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File: 0ff5cc6facdf286⋯.png (18.8 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Gylden hagekors.png)

 No.13542601 [View All]

I am admittedly sick and tired of hearing especially Christians insist their religion is a part of National Socialism, or that National Socialism is based within Christianity, or that Hitler was a Christian. ITT will explain why i think this is completely wrong, and at best a lack of understanding about National Socialism.

If you want a road that is built for cars, you must take into consideration how cars behave. For example, when moving fast, cars turn slowly and so the road must be straight enough to accomidate them. The exact same should be said for society. If you want a civilization that is built for Humans, you must take into consideration how Humans behave, how we are, what we want, why we are here. For example, Humans have 2 sexes, the male and the female. The former is strong and smart, and their primary happy hormone is dopamine, which is released by doing manual labour or being competitive, for example. The latter, on the other hand, is weak and bland, but they can give birth and their dominant happy hormone, seretonin, is released by doing tasks such as nurturing. From studying these facts about humans, we can determine that men and women should fill the traditional gender roles in society, as it will not only be the most efficient, but also make the most people reliably happy.

National Socialism is therefore ondoubtedly based on nature and the sciences, as it is from there all of the answers which National Socialism gives, are derived from. This also means that National Socialism cannot give an answer which is not bound to either nature or the sciences, that is the evident or the provable. This is where the friction beings with not just religion.

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> Christianity first and foremost believes all men are created equal,

Obviously not. What it calls for is for all rational beings to signal that they will endeavor to act in accordance with the order of nature, i.e. all men are called to salvation. People pushing false gospels reinterpreted the equality of being called to salvation.

> that you should be forgiving and not vengeful,

Christians are expected to not stay angry at other Christians, but hate the enemies of Christ with a perfect hatred. Christ once sat in the Temple and braided a whip, then chased some blasphemers out of the Temple with it.

> that you should be conservative,

meaningless, I think being conservative is good

> sub servant

Serve Christ, the order of the universe is your master. Call no one else master, or rabbi, or father.

> ashamed.

Everyone is ashamed of what they view as their sins, when they failed to do what they should have. Christians are told that the Lord forgives them.

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Ok? If you ask a bunch of random working class men, they'll identify as Christian, and identify as not racist, because that's where the Overton window is.

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I would add with the one about how "Jews hate Christians" the fact that Jews were exempt from the doctrine banning commoners from learning literacy as well as the banning of Futhark (phonetic runic writing). The ancient Germanic peoples were not totally illiterate since archaeology shows inscriptions since the Bronze Age such as lunar calendars and Futhark was invented by the pagans of Iron Age Germania.

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Was this meant for me? I think you tagged the wrong post

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responding to cuck.png

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Obviously the Crusaders should have taken women with them to colonize the Holy Land. The fact that they were able to cross a continent and fight is impressive. Alexander did the same thing, and his empire didn't really last either.

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Sure lasted longer than the crusade states.

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Except that is not from Byzantine era but actually in Yeshu's time. Nice try kike.

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Kill yourself first christcuck. Your church has gay nigger kikes in it.

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>Then why do the words very clearly say only white people have souls, only white people can be saved, and kikes are the literal descendants of satan?

Where? Yeshu says SALVATION comes from only the judeans. And judeans aren't white.

>Which you somehow can't provide.

But I have.



>Nobody said otherwise. Close is not the same. They are two groups of mongrels.

Yes, that's the point, judeans are turkic-arab mongrels.

>Nobody said only khazars had turkic blood. You yids are basically illiterate huh?

Huh? I mention this fact because you think turkic root IS the only pseudo-proof that ashkenazi kikes are related to khazarians, who are a turkic people.

>"Jews" only exists in English, so obviously your linguistic claim is retarded.

No, jew is the translation of the word and iudaea, it has a historical basic of it, as evidenced by the fact jews are still called jude in german.

>The word Judean has not always meant Judean. It meant Judean originally, and then kikes came along and claimed to be Judeans, and from that point Judean started to mean kikes instead of Judeans.

The word jew has always meant judean, it's the english term of it, like how a rifle is called a rifle in English, but a gewehr in german.

>Just like the word Indian meant people from India until we found featherniggers and now it means them.

Aksually, indians still mean the actual indians, the native indians have many other names and not just indians.

>Yeah, why are you making it? What a group of people calls themselves has no bearing on what that group actually is.

What? The judean/jude/jew has been called judean/jude/jew by practically every people on Earth. And their DNA checks out with their middle eastern turkic arabic root.

>You're never going to get a different answer. Read the words.

What words?

>Which you can't provide.

Again, I have provided, you can look it up.

>Those are not jews, those are Judeans. And they have blond hair.

Again, judean = jew, jew is the word for judean in English. And provide ONE SINGLE PROOF of judean having blond hair!

>Do you kikes seriously not realize white people tan in the sun?

Does the sun turn white people's hair into nigger fro as well like the jews?

>"They were peopled by descendants of the Hebrew Race." - Ptolemy

Christian identity batshit quote where a celt, an european, is somehow a hebrew i.e. arab shitskin.

>If that were the case, you could make an argument to support your premise, instead of just repeating the premise over and over.

Again, I have provided proof.

>You already know I have no clue who Yeshu is and that kikes are not Judeans.

Again, Yeshu refers to judeans, and jew is the english word for judean.

>Exactly. You keep insisting that white people are not white, then show evidence that white people were white, and say it proves white people were not white.

Where have I insisted that white people are not white? Point it to me?

>Not too big on self awareness either huh?

What self awareness? You realize you are a christian identity kike who literally think ancient kikes are white right?

>They were foreign to the land.

EXACTLY! Which means they are not of the same stock of the hebrews/kikes.

> And there is no kike god, they don't actually worship satan they are just his descendants.

There is a kike god, it's the desert demon that asks hebrews to collect foreskins of white people for him.

>Ok, so this Yeshu guy lived in 400 AD? And you claim kikes worship him?

>Bible era

>400 AD

The fuck, kike? No.

>Why has nobody anywhere ever heard of this but you?

Actually, EVERYBODY sees how different the judean/jude/jews are compared to european, because they are arabic and not white.

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>Obviously not. What it calls for is for all rational beings to signal that they will endeavor to act in accordance with the order of nature, i.e. all men are called to salvation.

That's not what kike Yeshu says, kike, all are the same in Kike god. Same nigger, same white.

>Christians are expected to not stay angry at other Christians, but hate the enemies of Christ with a perfect hatred.

So where's that hatred against the Catholic church who promote sodomy and race-mixing?

> Christ once sat in the Temple and braided a whip, then chased some blasphemers out of the Temple with it.

Why didn't he kill him? Chasing them away is just him kvetching that other jews jew him.

>Serve Christ, the order of the universe is your master.

I don't serve foreign kikes. The order of the universe follows nature, not any kike.

>Call no one else master, or rabbi, or father.

Do your call your father your father, or only your jewish rabbit?

>Everyone is ashamed of what they view as their sins, when they failed to do what they should have. Christians are told that the Lord forgives them.

Shame is not enough, forgiven is not enough, repetence is not enough.

Sin i.e. bad actions can only be cured by good actions.

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>Obviously the Crusaders should have taken women with them to colonize the Holy Land.


Ancient armies pre-Christcuck era didn't do that. Why should crusaders do that?

The OG christians are pacifist who would kill themselves over doing any violence.

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were i to join or start up a religion it would be something along the lines of Church Of The Creator where the congregation pools their time and resources together to better their local community by the creed of "the works of god is done through human hands" and "god helps those who help themselves". the flock would actually have a purpose and the feelgood sense of achievement rather than being told that everyone's a hellbound unworthy filthy sinner now put money in the plate so i can buy a new cadillac

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It's hard to take German National Socialism seriously when they use a modified dharmic symbol. Good job, Pajeet.

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File: 14675ebaea3b446⋯.jpg (370.94 KB,750x563,750:563,Snoldelevsunwheel.jpg)


go back to discord

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There's a lot of hatred for the Catholic church, but not for individual Catholics.

Racemixing is a delicate issue to argue which is made worse because when you're a nazi you can say this is against God's plan but when you're trying to be PC you can't say that outright.

What you can say is it's perverted to have children who aren't as high quality as you could have had because of transient lustful feelings. You can literally say that out loud in real life today.

To get rid of racemixing the message we need is marriage isn't about love, it's about children, otherwise racemixers will say but I really love this creature.

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>109 nations were christian ones

>quotes about cucktianity from hitler

wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong.

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god i hate retarded leftists like you

<hurrr hurrr an ancient symbol thats universal among races can be stolen from indians by hitlur, it has no specific meaning to germanics

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>I am a federal agent

Congratulations, all your posts are now meaningless.

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Jamal, you are a federal agent?

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>NS was explicitly anti materialistic

Johnathan Bowden, Julius Evola, and me have a different opinion on that. They were making definitely a turn against it but materialism was still core to their racial policy. Thus, it was incomplete. Evola advocated for what is called "spiritual racism" rather than a NS biological racism, which is described in many of his writings i.e. "Men among the Ruins". This gets long and complicated, best to just read the portion of it in the book.

>And rational? The story Hitler feels best describe the German soul is the one from Wagner where four Teutonic Knights knowingly ride to their deaths to avenge their sister. They won't be successful, but it has to be done.

That says nothing about rationalism. That has nothing to do with it.

Rationalism: a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

I agree with evola that a supra-rationalism is needed to overcome the Kali Yuga.

>See pic 2


>pic 3

I could go on


It's hard to explain everything without a 2hr+ hour long discussion, this video should help explain for me.


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Egyptians were very religious and their civilization lasted thousands of years. National socialism is more of a remedy to the current situation whereas a very powerful religion would be a way to have the civilization persist for any meaningful amount of time. It naturally counteracts degeneration that NatSoc is meant to address. NatSoc is not a means to an end itself.

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>"spiritual racism"


What you call "spiritual racism" is just an attempt by fundamentally irrational cringefags to tailor an ideology to their christcuck pavlovian response "good".

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>It's hard to explain

Translation: It felt real when the wizard said it.

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>Bowden, Evola, pol anon

Not exactly the Holy Trinity is it? You have misunderstood completely if you think Hitler's concern for the biological had materialistic motives. On the contrary it was meant to secure the spiritual by anchoring it in blood. At the core all Evola espouses is the philosophy of civic nationalism where what you believe you are matters more than what you actually are. Maybe he did not think that himself, but that would definitely be the result. Only blood can guarantee that the spiritual actually exists, work as intended and is not just an act.

>Reason and knowledge rather than religious belief and emotional response

How is riding to your death for a lost cause not a religious belief or an emotional response? Again Hitler had balance and saw the value in both rational thought and irrational thought. It is in no way to be confused with the Judeo Western materialistic and rationalistic belief.


Again I fail to see the criticism. What are the specific aspects of National Socialism that are bad here? Just saying collectivism doesn't mean anything.

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>fundamentally irrational cringefags to tailor an ideology to their christcuck pavlovian response "good"



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you are nothing but cannon fodder for the supreme gentle men to come

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your morality is but a trifling thing

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i have this book lol

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debate me, sir

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>At the core all Evola espouses is the philosophy of civic nationalism

Evola isn't even a nationalist, he was a supranationalist. How could you possibly think this?

>Only blood can guarantee that the spiritual actually exists

The blood descends from the spirit, not the other way around. The spirit may permit the blood to exist if in the races struggle they are strong enough to prevail. If the blood is the guarantee, why is the spirit of the race dying?

>specific aspects of National Socialism that are bad here

see pics

>chapter 36


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Says 1600 years ago, which is evidently the Byzantine era. No lying allowed, kike.

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Christianity is a dumb (much like atheism) man made religion that contradicts itself and has changed itself over the centuries. Dumb polytheists can't even explain their idiotic trinity garbage.

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File: 8b9ffe65d83afc4⋯.jpg (244.67 KB,1087x1020,1087:1020,1-e.jpg)

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>"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so"

>his voter base and birthplace were heavily Protestant

Seems legit.

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>Current Year +5

>Still pushing the most retarded Psyop known to man

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I'm admittedly sick and tired of non-Christians thinking that Christianity has no part in National Socialism.

It's faggot Wolf14 (((thepurityspiral.com))) tier opinions like this that have destroyed /pol/.

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File: b4e874b79378650⋯.png (43.9 KB,480x135,32:9,NSHasItsOwnArt.png)

This probably should've been posted earlier in the thread. Answer to an anon's question to a great NS tumblr that use to be around a long while back:




I can just spam you with quotes but I won’t.

Let’s instead first use common sense and observation.

If Hitler was Christian it would’ve been so obvious. Why?

Because a country with a Christian leader would’ve looked far more different than Third Reich.

Let’s look at Hitler cabinet first.

Why would Christian leader put pagan anti-christian guy to lead his elite, pagan guy to lead his youth, pagan anti-christian guy as spiritual and philosophical educator of the Party and all related organizations, anti-christian as Propaganda minister and pagan and probably the most anti-christian guy of them all as head of Party Chancellery. And who knows how many officials were there of similar views. Walther Darre and Walter Gross come to mind. Very important names as well.

Makes no sense right?

Especially with SS and Hitler Youth.

If Hitler was Christian why didn’t he put some very pious Catholics as leaders instead.

SS was racial and spiritual elite.

You would think Christian leader would have them go to mass every week.


“When Hitler and Mussolini were lunching alone on Obersalzberg one day, Hitler brought the talk round to the subject of religion. The conversation rambled in general terms over the question of the Vatican and the Church. Hitler pointed out that not only the Italian royal house was causing the Duce difficulties but also the Church, which was why it was necessary for Mussolini to react and ‘explain things’ to the people. When the Duce shook his giant head lightly from side to side and asked by his stare how that was to be achieved in Italy, of all places, Hitler said to me in an aside: ‘Linge, do you go to church? How many men of my SS bodyguard and the Leibstandarte attend services?’ I told him the truth: ‘None, mein Führer’. This hit Mussolini literally like a low blow. He stared at me speechless with large eyes. Hitler lapped up this enjoyable little scene.”

~ With Hitler to the End, Heinz Linge

“Just like the breaking of natural man, so do the most pronounced representatives of the Christian faith pursue the deadening of inwardness, too. Vivacity and life joy, love and passion, the unprejudiced enjoyment of the natural and beautiful, are in themselves already sinful; they must be suppressed and deadened. Once this has happened, then the man is robbed of the actuality in his soul. He has lost the deepest and innermost, which the creator has put inside him. Soulless, cold tool remains left, only executing will and servile reason; dead is disposition in its richness and in its fullness, dead is the innermost of the soul.”

~ SS Christianity pamphlet

How can anyone look at this and think “Wow this really speaks to my Christian soul?” (Pic 2)

Just google Third Reich Art and Architecture. Look at the statues Arno Breker made.

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File: da4e1bae5d88fb1⋯.jpg (27.03 KB,300x214,150:107,HitlerYouth1.jpg)

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Hitler Youth was the future of Germany. They were the ones taught in NS doctrine from birth, prepared to one day lead the volk.

Let’s first just have a look at them. Sorry for lq images: (Pic 1-5)

I don’t know about you but that just screams PAGAN to me.

If Hitler was Christian those kids would’ve had Christian crosses on their flags, and they would certainly not camp in pagan longhouses with runes on them.

Would Christian leader allow this to happen? (Pic 6)

“The Nazis discouraged Catholic education in schools, the convents and monasteries were dissolved and their property confiscated, and the Jesuits were driven out of influence everywhere.” The Hitler Youth sung such verses as, “I am neither Christian nor Catholic, I am for the SA through thin and thick.”

~ David Irving, The War Path

Some HJ songs: (Pic 7 and 8)

Imagine Christian king letting this happen: (Pic 9)

Or letting his high official say this: (Pic 10)

These excerpts are from The Persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich : Facts and Documents and Confronting the Nazi War on Christianity: The “Kulturkampf” Newsletters, 1936-1939.

Search #NSWAC on my blog to read more about NS War Against Christianity.

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File: fe99768039569c8⋯.png (23.62 KB,500x71,500:71,ImagineChristianKingLettin….png)


Pic 6-10 for this post.

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Christianity was on its way out in Germany. Some wanted it destroyed right away, some wanted to just let it rot on its own.

“The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Führer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.”

~ Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939

Also, using Mein Kampf or quotes from Hitler’s public speeches to disapprove what I wrote won’t work.

1) Because it would be political suicide to go against Christianity publicly.

2) Actions speak louder than words.

Does this mean Germany was reverting to its old ways of worshiping Odin, Thor and Freya?


But they did draw heavily from their own Ancient Germanic Faith as it was clearly shown.

National Socialism is in its essence Pagan Worldview. With pagan virtues and values and pagan attitude towards Life.

Where Christianity proclaimed the World sinful and shunned it, National Socialism embraced it and put the sacred back into it.

God was no longer confined in stone walls of the church but was heard in songs of the birds, seen in mountain’s peaks, felt in the smell of the forests.

“In quiet and stormy nights, in moonlight or in snow storms, we lads found ourselves together and swore eternal struggle against all un-German essence. At the shine of the fire we consecrated our flags and pennants and gained energy and courage for new struggle. And if we then, a devout unit, stood out there on lonely heights, gazed into the bright blazing flames of pure fire, if we gazed out into the broad German land, if we looked up toward the distant stars in the dark sky of the silent night, a mysterious yearning passed through our young hearts. It was the yearning into the distance, the yearning for the eternal wellsprings of German life, the yearning for God.”

~ God and Folk


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File: 069f9c66fa50224⋯.png (209.96 KB,480x854,240:427,HitlerYouth7.png)

File: b306a6ab9043c01⋯.png (120.82 KB,480x395,96:79,NSEducation.png)

Here are some others the guy also included. Also, I fucked up in >>13561621; the fifth pic is supposed to be Pic 6, and the first pic is Pic 10. My bad, m88s.

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File: 545bfffc0c4f263⋯.png (835.56 KB,746x704,373:352,ammo2.png)

Trump sucked Netanyahu's dick at the AIPAC pro-Israel convention. Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard

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The left has literal sodomites and all manner of degenerates that the media doesn't guilt by association them with. Why is that?

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File: 17b2bd8583369b9⋯.jpg (2.08 MB,2580x3152,645:788,1531845083587.jpg)

Christianity is not incompatible with National Socialism. If you think it is, tell that to the grand majority of Wehrmacht soldiers who were Christian. Tell that to the citizenry and party members. This is nothing but the usual low quality D&C shilling.

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>wikipedia sourced

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Tulsi Gabbard sucks Isreals dick to

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