysical and thus spiritual. A Nationalist Socialist spirituality/esotericism reflects this cosmic order and truth as does the exoteric policy/political applications.

It is interesting to note that beyond the obvious sagas and eddas of the ancient Europeans, this same natural law and order/cosmic truth can be found, is this the answer? I personally would much rather celebrate the indigenous and traditional celebrations of my forfathers, as is described in the Celebrations of the SS Family, than a compartively modern Judaic religion. Anyone who clings to Christianity because our still resilient forfathers fought off some sand niggers under its standards, is simply a concervative and lacks the revolutionary spirit that is required of the National Socialist - conservatives get the rope in minecraft, they also lack the involuntary disgust of anything Jewish as is required of a true National Socialist and they lack the reverence of the thousands of men and women who struggled for their very existence.

TLDR Christcucks gtfo.

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I obviously did not proof read but you get the point.

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If hitler was christian, why was he so eager to get into bed with islam, instead of DEUS VULTing the whole middle east, or at the very least, the "holy lands"…?

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National Socialism means, first and foremost, being able to recognize what a Nation is, and what your Nation is. The greatest hindrance to this process is religion.

Religion and National identity compete with each other. The final ideological conflict, playing out in the world today, is Nationalism versus religious identity. This is openly going on in the Middle East right now, but it is playing out in many places all over the world.

The Soviets were the first to weaponize the National Question in a manner that allowed them to capture political power. But they used it in a negative fashion (they used it to hold a bunch of Nations together inside multi-national State). The National Socialist German Workers' Party was the first to use it in a positive fashion, that is, to tear down the little German state-lets and form them into a single unified Nation-State.

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German Unification resulted in the displacement of ethnic Germans following a single defeat. The British Empire stabbed Rhodesia and South Africa in the back. American Unification resulted in Californication.

One empire is the wrong way to do colonization. Russia doesn't need direct control over the entire Slavic or Russian cultural region.

What we need to unify our cultural group, and enforce our marriage laws on ourselves and anyone else on our turf, if a religion. Christianity is not a Jewish religion, because Jews have divorce and a bunch of weird and crazy customs.

A lot of people, unfortunately, act like everything that happens in the Bible is ipso facto good. A lot of stuff is just mentioned as happening, and the thing Whites need to understand is, dishonorable stuff sometimes works, and to worship the God of Existence means to consider what works.

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Jews are not White. They practice divorce, and matrilineality, their women are gross and hairy, they practice polyamory, they cut up the dicks of their babies, they are work-shy swindlers.

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>German Unification resulted in the displacement of ethnic Germans following a single defeat.

The National Socialist German Worker's Party shouldn't overplayed their hand.

>The British Empire stabbed Rhodesia and South Africa in the back.

Fuck any English-speaking European that wants to live in a sea of niggers. They deserve whatever happens to them for it. Only a religious mind, that thinks the Sky-Kike granted niggers to them (personally!) as slaves, could ever dream of wanting to live a life surrounded by nigger servants.

>American Unification resulted in Californication.

The border separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.

>What we need to unify our cultural group, and enforce our marriage laws on ourselves and anyone else on our turf, if a religion.

Christians forced integration with niggers on the White Nation in that thing called "America." Christfaggotry is the death of not only the White Nation, but all European people's. A Christfag can not help themselves but to enslave their own people to Kikes.

Christfaggotry must die if the White Nation is to live.

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>Fuck any English-speaking European that wants to live in a sea of niggers.

In South Africa niggers came 100 years after whites have settled there. You should fuck off yourself with your divide and conquer bullshit.

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>In South Africa niggers came 100 years after whites have settled there. You should fuck off yourself with your divide and conquer bullshit.

And the Kikes pretend like no one was living in "Israel" either before they got there.

But let's be clear here: did the South African or "Rhodesian" governments ever try to fight for a European-only rump state, where they didn't allow niggers to exist in? Of course not. Their demand was always for some type of regime, filled to the brim with nigger servants, ruled over by insane religious whites. That same religious insanity had already played out in that thing called "America" decades earlier, and low and behold, the masses of the English-speaking European Nation never wanted anything to do with insane nigger fantasies of capitalist-slavers.

"Rhodesia" was founded by a fucking faggot. Literally, google it: Cecil Rhodes was a fucking faggot.

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The problem is, works-based salvation, and strange and divers doctrines, are expressly condemned in the Bible, but organized Christians for the past several centuries, practically a millennium, have been virtue signaling about their works, and bickering over strange doctrines.

The problem isn't Christianity, it's heresy. Divorce is heresy, aceptance of gays is heresy, that women should be educated and get jobs instead of being mothers is heresy. Our first priority, if we want the beauty of the White woman not to disappear from the Earth, is to get our women under control.

The idea that every species deserves a habitat is quaint. The way species get to have habitats is through outcompeting other species, and competition within the species.

All biological innovation is ultimately directed towards intraspecies competition.

The way Whites are supposed to compete, and live, is called marriage. Attacks on marriage are heresy, blasphemy, sacrilege.

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Your third post is definitely the best one. But what do you think the point was of fighting the jesusnigger shills all these years? Before I started, that christkike crap was everywhere. After I pushed against it with multiple bans, now the majority knows otherwise. I'm guessing that you're new, or else you would say "sex" instead of "gender."

But yes, anons support the biological worldview now, including in religion.


Having your prayers redirected to the volcano demon is probably real–I just don't agree with it. It was in fact one of the most disturbing thoughts I had after getting out. Kikes are spiritually powering up their evil by the actions of dumb christcucks everywhere. It probably allowed them to swallow the Earth whole and institute their reign of open tyranny.


Why would you expect a perfect response to 2000 years of kike slavery? If anything, their achievements were amazing. They literally didn't even have time to fix religion, but there are people who have done that afterward, like the Odinia lady. Going back to folkways is the only answer. National Socialism was about folkways in general and the self-determination, first of Germans, then all of Europe, then all the world.

It was in fact the FINAL SOLUTION to kike slavery.

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There's a lot more than 109 newfag. You types always out yourselves with your total lack of knowledge.

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>i love kikes and niggers

Kill yourself, ZOG-faggot.

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>arguing like a total kike

You outed yourself even further. Why are you here if you aren't literal bots?

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Wow, a kike religion changes like the holohoax to whatever kikes want.


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christcucks BTFO

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Yes, Christianity is, for white people, superior than Mohammedanism, yet NO religion or any other single worldview is superior to, not just the white race, but every race, than National Socialism. You are right, Pakistanis should not act as they do in Britain, when in Rome do as Romans. However, this does not mean they should be behaving like Christians, because the British race is not a Christian race, for no such race exists. It is Germanic, and so that should be what is considered when norms are formed.

>do you believe that there is no objective superiority but everyone is equal?

For a society to be objectively superior, it must get the most out of the people who are the make up of that society, and so it must be built to compliment the people. People are different, and so societies should change in accordance with racial characteristics. Does Christianity do this? No. Christianity is not even based on any peoples, it is based on a slave-like mentality of forgiveness and eternal sin. It is only superior when compared with other inferior religions, but compare it with National Socialism, and its faults become glaring.


And that is what has been done at an accelerated rate for the past 1000 years since the dark ages, but every time the Christian hypothesis of reality was disproven, Christianity did not change, because it is based on that false hypothesis. National Socialism sprouted when too much of the old hypothesis was disproven, and the evident reality of science became our new eternal understanding of nature, however, Christianity still has not changed. Sure you can argue that Christianity is based on nature, but our aincent understanding of nature, when we didn't know flies were animals, or the earth was a planet, and the sky was a canvas. Christianity cannot adapt to the modern, real understanding of nature, if it did it would become National Socialism and not Christianity.


Geopolitics are not representative of philosophies. And you must realize that it is the horse that draws the cart, not the cart that draws the horse. Give Black people American white values, and they make a Black society. Give the native Blacks in Rhodesia Capitalist Christian values and they become Communists. Society is downstream from the people who make it, you cannot and therefore should not try to impose your own values on other races, especially when those values are not even racial to being with.


nice get

I am new to 8chan in that i haven't posted or visited it regularly before. I got redpilled on 4chan, however, but left immediately after the election because of the raiders and redditors, and have been on a hiatus from imageboards since then until now.

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Mugabe was trained by communists in universities to repeat communist slogans, same as Martin Luther King. Communism is properly speaking a Christian heresy. When Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit, He meant that to be saved you must be humble before the universe.

The Blacks are not naturally communists, they are naturally indolent bling-flashing thugs.

Blacks traditionally have female mate selection and very limited paternal involvement and are optimized for that behavior. It took several thousand years of Christian marriage, which developed in response to our environment, to turn us White.

Now we have divorce and female mate selection, and can't reproduce ourselves, instead, we're getting cucked by the peoples who are comfortable with female mate selection and loose women.

Any future White religion must

* enforce White marriage

* avoid bickering over strange and divers doctrines

* avoid virtue signaling

* suggest to everyone that they should be virtuous, as described by Socrates and the Stoics

fortunately, that's what's prescribed in the Bible

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>but every time the Christian hypothesis of reality was disproven, Christianity did not change

Then Christianity needs to change. Perhaps it will no longer be called Christianity. Gnon (God of Nature or Nature) is the current stand-in for this.

The one advantage of using Christianity as a starting point is that it is mostly right. When God says "be fruitful and multiply" he is stating Darwinism. When God smites Sodom and Gomorrah he is punishing degeneracy.

The correct interpretation of the word of God as taught in the Bible is the one that unites His word with the words of Galileo, Newton, Darwin, and all the other prophets who came after.

Christianity needs an upgrade. National Socialism needs a facelift. Together we will win.

>yet NO religion or any other single worldview is superior to, not just the white race, but every race, than National Socialism

Our elites, most of whom are white or considered white, are actively trying to kill off white people. It is time to drop this particular point. Our enemies do not care. It is the productive versus the parasites and race be damned. Commit to total war or die as Hitler died.

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No one cares faggot, religious threads are d&c regardless of what your position is as OP and thusly should not be made

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Yep, you are not a National Socialist, you are a Clerical Fascist. Christianity first and foremost believes all men are created equal, that you should be forgiving and not vengeful, and that you should be conservative, sub servant and ashamed. None of these values are natural to the Faustian race. The only thing you are right now promoting is the Christian value of marriage, which isn't even aware of racial hygiene as far as I know, but don't you know this exact principle is a National Socialist one as well? It's called 14 and 88 for a reason. Even if the only aspect of Christianity that is positively needed and in line with National Socialism, why hang on to your Christianity? Because you are a Christian and not a National Socialist. Because National Socialism is not Christian.


If you change Christianity to apply to what we know, that is science, you get National Socialism. That is why Because National Socialism cannot be Christian in anything but the outward culture. I also personally think that wanting to reform Christianity to the newly discovered reality of the world AGAIN is another limp-wristed attempt at keeping relevance. Christianity is wrong, so drop it. National Socialism is based on provable truths, so embrace it.

While sure, that is a positive, the negatives are immense. And regardless, both beliefs are worldviews which seek to explain every facet of life in a unified manner, and so they cannot be intertwined, as that would break the unity and make it another "pick and choose" political position of what you like, not what is true.

Unless you go out right now and do something in Minecraft, I will not stop educating people on what National Socialism truly is about. Unless you are ready to fight, I will continue to make you a better man until the day of the rope.


see >>13546296

"I also know and understand that people dislike infighting, and I certainly agree if it's just tribalism between two groups or a retarded discussion on what symbol to use, but when it comes to the ideas, it is not infighting. If you are a Christian and not a National Socialist, I am not in fighting with National Socialists."

I am not dividing and conquering if you are not on my side.



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also, that article is written by "Austin Cline", who is "… a former regional director for the Council for Secular Humanism, writes and lectures extensively about atheism and agnosticism." so they would want to lable Christians as evil nazis, and not mention the actual Atheism of Hitler. That is lack of a belief in a deity, he did describe is devotion to the power of the laws of nature as a religion.

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>I am…sick and tired of…Christians

k, read your message loud and clear. Here's a puppy. I hope you feel better.

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>Mugabe was trained by communists in universities to repeat communist slogans, same as Martin Luther King.

What people don't seem to understand about the niggers in Zimbabwe is that there are a bunch of different tiny nigger Nations in that thing called Zimbabwe. Only communism on an ideological level could hold that thng called "Zimbabwe" together. "National" Socialism when you live in a multi-national State is impossible, so the only thing left is either communism or a bourgeois-state.

The difference between a communist state and a bourgeois-state is the issue of identity. Bourgeois states think they can persist on identity control indefinitely, with that thing called "America" being the primary example of it. Communist states, on the other hand, are clear about the national differences, and promote them as a good, with usually some underlying race-based type of solidarity. This is clear as day in the case of Zimbabwe and China, and if you're willing to admit it to yourself, the USSR as well. This is why the Race identity is so prevalent in communist countries all over the place, except for the heterogeneous ones (Vietnam, the DPRK, and Albania being the primary examples).

The 'Right' wing of the ZOG has fully embraced Race-identity ideas. This is why they love Kikes in Israel; because they see Ashkenazi (European) Kikes as their fully White Blood Brothers. It's also why they interfere in spick politics so much; they see themselves as defending the white spicks in Latin America. Bolivarianism is clearly a mestizo-spick form of Spanish-speaking Nationalism (the PSUV is a National Socialist party, right down to taking identical lines as the National Socialist German Worker's Party on issues of what the Nation is), which is inherently opposed to white-spick political control, which is entirely dependent on "America" to prop itself up.

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>don't believe his words, believe others' words about his words because he was just lying to and deceiving his people the whole time.

>implying he didn't understand that the bible was cucked in it's passive reiteration and couldn't reconcile Christ's message with nature.

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>Yep, you are not a National Socialist, you are a Clerical Fascist.

And the National Socialist German Worker's Party did destroy one of those Clerical Fascist regimes, namely that thing called "Austria," which was ruled by Catholic Fascists that called themselves "Austrofascists."

Christfaggots are extreme liars. They have no problem coming here and saying "Kikes aren't white, they're shitskin semites," and going to other places and saying "Jews are our fellow white blood brother fighting the darky arab hordes." They have no moral qualms with lying to people they think are essentially retarded animals.

Make no mistake, the Republican "Party" (it isn't a party at all, but a state institution of the ZOG; real parties have clearly stated political programs and clear organization, which simply doesn't exist in "America" politics) absolutely hates whites. They resent history having forced them to court them after the Democratic Party finally won the nigger vote from them. If given the option, the Republican "Party" would swap their white working class voters for niggers any day of the week.

When Christfag 'conservatives' say "Dems are de Weal Waycists," they mean it. When they're talking about spicks "taking our jobs," they actually mean nigger jobs, and this is a form of coded purity-spiraling. They are in a fight with the Democrats over who really loves "America's" niggers when it comes to immigration and jobs, because spicks take nigger jobs first. Spick labor pushed nigger labor out of the fields decades ago.

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I have some questions for you.

1. What is the role of women in society?

2. A woman has a choice between an upstanding National Socialist and a third world black cannibalistic dictator warlord. Which man does she choose?

3. A woman you just met says: I hope you don't murder me! What does she mean by this?

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What about dregelle isn't he a national socialist and Christian?

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

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>believe an atheist who ommitted any quotes on Hitlers atheism

>not believing Hitlers own words from his personal life.


>What is the role of women in society?

Ask; what is women's biology, and why is it like this, and you will get your answer. Women should live lives which takes their qualities and wants into account.

>A woman has a choice between an upstanding National Socialist and a third world black cannibalistic dictator warlord. Which man does she choose?

A white woman will choose the former, a black woman the latter.

>A woman you just met says: I hope you don't murder me! What does she mean by this?

don't know


Wikipedia says the Rexist party was "Belgian nationalism, Corporatism, Authoritarianism, Clerical fascism", not National Socialism. He just cooperated with Germany

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First post, jew post.

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“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

<Galatians 3:28 KJV

Marxist universalist trash

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Nazism is a broken ideology of submission.

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Nazism is a broken ideology of submission. It isn’t actually white nationalists doing most of that. It’s mostly nationalists of other skin-religions trying to use a bogeyman. They talk in the voice that everyone knows is missing from the room.

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It’s a bot don’t bother with it

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>kiked jew version

Use a study guide and read an interlinear version of the original greek. It does not say jew, it says Judahite. The jews are Edomites, not Judahites. The bible is 100% clear, jews are the spawn of satan. Literally. The serpent seduced Eve, and she bore the wicked Cain. The Lord cursed the serpent, and all his descendants to forever be in enmity with the descendants of Adam. This is why whites (Adam's descendants) and kikes (Cain's descendants) are in permanent conflict. Until of course the day when we finally triumph over the yids as scripture says will occur.

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Go kill yourself then jamal.

Nobody gives a shit.

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Jew = judean, retard. The original Iesus quote about muh synagogue of Satan also refers to judean, not jews.

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>Jew = judean, retard.

Anything a kike tells you is fact huh? There is no genetic link between any of the ethnic groups that call themselves jews and ancient Judeans or Israelites.

>The original Iesus quote about muh synagogue of Satan also refers to judean, not jews.

No, it refers to pharisees. Who eventually settled on "talmudism" as the name for their religion, and then later renamed it to "judaism" in order to try to claim to be descendants of Judeans. Christ was Judean. He was described and portrayed as fair skinned and blond in contemporary times, by Romans. What Paul is saying in your quote is that salvation is for all of the pure descendants of Adam (white people), not just the subset of them descended from Jacob (Israelites). The fact that you degenerate retards want to adopt kike propaganda as your own and pretend niggers and mongrels are descendants of Adam and are included in "Judean or Greek" is just sad. Genesis is the history of the white race. It tells of our creation, the creation of our nemesis the kike, and our mistake of race mixing which resulted in the flood. Learn your lesson from this, instead of doing the kike's work for him.

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>Anything a kike tells you is fact huh? There is no genetic link between any of the ethnic groups that call themselves jews and ancient Judeans or Israelites.

Yes there are, ancient hebrews are genetically linked to palestinian and the jews who live in the middle east.

>No, it refers to pharisees.

Again, read the greek quote, it refers to the judean.

Nice fucking fan fiction, kike.

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>Christ was Judean. He was described and portrayed as fair skinned and blond in contemporary times, by Romans.

Ah, it's the same retard as last time.

Daily reminder that your letter is fucking forgery written in English. There's never ANY latin letter as such by Pilate.

I swear to god, the dumb as fuck christian identity faggots who think jew/judean are white.

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Aww, no wonder imkikey made a spam thread about how “anyone who calls out my reddit spacing is a shill.” He LOVES that shit.

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Ah, yes, what's next? The post count?

And no, I'm not imkikey. Then again, everyone is imkikey to your deranged christcuck mind.

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>White Networking system

But that's white nationalism, my kike.

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>ancient hebrews are genetically linked to palestinian

No, ancient Edomites are.

>Again, read the greek quote, it refers to the judean.

It does not. Οἶδά σου τὴν θλῖψιν καὶ τὴν πτωχείαν, ἀλλὰ πλούσιος εἶ, καὶ τὴν βλασφημίαν ἐκ τῶν λεγόντων Ἰουδαίους εἶναι ἑαυτούς, καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν, ἀλλὰ συναγωγὴ τοῦ Σατανᾶ. Those CLAIMING TO BE JUDEANS BUT ARE NOT.

>Nice fucking fan fiction, kike.

Yes, kikes write "fan fiction" about how they are the spawn of satan and how white people are God's people who are destined to exterminate the kikes and inherit the earth.

>Daily reminder that your letter is fucking forgery written in English

Yes yes rabbi, everything you don't like is fake. But your "gas chambers" are totally real of course.

>I swear to god, the dumb as fuck christian identity faggots who think jew/judean are white.

Well since we have lots of evidence they were white, everyone described them as white, we have multiple independent histories of the Hebrew people dispersing and populating Europe, where exactly is your evidence that they were brown mongrels? All you have is "rabbi bagelstein says so!".

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>No, ancient Edomites are.

No, ancient hebrews are. Palestinian confirm.

>It does not. Οἶδά σου τὴν θλῖψιν καὶ τὴν πτωχείαν, ἀλλὰ πλούσιος εἶ, καὶ τὴν βλασφημίαν ἐκ τῶν λεγόντων Ἰουδαίους εἶναι ἑαυτούς, καὶ οὐκ εἰσίν, ἀλλὰ συναγωγὴ τοῦ Σατανᾶ. Those CLAIMING TO BE JUDEANS BUT ARE NOT.

Exactly, it refers to JUDEANS, not jews. Because judean = jew at the times.

>Yes, kikes write "fan fiction" about how they are the spawn of satan and how white people are God's people who are destined to exterminate the kikes and inherit the earth.

Yes, Kike Iesus writes that because he only wants HIS brand of kike to inherit the Earth.

>Yes yes rabbi, everything you don't like is fake. But your "gas chambers" are totally real of course.

So are the gas chambers real now because said letter is fake? Is this your logic?

>Well since we have lots of evidence they were white,

Provide one, just one.

>we have multiple independent histories of the Hebrew people dispersing and populating Europe, where exactly is your evidence that they were brown mongrels?

YES, it's the wandering jews, jewish merchants.

>All you have is "rabbi bagelstein says so!".

Actually, it's what the romans said. Jewish merchants were traveling and infecting Europe via the Southern Europe trade route.

It's older than your kike fan fiction too, rabbi Yeshu.

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LOL no faggot, white networking is WHITE NATIONALISM.

Nice try.

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File: f0471f0a6df0ee8⋯.jpg (307.28 KB,1200x630,40:21,jew slave in ROme.jpg)


Also pic related, depiction of a jew slave in Rome.

Note the brown skin and nigger hair/fro that are still apparent to the jews today.

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File: a572ebc17520e0e⋯.png (384.96 KB,500x588,125:147,spicspamfag.png)



spicspam's daily (2) and done, then IP hop in every single thread, RED TEXT, give away!

What the fuck is your problem, nigger? Do you honestly believe you'r fooling ANYONE here?

Get a fucking hobby, you stupid beaner.

You'll never be Aryan, nigger.

This is your life, you fucking loser.

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>No, ancient hebrews are. Palestinian confirm.

Oh well if some kike says so, then lets ignore DNA and believe him right?

>Exactly, it refers to JUDEANS, not jews.

No, to non-Judeans claiming to be Judean.

>Because judean = jew at the times.

The concept of jew did not exist at the time. It is a modern invention.

>Yes, Kike Iesus writes that because he only wants HIS brand of kike to inherit the Earth.

You think calling white people kikes is helping your case?

>So are the gas chambers real now because said letter is fake? Is this your logic?

Believing kike lies, even when overwhelming evidence shows they are lies, is fucking stupid. That is my logic.

>Provide one, just one.

So you can say "that doesn't count its fake my rabbi says so!111" again?

>YES, it's the wandering jews, jewish merchants

The population of Europe is jews? And you expect people to think you're not a yid?

>Actually, it's what the romans said. Jewish merchants were traveling and infecting Europe via the Southern Europe trade route.

Yes, centuries after Europe had already been populated by the Hebrews. You can't infect a place that has no people you fucking retard.

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Fuck you and your retarded attempt at getting this idiot meme to stick.

Who the fuck do you think we are, nigger?

YOU are the nigger brain. This shit will never work on the White Man.

You don't know this though, because you have the subhuman mind of a spicnigger faggot who will NEVER know what it feels like, or means to be Celto Germano Europid.

Fuck you.


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Yeah, kikes are well known for their blond hair. How can you be that stupid? "OMG blond people living in the Mediterranean tanned! Obviously that makes them niggers!"

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I hope you know that you're going to be killed when we win right?

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>can't infect a place that has no people

Not this bullshit again. Europe was full of Europeans many tens of thousands of years before your desert demon book was cooked up, and native European Neanderthals who are ancestral to us were living there for hundreds of thousands of years before that. Your assertion that Europe was an empty land before some bands of irrelevant goatfuckers from a backwater slice of the Middle East moved in only a couple thousand years ago is untenable in the face of reality.

Where does your degenerate WE WUZ JEWZery place the Egyptians who were evidently Whiter and superior to your Hebrews? What about Sumeria? Babylon the Great? Assyria?

Or do you just call them all demonic beasts because they were Hebrew, and their religions were superior to your nonsense?

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>Oh well if some kike says so, then lets ignore DNA and believe him right?

Except there is DNA proof and you are ignoring it, following your own fantasy.

>No, to non-Judeans claiming to be Judean.

So yeah, it refers to JUDEAN, which means jews at the time.

>The concept of jew did not exist at the time. It is a modern invention.

Jew is a translation of the word JUDEAN, jew in German is still JUDE to this day, retarded nigger.

>You think calling white people kikes is helping your case?

Kikes are not white people so I don't understand?

>Believing kike lies, even when overwhelming evidence shows they are lies, is fucking stupid. That is my logic.

Again, there are overwhelming DNA evidences showing how ancient hebrews are palestinian/jews i.e. shitskins.

>So you can say "that doesn't count its fake my rabbi says so!111" again?

So again, no evidence or whatsoever?

>The population of Europe is jews? And you expect people to think you're not a yid?

How are they jews? Are you a fucking faggot christian identity who think hebrews populated Europe?

>Yes, centuries after Europe had already been populated by the Hebrews. You can't infect a place that has no people you fucking retard.

Holy shit, Europe has been POPULATED for THOUSANDS of year before jews exist.

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Where's the blond hair?

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She knows. That's why she's here desperately attempting to steer this inevitable fate from it's final destination.

It's futile, and quite sad to have to witness, honestly.

Fucking subhumans think vehemently poking the Bear will somehow save them.

I've lost all humanity for them because of the endless historical torture and torment.

They're completely fucked.

They know it.

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The atheistic kvetching itt is only indicative of the relevant significance of it's obverse juden. Its why you always lose and never understand why.

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When there's argument against kike religion, call it "atheistic kvetching", never mind kike religion actively suppresses and destroys white religion.

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>atheistic kvetching

D&C against our atheist brothers.

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>tens of thousands of years


>desert demon book

The middle east wasn't a desert until the mongrels turned it into one.

>and native European Neanderthals


>Where does your degenerate WE WUZ JEWZery place the Egyptians who were evidently Whiter and superior to your Hebrews? What about Sumeria? Babylon the Great? Assyria?

White people are white. There is no "whiter". What part of "salvation is for all white people" is confusing you?


>Except there is DNA proof

Yes. That kikes are khazars, and arab mongrels depending on ashkenazi vs the other two.

>So yeah, it refers to JUDEAN, which means jews at the time.

Repeating the premise does not support it.

>Jew is a translation of the word JUDEAN,

No, Judean is a translation of the word Ἰουδαῖοι. Jew is a word invented in the 1600s so that the kikes could try to claim to be God's people so they can subvert white nations better.

>jew in German is still JUDE to this day, retarded nigger.


>Kikes are not white people so I don't understand?

Correct. And yet you said Europeans are kikes.

>Again, there are overwhelming DNA evidences showing how ancient hebrews are palestinian/jews i.e. shitskins.

No, there is tiny scraps of DNA claimed by kikes to be from ancient hebrews, but is actually from ancient Caananites and Edomites.

>So again, no evidence or whatsoever?

"If I say there is no evidence then the evidence will go away!11"

>How are they jews?

We are not. But you explicitly stated that we are.

> Are you a fucking faggot christian identity who think hebrews populated Europe?

We did. And I explicitly stated that too. You kikes sure don't do anything to convince people of your mythical high IQs.

>Holy shit, Europe has been POPULATED for THOUSANDS of year before jews exist.

And since we're not talking about jews, how is that relevant?


>the religion that says kikes are pure evil, the literal direct descendants of satan, and must be exterminated by white people who are the only actual humans, and that niggers are beasts no different from gorillas or chimps, is destroying white people

Nice try Shlomo.

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>Yes. That kikes are khazars, and arab mongrels depending on ashkenazi vs the other two.

Arabs are kikes are judeans, same exact people. The khazar theory deals only with ashkenazi and even then ashkenazi is proven to have iranian root.

>Repeating the premise does not support it.

Again, evidences being DNA.

>No, Judean is a translation of the word Ἰουδαῖοι. Jew is a word invented in the 1600s so that the kikes could try to claim to be God's people so they can subvert white nations better.

Jew is a translation of the word Judean, which is the Greek Ἰουδαῖοι. The first mention of jew is the English Bible, referring to the judean.


It means judean means jew, retard. Judean still means JUDE in german.

>Correct. And yet you said Europeans are kikes.


>No, there is tiny scraps of DNA claimed by kikes to be from ancient hebrews, but is actually from ancient Caananites and Edomites.

Actually, it's ancient hebrew dug straight out in Palestine.

>"If I say there is no evidence then the evidence will go away!11"

So where's the evidence?

>We did. And I explicitly stated that too. You kikes sure don't do anything to convince people of your mythical high IQs.

So you are wrong? AGAIN, Europe has been populated THOUSANDS of years before any jews exist.

>And since we're not talking about jews, how is that relevant?

Because kikes = jews = judean and they do not populate ancient Europe.

>the religion that says kikes are pure evil,

LAWL, Yeshu only says the brand of kikes that are against him is evil, HIS BASTE kikes like Peter are fine though.

Fuck off, christian identity faggot, you never win argument and just repeat bullshit.

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>The middle east wasn't a desert until the mongrels turned it into one.

And this is especially interesting, was the Middle east a desert during kike Yeshu time?

Because the Roman says so.

Fuck off desert demon.

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You got BTFO'd. Give it a rest, Schlomo.

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Sure, Chaim. Point to me the fact where I got BTFO'd, LAWL.

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>heathen brothers

Ok I cringed, I'll give you that.

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Funny how it's always atheist to dish christian kike religion, but it's christian to dish white religion.

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>Arabs are kikes

Kikes are arabs, you have it backwards.

>are judeans

DNA says otherwise Shlomo.

>The khazar theory deals only with ashkenazi

Yeah, that's what I just told you dipshit.

>Jew is a translation of the word Judean

You can not translate from English to English you braindead nigger. Judean is the English translation of the Greek Ἰουδαῖοι.

>The first mention of jew is the English Bible

Precisely. The first time this new word was used was when a kike translated the Bible to English. What an amazing co-incidence.

>It means judean means jew,

Random non-sequiturs are not an argument. The fact that the German language uses "jude" does not mean kikes are Judeans.

>Judean still means JUDE in german.

Again, repeating the premise does not support it.


Where I quoted you saying it and then directly replied to it you fucking worthless shitstain. Stop feigning mental retardation to try to keep the discussion going around in circles. Were you the actual specific kike Hitler was referring to when describing how you argue?

>So you are wrong?


>AGAIN, Europe has been populated THOUSANDS of years before any jews exist.

Still repeating the same thing over and over. Of course it has. By white people. Many of them Hebrews. This has nothing to do with jews, which is a modern name for Caananites and Edomites.

>Because kikes = jews = judean

You can't use your premise to support your premise.

>Yeshu only says the brand of kikes that are against him is evil

No, the bible is 100% clear and unambiguous. Kikes are the direct and literal descendants of satan.

>HIS BASTE kikes like Peter are fine though.

Peter was not a kike.

>Fuck off, christian identity faggot, you never win argument and just repeat bullshit.

He says, while doing nothing to support his argument and just repeating bullshit..


I don't know of any kikes named Yeshu.

>Because the Roman says so.

The mongrels had desertified much of the region centuries before the creation of Rome. You are talking about times that are 4000 years apart as if they are the same time.

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>>tens of thousands of years



>Neanderthalensis were subhuman

Wrong, they are the reason we're White and more evolved to survive cold environments.

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>Kikes are arabs, you have it backwards.

No, arabs were an identity before the 9th century BC, they were older than kikes.

>DNA says otherwise Shlomo.

DNA says exactly that is.

>Yeah, that's what I just told you dipshit.

Nope, again, you say all jews are khazar (and arab mongrels), only the second part is right. Not all jews are ashkenazi, and even then there's no khazar DNA to compare.

>Precisely. The first time this new word was used was when a kike translated the Bible to English. What an amazing co-incidence.

What coincidence? The judean translating judean into jew? Was it a coincidence that judean translates into jude into german?

>Random non-sequiturs are not an argument. The fact that the German language uses "jude" does not mean kikes are Judeans.

It means EXACTLY that, kike, it means judeans = jude = jews.

>Where I quoted you saying it and then directly replied to it you fucking worthless shitstain.

Again where? Where I have said europeans are kikes?



>Still repeating the same thing over and over. Of course it has. By white people. Many of them Hebrews.

Again, it's populated by WHITE PEOPLE, who are not hebrews. Hebrews are arab shitkins.

>You can't use your premise to support your premise.

It's not my premise, it's reality.

>No, the bible is 100% clear and unambiguous. Kikes are the direct and literal descendants of satan.

You mean the Bible who refer to the judeans? Yes, judean = jews = evil shitskins.

>Peter was not a kike.

LOL he literally was and recognized so by the romans.

>He says, while doing nothing to support his argument and just repeating bullshit..

Again, look up all roman historical records and DNA test. Read more white books, less jew trash like the Bible.

>The mongrels had desertified much of the region centuries before the creation of Rome. You are talking about times that are 4000 years apart as if they are the same time.

So mongrels were already all over the region during Yeshu's times? And you dare say judeans/jews are white?

Are you a dumb nigger?

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File: f6b891f2b65d34c⋯.gif (565.13 KB,147x154,21:22,1554569519468.gif)

Get a life, discord trannys

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Go home varg, nobody wants to hear your idiocy.


>No, arabs were an identity before the 9th century BC, they were older than kikes.

Right. Which makes kikes arabs. Holy shit you are dumb.

>DNA says exactly that is.

Only when the DNA is in the hands of kikes, who refuse to allow anyone else to see it. Hmmm….

>Nope, again, you say all jews are khazar (and arab mongrels)

They are. The ashkenazi are khazars, and the other two are arab mongrels. Are you honestly braindead?

>Not all jews are ashkenazi

Nobody said they are: "depending on ashkenazi vs the other two."

Seriously, learn to read at least.

>It means EXACTLY that, kike, it means judeans = jude = jews.

So that means Siberians who invaded north america are street shitters. If they both have the word "Indian" applied to them, then that proves they are the same people. Brilliant!

>Again where? Where I have said europeans are kikes?

Read the post you fucking idiot. The words are literally directly above me saying you called Europeans kikes, in green.

>Again, it's populated by WHITE PEOPLE, who are not hebrews

No, a subset of white people are Hebrews. Just as a subset of white people are Greek.

>Hebrews are arab shitkins.

According to kikes. Who you are desperate to believe and obey. But you're totally not a yid right?

>LOL he literally was and recognized so by the romans.

No, he was recognized as a Judean by the Romans. Because he was Judean.

>Again, look up all roman historical records and DNA test.

All of which prove you wrong.

>Read more white books, less jew trash like the Bible.

You are being deliberately dishonest like kikes always are in this matter. The talmud is the jew trash. The bible is the history of the white race. Jews hate the bible, and hate Christ, and hate Christians. They openly admit this. Yet you want us to believe that Christianity is jewish.

>So mongrels were already all over the region during Yeshu's times?

Again, I have no idea who your Yeshu guy is.

>And you dare say judeans/jews are white?

Judeans were white, jews are not Judeans. You know this is what I am telling you, and yet you continue to ignore it and repeat your premise instead of trying to support it. How very kikey of you.

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>Go home varg, nobody wants to hear your idiocy.

Says the christian identity faggot.

>Right. Which makes kikes arabs. Holy shit you are dumb.

Yes, kikes are a subset of arabs, and ancient hebrews were also arab shitskins.

>Only when the DNA is in the hands of kikes, who refuse to allow anyone else to see it. Hmmm….

Again, go to Palestine, and see the actual samples.

>They are. The ashkenazi are khazars, and the other two are arab mongrels. Are you honestly braindead?

Again, kikes ARE arab mongrels, even the ashkenazi have arab/turkic blood in them, and there's no Khazar DNA to compare.

>So that means Siberians who invaded north america are street shitters. If they both have the word "Indian" applied to them, then that proves they are the same people. Brilliant!

The indians that were named in America are actually named LATER than the actual indians. Jew meanwhile is a translation of judean, no mistake involved.

>Read the post you fucking idiot. The words are literally directly above me saying you called Europeans kikes, in green.

Again, where exactly? Where have I said european are kikes?

>No, a subset of white people are Hebrews. Just as a subset of white people are Greek.

LOL dumbass, hebrews are a subset of arab shitskins and have NOTHING to do with white people.

>According to kikes. Who you are desperate to believe and obey.

According to which kikes, kike? Are romans kikes? Romans have always designated the judean/kikes as the same as the shitstain middle easterners.

>No, he was recognized as a Judean by the Romans. Because he was Judean.

And judean means jew, thus Jesus is a jew.

>All of which prove you wrong.

Actually, they consistently prove me wrong.

>You are being deliberately dishonest like kikes always are in this matter.

Lol, as I said, read more Heredoctus and less fairy kike tale like the Bible.

>Again, I have no idea who your Yeshu guy is.

It's the kike you worship, kike.

>Judeans were white, jews are not Judeans.

Again, judeans are arab shitskins. As PROVEN by actual DNA samples of ancient hebrews. You are denying it again with no evidences saying otherwise.

Keep digging your hole, idiot.

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In fact, DNA reveals that the philistines, die hard enemies of the hebrews, were actually white european coming from Crete.

This speaks a lot that the jew vs white has been a thing since CENTURIES.

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>Says the christian identity faggot.

The fact that you think "someone who knows white people are the literal God created master race and jews are the literal descendants of satan" is an insult demonstrates clearly that you are a yid.

>and ancient hebrews were also arab shitskins.

Repeating the premise again.

>Again, go to Palestine, and see the actual samples.

You can't. Nobody outside of select kikes are allowed near any of their "evidence". I wonder why.

>even the ashkenazi have arab/turkic blood in them

Turkic and arab are two different mongrels. The khazars were turkic, so obviously they have turkic blood you imbecile.

>The indians that were named in America are actually named LATER than the actual indians

Just as the kikes were named Judeans LATER than the actual Judeans. Welcome to the point dipshit.

>Jew meanwhile is a translation of judean, no mistake involved.

No mistake, deliberate deception. Just like chugs call themselves "native americans" that doesn't actually make them native to the americas.

>Again, where exactly? Where have I said european are kikes?

Again, the green words directly above me saying you did.

>LOL dumbass, hebrews are a subset of arab shitskins and have NOTHING to do with white people.

Repeating the premise.

>Romans have always designated the judean/kikes as the same as the shitstain middle easterners.

No they have not. Both the Greeks and the Romans describe Hebrews as fair and ruddy, and having populated Britain.

>And judean means jew

Repeating the premise.

>It's the kike you worship, kike

I don't worship a kike, and I am not a kike. Perhaps you should simply state who this Yeshu guy is.

>As PROVEN by actual DNA samples of ancient hebrews.

Which only kikes have access to, only kikes have seen, and which is contradicted by actual DNA samples that humans have access to. Hmmm….

>In fact, DNA reveals that the philistines, die hard enemies of the hebrews, were actually white european coming from Crete.

Uh huh? How is "white people were white" an argument that white people were not white?

>This speaks a lot that the jew vs white has been a thing since CENTURIES.

Conflict between whites has been a thing for centuries too. Like the Israelites and Philistines. The enmity between whites and kikes has existed since satan seduced Eve, and is far beyond mere conflict.

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Varg is wrong because he denies the Aryan ancestry of Southern Euros. This does not mean we aren't neanderthal-blooded as a people, and you're a reality-denying idiot if you think this is not true.

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>Varg is wrong because he denies the Aryan ancestry of Southern Euros.

Varg is wrong because he is mentally challenged. He is wrong about far more than just his idiotic "white people aren't really white" bullshit.

>This does not mean we aren't neanderthal-blooded as a people, and you're a reality-denying idiot if you think this is not true.

Show me the evidence. Denying you and varg's idiotic fantasy is not the same as denying reality.

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>The fact that you think "someone who knows white people are the literal God created master race and jews are the literal descendants of satan" is an insult demonstrates clearly that you are a yid.

Again, it's a desert demon that tries to kill actual white people like the egyptian and the philistines.

>Repeating the premise again.

Again, fact supported by evidence.

>You can't. Nobody outside of select kikes are allowed near any of their "evidence". I wonder why.

It's actually in Palestine right now and you can visit them.

>Turkic and arab are two different mongrels. The khazars were turkic, so obviously they have turkic blood you imbecile.

Arabs are actually VERY close to turk due to their geographic closeness, and no, NOT only ashkenazi, the so-called khazar kikes, have turkic mix.

>Just as the kikes were named Judeans LATER than the actual Judeans. Welcome to the point dipshit.

Again, jews have always meant judean, and this is historically consistent in all EUROPEAN languages.

>No mistake, deliberate deception. Just like chugs call themselves "native americans" that doesn't actually make them native to the americas.

There's neither mistake or deception when a judean translates the word judean into jew.

> Just like chugs call themselves "native americans" that doesn't actually make them native to the americas.

Oh it's THIS argument. Again, it's what people call them to distinguish them from indians.

>Again, the green words directly above me saying you did.

Where? Where have I said european are kikes?

>Repeating the premise.

With facts and evidence.

>No they have not. Both the Greeks and the Romans describe Hebrews as fair and ruddy,

LOL, they have not, look at the actual depiction of a jew in Roman society >>13551834

>and having populated Britain.

Bullshit of highest caliber.

>Repeating the premise.

Because it's true.

>I don't worship a kike, and I am not a kike. Perhaps you should simply state who this Yeshu guy is.

You worship Yeshu, who is a kike = judean = jew, kike.

>Uh huh? How is "white people were white" an argument that white people were not white?

How are white people not white? Are you fucking insane?

>Conflict between whites has been a thing for centuries too. Like the Israelites and Philistines. The enmity between whites and kikes has existed since satan seduced Eve, and is far beyond mere conflict.

Except the Bible made the philistines as a foreign tribe to the chosen tribe of the Kike god, which makes them not sharing the same stock.

>The enmity between whites and kikes has existed since satan seduced Eve, and is far beyond mere conflict.

Genesis is fan fiction written by kikes.

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This makes it funny because JEWS are neanderthal.


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File: 00a23f7916071c2⋯.jpg (47.09 KB,441x264,147:88,1452793988483.jpg)

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And what is this?

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It's a mosaic from Galilee, contemporary to Jesus's time.

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File: 331896d1b84c147⋯.jpg (282.04 KB,1052x653,1052:653,bible era mosaic.jpg)


Meanwhile also mosaic in Yeshu's time, depicing jews in work.


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File: e1fa150df23bfa0⋯.jpg (149.49 KB,370x265,74:53,mosaic-in-ancient-synagogu….jpg)


>1,600 year old

>Yeshu's time

Nice try. That's going into the Byzantine era. The mosaic I linked was from Galilee (i.e., where Mary and Joseph were from) and is from the 1st century AD, likewise with picrel.

My point here is that the "dark Semitic" phenotype with the jewfro et. al. comes from nigger admixture, it isn't inherent to their racial type.

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>Again, it's a desert demon that tries to kill actual white people like the egyptian and the philistines.

Then why do the words very clearly say only white people have souls, only white people can be saved, and kikes are the literal descendants of satan?

>Again, fact supported by evidence.

Which you somehow can't provide.

>It's actually in Palestine right now and you can visit them.


>Arabs are actually VERY close to turk due to their geographic closeness

Nobody said otherwise. Close is not the same. They are two groups of mongrels.

>and no, NOT only ashkenazi, the so-called khazar kikes, have turkic mix.

Nobody said only khazars had turkic blood. You yids are basically illiterate huh?

>Again, jews have always meant judean, and this is historically consistent in all EUROPEAN languages.

"Jews" only exists in English, so obviously your linguistic claim is retarded. But again, it is also a deliberate attempt to distract from the actual issue being discussed. The word Judean has not always meant Judean. It meant Judean originally, and then kikes came along and claimed to be Judeans, and from that point Judean started to mean kikes instead of Judeans. Just like the word Indian meant people from India until we found featherniggers and now it means them.

>Oh it's THIS argument

Yeah, why are you making it? What a group of people calls themselves has no bearing on what that group actually is.

>Where? Where have I said european are kikes?

You're never going to get a different answer. Read the words.

>With facts and evidence.

Which you can't provide.

>LOL, they have not, look at the actual depiction of a jew in Roman society

Those are not jews, those are Judeans. And they have blond hair. Do you kikes seriously not realize white people tan in the sun?

>Bullshit of highest caliber.

"They were peopled by descendants of the Hebrew Race." - Ptolemy

>Because it's true.

If that were the case, you could make an argument to support your premise, instead of just repeating the premise over and over.

>You worship Yeshu, who is a kike = judean = jew, kike.

You already know I have no clue who Yeshu is and that kikes are not Judeans.

>How are white people not white?

Exactly. You keep insisting that white people are not white, then show evidence that white people were white, and say it proves white people were not white.

>Are you fucking insane?

Not too big on self awareness either huh?

>Except the Bible made the philistines as a foreign tribe to the chosen tribe of the Kike god

They were foreign to the land. And there is no kike god, they don't actually worship satan they are just his descendants.


Ok, so this Yeshu guy lived in 400 AD? And you claim kikes worship him? Why has nobody anywhere ever heard of this but you?

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Great read!

Is this also why they began heathen practises, ei. Germanic heathenry is a spiritual practice that celebrates your ancestors and nature, more precise: the local nature of your folk. Heck even their flag had a heathen symbol and not a cross. And the "SS" was writen in runes. And they value honor a great deal, not something a christian is known for; Turn the other cheek and the meek shall inherent the earth.

Or am I wrong?

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"Our movement is Christian" -Adolf Hitler.

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the thread, nigger.

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dude I blow my fucking load!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>only share of eternity that they can get is through the eternal life of their culture and race.

Or you would eventually be born again, just like you have lived before/your consciousness is connected to the past, the present and future through your blood line, and as Jung discovered your racial common consciousness

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>Show me the evidence

Ignore the neanderkike guy, he's actually insane.







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You in the present are in the cross section between the vertical line; your own personal bloodline and the horizontal line; your relatives that you share the present with, be it family, folk and race relatives.

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retard failed to get redpilled *smh*

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Your "evidence" says that on average, "whites" have less than 2% subhuman DNA. On average, "whites" have less than 2% nigger DNA as well. The fact that there are some mongrels passing as white does not mean white people are niggers or any other primitive apes. If were were neanderthals, we would have 100% neanderthal DNA.

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As a Norwegian I would describe Varg as a non Aryan white man. His features are light but he definitely does not look very Aryan and it has gotten worse with age. On top of that he's a complete psycho who has no trouble with lying, stealing and doing senseless violence. Not exactly strong Aryan qualities. Italian art alone is enough to prove their Aryan ancestry, though admittedly most of them would probably be closer to Varg from what I'm hearing today. But the element is there. Spain is closer to nigger though.

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what is the redpill about?

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Spaniards have a lot of Arab genes due to their country being invaded by Arabs in the past.

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>btw I'm a Jew

Trying to turn the truth upside down is a hallmark trait of the Jew. NS was explicitly anti materialistic. Not a single person attending Hitler's speeches would come away with another view. He repeatedly decreed material values be sacrificed for higher ideals. He referred to his own ideology explicitly as anti materialist and used it as a selling point for why the Church should support him. And rational? The story Hitler feels best describe the German soul is the one from Wagner where four Teutonic Knights knowingly ride to their deaths to avenge their sister. They won't be successful, but it has to be done. In 1945 Hermann Giesler and Ernst Kaltenbrunner was in a meeting with Hitler where he very convincingly told them he was absolutely sure they would win the war. Hitler understood the value of irrationality. Not sure what kind of criticism collectivism is supposed to be. Is Christianity or Judaism less collectivist? Is liberalism? Unity is strength. Your fake opposition to that is another sure sign you are in the service of Jewry.

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File: 4b0ec6610b0268f⋯.jpg (93.22 KB,564x817,564:817,3f2a7b338d87bdb90a8447cc03….jpg)


No, i agree with you. They didn't adopt heathen traditions because they were pagans, but because their ancestors had those traditions, and it is their ancestors they valued. The core of their values did not include a God or Gods, only their folk and nature.

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there's that word again. A remarkable demonstration of your lack of knowledge on the subject.


That's an average figure, and bear in mind that's as much as they're willing to admit. In case you didn't already know, genetic studies of our ancestry is a strictly regulated and mostly restricted subject.

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Fuck off with your demoralisation, shill.

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File: 7cd6977ed99d16b⋯.jpg (6.61 KB,245x250,49:50,GET OUT NIGGER.jpg)


reported, niggerlover.

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File: 19dcefef48a0993⋯.jpg (121.66 KB,639x794,639:794,19dcefef48a0993cca069f965b….jpg)


I'm not dead yet

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File: 763c09d6610bd0f⋯.jpg (50.68 KB,500x425,20:17,See you in Valhalla.jpg)

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File: 7a7b70f5a8d52c2⋯.webm (4 MB,640x360,16:9,Den naturlige lov.webm)

File: eaeafbf5379e8e1⋯.webm (3.97 MB,640x360,16:9,Den naturlige lov2.webm)


> They didn't adopt heathen traditions because they were pagans, but because their ancestors had those traditions, and it is their ancestors they valued.

I fully agree that is also the noticen I hold, I just used "adopt" wrong.

I just want to clarify the last thing you said.

>The core of their values did not include a God or Gods, only their folk and nature.

What do you mean with God?

And how would you explain the myths of Wotan, Thor and Freya and other Gods etc.?

How do you see the use of spirituality?

I see them as representation of their folk and the nature they lived in, but not as Gods as in the Abrahamic way like how Judaism, Christianity and Islam uses the noticen of a God. Other than that i agree Nature above all.

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>1. pic

I have the tape of him saying it, but can't fucking find it!

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>That's an average figure

Exactly. A tiny number of mongrels passing for whites gives an average of less than 2%, while actual whites have 0%. Again, how does less than 2% of one kind of subhuman prove we are them, but less than 2% of another kind of subhuman doesn't?


Why is that mongrel eating poop?

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File: 68d3bfc4b5e68b1⋯.webm (8.42 MB,640x380,32:19,Becomming ss.webm)


>genetic studies of our ancestry is a strictly regulated and mostly restricted subject.

Modern science is the fakest of newses

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>What do you mean with God?

A diety making decisions. Although Hitler did say his religion was the laws of nature, those laws are not conciouss. Just like everything in nature, 'it just is'. So therefore, the National Socialists didn't have one.

>how would you explain the myths of Wotan, Thor and Freya and other Gods etc.?

The pagan religions are all analogies and metaphors and analogies of a truly grass-roots culture. It is so with the Gods, their homes and realms like Valhalla and Hel, and their stories. However, so are the Christian realms and stories, although they are just based on supposedly real people and events. Althought paganism is more grounded in reality, it is still not worship of reality.

>How do you see the use of spirituality?

They used it to gain confidence, emotional support to their actions. Spirituality is just as much of a powerful emotional drive as willpower, but today we must realize those emotions for what they are. They do not come from a paranormal world, or from some god, no, it's our natural impulses trying to convince our mind of something. The only reason we have natural impulses is to instinctively do what makes us survive, or our people survive, and so, spiritual feelings, emotional drives, spurts of willpower, all of these should be signs of something you ought to do, and you should ride the wave of those emotions.

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>Himmler started a whole bunch of occult stuff

More info or where can I find it myself

also why do some National Socialists call him a traitor?

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watch documentaries and ignore the narrative, research on wikipedia and ignore the narrative.

I recommend:


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File: d65d258fa26bcef⋯.jpg (56.78 KB,374x534,187:267,LifeRune.jpg)

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File: bbd9c3f714380de⋯.jpg (162.51 KB,746x789,746:789,1527295444613.jpg)

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>I personally would much rather celebrate the indigenous and traditional celebrations of my forfathers, as is described in the Celebrations of the SS Family

Me too. I also plan to in the future to raise a huge burning sun wheel in my garden christmas night

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> Christianity first and foremost believes all men are created equal,

Obviously not. What it calls for is for all rational beings to signal that they will endeavor to act in accordance with the order of nature, i.e. all men are called to salvation. People pushing false gospels reinterpreted the equality of being called to salvation.

> that you should be forgiving and not vengeful,

Christians are expected to not stay angry at other Christians, but hate the enemies of Christ with a perfect hatred. Christ once sat in the Temple and braided a whip, then chased some blasphemers out of the Temple with it.

> that you should be conservative,

meaningless, I think being conservative is good

> sub servant

Serve Christ, the order of the universe is your master. Call no one else master, or rabbi, or father.

> ashamed.

Everyone is ashamed of what they view as their sins, when they failed to do what they should have. Christians are told that the Lord forgives them.

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Ok? If you ask a bunch of random working class men, they'll identify as Christian, and identify as not racist, because that's where the Overton window is.

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File: 94e1a876aff1602⋯.jpg (529.45 KB,1137x2331,379:777,Common_cuckery_on_8Chan_by….jpg)

I would add with the one about how "Jews hate Christians" the fact that Jews were exempt from the doctrine banning commoners from learning literacy as well as the banning of Futhark (phonetic runic writing). The ancient Germanic peoples were not totally illiterate since archaeology shows inscriptions since the Bronze Age such as lunar calendars and Futhark was invented by the pagans of Iron Age Germania.

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Was this meant for me? I think you tagged the wrong post

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responding to cuck.png

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Obviously the Crusaders should have taken women with them to colonize the Holy Land. The fact that they were able to cross a continent and fight is impressive. Alexander did the same thing, and his empire didn't really last either.

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Sure lasted longer than the crusade states.

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Except that is not from Byzantine era but actually in Yeshu's time. Nice try kike.

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Kill yourself first christcuck. Your church has gay nigger kikes in it.

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>Then why do the words very clearly say only white people have souls, only white people can be saved, and kikes are the literal descendants of satan?

Where? Yeshu says SALVATION comes from only the judeans. And judeans aren't white.

>Which you somehow can't provide.

But I have.



>Nobody said otherwise. Close is not the same. They are two groups of mongrels.

Yes, that's the point, judeans are turkic-arab mongrels.

>Nobody said only khazars had turkic blood. You yids are basically illiterate huh?

Huh? I mention this fact because you think turkic root IS the only pseudo-proof that ashkenazi kikes are related to khazarians, who are a turkic people.

>"Jews" only exists in English, so obviously your linguistic claim is retarded.

No, jew is the translation of the word and iudaea, it has a historical basic of it, as evidenced by the fact jews are still called jude in german.

>The word Judean has not always meant Judean. It meant Judean originally, and then kikes came along and claimed to be Judeans, and from that point Judean started to mean kikes instead of Judeans.

The word jew has always meant judean, it's the english term of it, like how a rifle is called a rifle in English, but a gewehr in german.

>Just like the word Indian meant people from India until we found featherniggers and now it means them.

Aksually, indians still mean the actual indians, the native indians have many other names and not just indians.

>Yeah, why are you making it? What a group of people calls themselves has no bearing on what that group actually is.

What? The judean/jude/jew has been called judean/jude/jew by practically every people on Earth. And their DNA checks out with their middle eastern turkic arabic root.

>You're never going to get a different answer. Read the words.

What words?

>Which you can't provide.

Again, I have provided, you can look it up.

>Those are not jews, those are Judeans. And they have blond hair.

Again, judean = jew, jew is the word for judean in English. And provide ONE SINGLE PROOF of judean having blond hair!

>Do you kikes seriously not realize white people tan in the sun?

Does the sun turn white people's hair into nigger fro as well like the jews?

>"They were peopled by descendants of the Hebrew Race." - Ptolemy

Christian identity batshit quote where a celt, an european, is somehow a hebrew i.e. arab shitskin.

>If that were the case, you could make an argument to support your premise, instead of just repeating the premise over and over.

Again, I have provided proof.

>You already know I have no clue who Yeshu is and that kikes are not Judeans.

Again, Yeshu refers to judeans, and jew is the english word for judean.

>Exactly. You keep insisting that white people are not white, then show evidence that white people were white, and say it proves white people were not white.

Where have I insisted that white people are not white? Point it to me?

>Not too big on self awareness either huh?

What self awareness? You realize you are a christian identity kike who literally think ancient kikes are white right?

>They were foreign to the land.

EXACTLY! Which means they are not of the same stock of the hebrews/kikes.

> And there is no kike god, they don't actually worship satan they are just his descendants.

There is a kike god, it's the desert demon that asks hebrews to collect foreskins of white people for him.

>Ok, so this Yeshu guy lived in 400 AD? And you claim kikes worship him?

>Bible era

>400 AD

The fuck, kike? No.

>Why has nobody anywhere ever heard of this but you?

Actually, EVERYBODY sees how different the judean/jude/jews are compared to european, because they are arabic and not white.

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>Obviously not. What it calls for is for all rational beings to signal that they will endeavor to act in accordance with the order of nature, i.e. all men are called to salvation.

That's not what kike Yeshu says, kike, all are the same in Kike god. Same nigger, same white.

>Christians are expected to not stay angry at other Christians, but hate the enemies of Christ with a perfect hatred.

So where's that hatred against the Catholic church who promote sodomy and race-mixing?

> Christ once sat in the Temple and braided a whip, then chased some blasphemers out of the Temple with it.

Why didn't he kill him? Chasing them away is just him kvetching that other jews jew him.

>Serve Christ, the order of the universe is your master.

I don't serve foreign kikes. The order of the universe follows nature, not any kike.

>Call no one else master, or rabbi, or father.

Do your call your father your father, or only your jewish rabbit?

>Everyone is ashamed of what they view as their sins, when they failed to do what they should have. Christians are told that the Lord forgives them.

Shame is not enough, forgiven is not enough, repetence is not enough.

Sin i.e. bad actions can only be cured by good actions.

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>Obviously the Crusaders should have taken women with them to colonize the Holy Land.


Ancient armies pre-Christcuck era didn't do that. Why should crusaders do that?

The OG christians are pacifist who would kill themselves over doing any violence.

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were i to join or start up a religion it would be something along the lines of Church Of The Creator where the congregation pools their time and resources together to better their local community by the creed of "the works of god is done through human hands" and "god helps those who help themselves". the flock would actually have a purpose and the feelgood sense of achievement rather than being told that everyone's a hellbound unworthy filthy sinner now put money in the plate so i can buy a new cadillac

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It's hard to take German National Socialism seriously when they use a modified dharmic symbol. Good job, Pajeet.

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File: 14675ebaea3b446⋯.jpg (370.94 KB,750x563,750:563,Snoldelevsunwheel.jpg)


go back to discord

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There's a lot of hatred for the Catholic church, but not for individual Catholics.

Racemixing is a delicate issue to argue which is made worse because when you're a nazi you can say this is against God's plan but when you're trying to be PC you can't say that outright.

What you can say is it's perverted to have children who aren't as high quality as you could have had because of transient lustful feelings. You can literally say that out loud in real life today.

To get rid of racemixing the message we need is marriage isn't about love, it's about children, otherwise racemixers will say but I really love this creature.

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File: 0d5f9bb7a41a651⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,928x8800,29:275,jews_expelled_from_everywh….jpg)


>109 nations were christian ones

>quotes about cucktianity from hitler

wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong.

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File: df91b11bf3c00a9⋯.jpg (96.27 KB,610x900,61:90,Thor.jpg)


god i hate retarded leftists like you

<hurrr hurrr an ancient symbol thats universal among races can be stolen from indians by hitlur, it has no specific meaning to germanics

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>I am a federal agent

Congratulations, all your posts are now meaningless.

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Jamal, you are a federal agent?

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>NS was explicitly anti materialistic

Johnathan Bowden, Julius Evola, and me have a different opinion on that. They were making definitely a turn against it but materialism was still core to their racial policy. Thus, it was incomplete. Evola advocated for what is called "spiritual racism" rather than a NS biological racism, which is described in many of his writings i.e. "Men among the Ruins". This gets long and complicated, best to just read the portion of it in the book.

>And rational? The story Hitler feels best describe the German soul is the one from Wagner where four Teutonic Knights knowingly ride to their deaths to avenge their sister. They won't be successful, but it has to be done.

That says nothing about rationalism. That has nothing to do with it.

Rationalism: a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

I agree with evola that a supra-rationalism is needed to overcome the Kali Yuga.

>See pic 2


>pic 3

I could go on


It's hard to explain everything without a 2hr+ hour long discussion, this video should help explain for me.


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Egyptians were very religious and their civilization lasted thousands of years. National socialism is more of a remedy to the current situation whereas a very powerful religion would be a way to have the civilization persist for any meaningful amount of time. It naturally counteracts degeneration that NatSoc is meant to address. NatSoc is not a means to an end itself.

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>"spiritual racism"


What you call "spiritual racism" is just an attempt by fundamentally irrational cringefags to tailor an ideology to their christcuck pavlovian response "good".

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>It's hard to explain

Translation: It felt real when the wizard said it.

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>Bowden, Evola, pol anon

Not exactly the Holy Trinity is it? You have misunderstood completely if you think Hitler's concern for the biological had materialistic motives. On the contrary it was meant to secure the spiritual by anchoring it in blood. At the core all Evola espouses is the philosophy of civic nationalism where what you believe you are matters more than what you actually are. Maybe he did not think that himself, but that would definitely be the result. Only blood can guarantee that the spiritual actually exists, work as intended and is not just an act.

>Reason and knowledge rather than religious belief and emotional response

How is riding to your death for a lost cause not a religious belief or an emotional response? Again Hitler had balance and saw the value in both rational thought and irrational thought. It is in no way to be confused with the Judeo Western materialistic and rationalistic belief.


Again I fail to see the criticism. What are the specific aspects of National Socialism that are bad here? Just saying collectivism doesn't mean anything.

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>fundamentally irrational cringefags to tailor an ideology to their christcuck pavlovian response "good"



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you are nothing but cannon fodder for the supreme gentle men to come

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your morality is but a trifling thing

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i have this book lol

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debate me, sir

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>At the core all Evola espouses is the philosophy of civic nationalism

Evola isn't even a nationalist, he was a supranationalist. How could you possibly think this?

>Only blood can guarantee that the spiritual actually exists

The blood descends from the spirit, not the other way around. The spirit may permit the blood to exist if in the races struggle they are strong enough to prevail. If the blood is the guarantee, why is the spirit of the race dying?

>specific aspects of National Socialism that are bad here

see pics

>chapter 36


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File: ff9ebe01a3315ec⋯.jpg (82.65 KB,624x642,104:107,1401389792333.jpg)

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Says 1600 years ago, which is evidently the Byzantine era. No lying allowed, kike.

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Christianity is a dumb (much like atheism) man made religion that contradicts itself and has changed itself over the centuries. Dumb polytheists can't even explain their idiotic trinity garbage.

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File: 8b9ffe65d83afc4⋯.jpg (244.67 KB,1087x1020,1087:1020,1-e.jpg)

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File: 015ed48a49aed73⋯.jpg (27.15 KB,640x480,4:3,1381097025238.jpg)


>"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so"

>his voter base and birthplace were heavily Protestant

Seems legit.

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>Current Year +5

>Still pushing the most retarded Psyop known to man

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I'm admittedly sick and tired of non-Christians thinking that Christianity has no part in National Socialism.

It's faggot Wolf14 (((thepurityspiral.com))) tier opinions like this that have destroyed /pol/.

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File: cd6b2c3100a4f3d⋯.png (140.67 KB,480x467,480:467,ContrastingWorldviews.png)

File: fef72588b575420⋯.jpg (83.14 KB,500x365,100:73,TotallySpeaksToYourChristi….jpg)

File: b4e874b79378650⋯.png (43.9 KB,480x135,32:9,NSHasItsOwnArt.png)

This probably should've been posted earlier in the thread. Answer to an anon's question to a great NS tumblr that use to be around a long while back:




I can just spam you with quotes but I won’t.

Let’s instead first use common sense and observation.

If Hitler was Christian it would’ve been so obvious. Why?

Because a country with a Christian leader would’ve looked far more different than Third Reich.

Let’s look at Hitler cabinet first.

Why would Christian leader put pagan anti-christian guy to lead his elite, pagan guy to lead his youth, pagan anti-christian guy as spiritual and philosophical educator of the Party and all related organizations, anti-christian as Propaganda minister and pagan and probably the most anti-christian guy of them all as head of Party Chancellery. And who knows how many officials were there of similar views. Walther Darre and Walter Gross come to mind. Very important names as well.

Makes no sense right?

Especially with SS and Hitler Youth.

If Hitler was Christian why didn’t he put some very pious Catholics as leaders instead.

SS was racial and spiritual elite.

You would think Christian leader would have them go to mass every week.


“When Hitler and Mussolini were lunching alone on Obersalzberg one day, Hitler brought the talk round to the subject of religion. The conversation rambled in general terms over the question of the Vatican and the Church. Hitler pointed out that not only the Italian royal house was causing the Duce difficulties but also the Church, which was why it was necessary for Mussolini to react and ‘explain things’ to the people. When the Duce shook his giant head lightly from side to side and asked by his stare how that was to be achieved in Italy, of all places, Hitler said to me in an aside: ‘Linge, do you go to church? How many men of my SS bodyguard and the Leibstandarte attend services?’ I told him the truth: ‘None, mein Führer’. This hit Mussolini literally like a low blow. He stared at me speechless with large eyes. Hitler lapped up this enjoyable little scene.”

~ With Hitler to the End, Heinz Linge

“Just like the breaking of natural man, so do the most pronounced representatives of the Christian faith pursue the deadening of inwardness, too. Vivacity and life joy, love and passion, the unprejudiced enjoyment of the natural and beautiful, are in themselves already sinful; they must be suppressed and deadened. Once this has happened, then the man is robbed of the actuality in his soul. He has lost the deepest and innermost, which the creator has put inside him. Soulless, cold tool remains left, only executing will and servile reason; dead is disposition in its richness and in its fullness, dead is the innermost of the soul.”

~ SS Christianity pamphlet

How can anyone look at this and think “Wow this really speaks to my Christian soul?” (Pic 2)

Just google Third Reich Art and Architecture. Look at the statues Arno Breker made.

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File: da4e1bae5d88fb1⋯.jpg (27.03 KB,300x214,150:107,HitlerYouth1.jpg)

File: 2f7578c74bd11da⋯.jpg (24.84 KB,300x214,150:107,HitlerYouth2.jpg)

File: e529024f27e1051⋯.jpg (25.22 KB,300x214,150:107,HitlerYouth3.jpg)

File: 2bc816b6fedb0bd⋯.jpg (51.32 KB,500x332,125:83,HitlerYouth4.jpg)

File: 33d380fede77155⋯.jpg (53.31 KB,500x339,500:339,HitlerYouth5.jpg)



Hitler Youth was the future of Germany. They were the ones taught in NS doctrine from birth, prepared to one day lead the volk.

Let’s first just have a look at them. Sorry for lq images: (Pic 1-5)

I don’t know about you but that just screams PAGAN to me.

If Hitler was Christian those kids would’ve had Christian crosses on their flags, and they would certainly not camp in pagan longhouses with runes on them.

Would Christian leader allow this to happen? (Pic 6)

“The Nazis discouraged Catholic education in schools, the convents and monasteries were dissolved and their property confiscated, and the Jesuits were driven out of influence everywhere.” The Hitler Youth sung such verses as, “I am neither Christian nor Catholic, I am for the SA through thin and thick.”

~ David Irving, The War Path

Some HJ songs: (Pic 7 and 8)

Imagine Christian king letting this happen: (Pic 9)

Or letting his high official say this: (Pic 10)

These excerpts are from The Persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich : Facts and Documents and Confronting the Nazi War on Christianity: The “Kulturkampf” Newsletters, 1936-1939.

Search #NSWAC on my blog to read more about NS War Against Christianity.

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File: 3922461231b671f⋯.png (38.13 KB,500x114,250:57,ChristianityDevelopedFromB….png)

File: 634d66731702986⋯.png (25.28 KB,500x73,500:73,HitlerYouth6.png)

File: 8700a31c3fb6eac⋯.png (91.29 KB,346x414,173:207,HitlerYouth8.png)

File: 5ef19de34341c26⋯.png (75.25 KB,256x439,256:439,HitlerYouth9.png)

File: fe99768039569c8⋯.png (23.62 KB,500x71,500:71,ImagineChristianKingLettin….png)


Pic 6-10 for this post.

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Christianity was on its way out in Germany. Some wanted it destroyed right away, some wanted to just let it rot on its own.

“The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Führer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.”

~ Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939

Also, using Mein Kampf or quotes from Hitler’s public speeches to disapprove what I wrote won’t work.

1) Because it would be political suicide to go against Christianity publicly.

2) Actions speak louder than words.

Does this mean Germany was reverting to its old ways of worshiping Odin, Thor and Freya?


But they did draw heavily from their own Ancient Germanic Faith as it was clearly shown.

National Socialism is in its essence Pagan Worldview. With pagan virtues and values and pagan attitude towards Life.

Where Christianity proclaimed the World sinful and shunned it, National Socialism embraced it and put the sacred back into it.

God was no longer confined in stone walls of the church but was heard in songs of the birds, seen in mountain’s peaks, felt in the smell of the forests.

“In quiet and stormy nights, in moonlight or in snow storms, we lads found ourselves together and swore eternal struggle against all un-German essence. At the shine of the fire we consecrated our flags and pennants and gained energy and courage for new struggle. And if we then, a devout unit, stood out there on lonely heights, gazed into the bright blazing flames of pure fire, if we gazed out into the broad German land, if we looked up toward the distant stars in the dark sky of the silent night, a mysterious yearning passed through our young hearts. It was the yearning into the distance, the yearning for the eternal wellsprings of German life, the yearning for God.”

~ God and Folk


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File: 923a32034007157⋯.png (224.97 KB,480x854,240:427,HitlerVSCrucifix.png)

File: 069f9c66fa50224⋯.png (209.96 KB,480x854,240:427,HitlerYouth7.png)

File: b306a6ab9043c01⋯.png (120.82 KB,480x395,96:79,NSEducation.png)

Here are some others the guy also included. Also, I fucked up in >>13561621; the fifth pic is supposed to be Pic 6, and the first pic is Pic 10. My bad, m88s.

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File: 545bfffc0c4f263⋯.png (835.56 KB,746x704,373:352,ammo2.png)

Trump sucked Netanyahu's dick at the AIPAC pro-Israel convention. Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard

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The left has literal sodomites and all manner of degenerates that the media doesn't guilt by association them with. Why is that?

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File: 17b2bd8583369b9⋯.jpg (2.08 MB,2580x3152,645:788,1531845083587.jpg)

Christianity is not incompatible with National Socialism. If you think it is, tell that to the grand majority of Wehrmacht soldiers who were Christian. Tell that to the citizenry and party members. This is nothing but the usual low quality D&C shilling.

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>wikipedia sourced

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Tulsi Gabbard sucks Isreals dick to

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