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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 3b33e368bcfc2ef⋯.mp4 (490.4 KB,636x380,159:95,636x382_MP4_32464395146295….mp4)

 No.13542331 [View All]

>This is reminiscent of Omar calling out the Jews.

>Or UK Moslem protesting against LGBT education being taught to their children outside of schools

>Or do we just Occam Razor this one and see the hilarity for what it is - the absolute failure of society - A fucking bed clothed covered shitskin v a brainwashed boomer draped in the rainbow cape - Our Sodom and Gomarra?


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> Saying "shame on you" to a faggot is a literal hate crime.

It would have been funnier if he had responded with "same to you lady" and also been charged with a hate crime.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

She got it right. Waifu material. Maybe time to convert bois.

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File: 8cee393cee2af08⋯.png (52.02 KB,450x270,5:3,Semite is as Semite Does.png)

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Yeah it looks like this


Homos Muslims

All the normal goyim

Take away Homos and Muslims and you end up with reality, Jews v Goyim.

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You know what they're calling mentally unstable people? Neurodiversity or neurodiverse.

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File: c349a143d128ba7⋯.png (1004.96 KB,928x8800,29:275,jewsexpelled.png)


Dumb fuck. That's why christian religion "semitic" expelled jews more than 360 times not counting the local explusions which adds up to more than a thousand the last two thousand years.

Also ask any muslim about jews and what they think of them. You dumb fuck. Jews literally got chased away from small towns in Europe since muslims moved there. Even made it to the news. They might use Muslims as weapons to annihilate the white race. But muslims hate Jews way more than white hate jews.

Fuck, Im sick of idiots posting.

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>"Shame on you"

<"That's what the fascists say about you!"


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File: 9f4a841ac4e29a6⋯.jpg (134.1 KB,500x375,4:3,download (4).jpg)


>mfw when mudslimes are actually on our side

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<into other European lands

Hmmm. Its almost like Christianity just moves jews around rather than expelling them.

And Muslims and jews have worked together on many occasions.

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I saw we all start wearing garbage bags/islam veils and do the same as her. I bet they aren't even looking for her to charge her with a crime.

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The democrats have cobbled a coalition together that is fundamentally and obviously untenable. Watching it blow to pieces would be amusing if the ruinous consequences of their idiocy didn't threaten the very fabric of civilization.

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I bet that "muslim" woman is a white convert who loved the idea of hiding behind a veil so she could become a moral tyrant. kek. Is she a ginger?

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This is the literal definition of an invasion. A foreign, hostile people come into your lands and tell you to adapt to them. Tell you how you can and can't behave.

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She is an arab. They all are. Westerner's aren't stupid enough to convert to Islam unless there is a knife at their throat.

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>because they think you are gay

>hate crime

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The fags or Islam? or both?

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I bet all 3 are jews because if you want to bomb Iran you need left wing support. If you want left wing support you have to divide their loyalties, yes they want muslims to help destroy white britain in a trotskyite manner but they are also mainly atheist because imaginary sky daddies cause violence (tips fedora). Therefore bombing the facist religion out of Iran because homosexuality is progressive and Islam isn't may just hold some sway with the std ridden rainbow cultists of the left.

Further evidence for my theory lies in the interview between freemason faggot Stephen Fry (lefty luvvie of supposed high i.q,) and freemason zionist Bolsonaro.

The interview went like this:

Fry: Why are you attacking homosexuals in Brazil?

Bols: I think homos want to teach kids about gay sex so they have more partners to choose from.

Fry: I'm an intelligent and educated zoologist and I have identified 400 species of mammal that exhibit homosexual behavior, so it's natural and you're a bigot.

Bols: Well that may be so but my country isn't ready for the rainbow cult yet, I heard in Iran they would kill you for that belief.

Fry: Nods in agreement.

Lot's of mammals eat their still born or deformed offspring, exhibit incestuous behavior and kill each other for mating rights. None have so far mastered written language, made laws or governments. So lets kill our governments tear up all books, and start killing each other for the chance to fuck and eat our own offspring. It's natural just like faggotry, or bombing Iran.

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File: 973f8492a7d244a⋯.jpg (11.46 KB,300x168,25:14,download (1).jpg)


You're white? HATE CRIME!

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>but they are also mainly atheist because imaginary sky daddies cause violence

Are you a believer?

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Atheists are part of the cancer killing the West. They have no moral guidance, live in the moment and seek only self-gratification. They will die on the day of the rope, God willing.

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File: ad80e9cc1eb73fb⋯.png (109.96 KB,620x372,5:3,6c66f671-a0a3-42ed-a7e7-c5….png)


God, Stephen Fry is a disgusting blob of wet shit; I once had the misfortune of living down the corridor from exactly this kind of filth; ugly faggot with money "marries" young illiterate retard. The retard looked EXACTLY like Fry's partner in filth

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File: f40e05c167dc046⋯.jpeg (33.18 KB,700x350,2:1,B72F454D-B0AD-489E-9C50-E….jpeg)


You can’t be bipolar if you’re non-binary.

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Winning Eleven Hitler is right. For all their backward practices these levitating towel women will raise offspring that are much like their semitic cousins; self righteous on the outside and rotten inside, dabblers in every vice available.

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A "friend" (he is not one anymore) converted for the pussy.

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It is not 'wrong' for people who are already mongrels to breed more mongrels. It is only wrong for European/Whites to mongrelize.

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You know, considering the UK is the most surveilled society in history and its spent billions on cameras, it'd be a huge shame if people started just wearing full hijabs & burkhas and whatnot & started doing things in Minecraft, and then they couldn't be identified. It'd be a colossal shame if basic disguises are all you needed to get around all those cameras, in full public view & nobody would say a word because "muh minority rights".

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File: fb7ca2c6d601f1b⋯.png (56.29 KB,1149x722,1149:722,Stephen Fry.png)

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Honestly it would be funny if every single rightwing person started wearing them when doing any type of appearance or protest just to the ball rolling. Get media attention and also watch them cringe as you go on about the evil of jews and the (((government))) bringing islamic invaders and trafficking Native British.

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You captured his 'please kill me' face pretty well anon. Very nice.

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Country? What country indeed.

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Thanks but I can't take credit, saw the thing on cuckchan a while ago!

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>if I string together big and uncommon words, they'll think I'm smart and actually have a sensical point

>t. /leftypol/

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This should be promoted. Not because anons should fall for muslim shilling or because someone is actually retarded enough to believe that sandniggers are "on his side", but because it further enflames the problems, deepens the conflict and generate more hate across the board. We need that. Accelerate.

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Sandnigger shouts at aidsniggers. Woohoo

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in a world of less than ideal solutions, for grave problems, supporting muslims, and their voice may actually be a good thing. Problem is that you get like a billion normie right, and alt kike going "buy we love homo's, homos are great, protect them from meanie brown fascists"

seriously tho, as a right wing bloc there seems to be benefit in at least having cordial relationships with the muslims.

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quit trying to teach me mudshit terms for ninja mask. i was 10yo in the 80s. i know a ninja when i see one.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Unlike leftypol he actually said something smart. Most modern "conservatives" are operating within the leftist moral frame work. Gays = good, Diversity = good, jews = good, Nazis = bad. Hence why they call Democrats and a bunch of Ancom antifa queers the real nazis

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Get the fuck out with your jewtube embed. No views for you, kike.

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Yep. They're the liberals of the 1940s. But that's not it.

Paleo "conservatives" = American libertines, liberals of before.

Reactionaries = Renaissance monarchists, liberals of before

Feudalists = post Magna Carta monarchists, liberals and jew-lovers of before

etc., hardly any conservative movement is really conservative.

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Hooktube doesn't work anymore you insufferable faggot.

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Turns out it was fake as suspected. Video was by Yusuf Patel, connections to government and Hope not hate.

Rebel Media and Hope not hate are basically the same team.

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>socialism good

>america bad

Nazis are leftists

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<Nazis are leftists

>nazis is a jew term

can be wut ever the fuck you want pal but protect the white race & genocide the traitors & the enemis

And trust me i'm just a mad ecologist who want to compost all those fuckers in my garden. Make my soil great again more fertilize bastards

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Good luck saving the white race by destroying western civilization heh

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Destroying what's left of it is a mercy killing. After the fire, new growth shall emerge.

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That's literally what the elites want and believe. You're their dupe.

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>Omar calling out the Jews

She now sits on the black jewish council. She did it for gibs. Nothing else.

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U should ask them if they hate you or Christian for not believing in the unwise Mohammud who can't read or write

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File: be1eb4c36eb101d⋯.jpeg (34.89 KB,580x624,145:156,thinking_totenkopf.jpeg)


> wear a burka

> commit "hate crimes"

> no investigation

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>think of our people



>this is a hate crime now

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